IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1071: An emperor inherits to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance!

In the Without Form Saint King study room, at this moment is standing two big crown prince and a planning minister! 无相圣王的书房之中,此刻正站着两大太子和一众谋臣! Great Zheng these two groups of Marshal, indeed suffice to be fierce, Zhao Suoxiang peerless Brave Commander, everywhere one visit, invincible, army morale because also he is very powerful, Xiao Wang, this person of scheme is full, or does not fight, every fights can become the fine classics, Zhong Shan also is really the good luck, found so many talents!” Prime Minister shaking the head said after a sigh. 大崝的这两路元帅,的确够厉害,赵所向绝世猛将,所到之处,所向披靡,军队士气也因为他无比强盛,箫忘,此人计谋百出,要不不战,每一战都能成为传世经典,钟山还真是好运气,找到这么多人才!”丞相摇摇头感叹道。 Prime Minister Liu, you spoke frankly, Northern Sea Territory war how?” Third Crown Prince Nian Ben slightly anxious say/way. 柳丞相,你就直说吧,北方海域的战局如何了?”三太子念奔略微焦急道。 „The north competes for the island, five big area participation, four Saint Courtyard, Buddhist Temple, it may be said that is the extreme confusion of fight, is, in the four years later, Great Zheng victoriously completes again and again, two groups of Marshal unexpectedly suppressions other Three Great Holy Courts and Buddhist Temple!” Prime Minister Liu said after a sigh. “北方争夺海岛,共有五大疆域参与,四个圣庭,一个道场,可谓是战斗的极为混乱,可是,这四年下来,大崝连连告捷,两路元帅居然生生的压制住了另外三大圣庭和一个道场!”柳丞相感叹道。 That two Marshal are Great Zheng Legion Commander, that is the Great Zheng trump card, but military officer who we send, is not a star, the nature is weak they, as soon as plans!” Nian Ben thinks to say. “那两个元帅大崝军团长吧,那是大崝王牌,而我们派去的将领,并不是名将,自然弱他们一筹!”念奔想了想道。 Prime Minister Liu shakes the head. Nian Can drew Nian Ben. 柳丞相摇了摇头。念灿拉了拉念奔 Third Brother, the war is not so simple, Great Zheng these two groups of Marshal that said that indeed startled certainly certainly, otherwise the star, is even impossible to suppress Three Great Holy Courts and Buddhist Temple, they achieved, they command troops are powerful, do not envy, the envy can make you become confused, calm regarding, this is two people really merely a star?” Big crown prince Nian Can said. “三弟,战争不是说的那么简单的,大崝这两路元帅,的确惊才绝绝,否则就算是名将,也不可能压制三大圣庭和一个道场,他们做到了,他们领兵是强大,不要嫉妒,嫉妒会让你冲昏头脑,冷静的看待,这两人真的仅仅是名将吗?”大太子念灿道。 Yes!” Nian Ben nods. “是!”念奔点点头。 Royal Father, copes with Great Zheng always to have the means that so long as the Great Zheng avalanche, these two talents haven't turned over to my Without Form Holy Court?” Nian Can said. 父王,对付大崝总有办法的,只要大崝崩塌,这两个人才还不是归我无相圣庭?”念灿说道。 Without Form Saint King shakes the head, having a look at Prime Minister Liu saying: You!” 无相圣王摇了摇头,看看柳丞相道:“你来说吧!” Yes!” Prime Minister Liu immediately comply with the way. “是!”柳丞相马上应道 Subsequently, Prime Minister Liu immediately before several years, the change of Skeleton Clan king, the Zhong Shan's domineering one by one say/way comes. 继而,柳丞相马上将数年前,骷髅族王的更替,钟山的强势一一道来。 This is not the secret, because Skeleton Great Boundary is far from Without Form Territory too, therefore passes on is quite late. 这不是什么秘密,只是因为骷髅大疆所在离无相疆域太远,所以传的比较晚而已。 „Is Zhong Shan so strong?” Nian Can surprisedly said. 钟山有这么强?”