IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#939: full of twists and turns

A Sima Yuan palm grasps, immediately causes the four directions Expert attention. 司马元一掌抓来,顿时引得四方强者注意。 scoundrel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 混账~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Numerous Ancient Immortal exudes the sound of angry roaring immediately. 一众古仙顿时发出怒吼之声。 Heaven and Earth Cauldron, everyone has not gone to snatch has the tacit understanding, who snatches is the entire Ancient Immortal public enemy, at this moment is also the Absolute Beginning Saint King spoils of war, therefore hands over by Zhong Shan nurses, no one has the opinion, but before the victory and defeat has not divided, no one must overstep one step. 乾坤鼎,大家没去抢都是有着默契的,谁去抢就是全古仙公敌,此刻还属于太初圣王的战利品,因此交由钟山看护,谁也没有意见,但在胜负未分前,谁也不得逾越一步。 Even if with Absolute Beginning Saint King together Sima Yuan, absolutely not. 哪怕与太初圣王一起的司马元,也绝对不可以。 Too quick, Sima Yuan did preparation that snatches Heaven and Earth Cauldron, naturally at the maximum speed, when numerous Ancient Immortal discovers, palm already to the Zhong Shan vicinity. 太快了,司马元做了抢乾坤鼎的准备,自然以最快的速度,待一众古仙发现之际,手掌已经到了钟山近处。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The giant palm that a loud sound, Sima Yuan concentrates is defeated and dispersed loudly. Sima Yuan also by flying upside down of hostility impact. 一声巨响,司马元凝出的巨掌轰然溃散。司马元也被一股戾气冲击的倒飞而出。 Sima Yuan never expected, on Mountain Square last can Zhong Shan send out such strong might? 司马元怎么也想不到,方山上最后一个钟山能发出这么强的威力? Really, when Sima Yuan departs, numerous Ancient Immortal encircles to Sima Yuan, each and everyone stared this not to defend the well-mannered person. 果然,在司马元飞出之际,一众古仙就围向了司马元,一个个瞪着这不守规矩的人。 But before original Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Zhong Shan front long purple tail, enormous Sword Qi washes out from the purple tail. 而在原乾坤鼎前,钟山面前一条长长的紫色尾巴,大量剑气从紫色尾巴中冲刷而出。 Is this tail flies the Sima Yuan bang. 就是这个尾巴将司马元轰飞的。 Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail? 八极天尾? The Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail stand the Zhong Shan shoulder, is bluffing and blustering, looks that in an numerous Ancient Immortal eye projects share of cold intent. 八极天尾站着钟山肩头,耀武扬威,看着一众古仙眼中投射出一股冷意。 at this moment, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail ate Ancient Immortal not to have too big to enhance again, when the hope vision facing Yan Hui also vanished. 此刻,八极天尾再吃古仙也没有太大提高了,因此面对颜回时的渴望目光也消失了。 Zhong Shan's God Beast, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail? 钟山的神兽,八极天尾? Almost everyone looks to the Zhong Shan shoulder, does it come? It seems emerges out of thin air is the same. 几乎所有人都看向钟山肩头,它是怎么来的?好似凭空出现的一样。 Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail kept off Sima Yuan. 八极天尾挡下了司马元 Although becomes the people focus, but no one has flushed at this moment again, but is waits for Absolute Beginning Saint King and Dipamkara Ancient Buddha result. 虽然成为众人焦点,但这一刻谁也没有再冲上来,而是等待太初圣王燃灯古佛的结果。 