IM :: Volume #6 开天辟地

#620: 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon

Li Si looks at Gui Shou, the complexion becomes some hiddens in the shade, coldly and looked at Bing Xuan saying: Stirs my interest, must die, the person who my Li Si want to kills, never has undying/not dead!” 李斯看着龟寿,面色变得有些阴翳,冷冷的又看了一眼冰轩道:“搅我兴致,就得死,我李斯想要杀的人,还从来没有不死的!” Hahaha, big tone! Today I here, look how you kill him!” Gui Shou also coldly said. 哈哈哈,好大的口气!今日我就在这里,看你怎么杀他!”龟寿冷声道 Meanwhile, Gui Shou also gives a Bing Xuan signal, making him escape a bit faster. 同时,龟寿也给冰轩一个信号,让他快点逃。 Snort!” Li Si cold snort/hum. “哼!”李斯一声冷哼。 A palm hits in the Bing Xuan direction, this palm makes, all around space suddenly one tight, seems locks Bing Xuan in that cannot move general. 一掌向着冰轩方向打去,这一掌打出,四周空间忽然一紧,好似将冰轩锁在那一处动弹不得一般。 Gui Shou sees Li Si to hit, is palm making ruthlessly. 龟寿一见李斯打来,也是一掌狠狠的打出。 An ice blue color giant palm presses toward Li Si, all around space swaying, the fold non-stop. 一个冰蓝的色的巨大手掌向着李斯压来,四周空间晃晃悠悠,褶皱不停。 Sees this blue palm, the Li Si corners of the mouth reveals one to sneer, has not given way to traffic, but is body forward in a flash. 见到这一蓝色手掌,李斯嘴角露出一丝冷笑,并没有避让,而是身形向前一晃。 Bang ~ “嘭~” Ices the blue palm to be dislodged a hole by Li Si. 冰蓝色的手掌被李斯撞出一个洞。 The Gui Shou complexion changes. But was late. 龟寿脸色一变。可还是迟了。 Li Si palm racket ruthlessly in the Bing Xuan top of the head. 李斯的手掌狠狠的拍在了冰轩头顶。 In Gui Shou heart one tight, never expected Li Si is so unexpectedly strong, unexpectedly in the situation that oneself guarded against the near, the instinct, a palm hit to Li Si. 龟寿心中一紧,想不到李斯居然如此强,居然在自己防备的情况下到了近前,本能的,一掌打向李斯 A Li Si palm pats in the Bing Xuan top of the head, another palm and Gui Shou to. 李斯一掌拍在冰轩头顶,另一掌与龟寿对上。 Bang ~ ~ “轰~~“ The powerful impact, presents wash bowl big black hole in the places of two people of palm immediately, all around space is sways is not good. The ray twisted in this center. 强大的冲击,顿时在二人手掌之处出现一个脸盆大的黑洞,四周空间更是摇晃的不行。光线在这中心都扭曲了。 Until the space is stable, the black hole vanishes, once again exposes three people. No, should say that was only left over two people. 直到空间稳定,黑洞消失,才再度暴露三人。不,应该说只剩下两人了。 Bing Xuan, the solemn Great Emperor, was broken to pieces by a Li Si palm thorough racket unexpectedly, sprinkling of covered with blood to land, Li Si and Gui Shou one time after the palm, during is separated by a distance to confront. 冰轩,堂堂大帝,居然被李斯一掌彻底拍碎了,血肉模糊的洒向大地,李斯龟寿的一次对掌之后,相隔一段距离对峙之中。 In Gui Shou eye surprised uncertain, solid never expected Li Si unexpectedly as powerful as this degree, such strong is one person, willing to submit to under Luck Dynasty unexpectedly? 龟寿眼中惊疑不定,实在想不到李斯居然强大到这种程度,这么强的一个人,居然甘愿臣服运朝之下? Li Si killed wants to kill the person, a satisfaction, having a look at Gui Shou, Li Si to reveal one to smile evilly. Suspended the sleeves, Li Si body vanishes in front of Gui Shou in a flash. 李斯杀了想杀之人,一阵满意,看看龟寿,李斯露出一丝邪笑。一摆衣袖,李斯身形一晃消失在了龟寿面前。 