念灿惊讶道 When previous time sees Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan is only powerful Ancient Immortal, now unexpectedly can defeat Young Master Heavenly Demon, defeated the Samsara Saint disciple? 上次见到钟山时,钟山只是一个强大的古仙而已,现在居然能够败天魔公子,又败了轮回圣人的弟子? Zhong Shan is more powerful, almost on general idea/careless that we imagine! Worthily is also that Small Thousand Worlds Number One Under the Heaven person!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. 钟山比我们想象的还要强大,差一点就大意了!不愧也是那个小千世界天下第一人!”无相圣王沉声道 No matter Zhong Shan cultivation base how, his strength, already endured to compare Ancestor Immortal, who must acknowledge this. Without Form Saint King once was the Small Thousand Worlds Number One Under the Heaven person, naturally understood in that Small Thousand Worlds, Expert how startled certainly certainly. Zhong Shan and he, although is not a time, but with is the Number One Under the Heaven person. 不管钟山修为如何,他的实力,已经堪比祖仙了,谁都得承认这点。无相圣王曾为小千世界天下第一人,自然明白在那小千世界,强者是多么的惊才绝绝。钟山与他虽然不是一个时代,但同为天下第一人。 Now, two generations of Number One Under the Heaven person official showdowns! 现在,两代天下第一人正式对决了! Perhaps the tour of this Skeleton Great Boundary, the Zhong Shan shortcoming outweighs the advantage!” Prime Minister Liu thinks to say. “不过这一次骷髅大疆之行,钟山或许弊大于利!”柳丞相想了想道。 „? Why?” Third Crown Prince Nian Ben does not understand to say. “哦?为何?”三太子念奔不理解道。 Its one, Zhong Shan exposed the strength, this is greatly disadvantageous, is the matter that all kings most abstain from, its two, powerful Wang Ku has not come back together, moreover according to north to report, dies except for the former generation Skeleton King Nether Demon body, all Skeleton Clan elders in Skeleton Great Boundary, have not followed Zhong Shan!” Prime Minister Liu solemnly said. “其一,钟山暴露了实力,这是大不利,也是所有帝王最忌讳的事情,其二,强大的王骷没有一起回来,而且根据北方来报,除了上代骷髅王冥魔身死,所有骷髅族长老都在骷髅大疆,并未跟随钟山!”柳丞相郑重道 Said, after Wang Ku, no matter Great Zheng?” A Nian Ben slightly happy say/way. “这么说,王骷以后就不管大崝了?”念奔微微一喜道。 Is uncertain, no one can reach an agreement, no matter what, Great Zheng and Skeleton Clan temporarily impossible are enemies, some years, Wang Ku has definitely come back!” Prime Minister Liu said. “不一定,谁也说不好,不管如何,大崝骷髅族暂时不可能为敌,过些年,王骷肯定回来!”柳丞相说道。 Even Wang Ku non- dependency Great Zheng, can still change to the cooperation, then, the Great Zheng will influence increase crazily!” The big crown prince Nian Can worry said. “就算王骷不附庸大崝,也可以改为合作,如此一来,大崝势力将疯狂增加!”大太子念灿担心道。 Yes, Great Zheng is now rising, if opens Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse, leaps surely again, even the feudal official felt, Great Zheng is possibly also fermenting some plot, now by Five Turbulent World Great Array Royal Guard Reincarnation Cycle Territory, possibly is other arrivals of Skeleton Clan!” Prime Minister Liu is worried to say. “是啊,大崝现在如日中天,若开启转轮密藏,必定再度飞跃,甚至臣感觉,大崝可能还在酝酿某种阴谋,现在以五浊乱世大阵护卫转轮疆域,可能就是等骷髅族的到来!”柳丞相担心道。 Skeleton Clan and Great Zheng cooperate, Zhong Shan opens Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse, my Without Form Holy Court may be really critical situation, this unremarkable Great Zheng, almost can threaten us unexpectedly, cannot make Great Zheng again powerful, must before Wang Ku comes back, the Great Zheng destruction, captures Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse!” Nian Can said immediately. 