IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#943: Compared with Red Luan Bewitching Mist also overbearing pink energy

You stop, my one person extinguished Zhong Shan!” Dipamkara wanted to cry but have no tears to call out. Cannot toss about again, tossed about itself really to fall the Ancient Immortal boundary again. “你们住手,我一个人灭了钟山!”燃灯欲哭无泪叫道。不能再折腾了,再折腾自己就真的掉回古仙境了。 Dipamkara words, appetite to Sima Yuan and Purple Firmament Cult Master. 燃灯的话,正对司马元紫霄教主的胃口。 Sima Yuan does not dare to move now, the depressed discovery Yellow Dragon collapse is momentarily ordinary, yellow fog of distant place, then why is far! Absorbing is too strenuous. 司马元现在都不敢动,郁闷的发现黄龙随时崩溃一般,远处的黄雾,为什么那么远啊!吸收起来太费力了。 Purple Firmament Cult Master is also depressed, fights one time with Zhong Shan, oneself must have bad luck one time, that long spear also broke a moment ago, attacks Zhong Shan could it be that to use the shield again? 紫霄教主也郁闷,跟钟山交手一次,自己就要倒霉一次,刚才那长枪也断了,再攻击钟山难道要用盾牌? When Dipamkara prepares to extinguish alone kills Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan has not been idling, Stress Corruption turbulent gushes out from Ruler's Diagram, endless Stress Corruption, will cover immediately in all directions completely, Heaven and Earth four directions suddenly blood red piece, painful scream of endless ghost in Stress Corruption. 燃灯准备独自灭杀钟山之际,钟山也没有闲着,烦恼浊汹涌的从帝王图喷薄而出,无尽烦恼浊,顿时将四面八方完全笼罩,天地四方都忽然血红一片,无尽鬼魂在烦恼浊中痛苦的尖叫。 Zhong Shan knows, after Ominous Eye reveals the prestige, Yellow Dragon, Dipamkara and Purple Firmament Cult Master are only misfortune near the body, misfortune surround, is only Omen of Great Misfortune, is not the strength drops, at this moment, if acts full power, oneself definitely cannot escape, must drag, to delay the time, more drags more to be favorable for oneself, they will also be more hapless. 钟山知道,凶瞳显威之后,黄龙,燃灯紫霄教主只是厄运临身,霉运环绕而已,仅是大凶之兆,并不是实力下降,此刻,若是全力出手,自己肯定逃不掉,必须要拖,拖时间,越拖对自己越有利,他们也会更倒霉。 Boundless Stress Corruption will submerge immediately in all directions. Entire Mountain Square submerged thoroughly. Tunnelled a vision of numerous Expert. Zhong Shan spins Heaven and Earth Cauldron to go, must bring Heaven and Earth Cauldron leave quickly this place. 磅礴烦恼浊顿时将四面八方淹没。整个方山都彻底淹没了。挡住了一众强者的视线。钟山急奔乾坤鼎而去,要带着乾坤鼎快速离开此地。 „To escape?” Dipamkara angrily roars. “想逃?”燃灯一声怒吼。 Searches a hand palm to make, void forms a red energy to press immediately toward Zhong Shan, terrifying Stress Corruption was forced to open loudly. 探手一掌打出,虚空中顿时形成一股红色能量向着钟山压去,恐怖的烦恼浊被轰然逼迫而开。 In the Zhong Shan eye changes, Ruler's Diagram launches fast, in the meantime, injury Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail also once again exposes, just restored little Yuan Qi, Executing Immortal Four Swords welcomed on. 钟山眼中一变,帝王图快速展开,同时,受了重伤的八极天尾也再度暴露而出,刚刚恢复了一点点元气,诛仙四剑相迎而上。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The strength of Heavenly Dao, now what Dipamkara can transfer is the strength of Heavenly Dao, under the strength of Heavenly Dao, all are fabricated. 天道之力,燃灯现在所能调动的是天道之力,天道之力下,一切都是虚妄。 