IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1084: Suppressing World Copper Coffin reappears

Yang Sector, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! In Heavenly Reason Pavilion! 阳间,凌霄天庭!天缘阁中! The main body Zhong Shan complexion was slightly sad, sits in the place of desk, gently launched one volume of Imperial Edict. Also is Great Zheng highest Imperial Edict. Investiture of the Gods! 本体钟山面色略微沉闷,坐在书桌之处,轻轻的展开了一卷圣旨。也是大崝最高圣旨封神榜! Investiture of the Gods opens, whole body of ministers list completely obviously above! 封神榜打开,群臣名单尽显其上! Zhong Shan passed over gently and swiftly directly the whole body of ministers list, looked to the empress list of forefront region, first sovereign Queen, Wei Kui'er! 钟山直接掠过了群臣名单,看向了最前面区域的皇后名单,第一皇后,魏葵儿! Sees this name time, the Zhong Shan eye is slightly gentle, subsequently reveals a bitterness and astringency. 看到这个名字的时候,钟山眼睛略微柔和,继而露出一丝苦涩。 The list of whole body of ministers, is sparkling seven color rays, only then this Wei Kui'er name, does not have the light gloomily, a grayish white! 群臣的名单,都闪耀着七彩光芒,只有这魏葵儿的名字,暗淡无光,一片灰白! Zhong Shan bitter and astringent say/way: Girl, Nian Wuxiang this fellow developing has your appearance, although I have to kill the heart, may be unable to achieve eventually starts to your developing full power, so many years, your appearance I do not have to put behind slightly, deeply buries in the heart, is getting more and more profound. You, but can also live?” 钟山苦涩道:“丫头,念无相这个家伙显像出你的模样,我虽有杀心,可终究做不到全力对你显像下手,这么多年,你的容貌我没有丝毫忘却,深埋心中,却越来越深刻。你,还能活吗?” Buzz! 嗡! Buzz! 嗡! Investiture of the Gods trembles suddenly slightly, seeming to respond to the Zhong Shan's words to be the same, Wei Kui'er that name, flashed through light red light suddenly, flashed to pass! 封神榜忽然微微一颤,好似回应钟山的话一般,魏葵儿那个名字,忽然间闪过一丝淡淡的红光,一闪而逝! !” “呼!” Bang!” “嘭!” Zhong Shan stood up suddenly, acts the chair that too big sits to shake the powder. Loudly a biography to the outside world. 钟山忽然站起身来,动作太大将坐着的椅子都震散了。轰然一声传向外界。 Saint King, Saint King is all right!” 圣王,圣王没事吧!” Outside to/clashes enormous Imperial Guard immediately. 外面顿时冲进来大量侍卫 Get lost!” Zhong Shan shouting loudly. “滚出去!”钟山一声大喝 Protects four directions , anybody can not disturb, to dare rushing, kills without the amnesty!” Zhong Shan to must break in Imperial Guard of main hall to exclaim. “守护四方,任何人不得打扰,敢闯者,杀无赦!”钟山对着就要冲入大殿的侍卫吼道。 Yes!” Imperial Guard trembling drew back. “是!”侍卫战战兢兢的退了出去。 at this moment Zhong Shan, is actually slightly careful looks to Investiture of the Gods, in the eye flashes through an anticipation of fear, is afraid all these not real. 此刻钟山,却是略微小心的看向封神榜,眼中闪过一股害怕的期待,害怕这一切都不是真的。 Waits, has waited for a double-hour! Wei Kui'er name not slightly sound. 等,一直等了一个时辰!魏葵儿的名字都没有丝毫动静。 But Zhong Shan as before patient is waiting! 钟山依旧耐心的等着! Buzz!” “嗡!” Finally another double-hour Queen, Wei Kui'er name flashes through weak red light suddenly. 终于又一个时辰后,魏葵儿的名字忽然又闪过一丝微弱的红光 Zhong Shan grabs Investiture of the Gods, trembles on hand lightly! 钟山抓着封神榜,手头一阵轻颤! Ha, haha, Hahahaha!” Zhong Shan laughed wildly suddenly, in the laughter was full of meaning of the vicissitudes. “哈,哈哈,哈哈哈哈!”钟山忽然狂笑了起来,笑声中充满了一股沧桑之意。 Zhong Shan, you how?” In the palace transmits doubts suddenly. 