The Gui Shou palm back in behind, the palm is red, even somewhat shivers, walked until Li Si, Gui Shou has not displayed anything again, because a moment ago with Li Si one time after the palm discovered, this Li Si strength unexpectedly not under oneself. 龟寿手掌背在后面,掌心通红,甚至有些颤抖,直到李斯走了,龟寿都没有再表现出什么,因为刚才与李斯的一次对掌后发现,这个李斯实力居然一点不下于自己。 Great Qin? Great Qin Heavenly Dynasty? How many this Expert? 大秦?大秦天朝?还有多少这种强者? Looked at covered with blood Bing Xuan, Gui Shou swallows the dry throat, took a deep breath, Gui Shou imitates, if were also old, body vanished in a flash same place. 看了一眼血肉模糊的冰轩,龟寿咽了咽干涩的喉咙,深吸一口气,龟寿仿若又苍老了很多,身形一晃消失在了原地。 Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, in Heavenly Reason Pavilion! 凌霄天庭,天缘阁中! Zhong Shan sits in oneself is the place of desk, looks news that four directions sends, one is the Bright Guard urgent report, the peerless war of Qingshui River territory. 钟山坐在自己是书桌之处,看着四方送来的消息,其中一份乃是锦衣卫急报,清水河域的绝世之战。 That war, thin not great thin delivered to front of Zhong Shan. 那一场战争,细无巨细的送到了钟山面前。 Li Si!” Zhong Shan eyes narrows the eyes. 李斯!”钟山双眼一眯。 Is the Li Si strength so unexpectedly strong? 李斯的实力居然这么强? Zhong Shan already affirmed to win is Sovereign Qin Shi, Li Si, in the Zhong Shan memory may only be an official, is the official so fierce? Military commander? Great Qin by Wu Liguo! 钟山已经肯定了嬴就是秦始皇,李斯,在钟山记忆中可仅是一个文臣啊,文臣就这么厉害?那武将呢?大秦可是以武立国的啊! took a deep breath, Zhong Shan depresses the shock in heart. 深吸口气,钟山压下心中的震惊。 Signalling frontline three Legion Commander!” Zhong Shan said. “传信前线三军团长!”钟山说道。 Liu Wushuang respectful going forward. 柳无双恭敬的上前。 Yongle Fan Yipin is missing, another three dynasty Great Emperor have extinguished, enemy has extinguished, speeds up the attacking a city advancement! Before numerous dynasties‎ Luck dissipates, gives me to seize by the strongest momentum!” Zhong Shan is calm. 永乐范一品失踪,另三朝大帝已灭,敌首已灭,加快攻城进程!在众朝气运消散之前,给我以最强的势头夺过来!”钟山镇静。 Yes!” Liu Wushuang immediately comply with the way. Subsequently, withdraws from outside the palace fast, spreads the Zhong Shan's instruction from superior. “是!”柳无双马上应道。继而,快速退出殿外,传出钟山的口谕。 As for Zhong Shan was actually back and forth in the study room. 至于钟山却是来回在书房中走了起来。 Cannot be chaotic, must hit steady steadily!” Zhong Shan took a deep breath, eyes closed said gently. “不能乱,必须稳打稳扎!”钟山深吸口气,闭目轻轻道。 Frozen Great Emperor has died, you hasn't been without a fight?” 冰封大帝已死,尔等还不束手就擒?” „The greatly dark green Great Emperor has died, you hasn't been without a fight?” “大苍大帝已死,尔等还不束手就擒?” Big Yuan Great Emperor has died, you hasn't been without a fight?” “大袁大帝已死,尔等还不束手就擒?” Fan Yipin has died, you hasn't been without a fight?” 范一品已死,尔等还不束手就擒?” The four directions battlefield, the Great Zheng military roared immediately this heaven-shaking secret, confused the enemy morale of troops, from the beginning, the enemy sergeants did not believe that but the paper could not preserve the fire eventually. After an numerous Emperor Dynasty crown prince succeeds to the throne the news to transmit. 四方战场,大崝军方顿时吼出了这一惊天秘闻,搅乱敌方军心,一开始,敌方军士根本不信,可纸终究保不住火。当一众帝朝的太子继位消息传来之后。 The total military defeat, is utterly routed radically. 