IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1063: Balanced

Jin Peng is somewhat scared, what are more was attacked by Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan that has looked down upon, even if were defeated by him thinks that was Zhong Shan obtains the Heaven Veins Force reason by luck, now, saw the strength that Zhong Shan gradually displayed, Jin Peng the astonished discovery, defeated own strength, was only the Zhong Shan's tip of the iceberg. 金鹏有些失魂落魄,更多的是被钟山打击了,一直看不起的钟山,哪怕被他打败都认为是钟山侥幸得到兵之天脉的缘故,现在,看到钟山逐渐展现的力量,金鹏才惊愕的发现,打败自己的力量,只是钟山的冰山一角而已。 Dropping variance too big! A Jin Peng helplessness, is longer in the together time with Zhong Shan this evildoer/monstrous talent, the attack is bigger! 落差太大了!金鹏一阵无奈,跟钟山这个妖孽在一起的时间越长,打击越大! Deep attracted several tones, puts down homocentric the helplessness, Jin Peng looks to the place of central star, during there, has several Skeleton Clan Expert to fight. 深深的吸了几口气,平复心中的无奈,金鹏看向中心恒星之处,那里,有着几个骷髅族强者战斗之中。 No longer pays attention to the skeletons of these Ancient Immortal boundaries, Jin Peng body turns toward that star place to shoot in a flash. 不再理会这些古仙境的骷髅,金鹏身形一晃向着那恒星处射去。 Zhong Shan gazes after Jin Peng to leave, the Zhong Shan goal was also achieved, how as for can display Samsara Passage in Jar World, this was like the deep sea prison previously, comes and goes out the Jar World ability by Zhong Shan at will, transfers Strength of Samsara also to have what difficulty? moreover in the Zhong Shan's method, want to transfers Strength of Samsara also not just this means. 钟山目送金鹏离开,钟山目的也达到了,至于在瓮界中如何能够施展轮回通道,这就跟先前冥海大狱一样,以钟山随意出入瓮界的能力,调动一丝轮回之力又有何难?况且钟山的手段,想要调动轮回之力也并不是只有这一个办法。 The Shadow Body Zhong Shan's speed, is extremely abnormal, even if Shadow Clone speed, only then half of Shadow Body speed, is not common Ancient Immortal can compare, is Ancestor Immortal not necessarily compares favorably with. 影躯钟山的速度,是极为变态的,哪怕影分身速度只有影躯速度的一半,也不是寻常古仙所能比的,就是祖仙也不一定比得上。 Quickly! 快! If the starry sky explodes the same shoots towards in all directions, each position has the Zhong Shan's form, Skeleton Clan Ancient Immortal is fast by the Beast Dao seal. 如星空爆炸一样射向四面八方,各个方位都有钟山的身影,骷髅族古仙更是快速被畜生道封印而起。 Shadow Body has stood in same place, return of waiting in all directions Shadow Clone. 影躯一直站在原地,等待四面八方影分身的归来。 After a double-hour, first Shadow Clone returned, the flash of return, sneaks into Shadow Body within the body directly, subsequently second, third, are getting more and more. 一个时辰之后,第一个影分身归来了,归来的一霎那,直接窜入影躯体内,继而第二个,第三个,越来越多。 Distant place, star edge. 远处,恒星边缘处。 Wang Ku and Nether Demon soon found each other! Wang Ku takes out the bronze throne, Nether Demon takes out that sickle, two big Skeleton Clan most precious objects, fight immediately. 王骷冥魔很快找到了彼此!王骷取出青铜宝座,冥魔取出那柄镰刀,两大骷髅族至宝,马上争锋而起。 It is not able to transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, therefore is also very difficult to tear to pieces the space, but these two most precious objects actually crushes the space, two skeleton intense collisions, Wang Ku was suppressed as before, but actually continuously undefeated. 