IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1062: Zhong Shan invincible might

Each clan has some most Magical Treasure, they possibly do not have Saint to shelter, but each one has the card in hand of guarantee race inheritance. Even if these Magical Treasure cannot extinguish kills Saint, but spreads through ancient times, can still make want to extinguish Saint of its clan to taste enough price. 每一族都有一些最法宝,它们可能没有圣人庇护,但各自都有保证种族传承的底牌。这些法宝就算不能灭杀圣人,但亘古流传,也能让想要灭它族的圣人尝到足够代价。 Skeleton Clan, in Yin Sector is a large clan, the inheritance background of large clan is also essential, Skeleton Clan does not have Saint, but Saint will not easily feel embarrassed Skeleton Clan, because some Skeleton Clan also top Magical Treasure! 骷髅族,在阴间也是一个大族,大族的传承底蕴必不可少,骷髅族没有圣人,但圣人也不会轻易为难骷髅族,因为骷髅族也有一些顶级法宝! Jar World, the most precious object of skeleton clan. 瓮界,骷髅一族的至宝。 All previous Skeleton Clan inherits the elder to keep sacrificial refining, at this moment already reaches to Ancestor Immortal Equipment Peak Magical Treasure, although is impossible to extinguish kills Saint, but if Saint acts willfully, will be mutually wounded, the Saint severe wound, under the heavens Ancestor Immortal must object of universal admiration and hopes it. 历代骷髅族传承长老不停祭炼,此刻已经达至祖仙器巅峰法宝,虽不可能灭杀圣人,但若圣人一意孤行,也会两败俱伤,圣人重伤,天下祖仙必群望之。 Skeleton King Nether Demon naturally understands that the Jar World mystery, waves, five hundred 61 Ancient Immortal skeletons, fly into fast. Finally, Skeleton King also has six Ancestor Immortal steps to enter. 骷髅王冥魔自然明白瓮界的奥秘,一挥手,五百六十一古仙骷髅,快速飞入其中。最终,骷髅王也带着六名祖仙踏步而入。 Wang Ku has a look at Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan nods, subsequently, the first steps enter. 王骷看看钟山,钟山点点头,继而,第一个踏步而入。 Nearby Jin Peng how many want to prevent Zhong Shan, after all to the interior, their Ancestor Immortal must sell at a discount even greatly, does such person, go in does not bring death? 一旁金鹏几次想要阻止钟山,毕竟到了内部,就算他们祖仙也要大打折扣,就这么点人,进去不是送死? But the Zhong Shan already steps entered, Jin Peng can only a helplessness, this Saint King imagine must impulse! 钟山已经踏步进入了,金鹏只能一阵无奈,这个圣王比自己想象的还要冲动! Wang Ku looks to behind the skeleton. 王骷看向身后骷髅。 „It is not willing to go in along with me, now can walk!” Wang Ku said solemnly. “不愿意随我进去的,现在可以走!”王骷沉声道 King, we will not flinch!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) called out immediately. “王,我们是不会退缩的!”幽山马上叫道。 You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River) also nod. 幽水幽川也是点点头。 The 40 five prisoners have a look at Wang Ku, has a look at the four directions innumerable skeletons, finally clenches teeth, almost with stylish: I and others am willing to go through fire or water for the king, do not refuse under any circumstances!” 四十五个囚犯看看王骷,又看看四方无数骷髅,最后一咬牙,几乎同时道:“我等愿为王赴汤蹈火,在所不辞!” Good! Walks!” Wang Ku satisfied nod. “好!走!”王骷满意的点点头。 Brings a numerous skeleton, the steps to enter. Jin Peng looked, finally clenches teeth, followed. 