IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1068: Wang Ku to become king

Nether Demon Heavenly Dao does not know when vanished, was depressed by the giant bronze throne, under bronze throne, aura that shocks under the heavens makes Nether Demon unable to move, but the most precious object in Nether Demon hand, that sickle, at this moment was actually separated from the right hand strangely, fell in the Wang Ku hand! 冥魔天道不知何时消失了,被巨大的青铜宝座压下,青铜宝座之下,一股震慑天下的气息让冥魔动弹不得,而冥魔手中的至宝,那柄镰刀,此刻却诡异的脱离了右手,落在了王骷手中! Wang Ku is to win now the stance, the huge bronze throne showed its unsurpassed invincible might, loudly charges into below Nether Demon. 王骷现在是大胜的姿态,庞大的青铜宝座展现了其无上神威,轰然冲向下方的冥魔 No, I do not believe!” Nether Demon is whooshing. “不,我不信!”冥魔嘶吼着。 The endless skeleton saw that Skeleton King was suppressed, each and everyone is somewhat ready to make trouble. 无尽骷髅见到骷髅王被镇压,一个个有些蠢蠢欲动。 „No one can be dissolute!” Inherits the elder to say to the skeleton behind. “谁也不得放肆!”一个传承长老对着身后骷髅说道。 Inherits the elder to make, the endless skeleton then comforts many. 传承长老令下,无尽骷髅这才安抚很多。 The victory or defeat has decided that Nether Demon, ends the defeat! 胜败已定,冥魔,完败! Five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal, 19 big Ancestor Immortal, was unravelled by Zhong Shan one line finally, weakens layer upon layer. In an instant Nether Demon turns into the loner, finally was suppressed by Wang Ku! 五百六十一古仙,十九祖仙,最终被钟山一行抽丝剥茧,层层削弱。转眼冥魔变成孤家寡人,最终被王骷生生镇压! You do not believe also uselessly, you defeated, in the past I have said that I will also come back, I will bring back belong to all my!” Wang Ku cold sound said. “你不信也没用,你败了,当年我说过,我还会回来的,我会取回属于我的一切的!”王骷寒声道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The bronze throne falls to the ground, became 20 zhang (3.33 m) high, lies ten zhang (3.33 m) high Nether Demon pressure on the ground, but above the land, the innumerable bone strange arrangements Great Array is ordinary, making Nether Demon unable to move. 青铜宝座落地,变为了二十丈高,将十丈高的冥魔压趴在地上,而在大地之上,无数骨头诡异的排列出一个大阵一般,让冥魔动弹不得。 I defeated, I made a mistake, the king, I made a mistake, asking you to circle my one time, I am willing to sign the servant contract, the king, forgave me!” Nether Demon suddenly frightened calling out. “我败了,我错了,王,我错了,求你绕我一次,我愿签下奴仆契约,王,饶了我吧!”冥魔忽然恐惧的叫道。 Saw that Nether Demon so fears, is so submissive, innumerable Skeleton Clan Expert is a tumult. 看到冥魔如此恐惧,如此低声下气,无数骷髅族强者又是一阵骚动。 Does not need!” Wang Ku coldly said. “不必了!”王骷冷声道 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The powerful bronze throne depresses loudly, under a loud sound, ground the skeleton body of Nether Demon. 强大的青铜宝座轰然压下,一声巨响之下,生生的将冥魔的骷髅身体碾碎了。 No, does not want ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不,不要~~~~~~~~~~~!” Nether Demon is roaring panic-stricken. What a pity all were too late, under the bronze throne, grinds loudly. 冥魔惊恐的吼着。可惜一切都太迟了,青铜宝座之下,轰然碾碎。 Heaven and Earth for it one static. Wang Ku grabs the sickle, touched gently said: Old companion, endures humiliation so many years, many thanks!” 天地为之一静。