IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1074: Flawless practicing trickery

Clay Bodhisattva, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Quan (Nether Spring), uses the place of Reincarnation Cycle Palace Five Corruption, achieved, two Ancestor Immortal were surrounded! Walks, we pass!” Yi Yan is constraining the exciting say/way. 泥菩萨,幽山,幽水,幽泉,利用转轮殿五浊之地,做到了,两个祖仙被困住了!走,我们过去!”易衍压抑着兴奋道。 Yi Yan, Nian Youyou and the others fly fast to the Reincarnation Cycle Palace place. 易衍,念悠悠等人快速飞向转轮殿处。 Around Reincarnation Cycle Palace has the enormous palace thoroughly to be destroyed, not destroyed also has many breakages, having Reincarnation Cycle Palace is perfect! 转轮殿四周有着大量宫殿被彻底摧毁,未被摧毁的也有很多破损,只有转轮殿完好无损! The people fly outside Reincarnation Cycle Palace, during Clay Bodhisattva already waits. 众人飞到转轮殿外,泥菩萨已经等候之中。 Greetings empress!” Clay Bodhisattva said. 拜见皇后!”泥菩萨说道。 capture?” Nian Youyou asked. 抓住了?”念悠悠问道。 Yes, in inside, You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) is guarding!” Clay Bodhisattva said. “是,就在里面,幽山幽水幽川正在看守!”泥菩萨说道。 Under the people in Clay Bodhisattva lead the way, the steps enter. 众人在泥菩萨引路之下,踏步而入。 In the main hall, Black Qi fills the air, innumerable Black Qi are congeals each and everyone strange Rune, even forms the enormous Black Qi chains, above the chains is also floating enormous Rune raised. 大殿之中,黑气弥漫,无数黑气更是凝结成一个个诡异的符文,甚至形成大量黑气锁链,锁链之上也凸浮着大量符文 In the midair, two Expert upper bodies are barebacked, Black Qi chains across their bodies, making them unable to move, eyes explodes stares. A face shames the anger! 半空中,两个强者上身赤膊,一条条黑气锁链穿过他们身体,让他们动弹不得,双眼爆瞪。一脸羞怒! Under, You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) sits cross-legged to sit, seems is controlling one's breathing general. 下方,幽山幽水幽川盘膝而坐,好似在调息一般。 yí yí yí yí!” Little Qing on Nian Youyou shoulder said. 咦咦咦咦咦!”念悠悠肩膀上的小青叫了起来。 Little Qing called, You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) opened eyes, set out gently! 小青一叫,幽山幽水幽川睁开双眼,轻轻起身! empress!” Three skeleton say/way. 皇后!”三个骷髅道。 Three were laborious!” Nian Youyou said. “三位辛苦了!”念悠悠道。 Should!” Three skeletons said immediately. “应该的!”三个骷髅马上说道。 „Do these two people look like are also Expert in Ancestor Immortal?” Nian Youyou asked. “这二人看来也是祖仙中的强者?”念悠悠问道。 No, they are not Expert, can only say that initially enters Ancestor Immortal!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) very frank say/way. “不,他们不算强者,只能说初入祖仙!”幽山很直爽道。 Initially enters Ancestor Immortal?” Nian Youyou reveals a suspicion. “初入祖仙?”念悠悠露出一丝怀疑。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) looks at the Nian Youyou expression, immediately understood the meaning of Nian Youyou. 幽山一看念悠悠表情,马上明白了念悠悠的意思。 We capture alive them, capturing alive the specific force executes them to be difficult, therefore abandoned a time, if not for there is a help of Clay Bodhisattva, perhaps will also run away to them!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) answered. “我们是活捉他们,活捉比力毙他们要难,所以废了一番功夫,若不是有泥菩萨的帮忙,或许还会给他们跑掉一个!”幽山解释道。 Un! Three advance the rest, then also has the important matter to need three!” Nian Youyou nods. “嗯!三位先行休息吧,接下来还有重要的事情需要三位!”念悠悠点点头。 Good!” Three big skeletons nod immediately. “好!”三大骷髅马上点点头。 „Is this? Gold/Metal wooden Saint King, water and fire Saint King!” Yi Yan recognized to say. “这是?金木圣王,还有水火圣王!”易衍认了认道。 scoundrel, was about to put us, otherwise, on the lord will certainly Reincarnation Cycle Palace raze to the ground!” And one person roared angrily. 混账,快放了我们,否则,主上必将转轮殿夷为平地!”其中一个人怒叫了起来。 Yi Yan coldly smiles: Two haven't, sized up the situation correctly by the present?” 易衍冷冷一笑:“二位,到现在还没看清局势吗?” Two Ancestor Immortal silence! 两个祖仙一阵沉默! empress, how do you look?” Yi Yan asked. 皇后,你看怎么样?”易衍问道。 