带着一众骷髅,踏步而入。金鹏看了看,最终一咬牙,也跟着走了进去。 In an instant, two crowds of influences that the life and death fights, entered Jar World. 转眼间,生死斗的两群势力,都进入了瓮界 Seals!” “封!” Four big inherit the elder also to act, the strange law secret art infiltrates above ball of light loudly, in an instant, the ball of light halo completely goes, is only left over one to seem the metal ball to stay in the midair. 四大传承长老同时出手,诡异的法诀轰然打入光球之上,转眼间,光球的光晕尽去,只剩下一个好似金属球留在半空之中。 Internal! 内部! Zhong Shan foot treads into. The center of gravity in a flash, stands firm immediately. 钟山一脚踏入其中。重心一晃,马上稳住。 Fixes the eyes on looks, here unexpectedly is a starry sky world, the innumerable planets, revolve around a central star in all directions. 定睛一看,此处居然是一个星空世界,四面八方无数的行星,围绕着中心的一个恒星旋转。 Zhong Shan at this moment is treading above a planet, all around simply does not have Nether Demon, these Expert that also had not come in previously, at this moment, Zhong Shan realized finally that inherited the meaning of elder. 钟山此刻正踏在一个行星之上,四周根本没有冥魔,也没有先前进来的那些强者,这一刻,钟山终于体会到了那传承长老的意思。 Disperses in different places, it seems like, the remaining skeletons should disperse in the different places. ‘分散在不同地方’,看来,剩下的骷髅应该分散在不同的地方。 At the Zhong Shan present eyesight, sees on other star the scenery, the nature clear non- ratio, in an instant, Zhong Shan discovered two skeletons, is the Nether Demon subordinates, two Ancient Immortal. 钟山现在的眼力,看到别的星球上景色,自然清晰不比,转眼,钟山就发现了两个骷髅,都是冥魔的下属,两个古仙 Has a look at all around, tens of thousands of stars? 看看四周,数以万计的星辰? In the Zhong Shan eye concentrates, the goal that this time, Zhong Shan comes, can recapture the Skeleton Clan right for Wang Ku, even if oneself cannot grasp, but Great Zheng, if transfers the small part is not difficult. 钟山眼中一凝,此次,钟山来的目的,就是为了王骷能够夺回骷髅族的权利,就算自己不能掌握,但大崝若是调动小部分还是不难的。 More than 500 Ancient Immortal, 15 Ancestor Immortal, how huge influence, if can capture this huge influence, that Great Zheng can establish a capital city surely the place of Yin Sector Northern Continent. 五百多古仙,十五祖仙,多么庞大的势力,若是能够夺得这股庞大的势力,那大崝必定能够定鼎阴间北洲之地。 It seems like that one time was the time has vigorously! 看来,是时候出一次大力了! When the pupil shrinks, the Zhong Shan form trembles. 瞳孔一缩之际,钟山身影一颤。 !” “呼!” Zhong Shan suddenly are many behind two Zhong Shan! 钟山身后忽然多出两个钟山! But in a moment ago, what unusual coincidence is, Jin Peng enters Jar World, temporary lodging, is not unexpectedly far to Zhong Shan, or above not a far star. 而就在刚才,非常巧合的是,金鹏进入瓮界,所落脚之地,居然离钟山不远,或者说不远的一个星球之上。 Jin Peng has a look at all around, determined after general situation, saw Zhong Shan. 金鹏看看四周,确定了大概形势之后,就看到了钟山 Does Zhong Shan decide to be in a daze there? 钟山在那里定定发呆? Looks at Zhong Shan, Jin Peng is not convinced, this time Zhong Shan enters Jar World, is swayed by personal feelings completely, opposite party so many Expert, hasn't could it be that seen? 