IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1086: Comprehensive arrangements

Several thousand shatter stars, can this have how fierce fight to produce? Jin Peng previously left, may not have so many stars disruption! 数千破碎星辰,这要有多么剧烈的战斗才能产生?金鹏先前离开的时候,可没有这么多星辰碎裂! What is more important, void all around is floating enormous Ancestor Immortal Equipment. 更重要的是,虚空四周漂浮着大量祖仙器 The Saint King Ye divine sword, whisking of Old Eunuch, the Concealed Demon Cult Master purple wooden sword, thanked the Saint King divine sword, the Without Form Saint King blood blade, the there is still one very unremarkable coffin. 夜圣王的神剑,老太监的拂尘,伏魔教主的紫木剑,谢圣王的神剑,无相圣王的血刀,还有一个非常不起眼的棺材。 Although these Magical Treasure some disabling injuries, but was disclosing an information, these Magical Treasure Master, already all fell from the sky. 虽然这些法宝都有些残伤,但都在透露着一个信息,这些法宝主人,已经全部殒落了。 Jin Peng took a deep breath, already was very high, may seem insufficient, Zhong Shan's that the Zhong Shan's strength thought intended to give Jin Peng each time by absolute shock. 金鹏深深的吸了口气,已经钟山的实力想的很高了,可好似还是不够,每次钟山的出手都给金鹏以绝对的震撼。 Saint King!” Nangong Sheng saw Zhong Shan of distant place, immediately flew. 圣王!”南宫胜看到了远处的钟山,马上飞了过去。 at this moment, in front of Zhong Shan but actually Without Form Saint King corpse, but Zhong Shan is actually sits cross-legged to sit, in the body will seem has a strange energy to be the same, making the Zhong Shan body one inflate, one will reduce. 此刻,钟山面前倒着无相圣王的尸体,而钟山却是盘膝而坐,身体里好似有着一股古怪的能量一般,让钟山身体一会膨胀,一会缩小。 Zhong Shan opens the eye gently, looks to Zhong Shan that a Nangong Sheng face is worried, but in the eye of Jin Peng flashes through an unprecedented admiration. 钟山轻轻睁开眼睛,南宫胜一脸担心的看向钟山,而金鹏的眼中闪过一股前所未有的敬佩。 Tidies up all around Magical Treasure, leading me to return to Prosperous Capital!” Some Zhong Shan weak say/way. “收拾四周法宝,带我回昌京!”钟山有些虚弱道。 Yes!” Nangong Sheng immediately comply with the way. “是!”南宫胜马上应道 Jin Peng also with tidies up Magical Treasure together, finally when sees the Without Form Saint King death shape, Jin Peng doubts. 金鹏也随着一起收拾法宝,最后看到无相圣王的死状之时,金鹏一阵疑惑。 Brings various Magical Treasure, the people to arrive at the Number One Under the Heaven palace again! 带着各种法宝,众人再度来到天下第一殿! Zhong Shan enters the palace training immediately, Nangong Sheng and Jin Peng stands in the outside world. 钟山马上入殿修养,南宫胜金鹏站在外界。 Gets up!” “起!” It seems also has seventh, the Nangong Sheng fast stimulation of movement, Number One Under the Heaven Your Highness side Huran presents a huge vortex. 好似还有着第七阵,南宫胜快速催动,天下第一殿下方忽然出现一个巨大的漩涡。 „Is this space and time channel?” Jin Peng knits the brows to say. “这又是一个时空通道?”金鹏皱眉道。 This type of space and time channel can only shuttle back and forth in the short distance . Moreover the speed of consumption immortal stone is also quite terrifying, generally speaking is not worth doing that this is only needs to arrange for this time Great Array, actually your previous five starry sky Great Array to are not far, sky over Reincarnation Cycle Territory!” Nangong Sheng answered. “这种时空通道只能在短距离穿梭,而且消耗仙石的速度也极为恐怖,一般来说不值得这么做,这只是为了此次大阵需要才布置的,其实你们先前的五个星空大阵相距不远,都在转轮疆域上空!”