无法调动天道之力,因此也很难撕破空间,可这两个至宝却生生的将空间击碎,两个骷髅一次次的强烈碰撞,王骷依旧被压制,但却一直不败。 The huge star when two Skeleton King fight, arouses flood Heavenly Fire wave. That battlefield is conspicuous, quick on the attention of attraction four directions skeleton, flies fast toward the place of star. 庞大的恒星在两个骷髅王战斗的时候,激起滔天火浪。那一个战场非常显眼,很快就吸引四方骷髅的注意,快速向着恒星之处飞去。 But the Nether Demon Ancient Immortal subordinate, just flew, met attack Zhong Shan, in an instant was infiltrated above a planet, in fight by seal. 冥魔古仙下属,刚刚飞起,就遇到了来袭的钟山,转眼被打入一个行星之上,在战斗中被封印了。 The Wang Ku war is stronger, can counter-attack from the suppression slowly, the number of times of although counter-attacking is few, but there is this beginning, the counter-attack of Wang Ku are getting more and more. 王骷越战越强,从压制慢慢能够反击了,虽然反击的次数很少,但有了这个开端,王骷的反击越来越多。 Wang Ku black-robed has most breakages, above the bone is also made crack injuries by Nether Demon, but, this crack vanishes quickly does not see, was absorbed by Wang Ku generally. 王骷黑袍有大部分破损,骨头之上也被冥魔打出一股股的裂纹伤害,可是,这股裂纹很快就消失不见,被王骷吸收了一般。 Strange, Nether Demon is getting more and more agitated. 诡异的一幕,冥魔越来越烦躁。 Wound, Divine Ability of wound!” Nether Demon said bitterly. “伤,伤之神通!”冥魔恨恨道。 Nether Demon some do not want to fight again, more fights, the Wang Ku strength is higher, but unexpectedly how many do oneself have time suffers a loss on Wang Ku? 冥魔有些不想再斗了,越斗,王骷实力越高,而自己居然有几次在王骷手上吃了大亏? !” “呼!” The purple shadow flashes through together, a Skeleton Clan elder flew the near. 一道紫影闪过,一个骷髅族的长老飞到了近前。 Green wind, comes at once to help me , helping me extinguish kills this rebelling!” Nether Demon is exclaiming to that elder. “绿风,速来助我,助我灭杀这个逆贼!”冥魔对着那个长老吼道。 Yes!” purple qipao gown elder immediately comply with the way. “是!”紫袍长老马上应道 , shouts, shouts!” “呼,呼,呼!” Three forms kept off before him suddenly. Is You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River). 三道身影忽然挡在了他面前。是幽山幽水幽川 We are blocking him, You Shan (Nether Mountain) you help the king!” You Shui (Nether Water) said. “我们拦着他,幽山你去助王!”幽水说道。 Good!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) immediately comply with the way. “好!”幽山马上应道 At this time, distant place Wang Ku opened the mouth saying: Does not need to come, copes with Nether Demon, my enough, you took care of yourselves!” 这时,远处王骷开口道:“不必过来了,对付冥魔,我一个就够了,你们照顾好自己!” „?” “呃?” Yes!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) immediately comply with the way. “是!”幽山幽水幽川马上应道 Three skeletons keep off before that elder. 三个骷髅挡在那个长老面前。 !” Another purple qipao gown elder appeared suddenly. “呼!”又一个紫袍长老忽然出现了。 Without hesitation flushes away toward the Wang Ku battlefield. 毫不犹豫的向着王骷的战场冲去。 !” “呼!” A gold/metal shadow flashes through, Jin Peng body appears suddenly. 一个金影闪过,金鹏身形陡然出现。 Two generations of Skeleton King gratitude and grudges, what hand do you insert?” Jin Peng took out Righteous Heavenly Halberd to block in his front. “两代骷髅王的恩怨,你们插什么手?”金鹏取出方天画戟拦在了他的面前。 Expert is still gathering unceasingly. 强者还在不断汇聚。 More and more skeleton Expert fly, flies fast, here already becomes the battlefield center obviously. 