钟山,你怎么了?”殿中忽然传来一声疑惑。 Others cannot come, but no one can block Huan Ji. 别人不能进来,但谁也拦不住幻姬 In Zhong Shan at this moment heart wild with joy, has not blamed Huan Ji, but has not paid attention to Huan Ji, but turns the hand to take out a small wooden box. The wooden box opens, the interior is sparkling the enormous golden light, more than hundred golden small balls well-illuminated of Heavenly Reason Pavilion internal radiation. 钟山此刻心中狂喜,并没有责怪幻姬,但也没理会幻姬,而是翻手取出一个小木盒。木盒打开,内部闪耀着大量的金光,百多个金色小球将天缘阁内照射的通亮。 Zhong Shan takes out a small ball, gently puts in Wei Kui'er that name place! 钟山取出一个小球,轻轻的投放到魏葵儿的那个名字处! „!” “咻!” That name attracted the golden small ball. 那名字将金色小球吸了进去。 Zhong Shan do you do? This is one Yuan Destiny, you throw into Investiture of the Gods name, can pass on the past only has 1%. 0% nine 19 wasted completely!” Huan Ji immediately surprisedly said. 钟山你干什么?这可是一元气数,你丢进封神榜的‘名字’中,能传过去的只有百分之一都不到。还有百分之九十九全部浪费了啊!”幻姬马上惊讶道 I do not care!” “我不在乎!” As before Zhong Shan sticks to one's own way of doing things invests in Destiny the Wei Kui'er name unceasingly, one Yuan, ten Yuan, hundred Yuan, altogether 100 16 Yuan Destiny, Zhong Shan not parsimonious threw completely! 钟山依旧我行我素的将气数不断投入魏葵儿的名字之中,一元,十元,百元,一共一百一十六气数,钟山毫不吝啬的全部投了进去! In Queen, Wei Kui'er of hundred multi- Destiny investment name, red light stabilized finally, although others name is not putting seven colors like that but also had the color. 百多元气数投入之后,魏葵儿的名字上,红光终于稳定了,虽然不似别人名字那般放着七彩,但也有了色彩。 Zhong Shan excited inspiration of said: You are waiting, I will find innumerable Destiny for you!” 钟山激动的吸了口气道:“你等着,我会为你找到无数气数的!” Zhong Shan, is that......?” Huan Ji goes forward to say immediately. 钟山,那是......?”幻姬马上上前道。 Zhong Shan is actually one volume of Investiture of the Gods, shakes the head saying: „A I very important person!” 钟山却是一卷封神榜,摇摇头道:“我一个非常重要的人!” Sees Zhong Shan to receive Investiture of the Gods, the Huan Ji shrivelled mouth said: Mean-spirited!” 钟山收起封神榜,幻姬瘪瘪嘴道:“小气!” --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Yin Sector, in starry sky's sixth. 阴间,星空第六阵中。 Shadow Body Zhong Shan to fighting Without Form Saint King! 影躯钟山对战无相圣王! The Without Form Saint King king's heart of increases unceasingly, the Rules Under The Heavens aura is more and more abundant, in the hand blood-color great blade waves, during is void has the endless blade shadow, overbearing incomparable. 无相圣王的帝王之心不断攀升,君临天下的气息更是越来越盛,手中血色大刀舞动,虚空之中有着无尽刀影,霸道无比。 !” “呼!” „The seventh body, these more than two double-hour, my already cut your seven clone, some of your also how many clone? Your mentally confused!” Without Form Saint King sneers to say. “第七个身体了,这两个多时辰,我已经斩去了你七个分身,你还有多少分身?你的心乱了!”无相圣王冷笑道。 At this moment, Zhong Shan another body stands in void, suddenly eyes closed, seems is recalling anything, on the face shows a gentle smile unexpectedly. 这一刻,钟山又一个身体站在虚空之中,忽然闭目,好似回忆着什么,脸上居然露出一丝温柔的笑容。 Hahahaha, Hahahaha!” Zhong Shan laughs wildly suddenly. 哈哈哈哈,哈哈哈哈!”钟山忽然狂笑而起。 Incomparable carefree, carefree of the heart. 无比的畅快,发自内心的畅快。 After smiling, Zhong Shan complexion one austere, face chill/yin cold looks to Without Form Saint King, by that female foreign minister, looks to Without Form Saint King, seemed the Kui'er image unable to feel embarrassed Zhong Shan again generally! 