王骷抓着镰刀,轻轻摸了摸道:“老伙计,忍辱负重这么多年,多谢了!” During the speeches, huge sickle trembles suddenly lightly, an excitement, joyful general, this is Artifact Spirit of sickle, did Artifact Spirit have the thought unexpectedly? Numerous Expert is surprised. 说话间,巨大的镰刀忽然一阵轻颤,一阵激动,一阵欣喜一般,这是镰刀的器灵,器灵居然有了思想?一众强者都是一阵惊讶。 When the sickle trembles lightly, flings enormous Black Qi, obviously is the mark that Nether Demon leaves behind, subsequently in an instant breaks in the Wang Ku palm to vanish to disappear. 镰刀轻颤之际,甩出大量黑气,明显是冥魔留下的印记,继而转眼冲入王骷掌心消失不见了。 The ground, Nether Demon was ground the powder dust by the bronze throne, that top giant royal crown also changes into a golden energy to diverge suddenly, but the Wang Ku top of the head, gathers a golden energy suddenly, subsequently forms a fine royal crown slowly. 地上,冥魔被青铜宝座碾成碎末,那顶巨大的王冠也忽然化为一股金色能量散去,而王骷的头顶,忽然聚拢一圈金色能量,继而慢慢形成一个精致的王冠。 Nether Demon perishes, new king health/life! 冥魔亡,新王生! Greetings new king!” Four big inherit elder respectfully said. 拜见新王!”四大传承长老恭敬道 Greetings new king!” Another four purple qipao gown elders also immediately respectfully said. 拜见新王!”另外四个紫袍长老也马上恭敬道 Greetings new king!” 拜见新王!” Greetings new king!” 拜见新王!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ............ ............ The innumerable skeletons also worship on bended knees slowly under. 无数骷髅也缓缓跪拜而下。 The new king was born, no, is the previous generation king becomes the new king once again, previous generation king is really very strong, unexpectedly in the situation of that danger, strives to turn the tide, Skeleton Clan Expert accepted the new king! 新王诞生了,不,是上一代王再度成为新王,上一代王果然强势无比,居然在那种危难的情况下,力挽狂澜,骷髅族强者纷纷接受了新王! In all directions, the skeleton of worshipping on bended knees are getting more and more! More and more! 四面八方,跪拜的骷髅越来越多!越来越多! The innumerable skeletons worship on bended knees, seems radiates is ordinary to entire Skeleton Great Boundary. 无数骷髅跪拜而下,更好似辐射向整个骷髅大疆一般。 Greetings new king!” 拜见新王!” Entire Skeleton Great Boundary resounds through the sound that respectful does obeisance, the powerful momentum seems changes the Skeleton Great Boundary celestial phenomenon to be the same, the endless dark clouds surges continues. Probably is congratulating the new king born. 整个骷髅大疆都响彻恭拜的声音,强大的声势更好似改变骷髅大疆的天象一般,无尽阴云翻腾不止。好像都在恭贺新王诞生。 Two red robe Ancestor Immortal looked, finally has not acted, Wang Ku becomes the new king, is naturally impossible to welcome two people. 两个红袍祖仙看了看,最终始终没有出手,王骷成为新王,自然不可能欢迎自己二人。 Saint King Zhong, I and others said goodbye!” Red robe Ancestor Immortal said. 钟圣王,我等告辞!”一个红袍祖仙道。 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 Two red robe Ancestor Immortal body turn toward the distant place to shoot in a flash, in an instant vanished before all skeletons. 两个红袍祖仙身形一晃向着远处射去,转眼消失在了所有骷髅前。 Skeleton Clan eight Great Elder coldly looked at one, but no one has to block finally! 骷髅族的八大长老冷冷的看了一眼,但最终谁也没有相拦! The ground, the Jun Moli injury was also good, set out, looked at Zhong Shan bitterly, finally the steps flew toward the distant place. 地上,君莫离的伤势也好出了很多,起身,恨恨的看了一眼钟山,最终踏步向着远处飞去。 Has a powerful backstage, brings very big convenient eventually. Skeleton Clan no one has to block. 有着一个强大的后台,终究带来很大的方便。骷髅族谁也没有相拦。 As for Zhong Shan, has not looked at Jun Moli again, but immerses in the joy of this great victory. 