IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1067: Ruthless person not awfully

Sees body that Zhong Shan perishes together, almost all Expert are in the heart one cold, Zhong Shan, he was too ruthless! Jun Moli at this moment, stares the big eye, a face does not believe! 看到钟山同归于尽的身形,几乎所有强者都是心中一寒,钟山,他太狠了吧!就连君莫离此刻,也是瞪大眼睛,一脸的不信! The fight between Expert, most fears runs into the reckless person, because fights generally, any Expert leaves three points of leeway to oneself, but there is a person unable, they not awfully. Fought you, does not press the common sense to play a card! This person is most fearful. 强者间的战斗,最怕的就是遇到不要命的人,因为一般战斗,任何强者都会给自己留着三分后路,可是有一种人不会,他们不要命。跟你拼了,根本不按常理出牌!这种人最可怕。 Naturally, goes all out also to divide many types, goes all out ordinary is an imposing manner, a mentality, reckless, but Zhong Shan's goes all out to give a thought to the consequence at present, the consequence does not live, since does not live, that dies together, oneself die early dies late is the same, oneself die early can also make bigger progress. 当然,拼命也分很多种,普通拼命都是一种气势,一种心态,一种不顾后果,可眼前钟山的拼命顾后果了,后果就是自己也不活了,既然不活了,那就一起死吧,自己早死晚死都一样,自己早死还能取得更大的效果。 Such mentality is most fearful. 这样的心态最可怕。 This did not go all out purely, but is ruthless certainly. Must suppress to others, first suppresses to oneself, this is the true ruthless person. 这不是纯粹的拼命了,而是一种狠绝。要对别人狠,先对自己狠,这才是真正的狠人。 Jun Moli discovered, oneself ran into such a ruthless person, surpasses the ominous person category ruthless person, not awfully, he not awfully, oneself and did he have that big bitter hatred? As for? How I run into such a lunatic! 君莫离发现,自己就遇到了这样一个狠人,一个超出凶人范畴的狠人,不要命了,他不要命了,自己和他有那么大深仇大恨吗?至于吗?我怎么遇到这么一个疯子! Zhong Shan by the collapse of whole body, trades a big inflation of Samsara Passage, ruthlessly came a domineering collision with Jun Moli, too bitter! 钟山以全身的崩溃,换来轮回通道的一次大膨胀,狠狠的与君莫离来了次强势碰撞,太惨烈了! Peripheral Expert is a thought that was too bitter, Zhong Shan he was too ruthless, was too insane, this hit also too bitter! 外围强者们都是一个念头,就是太惨烈了,钟山他太狠了,太疯了,这次撞击也太惨烈了! Ruthless air/Qi presses up to Jun Moli, immediately Jun Moli all arrogance, all proud pressed completely, Jun Moli instinct already is not again with the Zhong Shan fight, but is avoids this lunatic, protects itself good. 一股狠气直逼君莫离,顿时将君莫离的所有气焰,所有骄傲全部压了下去,君莫离本能反应已经不是再与钟山斗,而是躲开这个疯子,保护好自己。 Then, is in inverse proportion, Jun Moli missed the strongest faith, the faith loses, Zhong Shan that even if the ratio goes all out is strong , can only be suppressed in turn. 如此一来,此消彼长,君莫离错过了最强势的信念,信念一失,哪怕比拼命的钟山强,也只能被反过来压制了。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” All around space sways intensely, the huge Samsara Passage hit, forms the terrifying strength, threw off all around 1 million li (0.5 km) bone land completely, and became the bonedust by the steamroll. 四周空间强烈摇晃,巨大的轮回通道撞击,形成恐怖的力量,将四周百万里的骨头大地全部掀翻了,并且被碾压成骨粉。 