IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1064: Strong help

Beside Jar World, after four big inherit the elder Jar World, waits patiently! 瓮界之外,四大传承长老将瓮界封起来后,就耐心等候! But in a while, four big inheritance elders looked at each other, four people are responsible for sacrificial refining this treasure, naturally feels its slight change, its superficial unexpectedly vague production Strength of Samsara? 可没过多久,四大传承长老就对视了起来,四人负责祭炼此宝,自然感受到其细微的变化,它的表面居然若有若无的产生一股轮回之力? Four Great Elder look at each other one. 大长老对视一眼。 „, Hundred days again unseal!” Previously that said hundred days inheritance elder solemnly said. “等,百日再开封!”先前那说百日为期的传承长老郑重道 Un!” Another three inherit the elder also to nod. “嗯!”另外三个传承长老也点点头。 But others, naturally cannot feel exceptionally. 而其他人,自然感受不到异常。 These, Skeleton Clan also came some guests on. Four big were inherited the elder to permit, in nearby. 这几日,骷髅族也来了一些客人。被四大传承长老允许,待在附近。 After several days . 数日后。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Black Sea above loud sound, a white light flashes through, in Jar World not far away, presents a giant opening suddenly. 黑海上空一声巨响,一道白光闪过,在瓮界不远处,陡然出现一道巨大的裂口。 !” “呼!” A form fled suddenly. 一个身影忽然窜了出来。 King?” Almost all skeletons are slightly startled, is four big inherits the elder also to reveal a surprised color. “王?”几乎所有骷髅都是微微一鄂,就是四大传承长老也露出一丝惊讶之色。 Did Nether Demon win? Such quickly? 冥魔赢了?这么快? Bang!” “轰!” Also is a loud sound, azure light flashes together in not far away, clothes robe some Wang Ku of breakage appear suddenly. 又是一声巨响,一道青光在不远处闪起,衣袍有些破损的王骷忽然出现。 Eh?” “额?” Almost all skeletons are an accident/surprise, did not understand, what's the matter? Without deciding the victory and defeat, how to come out suddenly? 几乎所有骷髅都是一阵意外,一阵不理解,怎么回事?没有决出胜负,怎么就忽然出来了? Nether Demon, Wang Ku? What's the matter?” Inherits the elder to open the mouth to say. 冥魔,王骷?怎么回事?”一个传承长老开口道。 But Nether Demon and Wang Ku have not paid attention, Wang Ku has died to stare at Nether Demon, must continue to fight with Nether Demon, but Nether Demon actually looks all around. 冥魔王骷都没有理会,王骷一直死盯着冥魔,要与冥魔继续战斗,而冥魔却是环顾四周。 Four, you came!” In the Nether Demon tone is passing a happy expression. “四位,你们来了!”冥魔语气之中透着一股喜色。 Nether Demon looks to not far away in the air four forms. That four forms are also the guests who these days caught up with. 冥魔看向不远处空中的四个身影。那四个身影也就是这几天赶来的客人。 Two red-robed man, a black-robed man, white-robed man. 两个红袍男子,一个黑袍男子,一个白袍男子 Two red-robed man bind in the red robe, looks at not meet again appearance, but lends the aura is actually extremely tyrannical. 两个红袍男子裹在红袍之中,看不见面貌,但散发出气息却是极为强横。 The black-robed man is strange, resembles the empty probability, making one have an illusory feeling, the corners of the mouth reveals one to smile evilly, despising looks to four directions . 黑袍男子非常怪异,似虚似实,让人有种虚幻的感觉,嘴角露出一丝邪笑,一股蔑视的看向四方 white-robed man same air of arrogance, the aura is tyrannical. 白袍男子同样一身傲气,气息强横。 