兵败如山倒,根本溃不成军。 The Great Zheng army, are harvesting city crazily, even, innumerable city City Lord, in negotiated after the Great Zheng envoy alone, unexpectedly the treachery quarrelled, immediately had one misfortune after another to four Great Emperor Dynasty. 大崝军,疯狂的收割着城池,甚至,无数城池城主,在独自与大崝的使者交涉之后,居然倒戈相向,顿时给四大帝朝雪上加霜。 A year, merely one year on the soldier near numerous Emperor Dynasty Dynasty Capital, the time, Great Zheng Legion, in the rapid march, to a place, the short time gathers city in this year radically, then the next place, seems is gathering the thing of family/home to be the same radically. 一年,仅仅一年时间就兵临一众帝朝朝都,这一年时间,大崝军团,根本就是在急行军,到一个地方,短时间收取城池,接着下一个地方,根本就好似在收取自己家的东西一般。 Too quick, such attacking a city was too quick. 太快了,这样的攻城太快了。 The towards war, finally generally is the showdown of king and king, but, Emperor Dynasty new king was too eventually small, numerous Legion Commander copes sufficiently, Zhong Shan assumes Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, gathers immeasurable Luck. 朝战,最后一般都是王与王的对决,可,帝朝的‘新王’终究太小了,一众军团长足以对付,钟山只是坐镇凌霄天庭,收取无量气运而已。 Huge Luck from gathers to come in all directions. 庞大的气运从四面八方汇聚而来。 When everyone is not clear, Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal and Investiture of the Gods on one by one in Zhong Shan's has filtered. Huge Luck then thickens to the sky above. 所有人不清楚之际,在钟山的方天玉玺’与‘封神榜’上一一滤过。庞大的气运这才加厚到天空之上。 Luck, immeasurable golden Luck, huge Luck collects unceasingly, sky over entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court is shining one piece, is away from very far distance, imitating, if another Sun is common. Incomparable dazzling. 气运,无量的金色气运,庞大的气运不断汇集,整个凌霄天庭上空都是金光灿灿的一片,隔着很远的距离,仿若又一个太阳一般。无比的耀眼。 Since four Emperor Dynasty Luck, have undergone, which is Sovereign Dynasty promoted to have so many Luck? 帝朝气运啊,历古以来,哪个皇朝晋级能有如此多的气运? Past numerous Sovereign Dynasty was promoted Emperor Dynasty, Luck was the dry little, was emperor Imperial Court least one, but Great Zheng, which Emperor Dynasty ratio under the heavens also had? 昔日的一众皇朝晋级帝朝,气运都是干巴巴的一点点,是帝朝中最少的一种,而大崝,天下又有哪个帝朝比的了? Innumerably by Expert that Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court brings, has stared in a big way the eye. 无数被凌霄天庭引来的强者,早已瞪大了眼睛。 This Luck was also too exaggerating, although could not compare Heavenly Dynasty, can have Heavenly Dynasty half Luck? Then is thick, so many? This Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty was too powerful. 气运也太夸张了吧,虽然比不上天朝,可也有天朝一半气运了吧?那么厚,那么多?这大崝皇朝太强悍了吧。 Is promoted? Right, immediately must be promoted. 晋级?对,马上就要晋级了。 With an numerous Emperor Dynasty destruction, Great Zheng Luck is increasing at a terrifying speed. 随着一众帝朝的覆灭,大崝气运正以一种恐怖至极的速度增加着。 Numerous Legion Commander already returns to Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, four directions Dynasty Capital to extinguish, gathers remaining city, did not need these strategy outstanding Legion Commander. 一众军团长已经回到凌霄天庭,四方朝都已灭,收取剩下的城池,也不需要这些智谋超群的军团长了。 