IM :: Volume #7 乱世天下

#622: Four Great Heavenly Dynasty

Emperor Dynasty, is the Great Divine State Land mainstream, only then achieved Emperor Dynasty, can participate in the under the heavens situation, entire Great Divine State Land, Emperor Dynasty also only has more than hundred. 帝朝,才是神州大地的主流,只有达到了帝朝,才能参与到天下大势之中,整个神州大地,帝朝也只有百多个而已。 Zhong Shan, now the strength, position and influence, push in the circle that Divine State strove for hegemony. 钟山,现在无论是实力、地位、势力,都挤入了神州争霸的圈子。 Facing tumultuous times that already starts, being promoted of Great Zheng was was just good. 面对已经开始的乱世,大崝的晋级可谓是刚刚好。 After offering sacrifice to heaven, Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty is promoted successfully, all will step onto the new era, Zhong Shan receive Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal, receives Investiture of the Gods, flies the stage. 祭天之后,大崝帝朝晋级成功,一切将走上新的纪元,钟山收起方天玉玺,收起封神榜,飞下高台。 All around the enormous ritual officer cleans up fast, the stage that will build newly receives, after hundred officers mountainous cry long live, enters worldwide celebration time. 大量礼官快速清理四周,甚至将新筑的高台收起,百官山呼万岁之后,就进入普天同庆时刻。 at this moment, which city Great Zheng regardless, chocked up the banquet, the congratulations today the happiness of Jin Dynasty. The Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty first feast. 此刻,大崝无论哪个城池,都摆满了酒席,庆贺今日晋朝之喜。大崝帝朝第一宴。 Under Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, Li Si has a look at Great Zheng that stabilizes, wiped the fold on clothes to talk to oneself: Was the time!” 凌霄天庭下方,李斯看看稳定下来的大崝,抹了抹衣服上的褶皱自语道:“是时候了!” The Li Si under foot treads, flew toward Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court. 李斯脚下一踏,向着凌霄天庭飞了过去。 When Li Si flies the vicinity, suddenly hears: 李斯飞到近处的时候,忽然听到: Great Li Heavenly Dynasty His Majesty, congratulated Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty to be promoted successfully ~ ~ 大离天朝圣上,恭贺大崝帝朝晋级成功~~” Before Longevity Palace, Zhong Shan has not entered the palace, one crowd of person already flew fast, these people, are the Zhong Shan's pledge toward, the Great Li Heavenly Dynasty envoy, going abroad on a diplomatic mission Marquis Shao Fei, these people was naturally permitted into Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court by Zhong Shan. 长生殿前,钟山还未入殿,一群人已经快速飞了过来,这些人,是钟山的盟朝,大离天朝使者,出使者少飞侯,这些人自然被钟山允许入凌霄天庭的。 Emperor Dynasty is promoted successfully, Marquis Shao Fei did fully toward the ritual. And presents the present that Great Li Heavenly Dynasty brought. 帝朝晋级成功,少飞侯就做足了朝礼。并呈上了大离天朝带来的礼品。 Thanked Great Li His Majesty ~ ~ Zhong Shan returned a courtesy said. “谢大离圣上~~”钟山回礼道。 Waves, the enormous ritual officer received the present. 一挥手间,大量礼官接过礼品。 Great Li Heavenly Dynasty celebrates, Great Zheng thanked it ~ ~ 大离天朝来贺,大崝谢之~~” Great Li Heavenly Dynasty celebrates, Great Zheng thanked it ~ 大离天朝来贺,大崝谢之~” Has the Ministry of Rites official specially, biographies layer by layer to four directions , spread over Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, and biography to Great Zheng each corner. 专门有礼部官员,一层一层传向四方,传遍凌霄天庭,并且传向大崝每一个角落。 