IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1073: Imprisons Ancestor Immortal

Small Thousand Worlds, the Number One Under the Heaven people of two time! First meet again! 小千世界,两个时代的天下第一人!第一次见面了! From the opposite party eyes, each one saw a Rules Under The Heavens imposing manner! 从对方眼中,各自都看到了一股君临天下的气势! The Zhong Shan's Rules Under The Heavens imposing manner is not naturally no need saying that from sweeping away Eight Desolate six directions, unified Small Thousand Worlds starts, imposing manner already training of Zhong Shan that Rules Under The Heavens. 钟山的君临天下气势自然不必说,从横扫八荒六合,一统小千世界开始,钟山君临天下的气势已经培养而出。 As for Without Form Saint King, the Small Thousand Worlds Number One Under the Heaven person, perhaps was at that time more defective past, may arrive at Great Thousand Worlds, the short time, builds big Without Form Holy Court, moreover is controlling another five big Saint Courtyard in secret, this achievement, wheted that Rules Under The Heavens imposing manner. 至于无相圣王,昔日小千世界天下第一人,当时或许还欠缺一些,可到了大千世界,短短时间,打造出偌大的无相圣庭,而且还暗中操控着另外五大圣庭,这份成就,也磨砺出了那君临天下的气势。 This imposing manner is not all kings can have. 这种气势不是所有帝王都能有的。 This is despising all, despises the common people, the unrivalled imposing manner! Rules Under The Heavens! don't may be a worthy opponent! 这是一种蔑视一切,藐视苍生,所向无敌的气势!君临天下!莫可匹敌! The person who only then trains this imposing manner, has the qualifications to aspire to seize the position of Heavenly Emperor. This is a Heavenly Emperor foundation! 只有培养出这种气势的人,才有资格问鼎天帝之位。这是一个天帝的基础! Two people had, also saw this imposing manner from the opposite party eyes. 二人都具备了,同时从对方眼中也都看到了这股气势。 Own influence next door had/left a Rules Under The Heavens person, who is understanding anxious, therefore, two people almost simultaneously announced the opposite party death penalty in the heart! 自己势力隔壁出了一个君临天下的人,谁都会心中不安的,因此,二人几乎同时在心中都宣布了对方死刑! !” Also the form shoots together suddenly from the distant place. “呼!”又一道身影忽然从远处射来。 The man who wears the black Daoist robe, above the men's clothes, the picture filled the stars! Wears a hair bun, the hand with a long sword, the both eyes god light flash moves! 一个身穿黑色道袍的男子,男子衣服之上,画满了星辰!头戴道髻,手拿一柄长剑,双目神光闪动! Saint King Zhong, Saint King Nian, your already to!” Comes the person to say with a smile, but in the look is actually dodging the deep alert. 钟圣王,念圣王,你们已经到了!”来人笑道,但眼神之中却闪着深深戒备。 Concealed Demon Daoist, you come is not late!” Without Form Saint King said. 伏魔道人,你来的还不算晚!”无相圣王道。 Concealed Demon Cult Master, was courteous!” Zhong Shan nods. 伏魔教主,有礼了!”钟山点点头。 Concealed Demon Cult Master, this invited that Buddhist Temple Cult Master! 伏魔教主,正是这次受邀的那个道场教主! !” !” “呼!”“呼!” Also two bodies insinuate. 又两道身影射来。 Wears the emperor robe. Wears the black imperial robe, wears the red imperial robe! 都是身着帝王袍。一个身着黑色龙袍,一个身着红色龙袍! everyone is courteous!” Two people said. 诸位有礼!”二人说道。 Looked that shows a faint smile to say to emperor King, Zhong Shan of black imperial robe: Thanked Saint King !” 看向黑色龙袍的帝王,钟山微微一笑道:“谢圣王,久违了!” Thanked Saint King, was dependency Without Form Holy Court Saint King, subordinate of Without Form Saint King! 圣王,正是附庸无相圣庭圣王,无相圣王的从属! Thanked Saint King not to recognize each other with Without Form Saint King, probably was not ripe is the same. 圣王也没有与无相圣王相认,好像并不熟一样。 Saint King Ye, was courteous!” Zhong Shan was saying to last Saint King. 夜圣王,有礼了!”钟山对着最后一个圣王道。 The people salute upon meeting mutually! With is the Heavenly Emperor mystical place comes. 众人相互见礼!同为天帝秘境而来。 Saint King Zhong comes is very early!” Saint King Ye said. 钟圣王来的挺早!”夜圣王道。 Comes early, to receive in exchange for my love with Saint King Nian.” Zhong Shan said with a smile. “来早,是为了和念圣王换取我的爱将。”钟山笑道。 „?” The people look to Zhao Suoxiang! “哦?”