IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1085: Zhong Shan's Divine Ability

Jin Peng controls one's breathing in the Number One Under the Heaven palace unceasingly, in the main hall, has arranged various Immortal Pill! 金鹏天下第一殿中不断调息,大殿之中,早已备好了各种仙丹! Is clean dirty blood cleaning up on body, changes the new clothes, Jin Peng is eating Immortal Pill, while sighed all these absurdness. The Number One Under the Heaven palace, the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, are these unexpectedly a bureau of Zhong Shan arrangement? This was also too strange! 将身体上的污血清理干净,换上新衣服,金鹏一边吃着仙丹,一边感叹这一切的荒谬。天下第一殿,天帝传承,这些居然都是钟山布置的一个局?这也太诡异了! No wonder initially Zhong Shan was not anxious, instead to is oneself, more than ten years ago anxious that appearance. Jin Peng blushes. 难怪当初钟山一点也不急,反到是自己,十几年前急的那个样子。金鹏一阵脸红。 Life of Great Zheng, but also is really many colors, perhaps will keep Great Zheng is not lonely!” In the Jin Peng heart does not know how to have a sound suddenly. 大崝的生活,还真是多彩,或许留在大崝也不会寂寞!”金鹏心中不知如何忽然产生一个声音。 Jin Peng quickly grasps the meaning of something, the complexion changes said: How possibly, big of under the heavens, my can Jin Peng how be fettered in small Saint Courtyard? When the millenniums made, I left immediately!” 金鹏一个激灵,脸色一变道:“怎么可能,天下之大,我金鹏怎么可以被束缚在小小圣庭?等千年之约到了,我马上离开!” Jin Peng constantly is emphasizing own status, because of this serious stressed to oneself, explained Jin Peng had a dependence to Great Zheng. 金鹏不断强调着自己的身份,但正因为如此郑重的对自己强调,也说明了金鹏大崝产生了一丝依赖。 If Zhong Shan hears Jin Peng, certainly will smile happily. 若是钟山听到金鹏的话,一定会开心的笑起来。 How can, how possibly?” “怎么会,怎么可能?” Outside the main hall hears the Nangong Sheng surprised sound suddenly. 大殿外忽然传来南宫胜的惊讶之声。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Jin Peng had the injury to walk. 金鹏带着伤势走了出去。 Although needs as soon as possible therapy now, but where had the mood therapy at this time? Stood firm the injury with Immortal Pill, coming out that Jin Peng cannot take a seat. 虽然现在需要尽快疗伤,但这时哪有心情疗伤?用仙丹稳住伤势,金鹏就坐不住的出来了。 Your oneself look!” Nangong Sheng stands outside the palace deeply frowned to say. “你自己看!”南宫胜站在殿外眉头紧锁道。 Jin Peng looks following the Nangong Sheng vision, opened the mouth surprisedly. 金鹏顺着南宫胜的目光看去,也惊讶的张开了嘴巴。 Distant place, a piece of huge galaxy, is the sixth surrounding, suddenly presented the enormous crack. 远处,一片庞大的星系,也就是第六阵的外围,忽然间出现了大量的裂纹。 Crack dense and numerous, wrapped the entire galaxy. 裂纹密密麻麻,将整个星系都包裹了。 What's wrong, how?” Jin Peng panic-stricken say/way. “怎,怎么?”金鹏惊骇道。 Such strong might? Wasn't Without Form Saint King the severe wound? Who does send out? Zhong Shan? No way! 这么强的威力?无相圣王不是重伤了吗?到底谁发出的?钟山?不会吧! Great Array was suppressed, freeze!” Nangong Sheng took a deep breath said. 大阵被镇压,冻结了!”南宫胜深吸口气道。 What? Suppression? Freeze?” Jin Peng surprisedly said. “什么?镇压?冻结?”金鹏惊讶道 Yes, internal Great Array, was suppressed, internal at this moment already turns into the deathly stillness space, Great Array stops revolving, all forbade!” Nangong Sheng knits the brows to say. “是,内部大阵,被镇压了,内部此刻已经变成死寂空间,大阵停止运转,一切都禁止了!”