IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#941: Zhong Shan's ominous prestige

Yellow Dragon was controlled by Sima Yuan! 黄龙司马元控制了! Yellow Dragon is the strength that previously all Expert sets became. Although the innumerable Expert individual strength is inferior to Ancient Immortal, but the quantity is quite scary. 黄龙是先前所有强者集合而成的力量。无数强者个体力量虽不如古仙,但是数量却极为骇人。 Sima Yuan disclosed the news, brought in enormous Expert, for this moment. 司马元透露消息,引来大量强者,就是为了这一刻。 Domineering Yellow Dragon, Sima Yuan has the guts to fight with anybody. 强势的黄龙一出,司马元有胆量与任何人争锋。 A Yellow Dragon claw grasps toward Dipamkara. 黄龙一爪向着燃灯抓来。 This claw grasps, void seemed is grasped the fold generally, space folds affected four directions . 这一爪抓出,虚空都好似被抓出褶皱了一般,一道道空间褶皱波及四方 A vast claw, under this claw, seems has to extinguish a day of prestige, even Ancient Immortal can still a claw grasp general. 浩瀚的一爪,这一爪下,好似携有灭天之威,即便古仙也能一爪抓死一般。 The Dipamkara complexion changes, backhands a palm to make, the sky presents enormous red light immediately, red light restraining in front of Dipamkara, as that palm welcomed to Dragon Claw. 燃灯脸色一变,反手一掌打出,天空顿时出现大量红光,红光收敛在燃灯面前,随着那一掌迎向龙爪 Yellow Dragon has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, vast infinite, although Dipamkara is tiny, but may transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao. 黄龙有万丈之高,浩瀚无穷,燃灯虽然渺小,但可调动天道之力。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, in the air shocks the powerful space rough seas, the space shakes together, all change into broken pieces. 一声巨响,空中震撼出一道强大的空间大浪,空间震荡所过,一切化为齑粉 This pair of palm, seeming is well-matched same. 这一对掌,好似旗鼓相当一样。 But other side, Purple Firmament Cult Master was actually to approaching Zhong Shan. 而另一面,紫霄教主却是对向了钟山 yellow fog covers, Zhong Shan also made the defense, but, defending cannot block this yellow fog to be the same, yellow fog breaks in the Zhong Shan body immediately. 黄雾笼罩,钟山原本也做防御的,但是,防御根本挡不住这黄雾一般,黄雾顿时冲入钟山身体。 Zhong Shan also felt that hot tempered of yellow fog, seems must change own body to be the same forcibly, even modifies own body root, but, oneself body root seems a mountain to be the same, no matter many yellow fog cannot shake, body root cannot shake, the Zhong Shan body naturally did not shake. 钟山也感觉到黄雾的暴躁,好似要强行改变自己的身体一样,甚至改动自己的根骨,可是,自己根骨就好似一座山一样,不管多少黄雾也撼动不了,根骨撼动不了,钟山身体自然也撼动不了。 Zhong Shan also became four not by one of the yellow fog control people. 钟山也成了四个未被黄雾控制的人之一。 The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail severe wound, at this moment is unable to transfer, only has Zhong Shan to face Ancient Immortal alone. 八极天尾重伤,此刻无法调用,只有钟山独自面对古仙了。 Purple Firmament Cult Master has a look at Heaven and Earth Cauldron, has a look at Zhong Shan, extinguishes Zhong Shan, this is must. 紫霄教主看看乾坤鼎,又看看钟山,灭钟山,这是必须的。 To Zhong Shan, Purple Firmament Cult Master is searching in the hands void. 对着钟山,紫霄教主探手间虚空一点。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Sky crack, ten zhang (3.33 m) thick huge purple Heavenly Thunder drops from the clouds together, chops Zhong Shan. 天空一声炸响,一道十丈粗的巨大紫色天雷从天而降,直劈钟山 This together purple thunder seems containing extinguishing the prestige of the world is common, come was too quick, in an instant rushes to the Zhong Shan's body. 这一道紫雷好似含有灭世之威一般,来的太快了,转眼冲到钟山的身体。 !” “呲!” A dull thumping sound. Domineering purple Heavenly Thunder vanishes suddenly. The Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion changes. Although oneself strike conveniently, but also are Ancient Immortal, Zhong Shan is only Heavenly Immortal, even if not injured were impossible easily to reduce and solve. 