IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#944: Mountain Cauldron

Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array, on Heavenspan, gets down continually, brings in innumerable Expert to surround, more and more Expert catch up from four directions . Stops beside Great Array. 入瓮困龙大阵,上通天,下连地,引来无数强者围观,越来越多的强者四方赶来。停在大阵之外。 „Is this Feng Shui Great Array? How to have this formation?” A perplexed person asked. “这是风水大阵?怎么有这种阵法?”一个不明所以的人问道。 Because inside has Nu Wa to lose the treasure, Heaven and Earth Cauldron!” Also one person senior humanity. “因为里面有女娲遗宝,乾坤鼎!”又一个人资深之人道。 Heaven and Earth Cauldron? Heaven and Earth Cauldron in inside?” 乾坤鼎?乾坤鼎在里面?” Good, has the news to transmit, I because of having the matter delayed, came late, oh, if can, perhaps I also be able to fight with various early, competed for Heaven and Earth Cauldron.” That senior humanity. “不错,早就有消息传来了,我是因有事耽搁了,才来晚了,唉,要是能够早到,说不定我也能与诸强争锋,争夺乾坤鼎了。”那资深之人道。 Has the matter to delay? On your speed? Do not toot one's own horn toward yourself, nonstop just flew here!” Also one person takes to say with a smile. “有事耽搁?就你那速度?你就别往自己脸上贴金了,马不停蹄的刚刚飞到这里吧!”又一个人取笑道。 You do not believe even!” On that senior face one red, urgently said. “你不信就算!”那资深之人脸上一红,急道。 I must go in!” one person said immediately. “那我要进去!”第一个人马上说道。 Goes, do not think! Previously Ancient Immortal intended not to break Great Array! Waits, after inside slaughters, Heaven and Earth Cauldron will also come out eventually, at the appointed time you have the opportunity!” “进去,别想了!先前一个古仙出手都没有破开大阵!还是等吧,里面厮杀之后,乾坤鼎终究还会出来,到时你还有机会!” .................. .................. ............ ............ ...... ...... Beside Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array, more and more Expert encircle, after all this focus focused attention on. 入瓮困龙大阵之外,越来越多的强者围来,毕竟这个焦点太瞩目了。 But, Purple Firmament Cult Master also gives up resisting yellow fog with the mystique, allow(ing) yellow fog embarks on an official career, subsequently changes into Yellow Dragon to sneak into Sima Yuan that huge Yellow Dragon. 而内部,紫霄教主也放弃用秘法抵抗黄雾,任由黄雾进身,继而化为一条黄龙窜入司马元那条巨大黄龙之中。 Obtains joining of Purple Firmament Cult Master, Sima Yuan felt immediately felt better, can control. 得到紫霄教主的加入,司马元顿时感觉好受了很多,能控制了。 Although somewhat is jerky, but can control eventually. 虽然还有些生涩,但终究能控制了。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Yellow Dragon roared, immediately a claw grasped toward Dipamkara. 黄龙一声咆哮,顿时一爪向着燃灯抓来。 Dipamkara sits cross-legged, a top of the head oil lamp, is consolidating the Ancestor Immortal boundary full power. 燃灯盘膝,头顶一盏青灯,全力稳固着祖仙的境界。 Stable on the way, in the Dipamkara heart filled sadly, are oneself so unlucky? Ancestor Immortal boundary? After probably in history also no one becomes Ancestor Immortal , the boundary falls, only if reincarnation rebirth. 稳固的途中,燃灯心中充满了悲戚,自己怎么那么倒霉啊?祖仙境?有史以来好像还没有人成为祖仙后境界又掉落的,除非转世重生。 May see that this boundary is not steady, the day, this poor monk boiled for several hundred thousand years for the Ancestor Immortal boundary! What evil made? 