越来越多的骷髅强者飞来,快速飞来,这里显然已经成为了战场的中心。 Wang Ku and Nether Demon fight outrageously, Nether Demon hand/subordinate six big Ancestor Immortal elders, but, at this moment actually strange is sphered by these prisoners who enormous Wang Ku subdues. 王骷冥魔悍然相斗,冥魔手下有六大祖仙长老,不过,此刻却诡异的被大量王骷收服的那些囚犯围住了。 Ancient Immortal, does not beat Ancestor Immortal forever, is, in this special environment, where Ancestor Immortal isn't able to transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao to arrive at compared with Ancient Immortal? 古仙,永远不敌祖仙,可是,在这特殊的环境,祖仙无法调动天道之力又比古仙强到哪里? Ancient Immortal does not beat Ancestor Immortal, is, if still ten to one? Even if cannot defeat Ancestor Immortal, constrains can, moreover Jin Peng is aggressive Ancestor Immortal. 一个古仙是不敌祖仙,可是,尚若十个对一个呢?就算不能打败祖仙,拖住还是可以的吧,况且金鹏还是一个凶悍祖仙 Extreme confusion of fight. But produced balanced strangely. 战斗的极为混乱。但诡异的产生了一个平衡。 Is two side influences, no one is able to meddle war of Wang Ku and Nether Demon. 就是两方势力,谁也无法插手王骷冥魔之战。 Wang Ku, you surrender, your subordinate only then these dozens Ancient Immortal, I have several hundred, they scattered was far, once they rush, you cannot run away one, now surrenders, I give you means of livelihood, once my Ancient Immortal rushes, I Total Extermination Slash!” Nether Demon exclaimed. 王骷,你还是投降吧,你的下属只有这几十个古仙,我有几百名,他们只是被分散的远了,一旦它们赶到,你们将一个也跑不掉,现在投降,我给你们活路,一旦我的古仙赶到,我将斩尽杀绝!”冥魔吼道。 Wang Ku does not pay attention to Nether Demon, the fight, the war, the war, the war! 王骷根本不理会冥魔,战斗,战,战,战! Fights, let rapidness that more and more Wang Ku strength restores. 一次次的战斗,让王骷实力恢复的越来越快。 Then, fought for one day and one night later, Wang Ku counter-attack already were getting more and more, how long perhaps or comes, can be equivalent to the Nether Demon strength. 就这样,战斗了一天一夜之后,王骷的反击已经越来越多了,或许要不来多久,就能和冥魔实力相当了。 Has the bronze throne, Nether Demon are most can only injure Wang Ku, but cannot extinguish Wang Ku. 有着青铜宝座,冥魔最多只能伤王骷,而不能灭王骷 On this day a night of fight, Nether Demon heart during battle comes more anxious. 这一天一夜的战斗,冥魔中越来越不安。 It is not right, is not right, why? Five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal that I deliver? Where they to? How to have suddenly? 不对劲,不对劲,为什么?我送进来的五百六十一古仙呢?他们到哪去了?怎么忽然都没了? Originally at all not with the fight that oneself make a move, now unexpectedly makes itself anxious more and more. 原本根本不用自己出手的战斗,现在居然越来越让自己不安。 Didn't have? Hasn't come? How can like this? 没了?一个也没来?怎么会这样? Besides oneself Ancient Immortal subordinate , that Great Zheng Saint King, he has not appeared. 除了自己的古仙下属,还有,还有那个大崝圣王,他也没出现。 His not on blocking next five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal? Is impossible, is absolutely impossible, Ancient Immortal disperse to open, his can one person possibly block? 他不会一个就拦下五百六十一古仙吧?不可能,绝对不可能,古仙们分散而开,他一个人怎么可能拦得住? Also is a day of fight, the Wang Ku injury restored to be quicker, seemed the fight with Skeleton Clan, makes quicker general, perhaps also the same clan that Wang Ku restored took to own injury, was Wang Ku want to. 又是一天的战斗,王骷伤势恢复更快了,好似与骷髅族的战斗,让王骷恢复的更快一般,又或许同族带给自己的伤害,才是王骷想要的。 