Sima Yuan at this moment actually by an numerous Ancient Immortal deep alert, he is an unsettled element, want to seizes Heaven and Earth Cauldron, abstained by everyone. 司马元此刻却被一众古仙深深戒备,他是一个不安定元素,想要强抢乾坤鼎,遭所有人忌讳。 However, doesn't Sima Yuan have the injury unexpectedly? everyone looks to Purple Firmament Cult Master, because two people fought a moment ago are wounded respectively, is two people acting in a play? 不过,司马元居然没有伤势?所有人看向紫霄教主,因为二人刚才一战各自负伤,两人在做戏? Sima Yuan bitterly looks at Zhong Shan, should listen to the son Sima Qing words early, earlier extinguishes Zhong Shan will not have today this matter. 司马元恨恨的看着钟山,早该听儿子司马青的话,早点将钟山灭了就不会有今天这种事。 Has sulks, Sima Yuan to fly to a distant place mountain peak, falls on the summit of mountain peak, becomes Ancient Immortal that fights for Heaven and Earth Cauldron, except for Dipamkara, already had 17 Ancient Immortal is the Zhong Shan hostile forces. 带着一股闷气,司马元飞向远处一座山峰,落在山峰之巅,成为争抢乾坤鼎古仙一员,除了燃灯,已经是有十七个古仙钟山敌对势力了。 The Sima Yuan under foot treads, a slight energy breaks in the land to vanish to disappear by mountain body. 司马元脚下微踏,一股细微的能量透过山体冲入大地消失不见了。 The south remote place, place of the incomparably bleak mountain valley, mountain valley all around hazy, seeming to cover Great Array to be the same, if Zhong Shan here, certain recognizes, this Great Array and previously Feng Shui exactly the same of Sima Zongheng place. 南方遥远处,一个无比荒凉的山谷之处,山谷四周烟雾弥漫,好似笼罩着一个大阵一样,若是钟山在此,一定一眼认出,这个大阵与先前司马纵横处的风水阵一模一样。 In mountain valley is standing the enormous Absolute Beginning officers, or the family/home army of Sima Family clan. 山谷中站着大量太初将士,或者说司马家族的家军。 And red-robed man waits for before small formation. Small suddenly luminous. 其中一个红袍男子守候在一个小阵法前。小阵忽然一阵光亮。 Patriarch came the information, was the time, Heaven and Earth Cauldron already by a Patriarch introduction heart!” That red-robed man exciting say/way. 家主来信息了,是时候了,乾坤鼎已经家主引入阵心!”那红袍男子兴奋道。 Starts the set up formation!” red-robed man sets out, waves to say. “开始布阵!”红袍男子起身,一挥手道。 Yes!” Numerous Sima Family juniors immediately set up formation. “是!”一众司马家子弟马上布阵。 This happened in dozens different places, obviously this is a bureau, Sima Yuan has designed the fine situation, huge Feng Shui. On Heaven and Earth Cauldron Feng Shui in view of Mountain Square. 这一幕发生在几十个不同的地方,显然这是一个局,一个司马元早就设计好的局,一个庞大的风水阵。针对方山乾坤鼎风水阵。 The set up formation, the Great Array arrange/cloth one after another gets up, but due west of Mountain Square. 布阵,一处又一处的大阵布起,而在方山正西方。 Sima Zongheng was abandoned cultivation base by Zhong Shan, weak in place, a hatred of face. 司马纵横钟山废了修为,瘫软在地,一脸的仇恨。 Thinks of Zhong Shan all sorts, the regret of Sima Zongheng whole face, unlucky star? Fate Tribulation? Zhong Shan is he my Fate Tribulation? Why bumps into him, am I unlucky? Also one after another. 想到钟山种种,司马纵横满脸的后悔,灾星?命劫?钟山他是我的命劫吗?为什么碰到他,我就要倒霉?还一次接着一次。 Thinks of here, in the Sima Zongheng chest the sulks were more, several want to put out the counter blood to be endured. 想到这里,司马纵横胸中闷气更多了,几次想要吐出逆血都被忍了下来。 At this moment, under the corpse of Sima Zongheng not far away, braves to project the light green light suddenly. 