IM :: Volume #6 开天辟地

#621: The eternal first emperor

Also not strange Li Si is surprised, under the heavens Emperor Dynasty, Luck Golden Dragon are most is also only nine claws, was the Heavenly Dynasty degree, Luck Golden Dragon Dragon Claw will turn one time, 18 claw Golden Dragon, 18 claw Golden Dragon change into the Imperial Hall projection subsequently, and breeds all over the sky the idol. 也不怪李斯惊讶,天下帝朝,气运金龙最多也只是九爪,只有达到了天朝程度,气运金龙龙爪才会翻一倍,十八爪金龙,继而十八爪金龙化为朝堂投影,并孕育满天神像。 But this subverts the Li Si cognition at present completely, 19 claw? New promote did Emperor Dynasty, how possibly form 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon? 可眼前这完全颠覆了李斯的认知,十九爪?一个新晋帝朝,怎么可能形成十九气运金龙? In Li Si eye surprised uncertain, eyes glittered a meeting, restrained by force endless shock in heart. 李斯眼中惊疑不定,双眼闪烁了一会,强压下了心中的无尽震撼。 Above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court. 凌霄天庭之上。 Zhong Shan holds Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal, above Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal, that red bead that suppresses nine dragons, at this moment is sending out light red light, red light is unusual, one will be the bright red color, one will be the dark red color, in the bright red color breeds the full of vitality, in the dark red color hidden heavy death Qi. 钟山手捧方天玉玺,方天玉玺之上,那一枚镇压九龙的红色珠子,此刻正散发着淡淡的红光,红光非常奇特,一会呈鲜红之色,一会呈暗红之色,鲜红之色中孕育勃勃生机,暗红之色中隐藏沉沉死气 The red bead indistinct has a relation to be common with 19 claw Golden Dragon, but Zhong Shan, because of the Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal reason, seemed part of mind to integrate 19 claw Golden Dragon. 红色珠子隐隐约约与十九金龙有着一股联系一般,而钟山自身,因为方天玉玺的缘故,好似一部分心神融入了十九金龙 19 claw Golden Dragon patrols in the sky, seems brings Zhong Shan's Divine Sense, the hovering highest heaven is ordinary, one type overbearing happy erupts from Zhong Shan Divine Sense, subsequently 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon also emits trillion golden light to be the same suddenly, shines under the heavens. 十九金龙在天空游弋,就好似带着钟山的神念,翱翔九霄一般,一种霸道的舒畅从钟山神念爆发,继而十九气运金龙也忽然放射出亿万金光一般,普照天下 Áng ~ “昂~” When Zhong Shan is happy, 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon again to a day long roar, acoustic shock under the heavens, in the sky , because this long roar, causes to present the innumerable colored rosy clouds, dazzling incomparable. 钟山舒畅之际,十九气运金龙再度对天一阵长吼,声震天下,天空之中,更是因为这一声长吼,导致出现无数彩色云霞,耀眼无比。 Towering dragon horn, is braves to project trillion thunder shining, above the direct impact highest heaven, taking advantage of dragon horn Jie Yin Heavenly Mystery. 峥嵘的龙角,更是冒射出亿万雷耀,直冲九霄之上,借龙角接引天机 The rushing incomparable imposing manner falls. 滂湃无比的气势落下。 Your Majesty long live ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~” Your Majesty long live ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~” Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court four directions hears people the sound of congratulation. 凌霄天庭四方传来人们的恭贺之声。 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon falls, coils around slowly, huge Golden Dragon really too big, that show/unfolds body obviously, had 19 ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) long a moment ago, coils around, forms a huge incomparable Dragon Mountain. 十九气运金龙落下,缓缓盘绕而起,庞大的金龙实在太大了,就刚才那一展显的身躯,就有十九万丈之长,盘绕而下,更是形成一个庞大无比的龙山。 Bred Luck Golden Dragon that shell, innumerable Luck spread equally, scatter in Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court four directions again, seems the fog to wind around is serving as contrast that huge Luck Golden Dragon. 原先孕育气运金龙的那个‘壳’,无数气运再度平铺而下,撒于凌霄天庭四方,好似云雾缭绕般的衬托着那一条庞大的气运金龙 dragon horn faces upwards, Luck is uncommon. 