南宫胜解释道。 During the speeches stimulates to movement the Number One Under the Heaven palace to fly into the space and time channel. 说话间催动天下第一殿飞入时空通道。 After a double-hour . Prosperous Capital, stretch of place of Imperial Palace forbidden area. 一个时辰之后。昌京,一片皇宫禁区之地。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Void shake. A giant space and time entrance for the first time presently. 虚空一阵震荡。一个巨大的时空入口乍现。 In this forbidden area, the average person forbids to enter, at this moment only then two people waits for! 这个禁区之中,普通人禁止进入,此刻只有两人守候! Nian Youyou, Yi Yan! 念悠悠,易衍! The space and time entrance opens, two people slightly excited, this means that another battlefield also succeeded! 时空入口一开,两人都微微激动了起来,这意味着另一处战场也成功了! Bang!” “轰!” A main hall falls in front of two people loudly. 一个大殿轰然落在两人面前。 Number One Under the Heaven palace! 天下第一殿! Looks at that broad incomparable Number One Under the Heaven palace, two people is slightly excited, but in front of the Number One Under the Heaven palace, is standing Nangong Sheng and Jin Peng! 看着那恢弘无比的天下第一殿,两人微微激动,而天下第一殿面前,站着南宫胜金鹏! Greetings empress!” Nangong Sheng immediately respectful salutes saying. 拜见皇后!”南宫胜马上恭拜道 Zhong Shan?” Nian Youyou said immediately. 钟山呢?”念悠悠马上道。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The gate of main hall opens slowly, Zhong Shan dragged the weak body to walk, the body one will rise one to shrink. 大殿之门缓缓打开,钟山拖着虚弱的身体走了出来,身体一会涨一会缩。 Zhong Shan, are you all right?” Nian Youyou surprisedly said. 钟山,你没事吧?”念悠悠惊讶道 Is unimportant!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. But is difficult to cover the weak stance. “不要紧!”钟山摇摇头。但难掩虚弱姿态。 Greetings Saint King!” People to Zhong Shan salutes saying. 拜见圣王!”众人对着钟山拜道 Yi Yan!” Zhong Shan said. 易衍!”钟山道。 Feudal official in!” Yi Yan said immediately. “臣在!”易衍马上说道。 Fifth start, the soldier cuts down the small copious area, the soldier cuts down the sea area!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “第五步开始,兵伐小沛疆域,兵伐沧海疆域!”钟山沉声道 Yes, Zhao Suoxiang, Lin Xiao, Xiao Wang, Shui Wuhen, four groups of army already in the boundary set, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) also lead the skeleton army, coordinates four groups of armies to capture the small copious area and sea area respectively, because received the Without Form Holy Court elite army corps to attack a while ago, already is in a state of disunity, should how long, or comes to obtain the victory!” Yi Yan opens the mouth to say. “是,赵所向,林啸,箫忘,水无痕,四路大军已经在边界处集合,幽山,幽水也率领骷髅大军,分别配合四路大军攻取小沛疆域和沧海疆域,因为前段时间受到无相圣庭精锐兵团冲击,已经一盘散沙,应该要不来多久就能取得战果!”易衍开口道。 Good! Also, informs Yan Chongzhi, collects the under the heavens talent fast, is quick, are many!” Zhong Shan nods. “好!还有,通知阎冲之,快速搜罗天下人才,要快,要多!”钟山点点头。 Yes!” “是!” Nangong Sheng!” Zhong Shan called out. 南宫胜!”钟山叫道。 Feudal official in!” Nangong Sheng obeys an order to say immediately. “臣在!”南宫胜马上应命道。 Through Ruler's Diagram, all passes to Yang Sector numerous Ancestor Immortal Equipment!” Zhong Shan said. “通过帝王图,将一众祖仙器全部传到阳间!”钟山说道。 Yes!” “是!” Jin Peng!” Zhong Shan said. 金鹏!”钟山道。 In!” Jin Peng at this moment also extremely respectfully said. “在!”