IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1079: Number One Under the Heaven palace

„, Was walked quickly!” “遭,快走!” Two Saint King flash judged the Without Form Holy Court situation, Without Form Holy Court toward changing! Without Form Saint King was also replaced. 两个圣王一瞬间判断出了无相圣庭局势,无相圣庭朝变了!无相圣王也被顶替了。 at this moment, Without Form Holy Court already fell to the enemy thoroughly! 此刻,无相圣庭已经彻底被沦陷! Does not need to keep the hand!” Nian Youyou sinks to shout. “不必留手!”念悠悠沉喝道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and Ancestor God Beast, are Expert of Ancestor Immortal boundary, does not need to keep the hand naturally to use the full power. 幽山,幽水祖神兽,都是祖仙境的强者,不必留手自然倾尽全力。 Bang!” “轰!” The Ancestor God Beast speed is fastest, in an instant shelled Saint King, that Saint King body about Heavenly Dao, fled fast, no prolonging contact meaning. 祖神兽的速度最快,转眼轰击到了一个圣王,那圣王身合天道,快速遁逃,没有一点恋战的意思。 Separates, informs on the lord fast!” One of them shouted. “分开走,快速通知主上!”其中一人喝道。 Subsequently, the dispersion comes, flees by Heavenly Dao, the speed was too fast, flashed vanishes in Jinsheng Holy Capital! 继而,分散而来,以天道遁逃,速度太快了,一闪之间消失在了金胜圣都! Nian Youyou and Wang Jingwen are waiting same place, enormous Imperial Guard wells up from four directions . 念悠悠王靖文在原地等着,大量侍卫四方涌来。 Draws back!” Nian Youyou said solemnly. “退下!”念悠悠沉声道 Yes!” enormous Imperial Guard returns the original post fast. “是!”大量侍卫快速退回原先的岗位。 After a double-hour, the Nian Youyou shoulder flashes, Ancestor God Beast body suddenly presently. 一个时辰后,念悠悠肩头一闪,祖神兽身形忽现。 yí yí yí yí well ..............................!” 咦咦咦咦咦..............................!” Ancestor God Beast urgently called, seemed is saying what general to Nian Youyou. 祖神兽一阵急叫,好似在向念悠悠说着什么一般。 No meeting, You Shan (Nether Mountain) and You Shui (Nether Water) also flew. 没一会,幽山幽水也飞了回来。 What's wrong?” Wang Jingwen said. “如何?”王靖文说道。 Could not have blocked, but that two people, including a already severe wound.” You Shui (Nether Water) shakes the head to say. “没有拦不住,不过那两人,其中有一个已经重伤了。”幽水摇摇头道。 Un!” Wang Jingwen nods. “嗯!”王靖文点点头。 That two people ran, matter exposed, now what to do?” Some You Shan (Nether Mountain) worries said. “那两人跑了,事情败露了,现在怎么办?”幽山有些担心道。 Might as well, Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary entrance already vanishes, they could not find.” Wang Jingwen shakes the head to say. “无妨,天帝密境的入口已经消失,他们找不到的。”王靖文摇摇头道。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also after for several years, in Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary. 又数年之后,天帝密境之中。 First, Without Form Saint King broken! 第一阵,无相圣王破! Second, Zhong Shan broken! 第二阵,钟山破! Third, Concealed Demon Cult Master broken! 第三阵,伏魔教主破! Fourth, thanking Saint King broken!( The person of dependency Without Form Saint King!) 第四阵,谢圣王破!(附庸无相圣王之人!) Finally, to last! 终于,到了最后一阵! Fifth, is decoded by Saint King Ye! 第五阵,由夜圣王破解! This starry skies, incomparable vast, seeming to add also to the previous four Great Array starry skies be greatly ordinary , the vast stars, are several hundred times of big of beforehand starry sky. 