南宫胜皱眉道。 That, that is a piece of galaxy, was suppressed completely?” Jin Peng non- channel. “那,那可是一片星系,全部被镇压了?”金鹏不信道。 Nangong Sheng has a look at Jin Peng, although is very helpless, but nods saying: Yes!” 南宫胜看看金鹏,虽然很无奈,但还是点点头道:“是!” Two people look at that piece of galaxy, looks at that huge sixth, face twitched unconsciously. 二人看着那一片星系,看着那庞大的第六阵,面部都不觉的抽了抽 --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- In sixth. 第六阵之中。 Suppressing World Copper Coffin, the starry sky suppression, all stopped, completely by the Suppressing World Copper Coffin suppression under. The Zhong Shan's speed also fell three times suddenly. 镇世铜棺一出,星空镇压,一切都停止了,全部被镇世铜棺镇压而下。就连钟山的速度也陡然降了三倍。 Overbearing Magical Treasure, even to Great Thousand Worlds, still showed its towering side. 霸道的法宝,即便到了大千世界,依然展现出其峥嵘的一面。 Ying's Suppressing World Copper Coffin, have you seen?” Without Form Saint King solemnly said. 嬴的镇世铜棺,你见过?”无相圣王郑重道 With your difference slightly!” Zhong Shan nods. “和你的略微不同!”钟山点点头。 Different?” In the Without Form Saint King eye stares. “不同?”无相圣王眼中一瞪。 His coffin covers with the coffins has the slit, but your, seems a whole, could it be that this Suppressing World Copper Coffin is a whole, by to win Lian to separating?” Zhong Shan curious asking. “他的棺材盖与棺材之间有缝隙,而你的,好似一个整体,难道镇世铜棺就原本是一个整体,被嬴炼到分开?”钟山好奇的问道。 Suppressing World Copper Coffin, infinitely great hole, he unexpectedly Suppressing World Copper Coffin infinitely great hole refine, to win!” Without Form Saint King clenches teeth to say. 镇世铜棺,无限大穴,他居然将镇世铜棺的‘无限大穴’炼出来了,嬴!”无相圣王咬咬牙道。 Infinitely great hole? Is the coffin mouth? After turning on the coffin to cover, will be fiercer? What effect will have?” Zhong Shan pursues asks. “无限大穴?就是棺材口?打开棺材盖后,会更厉害?会有什么效果?”钟山追问道。 Without Form Saint King eye one horizontal, subsequently corners of the mouth sneers saying: „Do you also want to wrap/sets of my words? I will not say, moreover you do not need to know, because of you immediately not in!” 无相圣王眼睛一横,继而嘴角一阵冷笑道:“你还想套我的话?我是不会说的,而且你也不需要知道,因为你马上就不在了!” During the speeches, Without Form Saint King body moves slightly, Suppressing World Copper Coffin turns toward the Zhong Shan crazy pressure from top to bottom, irresistible aura presses up to Zhong Shan, Suppressing World Copper Coffin changes is getting bigger and bigger, the place visited, the huge stars do not have loudly are cracked-up, irresistible, unrivalled! 说话间,无相圣王身形微动,镇世铜棺从上而下向着钟山狂压而下,一股势不可挡的气息直逼钟山,镇世铜棺变的越来越大,所过之处,庞大星辰轰然无被撞碎,势不可挡,所向无敌! Has not swayed in the suppression void intensely. 虚空在镇压中并没有强烈晃荡。 But from that momentum, Zhong Shan saw aura of destruction. 但从那股势头,钟山看到了一股毁灭的气息。 Zhong Shan body flees fast, but, the at this moment speed only has originally 1/3, huge Suppressing World Copper Coffin arrived at the near in an instant. 钟山身形快速遁逃,但是,此刻速度只剩下原本的三分之一,巨大镇世铜棺转眼到了近前。