金鹏此刻也极为恭敬道 Gives Yi Yan Without Form Saint King, how he will tell you to do, when the mission conclusion of Without Form Saint King corpse, elaborate funeral it!” Zhong Shan said. “将无相圣王交给易衍,他会告诉你怎么做,待无相圣王尸体的使命结束,厚葬之!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Jin Peng said immediately. “是!”金鹏马上说道。 Youyou, looks for Ancestor God Beast , helping me therapy! I in exercising martial arts main hall you!” Zhong Shan said. 悠悠,将祖神兽找来,助我疗伤!我在练功大殿等你!”钟山说道。 „, Good, I look for Little Qing immediately!” “哦,好,我马上去找小青!” Nian Youyou one hear of Little Qing can help Zhong Shan therapy, immediately flew. 念悠悠一听小青能助钟山疗伤,马上就飞了出去。 Goes!” Zhong Shan said to the people. “去吧!”钟山对众人说道。 Yes!” “是!” Subsequently, Shadow Body Zhong Shan goes back therapy immediately, but Ancestor God Beast also quickly looked for by Nian Youyou, helped Zhong Shan together therapy. 继而,影躯钟山马上回去疗伤,而祖神兽也很快被念悠悠找来,助钟山一起疗伤了。 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Yi Yan arrives at a signalling main hall! Jin Peng brings Without Form Saint King to wait outside. 易衍来到一个传信大殿!金鹏带着无相圣王在外面等着。 Sir!” A subordinate official to Yi Yan respectfully said. “大人!”一个下属官员对着易衍恭敬道 Assigns out Zhao Suoxiang, Lin Xiao, Xiao Wang, Shui Wuhen, You Shan (Nether Mountain), the You Shui (Nether Water) signalling mouse, for my signalling!” Yi Yan said. “调出赵所向,林啸,箫忘,水无痕,幽山,幽水的传信鼠,为我传信!”易衍道。 Yes!” “是!” Saint King Saint command, five Ancestor Immortal all extinguish, instantly gets up, the soldier cuts down the small copious area, the soldier cuts down the sea area, acts without fail!” Yi Yan said. 圣王圣令,五祖仙全灭,即刻起,兵伐小沛疆域,兵伐沧海疆域,不得有误!”易衍说道。 That side official deferred to Yi Yan saying that immediately, through the mouse life sign signalling, passed to the forefront the news fast! 那边官员马上按照易衍说的,通过老鼠命牌传信,将消息快速传到最前线! Reincarnation Cycle Territory, a sea area edge, had Great Zheng tens of millions elite armies, Zhao Suoxiang, Shui Wuhen, You Shan (Nether Mountain) Inside a big tent in the middle of the army. 转轮疆域,一片海域边缘,驻扎了大崝数千万精锐大军,赵所向,水无痕,幽山中军大帐之中 That side Saint King, how did not know now!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) is worried to say slightly. 圣王那边,不知道现在如何了!”幽山略微担心道。 Saint King will certainly be all right!” Zhao Suoxiang affirms to say immediately. 圣王一定会没事的!”赵所向马上肯定道。 That is five big Ancestor Immortal, on Saint King and Jin Peng, can deal with?” Some You Shan (Nether Mountain) non- channels. “那可是五大祖仙,就圣王金鹏,能应付来吗?”幽山有些不信道。 Nangong Sheng you had not said that relax, since the bureau of Saint King design, Saint King can certainly move out!” Shui Wuhen also affirms to say. “还有南宫胜你没说,放心吧,既然圣王设计的局,圣王就一定能够全身而退!”水无痕也肯定道。 How do you know?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) does not believe. “你怎么知道?”幽山还是不信。 Because of the Saint King bureau, has not made a mistake!” The Shui Wuhen incomparable affirmation said. “因为圣王的局,从来没有出过错!”水无痕无比肯定道。 Bang, bang, bang ........................!” “嘭,嘭,嘭........................!” In front of three people in the table, the enormous life sign was loudly stave, looks at these shatter life signs, Zhao Suoxiang read it. 