IM :: Volume #9 大千世界

#946: Xue Mei Old Ancestor( third, asked monthly ticket!)

Nu Wa World, summit of the mountain peak! 女娲界,一个山峰之巅! to win Fushou stands, stands Bai Qi also to have Gui Guzi. 嬴负手而立,身后站着白起还有鬼谷子 In the face of three people, a trembling man, seems keeping is recounting anything. 在三人面前,一个战战兢兢的男子,好似在不停的述说着什么。 Ok, you can walk!” to win indifferently said. “好了,你可以走了!”嬴淡淡道 The man obviously stares slightly, looks up some to win incredible, did this put itself to walk? 那男子明显微微一愣,抬头有些不可置信的看着嬴,这就放自己走了? Hasn't gone? Wants me to deliver you a regulation?” The Bai Qi eye stares to say. “还不快滚?要我送你一程吗?”白起眼睛一瞪道。 The Bai Qi whole body is murderous aura, even if a look is flooding domineering murderous aura, stares, that person frightened trembles. 白起全身都是杀气,哪怕一个眼神都充斥着一股强势的杀气,一眼瞪下,那人恐惧的一颤。 thanks, Senior, thanks, Senior!” 谢前辈,谢前辈!” That person of thanks, frightened turning around flew away. 那人一阵感谢,恐惧的掉头就飞走了。 Also really has does not fear death, dares to ask us to trouble!” In black-robed Gui Guzi sends out a chuckle. “还真有不怕死的,敢来找我们麻烦!”黑袍鬼谷子发出一声轻笑。 „Didn't Saint King, why make me kill him?” Bai Qi knits the brows saying that bitterly looks to go far away that person that. 圣王,为何不让我杀了他?”白起皱眉道,恨恨的看着远去的那人。 „Does immaterial person, killing what use? However also brought some useful news to us!” to win indifferently said. “无关紧要的人,杀之何用?不过也给我们带来了一些有用的消息!”嬴淡淡道 Nearby Gui Guzi nods saying: Good, Heaven and Earth Cauldron leaves, below was Monster Muster Banner! We must find Monster Muster Banner as soon as possible!” 一旁鬼谷子点点头道:“不错,乾坤鼎出,下面就是招妖幡了!我们必须要尽快找到招妖幡!” Un!” Ying indifferently nods. “恩!”嬴淡淡点点头。 This did Zhong Shan break through probably?” Bai Qi knits the brows to say. “这个钟山好像又突破了?”白起皱皱眉头道。 Zhong Shan? This person is bolder with each setback, the growth is inevitable, if bogs down, needs to feel strange!” Gui Guzi shakes the head to say. 钟山?此人越挫越勇,成长是不可避免的,若是停滞不前,才是需要奇怪的!”鬼谷子摇摇头道。 Mister, you looked that Zhong Shan can leave Nu Wa World?” Bai Qi asked. “先生,你看钟山会不会离开女娲界?”白起问道。 We have meet again opportunity a time!” Gui Guzi indifferently said. “我们还有一次见面的机会!”鬼谷子淡淡道 A meet again opportunity, Gui Guzi words already was very obvious, Zhong Shan also here. 还有一次见面的机会,鬼谷子的话已经很明显了,钟山还在这里。 Monster Muster Banner that first looks, cannot fall after Kongzi!” to win indifferently said. “先找的招妖幡,不能落于孔子之后!”嬴淡淡道 Yes!” Bai Qi immediately comply with the way. “是!”白起马上应道 --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Nu Wa World, another mountain valley! 女娲界,又一个山谷! In mountain valley stands enormous Expert, each and everyone is wearing the white clothing, on the white clothing is embroidering Plum Blossom. But in mountain valley there is still one small thatched hut. 山谷中站着大量强者,一个个身着白衣,白衣上绣着梅花。而山谷还有一个小茅庐。 The thatched hut builds with the purple alpine yarrow, looks extremely plain, a white clothing person looks at the small thatched hut together, in the eye filled respectfully. 茅庐都是用紫色蓍草修筑,看上去极为古朴,一众白衣人一起看着小茅庐,眼中充满了恭敬。 , The thatched hut gate opened slowly, goes out of Xue Mei Old Ancestor from the interior. 