IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1066: Ruthless person Zhong Shan

Wang Ku, you continue to cope with Nether Demon, as for Jun Moli and Young Master Heavenly Demon, I will constrain them!” 王骷,你继续对付冥魔,至于君莫离天魔公子,我会拖住他们!” Wang Ku , not quick war? Last Jun Moli, I will constrain for you!” 王骷,还不快战?最后一个君莫离,我会为你拖住!” This is to fighting around Young Master Heavenly Demon words that Zhong Shan spoke. Before fighting Young Master Heavenly Demon, Zhong Shan said that constrains Jun Moli and Young Master Heavenly Demon, many Expert reveal the color of suspicion. 这是对战天魔公子前后钟山所说的话。对战天魔公子之前,钟山说拖住君莫离天魔公子,有很多强者都露出怀疑之色。 And Young Master Heavenly Demon, what Nether Demon and Jun Moli reveal are more is disdains. Too extremely arrogant! The blue subordinate, that two red robe people are also the similar ideas, they have just seen then Zhong Shan in Yang Sector Eastern Continent, Great Immortal, even if now cultivation is quick, achieves the Ancient Immortal boundary, that is still only the Ancient Immortal boundary. 其中天魔公子,冥魔君莫离露出更多的是不屑。太狂妄了!就连蓝的下属,那两个红袍人也是同样的想法,他们在阳间东洲刚好见过当时的钟山,一个大仙而已,现在就算修行快,达到古仙境,那也只是古仙境而已啊。 If trades Ancient Immortal to say this saying, they will certainly reveal to disdain, Ancient Immortal? In front of Ancestor Immortal, is the matter that a fist is battered to death, but Zhong Shan said extremely arrogantly, two people some blue advice, still revealed the color of not believing even. 若换一个古仙说出这话,他们一定会露出不屑,古仙?在祖仙面前,也就是一个拳头砸死的事情,可钟山偏偏那么狂妄的说了,二人即便有了蓝的忠告,也露出不信之色。 But a moment ago, Zhong Shan acted, this Ancient Immortal acted, a sword, one did merely sword extinguish Young Master Heavenly Demon? A Sword Lives a World? Whether or not, is a little certain in any case, Zhong Shan used a sword, Young Master Heavenly Demon who that cannot completely understand did not have! 可就刚才,钟山出手了,这个古仙出手了,一剑,仅仅一剑就灭了天魔公子?一剑生世界?不管是不是,反正有一点可以肯定,钟山出了一剑,那个自己看不透的天魔公子就没了! Does not need to say too, Zhong Shan already proved his strength with that sword, when speaking of second constrains Jun Moli, no one had suspected! Cannot allow others to suspect. 不需要说太多,钟山已经用那一剑证明了他的实力,当说到第二句拖住君莫离的时候,谁也没有怀疑!也容不得别人怀疑。 Nether Demon, your my fighting, that is the fate! You have no alternative!” Wang Ku said solemnly. 冥魔,你我之斗,那是宿命!你别无选择!”王骷沉声道 Zhong Shan's domineering already proved all, last Ancestor Immortal, Wang Ku definitely does not need again to be the Zhong Shan worry. 钟山的强势已经证明了一切,最后一个祖仙,王骷完全没有必要再为钟山担心了。 Treads one step, the place of Wang Ku direct impact Nether Demon, great Great Qing color Heavenly Dao, covers Wang Ku suddenly, domineering Heavenly Dao Body Fusion, carries a big power and influence on go toward the Nether Demon oppression. 踏出一步,王骷直冲冥魔之处,一条巨大青天道,忽然笼罩王骷,强势的天道合体,携带一股大威势向着冥魔压迫而去。 Nether Demon is helpless, body sways, Heavenly Dao covers the whole body. 冥魔无奈,身形摇晃间,一条天道笼罩全身。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A loud sound, sways void intensely, enormous cultivation base low skeleton body shivers, terrifying retreats toward the rear area. 