就在这时,司马纵横不远处的一个尸体之下,忽然冒射出淡淡的绿光。 Sima Zongheng lifts that corpse, because there is a corpse to cover, therefore Zhong Shan had not previously discovered. 司马纵横掀开那尸体,因为有尸体盖着,所以先前钟山并没有发现。 After may lift that corpse, Sima Zongheng saw shining small formation finally. 可掀开那尸体之后,司马纵横终于看到发亮的小阵法了。 !” Sima Zongheng could not bear again, a counter blood blowout. “噗!”司马纵横再也忍不住了,一口逆血喷出。 The Patriarch important matter started, but, actually made the big careless mistake in oneself this point. That Feng Shui formation was destroyed by Zhong Shan. 家主的大事开始了,可是,在自己这一环却是出了大纰漏。那个风水阵法钟山摧毁了。 Day, I am so how hapless!” Sima Zongheng spat up blood one rise, fell to the ground to faint. “天呐,我怎么这么倒霉啊!”司马纵横呕血一升,倒地昏死过去。 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Before Mountain Square, the war is still continuing, did the Absolute Beginning Saint King domineering seem infected everyone, Ten-Tailed? Really is the Ancient Immortal first person? 方山前,大战还在继续着,太初圣王的强势好似感染了所有人,十尾?真的是古仙第一人吗? Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, sky blue light powder, 20 four Calming Sea Spiritual Beads broke suddenly loudly, but Dipamkara was infiltrated underground, in underground dislodges a giant pothole. 一声巨响,天空蓝光陡然一散,二十四颗定海神珠轰然破碎了,而燃灯更是被打入地下,在地下撞出一个巨型坑洞。 The body of Dipamkara, was completely burnt. Made into a black coal to be the same by Absolute Beginning Saint King. death Qi heavy. 燃灯的身体,全部焦了。被太初圣王打成了一块黑炭一般。死气沉沉。 In the midair, Absolute Beginning Saint King implored the tone slightly, Ten-Tailed drags swinging. It seems like extremely aggressive. 半空之中,太初圣王微微吁了口气,身后十尾摇曳摆动。看上去极为的霸气。 An numerous Expert silence, including numerous Ancient Immortal, all silent looks to Absolute Beginning Saint King. 一众强者一阵沉默,包括一众古仙,尽数沉默的看向太初圣王 Has a look at the ground again Dipamkara Ancient Buddha, already becomes hard coke Dipamkara Ancient Buddha. 再看看地上的燃灯古佛,已经成为一块焦炭的燃灯古佛 Dipamkara Ancient Buddha losses? 燃灯古佛了? Absolute Beginning Saint King reveals slightly exhaustedly, but below Dipamkara can only say that is more miserable! 太初圣王露出微微疲惫,而下方的燃灯只能说更惨! War? Who does also fight? 战?还有谁来战? Is hesitating in everyone. 正在所有人踌躇之际。 Ka!” “咔!” A Dipamkara Ancient Buddha that hard coke suddenly resounding. 燃灯古佛的那块焦炭忽然一声脆响。 everyone looks, the discovery, above that hard coke had a crack suddenly. 所有人望去,却发现,那块焦炭之上忽然出现了一道裂缝。 Crack? 裂缝? Kā kā kā kā kā ........................!” 咔咔咔咔咔........................!” After a series of sounds, the hard coke presents the crack that such as the spider web manages. A full of vitality breeds from death Qi. 一连串的声响过后,焦炭出现如蜘蛛网办的裂纹。一股勃勃生机从死气中孕育。 Vitality?” “生机?” Almost everyone is the complexion changes, hasn't Dipamkara died? 几乎所有人都是脸色微变,燃灯还没死? ! 啪! The hard coke indicated that suddenly falls a scrap jet black external skin, revealed is actually the white and tender flesh? Flesh of Dipamkara? 焦炭表明忽然掉落一小块漆黑的表皮,露出的却是白嫩的肌肤?燃灯的肌肤? suddenly, a huge imposing manner from hard coke interior sending out, imposing manner, blows out vast air current to be the same, blows to all directions, pressure on the everyone heart. 