IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1080: Zhong Shan plays dead

The everyone vision framed in Without Form Saint King the place of right claw. 所有人的目光都定格在了无相圣王的右爪之处。 A claw passes the heart, grasped to putting on Zhong Shan, the arm shook , the Zhong Shan body exploded to open loudly. 一爪透心,将钟山抓了个对穿,手臂一震,轰然间,钟山身体爆炸而开。 Solemn Great Zheng was Saint King, grasped? 堂堂大崝圣王,就这么被抓死了? Did Great Zheng extinguish toward thoroughly? 大崝彻底灭朝了? Is impossible, is impossible!” Jin Peng stared the big eye to fill did not believe. “不可能的,不可能的!”金鹏瞪大眼睛充满了不信。 Concealed Demon Cult Master has watched critically, but also saw the situation , helping thank Saint King from Old Eunuch to see, thanks Saint King, Without Form Saint King, Old Eunuch, three big Ancestor Immortal indeed are the same places. 伏魔教主一直冷眼旁观,不过也看出了局势,从老太监帮助谢圣王可以看出,谢圣王,无相圣王,老太监,三大祖仙的确是一起的。 Zhong Shan died, too pitifully! 钟山死了,太可惜了! Nothing is impossible!” Without Form Saint King sneers to say. “没有什么不可能的!”无相圣王冷笑道。 In the laughter was full of meaning of the ruling by force, imitates, if killed a unrelated person to be the same. 笑声中充满了一股霸道之意,仿若杀了一个不相干的人一般。 In the people facial expression suddenly changes, Without Form Saint King behind, appears a form suddenly again. 就在众人神情忽变之际,无相圣王身后,忽然再度显现一个身影。 Zhong Shan? 还是钟山? Hasn't Zhong Shan died? Almost everyone slightly startled. This, mysteriously appeared and disappeared! 钟山没死?几乎所有人微微一鄂。这,太神出鬼没了吧! Big Samsara Passage, opens!” “大轮回通道,开!” The Zhong Shan right palm pastes behind Without Form Saint King, sinks to shout. 钟山右掌贴在无相圣王背后,沉喝道。 If initially coped with Jun Moli to be the same, dies to resurrect, the intention never expected method copes with the opponent. 如当初对付君莫离一样,死而复活,用意想不到的手段对付对手。 But, has shouted in Zhong Shan one, all around has not presented huge Samsara Passage, but presented a tetrahedron giant three-dimensional rim, the rim emits the light of platinum, covers in which Zhong Shan, but when Without Form Saint King actually did not know already avoids. 可是,就在钟山一声喊过,四周并没有出现庞大的轮回通道,而是出现了一个四面体的巨大立体框子,框子放射出白金之光,将钟山笼罩其中,而无相圣王却是不知何时已经躲开了。 The Zhong Shan complexion changes. 钟山脸色一变。 Hehe, this move of your already with was old, what a pity, if using to me for the first time, perhaps rather than Jun Moli, I will therefore really be injured, this you escaped not to be possible time to escape!” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “呵呵,这一招你已经用老了,可惜啊,若是第一次对我用,而不是君莫离,那我或许真的会因此受伤,这一次你逃无可逃了!”无相圣王冷声道 Spark sets the prairie afire!” The Without Form Saint King palm extends. “星火燎原!”无相圣王手掌一伸。 The strength of endless stars came from the four directions gathering. Subsequently wells up that tetrahedron Magical Treasure crazily, the interior burnt immediately the azure fire. 无尽星辰之力从四方汇聚而来。继而狂涌那四面体法宝,内部顿时燃烧起了青色大火。 „!” “啊!” Zhong Shan yelled, was submerged by the fire. 钟山一声大叫,被大火淹没其中。 My this Magical Treasure, even Ancestor Immortal can refine, let alone your Ancient Immortal?” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “我这法宝,连祖仙都能炼,何况你这个古仙?”无相圣王冷声道 Saint King!” Jin Peng was startled to call out. 圣王!”金鹏惊叫道。 When the eyes anger stares, in the hand a Righteous Heavenly Halberd dance, flushes away toward tetrahedron Magical Treasure. 