一声闷响。强势的紫色天雷陡然消失。紫霄教主脸色一变。自己虽然随手一击,可自己也是古仙啊,钟山只是一个天仙,就算不受伤也不可能这么轻易就化解了啊。 Moreover, even if with ‚the world resistance, is impossible, the Heavenly Immortal world cannot withstand own purple Heavenly Thunder. 而且,就算用‘世界’抵御,也不可能的,天仙的世界根本承受不了自己的紫色天雷 Thunder? I have told you, I also cultivate/repair the thunder!” Zhong Shan said with a smile pale. “雷?我跟你说过吧,我也修雷!”钟山淡笑道。 Calm, the Zhong Shan's attitude seems like calm, this feeling makes Purple Firmament Cult Master at heart very uncomfortable. 从容,钟山的态度看上去就是从容,这感觉让紫霄教主心里很不舒服。 Right!” Purple Firmament Cult Master coldly said. “是吗!”紫霄教主冷冷道。 During the speeches, in the Purple Firmament Cult Master hand suddenly are many long spear, above long spear the purple thunder and lightning moves. 说话间,紫霄教主手中忽然多出一名长枪,长枪之上紫雷闪动。 Purple Firmament Cult Master searches hand one finger/refers, domineering Spear Aura punctures together toward Zhong Shan. But all around environment also suddenly changes. 紫霄教主探手一指,一道强势的枪罡向着钟山刺来。而四周环境也陡然一变。 Seeming the flash appears in Thunder Pond is the same, in all directions everywhere is terrifying Thunder Lightning. 好似一瞬间出现在一个雷池一样,四面八方到处都是恐怖的雷电 Purple Firmament Cult Master world. 紫霄教主的世界。 The Purple Firmament Cult Master world has own Principle, but Zhong Shan also has own Divine World, Divine World is pasting the body surface, immediately not by Principle of Purple Firmament Cult Master world about. 紫霄教主世界有自己的法则,不过钟山也有自己的神界,神界贴着体表,顿时不受紫霄教主世界的法则左右。 long spear punctures, in the Zhong Shan hand are many immediately white Tu. 长枪刺来,钟山手中顿时多出一张白图。 A Ruler's Diagram show/unfolds, the flash is grow darked white/in vain, long spear pricks, seeming to prick small world to be the same, does not have the effect. 帝王图一展,一瞬间由白变黑,长枪刺入,好似刺入一个小世界一般,毫无效果可言。 Thunderstorm!” Purple Firmament Cult Master drinks coldly. “雷暴!”紫霄教主一声冷喝。 Below Thunder Pond, infinite Thunder Lightning rising to the sky, submerges in which Zhong Shan loudly instantaneously. 下方雷池之中,无穷雷电轰然冲天而上,瞬间将钟山淹没其中。 Explodes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “爆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Purple Firmament Cult Master shouting loudly. 紫霄教主一声大喝 Such explosion that but, Zhong Shan such as Purple Firmament Cult Master has not thought opens, but suddenly such as a bottomless pit is the same, is absorbing endless Thunder Lightning fast. 可是,钟山并没有如紫霄教主想的那样爆炸而开,而是忽然间如一个无底洞一样,快速吸收着无尽雷电 Purple Firmament Cult Master: # ¥ %...... &(” 紫霄教主:“#¥%......&(” Thunder Lightning were too many, such as the deep sea vortex is the same, pushes in the Zhong Shan body fast, or was introduced in Divine World by Zhong Shan, for Heavenly Retribution fast absorption. 雷电太多了,如深海漩涡一样,快速挤入钟山身体,或者说,被钟山引入了神界之中,供天罚之速吸收。 Thunder Pond thunderstorm strange was reduced and solved by Zhong Shan. 雷池雷暴诡异的被钟山化解。 A Purple Firmament Cult Master brow lock, but more is actually air of arrogance. 紫霄教主眉头一锁,但更多的却是傲气 „Is your body absorbing my Thunder Lightning? Good, I make you attract, look at me to support you!” Purple Firmament Cult Master shouted coldly. “你的身体在吸收我的雷电?好,我让你吸,看我撑死你!”紫霄教主冷喝道。 As this drinks coldly, more and more Thunder Lightning charges into center. 随着这一声冷喝,越来越多的雷电冲向中心。 An accumulation of Ancient Immortal is extremely terrifying, where so many do Thunder Lightning put is a disaster, the absorption? Even Purple Firmament Cult Master has not grasped the absorption, so many break in Zhong Shan within the body, hasn't supported him? 一个古仙的积累是极为恐怖的,这么多雷电放到哪里都是一个灾难,吸收?