IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#942: Ominous Eye ominous prestige

Flash that the right eye opens, a terrifying deterrent shoots at immediately in all directions. 右眼睁开的一瞬间,一股恐怖的威慑顿时射向四面八方。 Heaven and Earth suddenly for it one static, yellow fog forbids suddenly motionless, the air current that even three big Expert produce also stopped suddenly. 天地忽然为之一静,黄雾陡然禁止不动,甚至三大强者产生的气流也忽然停止了。 One type ferments in three people of hearts from the heart danger suddenly, that is a feeling of numerous heavenly power, vast, domineering, ignores the common people! 一种发自心底的危险忽然在三人心中酝酿,那是一众天威的感觉,浩瀚,强势,漠视苍生! And some Purple Firmament Cult Master suddenly suffocating feelings, trembling from soul deep place! 其中紫霄教主忽然有种窒息的感觉,一种来自魂魄深处的战栗! Purple Firmament Cult Master looks at the eye of Zhong Shan that only bluing, in the heart produces an numerous to feel suddenly absurdly, was must have bad luck probably. 紫霄教主看着钟山那只发蓝的眼睛,心中忽然产生一众荒唐的感受,就是自己好像要倒霉了。 To being unlucky feeling! 对就是要倒霉的感觉! He is only Heavenly Immortal! The Purple Firmament Cult Master innermost feelings keep shouting, want to this soul drives out startled, was too absurd, a blue eye. 他只是一个天仙!紫霄教主内心不停嘶吼,想要将这种魂魄的惊慌赶出去,太荒唐了,一只蓝色的眼睛而已。 Eye Technique, oneself have to see Eye Technique! Why will have this feeling? 瞳术,自己又不是没见过瞳术!为何会有这种感觉? Eye Technique, Dipamkara and huge Yellow Dragon recognized this are Eye Technique, but has not felt this Eye Technique, only made an eye? What Eye Technique is this? 瞳术,燃灯和庞大的黄龙都认出了这是瞳术,但从来没感受过这种瞳术,只挣一只眼睛?这是什么瞳术? Eye Technique of eye, but this Eye Technique is also quite terrifying, sees Zhong Shan that blue pupil, making Dipamkara not think of the Saint vision voluntarily. 一只眼睛的瞳术,而这种瞳术又极为恐怖,看到钟山那蓝色的瞳孔,让燃灯不自觉的想到了圣人的目光。 Zhong Shan this blue color eye, is the Saint vision . Moreover the Saint vision of getting angry time. 钟山这只蓝色眼睛,就是圣人的目光,而且还是发怒时候的圣人目光。 Sees this vision, Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon are in the heart one cold, but in the hand attacks to Zhong Shan's is more powerful, was quicker! Simultaneously incomparably careful alert! 看到这个目光,燃灯黄龙都是心中一寒,不过手中对钟山的冲击更强大,更快了!同时无比小心的戒备起来! Peerless Ominous Eye, opens! 绝世凶瞳,开! When a Zhong Shan face anger, in the right eye, projects together terrifying blue light suddenly, blue light hiding the sky and covering the earth covers to go toward opposite three big Expert. 钟山一脸怒相之际,右眼之中,陡然射出一道恐怖的蓝光,蓝光铺天盖地向着对面三大强者笼罩而去。 hū ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” blue light projects, north, sky suddenly one blue. 蓝光射出,北面方向,天空陡然一蓝。 The Eye Technique effect came! 瞳术效果来了! When three big Expert hearts one is tight, want to avoids, but blue light is seeming too quick, hides radically without enough time, moreover each one also makes the potential of attack. 三大强者心中一紧之际,想要躲开,可着蓝光好似太快了,根本来不及躲,况且各自还都做出攻击之势。 Urgent matter, most important defends, defends the attack of this blue light. 当务之急,最重要的就是防御,防住这蓝光的侵袭。 Because three big Expert saw the Zhong Shan Eye Technique terrifying, therefore made the highest alert. 因为三大强者都看出了钟山瞳术的恐怖,因此做出了最高戒备。 In front of Dipamkara an oil lamp, Yellow Dragon howls suddenly crazily, Purple Firmament Cult Master also searches the hand to take out resembles shield Magical Treasure at the same time! Performs all blocks itself. 