But the body of Zhong Shan that collapse, in the final flash, explodes thoroughly disperses to open, thorough destroy both body and soul. 钟山那崩溃的身体,在最后一霎那,彻底爆散而开,彻底形神俱灭了。 In elder all heart of Skeleton Clan one cold, this ruthless person was also too ruthless, what to do if oneself did meet to be able? For a while, looks the space that sways, the numerous Skeleton Clan elder is in a daze. 骷髅族的长老无不心中一寒,这种狠人也太狠了吧,假若自己遇到会怎么办?一时,看着摇晃的空间,众骷髅族长老怔怔发呆。 Two red robe Ancestor Immortal were also ignorant, looks at each other one mutually, opens open mouth, no one has spoken, this Zhong Shan does he bring about own destruction? He not awfully? 两个红袍祖仙也懵了,相互对视一眼,都是张张口,谁也没有说话,这个钟山他自寻死路?他不要命了? All are passing confusing. 一切都透着迷惑。 Sways the space the interior. 摇晃空间的内部。 Jun Moli because of the imposing manner, the faith was pressed, therefore only performs that 50% did not arrive, under the Zhong Shan Samsara Passage impact, own Samsara Passage also sways to continue, finally Jun Moli looks with own eyes Zhong Shan that body explodes for the flying smoke thoroughly. But Jun Moli also in this powerful impact next in internal organs heavy losses. In the throat gushes out a blood not to spurt. 君莫离因为气势,信念被压了下去,所以只发挥了50%不到的力量,在钟山轮回通道冲击之下,自己的轮回通道也摇晃不止,最终君莫离亲眼看着钟山那身体彻底爆为飞烟。而君莫离自身也在这股强大的冲击下内腑重创。喉中涌出一口鲜血没喷出来。 The Jun Moli injury, did not absoltely need, Zhong Shan is only Ancient Immortal, the Samsara Passage impossible ratio to result in Ancestor Immortal Jun Moli after all, but that potential was too strong, the potential of meeting a cruel death, making the Jun Moli strength sell at a discount greatly, therefore is seriously injured. 君莫离的伤势,原本根本没必要的,钟山毕竟只是古仙,轮回通道不可能比得过祖仙君莫离,可那股‘势’太强了,粉身碎骨的势,让君莫离实力大打折扣,因此才受了重伤。 Too ruthless, until now, Jun Moli thinks a moment ago is too ruthless. 太狠了,直到现在,君莫离想想刚才都是太狠了。 However was good because of Zhong Shan destroy both body and soul, was good ended because of him, the Jun Moli forehead emitted cold sweat, shouted the tone secretly. 不过好在钟山形神俱灭了,好在他完了,君莫离额头冒出一股冷汗,暗呼口气。 The distant place, another fight, Wang Ku to fighting Nether Demon, two big Expert fights, is also paying attention to another side, sees body collapse that Zhong Shan goes all out, Wang Ku mind in a flash, while this opportunity, Nether Demon sickle severe wound ruthlessly Wang Ku one time. 远处,另一处战斗,王骷对战冥魔,两大强者战斗,同时也关注着另一边,见到钟山拼命的身体崩溃,王骷心神一晃,乘此机会,冥魔的镰刀狠狠的重伤了王骷一次。 How can like this?” Calling out that Wang Ku does not believe. “怎么会这样?”王骷不信的叫道。 Hahahaha, Wang Ku, that is only Ancient Immortal, forever is only Ancient Immortal, dying is normal, is very normal!” Nether Demon does not forget to attack to say. 哈哈哈哈,王骷,那只是一个古仙,永远只是一个古仙而已,死是正常的,很正常的!”冥魔不忘打击道。 The distant place, Jun Moli all around space sways, thinks that Zhong Shan that made an all-out effort a moment ago, in the heart is one jumps crazily, this person was too ruthless! 