IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1075: Stealth beast

Dragon Stage, is the stage in Without Form Holy Court school ground place, high noon, the brave warrior practicing martial arts to finish. 龙台,是无相圣庭校场处的一个高台,正午时分,悍将演武结束。 Civil and military officials already almost arrived at the row! But has one person not to come! Prime Minister Liu! 文武官员已经差不多到列了!但有一个人没来!柳丞相! Without Form Saint King brows slightly wrinkled, has a look at Wang Jingwen of not far away, Wang Jingwen nod of quietly. Imitates if transmitting one type safely general! 无相圣王眉头微皱,看看不远处的王靖文,王靖文悄悄的点了点头。仿若在传递一种安心一般! Who hasn't arrived?” Without Form Saint King opens the mouth to say suddenly. “何人未到?”无相圣王忽然开口道。 reporting Royal Father, is Liu Che, Prime Minister Liu does not defend the ritual of rulers and ministers, toward the meeting, does not consider the absence dignified unexpectedly!” Third Crown Prince Nian Ben left ranks to call out immediately. 启禀父王,是柳彻,柳丞相不守君臣之礼,庄严朝会,居然不告缺席!”三太子念奔马上出列叫道。 Nian Ben has looked at Prime Minister Liu is not feeling well, Prime Minister Liu disdains itself repeatedly, by oneself make a fool of oneself in front of Royal Father, he is fallen the handle repeatedly now, Nian Ben naturally leaves ranks immediately the accusation. 念奔早就看柳丞相不爽了,柳丞相多次不屑自己,又多次让自己在父王面前出丑,现在他落出把柄,念奔自然马上出列指责。 moreover, Prime Minister Liu fell a giant handle over the two days, snort/hum, looks at you today dead undying/not dead! Without Form Holy Court is we reads the family/home eventually, your foreign subject, wants to arrogate to oneself the court discipline? Does not divide the master and servant! 况且,这两天柳丞相又落出一个巨大的把柄,哼,看你今天死不死!无相圣庭终究是我们念家的,你一个外臣,也想独揽朝纲?不分主仆! Is continue scold Prime Minister Liu in the Nian Ben preparation the time. 正在念奔准备继续数落柳丞相的时候。 Prime Minister Liu trod side cloud to fly, fell in the feudal official row under Dragon Stage. 柳丞相踏着一方云彩飞了过来,落在了龙台下的臣列之中。 Bold Liu Che, is for no reason late, unexpectedly does not know to repent, has not apologized to Saint King!” Nian Ben called out immediately. “大胆柳彻,无故迟到,居然不知悔改,还不向圣王请罪!”念奔马上叫道。 Prime Minister Liu was looking at one to Third Crown Prince lightly, subsequently does not pay attention, was saying to the whole body of ministers: everyone, my senile self comes late, but also looks do not blame!” 柳丞相对着三太子淡淡的看了一眼,继而不去理会,转而对着群臣道:“诸位,老朽来迟,还望勿怪!” Prime Minister Liu this was to the whole body of ministers said that , when he said that the whole body of ministers actually no one dare should. Today Prime Minister Liu? towards will be late, did not apologize to Saint King, unexpectedly spoke to us? 柳丞相这是对群臣说的,可在他说完之际,群臣却没人敢应。今天柳丞相怎么了?朝会迟到,不向圣王请罪,居然对我们说话? Prime Minister Liu turns the head to look to Without Form Saint King. 柳丞相转头看向无相圣王 Looks at Without Form Saint King, the Prime Minister Liu brow deep lock, does not have the flaw, or radically is exactly the same, how can like this? 看着无相圣王,柳丞相眉头深锁,毫无破绽,或者说根本就是一模一样,怎么会这样? Bold Liu Che! Visual Saint King, do you want to revolt?” Third Crown Prince called out again. “大胆柳彻!目视圣王,你想造反吗?”三太子再度叫道。 What did Third Crown Prince say? Rebellion? Hears the Third Crown Prince words, almost all Courtier tremble slightly. What coup d'etat today does could it be that have to be inadequate? 三太子说什么?造反?听到三太子的话,几乎所有臣子都是微微一颤。