IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1082: Two generations of Number One Under the Heaven showdown

Nian Can with comes greatly excitedly, may from seeing Zhong Shan's at that moment starting from, feeling cold water one after another from the head pouring. 念灿怀着大激动而来,可从看到钟山的那一刻开始,就感觉一盆接着一盆的冷水从头上浇下。 Zhong Shan spoke a few words every time, is pouring of basin cold water under from Nian Can! 钟山每说一句话,就是一盆冷水从念灿头上浇下! The time as if frames in this moment, although Nian Can is not willing to acknowledge, but also has to acknowledge, at present is really Nangong Sheng, Great Zheng Courtier Nangong Sheng! 时间仿佛在这一刻定格,念灿虽然不愿承认,但也不得不承认,眼前真的就是南宫胜,大崝臣子南宫胜! Any Number One Under the Heaven palace, any emperor inherits to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance, is fake, is the fraud, is the Zhong Shan's fraud. 什么天下第一殿,什么一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣,全是假的,全是骗局,全是钟山的骗局。 Why like this, these, but antiquity Great Array, Zhong Shan over 1000 years old, did he possibly know these antiquity Great Array? How can he arrange such big fraud? Does a bureau, calculate completely five area lords? 为什么会这样,这些可是上古大阵,钟山才一千多岁吧,他怎么可能知道这些上古大阵?他怎么能布置这么大的骗局?一个局,算尽五个疆域主? Is impossible, is impossible!” Nian Can anxious say/way. “不可能,不可能的!”念灿急切道。 Saint King, how can this person handle?” Nangong Sheng asked. 圣王,这个人要如何处置?”南宫胜问道。 Is disloyal, unfilial, the generation of not believing, my Great Zheng does not need, naturally cannot make him escape!” Zhong Shan coldly said. “不忠,不孝,不信之辈,我大崝不需要,当然也不能让他逃了!”钟山冷冷道。 Zhong Shan, you, your swindler!” The Nian Can anger exclaimed. 钟山,你,你这个骗子!”念灿怒吼道。 During the speeches, searches a hand palm to go to the Zhong Shan sneak attack. 说话间,探手一掌对着钟山偷袭而去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Nian Can palm makes, in front of Zhong Shan presents Samsara Passage suddenly, Samsara Passage absorbs a palm strength of Nian Can palm loudly completely. 念灿一掌打出,钟山面前忽然出现一个轮回通道,轮回通道轰然将念灿一掌的掌力全部吸收。 Ancient Immortal? You also fall far short!” Zhong Shan coldly said with a smile. 古仙?你还差得远!”钟山冷冷一笑道。 A palm of sneak attack, used Nian Can most likely (80%) strengths, but a palm, Zhong Shan simply has not so intended to block, even, the void suction, seeming to inhale Samsara Passage to be the same Nian Can. 偷袭的一掌,倾尽了念灿八成的力量,可如此一掌,钟山根本没有出手就挡住了,甚至,虚空一股吸力,好似要将念灿吸入轮回通道一般。 Ancient Immortal? Zhong Shan is he really Ancient Immortal? 古仙?钟山他真的是古仙吗? Nian Can struck to try Zhong Shan's to be powerful, great strength that are unable to attain. 念灿一击就试出了钟山的强大,一个自己无法企及的强大。 Royal Father!” The Nian Can tone flies toward that sixth. 父王!”念灿调头向着那第六阵飞去。 Understanding that in the Zhong Shan's tone already said that must kill itself, he is so strong, can kill itself? That to not playing to be the same? 钟山的语气之中已经说的明白,要杀自己,他那么强,要杀自己?那还不跟玩一样? „Do you have Royal Father?” Zhong Shan not anxiously not slow say/way. “你还有父王吗?”钟山不急不缓道。 Flees to sixth Nian Can, suddenly body stops, the sweat of whole face, Royal Father? 