Your Skeleton King invited, how could didn't we come? What's wrong? Hadn't the fight ended?” The black-robed evil different man said. “你骷髅王邀请,我们岂能不来?怎么?战斗还没结束?”黑袍邪异男子说道。 Situation changes, but also looks at four to aid this time!” Nether Demon opens the mouth to say immediately. “情况有变,还望四位能够援手这次!”冥魔马上开口道。 Hears Nether Demon so ignores the status invites, all around skeleton elder is a silence, obviously at heart is not very comfortable. 听到冥魔如此不顾身份的相邀,四周的骷髅长老都是一阵沉默,显然心里都不是很舒服。 Four big Expert look together to Wang Ku, Wang Ku also stopped temporarily, dignified looks to opposite four big Expert. Specially that black-robed Expert, a strange feeling floods the Wang Ku innermost feelings. 四大强者一起看向王骷,王骷也暂时停了下来,凝重的看向对面四大强者。特别那黑袍强者,一股怪异的感觉充斥王骷内心。 Teacher, how do they come out? In Jar World, isn't even Saint can also surround?” An elder does not understand to say. “师尊,他们是怎么出来的?瓮界之中,不是连圣人也能困住吗?”一个长老不理解道。 They have royal power Magical Treasure, that is the symbol of my Skeleton Clan, is Jar World will not be blocking only two Magical Treasure, this under the heavens, only then they can at will shuttle Jar World!” Inherits the elder to answer. “他们有王权法宝,那是我骷髅族的象征,也是瓮界唯一不会拦着的两个法宝,这天下,只有他们俩能够随意穿梭瓮界!”一个传承长老解释道。 Originally such as ......... ?” The elder first nods, but just under point stunned. “原来如.........,呃?”那长老先是点点头,可头刚点下就愕然了起来。 Because, in their not far away, black-robed Zhong Shan steps. 因为,在他们不远处,一身黑袍钟山踏步而出。 Zhong Shan steps? 钟山踏步而出? Skeleton Clan four big inherited the elder voice to catch, their four elder disciple also voices stopped suddenly similarly. 骷髅族的四大传承长老声音卡住了,他们四个长老弟子同样也声音戛然而止。 Master, the teacher, you did not say, only has Wang Ku and Nether Demon can at will shuttle Jar World? How do I feel him compared with Wang Ku, Nether Demon must at will?” That elder inconceivable say/way that inquired a moment ago. “师,师尊,你不是说,只有王骷冥魔可以随意穿梭瓮界吗?我怎么感觉他比王骷,冥魔还要随意啊?”刚才询问的那个长老不可思议道。 Yes, Uncle-Master, this is Jar World fake?” Another elder said. “是啊,师叔,这瓮界是不是假的?”另一个长老说道。 „Will scoundrel, deceive you for the master?” That that spoke a moment ago inherited the elder to become angry out of shame. 混账,为师会骗你们?”刚才说话的那传承长老恼羞成怒。 ........................!” “........................!” Zhong Shan came out, coming out unfathomable mystery, no one knows how he comes out, all Skeleton Clan elders were in any case ignorant. 钟山出来了,出来的莫名其妙,谁也不知道他怎么出来的,反正所有骷髅族长老都懵了。 Foreign aid?” Wang Ku to Nether Demon said solemnly. “外援?”王骷对着冥魔沉声道 Snort, Wang Ku, allowing you to have the foreign aid, can't I have?” Nether Demon coldly said. “哼,王骷,允许你有外援,就不许我有?”冥魔冷声道 The Zhong Shan steps arrive at Wang Ku beside, with Wang Ku together confrontation opposite party five big Expert. 钟山踏步走到王骷身旁,与王骷一起对峙对方五大强者 Inheriting elder at this moment is comes fairly, has not naturally gone forward to block. In distant place serious looks, the waiting result comes out. 传承长老此刻是来公正的,自然没有上前相拦。只是在远处郑重的看着,等待结果出来而已。 Nether Demon at this moment also strange looks at Zhong Shan. 