IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1076: Being promoted

Beside school ground Dragon Stage, You Shan (Nether Mountain) fights the stealth beast alone. 校场龙台之外,幽山独斗隐身兽。 Although You Shan (Nether Mountain) was suppressed by the stealth beast, but You Shui (Nether Water) had not actually intended to help, on the one hand You Shui (Nether Water) does not know from where, on the other hand, You Shui (Nether Water) also has a more vital duty, protects Nian Youyou! 虽然幽山被隐身兽压制,但是幽水却一直没有出手帮忙,一方面幽水不知从何着手,另一方面,幽水还有更重要的任务,就是保护念悠悠! Nian Youyou is the absolute lead of this plan! Cannot make slightly the mistake. 念悠悠是这次计划的绝对主角!决不能出丝毫差错。 Distant place, Heavenspan penetrating place huge Heavenly Dao, You Shan (Nether Mountain) body about Heavenly Dao, but above Heavenly Dao continuously presents the gap, the receive attack that You Shan (Nether Mountain) non-stop is ordinary, You Shan (Nether Mountain) acts, frequently the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, the wind and cloud changes color, the space shakes, but, does not beat the stealth beast as before. 远处,一条通天彻地的巨大天道,幽山身合天道,但天道之上不断出现缺口,幽山不停的受到攻击一般,幽山有出手,动辄毁天灭地的力量,风云变色,空间抖荡,可是,依旧不敌隐身兽。 Great Thousand Worlds God Beast ranking's 18 th! Strongest 18, this stealth beast was too strong. 大千世界神兽排行榜第十八位!最强的十八位,这个隐身兽太强了。 yí yí yí yí!” 咦咦咦咦咦!” To look at that golden armored soldier who is worried in everyone, above Dragon Stage suddenly resounded light well the sound, is anxious. Worries very much. 正在所有人都担心的看着那金甲战士之时,龙台之上忽然响起了一阵轻‘咦’之声,非常急切。很着急。 The Nian Ben brow selects, suddenly saw Without Form Saint King Little Qing in palm. 念奔眉头一挑,忽然看到了‘无相圣王’掌中的小青 Ancestor God Beast?” The Nian Ben eye stares to say. 祖神兽?”念奔眼睛一瞪道。 Isn't Ancestor God Beast the Nian Youyou pet? How to the Saint King hand in? Nian Ben, almost everyone is the brow selects incessantly. How does not know, the people think suddenly words that Prime Minister Liu stays behind. 祖神兽不是念悠悠的宠物吗?怎么到圣王手中了?不止念奔,几乎所有人都是眉头一挑。不知如何,众人忽然想到了柳丞相留下的话。 Is Saint King fake? 圣王假的? Good, is Ancestor God Beast!” Without Form Saint King nods. “不错,正是祖神兽!”无相圣王点点头。 Saw that Without Form Saint King is so calm, a people strangeness, is not right, if Nian Youyou disguises as, is impossible to put out Ancestor God Beast at will. Moreover does Nian Youyou have that skill to disguise as Saint King? 看到无相圣王这么镇定,众人一阵古怪,不对啊,若是念悠悠假扮的,不可能这么随意拿出祖神兽啊。而且念悠悠有那个本事假扮圣王吗? This is that inexpensive girl......?” Nian Ben does not determine to say. “这可是那贱丫头的......?”念奔不确定道。 Without Form Saint King looked at Nian Ben, in the eye has a blame, finally indifferently said: That!” 无相圣王看了一眼念奔,眼中有着一股责怪,最终淡淡道:“正是那只!” That?” Nian Ben strange say/way. “那只?”念奔古怪道。 The people are also strange the say/way. Because of the acknowledgment of Without Form Saint King, making the people believe that he is not Nian Youyou disguises as. 众人也古怪道。因为无相圣王的承认,让众人更加相信他不是念悠悠假扮的了。 „The past was I delivers to her hand Ancestor God Beast!” Without Form Saint King indifferently said. “昔日是我将祖神兽送到她手上的!”无相圣王淡淡道 Hears the Without Form Saint King words, people suddenly, so that's how it is. Nian Youyou Ancestor God Beast, is Saint King gave. Moreover delivers to Small Thousand Worlds? 听到无相圣王的话,众人一阵恍然,原来如此。念悠悠祖神兽,原本就是圣王给的。而且送到小千世界的? yí yí yí yí!” A Ancestor God Beast urgency. 