就算紫霄教主也没把握吸收,这么多冲入钟山体内,还不将他撑死? But, Purple Firmament Cult Master does not know that Zhong Shan's is mystical. 可,紫霄教主并不知道钟山的神秘。 The Zhong Shan's system is the Thunder Element system, body root is that type heavy/thick like the mountain, broad such as sea body root, but Divine World, lives for the thunder, does not fear your Radow, feared that your thunder is insufficient. 钟山的体制本身就是雷系体制,根骨又是那种厚重如山,广阔如海的根骨,而神界,更是为雷而生,不怕你雷多,就怕你雷不够。 Thunder Lightning charges into Zhong Shan of endless sparkle, Zhong Shan like a bottomless pit, does not see unable to bear. 无尽闪耀的雷电冲向钟山,钟山就像一个无底洞,怎么也不见受不了。 The Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion changes. 紫霄教主脸色微变。 This attracts, was the most double-hour, the Zhong Shan complexion also showed the painful facial expression, but this facial expression was actually Zhong Shan installs. 这一吸,就是大半个时辰,钟山脸色也露出了痛苦的神情,但这神情却是钟山自己装出来的。 Purple Firmament Cult Master thinks when Zhong Shan to limit each time, Zhong Shan is crazy continues to swallow. 每次紫霄教主以为钟山到了极限时,钟山还是疯狂的继续吞噬着。 What body is his? 他这是什么身体? A double-hour, the Purple Firmament Cult Master face gloomy fearfulness, Zhong Shan was he Heavenly Immortal? Didn't kill by the present? 一个时辰了,紫霄教主脸阴沉的可怕,钟山他是天仙吗?到现在都不炸死? Attracting, Eye of Heavenly Retribution more attracts is stronger, did Zhong Shan possibly kill? 吸,天罚之眼越吸越强,钟山怎么可能炸死? The terrifying vortex extrusion, the Purple Firmament Cult Master strange discovery, oneself ‚the world Thunder Lightning, at this moment already was short of near half, huge Thunder Pond sank near half. 恐怖的漩涡挤压,紫霄教主诡异的发现,自己‘世界’中的雷电,此刻已经少了近一半了,庞大的雷池沉下去了近一半。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? The Purple Firmament Cult Master forehead had/left cold sweat, in the hand long spear again thorn bitterly to Zhong Shan. The speed was too fast, is unable to respond quickly general to Zhong Shan. 紫霄教主额头出了一丝冷汗,手中长枪再度恨恨的刺向钟山。速度太快了,快到钟山无法反应一般。 But, that Ruler's Diagram actually seems intelligent to be the same, each time incomparably accurate keeping off in front of Zhong Shan. 可是,那张帝王图却好似有灵性一样,每次都无比精准的挡在钟山面前。 Punctures Ruler's Diagram, seemed punctures small world to be the same, making Purple Firmament Cult Master have to plant feeling on a fighting with the fists cotton, was irritable. 刺到帝王图,就好似刺到了小世界一样,让紫霄教主有种一拳打棉花上的感觉,非常别扭。 More than double-hour, some Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion blanches, because he discovered, Zhong Shan absorbs the Thunder Lightning speed, not only has not weakened, instead was getting stronger and stronger generally. 一个多时辰了,紫霄教主脸色有些发白,因为他发现,钟山吸收雷电的速度非但没有减弱,反而越来越强了一般。 hū ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Terrifying absorption, all rivers run into sea. Seeming to pull out completely general all Thunder Lightning. Moreover, even if at this moment Purple Firmament Cult Master wants to stop is very difficult to be the same, because on Zhong Shan had a huge suction strangely, is absorbing endless Thunder Lightning violently. 恐怖的吸收,海纳百川。好似要将所有雷电都抽尽一般。而且,这一刻就算紫霄教主想停下都很难一样,因为钟山身上诡异的产生了一股庞大的吸力,猛烈的吸收着无尽雷电 damned bastard!” 混账东西!” Purple Firmament Cult Master knows finally Zhong Shan worked as. 紫霄教主终于知道上了钟山当了。 body in a flash, five exactly the same Purple Firmament Cult Master appear suddenly, loudly together charges into Zhong Shan. The purple thunder projection, Purple Firmament Cult Master homemade Divine Ability, the rapidness of that speed, does not fall by Zhong Shan cultivation base radical escaping. 身形一晃,五个一模一样的紫霄教主陡然出现,轰然间一起冲向钟山。紫雷投影,紫霄教主自创的神通,那速度之快,以钟山修为根本逃之不掉。 