冥魔此刻也怪异的看着钟山 Past in Prosperous Capital, Nether Demon saw Zhong Shan is only Great Immortal Realm, now most achieves initial period of Ancient Immortal, but on such cultivation base, actually gave the person to be accidental repeatedly, five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons, because he was missing mystically, previously opens Samsara Passage, went out of Jar World a moment ago at will. 昔日在昌京,冥魔看出钟山只是大仙境,现在最多达到古仙初期吧,可就这样的修为,却屡次给人意外,五百六十一古仙骷髅,因为他神秘失踪了,先前更是开启轮回通道,刚才又随意走出了瓮界 Strength, is not fearful! What is fearful is unknown. This Zhong Shan is throwing over in a veil of mystery. Let the person ascertain airtight. 实力强,不可怕!可怕的是未知。这个钟山就是披着一层神秘的面纱。让人捉摸不透。 Four, it seems like our opponents continued he, his beside that person.” Nether Demon was saying to the people. “四位,看来我们的对手不止他了,还有他身旁的那人。”冥魔对着众人说道。 Skeleton King, you did not introduce to us, my hand, may never kill the obscure individual!” The black-robed person said with a smile evilly. 骷髅王,你不给我们介绍一下,我的手,可从来不杀无名之辈!”黑袍人邪笑道。 Skeleton King, it seems like that this time we possibly could not help you!” A red robe person opens the mouth to say suddenly. 骷髅王,看来这次我们可能帮不了你了!”一个红袍人忽然开口道。 A red robe person opens the mouth, the people are slightly startled, can two red robe people withdraw? Why can withdraw? 红袍人一开口,众人都是微微一鄂,两个红袍人要退出?为什么要退出? Two red-robed man put aside in one group of people from Nether Demon. 两个红袍男子冥魔所在一群人中移开。 Nether Demon, black-robed man, white-robed man, strange looks at these two red robe people. Their what meanings? Runs over far away, for only doesn't help? 冥魔,黑袍男子,白袍男子,都古怪的看着这两个红袍人。他们什么意思?大老远跑过来,只为了一句不帮忙? Why?” Nether Demon does not understand to say. “为什么?”冥魔不理解道。 Opposite, Wang Ku and Zhong Shan also look at these two strange red robe people. 对面,王骷钟山也看着这两个怪异的红袍人。 Saint King Zhong, meet again!” Two red robe people open the mouth to say. 钟圣王,又见面了!”两个红袍人开口道。 Zhong Shan brows slightly wrinkled, subsequently, eye one bright, thinks that who two people were. When blue, blue two subordinates, past to win Dashou, by to win Liewei honored guest, the arrangement also that blue above Zhong Shan seat, this two people, is the blue two subordinates! Takes two Ancestor Immortal of nine 13 lotuses together. 钟山眉头微皱,继而,眼睛一亮,想起来二人是谁了。蓝,蓝的两个下属,昔日嬴大寿时,被嬴列为上宾,排列还在钟山座位之上的那个蓝,这两人,就是蓝的两个下属!一同去取九道十三莲的两个祖仙 Is they? 是他们? Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 A very dramatic picture, in an instant, did the red robe person recognize each other with the person of opposite party? Nether Demon had for the second time lifted the stone to pound the feeling of foot. No way, did these two people become the enemy? 一个很戏剧性的画面,转眼间,红袍人就和对方的人相认了?冥魔第二次有了搬石头砸自己脚的感觉。不会吧,这两个人成为敌人了? You?” Nether Demon indignant say/way. “你们?”冥魔气愤道。 The red robe person looks to deep Demonic Path: „When Skeleton King, I and other people have no other choice, comes Northern Continent, Saint King once some confession, can not with Zhong Shan Saint King Zhong for the enemy, I and other people not help you cope with them, naturally, thanked you to help a while ago, we will not naturally help Zhong Shan, both of us were the neutralities!” 