燃灯面前陡然一盏青灯,黄龙狂啸而起,紫霄教主同样探手取出一面似盾般的法宝!尽皆挡住自己。 But, this blue light is quite strange, seeming anything cannot block to be the same, the direct penetration, has injected three big Expert within the body. 可是,这蓝光极为诡异,好似任何东西都挡不住一样,直接穿透而过,射入三大强者体内。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Bang, lets three big Expert a loudly one startled, thinks that the Eye Technique might came. 一声轰然巨响,让三大强者一惊,以为瞳术的威力来了呢。 But the sound sound is quite strange, from Zhong Shan. 可着声响声极为诡异,来自钟山面前。 The dragon breath that the red class/flow that Dipamkara washes out, Yellow Dragon puts out, why did not know, hits suddenly loudly in one, possibly two big Expert were too a moment ago anxious, or other anything reason. In any case these two terrifying energies before bumping into Zhong Shan, mutual collision. 燃灯冲刷出的红流,黄龙吐出的龙息,不知为何,忽然轰然撞在了一起,可能刚才两大强者太紧张了吧,又或者其它什么原因吧。反正这两股恐怖的能量在碰到钟山之前,相互碰撞了。 The powerful collision was some backlash strengths hit. 强大的碰撞更是反噬一些力量撞了回去。 Two big Expert body shake, but strange look each other. 两大强者身形微晃,但都古怪的看看彼此。 Yellow Dragon and Dipamkara have not cared about backlash, but was strange blue light, what was blue light? Why my response also? 黄龙燃灯没有在意刚才的反噬,而是古怪刚才的蓝光,蓝光是什么?为什么我一点反应也没有? Not far away, after Zhong Shan's Ominous Eye opens, seems flash Consciousness dispirited. The blue pupil restores as usual. The left eye also followed to open. 不远处,钟山的凶瞳开启之后,好似一瞬间精神一阵萎靡。蓝色瞳孔恢复如常。左眼也跟着睁开了。 Probably anything had not happened to be the same a moment ago. 好像刚才什么也没发生一样。 What hasn't happened? Dipamkara, Yellow Dragon, Purple Firmament Cult Master is also a face strange looks at Zhong Shan. 什么也没发生?燃灯,黄龙,紫霄教主也是一脸古怪的看着钟山 loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, but thunderclap too big, was the raindrop also too also small? 雷声大雨点小,可着雷声也太大了,雨点也太小了吧? Did this end? A three people of each other strangeness. 这就完了?三人彼此一阵古怪。 Also right, Heavenly Immortal, has Eye Technique that deters greatly, already was very great. 也对,一个天仙而已,有这么大威慑的瞳术,已经很了不起了。 In the numerous Expert innermost feelings console oneself unceasingly, suddenly, the Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion changes. 正在众强者内心不断自我安慰之际,忽然,紫霄教主脸色一变。 Came!” Zhong Shan looks in the Purple Firmament Cult Master heart to muse to say. “来了!”钟山看着紫霄教主心中暗想道。 But Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon are also staring at Purple Firmament Cult Master together, came? Did the blue light effect come? 燃灯黄龙也都一起盯着紫霄教主,来了?蓝光的效果来了? Purple Firmament Cult Master at this moment, the complexion changes suddenly, suddenly, the head emits the enormous cold sweat, incredible stares the big eye. 紫霄教主此刻,脸色陡然大变,忽然间,头上冒出大量的冷汗,一副不可置信的瞪大眼睛。 How can? How can like this?” Purple Firmament Cult Master inconceivable is calling. “怎么会?怎么会这样?”紫霄教主不可思议的叫着。 This frightened looks in Dipamkara and in yellow dragon eye, looked at two big Expert ignorant, Purple Firmament Cult Master how. 这恐惧的一幕看在燃灯和黄龙眼中,将两大强者也看懵了,紫霄教主到底怎么了。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Purple Firmament Cult Master whole body Thunder Light is greatly bright , Purple Firmament Cult Master exploded loudly. 一声巨响,紫霄教主周身雷光大亮,轰然间,紫霄教主爆炸了。 Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon grew up the mouth. 