遁逃向第六阵的念灿,忽然身形一止,满脸的汗水,还有父王吗? If a moment ago flew into the Number One Under the Heaven palace directly, that also had the room to manoeuvre, was for the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, Nian Can stimulated to movement Great Array, planned Without Form Saint King. Then, in the past prayed for rescue, did not need Zhong Shan to begin, Without Form Saint King first wanted his life. 刚才若是直接飞入天下第一殿,那还有回旋的余地,可是为了天帝传承,念灿催动了大阵,将无相圣王也算计在内了。如此一来,过去求救,不用钟山动手,无相圣王第一个要了他的命。 Samsara Passage, opens!” 轮回通道,开!” When Nian Can body, Zhong Shan acts loudly! 念灿身形一顿之际,钟山轰然出手! ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ In starry sky Great Array! 星空大阵之内! Starry sky Great Array opens, the powerful energy turbulent flow washed out the bitter fights of three big Expert. 星空大阵一开,强大的能量乱流就冲散了三大强者惨烈战斗。 Three big Expert are all wounded, by Jin Peng injury most bitter, the whole body is the blood, under the impact of starry sky turbulent flow, can only flee unceasingly. 三大强者个个带伤,其中以金鹏的伤势最为惨烈,全身是血,星空乱流的冲击下,只能不断遁逃。 Saint King Ye is also so, but can also counter-attack occasionally, looks extremely reluctant. 夜圣王也是如此,但偶尔还能够反击一下,看起来极为勉强。 As for Without Form Saint King, the injury is better some, but where also very arrives, in the hand the blood blade waves, hides while strikes! 至于无相圣王,伤势要好出一些,但也好不到哪里,手中血刀舞动,一边躲一边击! If the most flourishing condition, is five unites, three people happy do not fear, but these days consumption too big. 若是全盛状态,就是五阵合一,三人也怡然不惧,可这些天的消耗太大了。 No one has thought that Nian Can will make that ruthless matter certainly. 谁也没想到念灿会做出那么狠绝的事情。 unfilial son!” The Without Form Saint King anger exclaimed. Simultaneously keeps off the next energy to attack, in the eye flashes through one not to abandon general, but the look strengthens eventually. 孽子!”无相圣王怒吼道。同时挡下一股能量冲击,眼中闪过一丝不舍一般,但终究还是眼神坚定下来。 Obviously Without Form Saint King also has the method that anything hidden, but is not willing to act, at this moment could ignore the hidden again. 显然无相圣王还有什么隐藏的手段,只是一直不愿出手,这一刻再也顾不得隐藏了。 But at this moment, the Without Form Saint King movement stops, because he heard improper words. 可就在这时,无相圣王动作一停,因为他听到了一句不该有的话。 Jin Peng from covered with blood, Jin Peng evades an impact of turbulent flow, but the whole body was abraded by the complementary waves. 来自血肉模糊的金鹏,金鹏躲过一股乱流的冲击,可是全身还是被余波擦伤了。 Saint King, you do not come out, I must play!” Jin Peng pitiful say/way. 圣王,你再不出来,我就要玩完了!”金鹏悲惨道。 The Without Form Saint King complexion changes, Jin Peng that words what meaning? 无相圣王脸色一变,金鹏那话什么意思? But in that moment, another turbulent flow charges into Jin Peng. 而就在那一刻,又一股乱流冲向金鹏 !” Jin Peng body in a flash avoids that turbulent flow. “呼!”金鹏身形一晃躲开了那乱流。 No, said accurately was hit. In the place, presented a black-robed form suddenly. 不,准确的说是被撞开了。在原先之处,忽然出现一个黑袍身影。 Saint King, you came out finally, previously I also think you really died, you sent greetings in my ear, I will not ask them to fight with all might, now injures this, you may probably deliver me to go out!” Jin Peng anxious say/way. 圣王,你终于出来了,先前我还以为你真的死了呢,要不是你在我耳边传音,我也不会找他们拼杀,现在伤成这样,你可要送我出去!”