IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1072: Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary

„An emperor inherits to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance!” “一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣!” News rapid biography to all directions, surrounding four big Imperial Hall, therefore started giant storm, each and everyone quarrelled is heavily engaged. 消息迅速传向四面八方,周围的四大朝堂,也因此掀起了一场巨大的风暴,一个个吵得不可开交。 The Without Form Saint King study room, numerous important minister talked to each other, judged this Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary unceasingly! 无相圣王书房,众重臣相互交谈,不断判断这个天帝密境! Royal Father, the already fourth month! Doesn't have a look?” Nian Ben reveals one not to understand to say. 父王,已经第四个月了!不去看看吗?”念奔露出一丝不理解道。 Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, moreover said is very clear, the inheritance passes ten thousand world, said that is an inheritance of Heavenly Emperor, this, how many people break the head to toward in drill, this Heavenly Emperor strong? Three Saint are willing for the feudal official. 天帝密境,而且说的很清楚,传承通万世,也就说是一个天帝的传承,这,多少人打破脑袋要往里钻的啊,这天帝有多强?三个圣人都甘愿为臣。 The antiquity period, which was Heavenly Emperor so intrepid? 上古时期,到底哪个天帝这么强悍? Without Form Saint King shakes the head. 无相圣王摇摇头。 Saint King, the latest news, Great Immortal, three Heavenly Immortal go to explore today, destroy both body and soul in Great Array!” Prime Minister Liu respectfully said. 圣王,今天最新消息,有一名大仙,三名天仙前往探秘,在大阵形神俱灭!”柳丞相恭敬道 That is only Great Immortal, their strength is insufficient, over time, definitely more and more Expert rush to that Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, now does not start, after others go well, all late!” Nian Ben is somewhat irritable said. “那只是大仙而已,他们实力不够,随着时间推移,肯定越来越多强者奔赴那天帝密境的,现在不下手,被别人得手后,就一切晚了!”念奔有些急躁道。 Prime Minister Liu has a look at Nian Ben, finally anything had not said, one side falls back on gently, but Nian Ben in that flash saw that Prime Minister Liu despises. 柳丞相看看念奔,最终什么也没说,轻轻退到一边,但念奔在那一霎那看到柳丞相的一丝鄙夷。 Sees this vision, in the Nian Ben heart is a anger, small does Courtier also dare to look down upon me? 看到这目光,念奔心中又是一怒,一个小小臣子也敢看不起我? Must say anything in Nian Ben. 正在念奔要说什么之际。 !” “呼!” In the study room seems blows cold wind. 书房之中好似刮起一阵阴风。 Subsequently, presents Old Eunuch before the people suddenly. 继而,在众人面前忽然出现一个老太监 The Nian Ben pupil shrinks, because by his Ancient Immortal cultivation base, how unexpectedly without seeing this Old Eunuch to come. 念奔瞳孔一缩,因为以他古仙修为,居然没看出这老太监怎么来的。 Is he? That has followed in Royal Father Old Eunuch? Chief Steward? Is he so strong? Ancestor Immortal? 是他?那个一直跟在父王身边的老太监?大内总管?他有那么强?祖仙? Old servant Greetings Saint King!” Old Eunuch respectfully said. “老奴拜见圣王!”老太监恭敬道 Un, old sincere, checked how?” Without Form Saint King said. “嗯,老虔,查的怎么样?”无相圣王道。 A Without Form Saint King saying, the people looked to him. 无相圣王一说,众人都看向他。 Old servant already has looked, indeed was antiquity formation, trap that some not people designed, moreover this antiquity formation, the old servants have not even seen, but can see its plainly, should before the Hong Jun time!” Old Eunuch solemnly said. “老奴已经去看过了,的确是上古阵法,并不是有人设计的陷阱,而且这个上古阵法,连老奴都没见过,但能看出其古朴,应该早在鸿钧时代之前!”老太监郑重道 Good!” Without Form Saint King nods to say. “好!”无相圣王点点头道。 At this time, Nian Ben also understands finally Without Form Saint King had scruples, was worried that this is not the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, but is the trap, therefore had not acted! The Nian Ben knitting the brows head, without said again, but even more hates to Prime Minister Liu, this matter, you told me to be good, harms me to lose face in front of Royal Father now, snort/hum! 这时,念奔也终于明白无相圣王的顾忌了,担心这并不是天帝传承,而是陷阱,因此一直没有出手!念奔皱皱眉头,没有再说,但对柳丞相越发怨恨,这种事,你告诉我就好了,害我在父王面前丢脸到现在,哼! Liu Aiqing!” Without Form Saint King said. 柳爱卿!”无相圣王道。 