至于钟山,再也没有看君莫离了,而是沉浸在这次大胜利的喜悦之中。 The distant place, four big inherit the elder to wave, opens Jar World. 远处,四大传承长老一挥手,打开瓮界 Jar World opens, internal Expert welled up in abundance. 瓮界一开,内部的强者们纷纷涌了出来。 Six big Skeleton Clan elders see the outside world to cheer the sound of high doing obeisance, immediately understood the outcome. Wang Ku wins, Nether Demon losses! 六大骷髅族长老见到外界欢呼高拜之声,顿时明白了究竟。王骷了,冥魔了! Looks at the royal crown of Wang Ku top of the head, six Great Elder are in a daze. How can like this? 看着王骷头顶的王冠,六大长老怔怔发呆。怎么会这样? king Ying, the king defeated that rebel! The kings long live!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) is roaring excitedly. “王赢了,王打败了那个叛徒!王万万岁!”幽山激动的吼着。 You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River) also nod, the 40 five Skeleton Clan prisoners, see Wang Ku to win, knows that own magnificence must come, followed to roar excitedly. 幽水幽川也是点点头,四十五个骷髅族囚犯,见到王骷大胜,知道自己的辉煌要来了,也跟着激动的吼了起来。 Jin Peng flies the Zhong Shan near fast. Also some are incredible. 金鹏快速飞到钟山近前。至今还有些不可置信。 This is a cheering time, Jin Peng anything had not asked. 这是个欢呼的时刻,金鹏什么也没问。 Wang Ku re-enters the throne, holds Skeleton Clan again, four big inherit the elder to acknowledge, four big inherit the elder disciple to acknowledge, finally remaining six Great Elder, in Wang Ku inherits under the high pressure of elder with an numerous, acknowledged finally existence of Wang Ku, the new king is born. 王骷重回王位,重掌骷髅族,得四大传承长老承认,得四大传承长老弟子承认,最终剩下的六大长老,在王骷与一众传承长老的高压之下,也终于承认了王骷的存在,新王诞生。 The new king is born, naturally must conduct to coronate the activity one time, the matter of this Skeleton Clan interior, Zhong Shan is unable to participate, but Jin Peng was arranged in a Skeleton Great Boundary surrounding palace. Naturally, this is also Zhong Shan raises on own initiative. 新王诞生,当然必须要进行一次加冕活动,这种骷髅族内部之事,钟山无法参加,只是和金鹏被安排在了骷髅大疆一个外围宫殿。当然,这也是钟山主动提出来的。 Worldwide celebration, Skeleton Clan changes from one dynasty to another, this perhaps is the Skeleton Clan for hundreds of thousands of years the most important important matter. 普天同庆,骷髅族改朝换代,这或许是骷髅族数十万年来最重要的一件大事。 Half a month later, Wang Ku met with Zhong Shan again. 半个月后,王骷再度与钟山相见了。 In a main hall. Only has Zhong Shan and Wang Ku two people. The big palace gate shuts tightly. 在一个大殿之内。只有钟山王骷两人。大殿门紧闭。 Two people are standing face-to-face, suddenly, a Wang Ku respectful ritual said: Feudal official Wang Ku, Greetings Saint King!” 二人面对面的站着,忽然,王骷恭敬的一礼道:“臣王骷,拜见圣王!” In the main hall only then the Wang Ku sound, Zhong Shan has not spoken, but serious looks at Wang Ku, after a while said: „Do you also recognize Great Zheng?” 大殿中只有王骷的声音,钟山没有说话,而是严肃的看着王骷,过了一会道:“你还认大崝?” Yes, the feudal official is Great Zheng Courtier, my Wang Ku is not the generation of being ungrateful, without Great Zheng , there would be no today's Skeleton King!” Wang Ku solemnly said. “是,臣是大崝臣子,我王骷不是忘恩之辈,没有大崝就没有今天的骷髅王!”王骷郑重道 „It is not comprehensive!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “不全面!”钟山摇摇头。 Has a look at Zhong Shan, Wang Ku to say again: Feudal official letter/believes Great Zheng!” 看看钟山,王骷再度说道:“臣信大崝!” „?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “哦?”