But does Zhong Shan need to escape? Fighting of life and death, escapes dies! 钟山需要逃吗?生死之斗,逃就是死! When five Purple Firmament projections come again, in the Zhong Shan eye the cold light puts. 五个紫霄投影重来之际,钟山眼中寒光一放。 Purple Firmament Cult Master, you have really not grown the memory!” 紫霄教主,你还真不长记性!” In front of Zhong Shan presents a giant purple eye suddenly, an untender eye. 钟山面前陡然出现一个巨大的紫色眼睛,一个毫无感情的眼睛。 The purple eye opens, five purple thunder projections explode to open loudly, subsequently changes into enormous Thunder Lightning by the purple eye absorption. 紫色眼睛一开,五个紫雷投影轰然爆炸而开,继而化为大量雷电被紫色眼睛吸收。 The purple eye flashes to pass, but its powerful without a doubt. 紫眼一闪而逝,但是其强大毋庸置疑。 In that flash, Purple Firmament Cult Master even feels common people for the feeling of ants. Five purple thunder projection what responded radically does not have, exploded automatically? 在那一瞬间,紫霄教主甚至感觉到一种苍生为蝼蚁的感觉。五个紫雷投影根本什么反应也没有,就自动爆炸了? A Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion paleness, uses the purple thunder to project again obviously the similarly unusual consumption. 紫霄教主脸色再度一阵苍白,显然使用紫雷投影同样非常消耗。 Breaks!” Purple Firmament Cult Master shouting loudly. “断!”紫霄教主一声大喝 With receiving some backlash, stopped Zhong Shan to absorb the Thunder Lightning momentum finally, hence one time, Zhong Shan's this ability gave the recollection of Purple Firmament Cult Master Nightmare surely. 凭着受到一些反噬,终于止住了钟山吸收雷电的势头,至此一次,钟山的这个能力必定给紫霄教主噩梦的回忆。 How do you achieve?” Purple Firmament Cult Master inconceivable say/way. “你是怎么做到的?”紫霄教主不可思议道。 Heavenly Immortal, but this does Heavenly Immortal still more than 100 years under own nose, when he have this ability? 一个天仙,而这个天仙还在自己眼皮底下一百多年,他何时有这种能力的? Zhong Shan has not replied Purple Firmament Cult Master, but is indifferently said: Then was one's turn me?” 钟山并没有回答紫霄教主,而是淡淡道:“这下轮到我了?” During the Zhong Shan smiles, a Ruler's Diagram show/unfolds, the infinite blood wave from the internal washout, in the blood wave, enormous evil spirit non-stop miserably howling. It seems like extremely scary. 钟山微笑间,帝王图一展,无穷血浪从内部冲刷而出,血浪之中,大量恶鬼不停惨嚎。看上去极为的骇人。 Blood wave, Purple Firmament Cult Master world immediately a gloom. 血浪所过,紫霄教主的世界顿时一阵阴暗。 Strength of direct impact Purple Firmament Cult Master mind a terrifying corrosion. 一种恐怖的腐蚀之力直冲紫霄教主脑海。 Contamination! Is the terrifying contamination destroying the Purple Firmament Cult Master world? 污秽!恐怖的污秽在破坏着紫霄教主的世界? Is Stress Corruption, was directed Stress Corruption that from Yin Sector. 烦恼浊,从阴间被引上来的烦恼浊 ..................... ..................... ............ ............ The outside world, only has fight between Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon, two side fights make no distinction between victory and defeat, but is inducing the Zhong Shan direction. 外界,只剩下燃灯黄龙之间的战斗,两方战斗不分胜负,但都感应着钟山方向。 Zhong Shan vanished, vanished with Purple Firmament Cult Master. 钟山消失了,和紫霄教主一起消失了。 Ancient Immortal copes with Heavenly Immortal, how to the present? Didn't have to the present? 一个古仙对付一个天仙,怎么到现在?一直到现在还没好? Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Endless red light rising to the sky, the strength of terrifying contamination washed out enormous yellow fog suddenly immediately, falls in the ground, splits the enormous blood red air/Qi. 无尽红光忽然冲天而上,恐怖的污秽之力顿时冲散了大量黄雾,落于地上,绽出大量血红之气。 The fight of in the air Dipamkara and Yellow Dragon stops suddenly, together panic-stricken looks at that side battlefield. 空中燃灯黄龙的战斗骤然一停,一起惊骇的看着那一方战场。 Purple Firmament Cult Master to fighting Zhong Shan? 