陡然间,一股庞大的气势从焦炭内部散发而出,气势一出,吹出一股浩瀚的气流一般,吹向四面八方,压向所有人心中。 Ancestor, Ancestor Immortal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~?” “祖,祖仙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?” Does not know that was who is startled to call out. 不知是谁惊叫道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The enormous hard coke explodes disperses to open, the infinite azure energy wraps Dipamkara loudly. Above the azure energy, an oil lamp appears again. 大量焦炭爆散而开,无穷青色能量轰然包裹燃灯。青色能量之上,一盏青灯再度出现。 Wasn't that oil lamp is destroyed by Absolute Beginning Saint King a moment ago? Also recovered? 那青灯不是刚才被太初圣王毁了吗?又复原了? azure light covers, the time of fully burning a joss stick, everyone realized is not wonderful. Absolute Beginning Saint King also stares the big eye. 青光笼罩,整整一炷香的时间,所有人都意识到了不妙。太初圣王也是瞪大眼睛。 Breakthrough?” Absolute Beginning Saint King cannot believe to say. “突破了?”太初圣王不可置信道。 Bang!” “嘭!” azure light powder, appears internal Dipamkara immediately. 青光一散,顿时现出内部的燃灯 Dipamkara restored, seems a wound not to have, the whole body blooms the dazzling brilliance, looks extremely radiant. 燃灯恢复了,好似一点伤也没有,全身绽放出耀眼的光彩,看上去极为璀璨。 Amitabha Buddha!” Dipamkara suddenly Buddha. 无量寿佛!”燃灯忽然一声佛号。 Many thanks Absolute Beginning Saint King, making me become aware a life and death!” Dipamkara indifferently said. “多谢太初圣王,让我悟通生死!”燃灯淡淡道 „Becoming aware a life and death, achievement Ancestor Immortal? No, Ancestor Buddha?” The Absolute Beginning Saint King brow deep wrinkle said. “悟通生死,成就祖仙?不,祖佛?”太初圣王眉头深皱道。 No one has thought that this matter full of twists and turns, already achieved the effect of forcing outstanding heroes unexpectedly, finally Dipamkara in this final time, unexpectedly breakthrough? Ancestor Immortal? Is Ancestor Immortal so good to break through? 谁也没想的,这事居然一波三折,原本已经达到力压群雄的效果了,结果燃灯在这最后时刻,居然突破了?祖仙?祖仙那么好突破吗? Numerous Ancient Immortal was also astonished looks to Dipamkara, Dipamkara this boy also good luck. 一众古仙也是一脸愕然的看向燃灯,燃灯这厮也太好运了。 I have said that Heaven and Earth Cauldron teaches fated with me, Absolute Beginning Saint King, was again persistent!” Dipamkara said with a smile again. “我说过,乾坤鼎与我教有缘,太初圣王,还是不要再执着了!”燃灯再度笑道。 20 four Calming Sea Spiritual Beads broke, breaking was unimportant, today's already regarding Dipamkara gained, achievement Ancestor Immortal compared ten sets of Calming Sea Spiritual Beads to be important. Moreover at present isn't the there is still one Saint most precious object? 二十定海神珠破了,破了不要紧,对于燃灯来说今天已经赚到了,成就祖仙比十套定海神珠还要重要。而且眼前不是还有一个圣人至宝吗? The scene changes is quite strange, numerous Ancient Immortal was still guarding against Absolute Beginning Saint King a moment ago, at this moment is guarding against Dipamkara unexpectedly together. 场面变的极为诡异,刚才一众古仙还在防着太初圣王,此刻居然一起防着燃灯了。 Ancestor Immortal, Ancestor Immortal and Ancient Immortal may be different, even weakest Ancestor Immortal, that is still Ancestor Immortal. Under Saint, highest boundary. 祖仙,祖仙古仙可不同,就算最弱的祖仙,那也是祖仙圣人之下,最高境界。 Dipamkara achieves Ancestor Immortal, then what also snatches? 燃灯达到祖仙,这下还抢什么? Ancestor Immortal? I do not believe your good luck, Great Perfection Divine Palm!” The Absolute Beginning Saint King anger called out. 