缓缓的,茅庐门打开了,从内部走出雪梅老祖 The Xue Mei Old Ancestor big sleeve flings, the thatched hut was received by Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 雪梅老祖大袖一甩,茅庐被雪梅老祖收了起来。 Teacher!” “师尊!” Founder!” “祖师!” A disciple respectful does obeisance immediately. 一众弟子马上恭拜。 Xue Mei Old Ancestor brows slightly wrinkled. 雪梅老祖眉头微皱 Teacher, small Junior Brother is he ............?” A disciple asked immediately. “师尊,小师弟他是不是............?”一名弟子马上问道。 Good, he died, Flow Reversal Beast, was killed by Zhong Shan!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor indifferently said. “不错,他死了,还有逆流兽,被钟山杀死了!”雪梅老祖淡淡道 The Xue Mei Old Ancestor tone is very indifferent, does not have the anger not sadly, seems an insignificant matter to be the same. 雪梅老祖语气很淡然,没有愤怒也没有伤心,好似一件微不足道的事情一般。 Zhong Shan? Is he?” A disciple produced immediately all at once indignant. 钟山?是他?”一众弟子顿时产生了一股气愤。 Must revenge for Junior Brother!” “要为师弟报仇!” Flow Reversal Beast!” “还有逆流兽!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... A disciple keeps being angry, only then a disciple is standing the Xue Mei Old Ancestor side, does not have, as the people are angry, but looks to Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 一众弟子不停地愤怒着,只有一个弟子站着雪梅老祖的身边,没有随着众人愤怒,而是看向雪梅老祖 Teacher, we then what to do? Heaven and Earth Cauldron already was taken by Zhong Shan, even possibly carried over Nu Wa World, do we also want to continue to search Heaven and Earth Cauldron?” The disciple asked immediately. “师尊,我们接下来怎么办?乾坤鼎已经钟山取走,甚至可能带出女娲界了,我们还要继续搜索乾坤鼎吗?”那弟子马上问道。 Heaven and Earth Cauldron was shattered, now are most is only a treasure of Ancestor Immortal Equipment level, cannot pursue again, our time goals are not Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but is Monster Muster Banner! But?” Xue Mei Old Ancestor knits the brows to say. 乾坤鼎破碎,现在最多只是一个祖仙器级的宝物,不需再追,我们这次的目标也不是乾坤鼎,而是招妖幡!可是?”雪梅老祖皱眉道。 Teacher, how?” “师尊,怎么了?” Monster Muster Banner? Monster Muster Banner ..................!” Xue Mei Old Ancestor shakes the head, anything had not said. 招妖幡?招妖幡..................!”雪梅老祖摇摇头,什么也没说。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- In Nu Wa World, because Zhong Shan obtained Heaven and Earth Cauldron to boil. 女娲界中,因为钟山得到乾坤鼎早已沸腾了。 People look around, but, the entire two months, did not have the slight Zhong Shan's shadow. 人们四处搜寻,但是,整整两个月了,没有丝毫钟山的影子。 Airborne two people of groups. 空中一个二人组。 Senior Brother, won't Zhong Shan go out?” 师兄,钟山不会出去了吧?” Is unlikely, according to Sima Yuan said, Zhong Shan received the extremely heavy injury, most heals from a wound, certainly hides in some place!” “不太可能,按照司马元所说,钟山受到了极重的伤害,最多只是养伤而已,一定躲在某个地方!” But, Senior Brother, Zhong Shan, since is so weak, carries three zhang (3.33 m) high great cauldron, can that meet other Expert, was extinguished by other Expert kills? Heaven and Earth Cauldron already not in the Zhong Shan hand?” “可是,师兄,钟山既然那么弱,又扛着三丈高的巨鼎,那会不会遇到其它强者,被其它强者灭杀了?