Under Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, surrounds the words that Expert hears to transmit innumerably, all surprised, Great Li Heavenly Dynasty? That is north Divine State, Great Zheng in Divine State most south, eight bamboo poles gets, for Nie Fanchen unexpectedly Emperor Dynasty is promoted to send the envoy? 凌霄天庭下,无数围观强者听到传来的话,无不一阵惊讶,大离天朝?那可是在神州北方的啊,大崝神州最南,八竿子打不上的,涅凡尘居然为了一个帝朝晋级派来使者? People surprised are very normal, Great Li Heavenly Dynasty belongs to Heavenly Dynasty Higher Country, will Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty be only the emperor Imperial Court country, how the Top Position country will congratulate to the Middle Position country and low-rank country? 人们惊讶是很正常的,大离天朝属于天朝上国,大崝帝朝只是帝朝中国,上位国岂会对中位国、下位国恭贺? This Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty, the face is really big!” “这大崝帝朝,面子真大!” Yes, was congratulated by Heavenly Dynasty unexpectedly, unprecedented!” “是啊,居然由天朝恭贺,亘古未有!” When surrounds the Expert sigh. 围观强者感叹之际。 Great Qin Heavenly Dynasty His Majesty, congratulated Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty to be promoted successfully ~ ~ 大秦天朝圣上,恭贺大崝帝朝晋级成功~~” Li Si makes the full formality loudly shouted, body falls before Longevity Palace slowly the square. 李斯做足礼节的高喝,身形缓缓落于长生殿前广场。 Great Qin? Zhong Shan slightly surprised, but the future is not only a guest, Zhong Shan naturally treats with good manners. 大秦?钟山微微意外,但来者既是客,钟山自然以礼相待。 Thanked Great Qin His Majesty ~ “谢大秦圣上~” Li Si takes out a present, the ritual officer received immediately. 李斯取出一份礼品,礼官马上接过。 Li Si nods, on the side of the trend, with Marquis Shao Fei looking at each other, two people nods slightly mutually, in the heart has to think respectively. 李斯点点头,走向一边,与少飞侯微微一对视,二人相互点点头,心中各有所想。 Great Qin Heavenly Dynasty celebrates, Great Zheng thanked it ~ 大秦天朝来贺,大崝谢之~” When news biography to four directions , innumerable Expert open mouth reveal the panic-stricken color. 当消息传向四方之际,无数强者张口露出惊骇之色。 Knows Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty to be powerful, can be also insufficient is so exaggerating? Two Heavenly Dynasty? Another did Heavenly Dynasty congratulate? That most mystical Great Qin Heavenly Dynasty? 知道大崝帝朝强大,可也不至于这么夸张啊?两个天朝?又一个天朝恭贺?那最神秘的大秦天朝? Damn, this Great Zheng also this had the good fortune!” “见鬼了,这大崝还这有福气!” Men's small sound said that looks at the nicotinic acid. 一个看得烟酸的男子小声道。 Grand Sui Heavenly Dynasty His Majesty, congratulated Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty to be promoted successfully ~ 太岁天朝圣上,恭贺大崝帝朝晋级成功~” loudly shouted from far to near, interrupted the everyone shocking train of thought! Heavenly Dynasty? Also is Heavenly Dynasty? 一声由远及近的高喝,打断了所有人震惊的思绪!天朝?又是一个天朝? This Great Zheng some big abilities? Such exaggerating? 大崝到底有多大能耐?这么夸张? Comes person Zhong Shan also to know, Monk Se Kong, but changed an official's costume at this time, when looks to Zhong Shan some twinkles, dreaded peak about Zhong Shan as before obviously, does not look for Zhong Shan to be troublesome today, Monk Se Kong killed does not dare to come. 