双眼怒瞪之际,手中方天画戟一舞,向着四面体法宝冲去。 Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!” Thanked Saint King and Old Eunuch, double whammies, domineering blocking Jin Peng! 圣王老太监,双重夹击,强势的拦住金鹏! Jin Peng eyes is red, displays the overbearing strength, even facing two Ancestor Immortal, happy does not fear, but opposite party two do Ancestor Immortal, how possibly draw back two people eventually immediately? 金鹏双眼通红,展现出霸道的力量,即便面对两个祖仙,也怡然不惧,可对方终究两个祖仙,怎么可能马上退开二人? Buzz!” “嗡!” Distant place tetrahedron Magical Treasure trembles slightly. Subsequently, the internal flame disappears suddenly, but internal Zhong Shan also thoroughly burnt destroy both body and soul. 远处四面体法宝微微一颤。继而,内部火焰忽然一消,而内部的钟山也彻底被烧的形神俱灭了。 Is impossible!” In the Jin Peng eye passes is not believing! “不可能的!”金鹏眼中透着不信! Nothing is impossible, my Magical Treasure capture body and shape, Zhong Shan was impossible to live again!” Without Form Saint King sneers to say. 没有不可能的,我这法宝捕捉身与形,钟山不可能再活了!”无相圣王冷笑道。 You kill undying/not dead Saint King!” Jin Peng irritated said. “你们杀不死圣王的!”金鹏焦怒道。 Subsequently, Righteous Heavenly Halberd waved again. Domineering cutting thanked Saint King to the one side! 继而,方天画戟再度舞动了起来。强势的斩向一旁谢圣王! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Thanked Saint King and Old Eunuch makes a move then to block a Jin Peng assault together. 圣王老太监共同出手这才挡住金鹏的一次强击。 Jin Peng!” Without Form Saint King shouting loudly! 金鹏!”无相圣王一声大喝! shouting loudly will fall into slightly soberly, Jin Peng that crazy Jin Peng shouted no longer flushed, but stubbornly looks at Without Form Saint King. 一声大喝将陷入疯狂的金鹏喊的略微清醒,金鹏不再蛮冲,而是死死的看着无相圣王 Jin Peng, the good bird fold the wood, but the breath, what Zhong Shan can you, my Nian Wuxiang be able similarly to you what, even I can you compared with his good, in Great Zheng, you be only a Protector small duty, by some Heavenly Immortal, Great Immortal was being pressed, are you resigned? Comes to my Without Form Holy Court, I give you, as soon as duke's body. Shortly after Reincarnation Cycle Territory is also my, your want to, I give you to control Reincarnation Cycle Territory!” The Without Form Saint King seduction said. 金鹏,良禽折木而息,钟山能给你什么,我念无相同样能给你什么,甚至我能给你比他的更好,在大崝,你只是一个护法小职,被一些天仙,大仙压着,你甘心吗?到我无相圣庭来吧,我给你一等公爵之身。转轮疆域不久后也是我的,你想要,我将转轮疆域给你掌控!”无相圣王诱惑道。 Talents, this is the major Saint King most want to things, the boorish fellow, major Saint King do not care, but once to the Ancestor Immortal boundary, who will not care, the moreover Jin Peng domineering also demonstrated a moment ago, old sincere, Xie Xiaopei, both big Ancestor Immortal somewhat cannot block him. Will Zhong Shan have that good luck? 人才,这是各大圣王想要的东西,莽夫,各大圣王不在乎,可一旦到了祖仙境,谁不会不在乎了,况且金鹏的强势刚才也展示出来了,老虔,谢小沛,两大祖仙都有些拦不住他。钟山怎么会有那种好运? Without Form Saint King induces somebody to capitulate Jin Peng! 无相圣王劝降金鹏! Made nearby Concealed Demon Cult Master somewhat unable to halt. 令一旁的伏魔教主有些站不住了。 Induces somebody to capitulate? If Jin Peng were induced somebody to capitulate successfully, that Without Form Saint King had four big Ancestor Immortal, oneself want to obtained the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, at all impossible matter. 