金鹏焦急道。 Un, good work, rewarded according to merit, will inscribe strong one to you!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯,辛苦了,论功行赏时,会给你记上浓重的一笔的!”钟山点点头。 Searches the hand, Zhong Shan to a Jin Peng body point, Jin Peng body is shooting in a direction, subsequently strange circles the enormous route. Finally body vanished in Great Array in a flash. 探手,钟山对着金鹏身形一点,金鹏身形向着一个方向射去,继而诡异的绕出大量的路线。最后身形一晃消失在了大阵之中。 Has Nangong Sheng this lord person to coordinate, delivering Jin Peng goes out to be not too difficult! 有着南宫胜这个主阵人配合,送金鹏出去并非太难! Jin Peng had one happily to fly. 金鹏带着一股欣慰的飞了出去。 !” “呼!” Came out? Jin Peng slightly startled. 出来了?金鹏微微一鄂 The instance of coming out, just sees not far away, another Zhong Shan operates Samsara Passage to extinguish Nian Can thoroughly kills! 出来的瞬间,刚好看到不远处,又一个钟山操纵轮回通道念灿彻底灭杀! Another Zhong Shan? Zhong Shan so many clone? 又一个钟山?钟山那么多分身? Evildoer/Monstrous talent!” The Jin Peng unconscious darkness called one. “妖孽!”金鹏不自觉的暗叫了一句。 Just extinguished kills Nian Can Zhong Shan also to see Jin Peng flew, turned the head to say to Nangong Sheng: Brings Jin Peng to rest to the main hall in!” 刚刚灭杀念灿钟山也看到了金鹏飞来,转头对着南宫胜道:“带着金鹏到大殿里休息!” Yes!” Nangong Sheng nods. “是!”南宫胜点点头。 Okay rest!” This Zhong Shan clone was saying to Nian Ben. “好好休息!”这个钟山分身对着念奔说道。 Then, Zhong Shan clone also injects in Great Array. 说完,钟山分身也射入大阵之中。 Jin Peng somewhat wooden nod. 金鹏有些木然的点点头。 Subsequently another face excited looks to ‚the Number One Under the Heaven palace, is, was just excited, Jin Peng at heart thump. It is not right, Nangong Sheng here? 继而又一脸激动的看向‘天下第一殿’,可是,刚激动,金鹏就心里咯噔一下。不对啊,南宫胜怎么在这里? General Jin Peng, walks, goes to rest, these years were laborious!” Nangong Sheng said. 金鹏将军,走吧,进去休息一下,这些年辛苦了!”南宫胜说道。 Hears the Nangong Sheng words, Jin Peng seemed realized anything, Nangong Sheng, Great Zheng Heavenly Go Division Main Supervisor, Great Zheng first Grandmaster formation. But these years, the people have been breaking through the enemy lines. When does Nangong Sheng come? Is impossible, if from other place, could not find here. 听到南宫胜的话,金鹏好似意识到了什么,南宫胜,大崝弈天监监正,大崝第一阵法大师。而这些年,众人一直在破阵。南宫胜什么时候来的?不可能啊,若是从别的地方来,根本找不到这里啊。 Nangong Sheng, you told me, this, this, these six starry sky were Great Array you arranges?” Asking that Jin Peng some do not believe. 南宫胜,你告诉我,这,这,这六个星空大阵是你布置的?”金鹏有些不信的问道。 All request the office according to Saint King, these six Great Array also indeed have the self- hand, General Jin Peng, goes in the rest, your blood wanted the flowing light!” Nangong Sheng urged. “一切都是按照圣王要求去办,这六个大阵也的确出自我手,金鹏将军,进去休息吧,你血要流光了!”南宫胜劝道。 „, Good, good!” “啊,好,好!” Jin Peng was numb! 金鹏麻木了! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- In sixth. 第六阵中。 Appears from Zhong Shan, again to that moment that Jin Peng was delivered. The Without Form Saint King look non-stop transforming. 钟山出现,再到金鹏被送出去的那一刻。无相圣王的眼神就不停变换。 The distant place, Saint King Ye is also so, surprised of face, a face is incredible! 远处,夜圣王也是如此,一脸的惊讶,一脸的不可置信! Saint King Ye has not seen anything, but Without Form Saint King seemed already to look. 