On at this moment Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, before Longevity Palace, a huge stage builds to stand. 此刻凌霄天庭上,长生殿前,一座庞大的高台筑立而起。 Zhong Shan, is situated in the above, the front is putting Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal and Investiture of the Gods two thing. 钟山,立于上方,面前放着方天玉玺封神榜两物。 Under the stage, is standing civil and military officials, a Great Zheng important person, numerous empress, numerous Legion Commander, crown prince, Di Xuansha and the others. 高台之下,站着文武百官,大崝一众要员,一众皇后、一众军团长、太子、帝玄铩等人。 This time, Zhong Shan only need worship the heaven, cannot worship the land again. 这一次,钟山只需祭拜苍天,不需再祭拜大地了。 The under innumerable Great Zheng subjects are respectful and vertical, the common people are worship on bended knees under. 下方无数大崝臣民恭敬而立,百姓更是跪拜而下。 Zhong Shan kneels down suddenly, kneels three times and kowtows nine times to the day! 钟山忽然跪下,对天三拜九叩! After kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, Zhong Shan stands, grasps Investiture of the Gods loudly shouted: 三拜九叩后,钟山站立而起,抓起封神榜高喝: Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty worships the heaven, Our Zhong Shan, stands toward Great Zheng, the destiny thinks the sovereign, causes principle all living things, considers peaceful in heaven, the merit of report group god. 大崝皇朝祭拜苍天,朕钟山,立朝大崝,天命以为皇,使理群生,告太平于天,报群神之功。 Great Zheng receives Heaven and Earth to bless, thriving, Tianrui auspicious, by infinite Luck, Sovereign Dynasty was withstood insufficient, pleaded the heaven specially, bestowed Great Zheng Heaven and Earth Virtue Position, assumed the imperial undertaking, Emperor to seal/confer the day! 大崝天地庇佑,繁荣昌盛,天瑞地祥,受无穷气运,皇朝不足承受,特此恳求苍天,赐大崝天地业位,呈帝业,封帝天! As the Zhong Shan language falls, Investiture of the Gods throws to the day, suddenly, Investiture of the Gods emits trillion golden light, Chongtian/soaring spatial Luck sea, the golden light enters the Luck sea, imitates, if connects general with the Luck sea. 随着钟山语落,封神榜对天一抛,陡然间,封神榜放射出亿万金光,冲天气运海,金光入气运海,仿若与气运海连接起来一般。 Investiture of the Gods shivers slightly, the sky infinite Luck following surges, innumerable Luck one will also gather central, one will disperse four directions , gathers the dispersion, gathers the dispersion, seems the boiling water tumbling general wild, seems is breeding anything. 封神榜微微颤动,天空无穷气运也跟着翻腾不已,无数气运一会聚拢到中央,一会分散到四方,聚拢分散,聚拢分散,好似沸水翻滚一般狂暴不已,又好似在孕育着什么。 Zhong Shan both eyes fiery is staring. Under, civil and military officials, endless Imperial Guard worships on bended knees, waits for Tianci (bestowed by heaven) to give ‚the emperor Imperial Court position. 钟山双目炯炯有神的盯着。下方,文武百官,无尽侍卫纷纷跪拜而下,等候上天赐予‘帝朝中位’。 Zhong Shan both hands hold Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal, is staring at the Luck sea. Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court four directions , some similarly super Expert are also staring at this Luck sea , includes Great Qin Prime Minister, Li Si! 钟山双手托着方天玉玺,盯着气运海。凌霄天庭四方,同样一些超级强者也盯着这气运海,这其中,就包括大秦丞相,李斯! This rolls the Luck sea that boils, concerned four directions everyone. 