IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1083: Finally war

„It is not I, you thought that is who?” Zhong Shan light saying with a smile. “不是我,你觉得是谁呢?”钟山淡淡的笑道。 The Without Form Saint King eyeful anger, why did not know, suddenly the angry facial features tranquil. Careful looked at Zhong Shan. 无相圣王原本满眼怒火,不知为何,忽然之间愤怒的面容平静了下来。仔细的看起了钟山 This is the ability that a qualified Rules Under The Heavens emperor can have, if ordinary Expert, at this moment definitely gets angry more and more, the anger becomes confused, however the Rules Under The Heavens emperor, can actually in the worst situation set at the deathtrap then to live again, they most care about the influence that oneself have, most does not care about foreign object all that oneself have. 这是一个合格君临天下帝王才能具备的能力,若是普通强者,此刻肯定越来越怒,怒火冲昏头脑,但是君临天下的帝王,却能够再最糟糕的情况下置之死地而后生,他们最在乎自己所拥有的势力,也最不在乎自己所拥有的外物一切。 Without Form Saint King seemed Transcendent in this flash generally, mind like still water, incomparably tranquil sized up Zhong Shan again. At this moment, Without Form Saint King suddenly discovered, Zhong Shan stands in void, the innumerable energy turbulent flow cannot affect Zhong Shan to be the same, seems the innumerable energies across the Zhong Shan body, Zhong Shan was not disturbed. 无相圣王在这一瞬间好似超脱了一般,心如止水,无比平静的再度打量钟山。这一刻,无相圣王才忽然发现,钟山就站在虚空之中,无数能量乱流根本不能影响钟山一般,好似无数能量穿过钟山身体,钟山丝毫不受干扰。 Sees this, the Without Form Saint King pupil shrinks. 看到这一幕,无相圣王瞳孔一缩。 Fierce! Worthily is the Small Thousand Worlds Number One Under the Heaven person, even the Longevity Boundary old monster by Expert that you clean up! No wonder can in short ten change the Without Form Holy Court top official for several years completely, the destruction my Without Form Holy Court!” Without Form Saint King inspires to say suddenly. “厉害!不愧为小千世界天下第一人,连长生界的老怪物都被你清理的强者!难怪可以在短短十数年将无相圣庭的首脑官员全部换了一遍,覆灭我无相圣庭!”无相圣王忽然吸了口气道。 The Without Form Saint King complexion is very light, but eyes actually changes extremely sharp, a fighting meaning emits from eyes. This fighting meaning does not have depressed of Saint Courtyard destruction, some more are an excitement! 无相圣王面色很平淡,但双眼却变的极为的锐利,一股争锋之意从双眼中冒出。这股争锋之意没有圣庭覆灭的沮丧,有的更多是一种兴奋! Nearby Saint King Ye is surprised, what? In several years, Great Zheng the Without Form Holy Court destruction? Did the officials trade completely? 一旁夜圣王一脸惊讶,什么?这十几年,大崝无相圣庭覆灭了?官员全部换了? A Saint King Ye face is inconceivable, how possibly, to capture area possibly merely more than ten years? Where has such easy matter? 夜圣王一脸不可思议,怎么可能,夺取疆域怎么可能仅仅十几年的时间?哪有这么轻松的事? Does Zhong Shan plan us with Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary incessantly? Will plan to extend to all around numerous area? 钟山不止用天帝密境算计我们?更将算计延伸到四周一众疆域? Saint King Ye looks at Zhong Shan, the eyelid did not jump jumping voluntarily. 夜圣王看着钟山,眼皮不自觉的跳了跳。 Zhong Shan hears Without Form Saint King that exciting words, the pupil shrinks, subsequently understood the idea of Without Form Saint King. 钟山听到无相圣王那兴奋的话语,瞳孔一缩,继而明白了无相圣王的想法。 The corners of the mouth reveal one to smile pale, Zhong Shan said: „Do you want to make the hone that you said with me?” 嘴角露出一丝淡笑,钟山道:“你想用我做你道的磨刀石?” I acknowledged that my former underestimate you, but, I now not, our that Small Thousand Worlds, so long as is the Number One Under the Heaven person, no is the simple person, even if 1000-year-old you, you had the qualifications. My already had more than 10,000 years not to break through, I had a feeling, so long as defeated you, I can break through, even if you were only Ancient Immortal. As for losing area, so long as I can defeat you, the lost area will also come back surely.” Without Form Saint King solemnly said. “我承认,我以前小看你了,但是,我现在不会了,我们那小千世界,只要是天下第一人,没有一个是简单的人,哪怕只有1000多岁的你,你有资格了。