看着钟山,金鹏一阵不服气,此次钟山进入瓮界,完全是意气用事,对方那么多强者,难道没看见吗? Jin Peng also knows the Zhong Shan's plan, Wang Ku Commander Skeleton Clan, that Great Zheng will be the biggest beneficiary, but this cake must have the life to eat! 金鹏也知道钟山的打算,王骷统领骷髅族,那大崝将是最大的受益者,可这份蛋糕也要有命去吃啊! How did oneself subdue to him initially? The strength only has Ancient Immortal! 自己当初怎么给他收服了呢?实力只有古仙! Ancient Immortal, thinks strength that Zhong Shan Ancient Immortal shows, Jin Peng speechless, but in the heart refuses to accept as before, calculated all above the Zhong Shan's luck, when looked to distant place Zhong Shan, the mood was not very good. 古仙,想想钟山古仙展现出来的实力,金鹏一阵无语,但心中依旧不服,将一切都算在了钟山的运气之上,因此看向远处钟山之时,心情也不是很好。 Several hundred Ancient Immortal, your one person, you do not wait for death are strange, here cannot transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, have you hit several hundred Ancient Immortal greatly?” Jin Peng voiced a complaint. “几百个古仙,你就一人,你不等死才怪,这里又不能调用天道之力,你大打过几百个古仙吗?”金鹏发了一句牢骚。 But in this discontent ended, the Jin Peng eye stared. Even Jin Peng strange rubbing the eyes , haven't I misread unexpectedly? 可就在这句牢骚结束之际,金鹏眼睛瞪了出来。甚至金鹏居然诡异的揉了揉眼睛,我没看错吧? Saw only the distant place Zhong Shan body in a flash, turned into three Zhong Shan suddenly, came out two body. 只见远处钟山身体一晃,忽然变成了三个钟山,多出来两个身形 This, is this clone? Zhong Shan is not only then does clone, how come out two? 这,这又是分身?钟山不是只有一个分身吗,怎么又多出来两个? !” “呼!” That two clone in a flash, turned into four! 那两个分身一晃,变成了四个! The Jin Peng eye is getting bigger and bigger. Real fake? 金鹏眼睛越来越大。真的假的? !” “呼!” Turns time again, turns into eight Zhong Shan! 再度翻倍,变成八个钟山! !” “呼!” 16 Zhong Shan! 十六钟山! Jin Peng rubbing the eyes of again! Not real, absolutely not real. 金鹏再次的揉了揉眼睛!不是真的,绝对不是真的。 When Jin Peng rubs the eye looks again, 16 clone already turns into 32. 金鹏揉完眼睛再看的时候,十六分身已经变成三十二个了。 Shakes again! 再晃! 60 four? 六十四个? How so many Zhong Shan? So many clone? Real fake? 怎么这么多钟山?这么多分身?真的假的? Hundred 20 eight! 一百二十八个! The Jin Peng mouth opens, said slow: Not real, these certainly are only soft body hair clone, Sun Wukong soft body hair clone that studies from Ancestor Bodhi that ‚’, simply does not have the strength, only then the strength of mortal, definitely is this!” 金鹏嘴巴张开,呐呐道:“不是真的,这些一定只是‘毫毛分身’,孙悟空菩提老祖那学来的‘毫毛分身’,根本没有实力,只有凡人的实力,肯定是这样!” Dabbler 16! 二百五十六个! 500 12! 五百一十二个! In an instant, that mountain valley already that Zhong Shan fights was filled up by clone, in addition primitive Zhong Shan, already 500 13 bodies. 转眼,钟山所战的那个山谷已经分身填满了,加上原始的钟山,已经五百一十三个身体了。 Jin Peng rubs the eye for the third time, rubbing is 500 one 13. 金鹏第三次揉眼睛,揉完还是五百一十三个。 fake, certainly is fake!” Jin Peng is not willing to accept this fact. 假的,一定是假的!”金鹏不愿接受这个事实。 This was too false, definitely is only soft body hair clone, otherwise Zhong Shan is so abnormal, but also made other cultivator live? 这太假了,肯定只是‘毫毛分身’,不然钟山这么变态,还让不让别的修者活了? fake, fake ............!” Jin Peng unceasing is reading. 假的,假的............!”金鹏不断的念着。 At this moment, Zhong Shan's clone no longer increased. 