Stress Corruption explodes loudly disperses to open, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail Executing Immortal Four Swords rushes. Loudly hit curvingly, was discounted. But the red energy trembles the whole body that Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail hits, was almost rumbled broken, if not for Zhong Shan its receives Niwan Palace at the last minute, at this moment Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail already vanished into thin air thoroughly. 烦恼浊轰然爆散而开,八极天尾诛仙四剑冲上去。轰然间被打的弯曲而下,被打折了。而红色能量更是将八极天尾打的全身一颤,差点被轰碎,若不是钟山在最后一刻将其收入泥丸宫,此刻八极天尾已经彻底烟消云散了。 Even so, at this moment Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail also suffocated, injures peak. 即便如此,此刻八极天尾也是奄奄一息,伤到了极致 The red energy was short, but the remaining incomparably overbearing impacts approached Ruler's Diagram. 红色能量少了很多,但剩下的还是无比霸道的冲击向了帝王图 Under a loud sound, was spread to Yin Sector mostly, but has a domineering shake to pass to Zhong Shan along Ruler's Diagram. 一声巨响下,大部分被传入了阴间,但还是有着一股强势震荡沿着帝王图传到钟山身上。 The shake of Heavenly Dao is extremely terrifying, even if the little Heavenly Dao shake, is not Zhong Shan can resist. 天道的震荡是极为恐怖的,哪怕是一点点的天道震荡,也不是钟山所能抵挡的。 Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art! Seventh Layer! 天魔淬体大法!第七重! Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Zhong Shan achieves the strongest condition, but so, the shake of Heavenly Dao is not Zhong Shan can withstand even, a whole body skeleton dull thumping sound, seeming the bone fracture is all same. 钟山达到最强状态,可即便如此,天道的震荡也不是钟山能够承受的,全身骨骼一阵闷响,好似全都骨折一样。 With the will, Zhong Shan supports is not dropping down. Face cold intent looks to opposite Dipamkara. 凭着意志,钟山强撑着不倒下。一脸冷意的看向对面燃灯 Since Parting Heavens, Zhong Shan has received the heaviest wound! 开天以来,钟山受到最重的伤! Zhong Shan was injured, but Dipamkara at this moment is bad, transfers the strength of Heavenly Dao in the boundary not steady condition, immediately was repelled by Heavenly Dao, the boundary is one sways. 钟山受伤了,而燃灯此刻更是糟糕,在境界不稳的状态下调动天道之力,顿时受到天道排斥,境界又是一阵晃荡。 The Dipamkara complexion changes, the panic-stricken discovery really cannot move again. Acts again, oneself return to the Ancient Immortal boundary absolutely. 燃灯脸色一变,惊恐的发现真的不能再动了。再出手,自己绝对回到古仙境。 The Ancient Immortal boundary and Ancestor Immortal boundary said that only misses a boundary, but Dipamkara waited for several hundred thousand years in this boundary, the reincarnation rebirth three times, finally broke through, can could it be that draw back? 古仙境和祖仙境说起来只差一个境界,可燃灯在这个境界等了几十万年啊,转世重生了三次,终于突破了,难道又要退回去了? An oil lamp falls in the top of the head, forms the powerful guard/shield, Dipamkara sits cross-legged, having a having tears streaming down the face feeling to start the stable boundary. 一盏青灯落于头顶,形成强大的护罩,燃灯盘膝而下,带着一种泪流满面的感觉开始稳定境界了。 This looks in Sima Yuan and Purple Firmament Cult Master eye, is Zhong Shan makes Dipamkara suffer a loss! This is Zhong Shan the evildoer/monstrous talent? How does he make a move? 这一幕看在司马元紫霄教主眼中,却是钟山又让燃灯吃了个大亏!这钟山是妖孽吗?他怎么出手的? For Yellow Dragon does not collapse, is absorbing yellow fog of remote place. Purple Firmament Cult Master whole body burned black, one is the wound, the world collapses, Divine Sense causes heavy losses, but undeniably, at this moment Purple Firmament Cult Master is most free one person, moreover can forcing Zhong Shan. 黄龙为了不崩溃,不停的吸收着遥远处的黄雾紫霄教主全身焦黑,一身是伤,世界崩溃,神识重创,但不可否认,此刻紫霄教主是最自由的一个人,而且能力压钟山 Killed Zhong Shan? 