一声巨响,虚空强烈摇晃,大量修为低的骷髅身形颤动,恐怖的向着后方退去。 Two big Skeleton King fight the same place again, the bronze throne, that powerful sickle, Skeleton Clan two big most precious objects, loudly in hedge. 两大骷髅王再度战到一起,青铜宝座,还有那强大的镰刀,骷髅族的两大至宝,轰然对冲之中。 Perhaps is Wang Ku intends to guide, the battlefield that oneself and Nether Demon will fight will direct to the original position, will go toward the distant place. 也许是王骷有意引导,将自己与冥魔战斗的战场引离原处,向着远处而去。 In Jar World, the Wang Ku strength restored, at this moment, was almost well-matched with Nether Demon, naturally also receives a small suppression, but already are not many, how long should unable to want, the Wang Ku disadvantage vanishes thoroughly. 瓮界之中,王骷的实力又恢复了一些,这一刻,与冥魔几乎旗鼓相当了,当然还受到一丝小压制,但已经不多了,应该要不了多久,王骷的劣势就彻底消失。 Fight between powerful Skeleton King. 强大的骷髅王之间的战斗。 In the Skeleton Clan heart, this is a sacred fight, no one must meddle, bystander not. each and everyone incomparable anticipation looks at the distant place sky two generations of Skeleton King. 骷髅族心中,这是一场神圣的战斗,谁也不得插手,外人更不可以。一个个无比期待的看着远处天空的两代骷髅王 Who will win? No one knows! 到底谁会胜呢?谁也不知道! However on this day no matter what, by Skeleton Clan record annals. A day that will never forget. 不过这一日不管如何,都会被骷髅族记载史册。永不忘的一天。 As for Jar World, four big inherit the elder not to move, the hundred days have not arrived, only if branch out the result, otherwise they will not destroy the war. 至于瓮界,四大传承长老未动,百日未到,除非分出结果,否则他们不会破坏战局。 I asked you again, that sword what's the matter?” Jun Moli said solemnly. “我再问你,那一剑是怎么回事?”君莫离沉声道 Jun Moli has not gone to pay attention to the fight of two generations of Skeleton King, from the beginning despised already to receive to Zhong Shan's. Moreover more curious that sword what's the matter. Said that it is not A Sword Lives a World, but why forms a sword shaped space of similar world, finally swallowed Young Master Heavenly Demon? 君莫离没有去理会两代骷髅王的战斗,一开始对钟山的轻视已经收了起来。而且更好奇那一剑怎么回事。说它不是一剑生世界,可是为何形成一个类似世界的剑形空间,最终又将天魔公子吞噬了呢? Jun Moli asked, all around Expert vision changed to Zhong Shan again, probably to that sword curious more fight of two generations of Skeleton King is ordinary. 君莫离问完,四周强者的目光再度转到钟山身上,好像对那一剑的好奇更多过两代骷髅王的战斗一般。 „Everyone has the respective secret, Jun Moli, you are willing your secret unretentive told me?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “每个人都有各自的秘密,君莫离,你愿意将你的秘密毫无保留的告诉我?”钟山淡淡道 In Jun Moli eye one cold. Regardless to whom, cannot get the answer in the extremely curious situation, discomfort that this depressed suppresses absolutely. 君莫离眼中一冷。无论对谁而言,在极度好奇的情况下又得不到答案,这份郁闷绝对憋的难受。 Such being the case, that I seek the answer!” Jun Moli said solemnly. “既然如此,那就我自己寻求答案吧!”君莫离沉声道 During the speeches, a right hand move, a powerful Strength of Samsara gathering comes slightly. 说话间,右手微微一招,一股强大的轮回之力汇聚而来。 Zhong Shan heavy looked at Jun Moli. 