来人钟山也认识,色空和尚,只是此时换上了一身官服,看向钟山时依旧有些闪烁,显然对钟山畏惧到了极致,要不是今日根本不是找钟山麻烦,色空和尚打死也不敢来。 The duty of Monk Se Kong is to inquire the Great Zheng situation, toward the feast naturally is the main place. 色空和尚的任务就是打探大崝情况,朝宴自然是最主要的地点。 Sees Monk Se Kong, Zhong Shan eyes narrows the eyes, wipes the cold light to lighten from the Zhong Shan eye, but at this time, sensitive Monk Se Kong hit to tremble, somewhat frightened looks to Zhong Shan. 看到色空和尚,钟山双眼一眯,一抹寒光从钟山眼中闪出,而这时,敏感至极的色空和尚不禁打了个寒颤,有些恐惧的看向钟山 Thanking Grand Sui His Majesty ~ ~ the Zhong Shan tone is somewhat jerky. “谢太岁圣上~~”钟山语气有些生涩。 Li Si has a look at Zhong Shan, the corners of the mouth to show a faint smile, Marquis Shao Fei actually ponders slightly, Se Kong and still permissible does not dare to act rashly. 李斯看看钟山,嘴角微微一笑,少飞侯却是微微沉思,色空和尚可不敢妄动。 Grand Sui Heavenly Dynasty celebrates, Great Zheng thanked it ~ ~ 太岁天朝来贺,大崝谢之~~” The news one by the ritual officer biography to four directions , surrounded Expert, was stared in a big way the eye finally. 消息一经礼官传向四方,围观的强者们,终于都瞪大了眼睛。 Is Heavenly Dynasty? Grand Sui Heavenly Dynasty? Haven't I misunderstood?” “又是天朝?太岁天朝?我没听错吧?” Three Great Heavenly Dynasties simultaneously celebrates, this Great Zheng really as powerful as that degree?” 三大天朝齐齐来贺,这大崝真的强大到那种程度?” Three Great Heavenly Dynasties celebrates, Great Zheng this time really thinks that did not cause a stir is difficult!” 三大天朝来贺,大崝这次真的想不轰动都难了!” Surrounded Expert look up at one rise to rise Zhong Shan's again, this Great Zheng was too strong. But then, had a strange matter. 围观的强者们将钟山的仰视一升再升,这大崝太强了。而接下来,又发生了一件诡异的事情。 Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty His Majesty, congratulated Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty to be promoted successfully ~ ~ 大雍天朝圣上,恭贺大崝帝朝晋级成功~~” The Longevity Palace distant place, broadcasts a congratulating sound again. 长生殿远处,再度传来一声恭贺的声音。 Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty? Hears this sound, almost everyone was ignorant. 大雍天朝?听到这一声音,几乎所有人都懵了。 Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty? Damn, Great Divine State Land only has Three Great Heavenly Dynasties, were when many Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty? This person is counterfeit? 大雍天朝?见鬼,神州大地只有三大天朝,什么时候又多了个大雍天朝?这人是假冒的吧? Naturally, people also can only think, no one has jumped the accusation. 当然,人们也只敢想想,谁也没有跳出来指责。 But Zhong Shan is actually eyes narrows the eyes, in the eye flashes through doubts. 钟山却是双眼一眯,眼中闪过一阵疑惑。 Near, in an instant, a distant place sunspot to near. 近了,转眼之间,远处一个黑点到了近前。 Comes the person, Zhong Shan also to know, past Great Luo Heavenly Dynasty Imperial Tutor, Huan Tulong, four big crown princes split Great Luo Heavenly Dynasty afterward, Huan Tulong joined the big crown prince Gu Zhengyi camp with numerous Great Luo Heavenly Dynasty former subordinates, founds a nation harmony. Great Yong Sovereign, past in name was also the Gu Qianyou foster father. 来人,钟山也认识,昔日大罗天朝太师,幻屠龙,后来四大太子分裂大罗天朝,幻屠龙随着一众大罗天朝的旧部加入了大太子古正一的阵营,立国号‘雍’。大雍皇帝,昔日名义上也是古千幽的养父。 Huan Tulong? Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty? could it be that did Gu Zhengyi by the past Great Luo Heavenly Dynasty former subordinates, pull up Heavenly Dynasty again? Short time, even if there is original Great Luo Heavenly Dynasty background so is not quick, good fierce Gu Zhengyi. 幻屠龙?大雍天朝?难道古正一凭借昔日大罗天朝旧部,再度拉起了一座天朝?短短时间,就算有着原大罗天朝底蕴也没这么快啊,好厉害的古正一 Huan Tulong, meet again, does not know that you are?” Zhong Shan looked that said to the Huan Tulong doubts. 幻屠龙,又见面了,不知你这是?”钟山看向幻屠龙疑惑道。 Past Eastern Duke, an achievement dynasty Great Emperor, may celebrate today encouraging, said, Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty will stand toward, compared with Great Zheng not long, Great Luo His Majesty had also decided the idea past in the future, the Great Luo former subordinates entered Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty, is wielded by present His Majesty, in not long ago Great Yong official achievement Heavenly Dynasty Top Position.” Huan Tulong answered. “昔日的东方公,今日成就一朝大帝,可喜可贺,说起来,大雍天朝立朝,比起大崝也没有多久,昔日大罗圣上早已定计未来,大罗旧部进入大雍天朝,由现在的圣上执掌,就在不久前大雍正式成就天朝上位。”幻屠龙解释道。 In Zhong Shan heart one bright, thinks why suddenly that day Fan Yipin will depart suddenly, surely is the Divine State East changes. 钟山心中一亮,陡然想到那日范一品为何会忽然离去,必定是神州东方有变。 When Heavenly Dynasty just stood, Great Yong His Majesty will think of Zhong Shan unexpectedly, Zhong Shan many thanks Great Yong His Majesty!” Zhong Shan returns a courtesy said. “在天朝刚立之际,大雍圣上居然会想到钟山,钟山多谢大雍圣上了!”钟山回礼道。 Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty celebrates, Great Zheng thanked it ~ ~ 大雍天朝来贺,大崝谢之~~” After the ritual officer transmits layer upon layer another message . Almost all Expert of surrounding were scared. Moreover, they do not know oneself were why scared, felt that news extremely not really filled general, seems in unconsciously, under the heavens changed greatly. 礼官将又一个消息层层传递出去以后。几乎所有围观的强者都傻眼了。而且,连他们也不知道自己为啥傻眼了,感觉一个又一个的消息充满了极度不真实一般,好似在不经意间,天下大变样了。 Another Heavenly Dynasty? Great Yong Heavenly Dynasty? 又一个天朝?大雍天朝? Four Great Heavenly Dynasty, even four Great Heavenly Dynasty, four Great Heavenly Dynasty with celebrating Emperor Dynasty? This unprecedented, has never had? 大天朝,就算四大天朝吧,四大天朝同贺一个帝朝?这亘古未有,从来没有过啊? everyone, in requests personally!” Zhong Shan waves, the ritual welcomed four Great Heavenly Dynasty envoys. Enters Longevity Palace together! 诸位,里面请!”钟山一挥手,礼迎四大天朝使者。齐入长生殿! „The Great Zheng Great Emperor first invited!” 大崝大帝先请!” Zhong Shan is impolite, after all is Master, takes the lead to step into the main hall. 钟山也不客气,毕竟是主人,率先踏入大殿之中。 As, four Great Heavenly Dynasty envoys enter in abundance. Afterward important minister with numerous Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty. 随着的,四大天朝使者纷纷入内。随后跟着一众大崝帝朝重臣 The Longevity Palace ornaments change greatly. 长生殿摆设大变样。 Zhong Shan is the northmost seat of honor, the position is highest, subsequently is second, Bao'er, Ling'er and Bei Qingsi, three empress appeared slowly, sits in the second place. 钟山是最北面的主座,位置最高,继而是第二层,宝儿灵儿悲青丝,三个皇后缓缓出现,坐在了第二层之处。 Third, was bottommost, was divided into two rows, left one row, according to the order of first come first served, took a seat respectively Marquis Shao Fei, Li Si, Se Kong and Huan Tulong. 