龙角朝天,气运不凡。 All should finish, but at this moment, above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, unexpectedly strange increased Luck, increase of baseless layer upon layer Luck, making on Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court Luck more and more. 原本一切都应该结束了,可就在这时,在凌霄天庭之上,居然又诡异的增加起了气运,一层层气运的凭空增加,使得凌霄天庭气运越来越多。 Below distant place, Li Si stares the big eye again. 下方远处,李斯再度瞪大眼睛。 This, where this does Luck come?” In the Li Si eye reveals one inconceivable extremely. “这,这气运哪来的?”李斯眼中露出一股极度的不可思议。 At the same time, Yin Sector, bans outside the place, Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty! 同一时间,阴间,禁外之地,大崝皇朝! Before Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty Undying Temple, is ordinary with Yang Sector, builds to set up a stage. Hundred officers worship on bended knees under. 大崝皇朝不死殿前,与阳间一般,筑立一座高台。百官跪拜而下。 Today was the day of Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty being promoted, everyone is respectful and vertical. 今日是大崝皇朝晋级之日,所有人都恭敬而立。 Zhong Shan is situated in above the stage, looks at all over the sky Luck, other inexhaustible Luck not Luck Dynasty be promoted increases, but is strange suddenly reduced, more reduces are less, are getting fewer and fewer. 钟山立于高台之上,看着满天气运,无穷无尽的气运并不是别的运朝晋级般增多,而是诡异的忽然减少了,越减越少,越来越少。 In hundred officer hearts felt the lump feeling, was this Jin Dynasty, or draws back toward? 百官心中充满了疙瘩感,这是晋朝、还是退朝? This is promoted Emperor Dynasty, returns King Dynasty? 这是晋级帝朝,还是退回王朝? Naturally, although has the infinite doubts, actually no one may I ask. 当然,虽然有着无穷疑惑,却无人敢问。 Zhong Shan looks that Luck reduces slowly, in the eye flashes through a satisfaction. 钟山看着气运慢慢减少,眼中闪过一阵满意。 Zhong Shan's Luck Dynasty Luck, unlike general Emperor Dynasty, Emperor Dynasty is promoted through Heavenly Dynasty Imperial Seal generally, but Zhong Shan is actually Imperial Seal that uses, or other Emperor Dynasty Luck also belongs to Heaven and Earth, is Heaven and Earth grants, but Zhong Shan's Luck, is completely itself, deep got the Zhong Shan's brand mark. This is " Establishing the Heavenly Court » marvelousness. 钟山的运朝气运,与一般的帝朝不同,一般帝朝是通过一枚天朝御玺晋级的,而钟山却是用的自己御玺,或者说,别的帝朝气运还属于天地,是天地赐予,而钟山的气运,却完完全全属于自己了,深深的打上了钟山的烙印。这就是《铸天庭》的奇妙。 Yin-Yang two sectors Great Zheng, is actually only Luck Dynasty, merely is only one person, therefore does not exist to be promoted twice, moreover this completely belongs to Zhong Shan's Luck, because the nature Zhong Shan can disperse in two. 阴阳两界大崝,其实只是一个运朝而已,仅仅只是一个人,所以不存在晋级两次,而且这完全属于钟山的气运,自然因为钟山可以分散在两处。 Now returns to Yang Sector these Luck, under the suppression of Luck Golden Dragon, decides a Emperor Dynasty quota, taking advantage of Luck Golden Dragon Dragon Qi, becomes Luck Golden Dragon clone in Yin Sector while convenient again. 现在就是将这些气运送回阳间,在气运金龙的镇压下,定一份帝朝名额,顺便借气运金龙龙气,在阴间再成气运金龙分身 Luck are getting fewer and fewer, are getting fewer and fewer, finally, when hundred officer hearts reduce, unexpectedly didn't have completely? Hundred officers are astonished exceptionally. 气运越来越少,越来越少,最终,在百官心脏紧缩之际,居然全部没有了?百官惊愕异常。 “呼” Imitates if darkest before dawn, innumerable Luck after disappearance, strange and appeared, are getting more and more, are getting more and more, slowly forms giant sphere Luck. 仿若否极泰来,无数气运在消失之后,诡异的又出现了,越来越多,越来越多,慢慢形成一个巨型球形气运 Áng ~ “昂~” After Dragon Roar, with Yang Sector exactly the same Luck Golden Dragon breeding, acoustic shock under the heavens. 一声龙吟之后,一条和阳间一模一样的气运金龙孕育而出,声震天下 Your Majesty long live ~ ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~~” Your Majesty long live ~ ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~~” When shouts " long live " before the emperor long live, Luck Golden Dragon slowly circles, forms a huge Dragon Mountain plate sky over Prosperous Capital. 