IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#940: Shen Xiu life and death

Covers up Heavenly Mystery, heaven defying transformation? Is this Feng Shui?” The Dipamkara brow wrinkles surprisedly said. “遮掩天机,逆天化形?这是风水阵?”燃灯眉头一皱惊讶道 Dipamkara knits the brows incessantly, Zhong Shan on Mountain Square, at this moment is also the look jumps. 不止燃灯皱眉,方山上的钟山,此刻也是眼神一跳。 Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array? This Feng Shui Zhong Shan has seen, past when Small Thousand Worlds competed for «Earthly Book», Great Array of Feng Shui Master Shen Xiu arrangement, was this. 入瓮困龙大阵?这个风水钟山见过,昔日小千世界争夺《地书》之时,风水师神秀布置的大阵,就是这个。 When Small Thousand Worlds, Feng Shui Master Heaven, Earth, Human, God, Ghost, only then Shen Xiu understood that this formation, Shen Xiu didn't die? Shen Xiu lineage/vein should also break. 小千世界时,风水师天地人神鬼’,只有神秀懂得这个阵法,神秀不是死了吗?神秀一脉应该也断了。 What can at present be? Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array? 可眼前是什么?入瓮困龙大阵? could it be that is a Shen Xiu lineage/vein founder, did he become an immortal Small Thousand Worlds many ten thousand years ago? 难道神秀一脉的祖师,他早在很多万年前就成仙出了小千世界? It is not right, the Zhong Shan suddenly facial expression changes. 不对,钟山忽然神情微变。 Did Shen Xiu die? Past died, was easily killed by Small Thousand Worlds Yin Sector Tian Family Expert very much, was, initially Yin Sector Unaging World World Lord Ye Qingcheng, politely called his one Grandmaster Shen Xiu, but facing the Unaging World ancient Mirror Monster Master actually face air of arrogance. 神秀死了?昔日死的很轻易,被小千世界阴间天家的一名强者杀死,可是,当初就连阴间不老界界主叶倾城,都尊称他一声‘神秀大师’,而面对不老界的宿老‘镜妖师’却一脸傲气 The Shen Xiu strength obviously is far less than Mirror Monster Master, but was actually politely called by Ye Qingcheng? His death, definitely has the fishy! 神秀实力明显远不如镜妖师,可却被叶倾城尊称?他的死,绝对有蹊跷! could it be that hasn't Shen Xiu died? 难道神秀没死? ------------------------ ------------------------ Wind Mound Territory, Azure Mound! 风冢疆域,青丘! Sima Qing your family place, at this moment came a purple qipao gown man, the man not to have the eyebrow, looked extremely grandiose, bound in purple qipao gown, seemed like obviously mysterious. 司马青的府上,此刻来了一个紫袍男子,男子没有眉毛,看上去极为壮硕,裹在紫袍之中,看上去更显神秘。 In the courtyard is putting some Jade Platform, above Jade Platform the fog fills the air, is really mysterious. 院子里放着一些玉台,玉台之上云雾弥漫,甚是神秘。 Sima Qing and purple qipao gown men look at this Jade Platform. 司马青紫袍男子都看着这个玉台 Sima Qing has not seen anything, but the purple qipao gown man is actually dignified. 司马青没看出什么,而紫袍男子却是神情凝重。 Grandmaster, Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array opening?” Sima Qing asked. “大师,入瓮困龙大阵开启了?”司马青问道。 Opened, what a pity Sima Zongheng this point had/left a condition.” The purple qipao gown man shakes the head to say. “开启了,可惜司马纵横这一环出了点状况。”紫袍男子摇摇头道。 „?” The Sima Qing complexion changes. “哦?”司马青脸色一变。 So long as Sima Yuan can process a bit faster, this point of harmless!” The purple qipao gown man shakes the head to say. “只要司马元能够快点处理,这一环无伤大雅!”紫袍男子摇摇头道。 That is good!” Sima Qing nods. “那就好!”司马青点点头。 „The technique of Grandmaster Feng Shui is unusual, I see the Grandmaster not to have the disciple, has a younger male cousin below, the natural talent is quite intelligent, whether to do obeisance fortunately under big sect?” Sima Qing said. “大师风水之术超凡脱俗,我见大师还没有弟子,在下有一表弟,天资极为聪慧,可否有幸拜在大师门下?”司马青说道。 During the speeches, Sima Qing claps gently. 说话间,司马青轻轻拍拍手。 Quick never the distant place walks a youngster, in the youngster eyes is quite nimble and resourceful, obviously is the rare good seedling. 很快从不远处走过来一名少年,少年眼中极为灵动,显然是不可多得的好苗子。 The purple qipao gown man has a look at Sima Qing, shakes the head saying: My this lineage/vein? Has not taught others, I do not need the disciple!” 紫袍男子看看司马青,摇摇头道:“我这一脉?从来没有传人,我也不需要弟子!” Good, it seems like it was my younger male cousin not that good fortune!” Sima Qing nods. “好吧,看来是我这表弟没有那个福分了!”司马青点点头。 Waves, the youngster departs immediately. 挥挥手,那少年马上离去。 Grandmaster, you looked, Azure Mound must exchange ownerships immediately, can the Grandmaster be interested in keeping my Azure Mound?” Sima Qing said immediately. “大师,你看,青丘马上就要易主了,大师可有兴趣留在我青丘?”司马青马上说道。 Azure Mound? Your doesn't Azure Mound have Feng Shui Master?” purple qipao gown man indifferently said. 青丘?你青丘不是有风水师吗?”紫袍男子淡淡道 He? How can he compare with the Grandmaster? He only knows the Feng Shui fur/superficial knowledge at most. The Feng Shui technique of Grandmaster is immeasurably deep, even many Feng Shui techniques below unheard of! The Grandmaster is true Grandmaster Feng Shui!” Sima Qing thinks highly to say immediately. “他?他怎么能跟大师比?他顶多只知风水皮毛而已。大师的风水术深不可测,甚至很多风水术在下闻所未闻!大师才是真正的风水大师!”司马青马上恭维道。 Shakes the head, purple qipao gown man indifferently said: Was used to below at ease, do not say, when you take down Azure Mound, I only take 100 Yuan Destiny then!” 摇摇头,紫袍男子淡淡道:“在下闲散惯了,你就不要说了,待你取下青丘,我只取一百元气数即可!” Saw the rejection of purple qipao gown man, the Sima Qing brow wrinkled the wrinkle, finally nods. 看到紫袍男子的拒绝,司马青眉头皱了皱,最后还是点点头。 ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Terrifying Entering Jar Besieging Dragon Great Array. 恐怖的入瓮困龙大阵 yellow fog fills the air, could not see clearly the scenery of distant place, can see that merely the Expert incarnations became Yellow Dragon, by forcefully transformed into dragon. 黄雾弥漫,根本看不清远处之景了,仅仅能够看到一个又一个强者化身成为黄龙,被强行化龙 Small Thousand Worlds time, that is also only a mortal, but here, Immortal, even Immortal could not resist unexpectedly generally, this Great Array was too terrifying. 小千世界的时候,那还只是凡人,而这里,仙人,居然连仙人也抵抗不了一般,这个大阵太恐怖了。 Ancient Immortal sees this, knew in the heart wonderfully, does not have the escape route in all directions, but competed for Heaven and Earth Cauldron seems possibly is different, body in a flash, shot to go toward a distant place direction whirlwind, saw to inject in yellow fog in an instant. 一个古仙看到这一幕,心知不妙,四面八方毫无退路了,而争夺乾坤鼎也好似没有可能了一样,身形一晃,向着远处一个方向飚射而去,一转眼见射入黄雾之中。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Heavenshaking Dragon Roar, in yellow fog suddenly to/clashes huge Yellow Dragon, this Yellow Dragon is other Yellow Dragon ten times continues. 一声震天龙吟,黄雾之中陡然间冲回来一条庞然黄龙,这头黄龙是其他黄龙的十倍不止。 That did Ancient Immortal also turn into Yellow Dragon?” Does not know that who called out in alarm. “那古仙也变成黄龙了?”不知谁惊叫了起来。 