乾坤鼎早已不在钟山手中了?” .............................. “..............................” Two months later, could not find the Zhong Shan's shadow, making everyone feel that the situation is not wonderful, can Zhong Shan already die? 两个月下来,还是找不到钟山的影子,让所有人都感觉情况不妙,钟山会不会已经死了? Two months! gradually, some people already lost the patience, but more people are looking. 两个多月了!渐渐的,有些人已经失去了耐心,但更多的人还是在找着。 Because they believe, Zhong Shan definitely hides in somewhere, is attempting to refine Heaven and Earth Cauldron unceasingly, once refine to melt Heaven and Earth Cauldron, that wants to rob again was difficult, must look quickly. 因为他们坚信,钟山肯定躲在某处,在不断尝试炼化乾坤鼎,一旦炼化了乾坤鼎,那再想抢夺就难了,必须快找。 Found, Zhong Shan here!” Beside mountain valley hears a pleasantly surprised cry immediately. “找到了,钟山在这里!”一个山谷之外顿时传来一声惊喜的叫声。 Beside mountain valley, seemingly originally only then that red-robed man, after calling out in alarm, red-robed man knows that what was depressed. 山谷之外,貌似原本就只有那一个红袍男子,在惊叫之后,红袍男子就知道什么叫郁闷了。 !” “呼!” Air-to-air such as outside wild mountain valley, immediately flies seven 80 people, moreover each one cultivation base are higher than red-robed man. 空空如野的山谷外,顿时飞来七八十人,而且个个修为都比红袍男子高。 red-robed man wishes one could to fling a slap, wanting to cry but have no tears looks at the people, wants saying that here is, but no one who I discover manages him now radically. Almost the everyone vision is staring at mountain valley, this by mountain valley that enormous formation wraps. 红袍男子恨不得甩自己一巴掌,欲哭无泪的看着众人,很想说‘这里是我发现的’,但现在根本没人理他。几乎所有人的目光都盯着山谷,这个被大量阵法包裹的山谷 The people take out respective Magical Treasure. 众人取出各自法宝 Broken ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “破~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Zhong Shan's first protective shield was broken loudly. 一声巨响,钟山的第一个防护罩轰然被破。 The Zhong Shan strength is very strong, but eventually is only Great Immortal, arrangement formation is strong, the person but who breaks through the formation are many. 钟山实力很强,但终究只是大仙,布置的阵法强,可强不过破阵的人多。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... Shortly, 18 formation broken on the thorough bang. 没多久,十八道阵法就彻底轰破了。 Exposes in mountain valley a giant palace. 暴露出山谷中一个巨大的宫殿。 Good, this is the Great Zheng Saint Court architectural style . Moreover, one that this palace or Zhong Shan most like!” And a seemingly very knowledgeable person immediately exciting say/way. “不错,这是大崝圣庭的建筑风格,而且,这种宫殿还是钟山最喜欢的一种!”其中一个貌似很有见识的人马上兴奋道。 Has been affirmed, the people followed excitedly. 得到肯定,众人都跟着兴奋了起来。 Zhong Shan here? In this palace? Is he doing? Refining up Heaven and Earth Cauldron? Certainly refining up Heaven and Earth Cauldron! 钟山就在这里?就在这个宫殿之内?他在干什么?炼化乾坤鼎?一定是炼化乾坤鼎! But, at this moment, no one has rushed rashly. 可是,这一刻,谁也没有冒然冲上去。 Is Zhong Shan only Heavenly Immortal boundary? Nonsense! Now who also believes that Zhong Shan is Heavenly Immortal Realm? 钟山只是‘天仙’境?狗屁!现在谁还相信钟山天仙境? Dipamkara that time is achieving Ancestor Immortal, Sima Yuan gathered the innumerable strengths, but finally? Hadn't played with by Zhong Shan in applauses? 燃灯都在那时达到祖仙了,司马元又是聚集了无数力量,可最后呢?