骷髅族大崝合作,钟山开启转轮密藏,那我无相圣庭可真的如临大敌了,这个毫不起眼大崝,居然差一点就能威胁到我们了,不能让大崝再强大下去,必须在王骷回来前,将大崝覆灭,夺取转轮密藏!”念灿马上说道。 How to extinguish?” Without Form Saint King indifferently said. “怎么灭?”无相圣王淡淡道 Naturally, naturally ..................!” “当然,当然..................!” The Nian Can preparation said that sent large quantities of Expert to extinguish Prosperous Capital, may have words on the tip of the tongue and swallow, Decapitation Strike? Extinguished Zhong Shan? Zhong Shan can defeat existence of Ancestor Immortal now, moreover in Prosperous Capital, may transfer the potential of Great Zheng under the heavens. How to behead? 念灿准备说派大批强者去灭了昌京,可话到嘴边又咽了下去,斩首行动?灭了钟山?钟山现在可是能败祖仙的存在,而且还在昌京,可调动大崝天下之势。怎么斩首? Ancient Immortal that Saint King, we send, already nosed Five Turbulent World Great Array!” Prime Minister Liu said again. 圣王,我们派去的古仙,已经查探了五浊乱世大阵!”柳丞相再度道。 What's wrong?” The people look to Prime Minister Liu. “如何?”众人看向柳丞相 Of antiquity, indeed incomparable domineering, Ancient Immortal radically breaking, even according to the Ancient Immortal budget of nosing, wants fifty Ancient Immortal also to act at least, has possibly breaks certainly Great Array, in other words, under Ancestor Immortal, blocks it all!” Prime Minister Liu solemnly said. “上古之阵,的确无比强势,古仙根本破之不了,甚至根据查探的古仙预算,最少要五十古仙同时出手,才有一定可能破开大阵,也就是说,祖仙之下,尽数拦之!”柳丞相郑重道 Zhong Shan thinks is really thorough, does not fear the Decapitation Strike, with sealing up Reincarnation Cycle Territory keeps the four directions army from entering Reincarnation Cycle Territory, he can maintain Luck to be needless, forever will set up the invincible position!” Nian Can sighed slightly. 钟山想的还真周到,不怕斩首行动,用封住转轮疆域四方大军无法进入转轮疆域,他能保持气运不消,永立不败之地!”念灿微微一叹道。 Without Form Saint King eyes closed, the finger raps the chair arm rest gently. Others actually knit the brows to rack one's brains, never expected good way. 无相圣王闭目,指头轻轻敲击椅子扶手。其它人却是皱眉苦思,想不到好的办法。 Suddenly, Without Form Saint King eyes opens. 忽然,无相圣王双眼一开。 Prosperous Capital, invincible position? That directs Zhong Shan!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. 昌京,不败之地?那就将钟山引出来!”无相圣王沉声道 Directs? How to direct?” Nian Can anxious say/way. “引?怎么引?”念灿急切道。 First seizes Xiao Wang and Zhao Suoxiang!” Prime Minister Liu thought of anything immediately. “先捉箫忘赵所向!”柳丞相马上想到了什么。 Seizes Xiao Wang and Zhao Suoxiang? Zhong Shan impossible to ignore the life and death to come out because of them!” Nian Can knits the brows to say. “捉住箫忘赵所向?钟山不可能因为他们而不顾生死出来吧!”念灿皱眉道。 I said, this is only first, is only a start!” Prime Minister Liu said with a smile pale. “我说,这只是‘先’,只是一个开始!”柳丞相淡笑道。 Child is willing to share sorrow for Royal Father!” Nian Can said immediately. “孩儿愿为父王分忧!”念灿马上说道。 Has a look at Nian Can, the Without Form Saint King look to flash slightly, finally said: „!” 看看念灿,无相圣王眼神微微闪动,最终道:“准!” Thanked Royal Father!” Nian Can said immediately. “谢父王!”念灿马上道。 Without Form Saint King nods, finally said with a smile: This is only a start!” 无相圣王点点头,最终笑道:“这只是一个开始!” -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- After several months, Prosperous Capital, in Zhong Shan study room. 数月之后,昌京,钟山书房之中。 Zhong Shan in study room and Yi Yan and the others of talked. Suddenly a court eunuch in entrance report. 钟山在书房中与易衍等人谈话。忽然一个太监在门口禀报 reporting Saint King, Jin Peng, Xiao Wang interview!” 