燃灯黄龙都长大了嘴巴。 Was not Purple Firmament Cult Master exploded, on but his surroundings exploded suddenly. 不是紫霄教主爆炸了,而上他周侧忽然爆炸了。 A terrifying explosion, one spear/gun one shield in Purple Firmament Cult Master hand explodes the sky loudly, the whole person seems in explosion most center, infinite Thunder Lightning scatters crazily. The domineering Thunder Lightning explosion, distressed from the midair fell one that Purple Firmament Cult Master exploded immediately. 一声恐怖的爆炸,紫霄教主手中的一枪一盾轰然炸上天空,整个人好似在爆炸的最中心,无穷雷电狂撒而出。强势的雷电爆炸,顿时将紫霄教主炸的一身狼狈从半空中摔了下来。 In the air is filling endless Thunder Lightning, in all directions is the Thunder Lightning shadows, everywhere was Thunder Lightning, the land flash by Reggio generally. 空气中弥漫着无尽雷电,四面八方都是雷电的影子,到处是雷电,大地一瞬间都被雷焦了一般。 A central big hole locates Thunder Lightning to be most, a Purple Firmament Cult Master face difficult crawls to set out. On the face filled panic-strickenly. 最中心一个大坑处雷电最多,紫霄教主一脸艰难的爬起身来。脸上充满了惊骇。 My world, my world how from exploding? It is not right, Zhong Shan previously destroyed some my world, but also in my control area, why suddenly deterioration, even exploded? Zhong Shan, why?” Purple Firmament Cult Master roaring said. “我的世界,我的世界怎么自爆了?不对,钟山先前只是破坏了一些我的世界,但还在我控制范围啊,为什么忽然恶化,甚至爆炸了?钟山,为什么?”紫霄教主大吼道。 Did own world explode? 自己的世界爆炸了? Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon are stunned. 燃灯黄龙都是一阵愕然。 In this moment. A sky shadow flashes through. 就在这一刻。天空一个黑影闪过。 Bang!” “轰!” At the same time the big shield drops from the clouds, pounds loudly, in Purple Firmament Cult Master that was exploded on the heads of half of hair by Thunder Lightning, pounds to fall Purple Firmament Cult Master to the ground loudly. 一面大盾从天而降,轰然砸在紫霄教主那被雷电炸去一半头发的脑袋上,轰然间将紫霄教主砸倒在地。 That was Purple Firmament Cult Master a moment ago the blown off shield. Own shield? 那是紫霄教主刚才被炸飞的盾牌。自己的盾牌? Was this too also skillful? Explodes right above? Also impartial pounding down. 这也太巧了吧?炸到正上方?又不偏不倚的砸下。 Was Purple Firmament Cult Master too hapless? 紫霄教主太倒霉了吧? Under shield, Purple Firmament Cult Master depressed just crawled. 盾牌下,紫霄教主郁闷的刚刚爬起。 Bang!” “轰!” long spear also pounds down loudly, without bias and without favor and pounded on the head of Purple Firmament Cult Master. 长枪也轰然砸下,不偏不倚又是砸在了紫霄教主的脑袋上。 Purple Firmament Cult Master seemed is exploded was ignorant same, the head was pounded to respond suddenly. 紫霄教主好似被炸懵了一样,头上被砸了一下才忽然反应过来。 Too skillful, was too weird! Skillful of such this explosion? Just falls on Purple Firmament Cult Master? 太巧了,太邪门了!这爆炸的这么巧?刚好落在紫霄教主头上? Searches the hand to grasp two treasures, Purple Firmament Cult Master fast avoids that big hole! 探手抓起两宝,紫霄教主快速躲开那个大坑! at this moment, Purple Firmament Cult Master appearance already was too exaggerating, the hair was exploded most, whole body burned black, the clothes burn was similar, the whole body seems a black coal to be the same, takes the spear/gun single-handedly, takes the shield single-handedly. 此刻,紫霄教主的模样已经太夸张了,头发被炸去大半,全身焦黑,衣服烧的差不多了,全身好似一个黑炭一样,一手拿着枪,一手拿着盾。 What is more depressed is Purple Firmament Cult Master suddenly discovered, Divine Sense on these two Magical Treasure, cancelled in this large explosion thoroughly, in other words does not pass through refining up, could not receive within the body. 