IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1070: Avalanche Without Form Holy Court plan

*** Reincarnation Cycle Territory? Hangs the Without Form Saint King appetite? How to hang?” Some Zhao Suoxiang didn't understand then said. “***转轮疆域?吊无相圣王胃口?怎么吊?”赵所向有些不明白道 Saint King this is to make the entire defense attitude, the person difference of Restriction Reincarnation Cycle Territory, then, does not have the flaw!” Yi Yan thinks to say. 圣王这是做出全防御状态,禁制转轮疆域的人出入,如此一来,就毫无破绽!”易衍想了想道。 Doesn't have the flaw?” Zhao Suoxiang knits the brows to say. “毫无破绽?”赵所向皱眉道。 So-called does not have the flaw, is the biggest flaw!” Xiao Wang also understood, nods, reveals to sigh. “所谓毫无破绽,又是最大的破绽!”箫忘也明白了,点点头,露出一丝感叹。 Biggest flaw? You spoke frankly!” “最大的破绽?你们直说吧!” Yi Yan has a look at Xiao Wang, finally nods to explain: „The meaning of Saint King is, makes an entire defense attitude, shows a biggest flaw, making Without Form Saint King design a trap to make Great Zheng jump, but this trap, is actually Great Zheng guides, it can be said that Without Form Saint King helps us make the trap that made him jump. Finally falls is not my Great Zheng, but is his Without Form Saint King!” 易衍看看箫忘,最终点点头解释道:“圣王的意思是,制造一个全防御状态,露出一个最大破绽,让无相圣王设计一个陷阱让大崝跳,而这个陷阱,却是大崝引导出来的,可以说是无相圣王帮我们制造了一个让他跳的陷阱。最终落进去的不是我大崝,而是他无相圣王!” Zhao Suoxiang eyelid jumps crazily. Finally shakes the head to sigh: Your scheme were also too complex, I listened to some dizzy that listened to the light! This must display, should have tediously how?” 赵所向眼皮一阵狂跳。最终摇摇头一阵感叹道:“你们的计谋也太复杂了吧,就光我听都听的有些晕了!这要施展出来,该有多么的繁琐?” Yi Yan and Xiao Wang show a faint smile, finally Yi Yan said: Saint King had once said that counts series side Weiji, but Without Form Saint King this Old Fox, the ordinary series strategy cannot baffle him, needs be good complex.” 易衍箫忘微微一笑,最终易衍道:“圣王曾说过,计成连环方为计,而无相圣王这个老狐狸,普通的连环计策根本难不倒他,必须要复杂才行。” I do not think that Saint King you arrange the duty to be good to me, I duty-bound completion!” Zhao Suoxiang took a stand immediately. “那我就不想了,圣王你给我安排任务就行了,我将分内的做好!”赵所向马上表态道。 Zhong Shan nods, Zhao Suoxiang such Courtier, although is not the top stratagem, but is actually loyal, good, conscientious. Duty-bound best , can how many senior generals achieve this? 钟山点点头,赵所向这样的臣子,虽然不是顶级谋将,但却是忠将,良将,兢兢业业的将。将分内的最好,又有多少大将能做到这点? The people look to Zhong Shan. 众人都看向钟山 Zhong Shan opens the mouth saying: „A this time service, my already plan, somewhat arranged already to arrange a long time, below I will tell you some important links, acts without fail, this war wants accurate unmistakable, a mistake cannot have. Even, your therefore war will also be injured!” 钟山开口道:“此次一役,我已经策划很长一段时间了,有些安排已经安排下去了,下面我将告诉你们一些重要环节,不得有误,此战要精准无误,一丝差错不能有。甚至,你们还会因此战受伤!” Yes!” People respectfully said. “是!”众人恭敬道 This plan establishes provisionally that named crashes the Without Form Holy Court plan. Does not pass through permits, can not make the bystander know.” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “此策暂定名为‘崩塌无相圣庭计划’。不经允许,不得让外人知晓。”钟山郑重道 Yes!” “是!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ...... ...... Zhong Shan study room, people private talk for three days and three nights. 