紫霄教主对战钟山? Came out from the Purple Firmament Cult Master world, may finally not be such that two people imagine. 紫霄教主的世界出来了,可结果并不是二人想象的那样。 A Purple Firmament Cult Master complexion paleness, a depression of face. Although has not been injured, but consumes really in a big way. 紫霄教主脸色一阵苍白,一脸的郁闷。虽然没受伤,但消耗甚大。 But Zhong Shan, actually that calm condition. Ruler's Diagram with the chest front, shows disdain for Purple Firmament Cult Master horizontally. 钟山自己,却还是那副从容之态。一张帝王图横与胸前,傲视紫霄教主 Also is Purple Firmament Cult Master is hapless, after a numerous method puts forth, unexpectedly each method was easily reduced and solved by Zhong Shan. 也是紫霄教主倒霉,一众手段使出之后,居然每一种手段都被钟山轻易化解了。 Zhong Shan falls by Heaven and Earth Cauldron, looks to Purple Firmament Cult Master, Dipamkara that stops fighting suddenly, Yellow Dragon. 钟山落于乾坤鼎旁,看向紫霄教主,还有那忽然停止战斗的燃灯,黄龙 Purple Firmament Cult Master, does Zhong Shan have the Ancient Immortal strength?” Yellow Dragon dignified say/way. 紫霄教主,钟山古仙实力?”黄龙凝重道。 No!” “没有!” No?” “没有?” No, but my method was just restrained by him, my general idea/careless!” Purple Firmament Cult Master depressed say/way. “没有,只是我的手段刚好被他克制,我大意了!”紫霄教主郁闷道。 ........................ “........................” no matter what, your solemn Ancient Immortal had no alternative Zhong Shan. This Zhong Shan cannot remain absolutely!” Yellow Dragon said solemnly. 不管如何,你堂堂古仙都没奈何得了钟山。这个钟山绝对留不得!”黄龙沉声道 This poor monk also thinks that Zhong Shan cannot remain!” Dipamkara at this moment strange and Yellow Dragon stood in a front. “贫僧也认为钟山留不得!”燃灯此刻诡异的和黄龙站在了一条战线上。 Three big peerless Expert coldly looks at Zhong Shan, the oath must cut to kill together to be the same today Zhong Shan. 三大绝世强者一起冷视钟山,誓要将钟山在今日斩杀一样。 This Zhong Shan's potential was too fearful, Heavenly Immortal has such ability merely, if he arrived at Great Immortal, to Ancient Immortal, who also tidied up him? 这个钟山的潜力太可怕了,仅仅还是天仙就有如此能耐,若是等他到了大仙,到了古仙,谁还收拾得了他? Today's enmity already has, not, if cuts to kill it immediately! 今日的仇怨已经结下,不若马上将其斩杀! Zhong Shan has not dreaded, looks at these three peerless Expert, on the face reveals air of arrogance. 钟山没有畏惧,看着这三个绝世强者,脸上露出一股傲气 Kills me? That must look at you to have that ability!” Zhong Shan coldly said. “杀我?那要看你们有没有那个能耐!”钟山冷声道 But at this time, a palm of Dipamkara patted loudly, such as coped with Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail to be the same a moment ago, the terrifying red class/flow washout came together, Yellow Dragon was also a open mouth dragon breath, washed out to Zhong Shan, want to sets at the deathtrap Zhong Shan. 而这时,燃灯的一掌轰然拍下,如刚才对付八极天尾一样,一道恐怖的红流冲刷而来,黄龙也是张口一口龙息,冲刷向钟山,想要钟山置之死地。 Zhong Shan holds Ruler's Diagram, shuts eyes, the complexion is quite serious, the left eye has shut, the right eye opens slowly. 钟山手托帝王图,闭起双眼,面色极为严肃,左眼一直闭起,右眼缓缓睁开。 The right eye opens, dark blue piece that the pupil of right eye suddenly changes. A terrifying pressure immediately from right eye place washout to Heaven and Earth four directions . 右眼睁开之间,右眼的瞳孔陡然变的深蓝一片。一股恐怖的威压顿时从右眼处冲刷向天地四方 A moment ago also in surges endless yellow fog, suddenly one static, seemed by the ominous light shock and awe of this eye does not dare to move general. 刚才还在翻腾的无尽黄雾,陡然一静,好似被这只眼睛的凶光震慑的不敢动弹一般。 Red Luan Heavenly Scripture Eighth Layer, Luck and Ominous Twin Pupil, right eye Ominous Eye. 红鸾天经第八重,凶吉双瞳,右眼凶瞳 Peerless Ominous Eye, opens! 绝世凶瞳,开! ***: Asked *** ticket. *** The ticket is not powerful, everyone anything else? ***:求***票。***票不给力啊,大家还有吗?
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