可眼看这境界就不稳了,天呐,贫僧为了祖仙境熬了几十万年!到底做了什么孽啊? After one is stable, the Dipamkara boundary stopped finally, no, can only say that were stable and boundary collapse assumed balanced, if gave up stably, immediately dropped the Ancient Immortal boundary, but stopped to drop eventually is the good sign, continue! 一番稳固之后,燃灯的境界终于止住了,不,只能说‘自己稳固’和‘境界崩溃’呈了一个平衡,若是放弃稳固,马上跌落古仙境,不过止住跌落终究是好兆头,继续! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Dragon Claw pats loudly above the Dipamkara guard/shield. 一声巨响,一只龙爪轰然拍在燃灯的护罩之上。 The flame on oil lamp intense jumps, seems must extinguish immediately general. 青灯上的火焰强烈的一跳,好似马上就要熄灭一般。 Dipamkara: # ¥ %...... & * 燃灯:“@#¥%......&*” In the Dipamkara heart that hates, Sima Yuan your bastard! 燃灯心中那个恨啊,司马元你这个混蛋! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Also is Dragon Claw, under terrifying impact, void shake, but the guard/shield of oil lamp cannot support finally, the oil lamp goes out immediately, the powerful guard/shield is loudly stave, complementary waves charges into Dipamkara, a Dipamkara palm retaliates to go. 又是一个龙爪,恐怖的冲击下,虚空一阵震荡,而青灯的护罩终于支撑不住,青灯顿时熄灭,强大的护罩轰然破碎,余波冲向燃灯,燃灯一掌回敬而去。 Red class/flow loudly charges into Yellow Dragon 一道红流轰然冲向黄龙 Under loud sound. 巨响下。 A Dipamkara palm repelled Yellow Dragon. The prestige of Ancestor Immortal reappears. 燃灯一掌打退了黄龙祖仙之威再现。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嗡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A palm drew back Yellow Dragon, the Dipamkara whole body trembled lightly. suddenly, Dipamkara raises the head to look at the day. 一掌退了黄龙,燃灯全身都轻颤而起。陡然间,燃灯仰首望天。 No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Dipamkara look up to the sky long cry, Ancient Immortal boundary, returned to the Ancient Immortal boundary, finally fell from the Ancestor Immortal boundary. 燃灯仰天长鸣,古仙境,又回到古仙境了,终于又从祖仙境跌回来了。 The achievement of laborious several hundred thousand years obtaining, a move by the striking back primary form, Dipamkara look up to the sky sighed with sadness. 辛苦的几十万年取得的成就,一招被打回原形,燃灯仰天悲叹。 Sima Yuan is perplexed, after a Dipamkara palm repels, aroused his ominous, stares, crazy charges into Dipamkara. 司马元不明所以,被燃灯一掌打退之后,更激起了他的凶性,瞪眼睛,疯狂冲向燃灯 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” .................. “轰!”“轰!”“轰!”.................. Attacking again kills, Dipamkara was suppressed by Yellow Dragon immediately, Ancient Immortal Peak that is also only Ancient Immortal, cannot transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, differs with Ancestor Immortal plans incessantly. 再度的攻杀下,燃灯顿时被黄龙压制,古仙巅峰那也只是古仙,不能调动天道之力,和祖仙相差不止一筹。 But Dipamkara at this moment was also aroused ominous, Ancestor Immortal drops, must revenge, Dipamkara fast attack, even if were suppressed, keeps attacking. 燃灯此刻也被激起了凶性,祖仙跌落,要报仇,燃灯快速的攻击,哪怕被压制,也不停地攻击。 Sima Yuan saw to suppress Dipamkara, in the heart slightly one happy, may suppress a meeting, Sima Yuan felt not right. 司马元见压制住了燃灯,心中微微一喜,可压制了一会,司马元感觉到了不对。 Yellow Dragon was hard to control again. More and more jerky. 黄龙再度难以控制了起来。