Feudal official in!” Prime Minister Liu respectfully said. “臣在!”柳丞相恭敬道 Escorts to Reincarnation Cycle Territory this letter/believes with great speed, waits for the Zhong Shan reply! Hands in me!” Without Form Saint King said. “将此信火速送往转轮疆域,等候钟山回信!交来于我!”无相圣王道。 Your command!” Prime Minister Liu obeys an order to say. “尊命!”柳丞相应命道。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Zheng Saint Court, Undying Temple! 大崝圣庭,不死殿! west South Sea place, presents Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, has caused the under the heavens attention, this was also Great Zheng Imperial Hall discussed the most topic similarly recently. 西南海处,出现天帝密境,早已引得天下关注,这同样也是大崝朝堂最近讨论最多的一个话题。 Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary! What does the interior have? Heavenly Emperor inheritance? Why Saint King does not leave to today! Was Jin Peng, at this moment also filled anxiously. 天帝密境!内部到底有什么?天帝传承?圣王为何到今天都不动身!就是金鹏,此刻也是充满了急切。 If Jin Peng of free body, heard so the important matter before, went to nose, but is being imprisoned by Great Zheng now, is really uncomfortable. 若是以前自由身的金鹏,听闻如此大事,早就前往查探了,可现在被大崝禁锢着,真的非常不爽。 „Hadn't Saint King, eight months, gone?” Jin Peng is somewhat irritable said. 圣王,都八个月了,还不去?”金鹏有些急躁道。 Zhong Shan has not paid attention to Jin Peng, but as before routinely is clean daily important matter processing. 钟山没有理会金鹏,而是依旧按部就班的将日常大事处理干净。 Arrived finally, Zhong Shan asked: Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary left, hears already to have eight Great Immortal therefore dead, even, Ancient Immortal, this matter, when went not to work as?” 到最后,钟山才问道:“天帝密境出,听闻已经有八名大仙因此丧生,甚至,还有一名古仙,此事,当去还是不当去?” Goes! Saint King, how so can the important matter not go? Heavenly Emperor inheritance, what to do if can go by others?” Jin Peng left ranks to call out immediately. “去!圣王,如此大事怎么能不去?天帝传承,若是被别人得去怎么办?”金鹏马上出列叫道。 „The body of Saint King trillion gold/metal, cannot violate the danger by the body!” Yi Yan leaves ranks to say suddenly. 圣王兆金之躯,不能以身犯险!”易衍忽然出列道。 Yi Yan, you are timid, you fear death, I did not fear!” Jin Peng urgently said. 易衍,你胆小,你怕死,我不怕!”金鹏急道。 Shut up!” Zhong Shan shouted. “住口!”钟山喝道。 Zhong Shan drinks, Jin Peng can only a helplessness. 钟山一喝,金鹏只能一阵无奈。 Yi Yan shakes the head to smile, without blaming Jin Peng. 易衍摇摇头笑笑,没有责怪金鹏 Feudal official to felt, can go, the Heavenly Emperor inheritance, Great Zheng can not, unable to make others even obtain! Otherwise is the Great Zheng disaster!” Xiao Wang leaves ranks to say. “臣到是觉得,可以去,天帝传承,就算大崝不得,也不能让别人得到!否则将是大崝灾难!”箫忘出列道。 Right, correct principle that General Xiao said!” Jin Peng said with a smile. “对,箫将军说的正理!”金鹏笑道。 Feudal official feels may not!” Feudal official feels!” ........................ “臣觉得不可!”“臣觉得可以!”........................ Suddenly, above Imperial Hall noisy, some people said can go, some people did not say, Jin Peng reveals a forced smile, because, returned several days ago discussion, then and was endless. 一时间,朝堂之上吵吵嚷嚷,有人说可以去,有人说不可以,金鹏露出一丝苦笑,因为,又回到了数日前的讨论,接下来又是没完没了了。 reporting to Saint King!” Outside the main hall Imperial Guard called out suddenly. 启奏圣王!”大殿外忽然一个侍卫叫道。 Imperial Guard called, everyone calms down. 侍卫一叫,所有人静了下来。 What matter?” Zhong Shan said. “何事?”钟山道。 „The Without Form Territory envoy approaches, seeks an interview Saint King!” Imperial Guard said. 无相疆域使者来临,求见圣王!”侍卫道。 Makes him come in!” Zhong Shan nods. “让他进来!”钟山点点头。 Yes!” “是!” A whole body of ministers accident/surprise, Without Form Territory envoy? 群臣一阵意外,无相疆域的使者? Quick, an official walks into the main hall. 很快,一个官员走入大殿。 Has seen Great Zheng Saint King, our dynasty Saint King, making me give the Great Zheng Saint King belt/bring to seal the correspondence!” The envoy is also direct, dispatches a post. “见过大崝圣王,我朝圣王,让我给大崝圣王带封书信!”那使者也直接,递出一封帖子。 Transmits in the Zhong Shan hand after the court eunuch. 经过太监传递到钟山手中。 Zhong Shan opens looked, is slightly silent. 钟山打开一看,微微沉默。 