第三层,也就是最下面了,分为两列,左边一列,按照先来后到的顺序,分别落座少飞侯李斯色空幻屠龙 Right one row, respectively is Zhong Tian, Di Xuansha, Yi Yan, Shui Wuhen, Shui Jing, Zhao Suoxiang and Wang Ku. 右边一列,分别是钟天帝玄铩易衍水无痕水镜赵所向王骷 After taking a seat, a vision of numerous Heavenly Dynasty guest, has referred to respectively. 落座之后,一众天朝来客的目光,都各有所指。 Marquis Shao Fei looks to Zhong Tian, in the eye flashes through slightly surprised. It is not the accidental/surprised Zhong Tian status, but is the intent foreign policy teaches a body, Great Ming Church Cult Master? 少飞侯看向钟天,眼中闪过微微意外。不是意外钟天身份,而是意外政教一体,大明教教主? Li Si looked directly to empress Gan Bao'er, the pupil micro, brows slightly wrinkled, Bao'er felt that Li Si looked at her, looking of unusual atmosphere in the past, nods gently, was the courtesy, Li Si naturally knows cannot look again, nods to shift the vision. 李斯直接看向了皇后甘宝儿,瞳孔微缩,眉头微皱,宝儿感到李斯看她,非常大气的回望过去,轻轻点点头,算是礼数,李斯自然知晓不能再看,点点头转移了目光。 Se Kong actually stared to Wang Ku, Monk Se Kong had ability, was feeling incomparable keen, why this was also Grand Sui Heavenly Dynasty to the reason that he entrusted with an important task, Monk Se Kong looks to bind Wang Ku in black-robed, the eyelid jumps. Only felt that the whole body fine hair raises up completely general, looks like in Se Kong, in entire main hall, besides Zhong Shan, most terrifying, threat biggest is present Wang Ku. Too terrifying. 色空却是盯向了王骷,色空和尚有个异能,就是感觉无比的敏锐,这也是为何太岁天朝对他委以重任的原因,色空和尚看着裹在黑袍中的王骷,眼皮直跳。只感觉全身汗毛全部竖起一般,在色空看来,整个大殿之中,除了钟山以外,最恐怖的、威胁最大的就是眼前的王骷。太恐怖了。 Huan Tulong looks at second three empress, the brow wrinkles slightly, because Huan Tulong does not have to see own want to, Huan Tulong is looking for Gu Qianyou, that Great Yong His Majesty adopted daughter, hasn't she come in name? 幻屠龙看着第二层三个皇后,眉头微微皱起,因为幻屠龙没有看到自己想要的,幻屠龙在找古千幽,那个名义上大雍圣上的义女,她怎么没来? Four Great Heavenly Dynasty envoys, look have nothing common with each other, but stood firm the difference in heart quickly, looked to Zhong Shan. 大天朝使者,神色各不相同,但很快稳住了心中的异样,看向了钟山 In front of the people are a small table, the Great Zheng state banquet, naturally provided the best food. 众人面前都是一个小桌子,大崝的国宴,自然送上了最好的菜肴。 Zhong Shan was looking at one to following four ambassador, naturally knows four people of purpose in coming have nothing common with each other, smiles lightly, carries front one glass of liquor saying: everyone can attend my Great Zheng Emperor Dynasty first feast, Zhong Shan is not honored, only by this cup, thank everyone!” 钟山对着下面四大使者看了一眼,自然知道四人来意各不相同,淡淡一笑,端起面前一杯酒道:“诸位能参加我大崝帝朝首宴,钟山不甚荣幸,仅以此杯,感谢诸位!” „The Great Zheng Great Emperor was polite!” Four ambassador raise glass. 大崝大帝客气了!”四大使者纷纷举杯。 No matter people thoughts what for, but this polite speech, must say that the first feast's first cup, must drink. 不管众人心思何为,可这场面话,还是要说的,首宴第一杯,也必须要喝。 Zhong Shan first does for the respect, the people drink wine, one glass of liquor get into the stomach, is the banquet formally starts, has what words, can start to say. 钟山先干为敬,众人纷纷饮酒,一杯酒下肚,算是宴会正式开始,有什么话,也可以开始说了。
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