IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1081: heaven-shaking fraud

Ten days and ten nights fights, in the starry sky shook have not stopped, black hole also sometimes disappeared sometimes extinguished, Ancestor Immortal fought, all around stars ground for the powder dust all! 十天十夜的战斗,星空中震荡从来没有停止过,黑洞也时消时灭,祖仙争锋,四周星辰尽数碾为碎末! each and everyone has the scar. 一个个都身上带着伤痕了。 Roar!” “吼!” Without Form Saint King angrily roars, a Heavenly Dao domineering collision of white Heavenly Dao and Concealed Demon Cult Master. Subsequently blood-color great blade inserts in Concealed Demon Cult Master Heavenly Dao with Without Form Saint King together. 无相圣王一声怒吼,白色天道伏魔教主天道强势的一次碰撞。继而一柄血色大刀随着无相圣王一起插入伏魔教主天道之中。 A blade chops, chops the right waist from the left shoulder Concealed Demon Cult Master! 一刀劈下,将伏魔教主从左肩劈到右腰! How ............!” Concealed Demon Cult Master was cut two halves to shine through until the body not to believe. “怎么............!”伏魔教主直到身体被一斩两半都透射出不信。 I have thought 10,000 years ago how to cut you, but has not thought on this day was so quick, you were inferior to me!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “我在一万年前就想过如何斩你了,只是没想到这一天来的这么快,你不如我!”无相圣王沉声道 During the speeches, the long blade drags, the body of Concealed Demon Cult Master was thoroughly destroyed. 说话间,长刀一拖,伏魔教主的身体被彻底摧毁。 Cuts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “斩~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Another, transmits a great roar of Jin Peng suddenly. 另一处,忽然传来金鹏的一声巨吼。 On lord!” “主上!” Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Is thanks Saint King one to shout anxiously, Jin Peng Righteous Heavenly Halberd already chops to cut under. Extinguishes loudly kills to thank Saint King. 仅仅是谢圣王的一声急切呼喊,金鹏方天画戟已经劈斩而下。轰然灭杀谢圣王 The Jin Peng clothes also presented the enormous breakage, even in the shoulder is a blood hole, Ancestor Immortal, is not good to cope, even if killed the opposite party still to pay the serious price! 金鹏的衣服也出现了大量破损,甚至在肩头更是一个血洞,祖仙,不是那么好对付的,即便杀了对方也自身付出了惨重的代价! The Concealed Demon Cult Master body dies, thanks the Saint King body dead! 伏魔教主身死,谢圣王身死! The fight stops suddenly, but also was left over four Ancestor Immortal. 战斗陡然一止,还剩下四个祖仙了。 Without Form Saint King has one with raw hate looks to Jin Peng! 无相圣王带着一股凶狠的看向金鹏! You, Jin Peng!” Without Form Saint King thorough anger. “你,金鹏!”无相圣王彻底怒了。 Another side, Saint King Ye to fighting Old Eunuch, but both sides received the severe wound, is more serious by the Old Eunuch injury, after all, Saint King Ye is slightly better. 另一边,夜圣王对战老太监,不过双方都受到了重伤,以老太监的伤势更为严重,毕竟,夜圣王稍胜一筹。 The place of Without Form Saint King direct impact Jin Peng! 无相圣王直冲金鹏之处! In the hand the blood blade carries the strength of Heavenly Dao, cuts to kill to go toward Jin Peng. 手中血刀携带天道之力,向着金鹏斩杀而去。 A Jin Peng whole body fine hair vertical stroke, in hand Righteous Heavenly Halberd immediately dance. Welcomed the Without Form Saint King blood blade to cut. 金鹏全身汗毛一竖,手中方天画戟顿时狂舞而起。迎着无相圣王的血刀斩去。 The strength of two Heavenly Dao, loudly collision. 两股天道之力,轰然碰撞。