The whole body of ministers look to Zhong Shan, does not know anything that in the Without Form Saint King letter/believes writes, filled curiously. 群臣看向钟山,不知道无相圣王信中写的什么,充满了好奇。 Without Form Saint King makes me to meet in Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary six months later, and exchanges Zhao Suoxiang and Nian Can?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. 无相圣王约我半年后在天帝密境相见,并且交换赵所向念灿?”钟山淡淡道 Then, the Zhong Shan finger raps the Dragon Throne gently, seeming is ordinary in the ponder. 说完,钟山指头轻轻敲击龙椅,好似在思考一般。 Under, Jin Peng eye one bright. 下方,金鹏眼睛一亮。 Also understands that finally Without Form Saint King sent to make the intention of prisoner Nian Can. 同时也终于明白无相圣王念灿送来做囚犯的用意了。 Without Nian Can in the hand, opposite party capture Zhao Suoxiang is to coerce merely, coerces Zhong Shan to go out, that obviously is a trap, a excuse, may have Nian Can in the hand, such Without Form Saint King felt to Zhong Shan's, is he has the handle in the Zhong Shan hand, the trap is untenable, so sends Nian Can intentionally. Thus, Zhong Shan will put down the suspicion, agrees to exchange. 若没有念灿在手,仅仅对方抓住赵所向为要挟,要挟钟山出去,那就明显是一个陷阱,一个借口,可有了念灿在手,这样无相圣王钟山的感觉,就是他有把柄在钟山手中,陷阱不成立,如此才故意送来念灿的。这样,钟山才会放下怀疑,同意交换。 In order to imprison to trade to imprison, this in major Luck Dynasty is very common matter, in addition this time Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary this sudden event, Without Form Saint King already explicitly expressed that he will enter Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, then, Great Zheng , if not want to fall after the person, Zhong Shan must certainly go, in addition received exchange for Zhao Suoxiang, the dual seductions, making Zhong Shan go. 以囚换囚,这在各大运朝是非常常见的事情,加上此次天帝密境这突然事件,无相圣王已经明确表示他会进入天帝密境了,如此一来,大崝若不想落于人后,钟山肯定要去,加上换取赵所向,双重诱惑,让钟山前往。 lure the tiger out of the mountains? Is this lure the tiger out of the mountains that Yi Yan said? 调虎离山?这就是易衍所说的调虎离山吗? Zhong Shan thinks, indifferently said: Goes back to tell Without Form Saint King, six months later, I will arrive on time, will consider my love for me!” 钟山想了想,淡淡道:“回去告诉无相圣王,半年后,我准时抵达,替我照顾好我的爱将!” Yes!” Envoy immediately comply with the way. “是!”那使者马上应道 In Jin Peng at this moment heart one happy, Saint King finally agreed. 金鹏此刻心中一喜,圣王终于同意去了。 After packing off that envoy. towards will continue. 在送走那个使者以后。朝会继续。 Yi Yan!” Zhong Shan said. 易衍!”钟山道。 Feudal official in!” “臣在!” this time south sea area war, involves five big areas, Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, should as we all know, Four Great Holy Courts, big Buddhist Temple, I and Without Form Saint King went, that remaining two Saint King and Cult Master, you send people to inform, six months later, will go to Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary!” Zhong Shan said. 此次南方海域大战,共牵扯五大疆域,天帝密境,应该大家都知道,四大圣庭,一大道场,我和无相圣王都去了,那剩下两个圣王和一个教主,你派人通知,半年后,同赴天帝密境!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Yi Yan nods. “是!”易衍点点头。 But is Jin Peng actually a strangeness, what idea that Saint King has? already were many Without Form Saint King, but also wants a adding people? 金鹏却是一阵古怪,圣王打的什么主意?已经多了一个无相圣王了,还要加人? Six months, Zhong Shan also begins to arrange the Great Zheng matters concerned. 半年时间,钟山也着手安排大崝事宜。 But Jin Peng also achieved wishes, finally is under the Zhong Shan permission to go to Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary together! 金鹏也如愿以偿,终于得到钟山许可一同前往天帝密境! Just before leaving before : 临走前: Zhong Shan, Jin Peng and Yi Yan stand in Undying Temple, makes the final confession. 钟山,金鹏易衍站在不死殿中,做出最后交代。 Without Form Saint King, Old Eunuch and Prime Minister Liu also three people stand in the place of Imperial Hall, makes the final confession. 无相圣王,老太监柳丞相也三人站在朝堂之处,做出最后交代。 Yi Yan, the tiger must leave the mountain, can begin to Without Form Territory!” Zhong Shan said to Yi Yan finally. 易衍,虎要离山了,可以对无相疆域动手了!”钟山最后对易衍道。 