劝降?若是金鹏被劝降成功,那无相圣王就有四大祖仙了,自己想要得到天帝传承,根本不可能的事情。 Watches critically, watched critically all not to have again. 冷眼旁观,再冷眼旁观一切都没有了。 hahahahaha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” A Jin Peng hearty laughter. 哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~~~~~~!”金鹏一阵朗笑。 In the laughter filled disdaining, Jin Peng looked said indifferently to Without Form Saint King: Depends on you also to make me give up?” 笑声中充满了不屑,金鹏冷眼看向无相圣王道:“就凭你也想让我俯首称臣?” Jin Peng air of arrogance, Buddha Ru Lai had not made Jin Peng subdue in the past even, although defeats Jin Peng, but Jin Peng is finally higher than Ru Lai in the Great Thunder Sound Temple rank. 金鹏一身傲气,当年就算如来佛祖也没有让金鹏折服,虽然打败金鹏,但最后金鹏大雷音寺的辈分比如来还高。 Was subdued by Zhong Shan, that is also the accident of sorts, was compelled to pledge, the millenniums protect Great Zheng, but in the Jin Peng heart has not submitted to Zhong Shan thoroughly. 钟山收服,那也是机缘巧合,被逼发誓,千年守护大崝,可金鹏心中并没有彻底臣服钟山 Now another can Saint King subdue itself? Jin Peng how could such as does he hope? 现在又一个圣王要收服自己?金鹏岂能如他愿? I loved your ability, what a pity you cannot be adopted by us, you walk, I will not feel embarrassed in you!” A Without Form Saint King face said pitifully. “我本爱你才能,可惜你不能为我所用,你走吧,我不会为难于你!”无相圣王一脸可惜道。 Jin Peng is just about to open the mouth, nearby Concealed Demon Cult Master receptacle: Without Form Saint King also is really good to plan, wins over inadequately, now catches up with the person to walk? Then do you have sole possession of the Heavenly Emperor inheritance?” 金鹏正要开口,一旁的伏魔教主插口而出:“无相圣王还真是好算计,拉拢不成,现在赶人走?然后你独吞天帝传承?” In the Concealed Demon Cult Master tone filled bad, what are more is the provocation. 伏魔教主语气之中充满了不善,更多的是挑衅。 At this time did not export, Jin Peng was expelled again, probability that Heavenly Emperor inheritance obtained getting smaller. 这时再不出口,金鹏再被逼走,那天帝传承得到的机率越来越小了。 Without Form Saint King turns the head, looks indifferently to Concealed Demon Cult Master, in the eye is completely the chill in the air. 无相圣王转头,冷眼看向伏魔教主,眼中尽是寒意。 Another side, Jin Peng took a deep breath said: „The Great Zheng destruction, the Zhong Shan body dies, but I have complied with Zhong Shan, cuts to kill Xie Xiaopei! My Jin Peng lives up to one's words!” 另一边,金鹏深深的吸了口气道:“大崝覆灭,钟山身死,但我答应过钟山,斩杀谢小沛!我金鹏说到做到!” A first revolution, Jin Peng brings flaming fighting intent looks to thanking Saint King! 头一转,金鹏带着一股熊熊战意的看向谢圣王! You dare!” Without Form Saint King angry say/way. “你敢!”无相圣王恼怒道。 The distant place, Jin Peng already takes out Righteous Heavenly Halberd again, the body about Heavenly Dao , the domineering attacks to Xie Xiaopei! When Without Form Saint King is angry, will go forward. 远处,金鹏已经再度取出方天画戟,身合天道下,强势冲击向谢小沛!无相圣王恼怒之际,正要上前。 !” “呼!” Concealed Demon Cult Master appears in front of Without Form Saint King suddenly, searches the hand to take out a cam wood divine sword, the body about Heavenly Dao, the sword refers to Without Form Saint King. 伏魔教主忽然出现在无相圣王面前,探手取出一柄紫木神剑,身合天道,剑指无相圣王 „Can you with me for the enemy?” Without Form Saint King cold sound said. “你要与我为敌?”无相圣王寒声道。 