IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1065: Zhong Shan A Sword Lives a World

Extremely arrogant, the boy, who can you know me are?” “狂妄,小子,你可知我是谁?” Young Master Heavenly Demon could not bear finally, was neglected this by Ancient Immortal, whatever which Ancestor Immortal cannot bear, moreover Young Master Heavenly Demon also bragged that is ordinary Ancestor Immortal must around Expert that oneself walk. 天魔公子终于忍不住了,被一个古仙忽视成这样,任凭哪个祖仙都是受不了的,况且天魔公子还自诩就是普通祖仙也要绕着自己走的强者 In Wang Ku eye dim light one cold! Shame Monarch such as the shame feudal official, Young Master Heavenly Demon scolded Zhong Shan boy, Wang Ku does not certainly hope. 王骷眼中幽光一冷!辱君如辱臣,天魔公子骂钟山‘小子’,王骷当然不愿了。 „!” “啪!” Zhong Shan pats above the Wang Ku shoulder. 钟山拍在王骷肩膀之上。 Your opponent there!” Zhong Shan referred to Nether Demon. “你的对手在那里!”钟山指了指冥魔 Nearby Nether Demon saw Young Master Heavenly Demon to get angry, is taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, suddenly, Zhong Shan aimed at oneself the Wang Ku spearhead, heart uncomfortable! 一旁冥魔原本见天魔公子发怒,正幸灾乐祸,忽然,钟山王骷的矛头指向了自己,心头一阵不爽! Zhong Shan has a look at Young Master Heavenly Demon, in the eye to flash through one evilly different, shakes the head saying: Oneself silly, do not think that others and you are equally silly!” 钟山看看天魔公子,眼中闪过一丝邪异,摇摇头道:“自己傻,不要觉得别人和你一样傻!” What did you say? You said that I am silly?” Young Master Heavenly Demon in eye one cold. “你说什么?你说我傻?”天魔公子眼中一寒。 Until now, during Young Master Heavenly Demon bragged map out strategic plans in an army tent, outside determining the final outcome thousand li (500 km)! The wisdom is invincible, is unmatched! at this moment, this person said unexpectedly are oneself silly? He insane inadequate? 一直以来,天魔公子都自诩运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外!智慧无敌,无人可比!此刻,这个人居然说自己傻?他疯了不成? could it be that not! To hide the identity not to change a vague name, from naming Young Master Heavenly Demon, who has not known that you are Heavenly Demon? Also inquired that I do know who you are, you really think that everyone is like you?” Zhong Shan light saying. 难道不是吗!想隐藏身份也不换个隐晦的名字,自取名‘天魔公子’,谁还不知道你是‘天魔’?还询问我知不知道你是谁,你真以为人人都和你一样?”钟山淡淡的说道。 The Zhong Shan speech is very light, but listens on this very light sound in Young Master Heavenly Demon ear, actually the character character executes the heart, is offensive to the ear incomparably. 钟山说话很清淡,可就这很清淡的声音听在天魔公子的耳中,却字字诛心,逆耳无比。 Young Master Heavenly Demon, indeed is Heavenly Demon. Great Thousand Worlds did not say like him does not have, but over one number, Young Master Heavenly Demon until now does not take oneself status as the honor, can under the heavens who know? Names Young Master Heavenly Demon intentionally, so-called small faintly in city, greatly faintly in towards/dynasty! More is names Young Master Heavenly Demon, more is to make the person think that he is not Heavenly Demon, but cultivation looks like Heavenly Demon Cultivation Technique. 天魔公子,的确是天魔大千世界像他这样的不说没有,但不超过一手之数,天魔公子一直以来以自己身份为荣,天下谁人能识?更故意取名‘天魔公子’,所谓小隐隐于市,大隐隐于朝!越是取名‘天魔公子’,越是让人认为他不是天魔,只是修炼天魔功法 In the name, the flawlessness that Young Master Heavenly Demon makes, does not have the flaw, but this does not have the flaw is actually the biggest flaw. 在名字上,天魔公子可谓做的天衣无缝,毫无破绽,可这毫无破绽却又是最大的破绽。 