山呼万岁之际,气运金龙缓缓盘旋而起,形成一座庞大的龙山盘于昌京上空。 Yang Sector, under Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court. 阳间,凌霄天庭下方。 The Li Si eye was somewhat straight, the innumerable Luck strange appearances, this met the time even, strange and vanished? This Zhong Shan's Luck Dynasty is not big, but actually strange tight. 李斯眼睛有些直了,无数气运诡异的出现也就算了,就这一会功夫,诡异的又消失了?这钟山的运朝不大,但却诡异的紧。 Above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, Zhong Shan is situated in the stage, had not finished. 凌霄天庭之上,钟山立于高台,并未就此结束。 Zhong Shan looks at endless Luck that the space stabilizes, suddenly loudly shouted: 钟山看着天上稳定下来的无尽气运,忽然高喝: National religion Great Ming , immeasurable Meritorious Virtue gets up ~ “国教大明,无量功德起~” With Zhong Shan loudly shouted, the people of many surrounding listened ignorant. 随着钟山一声高喝,很多围观之人都听懵了。 Immeasurable does Meritorious Virtue get up? What thing? Aren't you Luck Dynasty? Does not collect Luck? How suddenly also to have Meritorious Virtue? Meritorious Virtue that is the thing that sect and Holy Land save, what Meritorious Virtue your does Emperor Dynasty do? 无量功德起?什么玩意?你不是运朝吗?不是收集气运的吗?怎么忽然又有功德了?功德那可是宗门圣地积攒的玩意,你一个帝朝搞什么功德? When the Great Ming Church total altar/jar, the Great Ming Temple station, Clay Bodhisattva decides Feng Shui, place of the stone altar/jar intentionally leaves behind, at this moment baseless are many a nine great tower, Spirit Dwelling Tower. 大明教总坛,大明寺驻地,泥菩萨风水时,故意留下的一个石坛之处,此刻却凭空多出一座九层巨塔,栖灵塔 The Spirit Dwelling Tower suddenly golden light puts greatly, infinite golden light rising to the sky, will shine on the shining sky is dazzling. Suddenly, gushes out immeasurable Meritorious Virtue from Spirit Dwelling Tower. 栖灵塔陡然间金光大放,无穷金光冲天而上,将原本就金灿灿的天空照耀的更加耀眼。忽然间,从栖灵塔内喷薄而出无量的功德 Meritorious Virtue is also the yellow, is close to the Luck color, is not same. 功德也呈黄色,与气运颜色相近,又不相同。 The Luck golden yellow, brings shining Noble Qi, the air/Qi of sovereign tyrant, radiates under the heavens, but the Meritorious Virtue golden yellow, has a heavy/thick feeling, a giving up affectation solid feel. 气运的金黄色,带着一股发亮的贵气,一种皇霸之气,辐射天下,而功德的金黄色,却带着一股厚重的感,一种返璞归真的厚重感。 Imitates the sovereign robe that if Sovereign wears is common with the frock difference that monk puts on, although is the yellow, so long as discerning person eyes can see that which is sovereign robe which is the frock is the same. 就仿若皇帝穿的皇袍与僧人穿的僧袍区别一般,虽然都是黄色,但只要明眼人一眼就能看出哪个是皇袍哪个是僧袍一样。 Endless Meritorious Virtue gushes out from Spirit Dwelling Tower, these Meritorious Virtue, have a major part to seize from past Bliss Pure Land, before recaptures, has. These Meritorious Virtue, refine after Spirit Dwelling Tower, becomes very pure. 无尽功德栖灵塔喷薄而出,这些功德,有着一大部分是从昔日极乐净土夺回来的,还有很多是夺回之前就有的。这些功德,经过栖灵塔炼化,变得非常的精纯。 Immeasurable Meritorious Virtue, this huge Meritorious Virtue, is less inferior than it Luck quantity. 无量功德,这庞大的功德,比之气运的数量一点也不逊色。 Luck on, Meritorious Virtue below, the middle was separated by ten zhang (3.33 m) distance, spread equally opens, formed two day scenery. 气运在上,功德在下,中间相隔十丈距离,平铺而开,形成了两层天景。 Huge 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon, imitates, if somewhat discontented general, body lays out, dragon eye stares, absorbs myriad imposing manners, in the Zhong Shan eye concentrates, powerful will direct impact Luck Golden Dragon, Luck Golden Dragon feels Zhong Shan's to be discontented, can only no longer pay attention embarrasedly , to continue the plate to become Dragon Mountain. 庞大的十九气运金龙,仿若有些不满一般,身形摆了摆,龙目一瞪之间,摄出万千气势,钟山眼中一凝,一股强大的意志直冲气运金龙,气运金龙感到钟山的不满,只能讪讪不再理会,继续盘成龙山。 