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” After cracking-up five 12 stars, finally to the Zhong Shan near. But Zhong Shan also evades Suppressing World Copper Coffin. 撞碎五十二颗星辰之后,终于到了钟山近前。而钟山也堪堪躲过镇世铜棺 But the body was hit, Zhong Shan hits to fly loudly, hits the powder dust a asteroid directly! 但身体受到擦撞,钟山轰然撞飞,直接将一颗小行星撞成碎末! In Zhong Shan body decides, Suppressing World Copper Coffin again by irresistible strength impact. 就在钟山身形微定之际,镇世铜棺再度以势不可挡的力道冲击而来。 Zhong Shan distressed avoids again. 钟山狼狈的再度躲开 For successive ten times later, Zhong Shan was compelled to a spacious place, this position, no longer had the stars to stop Suppressing World Copper Coffin, at this moment, Zhong Shan escaped not to be possible to escape. 连续十次之后,钟山被逼到一个空旷之处,这一方位,不再有星辰阻拦镇世铜棺,这一刻,钟山逃无可逃。 It seems so long as one strikes again, Zhong Shan was ground thoroughly general. 好似只要再有一击,钟山就彻底被碾碎一般。 Without Form Saint King shows an exciting smile. The hand holds Suppressing World Copper Coffin, presses again toward Zhong Shan, the powerful Suppressing World Copper Coffin suppression, void locking, Zhong Shan may escape no other. 无相圣王露出一丝兴奋的笑容。手执镇世铜棺,再度向着钟山压去,强大的镇世铜棺镇压而下,虚空锁定,钟山别无可逃。 But at this moment Zhong Shan actually no longer escaped, but is coldly looks to Without Form Saint King! 此刻钟山却不再逃了,而是冷冷的看向无相圣王! Zhong Shan clothes suddenly calm automatic, when the hair scatters, Zhong Shan both eyes incomparably sharp looks to Suppressing World Copper Coffin. The right hand dangles to make a fist, index finger and middle finger, in shivers stretches out gently. 钟山衣服忽然无风自动,头发飘散之际,钟山双目无比锐利的看向镇世铜棺。右手垂下握拳,食指与中指在一阵颤抖中轻轻伸出。 Between the index finger and middle finger, the place of that young neutral, presented a sunspot strangely, seems black hole of revolving to be the same, slowly rotation. But this is not the black hole, because this small black hole is sparkling unexpectedly the innumerable small luminous spots. It seems starry sky of concentration to be the same! 在食指与中指之间,那一个小空挡之处,却诡异的出现了一个黑点,好似一个旋转的黑洞一般,缓缓转动。可这又不是黑洞,因为这个小‘黑洞’中居然闪耀着无数小光点。好似一个浓缩的星空一样! Terrifying aura double refers to from Zhong Shan central black hole sends out. Made the person palpitation aura make distant place Without Form Saint King stop on hand slightly. 一股恐怖的气息从钟山双指中央的‘黑洞’中散发而出。令人心悸的气息让远处无相圣王手头微微一停。 Suppressing World Copper Coffin stops during was void, Without Form Saint King both eyes staring stubbornly to the Zhong Shan right hand double refers. 镇世铜棺停在了虚空之中,无相圣王双目死死的盯向了钟山右手的双指之间。 What is that? Why did I feel a threat of death? 那是什么?为什么我感到一种死亡的威胁? What cultivation technique is this?” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “这是什么法术?”无相圣王沉声道 You are first person who sees my Divine Ability!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “你是第一个见到我神通的人!”钟山淡淡道 Then, Zhong Shan welcomed Suppressing World Copper Coffin to fly. 说完,钟山迎着镇世铜棺飞去。 Divine Ability? Zhong Shan's Divine Ability? 神通?钟山的神通? Felt that dangerous aura oppression comes, Suppressing World Copper Coffin in Without Form Saint King hand pressed strongly. 