Zhong Shan tastes had/left oneself status, even the proud name exposes. 钟山一口道出了自己身份,甚至还是自己引以为豪的名字暴露出来的。 If Young Master Heavenly Demon has the blood, at this moment surely aggrieved spat up blood three rises! What is most poisonous is Zhong Shan finally that you really think that everyone is like you?’, This last is a brush, after pointing out Young Master Heavenly Demon stupidly, in the tone that one type is unable to refute powerful proof this fact. 若是天魔公子有血液的话,此刻必定憋屈的呕血三升!最毒的还是钟山最后那一句,‘你真以为人人都和你一样?’,这最后一句可谓是神来之笔,在指出天魔公子‘傻’以后,更以一种无法反驳的语气强有力的‘证明’了这个事实。 Silly? 傻? Young Master Heavenly Demon thorough ebullition! 天魔公子彻底沸腾了! All around, a numerous skeleton also surprised looks, is Young Master Heavenly Demon Heavenly Demon? Isn't he cultivation looks like Heavenly Demon Cultivation Technique? Does not operate Heavenly Demon, but is he is Heavenly Demon? 四周,一众骷髅也是惊讶的看着,天魔公子是天魔?他不是修炼天魔功法?不是操纵天魔,而是他本身就是天魔? What is stranger, this Heavenly Demon unexpectedly by Zhong Shan topped stupidly proof. 更令人古怪的是,这个天魔居然被钟山冠上了‘傻’的‘证明’。 I never have the feeling that wants to kill people intensely, is you brings upon oneself!” Young Master Heavenly Demon gets angry howls to say. “我从来没有这么强烈想杀人的感觉,是你自找的!”天魔公子怒啸道。 During the speeches, Young Master Heavenly Demon body in a flash, direct impact Zhong Shan comes. The speed was too fast, seemed spans the space generally, in an instant to the Zhong Shan near. 说话间,天魔公子身形一晃,直冲钟山而来。速度太快了,好似跨越空间了一般,转眼到了钟山近前。 Bang!” “嘭!” Zhong Shan surroundings emits black light suddenly , Young Master Heavenly Demon backed up to return compared with the quick speed loudly a moment ago. On the way of backs up, in the eye is completely the panic-stricken color. 钟山周侧忽然冒出一股黑光,轰然间,天魔公子比刚才快的速度倒退而回。倒退途中,眼中尽是惊骇之色。 But on Zhong Shan compelling of Young Master Heavenly Demon flies, is actually a long sword that Zhong Shan pulls out slowly! But this long sword, reveals a sword hilt merely, the sword blade seems in another space is common, pulled out by Zhong Shan slowly. A is putting the light black light long sword. 钟山身上将天魔公子的逼飞的,却是钟山慢慢抽出的一柄长剑!而这柄长剑,仅仅露出一个剑柄,剑身好似在另一个空间一般,被钟山缓缓抽了出去。一柄放着淡淡黑光的长剑。 Nearby Wang Ku slightly startled, because Wang Ku follows Zhong Shan is so long, has not seen Zhong Shan with the sword, never has, but Wang Ku knows, Zhong Shan definitely has the sword, each Saint King has own Saint Sword, some as the Saint Courtyard symbol, some make the weapon. 一旁王骷微微一鄂,因为王骷跟随钟山这么久,从来没见过钟山用剑,从来没有,但王骷知道,钟山肯定有剑,每个圣王都有自己的圣剑,有的只是作为圣庭象征,有些才做自己兵器。 Until now, Wang Ku only thinks that Great Zheng Saint Sword is only the Saint Courtyard symbol, but at this moment knows Saint King conceals is too deep, Great Zheng Saint Sword is not only the symbol, was only too strong, has been hidden by the Saint King snow. The best proof is Young Master Heavenly Demon is hit to fly by the sword light. 一直以来,王骷只以为大崝圣剑只是圣庭象征而已,可此刻才知道圣王藏的太深,大崝圣剑不是只是象征,只是太强了,一直被圣王雪藏着而已。最好的证明就是天魔公子被剑光撞飞。 Who Young Master Heavenly Demon is, Young Master Heavenly Demon strong, Wang Ku does not know, but, can be invited by Nether Demon, and with three big Ancestor Immortal same rows, its strength differs surely not many. But such strong did Expert, suffer defeat in an instant? 天魔公子是谁,天魔公子有多强,王骷不知道,但是,能被冥魔请来,并且与三大祖仙同列,其实力必定相差不多。