笑完之后,钟山脸色一肃,一脸阴寒的看向无相圣王,透过那女子外相,看向无相圣王,好似葵儿的形象再也为难不了钟山了一般! The Without Form Saint King facial expression concentrates slightly, stares at distant place Zhong Shan saying: Snort, bloodshed Luo heaven!” 无相圣王神情微微一凝,盯着远处钟山道:“哼,血海罗天!” A blood blade dance, presents the endless bloodshed to be the same void suddenly, releases to go toward Zhong Shan crazily. 血刀一舞,虚空忽然出现无尽血海一般,向着钟山狂泄而去。 „!” „!” „!” ........................ “咻!”“咻!”“咻!”........................ Zhong Shan's speed suddenly quick one time, evaded the Without Form Saint King move instantaneously, was too quick, is hard to catch quickly general to the naked eye. 钟山的速度陡然快了一倍,瞬间躲过了无相圣王的强招,太快了,快到肉眼都难以捕捉一般。 The Without Form Saint King complexion changes, in hand blade potential fast transformation. 无相圣王脸色一变,手中刀势快速变换。 Quickly! Too quick! What concept does the speed increase suddenly a time of that is? Also looked at Zhong Shan a moment ago in the distant place, in an instant arrived at the near. 快!太快了!速度陡增一倍那是什么概念?刚才还看钟山在远处,转眼就到了近前。 Samsara Passage! Opens!” Zhong Shan yelled. 轮回通道!开!”钟山一声大叫。 Bang!” “轰!” The Without Form Saint King whole body clothes appear some shatter, Samsara Passage appears before him, was good because of rapidness of enough Without Form Saint King response, the blade potential blocked most might. 无相圣王周身衣服出现一些破碎,一个轮回通道就在他面前出现,好在无相圣王反应的够快,刀势挡住了大部分威力。 But the flash, the Zhong Shan form disappeared generally. When Without Form Saint King discovered that Zhong Shan in distant place, distant place Zhong Shan sprints once again, that speed astonishing terrifying, attacked side Without Form Saint King in a flash. 可一瞬间,钟山身影又消失了一般。待无相圣王发现钟山在远处的时候,远处钟山又一次冲刺,那速度惊人的恐怖,转瞬攻击到了无相圣王身边。 Samsara Passage! Opens!” 轮回通道!开!” Bang!” “轰!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... Abnormal speed, if were seen by Jin Peng, definitely opened the mouth, the Zhong Shan's speed was too fast, can only hide to Without Form Saint King in Heavenly Dao quickly, does not dare to come out, Samsara Passage blasted out in the front each time can make to resist. 变态的速度,若是被金鹏看见,肯定又张大嘴巴了,钟山的速度太快了,快到无相圣王只能躲在天道之中,不敢出来,每次轮回通道在面前炸开才能做出抵挡。 This war, is a double-hour, after a double-hour, the Zhong Shan speed does not reduce, but Without Form Saint King was the clothes presented broken of enormous. But Zhong Shan cannot give its deathblow! 这一战,就又是一个时辰,一个时辰后,钟山速度不减,而无相圣王却是衣服出现了大量的残破。但钟山并不能给予它致命的打击! Bang!” “轰!” Once again after bumping into to separate . 又一次相撞分开后。 Fierce, no wonder you dare to fight with me alone!” Some Without Form Saint King distressed say/way. “厉害,难怪你敢与我独斗!”无相圣王有些狼狈道。 Without Form Saint King, you should have the method, causes, like this you will be suppressed by me unceasingly, do you feel also interestingly?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. 无相圣王,你应该还有手段吧,使出来吧,这样你就会不断被我压制,你觉得还有意思吗?”钟山淡淡道 The Without Form Saint King complexion sinks saying: You, since knows, I do not hide, but your speed shakes to increase, that is your main body!” 无相圣王脸色一沉道:“你既然知道,那我也就不藏了,而你速度抖增,那是你的本体吧!” Zhong Shan has not refuted, the speed can increase suddenly one time, indeed is Shadow Body goes to battle, no longer was Shadow Clone, because Shadow Clone could not stump Without Form Saint King! 