钟山淡淡道 Feudal official letter/believes Great Zheng, Saint King is the feudal official has seen the most special person, is the most powerful person . Moreover the feudal official also believes the Great Zheng potential, the feudal official believes that Great Zheng can definitely become Heavenly Court in the future, Saint King will also become Heavenly Emperor, moreover is most Heavenly Emperor, chaos under the heavens nears, the feudal official glanced through the antiquity material, chaos under the heavens, went on a punitive expedition against surely unceasingly, during the chaos, Saint was also easy to fall from the sky, the race exterminated the clan momentarily, antiquity several chaos, extinguished many races, Skeleton Clan seemed like the scenery, but abundant faded extremely, this is the invariable principle, Wang Ku presently is Skeleton King, considered from the Skeleton Clan entire clan, hope Skeleton Clan and Great Zheng Same front, with hold with fading!” Wang Ku serious saying. “臣信大崝,圣王是臣见过最特殊的人,也是最强大的人,而且臣也相信大崝潜力,臣相信大崝未来肯定能成为天庭,圣王也会成为天帝,而且是最天帝,天下大乱在即,臣翻阅上古资料,天下大乱,必定征伐不断,在大乱期间,圣人也易殒落,种族更随时灭族,上古几次大乱,就灭了很多种族,骷髅族看似风光,但盛极则衰,这是不变之理,王骷现为骷髅王,从骷髅族全族考虑,愿骷髅族大崝同一战线,同盛同衰!”王骷郑重的说道。 Zhong Shan looks at Wang Ku, finally nods. 钟山看着王骷,最终点点头。 Feudal official Wang Ku, Greetings Saint King!” Wang Ku again salutes saying. “臣王骷,拜见圣王!”王骷拜道 Good, Great Zheng has you, the good fortune of Great Zheng!” Zhong Shan goes forward to help up Wang Ku. “好,大崝有你,大崝之幸!”钟山上前扶起王骷 Wang Ku is in a King, Zhong Shan also heart that understands the situation feels grateful the resolution of Wang Ku, at this time, although is rulers and ministers, Zhong Shan actually no longer scouts at will. After all, although Wang Ku is a feudal official, but already had enough position. want to scouts again at will, must own Great Zheng position rise again. This is the invariable rule. 王骷是个懂大势的王,钟山也心中感激王骷的决断,这时候,虽为君臣,钟山却不再随意斥候。毕竟,王骷虽然为臣,但已经有了足够地位。想要再度随意斥候,必须自己的大崝地位再升。这是不变的规则。 Five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal, my already gave you, you good from subduing!” “五百六十一古仙,我已经给你了,你好自收服!” Un, continued these Ancient Immortal, Skeleton Clan Ancestor Immortal, the feudal official must tidy up their hearts as soon as possible, the feudal official cannot return to Great Zheng along with Saint King immediately!” Wang Ku thinks to say. “嗯,不止这些古仙,骷髅族祖仙,臣也必须要尽快收拾他们的心,臣马上就不能随圣王大崝了!”王骷想了想道。 Stabilizes the heart of Skeleton Clan numerous Expert, this is one king must do, you do not return to Great Zheng not to return temporarily, during this period, constrains the northern these areas for me!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “稳定骷髅族强者的心,这是一个‘王’所必须要做的,你不回大崝就暂时不回吧,在这期间,替我拖住北方的这些疆域!”钟山郑重道 „Did Saint King, prepare to begin to the Northern Continent south?” Wang Ku thinks to say. 圣王,准备对北洲的南部动手了?”王骷想了想道。 Un, already was ready, the south first begins, you constrain the northern numerous area, waits for the south to still, is jointly attacking the northern major areas!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯,已经做好了准备,南方先动手,你拖住北方一众疆域,等南方平定,在合击北方各大疆域!”钟山点点头。 Yes!” Wang Ku honors salutes saying slightly. “是!”