可就这么强的一个强者,转眼就败北了? Undying Sword, Great Zheng Saint Sword! With Longevity Blade together as one of the Zhong Shan earliest two weapons, rarely acts! Then comes Zhong Shan to deliver to the place of Huan Ji Undying Sword, lets Rune of Huan Ji on according to Heavenly Demon Throne of Power, recorded enormous Heavenly Demon Throne of Power Rune to come up. 不死剑,大崝圣剑!与长生刀一起作为钟山最早的两个兵器之一,很少出手!而后来钟山更是将不死剑送到幻姬之处,让幻姬照着天魔权座上的符文,刻录了大量天魔权座符文上去。 Undying Sword is only Ancient Immortal Equipment, but above covers entirely Rune on Heavenly Demon Throne of Power, is actually the monster different cannot revolt by the grade! Puts to death the Heavenly Demon sharp weapon! 不死剑只是古仙器,但是上面布满天魔权座上的符文,却是妖异的不能以品级来叛!更是诛杀天魔的利器! When Young Master Heavenly Demon was shot flies, stares the big eye, was full of the panic-stricken color. 天魔公子被弹飞之时,就瞪大眼睛,充满了惊骇之色。 This, Great Unrestrained Heavenly Demon aura?” Young Master Heavenly Demon in heart panic-stricken say/way. “这,大自在天魔的气息?”天魔公子心中惊骇道。 „Is he Great Unrestrained Heavenly Demon? It is not right, he possibly is not Great Unrestrained Heavenly Demon, is that sword!” “他是大自在天魔?不对,他不可能是大自在天魔,是那柄剑!” In Young Master Heavenly Demon is panic-stricken, the Zhong Shan that incomparably grating sound again conveys: under the heavens most disgusting was your small Heavenly Demon, saw that the person drilled toward the body of person, just like parasite difference, abnormal, disgusting!” 正在天魔公子惊骇之际,钟山那无比刺耳的声音再度传来:“天下最恶心的就是你们这种小天魔了,见到人就往人的身体里钻,跟寄生虫差一样,变态,恶心!” Really the character character executes the heart, panic-strickenly, in an instant was said by Zhong Shan that Young Master Heavenly Demon just fermented aggrieved must spit blood. 果然字字诛心,天魔公子刚刚酝酿出的一点惊骇,转眼被钟山说的憋屈的又要吐血了。 scoundrel!” Young Master Heavenly Demon angrily roared. 混账!”天魔公子怒吼了起来。 But others actually static looks, the people seemed saw a point, was Zhong Shan is enraging Young Master Heavenly Demon to be the same intentionally, moreover Zhong Shan's enraged is also quite succinct, least languages hit in Young Master Heavenly Demon in the weakest psychological point. 而其他人却静静的看着,众人都好似看出了一点,就是钟山在故意激怒天魔公子一般,而且钟山的激怒也极为简练,最少的语言打在了天魔公子最薄弱的心理点上。 Zhong Shan's is enraging Young Master Heavenly Demon firmly, finds from the Huan Ji place, Heavenly Demon, this race is quite strange, they mislead the public, the rank is higher, is puzzled chaotically is stronger, but many Heavenly Demon are difficult full of wisdom, seems one type to be puzzled the chaotic instinct, but is promoted the wisdom Heavenly Demon, although is more powerful, but their dispositions actually strange is not high. 钟山的确在激怒天魔公子,从幻姬处了解到,天魔,这一个种族极为诡异,他们惑乱人心,级别越高,惑乱的越强,可很多天魔都难有智慧,好似一种惑乱的本能,而晋级出智慧的天魔,虽然更加强大,可他们的心性却诡异的并不高。 Heavenly Demon does not build up the state of mind, because they are Heavenly Demon. Therefore, this was enraged by Zhong Shan easily. If changes into Ancestor Immortal, at this moment such as Young Master Heavenly Demon will not be surely hot tempered. 天魔不炼心境,因为他们本身就是天魔。因此,这才容易被钟山激怒。若换成一个祖仙,此刻必定不会如天魔公子那么暴躁。 Zhong Shan must enrage it, anybody wants a anger, the violent will expose weaknesses, Heavenly Demon is no exception. 钟山要激怒它,任何人只要一怒,就会暴露出破绽,天魔也不例外。 Great Unrestrained Heavenly Demon weapon? I wanted!” Young Master Heavenly Demon sharply to/clashes again on. 