钟山书房,众人密谈了三天三夜。 For three days and three nights, anybody can not disturb, toward will also stop temporarily. No one knows, at this moment in this study room, Great Zheng is fermenting a dreadful plot. 三天三夜,任何人不得打扰,朝会也暂时中止。谁也不知道,此刻在这个书房之中,大崝正酝酿着一个滔天阴谋。 Three days and three nights later. 三天三夜之后。 Yan Chongzhi!” Zhong Shan called out. 阎冲之!”钟山叫道。 Feudal official in!” “臣在!” You are establishing these several hundred years of talents, prepares to fill the vacancy, momentarily standby!” Zhong Shan ordered. “着你编制这数百年人才,准备填补空缺,随时待命!”钟山下令道。 Yes!” Yan Chongzhi slightly excitedly said. “是!”阎冲之略微激动道 Zhao Suoxiang, Xiao Wang!” Zhong Shan called out. 赵所向,箫忘!”钟山叫道。 Feudal official in!” Two people immediately comply with the way. “臣在!”二人马上应道 Zhao Suoxiang is being left wing Marshal, Xiao Wang is right Marshal, Commander Zhao Legion and flute Legion, has Reincarnation Cycle Territory, subdues the major islands forcefully, takes this as the line!” Zhong Shan with the hand to south one stroke, is dividing into two distant battlefield, hands over by two Grand Marshal! “着赵所向为左路元帅,箫忘为右路元帅,统领赵氏军团和箫氏军团,出转轮疆域,强力收服各大海岛,以此为线!”钟山用手对着南方一划,将远方战场一分为二,交由两大元帅! Compliant!” Two people said immediately. “遵命!”二人马上说道。 Yi Yan, the Commander general situation, then, your mission is most arduous!” Zhong Shan looks to Yi Yan. 易衍,统领大局,接下来,你的任务最重!”钟山看向易衍 Yes!” Yi Yan nods. “是!”易衍点点头。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- After several months, Without Form Holy Court. Dynasty Capital, Jinsheng Holy Capital. 数月后,无相圣庭朝都,金胜圣都 In Without Form Saint King study room, Without Form Saint King, an extremely martial-looking emperor, tall and powerfully built, the appearance is fair, in both eyes shines through Rules Under The Heavens aura. 无相圣王的书房之中,无相圣王,一个极度英武的帝王,身材魁梧,面目白皙,双目之中透射出一股君临天下的气息。 In the study room is standing numerous Without Form Holy Court important minister! Hurried back to from Yama Palace two crown princes, Nian Can and Nian Ben! 书房之中站着一众无相圣庭重臣!还有从阎罗殿赶回了的两个太子,念灿念奔! Said!” Without Form Saint King said solemnly. “说吧!”无相圣王沉声道 Perhaps Royal Father, our armies acted too big in Northern Sea Territory, now except for us, another four big areas also meddles repeatedly, especially Reincarnation Cycle Territory, already clashed many times with the our dynasty army, in this definitely had the issue!” Nian Can goes forward to say. 父王,或许我们的军队在北方海域动作太大了,现在除了我们,另外四大疆域也频频插手,特别是转轮疆域,已经多次与我朝军队发生冲突,这里面肯定有问题!”念灿上前说道。 Seizes the island, as springboard? His Reincarnation Cycle Territory could it be that also wants to challenge our Without Form Holy Court to be inadequate!” Nian Ben reveals one to disdain, to disdaining of Great Zheng. “夺海岛,作为跳板?他转轮疆域难道还想挑战我们无相圣庭不成!”念奔露出一丝不屑,对大崝的不屑。 Yes, Royal Father, that Zhong Shan fiddled with Five Turbulent World Great Array Reincarnation Cycle Palace unexpectedly, making our sentry posts search is unable to come and go out now! Looking at it like this, is really preparing probably!” Nian Can nods to say. “是啊,父王,那钟山居然将转轮殿捣鼓出来了一个五浊乱世大阵,让我们的哨探现在都无法出入了!这样子看来,真的好像在备战了!”念灿点点头道。 