钟山沉沉的看了一眼君莫离 hū ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” In an instant the strong winds writings, huge Samsara Passage, is situated in above Black Sea loudly, the Samsara Passage rapid rotation, driving the entire Black Sea to roar, the dark clouds that the sky just gathered, were stirred the powder by Samsara Passage suddenly. 转眼间狂风大作,一个庞大的轮回通道轰然而出,立于黑海之上,轮回通道快速旋转,带动整个黑海咆哮而起,天空刚汇聚的阴云,陡然被轮回通道搅散。 Samsara Passage that presented other day is similar, is very vast! 如数日前出现的轮回通道差不多,无比浩瀚! Skeleton Clan Expert draws back draws back again, the recession on the spot, delivers two people here battlefield, as for Jar World, the nature four big was inherited the elder to carry off. 骷髅族强者一退再退,退离原地,将此处战场交与二人,至于瓮界,自然被四大传承长老带走。 Zhong Shan looks at present huge Samsara Passage, on at the most, below inserts. Vast domineering, a powerful oppression to Zhong Shan. 钟山看着眼前巨大的轮回通道,上顶天,下插地。浩瀚强势,一股强大的压迫向钟山 Zhong Shan stands in in the air, coldly watched a meeting, opposite Jun Moli stands in Samsara Passage, in the hand grabs a disc, above the disc revolves unceasingly, seems has the huge relation to be the same with Heavenly Dao. 钟山站在空中,冷冷的看了一会,对面君莫离站在轮回通道之中,手中抓着一个圆盘,圆盘之上不断旋转,好似和外界的天道有着巨大的联系一般。 samsara disc?” Zhong Shan recognized. 轮回圆盘?”钟山认了出来。 The hearsay Samsara Saint disciple, has Magical Treasure, called the samsara disc, can make the hand hold disciple grasping Strength of Samsara of easily samsara disc. 传闻轮回圣人的弟子,都有一种法宝,叫轮回圆盘,可以让手执轮回圆盘的弟子更加轻易的掌握轮回之力 Is this? The Zhong Shan eye flashes through a curiosity. 就是这个?钟山眼闪过一丝好奇。 But others actually reveal a strange color. 而其他人却露出一股古怪之色。 Samsara Passage opens, all around blew the giant strong winds, the strong winds roared, intense blowing all around all, even the water of Black Sea also roared Chongtian/soaring , in such a storm environment, distant place Zhong Shan stood in in the air, seeming like was quite truly serene. 轮回通道一开,四周就吹起了巨大的狂风,狂风咆哮,强烈的吹开了四周一切,连黑海之水也咆哮冲天了,这么一个暴风环境之中,远处钟山立在空中,看上去确实极为安详。 Even, the Zhong Shan's clothes also flutter slightly, the clarity that numerous Expert looks , doesn't Zhong Shan with not protecting body aura cover, he receive the storm influence? 甚至,钟山的衣服也只是微微飘动,众强者都看的清楚,钟山可没有用护体罡罩啊,他怎么不收暴风影响? Jun Moli coldly said in Samsara Passage: „Don't you have Samsara Passage? With!” 轮回通道中的君莫离冷声道:“你不是也有轮回通道吗?用出来吧!” Zhong Shan has a look at Jun Moli, finally nods, body slightly in a flash, both eyes suddenly become green. 钟山看看君莫离,最终点点头,身形微微一晃之间,双目陡然变绿。 hū ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 呼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Zhong Shan surroundings, presents huge Samsara Passage, on Chongtian/soaring , below inserts, the rapid rotation, meets as an equal to opposite Samsara Passage! 钟山周侧,同样出现一个庞大的轮回通道,上冲天,下插地,快速旋转,与对面轮回通道分庭抗礼! In two Samsara Passage imposing manners is on a par, but, a revolving direction point is also different. 两个轮回通道气势上不相伯仲,但是,旋转的方向却一点也不同。 