杀了钟山? Purple Firmament Cult Master has a hesitation, can kill? Did my condition kill Zhong Shan? Does he have the card in hand? 紫霄教主有着一丝踌躇,能杀吗?我这状态杀得了钟山吗?他还有底牌吗? Zhong Shan has not paid attention to the hesitation Purple Firmament Cult Master, but arrives at the Heaven and Earth Cauldron place slowly, holds Heaven and Earth Cauldron gently, slowly, slow Youyou flies in a direction. 钟山没有理会踌躇的紫霄教主,而是缓缓走到乾坤鼎处,轻轻一托乾坤鼎,缓缓的,慢悠悠的向着一个方向飞去。 Purple Firmament Cult Master, seeing Zhong Shan must walk, on face one horizontal, when will pursue. 紫霄教主,眼看钟山要走,脸上一横,正要追去之际。 „!” “啪!” In the wrist/skill Storage Bracelet of that abandonment explodes to open loudly, complete elimination. But that explosion seems causes the unmentionable diseasea in within the body to erupt to be the same suddenly, before being very long , the wound of receiving, manifested suddenly at this time unexpectedly. 手腕上那报废的储物手镯轰然爆炸而开,彻底销毁了。而那一声爆炸好似引得体内的暗疾忽然爆发一样,很久前受过的一次伤,居然在这个时候发作了。 A Purple Firmament Cult Master cavity is depressed! Stabilizes the injury fast. 紫霄教主一腔郁闷!快速稳定自身伤势。 My Yellow Dragon must disperse, quickly, do not manage Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan now with disabled person not different, in this Great Array, he cannot run away, Purple Firmament Cult Master, absorbs yellow fog, changes into Yellow Dragon, is accommodating with me, stable Yellow Dragon, extinguished Dipamkara together, then we gather Heaven and Earth Cauldron again together!” Sima Yuan yelled. “我的黄龙要散了,快,不要管钟山了,钟山现在与废人无异了,在这个大阵之中,他是逃不出去了,紫霄教主,吸收黄雾,化为黄龙,与我相容,稳固黄龙,一同灭了燃灯,然后我们再一同收取乾坤鼎!”司马元大叫道。 Idea of Sima Yuan yes right, so long as can control good Yellow Dragon, extinguished the present severe wound Dipamkara, Zhong Shan is also not no matter what do rub to pinch? Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array opens, the four directions seal, no one can run away. Is Zhong Shan of heyday also gave up any idea, let alone now? 司马元的想法是没错的,只要能控制好黄龙,灭了现在‘重伤’的燃灯,钟山还不是任自己揉捏?入瓮困龙大阵一开,四方封闭,谁也逃不出去的。就是全盛时期的钟山也休想,何况现在? Purple Firmament Cult Master nods, although does not abandon Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but will obtain sooner or later, now first extinguishes Dipamkara to say again. 紫霄教主点点头,虽然不舍乾坤鼎,但早晚都会得到,现在先灭了燃灯再说。 Zhong Shan brings Heaven and Earth Cauldron to fly toward the distant place, in an instant has flown the public eyes, flies into yellow fog. 钟山带着乾坤鼎向着远处飞去,转眼飞过众人视线,飞入黄雾之中。 yellow fog, when Zhong Shan is complete, cannot shake Zhong Shan, but at this moment, when the Zhong Shan severe wound, actually destruction Zhong Shan body. 黄雾,在钟山完好的时候,撼动不了钟山,可此刻,在钟山重伤之际,却不停的破坏钟山身体。 Flew in yellow fog merely a small meeting, Zhong Shan felt the physical pain. 仅仅在黄雾中飞行了一小会,钟山就感受到全身疼痛。 The Zhong Shan body fast flees toward Heaven and Earth Cauldron. 钟山身体快速向着乾坤鼎内窜去。 Entered the Heaven and Earth Cauldron flash, the Zhong Shan eye stared suddenly. 进入乾坤鼎的一瞬间,钟山眼睛忽然瞪了起来。 Previously was lost into the Nine-Tailed princess and Absolute Beginning Saint King by oneself, two female clothes completely went, pestered mutually in together, two female complexion flushed, in seeming Red Luan Bewitching Mist were the same, rubbed with the limbs mutually, sends out lightly *** sound. 先前被自己丢入其中的九尾郡主与太初圣王,二女衣裳尽去,相互纠缠在一起,二女脸色潮红,好似中了红鸾迷雾一样,相互用肢体摩擦,发出淡淡***之声。 