You first go out, Mr. Yi Yan first arranges, Houtian, can start!” Nian Youyou thinks to say. “你们先出去,易衍先生先去安排吧,后天,就可以开始了!”念悠悠想了想道。 Yes!” Yi Yan nods. “是!”易衍点点头。 The people all leave the main hall, only has Nian Youyou, Little Qing and two prisoners in the main hall. 众人全部离开大殿,只有念悠悠,小青和两个囚犯在大殿之中。 Two days later, in Reincarnation Cycle Palace. 两天后,转轮殿中。 Seductress, your seductress!” A Saint King anger exclaimed. “妖女,你这个妖女!”一个圣王怒吼道。 Under, Nian Youyou body in a flash, becomes Saint King that and angrily roars to be exactly the same suddenly. 下方,念悠悠身形一晃,忽然变得和怒吼的圣王一模一样。 Seductress, your seductress!” The person who Nian Youyou changes called out. “妖女,你这个妖女!”念悠悠变化的人叫道。 Under looks with oneself exactly the same person, that Saint King radical collapse. 看着下方和自己一模一样的人,那圣王彻底崩溃了。 Who are you? This under the heavens, the technique of change was to bond a technique mostly, the aura, the shape cannot change radically, can transform others except for Saint King willfully, why you, were so superb, were you who the Without Form Holy Court crown princes also no one can change who?” Another Saint King called out. “你是谁?这天下,变化之术大都是障眼术,气息,形态根本改变不了,除了圣王可以任意变换成别人,为什么你也可以,就是无相圣庭的太子们也没人可以变的如此出神入化,你到底是谁?”另一个圣王叫道。 I called Nian Youyou!” Nian Youyou said with a smile. “我叫念悠悠!”念悠悠笑道。 Said that pays no attention to that Saint King, opened the front door, the striding walks. 说完不理那圣王,打开大门,踏步走了出去。 Outside during Reincarnation Cycle Palace the square, at this moment Great Zheng various officials waits. Sees changed Nian Youyou suddenly to walk. 转轮殿外广场,此刻大崝众臣守候之中。见变化了的念悠悠忽然走了出来。 How you escape, empress!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) one startled, the anger called out. “你怎么逃出来的,皇后呢!”幽山一惊,怒叫道。 „The You Shan (Nether Mountain) senior, don't worry, this is empress!” Yi Yan said with a smile immediately. 幽山前辈,不用担心,这就是皇后!”易衍马上笑道。 Because Yi Yan sees Ancestor God Beast Little Qing, is sitting at present the Saint King shoulder. 因为易衍看到祖神兽小青,正坐在眼前圣王肩头。 Sovereign, empress!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) reveals a strange say/way. “皇,皇后!”幽山露出一丝古怪道。 Others is a face are also surprised. 其它人也是一脸惊奇。 Nian Youyou body in a flash, turns into the You Shan (Nether Mountain) appearance to say suddenly: Prepared?” 念悠悠身形一晃,忽然变成幽山的样子道:“准备好了吗?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) was somewhat scared! Wooden nod said: Good, ok!” 幽山有些傻眼了!木然的点点头道:“好,好了!” Nian Youyou in a flash, changes into the prototype to say again: Since ok, we walked!” 念悠悠再一晃,化为原型道:“既然好了,那我们就走吧!” You Chuan (Nether River) keeps Reincarnation Cycle Territory, protects Great Zheng! You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), two may probably listen to empress, wisdom of no longer I empress under and others!” Yi Yan confessed again prudently. 幽川留在转轮疆域,守护大崝!幽山,幽水,二位一路可要听皇后的,皇后之智不再我等之下!”易衍再度慎重交代。 Yes!” Two skeletons immediately comply with the way. “是!”二个骷髅马上应道 set out!” Nian Youyou said. 出发!”念悠悠道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) nods, waves, Nian Youyou, Little Qing, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), flying, goes toward the south together. 幽山点点头,一挥手间,念悠悠,小青,幽山,幽水,一起飞天而起,向着南方而去。 Looks at Nian Youyou to depart, Yi Yan looks to one side Yan Chongzhi. 看着念悠悠离去,易衍看向一旁阎冲之 General Yan, can pass on message through the mouse life sign, Without Form Territory will soon shuffle, making them coordinate comprehensively!” Yi Yan said. “阎将军,可以通过老鼠命牌传讯了,无相疆域不日即将洗牌,让他们全面配合!”易衍说道。 Relax, all arranged!” Yan Chongzhi nods. “放心,一切都安排好了!”阎冲之点点头。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After ten days, Without Form Holy Court, Jinsheng Holy Capital. 十日后,无相圣庭,金胜圣都 Household section Vice Minister your family place. In the Wang Jingwen secret room welcomed three guests, said accurately, two skeletons! 户部侍郎府上。