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Black hole for the first time presently, the Jin Peng package, subsequently Jin Peng flying upside down. 一个黑洞乍现,将金鹏包裹在内,继而金鹏倒飞而出。 Bang!” “轰!” Jin Peng hit above a asteroid, pierced directly, stood firm body another side of the asteroid. 金鹏撞在了一颗小行星之上,直接洞穿而出,在小行星另一边才堪堪稳住身形 A Without Form Saint King blade was too overbearing. 无相圣王的一刀太霸道了。 In the Jin Peng eye flashes through surprised. Jin Peng beforehand challenges the under the heavens innumerable experts, the fight are innumerable, but true life-and-death fight many, from a Without Form Saint King blade, Jin Peng has not felt that clank killing intent! 金鹏眼中闪过一丝惊讶。金鹏以前挑战天下无数高手,战斗无数,可真正生死之战并没有多少,从无相圣王的一刀之中,金鹏感受到了那股铮铮杀意! very strong!” Jin Peng surprisedly said. 好强!”金鹏惊讶道 Jin Peng has not retreated, but is the hand holds Righteous Heavenly Halberd to cut to kill to go forward again. 金鹏没有退却,而是手执方天画戟再度斩杀上前。 Two big experts again are crazy the showdown, was Expert in Ancestor Immortal, the fight of at this moment also wanted the intense general, void shake compared with it a moment ago, the collision of Heavenly Dao. 两大高手再度疯狂对决,都是祖仙中的强者,此刻的战斗比之刚才还要激烈一般,虚空震荡,天道的碰撞。 Although Jin Peng is strong, but seems also misses compared with it Without Form Saint King general, unexpectedly was suppressed by Without Form Saint King. 金鹏虽强,但比之无相圣王好似还差出一线一般,居然被无相圣王生生的压制了。 Saint King Ye to fighting Old Eunuch, another side the attention, a Without Form Saint King blade cuts, Saint King Ye saw intrepidly its. It is not at itself, no, are stronger! 夜圣王对战老太监,同时也注意另一边,无相圣王一刀斩下,夜圣王就看出了其强悍。不在自己之下,不,比自己更强! How long Jin Peng could not support, once Jin Peng suffered defeat, next was one's turn itself? 金鹏支持不了多久的,一旦金鹏败北,下一个就轮到自己了? Naturally, at this time no one has thought must depart, Number One Under the Heaven palace in front, who doesn't want to wrestle? Severe wound, severe wound how? Obtains the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, all value. 当然,这个时候谁也没想过要离去,天下第一殿就在面前,谁不想搏一搏?重伤,重伤又如何?得到天帝传承,一切都值的。 The crazy fight was for one day and one night, Jin Peng already hangs out colored streamers, back already was been thoroughly blood-stained, was ugly-looking, in the eye covered entirely the blood threads, fought with the Without Form Saint King life and death. 疯狂的战斗又是一天一夜,金鹏的身上已经挂了彩,后背已经彻底被鲜血染红,面目狰狞,眼中布满血丝,与无相圣王生死相斗。 Roar!” “吼!” A Saint King Ye great roar, in the hand the divine sword brings to be strong the previous several times of strengths to cut loudly. 夜圣王一声巨吼,手中神剑带着强出先前几倍的力量轰然斩下。 Under a loud sound, Old Eunuch that already broken-down whisks breaks off loudly, subsequently a sword pricks Old Eunuch Heavenly Dao, cuts off the right arm of Old Eunuch. 一声巨响之下,老太监已经残破的拂尘轰然折断,继而一剑刺入老太监天道,斩断老太监的右臂。 The Old Eunuch right arm blood braves greatly, on the whole body severe wound, this sword cut seems wants the short remaining life to be the same, was almost cut to kill. 老太监右臂鲜血大冒,原本就全身重伤,这一剑斩下更好似要老命了一样,差点被斩杀。 