Without Form Saint King has not spoken, seems the static ponder. 无相圣王没有说话,好似静静的沉思着。 Saint King, your want to Reincarnation Cycle Territory?” A white clothing planning minister goes forward to say suddenly. 圣王,你想要转轮疆域?”一个白衣谋臣忽然上前道。 Without Form Saint King has a look at him saying: Good that Prime Minister said that Reincarnation Cycle Territory, Five Turbulent World Great Array, this Reincarnation Cycle Palace also many secrets, because in the past internal seal Great Zhou lost the feudal official, involving karma was significant, in addition Reincarnation Cycle Palace involved antiquity karma, therefore had not gone to bump, now, Great Zhou loses the feudal official to walk, antiquity karma looked is the advantage outweighs the shortcoming, did not say is I, the lord of all around area probably was this idea!” 无相圣王看看他道:“丞相说的不错,转轮疆域,五浊乱世大阵,这个转轮殿还有多少秘密,当年因为内部封印大周遗臣,牵扯因果重大,加上转轮殿更牵扯上古因果,所以一直没有去碰,现在,大周遗臣已走,上古因果看起来更是利大于弊,不说是我,四周疆域之主大概都是这个想法吧!” Saint King want to knows what idea that Zhong Shan has, might as well ask that!” Prime Minister said with a smile. 圣王想要知道钟山打的什么主意,不如去问问那位!”丞相笑道。 Un!” Without Form Saint King nods. “嗯!”无相圣王点点头。 Which? Prime Minister, what you said is who?” Nian Can asked. “哪位?丞相,你说的是谁?”念灿问道。 Prime Minister smiles to shake the head has not spoken. 丞相笑了笑摇摇头没有说话。 Then, the people also discussed some Without Form Holy Court things. After three double-hour ! 接下来,众人又谈了一些无相圣庭的事情。三个时辰后! Ok, drew back!” Without Form Saint King also dispersed this conference. “好了,退下吧!”无相圣王也散了这次会议。 Yes!” “是!” People retreat. 众人退去。 In Jinsheng Holy Capital, household section Vice Minister your family place. 金胜圣都内,户部侍郎府上。 Household section Vice Minister, Wang Jingwen! Although the government position is very high, but the right is not big! 户部侍郎,王靖文!虽然官职很高,但权利不大! On this day, in Wang Jingwen study room. 这一日,王靖文书房之中。 Wang Jingwen takes out together jade slip. Grasping Center Secret Technique moves slightly, read carefully, read a meeting, Wang Jingwen felt one to be stranded intent suddenly. Therefore puts jade slip on the table. eyes closed sat in meditation to control one's breathing. 王靖文取出一块玉简手中法诀微动,仔细读取了起来,读取了一会,王靖文忽感一阵困意。于是将玉简放于桌上。闭目打坐调息了起来。 But when controlling one's breathing, unknowingly, fell asleep unexpectedly. 而调息之际,不知不觉中,居然睡着了。 After Wang Jingwen falls asleep, jade slip floated suddenly, the ray flashes, subsequently jade slip levels off on the table, in the room no one appears from beginning to end. But this really is also artificial. 王靖文睡着之后,玉简忽然浮了起来,光芒一闪,继而玉简又平落在桌上,房中至始至终都没有任何人出现。但这一幕却实实在在又是人为的。 After half double-hour . 半个时辰之后。 In Without Form Saint King study room. Station Without Form Saint King and Prime Minister. 无相圣王的书房之中。站着无相圣王丞相 On the table is putting book silks. On the book silks writes one line of characters. 桌上放着一张书帛。书帛上写着一行字。 