From top to bottom look, Jun Moli Samsara Passage is transfers clockwise, but Zhong Shan's is actually transfers anti-clockwise . Moreover the aura that lends is also different, Jun Moli Samsara Passage has the feeling of Noble Qi, but Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage is actually a cruel feeling. 从上往下看,君莫离轮回通道是顺时针而转,而钟山的却是逆时针而转,而且散发出的气息也不同,君莫离轮回通道有种贵气的感觉,而钟山的轮回通道却是一种暴戾的感觉。 You really can operate Samsara Passage, moreover next three one!” Jun Moli dignified say/way. “你果然能操纵轮回通道,而且还是下三道的一种!”君莫离凝重道。 Next three?” The Zhong Shan sinking sound asked. “下三道?”钟山沉声问道。 On three are Heavenly Dao, Human Dao, Asura Dao, next three are Beast Dao, Hungry Ghost Dao, Hell Dao, revolving is different, is divided high and low respectively three!” Jun Moli said. “上三道为天道,人间道,修罗道,下三道为畜生道,饿鬼道,地狱道,旋转不同,分上下各三道!”君莫离说道。 Who said?” Zhong Shan disdains to say. “谁说的?”钟山不屑道。 My teacher, Samsara Saint!” Jun Moli slightly proud say/way. “我师尊,轮回圣人!”君莫离略微自豪道。 He said that you do believe?” Zhong Shan disdains to say. “他说你就信?”钟山不屑道。 Jun Moli: ........................!” 君莫离:“........................!” Jun Moli by heavy that Zhong Shan chokes, eyes is stared, looks angrily at Zhong Shan, but Expert that all around surrounds are also strange looks at Zhong Shan. 君莫离钟山噎的不轻,双眼瞪起,怒视钟山,而四周围观的强者们也是古怪的看着钟山 Six Paths of Reincarnation is Six Paths of Reincarnation, when divided previous three and next three? Is Samsara Saint toots one's own horn toward oneself!” Zhong Shan disdains to say. 六道轮回就是六道轮回,何时分了上三道和下三道?是轮回圣人往自己脸上贴金吧!”钟山不屑道。 You!” In Jun Moli eye one cold. “你!”君莫离眼中一寒。 Zhong Shan does not care about on anything three and next three, but Zhong Shan always has a custom, likes in the anger of pre-war ignition opposite party, the person, once got angry, the thought will be affected, fights to oneself is more advantageous! Young Master Heavenly Demon angry point was his conceited, Jun Moli, Zhong Shan also sees is his respectable teacher, so, found angry point, Zhong Shan on start personal attack of sparing no effort. 钟山根本不在乎什么上三道和下三道,不过钟山总有个习惯,就是喜欢在战前点燃对方的怒气,人一旦怒了,思维就会受到影响,对自己战斗就越有利!天魔公子的怒点是他的狂妄自大,君莫离,钟山也看出了是他尊敬的师尊,如此,找到‘怒点’,钟山就不遗余力的开始人身攻击。 It can be said that the actual fight has not started, Zhong Shan already attacked, Zhong Shan attacks is not external, but is the innermost feelings. 可以说实际战斗还没开始,钟山已经进攻了,钟山所进攻的不是外在,而是内心。 Dares to insult the teacher, I have not wanted to kill you, this is you brings upon oneself!” Jun Moli coldly said. “敢侮辱师尊,我原本还不想杀你,这是你自找的!”君莫离冷冷的说道 Zhong Shan reveals one to disdain, is this Samsara Saint second outstanding disciple? Own a few words selected him chaotically. The flowers of greenhouse also are really good to bully! 钟山露出一丝不屑,这就是轮回圣人的第二高徒?自己一句话就将他挑乱了。温室的花朵还真是好欺负啊! Big Samsara Passage!” Jun Moli called out. “大轮回通道!”君莫离叫道。 As Jun Moli yelled, in hand samsara disc slightly one bright, subsequently, Jun Moli Samsara Passage rises suddenly loudly several hundred times of diameters, loudly charges into Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage. Hit intensely. 