Even can Ancient Immortal also transformation? This what formation?” “连古仙也能化形?这什么阵法?” I must go out!” “我要出去!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... People are calling panic-stricken, the cognition that at present these subvert everyone is the same, was too terrifying. 人们惊恐的叫着,眼前这一幕幕颠覆了所有人的认知一样,太恐怖了。 This has not calculated, the distant place, two yellow Dragon Roam to one, touched suddenly. 这还不算,远处,两条黄龙游到了一起,忽然一触。 !” “呼!” Two Yellow Dragon strange combining, change into bigger Yellow Dragon unexpectedly. 两条黄龙居然诡异的合二为一,化为一条更大的黄龙 Oh!” Numerous Expert calls out in alarm. “啊哦!”一众强者一阵惊呼。 Body Fusion? These Yellow Dragon seem all rivers run into sea to be the same, in crazy Body Fusion? 合体?这些黄龙好似海纳百川一样,在疯狂合体? yellow fog is getting more and more near, more and more Expert were changed into Yellow Dragon, escapes? Has no place to go. 黄雾越来越近,越来越多的强者被化为黄龙,逃?无处可逃。 heaven-shaking changes suddenly, causing in the everyone heart is a panic. 惊天突变,引得所有人心中都是一阵恐慌。 Dipamkara coldly looks at this, in the heart has not dreaded, perhaps if in the Ancient Immortal boundary, Dipamkara at this moment will also still be worried, but, now Dipamkara already was Ancestor Immortal, Ancestor Immortal, Great Thousand Worlds true Expert. 燃灯冷冷的看着这一幕,心中并未丝毫畏惧,若是还在古仙境,或许燃灯此刻也会担心,但是,现在燃灯已经祖仙了,祖仙,大千世界真正的强者 Under Ancestor Immortal, all strengths are the thoughtless talks, because, the ancestor can transfer Heavenly Dao, this Heaven and Earth maximum strength. 祖仙之下,一切实力都为妄谈,因为,祖先可以调动天道,这天地最大的力量。 Ancestor Immortal can strive for hegemony truly the person of under the heavens. Feng Shui. 祖仙才是真正能够争雄天下之人。一个风水阵而已。 However, who is this Feng Shui is arranges? 不过,这是风水阵是谁布置的? Dipamkara is having doubts, suddenly the complexion changes, turns head to look, actually discovered that Absolute Beginning Saint King and Nine-Tailed princess directly soars the Heaven and Earth Cauldron place. 燃灯正在疑惑间,忽然脸色一变,扭头望去,却发现太初圣王九尾郡主直奔乾坤鼎处。 Bang!” “轰!” A Dipamkara palm makes, void presents two red energy fluxes immediately. Strikes loudly on two females. 燃灯一掌打出,虚空中顿时出现两道红色能量流。轰然击在二女身上。 !” !” “噗!”“噗!” Two females almost a blood spouts simultaneously, the whole body is incapable immediately weak before Heaven and Earth Cauldron, severe wound? Is this Ancestor Immortal and Ancient Immortal disparity? 二女几乎同时一口鲜血喷出,全身顿时无力瘫软在乾坤鼎前,重伤?这就是祖仙古仙的差距? Dipamkara just trod the broken Ancestor Immortal boundary, just trod to break on the disparity merely is so big? 燃灯只是刚刚踏破祖仙境啊,仅仅刚踏破就差距这么大? Under Ancestor Immortal and Ancestor Immortal, are really a day, place! The difference of Heaven and Earth. 祖仙祖仙之下,果然是一个天,一个地!天地之别。 In two people of eyes flashes through a despair. 二人眼中闪过一股绝望。 Zhong Shan!” The Nine-Tailed princess called out suddenly. 钟山!”九尾郡主忽然叫道。 Throws into us Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Heaven and Earth Cauldron no restriction of any kind, even shatter Heaven and Earth Cauldron, will be the Saint most precious object, yellow fog will not injure to us!” Absolute Beginning Saint King said. “将我们丢入乾坤鼎中,乾坤鼎百无禁忌,就算是破碎的乾坤鼎,也是圣人至宝,黄雾就不会伤到我们了!”太初圣王说道。 Hears the Absolute Beginning Saint King words, enormous Expert comes in swarms toward here. Obviously, no one wants by transformation to be Yellow Dragon. 