我已经有一万多年没有突破了,我有种感觉,只要败你,我就能突破,哪怕你只是古仙。至于失去的疆域,只要我能败你,失去的疆域必定还会回来。”无相圣王郑重道 I have this intent!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “我也有此意!”钟山郑重道 „Do you want to rub your emperor heart with me ‚’? That looked at you to have that skill!” Without Form Saint King dignified say/way. “你想用我磨你的‘帝心’?那看你有没有那个本事了!”无相圣王凝重道。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A distant place pitiful yell transmits suddenly. 远处忽然一声惨叫传来。 The people look, is actually that weak Old Eunuch, finally cannot withstand the Great Array adverse circumstance, lost the vitality in the center that three turbulent flow energies collide thoroughly. 众人望去,却是那虚弱的老太监,终于不堪大阵的恶劣环境,在三股乱流能量碰撞的中心彻底失去了生机。 The Without Form Saint King complexion changes, on the face reveals deep regretting, in the eye not consciousness flashes through an anger. 无相圣王脸色一变,脸上露出一股深深的惋惜,眼中不知觉的闪过一丝火气。 Saw the anger that Without Form Saint King that is not easy to detect, Zhong Shan smiled, because this anger broke the Without Form Saint King at this moment state of mind, if later defeats, very big reason is this anger. 看到无相圣王那不易察觉的火气,钟山笑了,因为这一丝火气就打破了无相圣王此刻的心境,待会若败,很大原因就是这一丝的火气。 As for Saint King Ye of not far away, at this moment actually shows a slightly exciting facial expression. Old Eunuch also died, fights, you continue to fight! 至于不远处的夜圣王,此刻却露出一股略微兴奋的神情。老太监也死了,斗,你们继续斗! Without Form Saint King, such being the case, your I fight before whets emperor heart is to first to do a matter?” In the Zhong Shan eye said suddenly. 无相圣王,既然如此,那你我争锋磨砺‘帝心’之前,是不是要先做一件事?”钟山眼中忽然说道。 Almost meanwhile, Without Form Saint King and Zhong Shan looked to Saint King Ye! In two people of looks is one cold! 几乎同时,无相圣王钟山都看向了夜圣王!二人眼神之中都是一冷! Sees two people of vision, the Saint King Ye complexion changes, realized is not wonderful. 看到二人的目光,夜圣王脸色一变,意识到了不妙。 You want to do assorted ............!” Saint King Ye was startled to call out. “你们想干什............!”夜圣王惊叫道。 Also at this moment, a giant star to/clashes, Saint King Ye pulled open a giant shadow. A divine sword dance cuts to the star. 也就在这时,一个巨大的恒星冲来,夜圣王拉开了一条巨大的影子。神剑一舞斩向恒星。 Bang!” “轰!” The place of Saint King Ye back, in the shadow emits Zhong Shan suddenly. Saint King Ye that a palm will wield a sword hit to stagger. 夜圣王后背之处,影子中忽然冒出一个钟山。一掌将挥剑的夜圣王打了个踉跄。 Bloodshed nine!” “血海九式!” Big Samsara Passage!” “大轮回通道!” Without Form Saint King and Zhong Shan almost also make a move, domineering rush to Saint King Ye! 无相圣王钟山几乎同时出手,强势的冲杀向夜圣王! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Under the turbulent flow starry sky, the huge collision forms vast swaying, after the space stabilizes gradually . The Saint King Ye whole body is exploding of blood flies to go, the divine sword is lets go. 乱流星空之下,巨大的碰撞形成浩瀚的晃荡,空间渐渐稳定后。夜圣王全身是血的爆飞而去,神剑更是脱手而出。 Was insane, you two lunatics!” Saint King Ye yelled. “疯了,你们两个疯子!”夜圣王大叫道。 Does two people collaborate? Saint King Ye does not think clearly, aren't these two people the life and death mortal enemies? How to collaborate suddenly? Why copes with me? 两人联手?夜圣王怎么也想不明白,这二人不是生死死敌吗?怎么忽然联手了?为什么都对付我? Saint King Ye is not clear, but all do not need him to understand, Zhong Shan and Without Form Saint King make a move again. 