启禀圣王,金鹏,箫忘求见!” Yi Yan looked at Zhong Shan to say with a smile: Saint King, started!” 易衍看了看钟山笑道:“圣王,开始了!” Zhong Shan nods, to gate tastes: Makes them come in!” 钟山点点头,对着门口道:“让他们进来!” Yes!” “是!” Bang!” Breaking in study room that Jin Peng is irritable. “嘭!”金鹏急躁的冲入书房。 Xiao Wang walked in behind sluggishly. 箫忘在后面慢腾腾的走了进来。 Saint King, the important matter is not good, Without Form Holy Court this time does not press the custom, sending out the enormous expert to ambush Xiao Wang and Zhao Suoxiang, I in the Xiao Wang big camp, can only rescue Xiao Wang, as for Zhao Suoxiang, without enough time, the opposite party possibly is also the expert of Ancestor Immortal boundary, we rush, Zhao Suoxiang already was grasped, what to do!” Jin Peng anxious say/way. 圣王,大事不好,无相圣庭这次不按规矩,派出大量高手狙击箫忘赵所向,我在箫忘大营,只能救得箫忘,至于赵所向,来不及了,对方可能也是祖仙境的高手,我们赶到的时候,赵所向已经被抓了,怎么办!”金鹏焦急道。 Knew!” Zhong Shan nods. “知道了!”钟山点点头。 In the study room others are also a very indifferent appearance, this and difference of Jin Peng imagination, is not right, Zhao Suoxiang was grasped, the people should be a face are anxiously right. Then how is light. 书房中其它人也是一副很淡然的模样,这和金鹏想象的不一样啊,不对啊,赵所向被抓,众人应该是一脸焦急才对。怎么那么平淡。 Even, by Xiao Wang that oneself retrieve, is a very indifferent appearance. 甚至,被自己一路救回的箫忘,也是一副很淡然的样子。 You?” Jin Peng was somewhat ignorant. “你们?”金鹏有些懵了。 Xiao Wang, that side you?” Zhong Shan asked. 箫忘,你那边呢?”钟山问道。 General Zhao indeed was grasped, me, Without Form Saint King also really gives up, sent unexpectedly is big crown prince Nian Can, already is captured by General Jin Peng, already was detained a moment ago in Sky Prison!” Xiao Wang nods. 赵将军的确被抓了,我这边,无相圣王还真舍得,送来的居然是大太子念灿,已经金鹏将军擒获,刚才已经被关押在天牢之中了!”箫忘点点头。 Jin Peng face twitched, what situation? 金鹏面部抽了抽,什么情况? Does not hate the child unable to wrap/sets of the wolf, the Without Form Saint King also great writer, to dig a pit to Saint King, sent to work as the prisoner big crown prince Nian Can!” Yi Yan said after a sigh. “舍不得孩子套不着狼,无相圣王还正是大手笔啊,为了给圣王挖坑,将大太子念灿都送来当囚犯了!”易衍感叹道。 „Was Nian Can grasped is Without Form Saint King intentionally?” Jin Peng strange say/way. 念灿被抓是无相圣王故意的?”金鹏古怪道。 Nearby Xiao Wang nods. 一旁箫忘点点头。 Sees the Xiao Wang facial expression, the attitude of people, Jin Peng was again silent. In the heart did not understand completely, why? Will the crown prince send to be the prisoner? This calculates that what digs a pit! 看到箫忘的神情,还有众人的态度,金鹏再度沉默了。心中满是不理解,为什么?将太子送来做囚犯?这算哪门子挖坑啊! Yi Yan, you looked how Without Form Saint King second step will do?” Zhong Shan asked. 易衍,你看无相圣王第二步会怎么做?”钟山问道。 If I, I can lure the tiger out of the mountains, practice trickery, uses diversionary tactics!” Yi Yan said. “若是我,我会调虎离山,瞒天过海,声东击西!”易衍说道。 This is insufficient!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “这还不够!”钟山摇摇头。 Nearby Xiao Wang said: Indeed also insufficient, Without Form Saint King is a ruthless person certainly, uses diversionary tactics? He is east, Burma must strike! Total Extermination Slash!” 一旁箫忘说道:“的确还不够,无相圣王是个狠绝的人,声东击西?他是东,西都要击!斩尽杀绝!” ------------ ------------ Without Form Saint King study room. 无相圣王的书房。 Royal Father, the big brother was grasped, what to do?” Nian Ben anxious say/way. 父王,大哥被抓了,怎么办?”念奔焦急道。 Saint King, Zhao Suoxiang grasped, can the big crown prince also by opposite party capture, how next start?” Prime Minister Liu indifferently said. 