更郁闷的是紫霄教主忽然发现,这两个法宝上的自己神识,也在这一次大爆炸中彻底抹去了,也就是说不经过炼化,根本收不了体内。 This is also not most depressed, what is more depressed was two Ancient Immortal Equipment Artifact Spirit is also exploded extinguished, needed breed to become Artifact Spirit for a long time again, otherwise was two good materials. 这还不是最郁闷的,更郁闷的是两个古仙器器灵也被炸灭了,必须要长时间孕育才能再成器灵,否则就是两个好材料而已。 Could not receive within the body, can admit Storage Bracelet? But above Storage Bracelet of at this moment that careful refinement, presented three giant cracks strangely, indicates, Storage Bracelet was also bad. 收不了体内,可以放进储物手镯吧?可此刻那精心炼制的储物手镯之上,诡异的出现了三道巨大的裂纹,也就预示着,储物手镯也坏了。 Purple Firmament Cult Master can only on the one hand grasp Magical Treasure, at a loss in front of Zhong Shan. 紫霄教主只能一手抓着一个法宝,茫然在钟山面前了。 All seem like seem Purple Firmament Cult Master to create unlucky, but this unlucky is related with Zhong Shan? 一切看起来都好似紫霄教主自己倒霉造成的,可这倒霉和钟山有关吗? Purple Firmament Cult Master brings weak, somewhat frightened looks to Zhong Shan. 紫霄教主带着一丝虚弱,有些恐惧的看向钟山 Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon also look together to Zhong Shan. 燃灯黄龙也一起看向钟山 Meanwhile, two people also felt on oneself has not a wonderful feeling suddenly. 同时,二人也感到自己身上忽然产生一丝不妙的感觉。 Sima Yuan in Yellow Dragon, the discovery operated free Yellow Dragon suddenly a moment ago, at this moment seemed like the flash jerkily, seemed this huge Yellow Dragon to the collapse be momentarily ordinary. 黄龙中的司马元,忽然发现刚才操纵自如的黄龙,此刻好像一瞬间生涩了起来,好似这庞大的黄龙要随时崩溃一般。 No way? In the Sima Yuan heart jumps crazily! If Yellow Dragon collapsed, oneself weren't miserable? Own Heaven and Earth Cauldron had not obtained! 不会吧?司马元心中一阵狂跳!黄龙要是崩溃了,那自己不就惨了?自己的乾坤鼎还没有得到呢! Dipamkara at this moment also reveals panic-stricken. 燃灯此刻也是露出一股惊骇。 Dipamkara suddenly discovered that own boundary seemed has was not steady, just achieved Ancestor Immortal, should stand firm this boundary to be right well, but Dipamkara this period of time simply did not have the time to stabilize, generally, the stability was only the reinforcement, once achievement Ancestor Immortal will not have what condition. 燃灯忽然发现自己的境界好似有了一点不稳,刚达到祖仙,应该好好稳住这个境界才对,可燃灯这段时间根本没有时间来稳定,大凡来说,稳定只是加固,一旦成就祖仙就不会出什么状况了。 But that boundary not steady feeling covers the Dipamkara innermost feelings suddenly. 可那种境界不稳的感觉忽然笼罩燃灯内心。 Isn't the boundary steady? Will could it be that also fall the Ancient Immortal boundary? 境界不稳?难道还会跌回古仙境? Thinks that this possibility, in the Dipamkara heart startles suddenly, oneself have not held on to your hat in the Ancestor Immortal boundary, Heavenly Dao, oneself just can transfer Heavenly Dao slightly, won't this cancel my right? 想到这个可能,燃灯心中陡然一骇,自己在祖仙境上还没坐稳呢,天道,自己刚刚能够微微调动天道,不会这就取消我权利吧? Isn't the boundary steady? Drops the Ancestor Immortal boundary? Does not want, not! 境界不稳?跌落祖仙境?不要,不可以! In the Dipamkara heart calls out, simultaneously incomparable fear. 燃灯心中嘶喊,同时无比的恐惧。 Is own boundary is not steady? It is not right, is Zhong Shan? 是自己的境界不稳?不对,是钟山? In a flash, the Dipamkara vision looks suddenly to Zhong Shan. Similarly Sima Yuan also thought of Zhong Shan, was Zhong Shan blue light? 一瞬间,燃灯目光忽然看向钟山。