众人看向赵所向! Zhao Suoxiang, Great Immortal Realm, love? 赵所向,大仙境,爱将? Saint King Nian, is in front of everyone, I first give back to you your crown prince!” Zhong Shan said. 念圣王,当着诸位的面,我先将你的太子还给你!”钟山说道。 Saying, is letting loose Nian Can, Nian Can flies side Without Form Saint King fast. 说着,放开念灿,念灿快速飞到无相圣王身边。 Put him!” Without Form Saint King said. “放了他!”无相圣王道。 Yes!” Old Eunuch immediately comply with the way. “是!”老太监马上应道 Zhao Suoxiang flies Zhong Shan beside immediately. 赵所向马上飞到钟山身旁 Zhao Suoxiang, you first go back, here Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, is not you can enter!” Zhong Shan said. 赵所向,你先回去吧,这里的天帝密境,不是你能入的!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Zhao Suoxiang respectfully said. “是!”赵所向恭敬道 Subsequently, Zhao Suoxiang flies fast toward Reincarnation Cycle Territory. 继而,赵所向向着转轮疆域快速飞去。 Royal Father, child want to enters Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary along with Royal Father together, is Royal Father shares sorrow!” Nian Can said immediately. 父王,孩儿想要父王一起进入天帝密境,为父王分忧!”念灿马上说道。 Has a look at Nian Can, the Without Form Saint King look slightly coldly, but nods finally. 看看念灿,无相圣王神色微冷,但最终还是点点头。 The Nian Can thoughts, Without Form Saint King naturally understands, the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, he is also harboring leaving things to chance! 念灿的心思,无相圣王自然明白,天帝传承,他也抱着一丝侥幸心理! everyone, since came, not, if everyone enters together has a look!” Without Form Saint King said. 诸位,既然来了,不若大家一起进入看看吧!”无相圣王道。 Naturally!” People immediately comply with the way. “自然!”众人马上应道 No one knows in Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary to have anything to wait, now naturally is not contends, together enters the interior also to be good, if there is a danger, can have the scapegoat! 谁也不知道天帝密境中有什么等着,现在自然不是相争的时候,一起进入内部也有好处,若是有危难了,就可以有替死鬼! Without Form Saint King, Saint King Ye, thanked Saint King, Concealed Demon Daoist, Old Eunuch, Jin Peng, six big Ancestor Immortal. And three are the Without Form Saint King same places. In addition has Zhong Shan and Zhong Shan liangs Ancient Immortal. 无相圣王,夜圣王,谢圣王,伏魔道人,老太监,金鹏,六大祖仙。其中三个是无相圣王一起的。另外还有钟山古仙 It can be said that this time enters the lineup in Heavenly Emperor mystical place is quite powerful! 可以说,此次进入天帝秘境的阵容极为强大! Everlasting Great Array, so long as enters the central that vortex on the line, that is a space and time channel! Non- Expert cannot enter!” Jin Peng said. 万古长青大阵,只要进入中央那个漩涡就行,那是一个时空通道!非强者不能入!”金鹏说道。 Really is Everlasting Great Array!” Concealed Demon Daoist nods. “果然是万古长青大阵!”伏魔道人点点头。 Walks!” Without Form Saint King said. “走吧!”无相圣王道。 The people nod, the steps go toward the interior , the sky has lowered wild Thunder Lightning, roared to continue, beforehand some Immortal were killed by explosion by this thunderstorm, moreover toward the center was powerful. 众人点点头,踏步向着内部而去,一路所过,天空降下狂暴的雷电,咆哮不止,以前的一些仙人就是被这雷暴轰死的,而且越往中心越是强大。 However, the people mostly are Ancestor Immortal, is how powerful, naturally accomplishes a task with ease facing these crazy thunder! 不过,众人大多都是祖仙,何其强大,面对这些狂雷自然游刃有余! Flies the place of huge vortex, the people looked mutually! 飞到巨大漩涡之处,众人相互看了看! Finally, Zhong Shan and Jin Peng first fly into the vortex, others saw Zhong Shan to get down, followed to enter. 最终,钟山金鹏最先飞入漩涡之中,其它人见钟山下去了,也纷纷跟着进入。 A sea vortex, the center is actually flowing the innumerable light classes, in everyone, about one double-hour. 一个大海漩涡,中心却是流动着无数光流,在所有人进入之后,大约一个时辰。 Sea level roared, sky Thunder Lightning flashed, the rainstorm released crazily, the strong winds writings, probably entire Great Array happened to change generally. Also passed a double-hour, sea level again uneventful, but, previous Everlasting Great Array is actually vanishes to disappear, does not seem excessively general. 