随着君莫离一声大叫,手中轮回圆盘微微一亮,继而,君莫离轮回通道轰然暴涨数百倍的直径,轰然冲向钟山的轮回通道。强烈的撞击了起来。 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The powerful hit, making the entire Black Sea throw off loudly, the endless Black Sea water sucked in Samsara Passage, the entire Black Sea is nothing left. The powerful space shake lets by near skeleton by big disaster. 强大的撞击,使得整个黑海轰然掀翻,无尽黑海水被抽入轮回通道,整个黑海荡然无存。强大的空间震荡更是让靠的近的骷髅遭了大殃。 Bang!” “嘭!” Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage withdraws in the collision fast, seeming not to beat Jun Moli to be the same, was suppressed ruthlessly. 钟山的轮回通道在碰撞中快速退后,好似不敌君莫离一般,被狠狠的压制了。 Next three do not beat three forever, my is Heavenly Dao samsara, your is Beast Dao samsara, you never will be my opponent!” Jun Moli suppressed Zhong Shan, in the heart was more comfortable. The mind relaxes slightly. “下三道永远不敌上三道,我这是天道轮回,你那是畜生道轮回,你永远不是我的对手!”君莫离压制了钟山,心中舒服了很多。心神略微放松。 Bang!” “嘭!” Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage rises suddenly suddenly, an intense collision, hits loudly Jun Moli Samsara Passage. Two Samsara Passage separate temporarily. 钟山的轮回通道忽然暴涨而起,一次强烈碰撞,轰然将君莫离轮回通道撞开一些。两个轮回通道暂时分开。 But Zhong Shan at this moment is actually one takes off/escapes the strength to be the same. 钟山此刻却是一阵脱力一般。 Grasping Samsara Passage is indeed skillful enough, what a pity, compared with Samsara Passage, you forever ............!” “掌握轮回通道的确够纯熟,可惜,比轮回通道,你永远............!” Jun Moli is just about to taunt Zhong Shan, suddenly the sound stops suddenly, subsequently stares the big eye. 君莫离正要嘲讽钟山,忽然声音戛然而止,继而瞪大眼睛。 You are insane ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” Jun Moli suddenly startled roar. “你疯啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!”君莫离忽然惊吼而起。 Jun Moli, all around all Expert stare the big eye incessantly, does? Zhong Shan was he insane? 不止君莫离,四周所有强者都瞪大眼睛,干什么?钟山他疯了? Sees only Zhong Shan in Samsara Passage, suddenly controls Samsara Passage to hit toward Jun Moli, in the eye is completely crazy, simultaneously whole body life essence and qi braves crazily, direct impact Samsara Passage, non-stop stimulating Samsara Passage. Even, the Zhong Shan's body also collapsed suddenly. 只见轮回通道中的钟山,忽然控制轮回通道向着君莫离撞来,眼中尽是疯狂,同时周身生命精气狂冒,直冲轮回通道,不停刺激轮回通道。甚至,钟山的身体也忽然崩溃了起来。 Zhong Shan's Samsara Passage is big immediately Jun Moli two times, to/clashes toward Jun Moli with a reckless stance. 钟山的轮回通道顿时大出君莫离两倍之多,以一种不要命的姿态向着君莫离冲来。 Reckless impact? Zhong Shan body collapse? Does he want to go all out with Jun Moli? Has that intense bitter hatred? 不要命的冲击?钟山身体崩溃了?他要和君莫离拼命了?有那么强烈的深仇大恨吗? In the everyone eye, the body that Zhong Shan at this moment collapsed explained thoroughly the Zhong Shan's mentality, he must perish together with Jun Moli, jade entirely burn? 所有人眼中,钟山此刻崩溃的身体彻底说明了钟山的心态,他要与君莫离同归于尽,玉石俱焚? In all Expert hearts is one cold, Zhong Shan he was too ruthless! 所有强者心中都是一寒,钟山他太狠了吧! ***: Second, strove for ***! ***:第二更,求***!
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