红袍人看向冥魔道:“骷髅王,我等二人也不得已,来北洲之时,圣王曾有交代,不得与钟山钟圣王为敌,我等二人不会帮你对付他们,当然,感谢你前段时间的帮忙,我们自然也不会帮助钟山,我们俩算是中立吧!” Two red robe logical expression said, Nether Demon shouted the tone secretly , was quite depressed, this did Zhong Shan make friends is so broad? 两个红袍人话说完,冥魔暗呼口气,同时也极为郁闷,这个钟山交友怎么这么广? „? I now am more curious! Who is he?” The black-robed evil different man said. “哦?我现在更加好奇了!他到底是谁?”黑袍邪异男子说道。 Two, whether to introduce?” Zhong Shan was saying to two red robe people. “二位,可否介绍一下?”钟山对着两个红袍人说道。 Since has blue this to relate again, Zhong Shan naturally must understand the opposite party. 既然有着‘蓝’这重关系,钟山自然要了解一下对方。 Two red-robed man nod, by one person aims at that white-robed man saying: This is the Samsara Saint second outstanding disciple, Jun Moli, may operate Samsara Passage, the outstanding person phoenix, Ancestor Immortal Expert!” 两个红袍男子点点头,由其中一个人指向那白袍男子道:“这位是轮回圣人的第二高徒,君莫离,可操纵轮回通道,人中龙凤,祖仙强者!” Jun Moli? Operates Samsara Passage? In Zhong Shan heart one tight. 君莫离?操纵轮回通道?钟山心中一紧。 Jun Moli, this named Zhong Shan, can operate Samsara Passage, before several days , Samsara Passage opens, the wind and cloud changes color, domineering invincible.” Nether Demon to a Jun Moli introduced. Simultaneously in the tone flashes through to instigate. 君莫离,这位叫钟山,也能操纵轮回通道,数日前轮回通道开,风云变色,强势无敌。”冥魔对着君莫离介绍道。同时语气中闪过一丝挑拨。 „?” Jun Moli slightly surprised, in the eye flashes through a provocation simultaneously. “哦?”君莫离微微意外,同时眼中闪过一丝挑衅。 Strength of Samsara? under the heavens strongest operation Strength of Samsara from Samsara Saint, but oneself are the Samsara Saint second outstanding disciple, domineering invincible? Can a bystander also domineering invincible? Joke! 轮回之力?天下最强的操纵轮回之力来自轮回圣人,而自己是轮回圣人第二高徒,强势无敌?一个外人也能强势无敌?笑话! One side another black-robed evil different man is the complexion is not very good, because that red robe person first introduced unexpectedly was Jun Moli, rather. 一旁另一个黑袍邪异男子却是脸色很不好,因为那红袍人先介绍的居然是君莫离,而不是自己。 red-robed man is also keeping sizing up Zhong Shan, heard Nether Demon saying that Zhong Shan can grasp Samsara Passage, was slightly surprised. 红袍男子同样也在不停打量钟山,听到冥魔钟山能够掌握轮回通道,也是微微意外 Saint King Zhong, this is Young Master Heavenly Demon, we cannot completely understand him!” red-robed man again to a Zhong Shan introduced. 钟圣王,这位是‘天魔公子’,我们看不透他!”红袍男子再度对钟山介绍道。 Young Master Heavenly Demon? Zhong Shan eyes narrows the eyes. Two can't Ancestor Immortal completely understand him? 天魔公子?钟山双眼微眯。两个祖仙看不透他? Young Master Heavenly Demon hears red-robed man to introduce, this reveals one to smile pale, can't completely understand itself? Originally first introduced weakly. Latter introduced Expert, so, put your horse. 天魔公子听到红袍男子介绍,这才露出一丝淡笑,看不透自己?原来先介绍弱的。后介绍强者,如此看来,就放你们一马。 