还不是被钟山玩弄于鼓掌之间? Thinks for two months ago sees the Purple Firmament Cult Master modeling, almost everyone is in the heart one cold, that jet black semblance gave impact too big of people. 想想两个月前看到紫霄教主的造型,几乎所有人都是心中一寒,那漆黑的外表给众人的冲击太大了。 In so many Expert situations, can Zhong Shan bring Heaven and Earth Cauldron to depart finally safely? At this time, who also dares saying that he is is only Heavenly Immortal? 那么多强者的情况下,钟山都能最终带着乾坤鼎安全离去?这时候,谁还敢说他是‘只是天仙’? everyone Divine Sense searches, stubbornly stares at Heaven and Earth Cauldron, each and everyone Magical Treasure is grasping in the hand, seems acts momentarily general. 所有人神识探去,死死的盯着乾坤鼎,一个个法宝抓在手中,好似随时出手一般。 The place of main hall entrance, the faint trace pink mist flutters, people doubts. One of them, Divine Sense searches the pink mist, immediately on face one red, the whole body seemed blood Flow Reversal generally. Dryness and heat. 大殿门口之处,丝丝桃红色雾气飘出,众人一阵疑惑。其中一人,神识探上桃红色雾气,顿时脸上一红,全身好似血液逆流了一般。身上一股燥热。 Continues this one person, others are also so, in their opinion, the Divine Sense investigation, should not have problems, but the issue was big. 不止这一个人,其它人也都是如此,在他们看来,神识探查,应该不会出问题吧,可问题大了。 Bang!” “轰!” One of them and useless Divine Sense nosing, but drives out the front door with Magical Treasure directly. 其中一人并没用神识查探,而是直接用法宝轰开大门。 The front door opens, the enormous pink mist spews out, in an instant covered peripheral everyone, in a range, performing is the pink energy. 大门一开,大量桃红色雾气喷涌而出,转眼将外围所有人都笼罩了,一片范围内,尽是桃红色能量。 But this life loud sound, is startled in the main hall Zhong Shan to quickly grasp the meaning of something. 而这一生巨响,也惊得大殿内钟山一个激灵。 Zhong Shan is suddenly sober, the sober flash sits there immediately makes cool-headed, quick, two months ago all sorts remembered completely. 钟山忽然清醒,清醒一瞬间马上坐在那里让头脑冷静,很快,两个月前的种种全部记忆了起来。 Eyah!” Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail jumped suddenly. “咿呀!”八极天尾忽然跳了出来。 Ok, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail was completely good. Seeming has not been injured to be the same. 好了,八极天尾完全好了。好似从来没受过伤一样。 Good fierce Lucky Eye!” Zhong Shan said after a sigh. “好厉害的吉瞳!”钟山感叹道。 Sets out, goes out of the main hall, searches the hand to receive the palace. 起身,走出大殿,探手收起宫殿。 In Red Luan Bewitching Mist, Zhong Shan is unvexed, saw four directions Expert. 红鸾迷雾中,钟山不受干扰,一眼就看到了四方强者们。 Sees the four directions Expert facial expression, the Zhong Shan complexion changes. 看到四方强者的神情,钟山脸色一变。 Nausea!” Zhong Shan cold snort/hum. “恶心!”钟山一声冷哼。 A tail of Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail flings, everywhere Sword Qi sprinkles loudly. 八极天尾的一条尾巴甩出,轰然间漫天剑气洒下。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” four directions Expert was rumbled immediately to become dregs by Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, four Mountain Square peaks loudly are also stave! 四方强者顿时被八极天尾轰成渣,四方山峰也轰然破碎! Zhong Shan backhanded move of Red Luan Bewitching Mist, the flying had/left mountain valley, recognized a direction to shoot rapidly. Leaves behind place ruins! 