The Wang Ku strength is getting stronger and stronger, Nether Demon is the injury is getting more and more heavy. 王骷实力越来越强,冥魔却是伤势越来越重。 How can like this? How can like this? Ancient Immortal? That Zhong Shan?” Nether Demon agitated is calling. “怎么会这样?怎么会这样?古仙们呢?还有那个钟山呢?”冥魔烦躁的叫着。 Suddenly, Nether Demon discovered Zhong Shan. 忽然,冥魔发现了钟山 Nearby a not far away planet, a black-robed form crosses the hands behind the back to stand, coldly is sizing up at present the chaotic battlefield, the meaning that no must meddle, thinks so, coldly looks. 不远处一个行星附近,一个黑袍身影负手而立,冷冷的打量着眼前混乱的战场,没有一丝要插手的意思,就这么看着,冷冷的看着。 Is Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan black-robed, is situated in in the air. 钟山,钟山一身黑袍,立于空中。 Zhong Shan appears before the half of the day, the appeared flash, Jin Peng saw Zhong Shan. When sees Zhong Shan, in the Jin Peng heart startles. 钟山是在半天前出现的,出现的一霎那,金鹏就看到了钟山。看到钟山之时,金鹏心中又是一骇。 Were five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons, solved by Zhong Shan completely? Because of until now, comes to here, the prisoner who only then Wang Ku subdues, Nether Demon Ancient Immortal subordinate does not have, weird, strange matter. 五百六十一古仙骷髅,全部被钟山解决了?因为到现在为止,来这里的,只有王骷收服的囚犯,冥魔古仙下属一个没有,邪门,诡异的事情。 Nether Demon had the big superior the environment, in an instant turned into his restriction, turned into the Wang Ku big advantage. 原本冥魔占大优势的环境,转眼变成了他的制约,变成王骷的大优势了。 My Ancient Immortal?” Nether Demon was calling out to not far away Zhong Shan. “我的古仙呢?”冥魔对着不远处钟山叫道。 Nether Demon called, all skeletons looked to Zhong Shan, after all this weird matter they previously also discovered, looked together to Zhong Shan. Is could it be that really he? 冥魔一叫,所有骷髅都看向钟山,毕竟这邪门的事情他们先前也发现了,一起看向钟山难道真的是他? Five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons? Under my impel, awakens quickly, now during a special place confession!” Zhong Shan says. “五百六十一古仙骷髅?在我的感召之下,幡然醒悟,现在正在一个特殊的地方忏悔之中!”钟山开口说道。 Quickly awakens? During confession? Nether Demon has the impulsion that plants to spit blood. Will Skeleton Clan confess? Also were five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons inpelled by you completely? You think that who you are? 幡然醒悟?忏悔之中?冥魔有种要吐血的冲动。骷髅族会忏悔吗?还五百六十一古仙骷髅全部被你感召了?你以为你是谁啊? In heart oppressed time, seized the opportunity to sneak by Wang Ku, shelled the enormous injury. 心中憋闷的时候,又被王骷乘虚而入,轰击出了大量的伤势。 No matter how Nether Demon thinks, no matter also Zhong Shan said false, but the indisputable fact, is five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons, will not really come. 不管冥魔如何想,也不管钟山说的有多假,但有一个不争的事实,就是五百六十一古仙骷髅,真的不会来了。 Won't they come? 它们不会来了? Nether Demon feels a tremendous pressure immediately. 冥魔顿时感到一股巨大的压力。 Although oneself six Ancient Immortal subordinates were not suppressed, but could not help itself, but Wang Ku was getting stronger and stronger, even there is still one Zhong Shan is eying covetously. 自己的六个古仙下属虽说不是被压制,但根本帮助不了自己,而王骷可是越来越强,甚至还有一个钟山在虎视眈眈。 Nether Demon has to plant to lift the stone to pound the feeling of foot, what location isn't good to select, selects in Jar World? 