三人面前桌上,大量命牌轰然破碎,看着这些破碎的命牌,赵所向将其念了出来。 Saint King Saint command, five Ancestor Immortal all extinguish, instantly gets up, the soldier cuts down the small copious area, the soldier cuts down the sea area, acts without fail!” 圣王圣令,五祖仙全灭,即刻起,兵伐小沛疆域,兵伐沧海疆域,不得有误!” Five do Ancestor Immortal all extinguish?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) opened the mouth surprisedly. “五祖仙全灭?”幽山惊讶的张大了嘴巴。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) knows Zhong Shan to be strong, but not strong is so odd, this Great Zheng was also too abnormal, these people were calculated? Is Zhong Shan really Ancient Immortal? 幽山知道钟山强,可也不会强的这么离谱啊,这大崝也太变态了吧,那些人是被算死的吗?钟山真的才是古仙吗? You Shan (Nether Mountain), you convene these Expert that brings from Great Ming Church, I and General Zhao put in order the army immediately, the soldier cut down the small copious area!” Shui Wuhen said. 幽山,你召集从大明教带来的那些强者,我和赵将军马上整军,兵伐小沛疆域!”水无痕道。 Another direction army big camp. 另一个方向的中军大营。 You Shui (Nether Water), you convene these Expert that brings from Great Ming Church, I and General Lin put in order the army immediately, the soldier cut down the sea area!” Xiao Wang opens the mouth to say. 幽水,你召集从大明教带来的那些强者,我和林将军马上整军,兵伐沧海疆域!”箫忘开口道。 But the small copious area and sea area in these several years, are under the Without Form Territory domineering impact, relatively speaking, Without Form Territory military, but, disperses, can only be level with two area soldiers. 而小沛疆域和沧海疆域在这十几年,受到无相疆域强势的冲击,相比而言,无相疆域的兵力更甚,可是,分散开来,就只能与两疆域兵持平了。 The suitable strength, the created mutually wounded degree is biggest, two area these years are the weary consumptions. Until one month ago starts. Both big area military changed suddenly. 相当的战力,造成的两败俱伤程度最大,两疆域这些年可谓是疲疲消耗。直到一个月前开始。两大疆域兵力都忽然发生了变化。 First is Without Form Territory collapses, the senior generals disappear near Luck of body, is ill-disciplined, army rout. The enemy side follows up a victory with hot pursuit, a crown prince was also killed in the war, Three Army Wings thorough defeat. Subsequently, shortly , the small copious area, the sea area and bends down the demon area territory main also to fall from the sky one after another, Luck completely loses, the morale of troops, the popular sentiment is lax, except for bending down the demon area, the small copious area and sea area makes a hopeless mess immediately randomly. 先是无相疆域崩溃,大将们临身的气运消失,军心涣散,全军大败。敌方乘胜追击,一众太子也在战争中丧命了,三路大军彻底败了。继而,没多久,小沛疆域,沧海疆域和伏魔疆域的域主也相继殒落,气运尽失,军心,民心涣散,除了伏魔疆域,小沛疆域和沧海疆域顿时乱作一锅粥。 Under Great Zheng army Lincheng, it may be said that withstands great pressure again, ultimately! And there is Ancestor Immortal to assume personal command, attacks a city to seize territory the speed quick astonishment! 大崝再军临城下,可谓是泰山压顶,大势所趋!且有祖仙坐镇,一路攻城略地速度快的惊人! Has not gone as for Concealed Demon Cult Master area Zhong Shan, that is cultivates Cultivate Inner Virtue and cultivates the difference of Fame, Sovereign cannot easily trade, but Cult Master actually, although was attacked by Without Form Territory, but is still not easy to capture. moreover Great Zheng did not have that military, must smell some fishy smell overlord soup to drink to all around other areas! 