这一滚沸腾的气运海,牵动了四方所有人的心。 This first-grade, is nearly four days, said accurately after is the 81 double-hour, the sky Luck sea, already gathered a giant spheroid, a Luck ball of oval-shape. Suddenly, Righteous Heavenly Jade Imperial Seal in Zhong Shan hand emits one to puncture the bright golden light. 这一等,就是近四天的时间,准确的说是八十一时辰之后,天空气运海,已经聚拢成了一个巨大球体,一个椭圆形的气运球。忽然,钟山手中的方天玉玺放射出一股刺亮的金光。 Ka ~ “咔~” The Luck spheroid imitates, if a resounding, that spheroid produced a crack unexpectedly. 气运球体仿若一声脆响,那球体居然产生了一个裂缝。 Áng ~ “昂~” In the Luck spheroid, spreads suddenly shocks Heaven and Earth the sound of huge Dragon Roar, the sound of this Dragon Roar was too strong, is powerful, Great Zheng Sovereign Dynasty all territories, including four Great Emperor Dynasty territories that just overcame, spread over this Dragon Roar. 气运球体之中,忽然传出一震慑天地的巨大龙吟之声,这龙吟之声太强了,强大到,大崝皇朝所有疆土,包括刚打下的四大帝朝疆土,都传遍了这一声龙吟 Above entire Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, almost everyone felt that the ear somewhat broke generally, but, this sound is also very strange, although shakes everyone ear one to thunder, but no one is actually injured, even if the mortal is also so. 整个凌霄天庭之上,几乎所有人都感到耳朵有些震碎了一般,不过,这一声音又特别奇怪,虽然震得所有人耳朵一阵轰鸣,可却没有一人受伤,哪怕凡人也是如此。 With the sound of this Dragon Roar, from that Luck spheroid, stretches out pair of towering incomparable golden dragon horn suddenly, subsequently is huge incomparable dragon head, subsequently is the dragon body, huge Luck Golden Dragon, when Great Zheng is promoted, finally produced. 随着这龙吟之响,从那气运球体之中,忽然伸出一对峥嵘无比的金色龙角,继而是庞大无比的龙头,继而是龙身子,庞大的气运金龙,在大崝晋级之际,终于产生了。 Luck Golden Dragon departs slowly, the huge power and influence, almost shakes everyone to have a tremor from the heart. A Golden Dragon body swing, carries over the terrifying space ripples. 气运金龙缓缓飞出,庞大的威势,震得几乎所有人都有种发自内心的颤动。金龙身形一摇摆,带出恐怖的空间涟漪。 The Luck Golden Dragon body came out slowly, looks at one merely, seems in the heart to be been ordinary by a suppression ruthlessly. Innumerable Thunder Lightning, from Luck Golden Dragon dragon horn spraying, above directly shoots highest heaven. 气运金龙身子缓缓出来了,仅仅看之一眼,都好似心中被狠狠的一压制一般。无数雷电,从气运金龙龙角喷射而出,直射九霄之上。 On this power and influence, stronger is too more than general Emperor Dynasty Luck Golden Dragon, the build is also too much big is too many, the most important thing is, generally Emperor Dynasty Luck Golden Dragon, the claw are not over most nine, at least is five Dragon Claw, most is only nine, Dragon Claw are also more, explained that Emperor Dynasty is stronger, but Great Zheng the Luck Golden Dragon, has 19 towering incomparable Dragon Claw. Entire are more than ten Luck Golden Dragon of most Emperor Dynasty. 就这股威势,就比一般帝朝气运金龙要强出太多,体型也大出太多太多,最重要的是,一般帝朝气运金龙,爪子最多不超过九个,最少是五个龙爪,最多也只是九个,龙爪越多,说明帝朝越强,可大崝的这条气运金龙,却有着十九个峥嵘无比的龙爪。比最帝朝气运金龙都整整多出十个。 In distant place land. 远处大地上。 19? 19 claw Luck Golden Dragon? How can like this? How does it have the 19 claw?” Li Si surprised calling out. 十九?十九气运金龙?怎么会这样?它怎么有十九爪?”李斯惊讶的叫道。
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