Nether Demon now is very depressed, this Zhong Shan, oneself could not have a liking, just entered the Ancient Immortal person, but these under the heavens come, felt that Zhong Shan is getting more and more fearful. Oneself draw on four big Expert with great difficulty, this has not started to fight, was short of two strong helps, almost helped the strengthen enemy a moment ago. 冥魔现在很郁闷,这个钟山,原本自己根本看不上,一个刚入古仙的人,可这些天下来,感觉钟山越来越可怕。自己好不容易招来四大强者,这还没开始斗,就少了两个强援,刚才还差点强援变强敌。 In an instant, oneself was only left over Jun Moli and Young Master Heavenly Demon. Opposite Zhong Shan, Wang Ku! 一转眼,自己这边只剩下君莫离天魔公子了。对面一个钟山,一个王骷! Regarding Zhong Shan, Nether Demon no longer underestimate, knows from the attitudes of two red robe people, this Zhong Shan definitely has the strong strength, otherwise their are Saint King possibly willing to become friends with him? 对于钟山,冥魔不再小看,从两个红袍人的态度就知道,这个钟山肯定有着强大的实力,否则他们的圣王怎么可能愿意与他结交? Two, this Zhong Shan is weird, two are careful!” Nether Demon said low voice. “二位,这个钟山非常邪门,二位要小心!”冥魔小声说道。 Weird?” Young Master Heavenly Demon reveals one to smile evilly. Weird? Resulting in me is weird than? “邪门?”天魔公子露出一丝邪笑。邪门?比得过我邪门? Another side, Zhong Shan deep looked at a Young Master Heavenly Demon and Jun Moli. Subsequently said solemnly: Wang Ku, you continue to cope with Nether Demon, as for Jun Moli and Young Master Heavenly Demon, I will constrain them!” 另一边,钟山深深的看了一眼天魔公子和君莫离。继而沉声道:“王骷,你继续对付冥魔,至于君莫离天魔公子,我会拖住他们!” Zhong Shan said is very pale, but this very pale sound listens to be no different than a thunderclap in some people ears. 钟山说的很淡,可这很淡的声音听在一些人耳中无异于声声炸雷。 Especially Nether Demon, the eye socket of Nether Demon stared suddenly in a big way, what? Your can Ancient Immortal cope with Young Master Heavenly Demon and Jun Moli simultaneously? Really can court death inadequately? 特别是冥魔,冥魔的眼眶都忽然瞪大了一些,什么?你一个古仙要同时对付天魔公子和君莫离?真的要找死不成? Young Master Heavenly Demon is the complexion is also quite ugly. Unexpectedly was ignored this degree, others are very perhaps difficult to see Zhong Shan cultivation base, but Young Master Heavenly Demon, because the status is special, actually looked, Ancient Immortal? Does Ancient Immortal dare to put this boast? Even if ordinary Ancestor Immortal does not dare to oneself dissolute, this Ancient Immortal insane inadequate? 天魔公子也是脸色极为难看。居然被漠视到了这个程度,别人或许很难看出钟山修为,可天魔公子因为身份特异,却看出来了,古仙?一个古仙敢放这个大话?就是普通祖仙也不敢对自己放肆,这个古仙疯了不成? Another side, Jun Moli is also the complexion sinks, who was neglected by others, at heart will not be happy, what let alone neglected is Ancestor Immortal. 另一边,君莫离也是脸色微沉,谁被别人忽视,都心里不会愉快,更何况被忽视的还是一个祖仙 Looks to Zhong Shan, regardless of Young Master Heavenly Demon or Jun Moli were the complexion bad. However this is just right for the Nether Demon intention. 看向钟山,无论天魔公子还是君莫离都是脸色不善了起来。不过这正合冥魔心意。 Un!” Wang Ku nods. “嗯!”王骷点点头。 But Nether Demon is actually a strangeness, seems dark in has a strength, towed to trade past karma to be the same, oneself and a Wang Ku war, inevitable? 冥魔却是一阵古怪,好似冥冥之中有着一股力量,牵引着自己来换还当年的因果一样,自己和王骷的一战,不可避免? ***: Thank everyone ***, will erupt tomorrow! ***:感谢大家***,明天爆发了!
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