咦咦咦咦咦!”祖神兽一阵急切。 „Do you want to go?” Without Form Saint King knits the brows to say. “你要去?”无相圣王皱眉道。 yí yí yí yí!” In the Ancestor God Beast eye seems the spit fire to be the same. 咦咦咦咦咦!”祖神兽眼中好似喷火一般。 Goes!” Without Form Saint King said. “去吧!”无相圣王说道。 „!” Ancestor God Beast fled. “咻!”祖神兽窜了出去。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) returns!” Without Form Saint King indifferently said. 幽山归来!”无相圣王淡淡道 Yes!” Distant place suppressed You Shan (Nether Mountain) body in a flash, escaped fast. “是!”远处被压制的幽山身形一晃,快速遁了回来。 Airborne, Ancestor God Beast blue color hair raises up loudly, after strange raising up, seeming the connected space deep place is ordinary, the eyes anger stares the front. 空中,祖神兽身上的蓝色毛发轰然竖起,诡异的竖起后,好似连通空间深处一般,双眼怒瞪前方。 Well!” Ancestor God Beast yelled. “咦!”祖神兽一声大叫。 Void, suddenly is dim, immediately presented some fog sceneries. In the scenery, innumerable Expert, innumerable God Beast dash about wildly, Ancestor God Beast also steps into. 虚空之中,忽然朦朦胧胧,顿时出现了一些云雾般的景色。景色中,无数强者,无数神兽狂奔,祖神兽也踏入其中。 Dreamland materialization? This Ancestor God Beast was already mature? Such quickly?” Nian Ben surprisedly said. “梦境实体化?这个祖神兽已经成熟了?这么快?”念奔惊讶道 Bang, bang, bang ..............................!” “轰,轰,轰..............................!” Ancestor God Beast in the dreamland materialization, fights with the stealth beast intensely. 祖神兽在梦境实体化中,与隐身兽强烈战斗。 But, the stealth beast seems even better general, the strong battle efficiency, making Ancestor God Beast throw unceasingly flies, was the corners of the mouth overflowed the blue blood. 可是,隐身兽好似更胜一筹一般,强大的战斗力,让祖神兽不断抛飞,更是嘴角溢出了蓝色的血液。 Loving dearly that somewhat Without Form Saint King looks. 无相圣王看的有些心疼。 „Does Saint King, want me to help?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said immediately. 圣王,要不要我去帮忙?”幽山马上说道。 Does not use, Ancestor God Beast does not want to meddle!” Without Form Saint King indifferently said. “不用,祖神兽不想让人插手!”无相圣王淡淡道 Doesn't want to meddle? Does it want to do?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) slightly startled. “不想让人插手?它想干什么?”幽山微微一鄂 Ranking challenge?” In the You Shui (Nether Water) golden armored helmet lightens together the dim light suddenly. “排名挑战?”幽水金甲头盔中忽然闪出一道幽光。 Ranking challenge? Ancestor God Beast challenge stealth beast? Competes for 18 th ranking? The failure died, succeeded, will capture Divine Ability of opposite party?” The Nian Ben eye stares to say. “排名挑战?祖神兽挑战隐身兽?争夺第十八的排名?失败是死,成功了,将夺取对方的神通?”念奔眼睛一瞪道。 Hears the Nian Ben words, almost everyone pulled out the tone. 听到念奔的话,几乎所有人都是抽了口气。 The Great Thousand Worlds God Beast ranking, is the manner knowledge, had not changed, that was because of the change, each change, was two races life and death showdowns, the innumerable years later, formed this ranking, but God Beast ranked is more near the top, the quantity were smaller, but the Ancestor God Beast hundreds of thousands of years were difficult, the stealth beast not to mention. 大千世界神兽排行榜,是为人知,一直没有变动,那是因为变动不了,每一次变动,都是两个种族的生死对决,无数年下来,才形成这个排名的,可神兽排名越靠前,数量越少,而祖神兽数十万年难能出一只,隐身兽更不必说。 Two beasts contend, is the struggle of race, ranks 19 Ancestor God Beast to win? 两兽相争,就是种族之争,排名十九祖神兽能赢吗? Mostly the person do not favor, because in that dreamland scene, Ancestor God Beast continuously hit condition. 