大自在天魔的兵器吗?我要了!”天魔公子再度急冲而上。 Young Master Heavenly Demon does not coordinate with Jun Moli, or Jun Moli is still waiting and seeing some Zhong Shan many strengths temporarily, allow(ing) Young Master Heavenly Demon rushes. 天魔公子根本不与君莫离配合,又或者君莫离暂时还在观望钟山到底有多少实力,任由天魔公子冲了上去。 This time, Young Master Heavenly Demon drew the previous lesson. 这一次,天魔公子吸取了上一次的教训。 Again when charges into Zhong Shan, above the back emits thick smoke to be the same suddenly, covers side sky instantaneously, the endless Heavenly Demon dance, such as the Heavenly Demon world arrives general. 冲向钟山之际,后背之上忽然冒出一股浓烟一般,瞬间笼罩一方天空,无尽天魔狂舞,如天魔世界降临一般。 Skeleton Clan Expert sees, terrifying fast withdrawing, after all one of the Heavenly Demon Skeleton Clan natural enemies. 骷髅族强者一见,恐怖的快速退后,毕竟天魔正是骷髅族的天敌之一。 A Heavenly Demon dance of the world, directly soars Zhong Shan to come, that imposing manner, even if common Ancestor Immortal looked is fearful, Ancestor Immortal saw this, met the flash body absolutely about Heavenly Dao, but Zhong Shan simply did not have Heavenly Dao. 一世界的天魔狂舞,直奔钟山而来,那气势,就算寻常祖仙看了都是一阵心寒,祖仙见到这一幕,绝对会第一瞬间身合天道,可钟山根本没有天道啊。 Wang Ku reveals color of the worry, Nether Demon is actually slightly excited, Young Master Heavenly Demon acted seriously. Jun Moli and two red robe Ancestor Immortal static looks. 王骷露出一丝担心之色,冥魔却是微微激动,天魔公子动真格的了。君莫离和两个红袍祖仙静静的看着。 At this moment, Zhong Shan not slightly anxious, the body of Shadow Body, did not say that does not fear Heavenly Demon, on Zhong Shan these year and method of Huan Ji discussion, enough copes at present this Young Master Heavenly Demon! 这一刻,钟山没有丝毫紧张,隐躯之身,不说根本就是不怕天魔,就钟山这些年和幻姬探讨的方法,也足够对付眼前这个天魔公子! In the hand a long sword dance, sees Young Master Heavenly Demon indifferently. 手中长剑一舞,冷眼看着天魔公子。 Subsequently, Zhong Shan's Undying Sword pushes out slowly, this pushes, the speed is slow, has the feeling that an ant crawls to everyone slowly. 继而,钟山的不死剑缓缓推了出去,这一推,速度非常缓慢,慢到所有人都有一种蚂蚁爬的感觉。 Does the ant crawl? The sword that Zhong Shan promotes is not slow, even is quick, but all around Rune effect causes trouble, seems like very slow appearance. 蚂蚁爬?钟山推出的这一剑不慢,甚至很快,只是四周符文效果作祟,看起来很慢的样子。 This sword is released, void presents a huge sword shadow. 这一剑推出,虚空中就出现一道巨大的剑影。 Is the sword shadow! It is not Sword Qi, is not Sword Aura, is not Sword Intent, is only the sword shadow, an unusual sword shadow, sword shadow by the speed amplification of big terrifying, hundred times, ten thousand times, 1 million times. Crazy expansion. 是剑影!不是剑气,不是剑罡,也不是剑意,只是剑影,一种奇特的剑影,剑影以大恐怖的速度放大,百倍,万倍,百万倍。疯狂扩大。 But numerous Expert discovered panic-strickenly, in this huge sword shadow, strange has the enormous mountains, the rivers, the trees, the innumerable sceneries gather in the illusory image. 而一众强者们惊骇的发现,这一个巨大剑影之中,诡异的有着大量山川,河流,树木,无数的景色聚拢在幻影之中。 All Ancestor Immortal stared in a big way the eye, an inconceivable appearance. 所有祖仙都瞪大了眼睛,一副不可思议的样子。 Swordsmanship highest boundary, A Sword Lives a World!” A Skeleton Clan elder was startled to call out. “剑道最高境界,一剑生世界!”一个骷髅族长老惊叫道。 World? the huge sword shadow at the speed of big terrifying, covers together with his world Young Master Heavenly Demon in an instant. Young Master Heavenly Demon want to comes out, but a suction keeps Young Master Heavenly Demon from revolting to be the same, brings infinite being unwilling, exudes one to angrily roar! 