冥魔有种搬石头砸自己脚的感觉,什么场地不好挑,挑在瓮界? Also fought for day, at this moment, strength remarkable big increasing of Wang Ku, already and were well-matched! 又战了一天,这一刻,王骷的实力惊人的大攀升,已经和自己旗鼓相当了! there is still one grim relative Zhong Shan? 还有一个冷面相对的钟山? Zhong Shan has not acted, that is because this is completely the fight between Skeleton Clan, oneself can eliminate is small, but the fight of this king and king will not participate absolutely, once because participates, no matter how later the situation, will encounter hostility of Skeleton Clan. This is the royal power, cannot be deceived. Zhong Shan deeply understands this truth. 钟山没有出手,那是因为这完全是骷髅族之间的战斗,自己可以清除小喽啰,但这种王与王的战斗绝对不会参加,因为一旦参加,不管以后所处形势如何,都将遭到骷髅族的敌视。这是王权,不容亵渎。钟山深深明白这个道理。 Although Nether Demon does not think, but Zhong Shan has to do that Zhong Shan will not meddle two kings to fight. 冥魔虽然不这么想,但钟山不得不这么做,钟山不会插手两王战斗。 The Nether Demon pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the sickle and bronze throne bumps into one time loudly, separates with Wang Ku fast. 冥魔的压力越来越大,镰刀与青铜宝座一次轰然相撞,与王骷快速分开。 Deep looked at Wang Ku, the Nether Demon sickle to void one stroke, a white halo ripples, the Nether Demon steps walk into the white halo, in an instant vanishes does not see. 深深的看了一眼王骷,冥魔的镰刀对着虚空一划,一股白色光晕荡漾而出,冥魔踏步走入白色光晕,转眼消失不见。 Person?” Jin Peng called out. “人呢?”金鹏叫道。 The Wang Ku bronze throne to void is hitting, dislodges a azure halo, the Wang Ku also steps enter. 王骷的青铜宝座对着虚空一撞,也撞出一个青色光晕,王骷也踏步而入。 Their people?” Jin Peng was saying to not far away You Shan (Nether Mountain). “他们人呢?”金鹏对着不远处幽山道。 King had/left Jar World with that rebel already, in their hands was Skeleton Clan royal power Magical Treasure, can go out of Jar World willfully.” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said. “王与那个叛逆已经瓮界了,他俩手中的都是骷髅族的王权法宝,可以任意走出瓮界。”幽山说道。 We what to do?” Jin Peng looks to Zhong Shan of distant place. “那我们怎么办?”金鹏看向远处的钟山 Zhong Shan disregards Jar World, naturally saw scenery of , Wang Ku from Jar World, fought outside. 钟山无视瓮界,自然看到了外界之景,王骷瓮界,战斗到了外面。 Zhong Shan has a look still to say in the battlefield of tangled warfare at present: These are the Skeleton Clan elders, only may injure, cannot kill!” 钟山看看眼前还在混战的战场道:“这些是骷髅族长老,只可伤,不可杀!” „!” All skeleton slightly startled. “呃!”所有骷髅微微一鄂 Subsequently, a next quarter numerous skeleton stared in a big way the eye socket. 继而,下一刻一众骷髅都瞪大了眼眶。 Saw only Zhong Shan to tread on. 只见钟山一脚踏了出去。 He , he others?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) some cannot believe to say. “他,他,他人呢?”幽山有些不可置信道。 Went out!” Some Jin Peng speechless say/way. “出去了!”金鹏有些无语道。 Is impossible, was he possible to result in Jar World? Except for royal power Magical Treasure, is Saint is impossible easily to go out!” A purple qipao gown elder was startled to call out. “不可能,他怎么可能出得了瓮界?除了王权法宝,就是圣人也不可能轻易出去的!”一个紫袍长老惊叫道。 Jin Peng pities has a look at him saying: „The thing that you do not know are many!” 金鹏怜悯的看看他道:“你不知道的东西还多着呢!” ***: Tomorrow erupts! Asked ***! ***:明天爆发!求***!
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