钟山反手一招红鸾迷雾,飞身出了山谷,认了一个方向急速射去。留下一地废墟! Also passed for more than ten days, Zhong Shan also understood thorough these two months of things. People also gather in Nu Wa World, because everyone believes, the Nu Wa most precious object has not left here. 又过了十多天,钟山将这两个多月的事情也了解了个彻底。人们还聚集在女娲界中,因为所有人都坚信,女娲至宝还未离开这里。 Looks for Monster Muster Banner? Zhong Shan does not believe itself to have that luck, without the clue, how to look slightly? Now entire under the heavens is looking for oneself probably, goes out to crop up looks for trouble simply. Therefore Zhong Shan also looked for lonesome and quiet mountain valley to live, each day has gone out to inquire news a time. 招妖幡?钟山可不信自己有那运气,没有丝毫线索,如何找?现在全天下都好像在找自己,出去冒头简直没事找事。因此钟山也找了个幽静的山谷住了下来,每过一天出去打探一次消息。 This day, Zhong Shan fishes in small lakeside alone, incomparable ease. 这日,钟山独自在一个小湖边垂钓,无比的悠闲。 Suddenly, the Zhong Shan complexion changes, looks up to the mountain peak of not far away. 忽然,钟山脸色微变,抬头望向不远处的山峰。 The summit of that mountain peak, Xue Mei Old Ancestor leads a disciple to fall above, stares together to Zhong Shan. 那山峰之巅,雪梅老祖带着一众弟子落于其上,一起盯向钟山这边。 The Xue Mei Old Ancestor facial expression is very indifferent, but a disciple is each one indignation is incomparable. 雪梅老祖的神情很淡然,而一众弟子却是个个愤慨无比。 Zhong Shan throws down the fishing pole, sets out to look to Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山丢下鱼竿,起身看向雪梅老祖 Since came, gets down!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “既然来了,就下来吧!”钟山淡淡道 The Xue Mei Old Ancestor under foot treads, leading a disciple to fall in front of Zhong Shan. 雪梅老祖脚下一踏,带着一众弟子落于钟山面前。 Zhong Shan, you kill my Junior Brother, today is your time of death!” 钟山,你杀我师弟,今日就是你死期!” Zhong Shan, finally found you, today looked where you also toward do run? Snort, I must hold a memorial service for Senior Brother with your blood!” 钟山,终于找到你了,今日看你还往哪里跑?哼,我要用你的血祭奠师兄!” ........................ ........................ ............ ............ A disciple called to shout immediately. 一众弟子马上叫嚷道。 Zhong Shan is actually staring at Xue Mei Old Ancestor from beginning to end. 钟山却至始至终盯着雪梅老祖 Xue Mei Old Ancestor, your my does everyone minds their own business, serve a need to ask me to trouble repeatedly? Even spares no sacrifice your disciple life? Is you make him look intentionally my!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. 雪梅老祖,你我井水不犯河水,用得着一再找我麻烦吗?甚至不惜牺牲你那弟子性命?是你故意让他来找我的吧!”钟山淡淡道 A Zhong Shan saying, a Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple suddenly one static, has a look at Xue Mei Old Ancestor, subsequently a face angry looks to Zhong Shan. 钟山一说,雪梅老祖的一众弟子忽然一静,看看雪梅老祖,继而一脸愤怒的看向钟山 Zhong Shan, you dare to slander the teacher!” A Xue Mei Old Ancestor disciple gets angry said. 钟山,你敢污蔑师尊!”一名雪梅老祖的弟子怒道。 Zhong Shan has a look at that person, reveals disdaining sneering, subsequently a face deep looks to Xue Mei Old Ancestor. 钟山看看那人,露出一丝不屑的冷笑,继而一脸深沉的看向雪梅老祖 ps: Three finish, asks ***! ps:三更毕,求***!
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