这一片星空,无比的浩大,好似比先前四个大阵星空加起来还要大一般,浩大的星辰,是以前星空的数百倍之大。 The strength of powerful starry sky, stands in the surrounding merely can feel the intermittent fluctuation. 强大的星空之力,仅仅站在外围都能感受到阵阵波动。 The distant place, Saint King Ye holds brilliance myriad divine sword, the strength of all around starry sky forms vast, the space black hole that each and everyone caves in completely reveals the great strength of Great Array. 远处,夜圣王手执一柄光耀万千的神剑,四周星空之力形成浩瀚雷海,一个个塌陷的空间黑洞尽显大阵的强大。 Broken, broken, broken ..............................! 破,破,破..............................! The divine sword cuts to extinguish the stars, pierces the black hole, in the entire starry sky is Saint King Ye that as powerful as the peak sword shadow. 神剑斩灭星辰,刺穿黑洞,整个星空之中都是夜圣王那强大到极致的剑影。 Magic sword, under the heavens awe into submission submissive! Powerful swordsmanship! 神剑一出,天下慑服!强大的剑道! Quite fierce!” Jin Peng surprisedly said. “好厉害!”金鹏惊讶道 Of antiquity, naturally had the originality!” Zhong Shan nods. “上古之阵,自然有独到之处!”钟山点点头。 No, I mean Saint King Ye, Saint King Ye is quite fierce!” Jin Peng said with rapt attention. “不,我是说夜圣王,夜圣王好厉害!”金鹏凝神道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A starry sky loud sound. Subsequently, in center that 108 stars surround, suddenly presents a vast palace. 星空一声巨响。继而,在一百零八星辰环绕的中心,忽然出现一个浩大的宫殿。 Outside the palace seems has space protection to be a, 108 stars encirclement all around, the star Mercury strength condenses the dragon of green star strength, the dragon has three 16 claws, towering overbearing, protects that palace. 宫殿之外好似有着一层层空间保护一般,一百零八星辰环绕四周,星辰星力凝聚成一条绿色的星力之龙,龙有三十六爪,峥嵘霸道,守护那座宫殿。 The palace looks extremely plain, style also extremely ancient, is breaking surface one row of characters in that palace tablet. 宫殿看上去极为古朴,风格也极为的古老,在那宫殿牌匾之上浮着一列字。 Number One Under the Heaven palace 天下第一殿” Number One Under the Heaven palace? Big tone, big boldness. 天下第一殿?好大的口气,好大的气魄 Flash that palace presents, almost everyone slightly excited. 那一个宫殿出现的一瞬间,几乎所有人都微微激动了起来。 Jin Peng stared in a big way the eye hopefully, Zhong Shan also looks. 金鹏瞪大了眼睛,钟山也满怀期待的看着。 Without Form big crown prince Nian Can, at this moment eyes throws extremely the color of hope. 无相大太子念灿,此刻双眼投过去极度渴望之色。 Concealed Demon Cult Master, Without Form Saint King, thanked Saint King, Old Eunuch, at this moment stubbornly is staring. 伏魔教主,无相圣王,谢圣王,老太监,此刻都死死的盯着。 Heavenly Emperor inheritance? Was born? 天帝传承?出世了? But, fifth also not broken, the distant place, the Saint King Ye divine sword waves unceasingly, breaks fifth unceasingly, in the eye is also flashing through an excitement. 可是,第五阵还没破,远处,夜圣王的神剑不断舞动,不断破着第五阵,眼中也闪过一股兴奋。 After ten for several years, waited till finally! Saint King Ye breaks through the formation the speed to be even more fast. 历经十数年,终于等到了!夜圣王破阵速度越发快速。 Saint King, is this Heavenly Emperor inheritance? The Number One Under the Heaven palace, his big tone, was Ru Lai did not dare in the past, was not right, Ru Lai was worse than him is far. So Heavenly Emperor, can handle the Number One Under the Heaven palace!” Jin Peng saying. 圣王,这就是天帝传承?