远处,君莫离四周空间摇晃不已,想想刚才钟山那股狠劲,心中又是一阵狂跳,此人太狠了吧! All around space stabilizes slowly, the Jun Moli mind also stays in the Zhong Shan reckless that flash, quickly grasps the meaning of something, Jun Moli forces itself to calm down. 四周空间慢慢稳定下来,君莫离的心神还停留在钟山不要命的那一霎那,一个激灵,君莫离强迫自己定定神。 Died, a lunatic, died!” Jun Moli was saying. “死了,一个疯子而已,死了!”君莫离对着自己说道。 Died?” “死了吗?” In this flash, Jun Moli resounds a sound behind suddenly, lets the Jun Moli scared sound. Is Zhong Shan? 就在这一霎那,君莫离身后忽然响起一个声音,一个让君莫离胆寒的声音。是钟山? Listened is the Zhong Shan's flash, the Jun Moli whole body fine hair set upright. 听出是钟山的一霎那,君莫离全身汗毛都竖了起来。 at this moment, Zhong Shan stands in Jun Moli behind, a palm pastes in the back of Jun Moli, in the eye the green light flashes continually. 此刻,钟山就站在君莫离的身后,一掌贴在君莫离的后背,眼中绿光连闪。 Big Samsara Passage, opens!” “大轮回通道,开!” Under Zhong Shan shouted, Jun Moli body without hesitation gathered own Samsara Passage. 钟山一声断喝之下,君莫离毫不犹豫的身合自己的轮回通道 What a pity, Zhong Shan was too near to him . Moreover the hand is pasting Jun Moli, Zhong Shan's next three Samsara Passage is attacking the body of Jun Moli ruthlessly. 可惜,钟山离他太近了,而且手贴着君莫离,钟山的‘下三道’轮回通道狠狠的冲击着君莫离的身体。 Jun Moli Samsara Passage sticks out suddenly loudly, but late, powerful next three the strength of Samsara Passage, is attacking own body by the easily accomplished potential state. 君莫离轮回通道轰然暴起,可还是晚了一些,强大的‘下三道’轮回通道之力,以摧枯拉朽的势态冲击着自己的身体。 Bang!” “轰!” A Jun Moli body loud sound, in the meantime, Jun Moli on three strength of also domineering stirring Samsara Passage on Zhong Shan. The strong tearing strength, explodes to open Zhong Shan loudly. 君莫离身体一声巨响,同时,君莫离的‘上三道’轮回通道之力也强势的搅在钟山身上。强大的撕扯力,轰然将钟山爆炸而开。 All around Expert has looked to stay, this what's the matter? A moment ago wasn't destroy both body and soul? Did Zhong Shan live? That but this lives just made numerous Expert surprised, one time is perished together, did Zhong Shan die? 四周的强者早就看呆了,这怎么回事?刚才不是形神俱灭了吗?钟山怎么又活了过来?可这活过来的一幕刚刚让众强者惊奇,又是一次同归于尽,钟山又死了? The unceasing change, lets the feeling that numerous Expert has to plant unable to adapt. All were too quick, does not give you temporal adaptation. 不断的变化,让一众强者有种无法适应的感觉。一切都太快了,根本不给你时间适应。 Zhong Shan exploded dies. 钟山又爆炸死了。 But Jun Moli , the true experiencing personally severe wound, poured in the pool of blood, in the eye is completely panic-stricken. 君莫离,也真正的身受重伤了,倒在血泊之中,眼中尽是惊骇。 Because Jun Moli saw made his scared one, in not far away, Zhong Shan resurrected, seemed a wound not to have, on the clothes linked a breakage not to have, walked swaggering. 因为君莫离又看到了一个令他胆寒的一幕,在不远处,钟山又复活了,好似一点伤也没有,衣服上连一丝破损也没有,就这么大摇大摆的走了过来。 Evildoer/Monstrous talent! This is Zhong Shan the evildoer/monstrous talent? Is he monster? 妖孽!这钟山是妖孽?他是怪物吗? Died? Defeat? Jun Moli seemed the flash to awaken greatly generally, showed a bitter and astringent happy expression unexpectedly. 死了?败了?君莫离好似一瞬间大彻大悟了一般,居然露出一丝苦涩的笑意。 Zhong Shan arrives at the near, has not acted again, but picks up Jun Moli that samsara disc slowly. 钟山走到近前,没有再出手,而是缓缓捡起君莫离的那个轮回圆盘。 „Do you do, give back to me, that is the teacher gives me!” Jun Moli difficult crawled the anger to call out. “你干什么,还给我,那是师尊给我的!”君莫离艰难的爬起怒叫道。 Zhong Shan turns the head to look coldly to Jun Moli, the look one. 钟山转头看向君莫离,眼神一冷。 Really the ruthless person attacks to the will of the people is giant, if with Jun Moli pre-battle, Zhong Shan flings an indifference, Jun Moli affirmed that a face disdains, but at this moment, Zhong Shan flings an indifference again, Jun Moli feels dense/woods all over the body to be cold. Jun Moli realized at this time, if present Zhong Shan want to kills itself, is seemingly easy as pie! 果然狠人给人心里打击是巨大的,若是与君莫离战斗前,钟山甩过去一个冷眼,君莫离肯定一脸不屑,可此刻,钟山再甩过去一个冷眼,君莫离顿感遍体森寒。君莫离这时才意识到,现在的钟山若是想要杀自己,貌似易如反掌! Zhong Shan searches the hand to receive, Jun Moli immediately the complexion again changes, because Jun Moli could not feel with the relation of samsara disc suddenly. 钟山探手一收,君莫离顿时脸色再变,因为君莫离忽然感觉不到和轮回圆盘的联系了。 You!” Jun Moli indignant say/way. “你!”君莫离气愤道。 Zhong Shan indifferently said: Looks in a side Saint face, I forgive your undying/not dead!” 钟山淡淡道:“看在一方圣人的面子上,我饶你一次不死!” Seeming the bestowment is ordinary, lets Jun Moli aggrieved another counter blood blowout, the body again weak under. Perhaps now ordinary Immortal can want the Jun Moli life. 好似施舍一般,让君莫离憋屈的又一口逆血喷出,身体再度瘫软而下。现在一个普通仙人或许就能要了君莫离的命。 In Jun Moli heart a sorrow. Own solemn Ancestor Immortal, reduces to this position now unexpectedly! 君莫离心中一阵悲哀。自己堂堂祖仙,现在居然沦落到这番境地! Zhong Shan does not kill Jun Moli, considered stemming from many aspects, killed Jun Moli not to have the advantage to oneself, will bring in Samsara Saint, Jun Moli was the Samsara Saint second outstanding disciple, once the body dies now, Samsara Saint must certainly come. 钟山不杀君莫离,也是出于很多方面考虑,杀了君莫离对自己没好处,而且还会引来轮回圣人,君莫离轮回圣人第二高徒,一旦现在身死,轮回圣人肯定要过来。 But now, does not kill Jun Moli, is to the Samsara Saint face, even if this face Samsara Saint not want to, will not act to Zhong Shan absolutely, because of this moment, what Zhong Shan shows is lets off a Jun Moli life because of Samsara Saint, a huge benevolence, Samsara Saint will not make that paying kindness with enmity matter, are least in the face of the under the heavens situation, he will not do. Most is Jun Moli finds the person to return to the to report enmity, but Samsara Saint will definitely not look for Zhong Shan to be troublesome temporarily. 可现在,不杀君莫离,也算是给轮回圣人的面子,哪怕这个面子轮回圣人想要,也绝对不会对钟山出手,因为这一刻,钟山展现出来的是因为轮回圣人而放过君莫离一条命,一个天大的恩情,轮回圣人不会做出那种恩将仇报的事情,最少在天下大势面前,他不会那么做。最多是君莫离找人回来报仇,但轮回圣人暂时肯定不会找钟山麻烦。 Naturally, during all around innumerable Expert is in until now is surprised. Didn't Zhong Shan die? Can he die lived, lives died, dies lived again? 当然,四周的无数强者直到现在都处于惊讶之中。钟山不是死了吗?他能死了又活,活了又死,死了再活? The heads of many skeleton is a confusion. 很多骷髅的脑袋都是一阵混乱。 Two red robe Ancestor Immortal look at each other one, in two people of hearts full is panic-stricken, but silent anything had not said. No one knows that they think anything, that sees in any case today want certainly detailed report Saint King to be blue. Let Saint King decide. 