圣王,赵所向抓来了,大太子也被对方抓住了,下一步要如何开始?”柳丞相淡淡道 „Did you say?” Without Form Saint King asked. “你说呢?”无相圣王问道。 Lures the snake from its hole, practices trickery, uses diversionary tactics!” Prime Minister Liu said. “引蛇出洞,瞒天过海,声东击西!”柳丞相说道。 Prime Minister Liu said is like Yi Yan, lure the tiger out of the mountains and luring the snake from its hole meaning is the same, but stands in the angle is different, the appraisal is different. 柳丞相所说的和易衍一样,‘调虎离山’与‘引蛇出洞’意思相同,只是站在角度不同,褒贬不同。 Insufficiently, I not only need use diversionary tactics, I want Total Extermination Slash, does not leave the future trouble!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “不够,我不仅要声东击西,我更要斩尽杀绝,不留后患!”无相圣王沉声道 Yes!” Prime Minister Liu said immediately. “是!”柳丞相马上说道。 This, this what meaning? Prime Minister Liu, what did you say?” Nian Ben does not understand to say. “这,这什么意思?柳丞相,你说什么?”念奔不理解道。 One side Prime Minister Liu has not paid attention to Nian Ben as before, the stand returns. 柳丞相依旧没有理会念奔,站回一边。 But Nian Ben is actually a complexion ugliness, the solemn crown prince, already many times were been so indifferent by a minister! 念奔却是脸色一阵难看,堂堂太子,已经很多次被一个大臣如此漠视了吧! ------------------- ------------------- In two big Saint King when plans mutually. The sea area of that piece of tangled warfare. 就在两大圣王在相互算计的时候。那片混战的海域。 Also is Four Great Holy Courts and big Buddhist Temple contends with the island the sea area. A remote place, above the sea forms a huge vortex suddenly, beyond the vortex, seeming to form sea level formation to be the same. In the entire sea level is sparkling dazzling azure light. 也就是四大圣庭和一大道场相争海岛的海域。一个偏僻的地方,忽然间大海之上形成一个庞大的漩涡,漩涡之外,好似形成一个海面阵法一般。整个海面上都闪耀着耀眼的青光 Sea level formation moves, the wind and cloud changes color, that sea area the difficult situation, Qing Yun covers immediately, strong winds writings. An antiquity aura radiated to all directions, the four directions army, stopped the fight all, strange looks at that sea area. 海面阵法一动,风云变色,那一片海域顿时惊涛骇浪,青云覆盖,狂风大作。一种上古气息辐射向四面八方,四方的军队,无不停下了战斗,奇怪的看着那片海域。 gradually, that sea area center, the giant vortex deep place, emerges one row of dazzling azure characters slowly. 渐渐的,那片海域中心,巨大漩涡深处,慢慢浮出一列耀眼的青字。 „An emperor inherits to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance!” “一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣!” Sees this row of characters time, almost everyone shocked, this row of characters are not difficult to understand. May describe is actually Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 看到这一列字的时候,几乎所有人都震惊了,这一列字不难理解。可描述的却是惊天动地 Does an emperor inherit to pass ten thousand world, the three sages bows the head sweet to profess allegiance? 一帝传承通万世,三圣俯首甘称臣? On Heavenly Emperor Gu inheritance? Is here in one Heavenly Emperor Gu inheritance mystical place? But this Heavenly Emperor, stronger side, hasn't let professing allegiance that three Saint are willing unexpectedly? 古天帝传承?这里是一个上古天帝传承秘境?而这个天帝,更强势的没边,居然让三个圣人心甘情愿的称臣? Yin Sector altogether only has six Saint, three do profess allegiance to this Heavenly Emperor unexpectedly? Real fake? 阴间一共只有六个圣人,其中三个居然对这个天帝称臣?真的假的? ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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