This, this is nothing? They are one person, oneself and? 这,这算什么?她们是一个人,自己和自己? This thought flashes past merely, subsequently Zhong Shan on strange frowning, is not right, oneself have not released Red Luan Bewitching Mist, moreover Red Luan Bewitching Mist deals with the mortal to be good, copes with two Ancient Immortal, absolutely is the impossible matter, but at present? 这个念头仅仅一闪而过,继而钟山就诡异的皱起了眉头,不对啊,自己没有释放红鸾迷雾啊,况且红鸾迷雾对付凡人还好,对付两个古仙,绝对是不可能的事情,可眼前? In Heaven and Earth Cauldron original pink energy? 乾坤鼎内原本的桃红色能量? Zhong Shan sees the Heaven and Earth Cauldron bottom immediately the pink energy, the pink energy revolves unceasingly, growing continually, previously Zhong Shan was the feeling is strange. Is could it be that this thing? 钟山顿时看到乾坤鼎底的桃红色能量,桃红色能量不断旋转,生生不息,先前钟山就是感觉非常奇怪。难道是这东西? Un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” A Nine-Tailed princess tangled up moan transmits, a beguiling meaning breaks in the Zhong Shan mind easely. “嗯~~~~~~~~~~~~!”九尾郡主一声缠绵的呻吟传来,一股狐媚之意悠然冲入钟山脑海。 In Zhong Shan heart one itchy, bone immediately a weakness. 钟山心中一痒,骨头顿时一阵酥软。 Attracting of Nine-Tailed Fox, is really fierce!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. 九尾狐的魅惑,果然厉害!”钟山摇摇头。 At this moment, a pink energy breaks in Zhong Shan within the body suddenly. 就在这时,一股桃红色能量忽然冲入钟山体内。 Enters Zhong Shan within the body, the Zhong Shan body immediately red, overbearing, wants obscene overbearing compared with Red Luan Bewitching Mist? What thing is this? 一入钟山体内,钟山身体顿时一阵通红,霸道,比红鸾迷雾还要淫的霸道?这是什么东西? Zhong Shan startles slightly, the pink energy direct impact mind, seems the fast mending the consumption of forehead Red Luan Pink Lotus to be the same, moreover continuously pushes the Red Luan Bewitching Mist evolution to be the same. 钟山微微一骇,桃红色能量直冲脑海,好似快速修补着眉心红鸾粉莲的消耗一般,而且不断推着红鸾迷雾进化一样。 Zhong Shan realized suddenly a point, this pink energy, has the major role to own Red Luan Heavenly Scripture. 钟山忽然意识到了一点,这桃红色能量,对自己红鸾天经有大作用。 Red Luan Heavenly Scripture, to Eighth Layer, Zhong Shan doing everything possible made it not probably in the breakthrough, but did at this moment present the turning point? 红鸾天经,到了第八重,钟山想尽办法让它在突破而不得,可此刻却出现了契机? In Zhong Shan heart one happy, but knows, must have Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array to be good as soon as possible, otherwise, was found by Sima Yuan surely. 钟山心中一喜,但还是知道,必须尽快出‘入瓮困龙大阵’才行,否则,必定被司马元找到。 Enters a cauldron meeting merely, Zhong Shan has the cauldron again, bringing Heaven and Earth Cauldron to fly rapidly toward the distant place. 仅仅入鼎一会,钟山再度出鼎,带着乾坤鼎向着远处急速飞去。 But the pink energy restores the consumption of Red Luan Pink Lotus merely, cannot make up for the injury, therefore has the cauldron to receive devastation of yellow fog, cannot bear enters the cauldron, the good point to have the cauldron, gets out and gets, Zhong Shan went to the west. 可桃红色能量仅仅修复红鸾粉莲的消耗,并不能弥补伤势啊,因此出鼎就又要受到黄雾的摧残,受不了的就入鼎,好一点了就出鼎,就这么出出进进,钟山一直向西而去。 Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array, just Zhong Shan knows an exit|to speak. Sima Zongheng there. 入瓮困龙大阵,刚好钟山知道一个出口。司马纵横那里。 Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array indeed such as Small Thousand Worlds, seems like that the close environment of Heavenspan penetrating place, encircles great-circle the inner space. 