今天难道有什么政变不成? Prime Minister Liu disdains looked at Third Crown Prince, in the eye flashed through a sorrow, how Without Form Holy Court to have this crown prince? 柳丞相不屑的看了一眼三太子,眼中闪过一种悲哀,无相圣庭怎么有这种太子? Liu Che, you want to look at Us, when sees?” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. 柳彻,你想看朕,看到什么时候?”无相圣王沉声道 I am visiting you, is Without Form Saint King!” Liu Che coldly said. “我在看你,到底是不是无相圣王!”柳彻冷声道 Bold, Liu Che, your rebels, I know that you must plot a rebellion, never expected you cannot take a seat quickly, rebels, come the person, takes this rebels!” Third Crown Prince shouted. “大胆,柳彻,你这个乱臣贼子,我就知道你要谋反,想不到你这么快就坐不住了,乱臣贼子,来人,将这乱臣贼子拿下!”三太子喝道。 „Does no evidence want to take me? You are rebels of usurping the throne!” Liu Che shouted. “没有证据就想拿我?你们才是篡位的乱臣贼子!”柳彻喝道。 Comes the person!” The Third Crown Prince anger said. “来人!”三太子怒道。 A whole body of ministers confusion, does not know that had anything. 群臣一阵混乱,不知道发生了什么。 Shut up!” Without Form Saint King shouted suddenly. “住口!”无相圣王忽然喝道。 Royal Father, he unexpectedly ............!” Third Crown Prince anxious say/way. 父王,他居然............!”三太子焦急道。 Rushes rests the word!” Without Form Saint King said. “奔儿休言!”无相圣王道。 Liu Che is actually the complexion changes, Liu Che does not fear the people to get angry, feared that the people do not get angry, because by the Without Form Saint King ability, this scene has been prepared, is the Liu Che late reason, if now gets angry , then the proof at present is false Saint King, that ambush can launch in the response mechanism of distant place. 柳彻却是脸色微变,柳彻不怕众人翻脸,就怕众人不翻脸,因为以无相圣王的能力,这种场景早就有过准备,也是柳彻迟到的原因,现在若是翻脸则证明眼前是假圣王,那埋伏在远处的应对机制就可以展开了。 But did the present person stop getting angry unexpectedly? 可眼前之人居然止住了翻脸? Liu Che, read you to make in the shares of innumerable merit for Without Form Holy Court, now We give you an opportunity, surrendered on own initiative!” Without Form Saint King said. 柳彻,念你为无相圣庭做出无数功绩的份上,现在朕给你一次机会,主动自首吧!”无相圣王道。 Surrendered? Snort, I to must ask you, weren't you and old enter Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary sincerely? You how in this?” Liu Che said solemnly. “自首?哼,我到要问问你,你不是和老虔进入天帝密境了吗?你怎么会在这?”柳彻沉声道 Without Form Holy Court numerous important minister nods immediately, the special former Without Form Saint King trusted subordinates, Saint King had trusts Prime Minister, as we all know, but have no reason suddenly changes. Why? Is could it be that this really false Saint King? 无相圣庭一众重臣马上点点头,特别以前无相圣王的亲信们,圣王有多信赖丞相,大家都知道,可没理由忽然就变了啊。为什么?难道这真的是假圣王? Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary? I was have gone, but I came out, other Saint King and Cult Master by I am tired in inside, old sincere is also still guarded against in inside change, how? Is this excuse of your want to rebellion?” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. 天帝密境?我是进去过了,但是我又出来了,其它圣王教主都被我困在了里面,老虔也还在里面以防有变,怎么?这就是你想要造反的借口?”无相圣王沉声道 That why not in Imperial Hall toward meeting, but here? You do not dare! Non- Saint King takes a seat Nine Dragons Heavenly Chair, must suffer backlash!” Liu Che asked again. “那为何不在朝堂朝会,而在这里?你是不敢吧!非圣王落座九龙天椅,必遭反噬!”柳彻再度问道。 „Can you know Dragon Stage when We come?” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “你可知朕何时来的龙台?”无相圣王沉声道 5 to 7 a.m.!” “卯时!” Good, We 5 to 7 a.m. arrived here, has a look at my Without Form Territory brave warrior, how long having a look at them to use, tramples flat the northern numerous area.” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “不错,朕卯时就到了这里,就是看看我无相疆域的悍将,看看他们能用多长时间,踏平北方一众疆域。”无相圣王冷声道 Hears the Without Form Saint King words, various officials suddenly, so that's how it is, other areas Saint King no longer, when captures various areas! 听到无相圣王的话,众臣一阵恍然,原来如此,其它疆域的圣王不再了,那么正是攻取诸疆域之时! Saint King is wise!” Numerous Courtier bows to say. 圣王英明!”一众臣子躬身道。 „Do you have what must ask?” Without Form Saint King coldly said. “你还有何要问?”无相圣王冷声道 You......!” The Liu Che complexion suddenly changes. “你......!”柳彻脸色忽变。 Liu Che want to said that if you Saint King, two days ago comes back to inform me, but why informs me to today? 柳彻想要说,你若是圣王,两天前回来就应该通知我,可为何一直到今天才通知我? But, can this saying say? What qualifications do you have to make Saint King come back to consult you to go immediately? 可是,这话能说出来吗?你有什么资格让圣王回来马上请教你去? The whole body of ministers bring bad looks to Prime Minister Liu. 群臣都带着不善的看向柳丞相 The distant place, above a mountain peak, enormous Expert is dormant, each and everyone filled from the beginning indignantly, but gradually revealed the strange color. 远处,一个山峰之上,大量强者蛰伏,一个个一开始充满了气愤,可渐渐的都露出了古怪之色。 Actually your Liu Che!” The Without Form Saint King tone changes. “倒是你柳彻!”无相圣王语气一变。 Our practicing martial arts hall numerous Expert, I only make you transfer three times, and there is detailed Imperial Edict, but why do you multiple pass on the Imperial Edict reassignment practicing martial arts hall experts false? Who gives your right? Does not know that the practicing martial arts hall is only responsible for Us? How many personal gains did you seek with the practicing martial arts hall?” In the Without Form Saint King eye stares. “朕的演武堂众强者,我只让你调动三次,并且有详细圣旨,可你为何多次假传圣旨调动演武堂众高手?谁给你的权利?不知道演武堂只对朕负责吗?你又用演武堂谋了多少私利?”无相圣王眼中一瞪。 Under this stares, enormous Expert in distant place mountain valley quickly grasps the meaning of something. Immediately, was person of complexion ugly, because Prime Minister Liu was false has passed on many Imperial Edict, transferred them, but true Imperial Edict, he has seen only three times. 这一瞪之下,远处山谷中的大量强者一个激灵。顿时,为首一人脸色难看了起来,因为柳丞相是‘假’传过很多次圣旨,调动他们,可真正圣旨,他只见过三次而已。 Big brother, this Liu Che really do not revolt? Also draws us to come?” One of them is asking to the leader. “大哥,这柳彻不会真的要造反吧?还拉我们过来?”其中一人对着首领问道。 Does not know, has a look again, before Saint King, trusts Prime Minister Liu. This time is also very strange . Moreover, Prime Minister Liu have no reason to rebel against Saint King!” Is the leader of head said. “不知道,再看看,圣王以前非常信任柳丞相的。这次也很奇怪,而且,柳丞相没理由反叛圣王啊!”为首的首领道。 Distant place, argument also. 远处,争论还在。 Liu Che, your rebels, have not been without a fight!” Third Crown Prince called out. 柳彻,你这个乱臣贼子,还不束手就擒!”三太子叫道。 Hahahaha, I to rebels, Nian Ben? Your this mediocre person, Without Form Holy Court will destroy in your hands, Saint King returns, certainly extinguished your unfilial son!” Liu Che was mad. 哈哈哈哈,我到成了乱臣贼子,念奔?你这个庸才,无相圣庭会毁在你手中,圣王归来,一定灭了你这个孽子!”柳彻气极了。 Snort, Saint King here, do you continue to develop? Developed so many years, but also is insufficient? Snort, your source already was checked by us, you are Royal Father foe Liu Haoran unfilial son, Liu Haoran clan already are extinguished kill cleanly have your unfilial son to live unexpectedly, has been waiting for revenging? This is your Liu Family genealogy, do you also want to deny?” Nian Ben shouted. “哼,圣王就在这里,你继续演?