大多人都不看好,因为在那梦境景象之中,祖神兽一直是被打的状态。 The stealth beast was too strong, even You Shan (Nether Mountain) can suppress, obviously its powerful. 隐身兽太强了,连幽山都能压制,可见其强悍。 After a double-hour ! 一个时辰后! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The dreamland is torn to pieces, the right arm of Ancestor God Beast was rumbled to break. 梦境支离破碎,祖神兽的右臂被轰断。 But, Ancestor God Beast has not given up, but also is being one roars to the stealth beast. 可是,祖神兽没有放弃,而是对着隐身兽又是一阵咆哮。 Bang!” Ancestor God Beast was striked to fly. “嘭!”祖神兽被打飞。 But, Ancestor God Beast shot in an instant. 可是,祖神兽转眼又射了过来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Ancestor God Beast was striked to fly, unceasing was hit hard by the stealth beast, Ancestor God Beast was hit unceasingly, but had not given up. 祖神兽又被打飞,不断的被隐身兽重击,祖神兽不断被打,可是一直没有放弃。 Nian Youyou some do not endure, almost the excited reveal fell. 念悠悠有些不忍,差一点就激动的露陷了。 The eye of Ancestor God Beast was also hit to be swollen, but no one had discovered, bright light that in the Ancestor God Beast eye emits. 祖神兽的眼睛也被打肿了起来,可谁也没有发现,祖神兽眼中放射的精光 Ancestor God Beast brings the stealth beast to deviate the school ground unexpectedly gradually. gradually goes toward the upper air. 祖神兽居然带着隐身兽渐渐偏离校场。渐渐的向着高空而去。 Stands in the whole body of ministers row, Wang Jingwen eye one bright, in the eye flashes through an appreciation! 站在群臣列中,王靖文眼睛一亮,眼中闪过一股赞赏! Bang!” “嘭!” Ancestor God Beast vanished in the line of sight of people, as for stealth beast, where people had not seen it to be at! 祖神兽消失在了众人的视线,至于隐身兽,人们一直没有看到它在哪! Two God Beast appeared above the Without Form Holy Court boundless Luck sea of clouds. 两个神兽出现在了无相圣庭磅礴的气运云海之上。 Luck sea of clouds surges. 气运云海翻腾。 The sound of intermittent thundering spreads from the interior. 阵阵轰鸣之声从内部传出。 Saint King, this......?” Nian Ben is somewhat worried to say slightly. 圣王,这......?”念奔微微有些担心道。 The Luck sea of clouds after all is Without Form Holy Court Holy Land. 气运云海毕竟是无相圣庭圣地 „!” Without Form Saint King solemnly said. “等!”无相圣王郑重道 Yes!” “是!” After a double-hour ! 一个时辰后! Well ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “咦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Ancestor God Beast sound enlarges 10,000 times of general suddenly, resounds through Jinsheng Holy Capital. 祖神兽的声音陡然放大一万倍一般,响彻金胜圣都 Subsequently, people saw Ancestor God Beast indistinctly, the Ancestor God Beast body also enlarged 10,000 times, under yelled, the mouth opened, under fierce attracting boundless Luck. 继而,人们隐约看到了祖神兽,祖神兽身体也放大了一万倍,一声大叫之下,嘴巴张开,一口猛的吸下磅礴的气运 This attracts, vast incomparable, unexpectedly Without Form Holy Court Luck, blotted about half. 这一吸,浩瀚无比,居然将无相圣庭气运,生生的吸去了一半左右。 Ancestor God Beast eats Luck, Meritorious Virtue, Destiny, this, has not looked as we all know has eaten such exaggeratingly! Without Form Holy Court Luck, that terrifying probably sea are the same, Ancestor God Beast is in the sea a Little Jin fish, but is so big a point body, did swallow half of sea water? 祖神兽气运,功德,气数,这个大家都知道,可没看过吃这么夸张的啊!无相圣庭气运,那恐怖的就好像一片大海一样,祖神兽就是大海中一条小金鱼,可就这么大一点的身体,一口吞了一半的海水? everyone stares the big eye. 所有人都瞪大眼睛。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Luck one was short of half, above the Luck sea of clouds, even resounded Luck Golden Dragon the sound of calling out in grief. 