越来越生涩。 This is not the key, the key was Sima Yuan discovered a panic-stricken matter, Yellow Dragon essence and qi divulging of keeping! How can like this? essence and qi divulging? 这不是关键,关键是司马元发现了一件惊骇的事情,黄龙精气在不停的泄露!怎么会这样?精气泄露? Yellow Dragon is getting more and more weak, the counter-attack of Dipamkara is also general getting stronger and stronger. 黄龙越来越弱,燃灯的反击也越来越强一般。 Finally, Sima Yuan when fights to a draw with Dipamkara thought. 终于,司马元在与燃灯打成平手的时候想到了。 Doesn't Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array have the arrangement to be complete? Who is? Who made the careless mistake? 入瓮困龙大阵没有布置完全?到底是谁?谁出了纰漏? Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Angry Yellow Dragon look up to the sky long recited. Sima Yuan pledged, after this matter, the person who certainly investigates that careless mistake, punishes mercilessly. 愤怒的黄龙仰天长吟。司马元发誓,此事过后,一定纠出那出纰漏的人,严惩不贷。 Fought with all might a meeting with Dipamkara. 燃灯又拼杀了一会。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Yellow Dragon explodes loudly disperses to open. 黄龙轰然爆散而开。 The outside world, the huge Great Array also suddenly avalanche, vanished thoroughly. 外界,庞大的大阵陡然间崩塌而下,彻底消失了。 Quickly, Feng Shui Great Array broke, we go in!” “快,风水大阵破了,我们进去!” Goes in quickly, do not run to Heaven and Earth Cauldron!” “快进去,别给乾坤鼎跑了!” No one want to struggle with me!” “谁也别想跟我争!” .................................... .................................... .................. .................. ...... ...... enormous Expert goes toward the internal sprint. 大量强者向着内部冲刺而去。 Yellow Dragon collapses, Sima Yuan and Purple Firmament Cult Master once again expose, Dipamkara wicked looks at these two chief criminals. 黄龙崩溃,司马元紫霄教主再度暴露而出,燃灯恶狠狠的看着这两个罪魁祸首。 When enormous Expert in Yellow Dragon collapses casts into four directions , the stupor, but, how long such should to wake up. 大量强者黄龙崩溃之际撒入四方,昏迷而起,不过,那样子应该要不了多久就会醒来。 Sima Yuan? Purple Firmament? You two bastards!” Among Dipamkara roaring, the whole body emits gigantic flames. 司马元?紫霄?你们两个混蛋!”燃灯大吼间,周身冒出一股滔天火焰 The war pulls open again. Dipamkara to fighting Sima Yuan and Purple Firmament Cult Master. 大战再度拉开。燃灯对战司马元紫霄教主 When enormous Expert flies the vicinity, Expert of ground stupor wake slowly, at least one numerous Ancient Immortal wakes, each and everyone has the angry vision to look three people to the field, looks to Sima Yuan! 当外界大量强者飞到近处之时,地上昏迷的强者们缓缓醒了过来,最少一众古仙都醒了过来,一个个带着愤怒的目光看向场中三人,看向司马元! Sima Yuan misfortune course, official opening. 司马元厄运历程,正式开启了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another, Zhong Shan in mountain valley, in Heaven and Earth Cauldron! 另一处,钟山所在山谷,乾坤鼎内! Zhong Shan by two soft tender body entanglements, nerve feelings from skin broke in the Zhong Shan mind immediately. 钟山被两具柔软的娇躯纠缠而起,一种来自皮肤上的神经感触顿时冲入钟山脑海之中。 !” “呼!” !” “呼!” Un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “嗯~~~~~~嗯~~~~~~~” The sound that breathes slightly tenderly resounds in the Zhong Shan ear. Three people were wrapped by a pink energy thoroughly. 微微娇喘的声音在钟山耳中响起。