感觉那股危险气息压迫而来,无相圣王手中的镇世铜棺强势的压了下去。 The Zhong Shan right hand stretches out, small black hole place visited, all pressures completely disappear, Zhong Shan's double refers to is straight collision to Suppressing World Copper Coffin. 钟山右手伸出,小‘黑洞’所过之处,一切压力尽消,钟山的双指更是直直的撞向镇世铜棺 Courts death!” Without Form Saint King brings a ruthless offense to say. “找死!”无相圣王带着一股狠戾道。 Unexpectedly dares to defend Suppressing World Copper Coffin hardly, this does not court death, is what? 居然敢硬捍镇世铜棺,这不是找死,是什么? Ding!” “叮!” Zhong Shan's double referred to bumping into Suppressing World Copper Coffin, the flash of bumping into, made a clear sound, but the Suppressing World Copper Coffin flash was motionless. 钟山的双指碰到了镇世铜棺,碰到的一瞬间,发出一声清脆的声响,而镇世铜棺一瞬间不动了。 Small black hole rises shrinks, seems the thing on sorption Suppressing World Copper Coffin to be the same, the revolving effort also sped up. 小‘黑洞’一涨一缩,好似在吸着镇世铜棺上的东西一般,旋转力度也加快了很多。 Zhong Shan is pushing Suppressing World Copper Coffin, pushed. 钟山就这么推着镇世铜棺,推了回去。 Zhong Shan flies to Without Form Saint King, Suppressing World Copper Coffin getting smaller, seemed under Zhong Shan Divine Ability is suppressed generally. 钟山飞向无相圣王,镇世铜棺越来越小,好似在钟山神通下被生生的压制了一般。 The Zhong Shan complexion turns white slightly, obviously the consumption of this Divine Ability was too terrifying. 钟山脸色微微发白,显然这个神通的消耗太恐怖了。 Is impossible, how can like this? How possibly this?” Without Form Saint King incredible looks at Suppressing World Copper Coffin. “不可能,怎么会这样?怎么可能这样?”无相圣王不可置信的看着镇世铜棺 Suppressing World Copper Coffin, above azure light is also getting smaller getting more and more gloomy, is getting more and more weak, seeming is an ordinary copper coffin is the same from a Ancestor Immortal Equipment change. 镇世铜棺越来越小,上面的青光也越来越暗淡,越来越弱,好似从一个祖仙器变化为一个普通铜棺一样。 In an instant, Zhong Shan arrived in front of Without Form Saint King Heavenly Dao. 转眼,钟山就到了无相圣王天道面前。 Arrived here, Suppressing World Copper Coffin lost the might thoroughly, changes into an ordinary copper lump, broke away from the control of Without Form Saint King. 到了这里,镇世铜棺彻底失去了威力,化为一个普通铜疙瘩,脱离了无相圣王的控制。 Big Samsara Passage! Opens!” “大轮回通道!开!” A Zhong Shan great roar, Samsara Passage opens greatly. 钟山一声巨吼,轮回通道大开。 Without Form Saint King Heavenly Dao and Samsara Passage collided loudly, has the vast shake, but the Zhong Shan's right hand, contacts the body of Without Form Saint King. 无相圣王天道轮回通道轰然碰撞了起来,产生浩瀚的震荡,而钟山的右手,更是接触到了无相圣王的身体。 Zhong Shan is pale, emits the enormous sweat. 钟山脸色苍白,冒出大量汗水。 But Without Form Saint King seemed by the Zhong Shan finger is held generally, could not move, escaped unable to escape continually, even Heavenly Dao is unable to display, whatever Zhong Shan acted bashful. 无相圣王好似被钟山手指吸住了一般,动弹不得,连逃跑都逃不了,甚至连天道都无法施展了,任凭钟山拿捏。 Is impossible, is impossible, how world possibly has this Divine Ability, this should not save in world!” Without Form Saint King is startled to exclaim. “不可能,不可能的,世间怎么可能有这种神通,这不该存于世间的!”无相圣王惊吼道。 