王靖文密室之中迎来了三个客人,准确的说,其中两个还是骷髅! Nian Youyou, You Shan (Nether Mountain) and You Shui (Nether Water), as for Ancestor God Beast, already were neglected directly. 正是念悠悠,幽山幽水,至于祖神兽,已经被直接忽略了。 Feudal official Wang Jingwen, Greetings empress!” Wang Jingwen respectfully said. “臣王靖文,拜见皇后!”王靖文恭敬道 Mr. Wang these years were dormant Without Form Holy Court to be laborious, compared in Without Form Holy Court, I think that Mr. Wang compared with me also found, how to do, Mr. Wang arranged!” Nian Youyou said. 王先生这些年蛰伏无相圣庭辛苦了,相比于无相圣庭,我想王先生比我还了解吧,如何去做,还是王先生来安排吧!”念悠悠说道。 „Can empress, make me have a look at your change?” Wang Jingwen said. 皇后,能让我看看你的变化吗?”王靖文说道。 Nian Youyou body sways, in an instant body suddenly changes, in the Wang Jingwen surprised vision, changed into the Without Form Saint King shape! 念悠悠身形摇晃,转眼身形忽变,在王靖文惊讶的目光之中,化为了无相圣王的形态! Good, good, good, does not have the slight deviation!” Wang Jingwen exclaims. “好,好,好,没有丝毫偏差!”王靖文惊叹道。 empress must go to Without Form Holy Court tomorrow morning morning toward?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) asked. 皇后明早就要去上无相圣庭的早朝吗?”幽山问道。 Temporarily may not, in Without Form Holy Court, probably first solve one person, this person is not solved, all continue difficultly!” Wang Jingwen solemnly said. “暂时不可,无相圣庭内,必须要先解决一个人,此人不解决,一切都难继续!”王靖文郑重道 Prime Minister Liu?” Nian Youyou thinks to say. 柳丞相?”念悠悠想了想道。 Good, is Prime Minister Liu, this person is too astute, is not under me . Moreover the hand grasps the heavy power, once makes him suspect empress your status, then will become extremely thorny! Moreover this person is quite loyal to Without Form Saint King, simply not induced somebody to capitulate possibility!” Wang Jingwen said. “不错,正是柳丞相,此人太精明,不在我之下,而且手握重权,一旦让他怀疑皇后你的身份,那么接下来就会变得极为棘手!而且此人对无相圣王极为忠诚,根本没有被劝降的可能!”王靖文说道。 That killed it!” Nian Youyou said very much directly. “那就把它杀了!”念悠悠很直接道。 Told me the address, I killed him!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said directly. “告诉我住址,我去杀了他!”幽山直接道。 Nian Youyou and Wang Jingwen have a look at him, finally Wang Jingwen shakes the head saying: May not!” 念悠悠王靖文看看他,最终王靖文摇摇头道:“不可!” Why?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) is not clear. “为何?”幽山不明白。 Prime Minister Liu, even if dies, must die valuable!” Wang Jingwen said with a smile. 柳丞相就算死,也要死的有价值!”王靖文笑道。 „Can your deceased people use?” A You Shan (Nether Mountain) strangeness. “你们连死人都要利用?”幽山一阵古怪。 Nian Youyou said with a smile: Naturally, why can this period of time carry in the duke Mr. Wang otherwise?” 念悠悠笑道:“当然,要不然为何这段时间要将王先生捧上公爵?” Duke? Mr. Wang?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) looks to Wang Jingwen. “公爵?王先生?”幽山看向王靖文 Name is not positive, then the word is not smooth, wants to make Prime Minister, wants name of the duke at least, this can subjugate the whole body of ministers!” Wang Jingwen solemnly said. “名不正,则言不顺,想做丞相,最少要有一个公爵之名,这样才能镇服群臣!”王靖文郑重道 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) looked at each other one, Wang Jingwen rose the duke by Great Zheng with the idea initially, previously also thinks was Zhong Shan plays mystically to Without Form Saint King, now looks like, originally for and other today! 幽山,幽水对视一眼,王靖文当初被大崝用计升到公爵,先前还以为是钟山无相圣王玩神秘,现在看来,原来是为了等今天! How do we then do?” Nian Youyou looks to Wang Jingwen. “我们接下来怎么做?”念悠悠看向王靖文 want to topples Prime Minister Liu, must first obtain the acknowledgment of Without Form Holy Court imperial clan, you first call a crown prince to discuss official business, must win their absolute trust, I think that this should not be difficult!” Wang Jingwen said. 想要扳倒柳丞相,必须先取得无相圣庭宗室的承认,您先召集一众太子议事,要取得他们绝对信任,我想这应该不难吧!”王靖文道。 Does not have the issue!” Nian Youyou nods. “没问题!”念悠悠点点头。 