三人被一股桃红色能量彻底包裹而起。 Pink energy direct impact Zhong Shan within the body, directly soars the place of forehead Red Luan Pink Lotus. 桃红色能量直冲钟山体内,直奔眉心红鸾粉莲之处。 Obscene air/Qi, an incomparably overbearing obscene air/Qi, even if Zhong Shan has Red Luan Pink Lotus unable to withstand general. 淫气,一种无比霸道的淫气,即便钟山拥有红鸾粉莲也承受不了一般。 Blurry, Zhong Shan entered an immersing condition again, in immersed condition, Zhong Shan seems felt that own clothes were torn away gradually, body uncontrolled unusual response. 迷迷糊糊之间,钟山再度进入了一种沉醉的状态,沉醉的状态中,钟山好似感到自己的衣服渐渐被人撕去,身体不受控制的发生了异常反应。 Two tender bodies sit in the bosom, Zhong Shan body instinct made some to have the behavior that. 两具娇躯坐在怀中,钟山身体本能的做出了一些该有的行为。 Zhong Shan seems has a dream general, blurry, carefree with one's blood bubbles up to the brim, Zhong Shan imitates, if hears one such as the loud sound of landslide. 钟山好似做梦一般,迷迷糊糊,畅快与热血沸腾间,钟山仿若听到一声如山崩的一声巨响。 In the dream, Zhong Shan imitates, if sees great mountain rising to the sky, a complete azure mountain. The rise of Azure Mountain, rising to the sky, punctures the clouds, able to support both heaven and earth! 梦幻之中,钟山仿若看到一座巨山冲天而上,一座完全青色的高山。青山的崛起,冲天而上,刺破云端,顶天立地! Rushing huge Azure Mountain raises up, the sound of true thundering resounds in the blurry Zhong Shan heart. 滂湃巨大的青山竖起,真正轰鸣之声在迷迷糊糊的钟山心中响起。 Azure Mountain? Does Azure Mountain rise? 青山?青山崛起? When Azure Mountain rise, Zhong Shan imitates, if hears a crisp bone recited tenderly! 青山崛起之际,钟山仿若听到一声酥骨的娇吟! Un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嗯~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” As this recited tenderly, the Zhong Shan body also seemed a production loud sound cannot help but, bang, seemed the bottleneck to break open general, unprecedented flooded the whole body happily! The Zhong Shan's movement was more violent. 随着这声娇吟,钟山身体也好似不由自主的产生一声巨响,轰的一声,好似瓶颈破开一般,一种未有的舒畅充斥全身!钟山的动作更加猛烈了。 mountain Weigen! 山为艮! Mountain Cauldron Body?” Fuzzy, in the Zhong Shan heart does not know why jumps out of this sound! 艮鼎之身?”模糊中,钟山心中不知为何跳出这个声音! Complete instinct, during this, Zhong Shan seemed wallowed thoroughly generally. Perhaps after this time, in the Zhong Shan heart takes down only remains fuzzily that infinite happy. 完全的本能,这期间,钟山好似彻底沉迷了一般。或许此次之后,钟山心中记下的只剩那模模糊糊的无限欢愉。 Has not known how long, Zhong Shan had the sober consciousness slowly again, before the consciousness, is that Red Luan Pink Lotus. 不知道过了多久,钟山才缓缓再度产生清醒的意识,意识之前,是那朵红鸾粉莲 The unfaithful/stamen of Red Luan Pink Lotus, at this moment are many some pink stamens and pistils. But below floral axis is healthier, and around Red Luan Pink Lotus, presented limpid pools of water to be the same strangely, covered Red Luan Pink Lotus. 红鸾粉莲的花心,此刻多出一些桃红色的花蕊。而下方的花茎更加茁壮,并且红鸾粉莲四周,诡异的出现了一片清澈的池水一般,笼罩红鸾粉莲 Feels this, thought a few words of Zhong Shan instinct, Red Luan Heavenly Scripture, Ninth Layer, lotus pond leaves, Heavenly Dao present! 感受到这一幕,钟山本能的想到一段话,红鸾天经,第九重,莲池出,天道现! Red Luan Heavenly Scripture Ninth Layer? Heavenly Dao present? 红鸾天经第九重了?