天下第一殿,他好大的口气,就是如来当年也不敢,不对,如来比他差远了。如此天帝,当得起天下第一殿!”金鹏怔怔的说道。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Zhong Shan whole body, resounds through heavenshaking Dragon Roar suddenly, this Dragon Roar shifted on the everyone vision Zhong Shan completely! 钟山周身,忽然响彻起一声震天龙吟,这一声龙吟所有人的目光全部转移到了钟山身上! However, the Zhong Shan whole body sends out is not roaring Dragon Roar, but is one calls out in grief. 不过,钟山周身发出的不是咆哮的龙吟,而是一声悲鸣。 The Zhong Shan complexion changes, no longer looks at that Number One Under the Heaven palace, but is on the face emits the enormous sweat immediately. 钟山脸色一变,不再看那天下第一殿,而是脸上顿时冒出大量汗水。 No!” Zhong Shan urgently exclaimed. “不!”钟山急吼道。 Subsequently, a first revolution, in the eye brings the blood threads looks to Without Form Saint King! 继而,头一转,眼中带着血丝的看向无相圣王! How the people did not understand Zhong Shan suddenly. Saint King Zhong does he do? Finally broke through the formation, can he start to silence a witness of crime? 众人不明白钟山忽然怎么了。钟圣王他干嘛?最后破阵了,他要开始杀人灭口? Nian Wuxiang, is you!” In the Zhong Shan eye flashes through an ominous anger. 念无相,是你!”钟山眼中闪过一股凶怒。 Without Form Saint King what matter? The people are not clear. But Without Form Saint King is actually eyes narrows the eyes. 无相圣王什么事?众人不明白。而无相圣王却是双眼一眯。 Saint King Zhong, how? what do you want to do?” Thanked Saint King to say immediately. 钟圣王,到底怎么了?你想干什么?”谢圣王马上说道。 Zhong Shan horizontal his eyes, suddenly has resenting smiled: Hahahaha, I knew, I knew, you are the same places, just entered Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary I to discover that is not right, our dynasty Luck steadily is reducing, has been reducing, until a moment ago, vanished thoroughly, my Great Zheng collapse!” 钟山横了他一眼,忽然带着一股愤恨的笑了起来:“哈哈哈哈,我知道了,我知道了,你们是一起的,刚入天帝密境我就发现不对劲了,我朝气运正在不断减少,一直在减少,直到刚才,彻底消失了,我大崝崩溃了!” Great Zheng collapse? 大崝崩溃了? Concealed Demon Cult Master thought at that time the Zhong Shan's expression suddenly. But, Without Form Saint King has also shown the similar expression. 伏魔教主忽然想到当时钟山的表情。可是,无相圣王也露出过同样的表情。 Saint King Zhong, do not act in a play, want to has sole possession of the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, must have a look at you to have that ability!” Thanked Saint King coldly said. 钟圣王,你就不要演戏了,想要独吞天帝传承,也要看看你有没有那个能耐!”谢圣王冷声道 „Do I act in a play? Is you acts in a play, you dare to pledge to the day, you and Nian Wuxiang don't have the master and servant to relate? Nian Wuxiang you can pledge to the day, after I and others entered Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, you have not sent Ancestor Immortal to go to my Reincarnation Cycle Territory, moreover incessantly!” The Zhong Shan anger exclaimed. “我演戏?是你演戏吧,你敢对天发誓,你和念无相没有主仆关系?念无相你又能对天发誓,在我等进入天帝密境之后,你没有派祖仙前往我转轮疆域,而且不止一个!”钟山怒吼道。 Pledged, except for Hao Meili that strange Curse Technique, other pledging, many people does not care. 发誓,除了昊美丽那古怪的咒言术,别的发誓,很多人都不怎么在意。 But the Zhong Shan's goal does not make them pledge, but disclosed information that want to said. Did Without Form Saint King and thank Saint King is the master and servant relates? Great Zheng destruction? Does Without Form Holy Court have two Ancestor Immortal? 