两个红袍祖仙对视一眼,二人心中满是惊骇,但都沉默的什么也没说。谁也不知道他们想什么,反正今日见到的一幕幕肯定要详细的禀报圣王蓝。让圣王定夺。 Jun Moli raises the injury unceasingly, Zhong Shan is no longer acting, others are not naturally good to clash. 君莫离不断养着伤势,钟山不再出手,别人自然也不好冲上来。 Zhong Shan crosses the hands behind the back to stand, looks at the distant place two generations of Skeleton King battlefield. 钟山负手而立,看着远处两代骷髅王的战场。 Previously, a Zhong Shan Shadow Clone death time, Wang Ku lost concentration to eat one to owe greatly, but was quick, Zhong Shan another Shadow Clone appeared, making Nether Demon lose concentration, Wang Ku also made him eat one to owe greatly. 先前,钟山一个影分身死亡的时候,王骷分神吃了一个大亏,可很快,钟山又一个影分身出现,让冥魔分神了,王骷也让他吃了一个大亏。 Two generations of Skeleton King more wars more defend, but, the people can see, Nether Demon suppressed Wang Ku, now turned, turned into Wang Ku to suppress Nether Demon slightly! 两代骷髅王越战越捍,不过,众人都能看出一点,就是原先冥魔压制王骷,现在发生了逆转,变成了王骷微微压制冥魔了! The balance of victory is turning toward Wang Ku to incline! 胜利的天平正在向着王骷倾斜! Is strong as for Zhong Shan's, not to mention, a sword defeats Young Master Heavenly Demon, Samsara Passage losses Jun Moli, because the domineering image surely fights to pass on the place of Northern Continent today. 至于钟山的强势,更不用说,一剑败天魔公子,轮回通道君莫离,强势的形象必定因为今日一战而传于北洲之地。 Zhong Shan has not acted, but looks at the distant place space. 钟山没有出手,而是看着远处天上。 Wang Ku fiercely competes and successfully competes, is getting stronger and stronger, powerful azure Heavenly Dao, unexpectedly strange appearance bronze-color Rune. 王骷越战越勇,越来越强,强大的青色天道,居然诡异的出现一个青铜色的符文 Wang Ku did already restore to starting to grasp the Great Dao degree? 王骷已经恢复到开始掌握大道的程度了? Shortly, Wang Ku already suppressed Nether Demon ruthlessly, all around presents the enormous black hole, two big Expert shuttle in, erupted the strength that was inconceivable. 没多久,王骷已经狠狠压制住了冥魔,四周更是出现大量黑洞,两大强者穿梭其中,爆发出难以想象的力量。 Suppression! Suppression! Suppression! 压制!压制!压制! The Wang Ku strength is getting stronger and stronger, Nether Demon is getting more and more strenuous! 王骷的力量越来越强,冥魔越来越吃力! I do not believe that is impossible! Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” Nether Demon calls out, hot tempered stimulation of movement mystique. “我不信,不可能!吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”冥魔一声暴吼,暴躁的催动秘法。 Is impossible? The sickle in your hand, is my, the nature that I understand are more than you, snort/hum! Subdue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不可能?你手中的镰刀,原本就是我的,我了解的自然比你多,哼!镇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Wang Ku bronze throne enlarges several tens of thousands times suddenly, giant throne that obstructs the day toward the Nether Demon suppression under! 王骷的青铜宝座陡然放大数万倍,一个遮天的巨大宝座向着冥魔镇压而下! ***: Three finish, asks ***! ***:三更毕,求***!
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