听到太初圣王的话,大量强者向着这里蜂拥而来。显然,谁也不想被化形黄龙 Snort!” Dipamkara cold snort/hum. “哼!”燃灯一声冷哼。 Around Mountain Square produces a red air wave immediately, the red air wave attacks to all directions, any Expert that to/clashes by this red air wave to flying. 方山四周顿时产生一股红色气浪,红色气浪冲击向四面八方,凡是冲来的强者都被这股红色气浪冲飞。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” During the pitiful yells was covered by yellow fog, subsequently changes into a big cocoon, finally changes into Yellow Dragon to break out of their cocoons, accumulation that more and more Yellow Dragon, Yellow Dragon non-stop, greatly, is more and more getting stronger and stronger. 惨叫间被黄雾笼罩,继而化为一个大茧,最终化为黄龙破茧而出,越来越多的黄龙,黄龙不停的聚集,越来越大,越来越强。 Dipamkara coldly looks. 燃灯冷冷的看着。 But Zhong Shan actually to two females in front , searched the hand to hug two females, two female good vraisemblances unusual is weak, delicate tender body weak is holding the Zhong Shan neck. 钟山却是到了二女面前,一手一个,探手抱起二女,二女好似真的非常虚弱,柔弱的娇躯无力的抱着钟山脖子。 Moves toward the Heaven and Earth Cauldron place, must throw into the cauldron two females. 走向乾坤鼎处,就要将二女丢入鼎中。 „No one can bump Heaven and Earth Cauldron!” Dipamkara looks suddenly to Zhong Shan. “谁也不许碰乾坤鼎!”燃灯忽然看向钟山 During the speeches, searches a hand palm to grasp to Zhong Shan. 说话间,探手一掌抓向钟山 Zhong Shan face one horizontal, throws into two females, in the meantime, four tails of Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, that imitates, if the tail of Executing Immortal Four Swords, has the domineering might to attack suddenly to Dipamkara. 钟山脸一横,将二女丢入,同时,八极天尾的四条尾巴,那仿若诛仙四剑的尾巴,陡然携有强势的威力冲击向燃灯 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, a Dipamkara palm struck back. 一声巨响,燃灯一掌被打回。 The Dipamkara complexion changes, searches a hand palm from depress void. 燃灯脸色一变,探手一掌从虚空压下。 The fiery red flowing light energy attacks together loudly to Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail. 一道火红色流光能量轰然冲击向八极天尾 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A super loud sound. Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail knocked down loudly underground, eight tails are weak immediately , the head dispirited, is seriously injured! 一声超级巨响。八极天尾轰然被打落地下,八条尾巴顿时瘫软而下,头部萎靡,身受重伤! Too strong, is this Ancestor Immortal? A palm? One did merely palm defeat Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail? 太强了,这就是祖仙?一掌?仅仅一掌就败了八极天尾? Zhong Shan stared in a big way the eye, this first time was Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail caused heavy losses in history! 钟山瞪大了眼睛,这是八极天尾有史以来第一次受到重创! Ancestor Immortal! Is Ancestor Immortal really such strong? 祖仙!祖仙真的都是这么强? Under a palm, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail seemed loses all strengths to be the same, the Zhong Shan intention moved, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail vanished slowly. Returned to Zhong Shan Niwan Palace, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail to heal from a wound. 一掌之下,八极天尾就好似失去了所有力气一般,钟山心念一动间,八极天尾缓缓消失。回到钟山泥丸宫,八极天尾养伤了。 But disappearance of Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, immediately causes a Dipamkara accident/surprise. 