钟山的目的并不是让他们发誓,而是透露出想要说的信息。无相圣王和谢圣王是主仆关系?大崝覆灭了?无相圣庭还有两个祖仙? This, is this real? 这,这是真的吗? In a flash, Concealed Demon Cult Master thinks a matter, is these years, Meritorious Virtue of oneself area seems in the reduction is also ordinary, moreover are getting fewer and fewer, extinguished Great Zheng, could it be that must extinguish my area? 一瞬间,伏魔教主想到了一件事,就是这些年,自己疆域的功德也好似在减少一般,而且越来越少,灭了大崝,难道又要灭了我的疆域? Without Form Saint King? Is he? 无相圣王?是他吗? Who strikes the first blow has the advantage, Jin Peng, cuts to kill Xie Xiaopei full power!” Zhong Shan exclaimed. “先下手为强,金鹏,全力斩杀谢小沛!”钟山吼道。 Yes!” Jin Peng immediately comply with the way. “是!”金鹏马上应道 Immediately, Jin Peng takes out Righteous Heavenly Halberd, the body about Heavenly Dao, toward thanking the Saint King bang kills to go by the prestige of Heavenly Dao. 顿时,金鹏取出方天画戟,身合天道,以天道之威向着谢圣王轰杀而去。 Big Samsara Passage, opens!” “大轮回通道,开!” Zhong Shan shouting loudly, powerful Samsara Passage erupts loudly, goes toward the Without Form Saint King rush, the place visited, the starry sky shakes. 钟山一声大喝,强大的轮回通道轰然爆发而出,向着无相圣王冲杀而去,所过之处,星空震荡。 The huge rush started. 巨大的冲杀开始了。 Zhong Shan acts to Without Form Saint King suddenly, although there are to have sole possession of the Heavenly Emperor inheritance intention, but Concealed Demon Cult Master had not actually moved at this time, but is coldly looks. 钟山忽然对无相圣王出手,虽然有独吞天帝传承的意图,可伏魔教主这个时候却没有动,而是冷冷的看着。 The Number One Under the Heaven palace appeared, humane ugly also exposed! 天下第一殿出现了,人性的丑恶也展露了! , Five Great Array have consumed the time merely, is not too difficult broken, will the Heavenly Emperor inheritance at present, in whose hand that fall finally? 一路所过,五个大阵仅仅耗时间,并不是太难破,天帝传承就在眼前,那最后会落谁手中呢? Zhong Shan's area real destruction? What he said is really or fake? 钟山的疆域真的覆灭了吗?他说的是真的还是假的? Concealed Demon Cult Master merely coldly looks. After all to finally, anyone must be discrete! 伏魔教主仅仅冷冷的看着。毕竟到了最后,谁也必须谨慎! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage sways, Without Form Saint King that white Heavenly Dao overbearing hits general some Zhong Shan's Heavenly Dao. 一声巨响,钟山的轮回通道一阵摇晃,无相圣王那白色的天道霸道的将钟山的天道撞开一些一般。 Samsara Passage is strong, but Zhong Shan now is actually only Ancient Immortal, can Samsara Passage of Ancient Immortal operation strong? Initially, if not for Zhong Shan used to count, entered Ancestor Immortal Jun Moli initially is not the opponent. 轮回通道是强,可钟山现在却只是古仙,古仙操纵的轮回通道又能有多强?当初,若不是钟山用计,连初入祖仙君莫离都不是对手。 Zhong Shan hot tempered charges into Without Form Saint King again. 钟山暴躁的再度冲向无相圣王 Another side, was was just opposite, thanks Saint King to be suppressed by Jin Peng suddenly. Jin Peng aggressive completely obviously. 另一边,却是刚刚相反,谢圣王金鹏忽然压制而起。金鹏凶悍尽显而出。 Righteous Heavenly Halberd, was full of an overbearing ominous prestige, chops to thank Saint King. 方天画戟,充满了一股霸道凶威,直劈谢圣王 Thanked the Saint King body about Heavenly Dao, but, under the domineering attack of Jin Peng, actually body swayed, Heavenly Dao bumped into, forms the vast black hole. 