Heavenly Emperor inheritance, only then, I do not act, did not have the opportunity to obtain again!” Concealed Demon Cult Master said solemnly. 天帝传承只有一份,我再不出手,就再也没有机会得到了!”伏魔教主沉声道 Bang!” “轰!” Concealed Demon Cult Master to fighting Without Form Saint King, Old Eunuch with thanking Saint King to fighting Jin Peng. 伏魔教主对战无相圣王,老太监与谢圣王对战金鹏 The chaotic war started again. 混乱的大战再度开始了。 Without Form big crown prince Nian Can, has stood in the distant place looks, the fight of Ancestor Immortal, he could not have meddled. 无相大太子念灿,一直站在远处看着,祖仙的战斗,他还插不上手。 there is still one is Saint King Ye in distant place starry sky. 还有一个就是远处星空中的夜圣王 Saint King Ye breaks through the formation, while looks to the distant place. 夜圣王一边破阵,一边看向远处。 Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary five, are not really difficult broken, consumed the time, even Saint King Ye felt one person can also break through the formation finally. But comes so many people now, whom is the Heavenly Emperor inheritance? 天帝密境的五阵,真的不难破,就是太耗时间了,甚至夜圣王觉得,就是自己一个人也能破阵到最后。可现在来了这么多人,天帝传承属于谁呢? Zhong Shan died, under goes haywire again. On the Saint King Ye face flashes through a happy intent slightly. 钟山死了,下方再度陷入混乱。夜圣王脸上微微闪过一丝喜意。 Last sword! 最后一剑! Broken!” “破!” Saint King Ye roaring, the divine sword pierces stars immediately. Fifth broken! 夜圣王一声大吼,神剑顿时刺穿一颗星辰。第五阵破! Fifth one broken, the Saint King Ye first thought breaks in the Number One Under the Heaven palace fast, but at this moment, is a rushing star strength transmits from four directions ! Direct impact Saint King Ye. 第五阵一破,夜圣王第一个念头就是快速冲入天下第一殿,可就在这时,又是一股滂湃的星力从四方传来!直冲夜圣王 From this strength, Saint King Ye felt the Without Form Saint King strength, the Concealed Demon Cult Master strength even also had own strength! 从这股力量中,夜圣王感受到了无相圣王的力量,伏魔教主的力量甚至还有自己的力量! This? 这? Intense energy flux loudly Saint King Ye charges into distant place chaotic battlefield. 强烈的能量流轰然将夜圣王冲向远处混乱的战场。 Flash that Saint King Ye breaks through the formation, the fight of distant place battlefield slowed down, after all, no one will let benefit as the third party in a dispute. 夜圣王破阵的一霎那,远处战场的战斗就放缓了一些,毕竟,谁也不会让渔翁得利。 The domineering mighty current rushes, everyone is the complexion changes. 强势洪流冲下,所有人都是脸色一变。 „It is not right, sixth!” The Saint King Ye complexion changes said. “不对,还有第六阵!”夜圣王脸色一变道。 „When first five were broken the star strength accumulation, strength collection that we shell, becomes one again?” Concealed Demon Cult Master is also the complexion sinks to say. “将前五阵被破时星力聚集,还有我们轰击出的力量收集,再成一阵?”伏魔教主也是脸色微沉道。 The distant place, Number One Under the Heaven palace, is filling enormous white mist, but actually forms a hub that around the 108 stars of Number One Under the Heaven palace slowly colludes the four directions stars, forms another Great Array, this Great Array was the first five Great Array sum total is ordinary, was full of the vast strength. 远处,天下第一殿处,弥漫着大量白雾,而围绕天下第一殿的一百零八星辰却慢慢形成一个勾连四方星辰的枢纽,形成又一个大阵,这个大阵是前五个大阵的总和一般,充满了浩瀚之力。 But, even if five star strength unite, how that can? Numerous Ancestor Immortal happy does not fear. 可,即便五阵的星力合一,那又能如何?一众祖仙怡然不惧。 „Is this dies?” Old Eunuch slightly startled. “这是个死阵?”