入瓮困龙大阵的确如小千世界的一样,看似通天彻地的一个封闭环境,围成一个大圈形的内部空间。 In mountain valley, was abandoned cultivation base Sima Zongheng brings a cavity lies down above a giant stone depressed. Spat up blood one to rise incessantly, the excessive loss of blood carried over a complexion paleness, two straight looks that hundred zhang (333 m) extended the Heavenspan penetrating place together the flaw. 一个山谷之中,被废了修为司马纵横带着一腔的郁闷躺在一块巨石之上。呕血不止一升了,失血过多带出脸色一阵苍白,两眼直直的看着那一道百丈宽通天彻地的破绽。 Patriarch, you must succeed, otherwise hundred think to be able hardly absolve vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered!” Sima Zongheng weak saying. 家主,你一定要成功,否则纵横百思难辞其咎啊!”司马纵横虚弱的说道。 Great Array can also continue finally, Sima Zongheng is holding a luck, lucky here does not injure Daya. 大阵总算还能继续,司马纵横抱着一丝侥幸,侥幸自己这里不伤大雅。 But in Sima Zongheng prayed unceasingly, that opening place, the form departed together suddenly together. 而就在司马纵横不断祈祷之际,那一道裂口处,忽然一道身影飞出。 Is Zhong Shan! Zhong Shan holds a big cauldron, slow Youyou flew. 钟山!钟山托着一口大鼎,慢悠悠的飞了出来。 Heaven and Earth Cauldron!” Sima Zongheng was startled to call out. 乾坤鼎!”司马纵横惊叫道。 At this moment, Sima Zongheng knows finally, was the big deal, was this small opening, making the Patriarch important matter misjudge thoroughly. Heaven and Earth Cauldron on slow Youyou departs from oneself, but Sima Zongheng is helpless, hundred die to be able hardly absolve! 这一刻,司马纵横终于知道,出大事了,就是这个小裂口,让家主的大计彻底失算了。乾坤鼎就慢悠悠的从自己面前飞出,可司马纵横就是无能为力,百死难辞其咎啊! In the Sima Zongheng chest is a counter blood gushes out, but suppresses in the throats. 司马纵横胸中又是一口逆血涌出,但强忍在喉间。 When sees clearly the Zhong Shan's speed, Sima Zongheng suddenly discovered, the Zhong Shan severe wound, that speed, was injures peak to create, such Zhong Shan, must in the past, a finger be able to pinch him, such can obtain Heaven and Earth Cauldron. 待看清钟山的速度,司马纵横才忽然发现,钟山重伤了,那速度,是伤到了极致才造成的,这样的钟山,要在以往的自己,一个手指头就能捏死他,那样自己就能得到乾坤鼎了。 looking on helplessly looks that flying of Heaven and Earth Cauldron swaying from oneself is far, Sima Zongheng depressed could not control again. 眼睁睁看着乾坤鼎从自己面前晃晃悠悠的飞远,司马纵横郁闷的再也控制不住了。 !” !” “噗!”“噗!” After a series of spitting up blood, Sima Zongheng closed the eye weakly, swallowed the final one breath. 一连串的呕血之后,司马纵横虚弱的闭上了眼睛,咽下了最后一口气。 Sima Zongheng also hence becomes in history, one person because of excessive loss of blood death Great Immortal, if were discovered by other cultivator, surely the biography is the under the heavens joke. 司马纵横也至此成为有史以来,第一个人因为失血过多而死亡的大仙,若是被其它修者发现,必定传为天下笑谈。 Zhong Shan flew from Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array, but feared that was seen by other Expert, does not dare to fly is too far, flies from the warning area, looked for secluded mountain valley, Zhong Shan brought Heaven and Earth Cauldron to hide into, after establishing several formation, hid into Heaven and Earth Cauldron immediately. 钟山飞离了入瓮困龙大阵,但怕被其它强者看见,也不敢飞的太远,飞离危险区,找了僻静的山谷,钟山就带着乾坤鼎躲入其中,设置几个阵法后就马上躲入乾坤鼎内。 Just entered Heaven and Earth Cauldron, two delicate bodies twined! Drags into the Heaven and Earth Cauldron deep place Zhong Shan. 刚入乾坤鼎,两个柔弱的躯体就缠绕上来!将钟山拉入乾坤鼎深处。 ps: Tomorrow erupts! Asked ***! ps:明天爆发!求***!
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