海面一阵咆哮,天空雷电闪动,暴雨狂泄,狂风大作,好像整个大阵都发生变化了一般。又过了一个时辰,海面才再度风平浪静,可是,先前的万古长青大阵却是消失不见了,好似从来没有过一般。 A sea level extremely quiet piece, what trace has not stayed behind, eight Expert of entries also disappear without a trace temporarily! 海面静悄悄一片,什么痕迹也没留下,八个进入的强者也暂时不知去向! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reincarnation Cycle Territory edge! 转轮疆域边缘! Black Qi surrounds, indistinct, seemingly has an aesthetic sense of art, but if some people touch to go forward, could not want among three breaths, will be gray-haired, the skin fold, the life exhausted dead, terrifying Great Array, blocked many heroes! 黑气环绕,隐隐约约,看上去有着一种艺术的美感,可若有人触碰上前,要不了三息之间,就会头发花白,皮肤褶皱,寿元耗尽而死,一个恐怖的大阵,拦住了多少英雄豪杰! Terrifying Great Array, lets innumerable Expert for it look changes, does not dare to rush to Great Array. 恐怖的大阵,也让无数强者为之色变,不敢强闯大阵 On this day, the sea level Great Array edge presents two forms. 这一日,海面大阵边缘又出现两个身影。 A person puts on black-robed, a person puts on blue-robed! 一人穿黑袍,一人穿蓝袍! Five Turbulent World Great Array, antiquity formation really had its originality!” The black-robed person said. 五浊乱世大阵,上古阵法真的有其独到之处!”黑袍人说道。 Un, but it cannot block our Ancestor Immortal!” The blue-robed person nods. “嗯,不过它拦不住我们祖仙!”蓝袍人点点头。 Zhong Shan left, Jin Peng also left, Wang Ku has not come back, smashes Prosperous Capital, captures Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse, by our one enough, on the lord sent both of us to come unexpectedly together!” The black-robed person said after a sigh. 钟山离开了,金鹏也离开了,王骷没有回来,捣毁昌京,夺取转轮密藏,由我们其中一个就够了,主上居然派我们两个人一起来!”黑袍人感叹道。 Main last life is discrete, had the present six big areas, your my palm big areas, are also very arid every day, experiences Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse rarely, did you also complain?” blue-robed humanity. “主上一生谨慎,才有了如今六大疆域,你我各掌一大疆域,每日也很枯燥,难得见识转轮密藏,你还抱怨?”蓝袍人道。 Also yes? Walks, earlier completes the confession on lord, earlier sees that Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse!” black-robed humanity. “也是?走吧,早点完成主上的交代,早点见见那转轮密藏!”黑袍人道。 Un!” The blue-robed person nods. “嗯!”蓝袍人点点头。 Two people of whole bodies illusory, sees only Five Turbulent World Great Array one to sway immediately, two people of already to interior. 二人周身顿时一阵虚幻,只见五浊乱世大阵一阵摇晃,二人已经到了内部。 Prosperous Capital! 昌京! Under at this moment Prosperous Capital in Zhong Shan ordered, already moved nearby Reincarnation Cycle Palace slowly. 此刻昌京钟山下令之下,已经缓缓移动到了转轮殿附近。 Yi Yan stands before Undying Temple, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the patience waits. 易衍站在不死殿前,负手而立,耐心等候。 Is standing Clay Bodhisattva and other numerous important minister! 身后站着泥菩萨等一众重臣! Suddenly, Clay Bodhisattva first lifts. 忽然,泥菩萨头一抬。 Five Turbulent World Great Array breaks open, they came! Two!” Clay Bodhisattva said solemnly. 五浊乱世大阵破开,他们来了!两个!”泥菩萨沉声道 Yi Yan nods saying: With we guess, two Ancestor Immortal, are Saint King of two areas , which two?” 易衍点点头道:“和我们猜的一样,两个祖仙,两个疆域的圣王,呵,到底是哪两个呢?” We started!” Clay Bodhisattva said. “我们开始了!”泥菩萨说道。 Starts, informs You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Quan (Nether Spring)! This match, can only win, cannot defeat!” Yi Yan said solemnly. “开始吧,通知幽山,幽水,幽泉!此役,只能胜,不能败!”易衍沉声道 Un!” Clay Bodhisattva nods. “嗯!”泥菩萨点点头。 Subsequently, Clay Bodhisattva vanished before Undying Temple. 继而,泥菩萨消失在了不死殿前。 But at this time, Nian Youyou suddenly walked from a side hall. 而这时,念悠悠忽然从一个偏殿走了出来。 Greetings empress!” Yi Yan said. 拜见皇后!”易衍道。 Came?” Nian Youyou asked. “来了?”念悠悠问道。 Yes, came, when Clay Bodhisattva they use Reincarnation Cycle Palace to imprison two big Ancestor Immortal, that then took the trouble by empress!” Yi Yan nods. “是,来了,待泥菩萨他们用转轮殿禁锢两大祖仙,那接下来就由皇后多费心了!”