同样司马元也想到了钟山,是钟山刚才的蓝光? Peerless Ominous Eye, blue light covers, misfortune near body. Also gets what one deserves three big Expert to be hapless, has the best time of flaw misfortune outbreak respectively. 绝世凶瞳,蓝光笼罩,厄运临身。也活该三大强者倒霉,各有破绽正是厄运发作的最好时机。 Dipamkara does not feel more and more wonderfully, Sima Yuan similarly is also so. But burned black Purple Firmament Cult Master at this moment also seems felt that misfortune has not walked clear general. The whole body seemed and has the beforehand unmentionable diseasea to manifest suddenly. 燃灯越来越觉得不妙,司马元同样也是如此。而一身焦黑的紫霄教主此刻也好似感到霉运还没走清一般。全身好似又有以前的暗疾发作了。 Three people look together to Zhong Shan, in the look have panic-stricken, has ruthlessly certainly. 三人一起看向钟山,眼神之中有惊骇,有狠绝。 This his mother's Heavenly Immortal? Is he evildoer/monstrous talent? 这他娘的还是天仙吗?他是妖孽吗? Can Zhong Shan also remain? This flash, three big Expert reached the agreement to be the same simultaneously, must eliminate Zhong Shan, on the present, putting together the injury is heavier, the boundary was not steadier, must destroy completely Zhong Shan thoroughly, on the present, otherwise the consequence was dreadful! 钟山还能留吗?这一瞬间,三大强者同时达成了共识一般,一定要消灭钟山,就现在,拼着自己伤势更重,境界更不稳,也要将钟山彻底灭掉,就现在,否则后果不堪设想! Roar!” Áng!” Goes!” “吼!”“昂!”“去!” Three big Expert almost also make a move. 三大强者几乎同时出手。 Yellow Dragon finds out the great claw, Dipamkara brushes a red class/flow, Purple Firmament Cult Master throws acts long spear! 黄龙探出巨爪,燃灯刷出一道红流,紫霄教主掷出手中长枪! But Yellow Dragon when a claw makes, felt that the great claw pulls out, seeming to cramp was equally uncontrolled, slightly one. 黄龙在一爪打出之际,感觉巨爪一抽,好似抽筋了一样不受控制,微微一偏。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Impacts of three big Expert, again unlucky hit in one, incomparable Black Dragon/mishap. Under a loud sound, respective attack counter-balances again, and slightly backlash. 三大强者的冲击,再度倒霉的撞击在了一起,无比的乌龙。一声巨响之下,各自的出击再度抵消,并且微微反噬 Purple Firmament Cult Master long spear one two sections, Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon body is one rocks at the scene. 紫霄教主长枪当场一段两截,燃灯黄龙身形都是一阵晃动。 The Dipamkara depressed discovery, own boundary is not steadier, but Sima Yuan discovered Yellow Dragon really to the brink of collapse, oneself do not dare to move heedlessly. Only can absorb yellow fog of distant place to tighten own control fast. But, the Purple Firmament Cult Master large explosion, compelled is too far endless yellow fog, making Sima Yuan absorb particularly strenuously, particularly depressed. 燃灯郁闷的发现,自己的境界更加不稳了,而司马元发现黄龙真的到了崩溃的边缘,以至于自己都不敢乱动了。只能快速吸收远处的黄雾来加强自己的控制。可是,紫霄教主刚才的大爆炸,将无尽黄雾逼开太远了,让司马元吸收起来分外的吃力,分外的郁闷。 Most depressed was Dipamkara, oneself must extinguish Zhong Shan shortly, was stirred by Yellow Dragon, the strength that backlash came back, was swayed by own boundary one again. 最郁闷的就是燃灯了,自己眼看就要灭了钟山了,被黄龙又搅了,反噬回来的力量,让自己境界再度一阵晃荡。 You stop, my one person extinguished Zhong Shan!” Dipamkara wanted to cry but have no tears to call out. Cannot toss about again, tossed about itself really to fall the Ancient Immortal boundary again. “你们住手,我一个人灭了钟山!”燃灯欲哭无泪叫道。不能再折腾了,再折腾自己就真的掉回古仙境了。 ps: Asked the recommendation ticket! Has the recommendation ticket? 200 tickets, will erupt tomorrow! ps:求推荐票!有推荐票吗?200票了,明天爆发!
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