老太监微微一鄂 Dies? Indeed, this Great Array has the vast strength, but, revolves merely a meeting, stopped, many years no one stimulates to movement, seems inflexible, the card that already changes does not revolve there. 死阵?的确,这个大阵有着浩瀚的力量,但是,仅仅运转一会,就停止了,多少年没有人催动,好似已经变的死板了起来,卡在那里不运转了。 Even complete Great Array, the people do not fear, let alone this does die now? 即便完好的大阵,众人也不惧,何况现在这个死阵呢? The people vision gathers again to ‚the Number One Under the Heaven palace that’ immeasurable white mist covers. 众人目光再度聚向无量白雾笼罩的‘天下第一殿’。 Number One Under the Heaven palace, extremely easy to obtain. At present main who is? 天下第一殿,唾手可得。眼前主要的到底是谁得? Xie Xiaopei, comes with the life!” Jin Peng Righteous Heavenly Halberd cuts again. 谢小沛,拿命来!”金鹏方天画戟再度斩下。 Without Form Saint King and Concealed Demon Cult Master fight again, as for Saint King Ye, helpless can only join the regiment, Saint King Ye knows, if oneself present breaks in the Number One Under the Heaven palace, becomes the object who the people encircle kill surely. 无相圣王伏魔教主再度相斗而起,至于夜圣王,无奈只能加入战团,夜圣王知道,若是自己现在冲入天下第一殿,必定成为众人围杀的对象。 Therefore, six big Ancestor Immortal, the domineering fought with all might. 因此,六大祖仙,强势拼杀了起来。 The starry sky shakes, the black hole for the first time presently. 星空抖荡,黑洞乍现。 The fight changes is quite chaotic! 战斗变的极为混乱! The distant place, Nian Can does not dare to act rashly, can only draw back draws back again, and continuously studies that 108 stars, this dies hub! 远处,念灿不敢妄动,只能一退再退,并且不断研究那一百零八星辰,这‘死阵’的枢纽! Without Form Saint King, thanked Saint King, Old Eunuch, was an alliance, Jin Peng, Concealed Demon Cult Master, Saint King Ye, although three people did not have the verbal agreement, but had a tacit understanding, becomes another alliance. 无相圣王,谢圣王,老太监,是一个联盟,金鹏,伏魔教主,夜圣王,三人虽然没有口头协议,但心照不宣,也成为了另一个联盟。 This war, fought nearly ten days, in this period crushed the enormous stars, numerous Ancestor Immortal also paid the huge price relatively. 这一战,战斗了近十天,期间粉碎了大量星辰,一众祖仙也相对付出了巨大的代价。 Six big Ancestor Immortal, no one has noticed, in this starry sky deep places, the reversed direction of Number One Under the Heaven palace, above stars, at this moment is standing a black-robed form! 六大祖仙,谁也没有注意到,在这片星空深处,天下第一殿的反方向,一个星辰之上,此刻正站着一个黑袍身影! The black-robed form does not have charges into ‚the Number One Under the Heaven palace, that is because six big Ancestor Immortal, although fights strongly, but the mind definitely has part to stay in Number One Under the Heaven palace, once some people dare to rush, rallies together to attack surely. 黑袍身影没有冲向天下第一殿’,那是因为六大祖仙虽然强势战斗,但心神肯定有一部分留在天下第一殿处,一旦有人敢闯,必定群起而攻。 The black-robed form had not moved, these ten under the heavens have been standing there. It is not others, by Zhong Shan that Without Form Saint King killing dies! 黑袍身影一直没动,这十天下来一直站着那里。不是别人,正是被无相圣王‘杀’死的钟山! Shadow Body Zhong Shan enormous clone, so will be how easy dead! 影躯钟山大量分身,岂会那么容易死! Watches the present war, Zhong Shan crosses the hands behind the back to stand, in the eye the cold light one presently, reveals one meaningfully to say with a smile pale: Should receive the officer!” 看着眼前的大战,钟山负手而立,眼中寒光一现,露出一丝意味深长的淡笑道:“该收官了!”
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