祖仙?我不信你那么好运,大圆满神掌!”太初圣王怒叫道。 During speeches, Absolute Beginning Saint King palm hitting ruthlessly to Dipamkara Ancient Buddha. 说话间,太初圣王一掌狠狠的打向燃灯古佛 A palm makes, during is void presents ten palms suddenly, hits from ten different directions loudly to Dipamkara. 一掌打出,虚空之中忽然出现十个手掌,从十个不同的方向轰然撞向燃灯 In ten palm centers, Dipamkara indifferent Buddha. 在十掌中心,燃灯淡然的一声佛号。 Is this move? This move can extinguish a moment ago kills in me, at this moment actually dreaded insufficient.” Dipamkara indifferently said. “又是这招?刚才这招能灭杀于我,此刻却不足畏惧。”燃灯淡淡道 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Before ten giant palm that blocks Heaven and Earth must hit Dipamkara, Dipamkara vanishes to disappear suddenly, ten palms hit mutually counter-balanced mutually, carried over space intermittent ripples. 在十个封锁天地的巨掌要撞到燃灯之前,燃灯忽然消失不见了,十个手掌相互撞击相互抵消了,带出空间一阵阵的涟漪。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~!” When Dipamkara does not know, the strange appearance in Absolute Beginning Saint King behind, a palm patted, Absolute Beginning Saint King flies upside down loudly. In the midair, Absolute Beginning Saint King one point two, change into Absolute Beginning Saint King and Nine-Tailed princess two people. 燃灯不知何时,诡异的出现在了太初圣王身后,一掌拍下,太初圣王轰然倒飞而出。半空中,太初圣王一分二,化为太初圣王九尾郡主二人。 A palm broke Ten-Tailed Body Fusion. 一掌就破了十尾合体 Absolute Beginning Saint King and Ten-Tailed fall above Mountain Square, two population corners/horns overflowed the blood. coldly looks to Dipamkara. 太初圣王十尾落在方山之上,二人口角都溢出了鲜血。冷冷的看向燃灯 Dividing Spirit Great Technique, separated not again forever Body Fusion, most short time Body Fusion had/left Ten-Tailed, I said can be right?” Dipamkara light saying with a smile. 分神大法,分开就不会再永远合体了,最多短时间合体十尾,我说的可对?”燃灯淡淡的笑道。 Dipamkara the constant voltage people, exert its utmost regarding Heaven and Earth Cauldron now. 燃灯现在稳压众人,对于乾坤鼎也势在必得。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” In Dipamkara prepares to gather Heaven and Earth Cauldron, the distant place hears sound of the pitiful yell suddenly. 就在燃灯准备收取乾坤鼎之际,远处忽然传来一声惨叫之声。 At this moment, the people suddenly discovered, the sky, as well as fluttered in all directions suddenly completely enormous yellow fog. 这一刻,众人忽然发现,天空,以及四面八方忽然飘满了大量黄雾 That person of at this moment body that called out pitifully a moment ago was covered by yellow fog , ran out of fierce Yellow Dragon from yellow fog loudly. 刚才惨叫的那人此刻身体被黄雾笼罩,轰然间,从黄雾中冲出一条狰狞的黄龙 Did that person turn into Yellow Dragon? 那人变成黄龙了? Continues he, the person who any by the yellow fog contamination, changed into Yellow Dragon in the pain all, any protective shield has not used general, was planned to change into the shape of Yellow Dragon completely. 不止他,凡是被黄雾沾染的人,无不在痛苦中化为了黄龙,任何防护罩都没有用一般,全部被拟化为了黄龙之状。 Covers up Heavenly Mystery, heaven defying transformation? Is this Feng Shui?” The Dipamkara brow wrinkles surprisedly said. “遮掩天机,逆天化形?这是风水阵?”燃灯眉头一皱惊讶道 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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