世界?巨大的剑影以大恐怖的速度,转眼将天魔公子连同他的世界笼罩在内。天魔公子想要出来,可是一股吸力让天魔公子无法反抗一样,带着无限的不甘,发出一声怒吼! No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Huge sword shadow after covering Young Master Heavenly Demon, in an instant changes is suddenly small, getting smaller, to only remains a dot finally, subsequently vanishes to disappear. 巨大的剑影在笼罩天魔公子之后,转眼间忽然变小,越来越小,小到最后只剩一个小点,继而消失不见了。 Heaven and Earth for it one static, almost all skeletons, all Ancestor Immortal were shocked by a Zhong Shan this Jinghong sword. 天地为之一静,几乎所有骷髅,所有祖仙都被钟山惊鸿的一剑惊呆了。 A Sword Lives a World?” 一剑生世界?” Until Zhong Shan receives Undying Sword slowly, had previously that Skeleton Clan elder to make a panic-stricken sound. 直到钟山缓缓收起不死剑,才有先前那骷髅族长老发出一阵惊骇的声音。 A Sword Lives a World? Swordsmanship highest boundary? That only has sword Dao Boundary in myth, A Sword Lives a World that 1 million years of no one brings forth? Is this real? 一剑生世界?剑道最高境界?那只存在于神话中的剑道境界,百万年无人练出的一剑生世界?这是真的吗? Numerous Expert thinks the Zhong Shan that suddenly Nether Demon previously said is very weird, is very weird! 强者忽然想到冥魔先前所说的这个钟山很邪门,真的很邪门! Nether Demon is getting more and more alarmed and afraid, how Wang Ku found this strong help, was too abnormal! Swordsmanship highest boundary? A Sword Lives a World? Is that A Sword Lives a World? 冥魔越来越惊惧,王骷怎么找到这个强援的,也太变态了吧!剑道最高境界?一剑生世界?那是一剑生世界? Two red robe Ancestor Immortal are also surprised, Saint King makes us with Zhong Shan for the enemy, is really right. 两个红袍祖仙也是一阵惊讶,圣王让我们不要与钟山为敌,果然是对的。 Jun Moli has looked, watches a meeting, Jun Moli called out suddenly: „It is not right, this is not A Sword Lives a World, this definitely is not, the teacher has said that A Sword Lives a World, under the highest boundary, each sword is a world, the new world leaves, all around space caves in surely. All around manic Sword Qi tearing all, your is not!” 君莫离一直看着,看了一会,君莫离忽然叫道:“不对,这不是一剑生世界,这肯定不是,师尊说过,一剑生世界,最高境界下,每一剑都是一个世界,新的世界出,四周空间必定塌陷。狂躁剑气撕裂四周一切,你这不是!” Jun Moli has the attitude of proof to stare to Zhong Shan. But other Expert also strange looks to Zhong Shan. 君莫离带着求证的态度盯向钟山。而其他强者也怪异的看向钟山 Zhong Shan is at heart clear, this sword, indeed is not A Sword Lives a World, the swordsmanship, Zhong Shan, although has the talent, but to this boundary also difference is too too far, a moment ago the effect of that sword, was only the Undying Sword attribute reason, recorded enormous Heavenly Demon Throne of Power Rune, this sword can open a gap, a Heavenly Demon World gap. 钟山心里清楚,这一剑,的确不是一剑生世界,剑道,钟山虽然有天赋,但离这个境界还差的太远太远,刚才那一剑的效果,只是不死剑属性的缘故,刻录了大量天魔权座符文,这一剑可以打开一个缺口,一个天魔界的缺口。 Young Master Heavenly Demon together with innumerable Heavenly Demon, but was returned to Heavenly Demon World by a Zhong Shan sword. At is not A Sword Lives a World. Naturally, at this time, Zhong Shan will not satisfy the numerous Expert curiosity, will not give them an explanation. 天魔公子连同无数天魔,只是被钟山一剑送回了天魔界而已。根本不是一剑生世界。当然,这个时候,钟山也不会满足众强者的好奇心,根本不会给他们一点解释。 Wang Ku , not quick war? Last Jun Moli, I will constrain for you!” Zhong Shan sinking sound was saying to Wang Ku. 王骷,还不快战?最后一个君莫离,我会为你拖住!”钟山沉声的对着王骷道。 ***: First, strove for ***! Today erupts! ***:第一更,求***!今天爆发哦!
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