As for these days, I, because obtains the position of duke, many ministers also flatter in me, I the banquet, Without Form Saint King have not cared every night, I also bossed around Minister enormous, although did not know my status, but at the appointed time on Imperial Hall, surely as my influence Wang Jingwen said solemnly. “至于这些日子,我因为获得公爵之位,很多大臣也来巴结于我,我也夜夜大宴,无相圣王没有在意,我也借此笼络到了大量大臣,虽然不知我的身份,但到时在朝堂上,必定作为一股我的势力”王靖文沉声道 .................................... .................................... ........................ ........................ ............ ............ After five days . Without Form Holy Court Prime Minister mansion! 五日之后。无相圣庭丞相府! What? You said that Saint King did come back? Nonsense!” Prime Minister Liu is shouting to clear the way to steward. “什么?你说圣王回来了?胡说八道!”柳丞相对着管家喝道。 „, Heard already to come back for two days, called crown prince and the others to discuss official business!” steward pitiful say/way. “是真的,听闻已经回来两天了,召集太子等人议事!”管家可怜巴巴道。 Is impossible, Saint King comes back, first is to definitely look for me! You rumor where from listens to?” The Prime Minister Liu complexion sinks to say. “不可能,圣王回来,第一个肯定是找我!你从哪听来的谣言?”柳丞相面色一沉道。 This is not the rumor, Saint King is sends people to send toward meeting Jane/simple, noontime toward meeting, is a double-hour successor dynasty meeting!” steward said. “这不是谣言啊,圣王更是派人送来朝会简,午时朝会,也就是一个时辰后朝会!”管家说道。 Toward meeting Jane/simple? Where is at?” Prime Minister Liu said solemnly. “朝会简?在哪呢?”柳丞相沉声道 In this, in this!” steward dispatches toward immediately meeting Jane/simple. “在这,在这!”管家马上递出朝会简。 Prime Minister Liu looks toward meeting Jane/simple, eyes narrows the eyes: In Dragon Stage toward meeting? Not above Imperial Hall?” 柳丞相看着朝会简,双眼一眯:“在‘龙台’朝会?不是在朝堂之上?” Yes, heard that this time also called Officer enormous!” steward said. “是啊,听说这次还召集了大量武官!”管家说道。 A Prime Minister Liu ponder, knits the brows to say subsequently: I knew, you get down!” 柳丞相一阵沉思,继而皱皱眉头道:“我知道了,你下去吧!” Yes!” steward strange drew back. “是!”管家奇怪的退了下去。 But Prime Minister Liu actually grabbed toward meeting Jane/simple Zaixi looks looked. 柳丞相却是抓着朝会简仔细的看了又看。 „It is not right, is not right, Saint King did already come back for two days? Why doesn't inform me? Also, Saint King not western North Sea that Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary? It is not right! Also, gold/metal wood, the water and fire, two people goes to Reincarnation Cycle Territory, how not to have the news to transmit to the present? How will towards change in Dragon Stage the place? Strange, strange!” Prime Minister Liu is pondering alone. “不对劲,不对劲,圣王已经回来两天了?为何不通知我?还有,圣王不是正在西北海天帝密境吗?不对劲啊!还有,金木,水火,两人前往转轮疆域,怎么到现在没有消息传来?朝会怎么改在了‘龙台’之处?古怪,古怪!”柳丞相独自思考着。 --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Without Form Holy Court Dragon Stage. 无相圣庭的‘龙台’。 That is large military drill ground that an army practices wushu! 那是一个军队演武的大校场! Without Form Saint King sits above the Dragon Throne, looks that the innumerable brave warriors practice martial arts, toward will decide in the noontime, but Without Form Saint King early morning sat here, what accompaniment was two crown princes, Third Crown Prince and four crown princes. 无相圣王’坐在龙椅之上,看着无数悍将演武,朝会定在午时,可‘无相圣王’一早就坐在这里了,陪同的是二太子,三太子和四太子。 The official rushes in the presence of everyone, saw that Saint King already sat there, in the heart a startled, trembling stand the respective position does not dare to disturb Saint King, only hopes that Saint King did not blame late the crime! 当众官员赶到的时候,见到圣王已经坐在那里了,心中一惊,战战兢兢的站到各自的位置不敢打扰‘圣王’,只希望圣王不怪罪来迟之罪! The time high noon, civil and military officials arrives in full gradually one after another. But these military commanders who practice martial arts, leads own subordinate to withdraw from the school ground! towards will soon start! 时间渐渐正午,文武百官陆续到齐。而演武的那些武将,也带着自己的下属退出校场!朝会即将开始! ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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