Liu Aiqing, the tiger must leave the mountain, can begin to Reincarnation Cycle Territory!” Without Form Saint King said to Prime Minister Liu. 柳爱卿,虎要离山了,可以对转轮疆域动手了!”无相圣王柳丞相道。 Yes!” “是!” Yes!” “是!” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A half year of time quickly! 半年之期很快就到! Zhong Shan brings Jin Peng and Nian Can also arrived at beside that Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary. All around, before several months, ordered to clean up by numerous Saint King and Cult Master on already, everyone can not approach, but the four directions army was also stationed in the distant place, protects this Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary. 钟山带着金鹏念灿也来到了那天帝密境之外。四周,在数月前,就已经被一众圣王教主下令清理了,所有人不得靠近,而四方军队也在远处驻扎,守护这个天帝密境 Stands in an unpopulated area, Zhong Shan looks at the distant place, a sky dense piece, in the sea level roars to continue, simultaneously is putting enormous azure light, moreover forms sea level Great Array faintly. 站在一个无人区,钟山看着远处,天空黑压压的一片,海面上咆哮不止,同时放着大量青光,而且隐隐形成一个海面大阵 A central vortex, the rapid rotation, the above floats one row of azure large characters ‚an emperor to inherit to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance!’. Big imposing manner! 中心一个漩涡,快速旋转,上方浮着一列青色的大字‘一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣!’。好大的气势! A rushing strength radiates to all directions. Let this imposing manner add an aggression! 一股澎湃的力量辐射向四面八方。让这股气势更平添一股霸气! Zhong Shan serious looks, deep takes a deep breath, Nian Can actually stares in a big way the eye, is full of a hope. As for Jin Peng, is actually the look non-stop transforming. 钟山郑重的看着,深深吸了口气,念灿却是瞪大了眼睛,充满一股渴望。至于金鹏,却是神色不停变换。 Saint King, this was real Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary, Everlasting Great Array, antiquity Great Array, I have seen some general records in the Kong Xuan family, but his there was not comprehensive, should be lost was right, when record, this Great Array compared with Hong Jun become a Saint also early Jin Peng pleasantly surprised say/way. 圣王,这是真的天帝密境,万古长青大阵,上古大阵,我在孔宣家族中看到过一些大概的记载,但他那里也不全面,应该早已失传了才对,记载中,这个大阵鸿钧成圣时还早”金鹏惊喜道。 After Skeleton Great Boundary sees the Zhong Shan domineering, Jin Peng now also law-abiding. 骷髅大疆见到钟山强势之后,金鹏现在也‘安分’了很多。 But Nian Can listened, is the eye is getting more and more bright, is really Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary? 念灿听了,却是眼睛越来越亮,真的是天帝密境? Is sighing in the people. 正在众人感叹之际。 “呼” Distant place Qingfeng/cool breeze has blown. Jin Peng keeps off before the Zhong Shan body immediately. 远处一阵清风吹过。金鹏马上挡在钟山身前。 Airborne, suddenly has three forms. 空中,忽然多出三个身影。 Zhao Suoxiang impressively in row, but Zhao Suoxiang at this moment is restrained general. 赵所向赫然在列,只是赵所向此刻受制一般。 Saint King!” Zhao Suoxiang called out immediately. 圣王!”赵所向马上叫道。 Zhong Shan is nodding to Zhao Suoxiang, subsequently looks to other two people. 钟山对着赵所向点点头,继而看向另外两人 Royal Father!” Nian Can also said. 父王!”念灿也叫了起来。 Opposite, a military might man who wears the nine dragons emperor robe, should be Without Form Saint King, there is still one, some body rickets, a government official official's costume, Zhong Shan also guessed correctly that is Without Form Holy Court Chief Steward, old sincere! 对面,一个身穿九龙帝王袍的威武男子,应该就是无相圣王,还有一个,身形有些佝偻,一身宦官服,钟山也猜到,那是无相圣庭大内总管,老虔! The Without Form Saint King appearance is solemn, is away from a big section distance, looks at opposite Zhong Shan. 无相圣王面目冷峻,隔着一大段距离,看着对面的钟山 Two big Saint King, past Small Thousand Worlds, the Number One Under the Heaven people of two time, finally meet again! 两大圣王,昔日小千世界,两个时代的天下第一人,终于见面了! Saint King Zhong, has heard so much about you!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. 钟圣王,久闻大名!”无相圣王沉声道 Saint King Nian, and you too!” Zhong Shan nods to say. 念圣王,彼此彼此!”钟山点点头道。 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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