Old Eunuch feels the Heavenly Dao ability that oneself master to be very weak, the severe wound also arrived at being on the verge of death condition, where dares to fight again, is fleeing to go to distant place stars, the speed is not fast, but Saint King Ye has not gone to pursue, instead charges into Jin Peng and Without Form Saint King place. 老太监感受自己掌握的天道的能力无比虚弱,重伤也到了濒死状态,哪敢再战,对着远处一颗星辰遁逃而去,速度并不快,可夜圣王并没有去追,反而冲向金鹏无相圣王处。 The divine sword wields cuts to Without Form Saint King! Because Jin Peng at this moment injury already was horrible to look. 神剑一挥斩向无相圣王!因为金鹏此刻的伤势已经惨不忍睹了。 Without Form Saint King was too savage, the Jin Peng at this moment whole body is the blood, seeming a blood person is the same, Righteous Heavenly Halberd front also broke off, will be particularly distressed, seems is killed momentarily general. 无相圣王太凶残了,金鹏此刻满身是血,好似一个血人一样,方天画戟的前面也折断了,分外狼狈,好似随时都会被杀一般。 Arrival of suddenly Saint King Ye, it may be said that eased the Jin Peng tremendous pressure. 夜圣王的忽然到来,可谓是缓解了金鹏的巨大压力。 But at this time, the people have killed red the eye, no one has paid attention saying that hides in nearby Nian Can, unexpectedly unconscious flying approached the Number One Under the Heaven palace. 而这时,众人早已杀红了眼睛,谁也没有注意道,躲在一旁的念灿,居然不知不觉的飞向了天下第一殿。 Because Nian Can is only Ancient Immortal, anything does not calculate in front of Ancestor Immortal, therefore the people will neglect. 因为念灿只是一个古仙,在祖仙面前根本什么都不算,所以众人才会忽略。 Nian Can rushes to the fog surrounding, has not continued the charges into Number One Under the Heaven palace, but turns the head to have a look at not far away battlefield. 念灿冲到云雾外围,并未继续冲向天下第一殿,而是转头看看不远处战场。 Jin Peng, Saint King Ye, Without Form Saint King, fights of three big Ancestor Immortal bitter. Another side, Old Eunuch drags the incomparably weak body to hide in place of the planet therapy. 金鹏,夜圣王,无相圣王,三大祖仙惨烈的战斗着。另一边,老太监拖着无比虚弱的身体躲在一个行星之处疗伤。 Nian Can coldly smiles, in the eye flashes through killing intent. 念灿冷冷一笑,眼中闪过一丝杀意 Subsequently, Nian Can searches in the hands the enormous method secret art to make, the law secret art hit directly above 108 stars, was died above the hub. 继而,念灿探手间大量法诀打出,法诀直接打在了一百零八星辰之上,也就是‘死阵’的枢纽之上。 Only dredges sixth, is not too difficult, is only the Heavenly Emperor inheritance can only one person......!” “仅是疏通第六阵,并不是太难,只是天帝传承只能一个人得......!” The Nian Can method secret art fires off, in white mist that the direct impact Number One Under the Heaven palace is. 念灿法诀打完,直冲天下第一殿所在的白雾之中。 Also after dredging sixth, in all directions about ten thousand stars shone suddenly greatly, strength of fast charges into interior battlefield wild stars. The strength of enormous stars is binding star dashing to internal four directions . 也就在疏通第六阵之后,四面八方近万星辰陡然大亮了起来,狂暴的星辰之力快速冲向内部战场。大量星辰之力更是裹着恒星冲撞向内部四方 Sixth, first five sums! 第六阵,前五阵之和! If under the Ancestor Immortal total victory condition, the nature happy does not fear, but people everyone is wounded now. 若是祖仙全胜状态下,自然怡然不惧,可现在众人人人带伤。 The fights of three big Ancestor Immortal bitter were hit the powder by stars. 三大祖仙惨烈的战斗被一颗星辰撞散。 The fight stops, looks together to the place of Number One Under the Heaven palace. The distant place is dim, Great Array seems covers the cloud zone that the Number One Under the Heaven palace was at to be the same together, but, the people saw Nian Can that final form. 