王骷略微崇拜道 Since unified Northern Continent, Saint King in Ancient Immortal, preparation unified Northern Continent, has been ancient, is this first? 一统北洲,圣王古仙的时候,就准备一统北洲,亘古以来,这还是第一个吧? Saint King, the feudal official does not return to Great Zheng, Saint King can carry off You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Chuan (Nether River)!” Wang Ku said. 圣王,臣不回大崝,圣王可以带走幽山,幽水,幽川!”王骷说道。 „?” “哦?” Other Ancestor Immortal, I also need to subdue temporarily slowly, but these three, although is seriously injured, but before absolutely was Expert in Ancestor Immortal, so long as made Clay Bodhisattva deliver to the place of deep place Five Corruption them, with me, could not want is too long in the past, can restore the injury.” Wang Ku solemnly said. “其它祖仙,我暂时还需要慢慢收服,而这三个,虽然身受重伤,但以前绝对是祖仙中的强者,只要让泥菩萨将他们送到五浊之地深处,和我当年一样,要不了太久,就能恢复伤势。”王骷郑重道 Un!” “嗯!” Moreover, I and Great Zheng relations, my already asked them specifically to describe, they have given loyalty to me, approved that my meaning, followed side Saint King temporarily, awaited to dispatch!” Wang Ku said. “而且,我和大崝的关系,我已经找他们详细说明了,他们一直效忠于我,也赞成我的意思,暂时跟随圣王身边,听候差遣!”王骷说道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Chuan (Nether River)!” Zhong Shan nods. 幽山,幽水,幽川!”钟山点点头。 They are the staunch generations, since complies, will not betray Saint King, Saint King felt relieved!” The Wang Ku serious guarantee said. “他们都是刚烈之辈,既然答应,就不会背叛圣王,圣王放心!”王骷郑重保证道。 You work, I could rest assured that good, you subdue Skeleton Clan safely, I lead them to return to Great Zheng!” Zhong Shan nods. “你做事,我放心,好,你就安心收服骷髅族,我带他们回大崝!”钟山点点头。 ........................ ........................ .................. .................. ............ ............ Zhong Shan and Wang Ku private talk for three days and three nights, during this, two people discussed are more. Eventually after all reach the agreement, this opens the front door. 钟山王骷密谈了三天三夜,这期间,二人谈了很多很多。最终一切达成共识后,这才打开大门。 Outside front door, Jin Peng, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Chuan (Nether River), Protector of being bored to death. 大门外,金鹏,幽山,幽水,幽川,百无聊赖的护法着。 Sees the front door to open, Jin Peng eye slightly one bright. 见到大门打开,金鹏眼睛微微一亮。 How you discussed is so long?” Jin Peng asked immediately. “你们怎么谈了这么久?”金鹏马上问道。 Prepares, immediately returns toward!” Zhong Shan said. “准备一下,马上回朝!”钟山说道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water), You Chuan (Nether River), remembered me say!” Wang Ku also to three skeleton say/way. 幽山,幽水,幽川,记住我说的!”王骷也对着三个骷髅道。 Yes!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) nods. “是!”幽山幽水幽川点点头。 Greetings Saint King!” Three big Expert respectfully said. 拜见圣王!”三大强者恭敬道 Jin Peng slightly surprised, subsequently strange looks at Wang Ku, No way, you became king of the clan, hand/subordinate more than ten Ancestor Immortal, but also professed allegiance in Great Zheng? 金鹏微微意外,继而古怪的看着王骷,不会吧,你都成为一族之王了,手下十几个祖仙,还在大崝称臣? Un!” Zhong Shan nods, accepted three big Expert. “嗯!”钟山点点头,接受了三大强者 Ok, we walked!” Zhong Shan opens the mouth to say again. “好了,我们走吧!”钟山再度开口道。 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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