钟山没有反驳,速度能陡增一倍,的确是影躯自己出战,不再是影分身了,因为影分身根本难不住无相圣王! Without Form Saint King stares at Zhong Shan of distant place, the whole body imposing manner is rising crazily, a aura suddenly inflation of Heavenly Dao is also ordinary, the Without Form Saint King right palm stretches out, presents a small-scale exit|to speak to be the same void, from the interior, emits a giant azure copper coffin slowly! 无相圣王盯着远处的钟山,周身气势狂涨,天道的气息也忽然一阵膨胀一般,无相圣王右掌伸出,虚空出现一个小型出口一般,从内部,缓缓冒出一个巨大的青色铜棺! Above the copper coffin, sends out an invincible aggression, copper coffin, seeming the Without Form Saint King flash restored the heyday to be the same, the vast wild ancient aura all around starry sky turbulent flow domineering forcing will open. 铜棺之上,散发出一股无敌的霸气,铜棺一出,好似无相圣王一瞬间恢复到了全盛时期一般,浩瀚的荒古气息将四周星空乱流强势的逼迫而开。 The overbearing copper coffin seemed fills with a Supreme unsurpassed aura to be the same, subjugates four directions all. 霸道的铜棺好似充满了一种至尊无上的气息一样,镇服四方一切。 The Zhong Shan look moves slightly. 钟山眼神微动。 This is I prepares to be promoted Heavenly Emperor Heavenly Emperor Magical Treasure, did not prepare to take, you are person of the treasure first looks at!” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “这本是我准备晋级天帝天帝法宝,一直不准备拿出来,你是第一个看的此宝之人!”无相圣王冷冷道。 You are really hiding a huge method!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “你果然藏着一个巨大的手段!”钟山沉声道 Knows that what this is?” Without Form Saint King said. “知道这是什么吗?”无相圣王道。 Small Thousand Worlds, undergoes Suppressing World Copper Coffin of ancient ten big Magical Treasure!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. 小千世界,历古十大法宝镇世铜棺!”钟山沉声道 „Do you know?” Without Form Saint King does not have the accident/surprise of origin. “你知道?”无相圣王没由来的一阵意外。 Pitifully, it could not become the Heavenly Emperor most precious object forever!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “可惜,它永远成不了天帝至宝了!”钟山摇摇头。 Big tone!” Without Form Saint King thinks that Zhong Shan disdains as before. “好大的口气!”无相圣王以为钟山依旧不屑的。 „It is not my tone is big, but was already has Heavenly Emperor to use Suppressing World Copper Coffin to be the treasure!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “不是我口气大,而是已经天帝镇世铜棺为宝了!”钟山摇摇头。 Is impossible, whom did you say?” “不可能,你说谁?” to win!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “嬴!”钟山郑重道 Small Thousand Worlds 90,000 years ago Number One Under the Heaven person?” Without Form Saint King slightly startled. 小千世界九万年前天下第一人?”无相圣王微微一鄂 Therefore , you did not have the opportunity!” Zhong Shan said. “所以说,你没有机会了!”钟山道。 Not necessarily!” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “未必!”无相圣王冷声道 Snort!” “哼!” Zhong Shan cold snort/hum, body shoots at Without Form Saint King again! 钟山一声冷哼下,身形再度射向无相圣王! The Without Form Saint King complexion sinks, hand/subordinate a Suppressing World Copper Coffin racket. 无相圣王脸色一沉,手下镇世铜棺一拍。 Bang!” “轰!” Produces ripples void. Space not shatter, but this strange ripples actually shook to fly the Zhong Shan's body. 虚空产生一丝涟漪。空间并没有破碎,但这诡异的涟漪却将钟山的身体震飞了出去。 Bang!” “轰!” Zhong Shan hit above a star, in the eye flashed through an accident/surprise, were more a excitement. 钟山撞在了一颗星球之上,眼中闪过一丝意外,更多出一丝兴奋。 