战斗一停,一起看向天下第一殿之处。远处朦朦胧胧,大阵一起好似遮盖了天下第一殿所在的云雾区一般,不过,众人还是看到了念灿那最后的身影。 unfilial son!” The Without Form Saint King anger exclaimed. 孽子!”无相圣王怒吼道。 But does not scold unfilial son now time, but how prepares to welcome to this sixth, is strongest one. 可现在根本不是数落孽子的时候,而是准备如何迎对这第六阵,也是最强的一阵。 The Without Form Saint King blood blade, Jin Peng drags the severely wounded body to avoid strangling to death of all around star strength vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Saint King Ye is also an injury, the divine sword waves unceasingly. Most miserable was Old Eunuch, suffocated, now is incapable to revolt. 无相圣王血刀纵横而出,金鹏拖着重伤的身体躲避四周星力的绞杀,夜圣王也是一身伤势,神剑不断舞动。最惨的就是老太监了,原本奄奄一息,现在更是无力反抗。 Great Array opens, escaped continually cannot escape! 大阵一开,连逃都逃不掉了! The Great Array deep place, above a planet, Zhong Shan shows a strange smile: Compared with smooth of also imagination, all does not need me to begin unexpectedly, this Nian Can, but also is really lovable!” 大阵深处,一颗行星之上,钟山露出一丝古怪的笑容道:“比想象的还顺利,一切居然都不用我动手,这个念灿,还真是可爱!” ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ In fog. Nian Can brings excited flying to the Number One Under the Heaven palace. 云雾之中。念灿带着一股激动的飞向天下第一殿。 An numerous Ancestor Immortal already severe wound, five uniting sixth, should that have how powerful power and influence? Can live well! Six big Ancestor Immortal fight, finally, isn't I profits? 一众祖仙已经重伤,五阵合一的第六阵,那该有多么强大的威势?能活下来就不错了了!六大祖仙争锋,最后,还不是我得利? The Heavenly Emperor inheritance, after obtaining the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, will I become next Heavenly Emperor, Crown prince? How can I only be the crown prince for a lifetime? 天帝传承,得到天帝传承后,我将会成为下一任天帝,太子?我怎么能一辈子只做太子? Brought an excitement, Nian Can to fly the vicinity! 带着一丝兴奋,念灿飞到了近处! Huge three 16 claw Golden Dragon have not intercepted Nian Can, seemed here to have inherited Heavenly Emperor all qualifications to be the same finally. 庞大的三十六金龙并未拦截念灿,好似到了这里就有了最终继承天帝一切的资格一般。 An emperor inherits to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance! 一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣! How many things does inside inherit? Heavenly Emperor Magical Treasure? Saint Magical Treasure! 里面到底传承多少东西?天帝法宝?圣人法宝! Nian Can goes forward with the exciting mood steps. 念灿怀着激动的心情踏步上前。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嗡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Number One Under the Heaven palace braves to project the dazzling nine color brilliance suddenly, shoots four directions , all around fog illumination extreme Meili (beautiful). 天下第一殿忽然冒射出耀眼的九彩光耀,普射四方,将四周云雾照射的极为美丽 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The gate of main hall opens in the sound of thundering! 大殿之门在轰鸣之声中打开! „Did the could it be that Heavenly Emperor inheritance feel me to come?” Nian Can is blinded by greed, is unable to be calm again, all only think toward the advantage, no longer thought toward the fault. 难道天帝传承感受到我来了?”