圣王身合天道,但,在金鹏的强势攻击之下,却身体一阵摇晃,天道相撞,形成浩大的黑洞。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~轰~~~~~~~~~轰~~~~~~~~!” Saint King Ye breaks fifth, Jin Peng to fighting thanks Saint King, Zhong Shan and Without Form Saint King fights, all around filled the sound of huge thundering. 夜圣王破着第五阵,金鹏对战谢圣王,钟山无相圣王相斗,四周充满了巨大的轰鸣之声。 Nian Can hides fast far, Concealed Demon Cult Master watches critically. 念灿快速躲远,伏魔教主冷眼旁观。 Old Eunuch has a look to thank Saint King, want to helps, but endured, body the charges into Zhong Shan battlefield, kills Zhong Shan with the Without Form Saint King converging attack in a flash together! 老太监看看谢圣王,想要去帮忙,但还是忍了下来,身形一晃冲向钟山战场,与无相圣王一同夹击狙杀钟山! The scene changes is quite chaotic! 场面变的极为混乱! Zhong Shan's acts suddenly, for what? Personal grudge? With the Without Form Saint King enmity? For the Heavenly Emperor inheritance? 钟山的忽然出手,为了什么?私人恩怨?与无相圣王的仇怨?还是为了天帝传承? Concealed Demon Cult Master believes that Zhong Shan for the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, may so rush the obvious non- wisdom, Zhong Shan does he want to do? 伏魔教主更相信钟山为了天帝传承,可如此冲上去明显不智啊,钟山他要干什么? Fought about one double-hour, all around is completely the space that sways, is chaotic, sways the space, has the enormous black hole to tear unceasingly. 大战了近一个时辰,四周尽是摇晃的空间,混乱不堪,摇晃空间内部,更有大量黑洞不断撕裂而出。 Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Without Form Saint King great roar, powerful white Heavenly Dao and Samsara Passage bump into, subsequently, in the eye is exuding Without Form Saint King of blood threads, dashes loudly into Samsara Passage, the right palm passes puts on the Zhong Shan chest. 无相圣王一声巨吼,强大的白色天道轮回通道相撞,继而,眼中泛着血丝的无相圣王,轰然冲撞入轮回通道,右掌透穿钟山胸膛。 Samsara Passage is defeated and dispersed loudly, Zhong Shan stares the big eye to look at Without Form Saint King. 轮回通道轰然溃散,钟山瞪大眼睛看着无相圣王 Ancient Immortal? Snort!” 古仙?哼!” With Without Form Saint King cold snort/hum, the blood red right palm shook loudly, broke the Zhong Shan body, broke the Zhong Shan state of mind. The domineering extinguishes kills Zhong Shan! 随着无相圣王一声冷哼,血红色的右掌轰然一震,震碎了钟山身体,震碎了钟山神魂。强势灭杀钟山! Bang!” “轰!” Another side, thanked Saint King to retreat in defeat again and again, Jin Peng cut to kill strongly, took a halberd to cut to thank the right arm of Saint King shortly, but in this moment, a great strength from beside, among the Jin Peng warehousing blocked the attack, body backed up. 另一边,谢圣王节节败退,金鹏强势斩杀而下,眼看就要一戟斩下谢圣王的右胳膊了,可就在这一刻,一股巨力从身旁袭来,金鹏仓储间挡住来袭,身形倒退而出。 Is making a move of Old Eunuch, intended to help thank Saint King, in this moment, formally announced Zhong Shan said a moment ago, thanking Saint King and Without Form Saint King was the master and servant relates? 老太监的出手,出手帮了谢圣王,也在这一刻,正式宣告了钟山刚才所说,谢圣王无相圣王是主仆关系? But all these have not let the person Tai Shang heart, because the vision of at this moment people framed in Without Form Saint King the place of right claw, was grasped broken Great Zheng Saint King by Without Form Saint King. Zhong Shan! 可这一切都没有让人太上心,因为此刻众人的目光都定格在了无相圣王的右爪之处,还有被无相圣王抓碎的大崝圣王钟山!
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