The people of innumerable surrounding looked to stay, this what thing? Two? Such nondescript? 无数围观之人都看呆了,这什么玩意?两层?这么不伦不类? Except for the Zhong Shan fathers and sons, others revealed the surprised uncertain color, what is Great Zheng this is doing? 除了钟山父子,别人都露出了惊疑不定之色,大崝这是在搞什么? Naturally, sends in Yin Sector Meritorious Virtue, Zhong Shan does not have that ability now, only after can, said. 当然,将功德送入阴间,钟山现在还没那能力,只能以后再说了。 The remote place, the Li Si brow wrinkled '川' character, narrowed the eye to talk to oneself: Luck? Meritorious Virtue? Zhong Shan did he also discover? Eternal Saint Stage? Certainly is that time, this Zhong Shan, is really not a simple character!” 遥远处,李斯眉头皱成了川字,眯着眼睛自语道:“气运?功德?钟山他也发现了?万古圣台?一定就是那一次,这钟山,真不是个简单的人物!” Before Longevity Palace, above stage. 长生殿前,高台之上。 Zhong Shan eyes closed is feeling this Great Zheng slightly, innumerable Luck arrive at the body, even Zhong Shan also felt enormous Meritorious Virtue near the body, but, these two additions seemed have a mutual interference, to lose mutually general. 钟山微微闭目感受着自己这个大崝,无数气运降临自己身躯,甚至钟山还感受到了大量功德临身,只是,这两种加成好似有种相互抵触、相互损耗一般。 Now this feeling is strange, in Meritorious Virtue before the body, Zhong Shan felt before own cultivation speed should achieve , is 40 time. 现在这感觉非常奇怪,在功德临身之前,钟山感到自己的修行速度应该达到了前所有为的四十倍。 The body of Middle Position, is ten times of cultivation speeds, the body of Top Position is hundred times of cultivation speeds, Zhong Shan clear awareness, oneself 40 time of reason, that red bead on its important source or Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal, this thing, seeming to have great power to be common. 要知道,中位之身,是十倍修行速度,上位之身是百倍修行速度,钟山清楚的知道,自己四十倍的缘故,其主要来源还是方天玉玺上的那个红珠子,这个东西,好似有着莫大威能一般。 But, Meritorious Virtue near the body, 40 will actually reduce 30 time, Meritorious Virtue and Luck counter-balance, making Zhong Shan become the sacrificial victim, but, Zhong Shan did not regret. 可是,功德临身,却将原先四十倍缩减到了三十倍,功德气运抵消,使得钟山成了牺牲品,不过,钟山并不后悔。 Compares thinks in own creation, what these ten times were considered as? Also, oneself had Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail, short-term cultivation base increased, was really not the matter that Zhong Shan should have a headache about. 相比于自己的创想,这十倍又算得了什么?再说,自己有八极天尾,短期修为增加,实在不是钟山该头疼的事情。 Opens the eye gently, Zhong Shan took a deep breath. 轻轻开目,钟山深吸口气 Heaven and Earth Virtue Position, Middle Position, Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty! Gets up.” 天地业位,中位,大崝帝朝!起。” Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty! Get up! 大崝帝朝!起! At this moment, Zhong Shan is announcing under the heavens, Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty established finally, finally stood erect in Great Divine State Land, the Emperor Dynasty hegemony, day of the emperor established thoroughly. The Zhong Shan achievement imperial undertaking, called Great Emperor Zhong Shan henceforth. 这一刻,钟山在宣告天下,大崝帝朝终于成立了,终于屹立在神州大地了,帝朝霸业,一片帝之天彻底奠定。钟山成就帝业,从此更称‘钟山大帝’。 Your Majesty long live ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~” Your Majesty long live ~ 陛下万岁万岁万万岁~” Yin Sector or Yang Sector, Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty establishes simultaneously successfully. Zhong Shan achievement peerless imperial undertaking. 无论是阴间还是阳间,大崝帝朝都同时确立成功。钟山成就绝世帝业。 The first Yin-Yang two sectors Great Emperor, Great Emperor of first Luck and Meritorious Virtue with row dynasty, the first 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon Great Emperor, ............, many first, eternal have not had, in Great Emperor, the eternal first emperor! 第一个阴阳两界大帝,第一个气运功德同列一朝的大帝,第一个十九气运金龙的大帝,............,很多个第一个,万古未有,大帝之中,万古第一帝!
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