夜圣王还未看出什么,可无相圣王好似已经看出来了。 Without Form Saint King complexion red, in the eye spurts the anger to have the boundless anger suddenly. 无相圣王脸色忽然一阵通红,眼中喷怒出无边火气。 Zhong Shan!” Without Form Saint King shouting loudly. 钟山!”无相圣王一声大喝 Zhong Shan coldly looks to Without Form Saint King. 钟山冷冷的看向无相圣王 You, are you, hahahahaha, never expected my Nian Wuxiang also has plays with!” The Without Form Saint King air/Qi said with a smile extremely. “你,原来是你,哈哈哈哈哈,想不到念无相也有被玩弄的时候!”无相圣王气极而笑道。 Zhong Shan you are, to play dead to deceive our six big Ancestor Immortal mutually to fight intentionally, is the elderly fisherman to receive the advantage again, your idea was also too naive, even if we are seriously injured, is not your Ancient Immortal can hope to attain!” Saint King Ye tone dense/woods cold say/way. 钟山你是故意的,以假死骗得我们六大祖仙互斗,再做渔翁收利,你的想法也太天真了,就算我们受重伤,也不是你一个古仙可以企及的!”夜圣王语气森寒道。 Two people avoids the turbulent flow impact, while looks angrily at Zhong Shan. 二人一边躲避乱流冲击,一边怒视钟山 In Saint King Ye eye more actually disdains , Zhong Shan early came out early, if he, when three people put together a mutually wounded appearance a moment ago, at that time perhaps can also and Without Form Saint King poses the threat to oneself, but now, but also early. 夜圣王眼中更多的却是不屑,早了,钟山出来的早了,若是他等到刚才三人拼个两败俱伤出现,那时或许还能对自己和无相圣王造成威胁,可现在,还早了点。 But Without Form Saint King does not have Saint King Ye to look is so shallow. 无相圣王并没有夜圣王看的那么浅。 „The Heavenly Emperor inheritance, is your bureau, Zhong Shan, I also was really underestimate you, you imagined me was braver than!” Without Form Saint King returns to normal gradually the angry gas channel/angrily said. 天帝传承,原来是你的一个局,钟山,我还真是小看了你,你比我想象的还要胆大!”无相圣王渐渐平复怒气道。 What?” The Saint King Ye complexion changes. “什么?”夜圣王脸色一变。 Originally, Saint King Ye only thinks Zhong Shan to play dead, obtains without labor fisherman's profit, but Without Form Saint King that what meaning? Heavenly Emperor inheritance? Are all these bureaus of Zhong Shan design? 原本,夜圣王只以为钟山假死,坐收渔翁之利,可无相圣王那什么意思?天帝传承?这一切都是钟山设计的局? Is impossible, will Zhong Shan possibly have antiquity Great Array? If not but for, why did Without Form Saint King say? could it be that real? That was Zhong Shan too also fearful? 不可能,钟山怎么可能会有上古大阵?可若不是,无相圣王为何那么说?难道是真的?那钟山也太可怕了吧? Zhong Shan looks to Without Form Saint King indifferently said: This is also I can Parting Heavens, but you cannot reason!” 钟山看向无相圣王淡淡道:“这也是我能开天而你不能的原因!” Extremely arrogant!” In the Without Form Saint King eye stares. “狂妄!”无相圣王眼中一瞪。 Zhong Shan raised the head to have a look at the day, suddenly reveals one to say with a smile pale: „If no corrupt reading, your Nian Wuxiang how to go so far as to does reduce now?” 钟山抬头看看天,忽然露出一丝淡笑道:“如无贪念,你念无相何至于沦落到现在?” Reduces?” Without Form Saint King disdains to say. “沦落?”无相圣王不屑道。 Was the time! Haven't you discovered?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “是时候了!你没发现吗?”钟山淡淡道 -------- -------- Before half double-hour, Reincarnation Cycle Territory, Prosperous Capital. 