天道现? The pink energy, Zhong Shan felt, under own stimulation of movement, Red Luan Bewitching Mist immediately no longer is the original appearance, but was the direct production the color of pink. 桃红色能量,钟山感到,在自己的催动下,红鸾迷雾顿时不再是原来的样子,而是直接形成了桃红之色。 The color of pink? Isn't this that energy in Heaven and Earth Cauldron? 桃红之色?这不是乾坤鼎内的那种能量? Seeming the luck to is the same near the heart, Zhong Shan from the pink energy imitates suddenly, if sees a great snake, the great snake forces outside the body the pink energy slowly, subsequently the whole body golden light puts greatly, the Heaven and Earth auspicious omen rises from all directions suddenly, multi-colored sunlight endless, crane God Beast dances in the air fast. 好似福临心至一样,钟山忽然从桃红色能量中仿若看到一条巨蛇,巨蛇缓缓将桃红色能量逼迫体外,继而全身金光大放,天地忽然间祥瑞四起,霞光无尽,仙禽神兽快速飞舞。 become a Saint? 成圣了? Snake is quite obscene, this is forces obscene, subsequently great snake become a Saint? Great snake? Saint? Nu Wa? 蛇性好淫,这是将淫性逼迫而出,继而巨蛇成圣?巨蛇?圣人?女娲? Is the pink energy obscene that Nu Wa forces? In a flash, Zhong Shan understood, obscene that only then Saint forces, can be overbearing than Red Luan Bewitching Mist. But Red Luan Bewitching Mist also evolved thoroughly this pink energy. Brand-new Red Luan Bewitching Mist! 桃红色能量是女娲逼迫出来的淫性?一瞬间,钟山明白了,只有圣人逼迫出来的淫性,才能比红鸾迷雾霸道。而红鸾迷雾也彻底进化成了这种桃红色能量。全新的红鸾迷雾了! The Zhong Shan consciousness is getting more and more sober, feels itself. The injury seemed completely good to be the same, cultivation base broke through the bottleneck, achieved Great Immortal Realm! 钟山意识越来越清醒,同时也感受到自身。伤势好似完全好了一样,修为更是突破了瓶颈,达到大仙境! Great Immortal, 2-layer Heaven! 大仙,二重天! Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art is strange rose the twofold continually, achieved Ninth Layer! 天魔淬体大法更是诡异的连升了两重,达到了第九重! Opens the eye slowly, Zhong Shan discovered oneself are naked the body, lies down in the great cauldron, body all around revolves the enormous pink energy. 缓缓睁开眼睛,钟山发现自己正赤裸着身子,躺在巨鼎之中,身体四周围绕着大量桃红色能量。 Zhong Shan suddenly one startled, did oneself break through? How to break through? Suddenly, in the stupor the fuzzy memory fast recalls in the Zhong Shan mind. 钟山霍然一惊,自己突破了?怎么突破的?忽然间,昏迷中模模糊糊的记忆快速在钟山脑海中回忆出来。 Reveals a forced smile, Zhong Shan look up to the sky does not know how to describe the present feelings. 露出一丝苦笑,钟山仰天不知如何形容现在的心情。 Meanwhile, outside Heaven and Earth Cauldron, is standing two outstandingly beautiful females, Absolute Beginning Saint King and Nine-Tailed princess, two female hair seem moisten the sweat, makes the similar expression, simultaneously bites the lip, the brow is wrinkling, unceasingly the chest fluctuates stares at Heaven and Earth Cauldron, the facial expression has a not being able to say flavor. But no matter what expression, appears on the face of Fox Clan unconsciously carries over a monster to flatter! 与此同时,乾坤鼎外,正站着两名绝色女子,太初圣王九尾郡主,二女头发好似沾有汗水,做出同样的表情,同时咬着嘴唇,眉头皱起,胸膛不断起伏的盯着乾坤鼎,神情有种说不出的味道。但不管什么表情,出现在狐族的脸上都不觉的带出一丝妖媚! ***: First, strove for ***! Today erupted! Monthly ticket? ***:第一更,求***!今天爆发了!还有月票吗?
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