We have the important matter to deliver Minister, however Minister is insufficient in the Without Form Holy Court government post and noble rank, We will design the enormous merit to help you obtain as far as possible, help you obtain duke as soon as possible ‚’ title, when Duke becomes, altogether goes to Great Ye in Us!” “朕有大事要交与爱卿,然爱卿无相圣庭官爵不够,朕会尽量设计大量功绩让你获得,助你尽早获得‘公爵’爵位,待尔公爵成,于朕共赴大业!” The character on Without Form Saint King reading silks, brows slightly wrinkled, this is the information in Wang Jingwen confidential letter, is information that Zhong Shan transmits, but this information, making Without Form Saint King confuse. Altogether goes to Great Ye? What big movement does Zhong Shan have? 无相圣王看着书帛上的字,眉头微皱,这是王靖文密函中的信息,是钟山传来的信息,可这信息,让无相圣王更加迷惑。共赴大业?钟山到底有什么大动作? Stemming from the sensitivity of politics, Without Form Saint King from this, saw some plots. It seems Great Zheng to design a huge plot to be the same. 出于政治的敏感,无相圣王从这字里行间之中,看出了一些阴谋。好似大崝正在设计一个巨大的阴谋一样。 Prime Minister, how see?” Without Form Saint King said. 丞相,如何看?”无相圣王道。 Prime Minister looked at the reading silks, finally shakes the head saying: Could not see, these words were equal to having not written!” 丞相看了看书帛,最终摇摇头道:“看不出,这一段话等于没写!” Yes, is equal to not writing, may also disclose a plot is the same!” Without Form Saint King nods. “是啊,等于没写,可又透露着一个阴谋一样!”无相圣王点点头。 Saint King, want to knows that the plot is not difficult, although Wang Jingwen is the our dynasty spy, but during our controls, the government post and noble rank enough, will have the next arrangement, this government post and noble rank is also not Saint King you decides, Saint King naturally can the opportunity that he renders meritorious service, Duke, has the nobility not to have the power, that also not in the Saint King control?” Prime Minister said with a smile. 圣王,想要知道阴谋也不难,王靖文虽为我朝奸细,但都在我们的掌控之中,官爵够了,就会有下一步安排,这官爵还不是圣王您说了算,圣王自然可以给他立功的机会,公爵而已,有爵没有权,那还不是在圣王掌控中?”丞相笑道。 Only can manage!” Without Form Saint King nods. “只能这么办了!”无相圣王点点头。 Thereupon, put in disfavor, for a long time unpopular Wang Jingwen, received Without Form Saint King to favor suddenly, Saint King arranged the duty repeatedly, successfully completed, Wang Jingwen government post and noble rank one rise rose again, meteoric rise. 于是乎,被打入冷宫,长时间不受待见的王靖文,忽然又受无相圣王青睐了,圣王多次安排任务,又圆满完成,王靖文官爵一升再升,平步青云 On looked Imperial Hall the enormous official reveals the color of doubts. No matter people anything psychology, a Without Form Holy Court nova raised slowly. That is Wang Jingwen. 看的朝堂大量官员露出疑惑之色。不管人们什么心理,一个无相圣庭的新星徐徐升起了。那就是王靖文 Although is household of section Vice Minister, but the position of government post and noble rank direct impact duke. 虽然是户部侍郎,但官爵直冲公爵之位。 Short one year, Wang Jingwen rushes to the duke from a viscount, in Without Form Holy Court historical is also unprecedented. 短短一年时间,王靖文从一个子爵冲到公爵,在无相圣庭的历史上也亘古未有的。 Suddenly, the entrance Luo Que household section Vice Minister mansion, the person of visiting was continuous. 一时间,原本门口罗雀的户部侍郎府,拜访之人络绎不绝。 The news also fast fed in Reincarnation Cycle Territory through various methods. 消息也快速通过各种手段传回了转轮疆域 Prosperous Capital, Zhong Shan study room! 昌京,钟山书房! Congratulated Saint King, Wang Jingwen finally achieves the duke.” Yi Yan said with a smile. “恭喜圣王,王靖文终于达到公爵了。”易衍笑道。 Good!” Zhong Shan satisfaction said. “好!”钟山满意道。 Without the duke of right, is very indeed good to control, but, how long could not want, Wang Jingwen was not so good to control!” Yi Yan slightly exciting say/way. “没有权利的公爵,的确很好控制,但是,要不了多久,王靖文就不那么好控制了!”