易衍点点头。 Relax, this matter I most familiar!” Nian Youyou said with a smile. “放心,这事我最熟悉!”念悠悠笑道。 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- As Zhong Shan one line the space and time channel, the fast shuttle, Jin Peng side Zhong Shan, has been protecting Zhong Shan, but this type of shuttle channel, seems channel of Jade Emperor Heavenly Court to Tushita Palace. A space and time transfer passage. 钟山一行随着时空通道,快速穿梭,金鹏钟山身边,一直护着钟山,而这种穿梭通道,就好似玉帝天庭通往兜率宫的通道。一个时空传送通道。 In a while, one group of people decided! 没过多久,一群人就定了下来! This is vast starry skies, all around innumerable stars wave, seeming is ordinary around special path revolving. The boundless star strength surrounds, seemingly filled the crisis. 这是一片浩大的星空,四周无数星辰舞动,好似绕着特殊轨迹旋转一般。磅礴的星力环绕,看上去充满了危机。 The next quarter, delivered the channel that the people came to vanish! 下一刻,送众人来的通道消失了! Sees channel that vanishes, in people heart one startled, but too had not been worried, the people are the people of cultivation base absolute high, so long as in Great Thousand Worlds, can always go back. 看到消失的通道,众人心中一惊,但并没有太担心,众人都是修为高绝之人,只要在大千世界,总能够回去的。 That has the character!” Jin Peng called out. “那有字!”金鹏叫道。 The people look. Really around a distant place star, is floating one row of black hole typefaces. 众人望去。果然在远处一个恒星周围,浮着一列黑洞般的字体。 Fights with the day, defeats it! We am unwilling, keep Our inheritance, in this starry sky, five, must We inherit, looks at to carry forward Our unfulfilled will, defeats Grand Heaven, We die with no regrets!” “与天斗,败之!朕不甘,留朕之传承,在此星空之中,共五阵,过阵者得朕传承,望尔继承朕的遗志,斗败天数,朕死而无憾!” Fights with the day? Defeats it? Is this Heavenly Emperor of heaven defying number failure? Heavenly Emperor inheritance? 与天斗?败之?这是一个逆天数失败的天帝?天帝传承? Although the people the semblance is still tranquil, but the innermost feelings actually raise the dreadful monstrous waves, can with Grand Heaven fight of Heavenly Emperor, that be strong enough to can affect Grand Heaven absolutely, such on Heavenly Emperor Gu, although defeated, but its inheritance, if spreads, Saint will be crazy. 众人虽然外表依旧平静,可内心却是掀起滔天巨浪,一个能与天数斗的天帝,那绝对是强到能够影响天数了,这样的上古天帝,虽然败了,但其传承若是传扬出去,就连圣人都会疯狂的。 The people looked at one mutually, each and everyone is slightly silent. 众人相互看了一眼,一个个微微沉默。 What formation is this? Big bloodshed!” Jin Peng called out. “这是什么阵法?好大的血海!”金鹏叫道。 The distant place, that row of characters vanish slowly, subsequently, the endless blood wave forms in the starry sky suddenly, subsequently roared from sweeps across to come in all directions, planet? In an instant embezzles. Vast bloodshed! 远处,那一列字缓缓消失,继而,无尽血浪在星空中忽然形成,继而咆哮中从四面八方席卷而来,行星?转眼吞没。浩瀚的血海! Really was of antiquity, good heavy antiquity wild aura!” Concealed Demon Daoist said. “果然是上古之阵,好重的上古狂暴气息!”伏魔道人说道。 Five? Started!” Saint King Ye slightly exciting say/way. “共五阵吗?开始了!”夜圣王略微兴奋道。 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Reincarnation Cycle Palace surrounding. 转轮殿外围。 All around many mountains were razed to the ground, above the land, the pothole are innumerable. Domineering fight place after of ruins. 四周很多山川被夷为平地,大地之上,坑洞无数。一副强势战斗后的废墟之地。 Prosperous Capital already leaves a Reincarnation Cycle Palace big section distance. 昌京已经离开转轮殿一大段距离。 Yi Yan, Nian Youyou and the others stood in the Undying Temple mouth looks at the Reincarnation Cycle Palace direction. 易衍,念悠悠等人站在不死殿口看着转轮殿方向。 Clay Bodhisattva, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Quan (Nether Spring), uses the place of Reincarnation Cycle Palace Five Corruption, achieved, two Ancestor Immortal were surrounded! Walks, we pass!” Yi Yan is constraining the exciting say/way. 泥菩萨,幽山,幽水,幽泉,利用转轮殿五浊之地,做到了,两个祖仙被困住了!走,我们过去!”易衍压抑着兴奋道。 *** *** : Asked ***! :求***!
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