八极天尾的消失,顿时引起燃灯的一阵意外。 Although does not know where Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail went, but knows, the strength of no counter-attack Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail was hit the affirmation that causes heavy losses to by that palm a moment ago, was thrown into the two females in Heaven and Earth Cauldron probably a moment ago, Dipamkara had confidence, their two present already were incapable of revolting thoroughly. 虽然不知道八极天尾哪去了,但知道,八极天尾被刚才那一掌打的肯定重创的毫无反击之力了,就好像刚才被丢入乾坤鼎内的二女,燃灯有把握,她们两个现在已经彻底无力反抗了。 Only was left over Zhong Shan? Heavenly Immortal Realm Zhong Shan? Lost Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, he is also only Heavenly Immortal Realm! 只剩下一个钟山了?天仙境钟山?失去了八极天尾,他也只是天仙境吧! When Dipamkara prepares to process Zhong Shan. 正待燃灯准备处理钟山之际。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Vigorous incomparable Dragon Roar transmits from the north. 一声浑厚无比的龙吟从北方传来。 Body Fusion, almost all Yellow Dragon Body Fusion, about were bigger. Ancient Immortal, numerous Ancient Immortal was almost changed into Yellow Dragon. Evil different style. 合体,几乎所有黄龙合体了,越合越大。古仙,一众古仙几乎都被化为了黄龙。邪异的招式。 Yellow Dragon seems is controlled, does not have the consciousness. 黄龙好似被控制,毫无意识。 Endless Expert by transformation, yellow fog will also be covered completely slowly in all directions completely. 原本无尽的强者全部被化形了,黄雾也缓缓将四面八方全部笼罩。 Mountain Square is no exception. 就连方山也不例外。 Without transformed into dragon only has four people. 没有化龙的只有四人。 Dipamkara, the Ancestor Immortal strength, may transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, but also does not have transformed into dragon. 燃灯,祖仙实力,可调动天道之力,还没有化龙 Sima Yuan and Purple Firmament Cult Master, do not have transformed into dragon. 司马元紫霄教主,都没有化龙 there is still one, is everyone never expected Zhong Shan, the Zhong Shan stand above Mountain Square, is receiving innumerable yellow fog to cover, unexpectedly does not have transformed into dragon. 还有一个,是所有人想不到钟山,钟山站着方山之上,受着无数黄雾笼罩,居然也没有化龙 Huge Yellow Dragon only had one. Flies slowly, release a vast imposing manner. 庞大的黄龙只剩下一条了。缓缓飞来,释放出一股浩瀚的气势。 Dipamkara looks at three people, these three people, who is a chief instigator? 燃灯看着三人,这三人,到底谁是主谋? Suddenly, Sima Yuan whole body yellow light puts, no, is the golden light, has one metallic luster ray. After the golden light puts greatly, Sima Yuan breaks in Yellow Dragon loudly. 忽然间,司马元周身黄光一放,不,是金光,有着一种金属光泽的光芒。金光大放之后,司马元轰然冲入黄龙之中。 suddenly, that Yellow Dragon both eyes emit the golden light, huge Yellow Dragon immediately eyes has god. 陡然间,那黄龙双目放射出金光,庞大黄龙顿时双眼有神了起来。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Yellow Dragon look up to heaven and give a long, mournful cry, a face proudly looks to Dipamkara. 黄龙仰天长啸,一脸傲然的看向燃灯 Purple Firmament Cult Master, troubles you to extinguish kills Zhong Shan, I cope with Dipamkara!” The Golden Dragon mouth spits the criticism/human language suddenly. 紫霄教主,麻烦你灭杀钟山,我来对付燃灯!”金龙忽然口吐人言。 ***: Monday, asked *** ticket , to 200 tickets, only then how many tickets, who also had extra? ***:星期一啊,求***票,还有,离200票只有几票了,谁还有富余啊?
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