Suppressing World Copper Coffin, although this Suppressing World Copper Coffin does not have Ying's that great strength, but, can feel the Suppressing World Copper Coffin effect early, Zhong Shan also harvests significantly. 镇世铜棺,尽管这个镇世铜棺没有嬴的那个强大,但是,能够这么早感受镇世铜棺的效果,钟山也收获重大。 So-called knows oneself and other side, is undefeated in many battles! Later if to to win, perhaps today is the best practice. 所谓知己知彼,百战不殆!以后若是对上嬴,或许今日就是最好的练习。 Subdue world Heaven and Earth!” Without Form Saint King pats Suppressing World Copper Coffin again. “镇世天地!”无相圣王再度一拍镇世铜棺 Suppressing World Copper Coffin slightly to sinking sinking, had not crushed the space, seems has that space to sinking, but the movement of that space, seeming to pull four directions all space migrations to be the same. 镇世铜棺微微向下沉了沉,并没有压碎空间,却好似带着那一处的空间向下沉去,而那一处空间的移动,好似拉扯四方所有空间移动一般。 Kā kā kā kā kā!” 咔咔咔咔咔!” The powerful strength, blew entire sixth, in Great Array, all turbulent flow stop suddenly, all stars stopped the movement suddenly. Was blown. 强大的力量,镇住了整个‘第六阵’,大阵之内,所有乱流忽然一止,所有星辰都忽然停止了运动。生生的被镇住了。 This piece of space all, stopped. 这片空间一切的一切,都停止了。 Different from Luo Xingchen Forbidden Time, this blew the space. 不同于落星尘时间禁止,这是镇住了空间。 In this space, Zhong Shan felt suddenly all around space solidified generally, seemed the flash hardly, letting the person is unable to move, seemed this big starry skies to be sealed in an iceberg. 在这片空间之中,钟山陡然感觉四周空间固化了一般,好似一瞬间坚硬了起来,让人无法移动,就好似这一大片星空被封在了一个冰山之中。 Naturally, solidifies the starry sky is not the water, but is the space, the space solidifies, town/subdues world Heaven and Earth! 当然,凝固星空的不是水,而是空间,空间凝固,镇世天地! Suppressing World Copper Coffin, so powerful treasure!” In Zhong Shan heart surprisedly said. 镇世铜棺,好强大的宝贝!”钟山心中惊讶道 Because the space was suppressed, although Shadow Body can continue to shuttle back and forth, but speed suddenly slow three times, the previous advantage does not save immediately! This is the Suppressing World Copper Coffin first ability! Suppressing World Copper Coffin strong? 因为空间被镇压,影躯虽然能够继续穿梭,但速度陡然慢了三倍,先前的优势顿时不存!这才是镇世铜棺的第一个能力!镇世铜棺到底有多强? Starry sky Great Array thorough static, this far more than breaks through the formation, if previously Without Form Saint King took out Suppressing World Copper Coffin, strikes merely, other Ancestor Immortal definitely act as lookout to walk! 星空大阵彻底静止了,这何止是破阵,若是先前无相圣王取出镇世铜棺,仅仅一击之下,其它祖仙肯定望风而走! Stands in void, the hand presses Suppressing World Copper Coffin, Without Form Saint King seems the unbeaten war-god to be the same, callous looks to opposite no longer movement Zhong Shan! 站在虚空之中,手压镇世铜棺,无相圣王好似不败战神一样,冷酷的看向对面不再移动的钟山! My that generation, my already cancelled Suppressing World Copper Coffin the methods of all sacrificial refining, can have Suppressing World Copper Coffin, only then the person of former generation, never expected, in Small Thousand Worlds besides the Longevity Boundary old monster, to win can has lived long live!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “我那一代,我已经抹去了镇世铜棺的一切祭炼之法,能拥有镇世铜棺的,只有上代之人,想不到,在小千世界除了长生界老怪物,还有嬴可以活过万岁!”无相圣王沉声道 ***: Asked ***! The next chapter, Zhong Shan's Divine Ability must reveal! ***:求***!下一章,钟山的神通就要显露了!
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