When shouts, the hair of Without Form Saint King turns white in an instant, a face alarmed and afraid and weary intent. 呼喊之际,无相圣王的头发转眼发白,一脸惊惧和疲意。 But it indeed appeared, and became aware by me!” Zhong Shan weak say/way. “可是它的确出现了,并且被我悟到了!”钟山虚弱道。 The powerful consumption, Divine Ability is abnormal, Zhong Shan displays is quite reluctant. 强大的消耗,神通是变态,钟山施展的极为勉强。 You over 1000 years old are, even if you are the capital of having god-given wisdom, is impossible.” Without Form Saint King non- channel. “你才一千多岁,就算你是天纵之资,也不可能的。”无相圣王不信道。 „The capital of my even having god-given wisdom, is only the body root difference . Moreover, this is a Saint incarnation Bodhi tree just now completely all helps me sense, just like you, this Divine Ability I never prepares to display, but was forced today, you are first person who sees this Divine Ability, you died with no regrets!” Zhong Shan is getting more and more weak. “我本来就算天纵之资,只是根骨差而已,而且,这是一个圣人化身菩提树顷尽一切助我感悟的,和你一样,这个神通我从来不准备施展,可今日被逼无奈,你是第一个见到这神通的人,你死而无憾了!”钟山越来越虚弱。 On the Without Form Saint King face reveals a solemn and stirring color, finally suddenly smiled saying: Dies in your hand, is not injust, you create this Divine Ability, enough rewrites the ranks of Great Thousand Worlds ten big Divine Ability, how I do not know front several, but I know, your Divine Ability is I sees strongly!” 无相圣王脸上露出一股悲壮之色,最终忽然笑了起来道:“死在你手,不冤,你创出这个神通,足够改写大千世界十大神通的排行,我不知道前面几个如何,但我知道,你这个神通是我见到最强的!” Zhong Shan weak body sways, in the hand Divine Ability displayed also stopped, whole face sweat looks at Without Form Saint King! 钟山虚弱的身形一阵摇晃,手中神通施展也停止了,满脸汗水的看着无相圣王! Without Form Saint King was free, but Without Form Saint King has not escaped, but having hair dishevelled looks at Zhong Shan. Deep and looked at one, finally shuts both eyes, drops down backward! 无相圣王自由了,可无相圣王并没有逃跑,而是披头散发的看着钟山。深深的又看了一眼,最终闭起双目,向后倒下! One generation of Saint King, died suddenly! Without injury, the body is complete, but such strange death! Beginning Zhong Shan's Divine Ability obviously towering, performing the reveal is aggressive! 一代圣王,就这么忽然死了!没有受伤,身体完好,可就这么诡异的死了!钟山的神通初显峥嵘,尽露霸气! Entire, is only left over Zhong Shan one person to sway, seems faints momentarily general. 全死了,只剩下钟山一人摇摇晃晃,好似随时昏死过去一般。 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Before Number One Under the Heaven palace . 天下第一殿前。 Great Array broke, that suppression also vanished!” Nangong Sheng said suddenly. 大阵破了,那股镇压也消失了!”南宫胜忽然道。 Finished?” Jin Peng has one is not indefinite said. “结束了?”金鹏带着一股不确定道。 But Nangong Sheng was actually takes the lead to fly. The Jin Peng being wounded body follows. 南宫胜却是率先飞了过去。金鹏带着伤躯紧随其后。 Two people arrive in that shatter starry skies quickly, looks that void was rumbled innumerably the broken stars, the float of enormous Ancestor Immortal Equipment, two people did not stop the footsteps voluntarily! 二人很快来到那片破碎的星空之中,看着虚空中无数被轰碎的星辰,还有大量祖仙器的漂浮,二人不自觉的停下了脚步! ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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