易衍略微兴奋道。 Fish already brought, starts the bait!” Zhong Shan said. “鱼已经引来了,开始上饵吧!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Yi Yan respectfully said. “是!”易衍恭敬道 This is from the heart, scheme that Saint King supposes, step by step, may be called the classics. 这是发自内心的,圣王所设的计谋,一步一步,堪称经典。 ------------------------ ------------------------ After several months, Without Form Holy Court, Jinsheng Holy Capital! 数月之后,无相圣庭,金胜圣都! In Without Form Saint King study room. 无相圣王书房之中。 Without Form Saint King looks at front book silks, brows slightly wrinkled. 无相圣王看着面前的书帛,眉头微皱 Saint King, that side Wang Jingwen, what news also there is?” Prime Minister asked. 圣王,王靖文那边,又有什么消息了?”丞相问道。 Your oneself look!” Without Form Saint King dispatches the book silks. “你自己看!”无相圣王将书帛递出。 Prime Minister received, on this book silks records the enormous information! 丞相接过,这次书帛上记载着大量的信息! Looks, the Prime Minister brow deep wrinkle, shakes the head to say finally: This Zhong Shan, the luck was also too good, Reincarnation Cycle Territory, Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse!” 看着看着,丞相眉头深皱,最终摇摇头道:“这个钟山,运气也太好了,转轮疆域,转轮密藏!” Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse! You said right, I think that definitely is also Rotating Wheel Secret Storehouse, otherwise Zhong Shan is impossible to make this military arrangement!” Without Form Saint King nods. 转轮密藏!你说的没错,我想那肯定也是转轮密藏,否则钟山不可能做出这种军事安排!”无相圣王点点头。 Attacks various islands by strong soldier, is actually guides the under the heavens person line of sight the false appearance, originally, what Zhong Shan want to opens Five Turbulent World Great Array, protects Reincarnation Cycle Territory, defends the foreign enemy, he simply do not attack the meaning of our dynasty, but makes a false appearance, actually he protects himself good, good to attack the reality to defend, makes Wang Jingwen coordinate, to mislead the our dynasty strategy, misleads all around area strategy, quite enables Zhong Shan to be able maintaining an army, no, should be continues to unearth Reincarnation Cycle Palace this antiquity dense conceals!” Prime Minister said after a sigh. “以强兵攻伐诸海岛,却是引导天下人视线的假象,原来,钟山想要的是开启五浊乱世大阵,守护转轮疆域,防住外敌,他根本没有要进攻我朝的意思,只是做出一个假象,其实他是守护好自己,好一个‘似攻实守’,更让王靖文配合,误导我朝战略,也误导四周疆域战略,好让钟山可以‘养兵’,不,应该是继续挖掘转轮殿这个上古密藏!”丞相感叹道。 Reincarnation Cycle Palace of ten palace, each palace has the heaven-shaking secret, Zhong Shan should not open completely, but also arrived at the critical moment, all makes this false appearance, once he opens Reincarnation Cycle Palace, perhaps Great Zheng really had to threaten the our dynasty possibility!” Without Form Saint King said after a sigh. “十殿之转轮殿,每一殿都有惊天大秘,钟山应该还未全部开启,但也到了紧要关头,所有才做出这个假象,一旦他开启转轮殿,大崝或许真的就有威胁到我朝的可能了!”无相圣王感叹道。 ***: This time scheme is somewhat big, Zhong Shan just started the layout, behind will be getting more and more splendid, looked how Zhong Shan plays big ticket Ancestor Immortal by the scheme, asked ***! ***:这次的计谋有些大,钟山刚开始布局,后面将越来越精彩,看钟山如何以计谋玩死一大票祖仙,求***!
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