演了这么多年,还不够吗?哼,你的出处已经被我们查到了,你就是父王的仇敌柳浩然孽子,柳浩然一族已经被灭杀干净居然还有你这个孽子活着,一直等着报仇?这是你柳家族谱,你还想狡赖?”念奔喝道。 Was saying unexpectedly really turned out a genealogy to throw. 说着居然真的翻出一本族谱扔了出去。 Saw evidence is solid, whole body of ministers in an uproar. Genealogy? Liu Haoran unfilial son? 看到‘证据确凿’的一幕,群臣一片哗然。族谱?柳浩然孽子? Distant place, in mountain valley. 远处,山谷之中。 Numerous Expert of practicing martial arts hall looked mutually. 演武堂的一众强者相互看了看。 Originally Prime Minister Liu, no, Liu Che this traitor really must revolt!” A person said suddenly. “原来柳丞相,不,柳彻这个奸贼真的要造反!”一人忽然说道。 Big brother, what to do?” Others look to the leader. “大哥,怎么办?”其它人都看向首领。 Later whereabouts Saint King apologized!” The leader said. “待会去向圣王请罪!”首领说道。 Yes!” In people heart a heaviness. “是!”众人心中一阵沉重。 Liu Che grabs genealogy, has not gone to look, frames by planting stolen goods on to frame, so inferior frames by planting stolen goods on to frame? Unexpectedly does no one know? 柳彻抓着‘族谱’,并没有去看,栽赃陷害,如此低劣的栽赃陷害?居然没人识得出来? It is not various officials cannot know, but does not dare to know, Without Form Saint King here, this is an authority, this is the prestige, under the huge prestige, does no one dare to have other thoughts, could it be that must revolt with Prime Minister Liu? 不是众臣识不出来,而是不敢识,无相圣王就在这里,这就是权威,这就是威信,庞大的威信之下,无人敢动其它念头,难道要和柳丞相一起造反? Comes the person, gives me to take this rebels!” Without Form Saint King cold sound said. “来人,给我将这个乱臣贼子拿下!”无相圣王寒声道。 Yes!” Two whole bodies bind the soldier in golden armored to leave ranks suddenly. “是!”两个全身裹在金甲中的战士忽然出列。 Two people leave ranks, two powerful imposing manners go toward the Liu Che oppression. 二人一出列,两股强大的气势向着柳彻压迫而去。 Ancestor Immortal?” The Liu Che complexion changes. 祖仙?”柳彻脸色一变。 Ancestor Immortal, is You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water), but puts on golden armored, others cannot see the appearance. 祖仙,正是幽山幽水,只是穿着金甲,别人看不到形貌而已。 And searches the hand to grasp toward Liu Che. 其中一个向着柳彻探手抓去。 Bang!” That golden armored soldier has not caught Prime Minister Liu, instead oneself suffer the heavy losses to be common, backs up to return. “轰!”那金甲战士并没有抓到柳丞相,反而自身受到重创一般,倒退而回。 Liu Che revolted, is he really rebels? 柳彻反抗了,他真的是乱臣贼子? Two golden armored soldiers, flies Without Form Saint King immediately beside, protects Without Form Saint King carefully, another actually turns toward Prime Minister Liu that backs up to return to grasp again. 两个金甲战士,其中一个马上飞到‘无相圣王身旁,小心守护无相圣王,另一个倒退而回的却是再度向着柳丞相抓去。 Prime Minister Liu sees with own eyes the matter is not possible, body turns toward distant place whirlwind to shoot to go in a flash. 柳丞相眼见事不可为,身形一晃向着远处飚射而去。 Prime Minister Liu is Ancient Immortal, does not beat Ancestor Immortal, at this time, naturally must flee fast. 柳丞相古仙,根本不敌祖仙,这时候,自然要快速遁逃。 Two golden armored soldiers, are defending Without Form Saint King, another must pursue Liu Che, at this moment was actually diverted by anything generally, body about Heavenly Dao, loudly fight, but in the air only then he, seems like extremely the monster different. 两个金甲战士,一个守着‘无相圣王’,另一个本来要追柳彻的,此刻却是被什么东西牵制了一般,身合天道,轰然战斗而起,可空中只有他一人,看起来极为妖异。 