气运一下少了一半,气运云海之上,甚至响起了气运金龙的悲鸣之声。 Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Ancestor God Beast attracted full, a open mouth great roar. 祖神兽吸饱了,张口一声巨吼。 Under a roar, Jinsheng Holy Capital is swaying, void forms huge black hole, wraps Ancestor God Beast. 一吼之下,金胜圣都都在摇晃,虚空中更是形成一个庞大的黑洞,将祖神兽包裹而起。 No one can see the interior. 谁也看不到内部。 The black hole maintained 2.5 minutes, non-stop swaying, obviously the fierceness of internal battle, after 2.5 minutes, the black hole vanishes slowly. Slowly revealed changed small Ancestor God Beast, Ancestor God Beast open mouth, seemed is swallowing anything. 黑洞保持了半柱香,不停摇晃,可见内部战斗之烈,半柱香后,黑洞缓缓消失。慢慢显露出变小了的祖神兽,祖神兽张口,好似吞着什么。 What may swallow is not Luck, what it swallows is what? 可吞的并不是气运啊,它吞的是什么? At this time, innumerable Luck blocked from Ancestor God Beast again, the sky together nine color ray directly shoots Luck seas of clouds, that position, was Ancestor God Beast is just. 这时,无数气运再度遮住祖神兽,天空一道九彩光芒直射气运云海内部,那位置,刚好就是祖神兽所在。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Heaven and Earth loud sound, this loud sound not in this, but was Yin Sector all places heard this loud sound, Reincarnation Cycle Territory Yi Yan to raise head towards sky. Skeleton Great Boundary Wang Ku to raise head towards sky. 天地一声巨响,这一声巨响不是在这一处,而是阴间所有地方都听到了这一声巨响,转轮疆域易衍抬头望天骷髅大疆王骷抬头望天 Yang Sector, Zhong Shan to raise head towards sky, to win to raise head towards sky. Heaven and Earth startling thunderclap, was too for no reason strange. 阳间,钟山抬头望天,嬴抬头望天天地无故一声惊雷,太诡异了。 Great Qin, to win toward meeting. Is away from the main hall, is looking at the space. 大秦,嬴正在朝会。隔着大殿,望着天上。 Heavenly Emperor, why Heaven and Earth startling thunderclap?” Bai Qi asked. 天帝,为何天地一声惊雷?”白起问道。 This is the God Beast thunder, the God Beast ranking, in hundred, there is God Beast ranking to challenge successfully.” to win indifferently said. “这是神兽雷,神兽排行榜,百名之内,有神兽排名挑战成功。”嬴淡淡道 Li Si, wears the person to inquire, which clan God Beast is promoted!” to win Jiezhe told. 李斯,着人查询,到底是哪一族神兽晋级!”嬴接着吩咐道。 Yes!” “是!” ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yin Sector, in Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary. 阴间,天帝密境之中。 Before Ancestor God Beast is promoted. In Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, resounds through the sound of vast thundering. 祖神兽晋级之前。天帝密境之中,也响彻出浩瀚的轰鸣之声。 What making a move is Without Form Saint King, Without Form Saint King not with weapon, but only used both hands, Without Form Saint King both hands to become claw-shaped, grasps the four directions bloodshed crazily, the bloodshed roars, vast shake. 出手的是无相圣王,无相圣王没有用武器,而是只用了双手,无相圣王双手成爪状,狂抓四方血海,血海咆哮,浩瀚震荡。 The strength of endless starry sky was been chaotic by the Without Form Saint King claw, even, has more than ten stars, unexpectedly by Without Form Saint King scratching and tearing, body about Heavenly Dao, domineering invincible, unparalleled ominous prestige, all around starry sky Great Array grasped inconsistency. 无尽星空之力被无相圣王爪乱了,甚至,有着十几个星辰,居然被无相圣王生生的抓破,身合天道之下,强势无敌,盖世凶威一出,四周星空大阵被抓的七零八落。 Intrepid Without Form Saint King, performs obviously the towering color! 强悍的无相圣王,尽显峥嵘之色! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “喝~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Without Form Saint King shouting loudly, grasped broke to pieces the bloodshed, finally broke open this Great Array, the endless bloodshed dissipated unexpectedly strangely, all around starry sky was actually scattered about, broke through the formation successfully, only then not far away starry sky center, presented an vortex. 无相圣王一声大喝,抓碎了血海,终于破开了这个大阵,无尽血海居然就这么诡异的消散了,四周星空却是七零八落,破阵成功,只有不远处星空中心处,又出现一个漩涡。 „The Without Form Saint King invincible might, Zhong Shan admires!” Zhong Shan said immediately. 无相圣王神威,钟山佩服!”钟山马上说道。 Others open the mouth in abundance. 其它人都纷纷开口。 Without Form Saint King broke through the formation a moment ago, others have not helped one another, because four big Saint King and Cult Master seemed formed tacitly general, Heavenly Emperor five, a person was responsible for one. 刚才无相圣王破阵,别人都没有相助,因为四大圣王和一个教主好似形成了默契一般,天帝的五阵,一人负责一阵。 Without Form Saint King broke first. 无相圣王破了第一阵。 This, is not difficult broken, consumes the time!” Without Form Saint King shakes the head to say. “这个阵,不难破,就是太耗时间!”无相圣王摇摇头道。 Walks, enters next!” Concealed Demon Cult Master said. “走吧,进入下一阵!”伏魔教主说道。 The people nod, steps to distant place vortex, is some time shuttle space and time channel. 众人点点头,踏步向远处漩涡,又是一段时间的穿梭时空通道。 The people arrived at the second starry sky. 众人来到了第二个星空。 Just arrived here, delivers that space and time channel that the people came to vanish. 刚到这里,送众人来的那个时空通道就消失了。 Here starry sky is unusual, the stars only then two types, shining, a darkness, seems distributes vast starry sky game of Go to be the same. 此处星空非常奇特,星辰只有两种,一种放光,一种幽暗,好似排布出一个浩瀚的星空围棋一般。 But in not far away, is impractical a checkerboard. 而在不远处,虚浮着一个棋盘。 Really plays chess?” Jin Peng slightly startled. “真的是下棋?”金鹏微微一鄂 Way of Chess, tasteful layout under the heavens, this Heavenly Emperor is also an elegant person!” Without Form Saint King said with a smile pale. 棋道,讲究布局天下,这个天帝也是一个雅人!”无相圣王淡笑道。 oneself slightly pass Way of Chess, this second, makes me come!” Zhong Shan said. “本人略通棋道,这第二阵,就让我来吧!”钟山说道。 The people looked mutually, finally nods. 众人相互看了看,最终点点头。 Zhong Shan arrives at the place of giant checkerboard, Jin Peng is Zhong Shan Protector. 钟山走到巨大棋盘之处,金鹏钟山护法。 Zhong Shan mind immersion in, one day later, Zhong Shan to one point of intersection one finger/refers, immediately, in distant place pair of stars, is departing dark stars slightly, corresponds flies the Zhong Shan checkerboard to refer to the position. 钟山心神沉浸其中,一天之后,钟山微微对着一个交点一指,顿时,远处一对星辰中,飞出一颗幽暗的星辰,相对应的飞到钟山棋盘所指位置。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, the starry sky large explosion, by the shining stars that the dark stars encircle, the explosion opens loudly, carries over the intense starry sky shake. 一声巨响,星空大爆炸,被幽暗星辰围起来的放光星辰,轰然爆炸而开,带出强烈的星空震荡。 The scene shocks extremely. Second, was started by Zhong Shan! 场面极为震撼。第二阵,由钟山开始了! Numerous Saint King and Cult Master with rapt attention looks. 一众圣王教主凝神的看着。 Suddenly, the Without Form Saint King pupil shrinks, is Ancestor God Beast the time of swallowing Without Form Territory half Luck, Without Form Saint King felt, the Without Form Saint King complexion changes. 忽然,无相圣王瞳孔一缩,也就是祖神兽一口吞掉无相疆域一半气运的时候,无相圣王感到了,无相圣王脸色一变。 ***: Asking *** ***:求***
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