念灿利欲熏心,再也无法冷静,一切只往好处想,不再往坏处想了。 The front door opens, in the Nian Can strategic place goes , the Nian Can complexion changes. 大门打开,正在念灿要冲进去的时候,念灿脸色一变。 How in the main hall to have the sound of footsteps? 大殿之中怎么有脚步声? Nian Can at this moment that even if blinded by greed still felt not right. 即便利欲熏心的念灿此刻也感觉到一股不对劲。 Treads, treads, treads, treads .................. 踏,踏,踏,踏.................. Finally sound of footsteps to ending, a man who wears black-robed from main hall. 终于脚步声到了结尾,一个身着黑袍的男子从大殿中走了出来。 The male facial features are handsome, a calm appearance, disdained sized up Nian Can. 男子面容俊朗,一付气定神闲的样子,不屑的打量了一下念灿 The Nian Can complexion non-stop transforming, but at this moment, Nian Can does not believe oneself see. 念灿脸色不停变换,可此刻,念灿怎么也不相信自己看到的。 Why, then why looks like, why do you look like with him?” Some Nian Can mood out-of-control said. “为什么,为什么那么像,你为什么和他那么像?”念灿情绪有些失控道。 Like whom?” Male indifferently said. “像谁?”男子淡淡道 Great Zheng Heavenly Go Division Main Supervisor, will Nangong Sheng, how look like?” 大崝弈天监监正,南宫胜,怎么会那么像?” Nian Can is not willing to acknowledge, hopes he and Nangong Sheng are two people. Even, Nian Can forgot making a move, but the waiting the man replies at present. 念灿不愿承认,非常希望他和南宫胜是两个人。甚至,念灿都忘了出手,只是等待眼前男子回答。 !” “呼!” At this moment, not far away presents a shadow suddenly. Is Zhong Shan! 就在这时,不远处忽然出现一个黑影。是钟山! Shadow Body Zhong Shan disregards all Great Array, naturally passes through that sixth instantaneously, to vicinity. 影躯钟山无视一切大阵,自然瞬间穿过那第六阵,到了近处。 Zhong Shan, haven't you died?” Nian Can panic-stricken say/way. 钟山,你没死?”念灿惊骇道。 Nian Can discovered, seemed to be separated from own computation to be the same. 念灿发现,好似一切都脱离了自己的计算一样。 Saint King, the feudal official lives up to the great reputation, successfully completes the task!” Nangong Sheng slightly exciting say/way. 圣王,臣不负重望,圆满完成任务!”南宫胜略微兴奋道。 Nangong Sheng is not how could excited, so a heaven-shaking general situation, is almost he arranges, can he not be excited? 南宫胜岂能不兴奋,如此一个惊天大局,几乎都是他布置的,他能不激动? Good, Minister formation, was getting more and more superb, starry sky Great Array, Great Zheng has your good fortune!” Zhong Shan is liberal with the appreciation to say. “好,爱卿阵法,越来越出神入化了,星空大阵,大崝有你之幸!”钟山不吝赞赏道。 Saint King overpraised, these are past Tushita Palace, formation that Tai Shang Saint gave, the feudal official have not had a thorough understanding, these six have not displayed its effect completely!” Nangong Sheng shakes the head to say. 圣王过誉了,这些都是当年兜率宫,太上圣人给予的阵法,臣至今还未吃透,这六阵并未完全发挥其效!”南宫胜摇摇头道。 Hahaha, Nangong Sheng, modestly was excessively proud! The so short time, comprehends this degree, all over the world not over one number!” Zhong Shan laughs to say. 哈哈哈,南宫胜,过分谦虚就是骄傲了!如此短的时间,参悟到这程度,普天之下也不会超过一手之数吧!”钟山大笑道。 Nangong Sheng nods, smiles not to speak. Accepted the Zhong Shan's appreciation. 南宫胜点点头,笑而不语。算是接受了钟山的赞赏。 Nian Can dull looks, a head blank, seemed the whole person to ossify generally! 念灿呆呆的看着,脑袋一阵空白,好似整个人都僵化了一般! ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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