至于伏魔教主的疆域钟山没去动,那是修积阴德和修功名的不同,皇帝不可以轻易换,而教主却可以,虽然被无相疆域冲击了,但依旧不易攻取。况且大崝也没有那个兵力了,也要给四周其它疆域闻到腥的霸主一些汤喝! ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Prosperous Capital, Jin Peng brings the Without Form Saint King corpse and Yi Yan arrives at Reincarnation Cycle Palace together! 昌京,金鹏带着无相圣王的尸体和易衍一起来到转轮殿! Outside during Reincarnation Cycle Palace, Clay Bodhisattva, You Chuan (Nether River) waits. 转轮殿外,泥菩萨,幽川守候之中。 Jin Peng, Yi Yan fell in the square, Clay Bodhisattva and You Chuan (Nether River) welcomed. 金鹏,易衍落于广场,泥菩萨幽川就迎了上来。 What's wrong?” Clay Bodhisattva asked. “如何了?”泥菩萨问道。 Saint King acts personally, naturally all completed, is this Without Form Saint King corpse, Shui Jing?” Yi Yan asked. 圣王亲自出手,自然一切都办妥了,这是无相圣王的尸体,水镜呢?”易衍问道。 Shui Jing also in Reincarnation Cycle Palace, but also is enlightening gold/metal wooden Saint King and water and fire Saint King, this two people is impenetrably thickheaded, now the Without Form Saint King corpse brought, Shui Jing should be able to persuade them quickly!” Clay Bodhisattva said. 水镜还在转轮殿里,还在开导着金木圣王和水火圣王,这两人冥顽不灵,现在无相圣王尸体带来了,水镜应该能够很快劝服他们了!”泥菩萨说道。 Without Form Saint King corpse? Can first look at to me?” You Chuan (Nether River) suddenly strange say/way. 无相圣王的尸体?能给我先看一下吗?”幽川忽然古怪道。 I cannot understand, will ask you to have a look!” Jin Peng opens the mouth to say immediately. “我看不懂,正要请你们看看!”金鹏马上开口道。 Yi Yan reveals strange, because had not previously inspected, strangely what does this Without Form Saint King corpse have? 易衍露出一丝奇怪,因为先前一直没有检查,这无相圣王尸体有什么奇怪的? Four people careful sized up a Without Form Saint King that hair graying corpse. 四人仔细又打量了一下无相圣王那头发斑白的尸体。 Strange, strange, on this corpse, does not have the fatal scar probably, what's all this about? How does he die?” Yi Yan doubts looks to Jin Peng. “古怪,古怪,这尸体上,好像没有致命伤痕啊,这是怎么回事?他是怎么死的?”易衍疑惑的看向金鹏 I don't know either, is Saint King kills. Does not look clearly!” Jin Peng shakes the head. “我也不知道,是圣王杀死的。看不明白!”金鹏摇摇头。 At this time, in skeleton eye of You Chuan (Nether River), Fire of Soul crazy tremor. Obviously saw any panic-stricken matter. 这时,幽川的骷髅眼中,灵魂之火疯狂颤动。显然看到了什么惊骇的事情。 Clay Bodhisattva seemed also looks, a complexion strangeness. 泥菩萨好似也看出来了,脸色一阵古怪。 What's the matter?” Jin Peng anxious asking. “怎么回事?”金鹏急切的问道。 You Chuan (Nether River) did you look?” Clay Bodhisattva asked. 幽川你看出来了吗?”泥菩萨问道。 You Chuan (Nether River) deep silent, shakes the head saying: This corpse was too strange!” 幽川深深的沉默了一下,摇摇头道:“这尸体太诡异了!” „?” Jin Peng eye one bright. “哦?”金鹏眼睛一亮。 Dying a violent death, the corpse, still containing treats loose Destiny generally even, only then after and other corpses thoroughly decayed, that Destiny will vanish, but this corpse, actually ..................!” “大凡死于非命者,就算是尸体,也含有一些待散的气数,只有等尸体彻底腐朽了以后,那一丝气数才会消失,可这具尸体,却..................!” Actually what?” “却什么?” Destiny completely, clean even/including remnant weak Destiny does not have!” You Chuan (Nether River) solemnly said. 气数已尽,干净的连一丝残弱气数都没有!”幽川郑重道 ***: Just came back, just wrote, late, sorry! ***:刚回来,刚写好,迟了点,抱歉!
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