半个时辰前,转轮疆域,昌京 Yi Yan stands outside a main hall, in the main hall the innumerable mice screamed, the enormous subordinate bows in Yi Yan beside. 易衍站在一个大殿之外,大殿内无数老鼠尖叫,大量下属躬身在易衍身旁 Was the time!” Yi Yan indifferently said. “是时候了!”易衍淡淡道 The right hand that during the speeches, Yi Yan lifts wields to below. 说话间,易衍抬起的右手向下一挥。 A subordinate bows to obey an order immediately. 一众下属马上躬身应命。 Bang!” “轰!” The mouse flash in main hall was killed completely! 大殿内的老鼠一瞬间全部被杀死! Without Form Territory, in Imperial Palace. 无相疆域,皇宫之中。 Nian Youyou and Wang Jingwen are defending in the main hall, looks assigns/life the sign together. 念悠悠王靖文正守在大殿之内,看着一块命牌。 „!” “啪!” Assigns the sign loudly scrap. 命牌轰然炸碎。 Started!” Wang Jingwen sets out to say. “开始了!”王靖文起身道。 Un!” Nian Youyou nods. “嗯!”念悠悠点点头。 Meanwhile, Without Form Territory, in major city, in major City Lord's Mansion, all City Lord look at front life sign, assigns/life the sign loudly scrap. 同时,无相疆域,各大城池之中,各大城主府中,所有城主都看着面前的命牌,命牌轰然炸碎。 In less than a moment time, Without Form Territory all city, Feng is brilliant, shoots towards major city that the innumerable light beams interweave mutually.( Feng light/only: Similar beacon-fire, preamble Small Thousand Worlds has the confession, can among city with laser column form transmission military information) 在不到一刻的时间,无相疆域的所有城池,烽光大起,无数光束相互交织的射向各大城池。(烽光:类似烽火,前文小千世界有交代,可以城池间以‘激光柱’的形式传递军事信息) Above Without Form Imperial Hall. 无相朝堂之上。 Instantly gets up, Without Form Holy Court pay respects to join Great Zheng! Without Form Holy Court no longer, this stretch of area only has Great Zheng since then!” Nian Youyou stands on Imperial Hall said. “即刻起,无相圣庭拜入大崝!无相圣庭从此不再,此片疆域只有大崝!”念悠悠站在朝堂上道。 Great Zheng long live ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 大崝万万岁~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Above Imperial Hall whole body of ministers respectful does obeisance Great Zheng, in the sky Luck Golden Dragon calls out in grief! 朝堂之上群臣恭拜大崝,天空之中气运金龙一声悲鸣! Without Form Holy Court thorough peeled off the shell not to have by Jin Chan. Without Form Territory under the heavens, is less than half the time of double-hour, fluctuates all Dawangqi. 无相圣庭彻彻底底的被金蝉脱壳没了。无相疆域天下,更是不到半个时辰的时间,尽数变幻大王旗。 !” “噗!” In sixth, Without Form Saint King does not have the counter blood blowout of origin suddenly, if in heyday, even if Without Form Holy Court perishes, will have not the tremendous impact merely, but the severe wound in the body, the Luck Golden Dragon body dies now, Without Form Saint King was involved, blowout that a counter blood cannot stop. 第六阵中,无相圣王忽然没由来的一口逆血喷出,若在全盛时期,哪怕无相圣庭灭亡,也仅仅会产生不大的影响而已,可现在重伤在身,气运金龙身死,无相圣王受到牵连,一口逆血止不住的喷出。 Zhong Shan, you, are you!” A hit of Without Form Saint King somewhat exhausted avoids stars, the anger called out. 钟山,你,原来是你!”无相圣王有些疲惫的躲开一颗星辰的撞击,怒叫道。 ***: Extracts the time code in others family/home first, but also calculates not lately, but second should to go home to write very much late, sorry! ***:在别人家抽出时间码的第一更,还算不迟,但第二更应该要到很晚回家才能写,抱歉!
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