The fight deviates Dragon Stage, therefore under a Ancestor Immortal protection, the Dragon Stage people are uninjured. 战斗是偏离龙台的,因此在其中一个祖仙守护下,龙台众人都未受伤。 Wang Jingwen continuously calm looks, the one who protects Without Form Saint King is You Shui (Nether Water), of one person fight is You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shan (Nether Mountain) was he insane? 王靖文一直镇静的看着,守护‘无相圣王’的是幽水,一个人战斗的那个是幽山,幽山他疯了吗? „It is not right, is the stealth beast!” The Wang Jingwen state of mind changed called out immediately. “不对,是隐身兽!”王靖文心绪一变马上叫道。 Heard the Wang Jingwen words, You Shui (Nether Water) understood immediately, stealth beast, Great Thousand Worlds God Beast ranking's 18 th. The average people rarely know, however has the record in Skeleton Clan this ancient race. 听到王靖文的话,幽水马上明白了,隐身兽,大千世界神兽排行榜第十八位。一般人很少知道,但是在骷髅族这个古老种族中却有记载。 First 18 God Beast, are extremely mysterious existences, moreover each is Ancestor Immortal boundary above Expert, each is the eternal difficult homing ominous beast, has respective wonderful, the stealth beast, the body hidden not present, you do not know where it is. Moreover is the Ancestor Immortal strength, powerful incomparable. 前十八位的神兽,都是极为神秘的存在,而且每一只都是祖仙境以上的强者,每一个都是万古难寻的凶兽,都有着各自的神妙,隐身兽,身隐不现,你根本不知道它在哪。而且更是祖仙实力,强大无匹。 But Nian Youyou Ancestor God Beast Little Qing, is actually the God Beast ranking 19 position. Also wants weak one compared with the stealth beast. 念悠悠祖神兽小青,却是神兽排行榜第十九位。比隐身兽还要弱一名。 Wang Jingwen also understood immediately, why own news will leak out past, originally is this stealth beast, Without Form Holy Court is also hiding such anomaly unexpectedly? 王靖文也马上明白了,为何昔日自己的消息会泄露出去,原来是这个隐身兽,无相圣庭居然还藏着这么个变态? Not far away, You Shan (Nether Mountain) was been unexpectedly ordinary by the stealth beast suppression! Which because You Shan (Nether Mountain) could not find the stealth beast, first 18 God Beast, seem ascends the sky to care general, they cannot the body about Heavenly Dao, but Divine Ability actually endures compared with the strength of Heavenly Dao, even if the You Shan (Nether Mountain) body about Heavenly Dao, hides in Heavenly Dao, the stealth beast can attack him to be common. 不远处,幽山居然被隐身兽压制一般!因为幽山根本找不到隐身兽在哪,前十八的神兽,都好似受上天眷顾一般,它们不能身合天道,但是神通却堪比天道之力,哪怕幽山身合天道,躲在天道之内,隐身兽都能攻击到他一般。 Some stemming from Wang Jingwen anticipation that the situation changes. 局势变的有些出乎王靖文意料。 The distant place, fleeing Prime Minister Liu then has a look, the complexion sinks saying: Saint King stealth beast, useless, although you distinguish that are false Saint King, but, at this moment will of the people not to us, even if you won uselessly still!” 远处,奔逃的柳丞相回头看看,脸色微沉道:“圣王的隐身兽,没用的,虽然你分辨出那个是假圣王,但是,此刻人心不向我们,就算你赢了也没用!” Prime Minister Liu has not remained, but shoots to go toward Northwest fast whirlwind, want to goes to Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary to seek for true Without Form Saint King. 柳丞相没有留下来,而是向着西北方快速飚射而去,想要天帝密境寻找真正的无相圣王 Distant place, another mountain valley. 远处,另一个山谷 Eldest child, Liu Che that traitor must escape, we his capture, make reparations the merit!” One of them said. “老大,柳彻那个奸贼要逃了,我们将他抓住,将功赎罪!”其中一人说道。 Good!” Leader immediately comply with the way. “好!”首领马上应道 Subsequently, a group of Ancient Immortal is thinking Prime Minister Liu throws. 继而,一大群古仙想着柳丞相扑去。
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