夜圣王不明白,可一切不需要他明白,钟山无相圣王再度出手。 After burning a joss stick . 一炷香后。 Under the Heavenly Dao collision, Saint King Ye was shelled the powder dust thoroughly. The thorough body died! 天道碰撞之下,夜圣王彻底被轰击成碎末。彻底身死了! When comes many Expert, at this moment, only has Zhong Shan and Without Form Saint King in sixth! 来时的诸多强者,此刻,在第六阵中只剩下钟山无相圣王! Two people the opposite party as emperor heart the tempering object, grasps the nettle, when emperor has the courage of parting the heavens, splitting the earth, when there are to meet head-on the boldness of under the heavens, when there are to fight overbearing of various mighty people. One group of people who they can never flinch, knew perfectly well before , has the disaster, resolutely the determination of chest full Tapo, this is a emperor! 二人都将对方作为自己‘帝心’的磨砺对象,迎难而上,帝王者当有开天辟地之勇气,当有迎战天下之魄力,当有争锋诸雄之霸道。他们是从来不会退缩的一群人,明知前有大难,毅然胸满踏破之决心,这就是帝王! Two people are void and vertical, the Without Form Saint King whole body imposing manner increases, the terrifying imposing manner all around the turbulent flow will even compel generally. 二人虚空而立,无相圣王周身气势攀升,恐怖的气势甚至将四周乱流都逼开了一般。 But Zhong Shan is also coldly looks at each other Without Form Saint King, Without Form Saint King, although severe wound, but this as before is one of the in history most difficult fights. 钟山也是冷冷对视无相圣王,无相圣王虽然重伤,但这依旧是一场有史以来最难的战斗之一。 Zhong Shan, who you look at me are!” Without Form Saint King suddenly indifferently said. 钟山,你看我是谁!”无相圣王忽然淡淡道 During the speeches, Without Form Saint King body suddenly changes, gradually changed an appearance of female, but this female wore the emperor robe as before. 说话间,无相圣王身形忽变,渐渐的变化成了一个女子的模样,只是这个女子依旧穿着帝王袍而已。 Females! 女子! Sees this female, the Zhong Shan facial expression changes. 看到这个女子,钟山神情微变。 Opposite female corners of the mouth actually show a satisfactory smile. 对面女子嘴角却露出一丝满意的笑容。 Takes me as the mirror, the photo has the secret of you most deep place, who is my transformation the person?” Changes Without Form Saint King of female to say with a smile. “以我为镜,照出你内心最深处的隐秘,我化形的这个人是谁?”变化成女子的无相圣王笑道。 This moment change, really makes Zhong Shan chest fluctuating, Without Form Saint King the Divine Ability disrupt will of the people to have such big effect unexpectedly! 这一刻的变化,果然让钟山胸膛一阵起伏,无相圣王的这个神通在扰乱人心方面居然有着这么大的效果! You do not know that is who?” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “你不知道是谁?”钟山沉声道 I am curious, what person has, can make your firm will have such big vacillation? So under the mood, how you can fight in me!” Female indifferently said. “我只是好奇,到底有什么人,能让你那坚固的意志产生这么大的动摇?如此情绪下,你又如何能于我斗!”女子淡淡道 Originally, you do not know what I see is what appearance, your Divine Ability has a illusion of shape intent, only then I can see, but does the appearance of your original main body, want the person with I most deep place to disturb me?” “原来,你也不知道我看到的是什么样子,你的神通只是产生一种形意的幻象而已,只有我能看到,而你还是原先本体的模样,想用我内心最深处的人干扰我?” Facing this image, you can also make a move full power?” “面对这个形象,你还能全力出手吗?” Disturbs me? You achieved, but makes me aggravate extinguishes kills your determination, incessantly is I, determinations of some Kui'er, regardless of Kui'er also does have, you should not turn into her!” In the Zhong Shan eye flashes through piercing cold light. “干扰我?你做到了,但是却让我更加重灭杀你的决心,不止是我,更有葵儿的决心,无论葵儿还有没有回来,你都不该变成她!”钟山眼中闪过一股刺骨的寒光。 ***: Around 10 : 00 go home, nonstop writing, chessed to make contribution! ***:十点多才回到家,马不停蹄的写,观棋尽力了!
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