这一刻,钟山的分身不再增加了。 The Jin Peng heart raised, stubbornly is staring at these clone. 金鹏心都提了起来,死死的盯着那些分身 Suddenly, sees only these clone suddenly flying. 忽然,只见这些分身忽然飞天而起。 „!” „!” „!” .................................... “咻!”“咻!”“咻!”.................................... Changes into shadow directly shoots planets in all directions, goes toward various major planets. 化为一道道黑影直射四面八方的行星,向着各大行星而去。 The eye of Jin Peng stares finally. 金鹏的眼睛终于瞪出来的。 „? How possibly ?” Jin Peng astonished say/way. “是真的?怎么可能,是真的?”金鹏惊愕道。 That speed, Jin Peng could not forget for a lifetime, was too quick, flashes vanishes, this absolutely is not the speed of mortal, in other words, this absolutely is not soft body hair clone, but is honest clone. The speed with coming on the Skeleton Great Boundary road competes with is the same. 那速度,金鹏一辈子也忘不掉,太快了,一闪消失,这绝对不是凡人的速度,也就是说,这绝对不是‘毫毛分身’,而是实实在在的分身。其速度和来骷髅大疆路上与自己比拼的一样。 Really, how possibly real? Jin Peng when panic-stricken, in the heart does not know why produced deep fear suddenly, are these clone strengths, similar to the main body? What Cultivation Technique is this? Such heaven defying? 真的,怎么可能是真的呢?金鹏在惊骇之际,心中不知为何忽然产生了一股深深的畏惧,那些分身的实力,和本体差不多?这是什么功法?这么逆天? Even, Jin Peng is willing to believe that these clone are with the afterbirth, like this is insufficient is so big to own pressure, with afterbirth? Has seen the twins, triplets and quadruplets, even the quintuplets have, but have you seen 510 quadruplets? 甚至,金鹏更愿意相信那些分身都是同胞胎,这样给自己的压力不至于那么大,同胞胎?见过双胞胎、三胞胎、四胞胎,甚至五胞胎都有,可你见过五百一十四胞胎吗? Shadows project, in an instant, that mountain valley only had Zhong Shan. Is primitive Zhong Shan. 一道道黑影射出,转眼,那山谷只剩下一个钟山了。是原始的钟山 The Jin Peng forehead emits the enormous cold sweat, this anomaly, this evildoer/monstrous talent! 金鹏额头冒出大量冷汗,这个变态,这个妖孽! Suddenly, distant place Zhong Shan turns the head, having a share of extremely cold severe vision to look like in the Jin Peng direction. 忽然,远处钟山一转头,带着一股极度冷厉的目光向着金鹏方向看来。 cold severe an eye of light shoots, Jin Peng had also seen Zhong Shan this look before, but, air of arrogance, simply had not been serious this look at that time, but now, a Zhong Shan this cold severe eye of light shoots, shocked the effect on come out. 冷厉的目光射来,以前金鹏也看到过钟山这个眼神,但是,当时一身傲气,根本没将这个眼神当一回事,可现在,钟山这个冷厉的目光射来,震撼效果就出来了。 Wipes the cold light, the whole body is frightened! 一抹冷光,全身惊悚! Jin Peng quickly grasps the meaning of something. In the heart produces deep fear unexpectedly for no reason. 金鹏一个激灵。心中居然无端产生一股深深的畏惧。 Dreading, is impossible! In the Jin Peng heart the rave, want to cancels this fear, looking straight ahead goes, distant place Zhong Shan's vision already shifts to other directions. 畏惧,不可能!金鹏心中狂吼,想要打消这股恐惧,直视而去,远处钟山的目光已经转向其它方向。 In the Jin Peng heart produces a bitterness and astringency, shakes the head, flies toward the distant place planet, now has not considered these times, first passed the crisis to say at present again. 金鹏心中产生一股苦涩,摇摇头,向着远处行星飞去,现在还不是考虑这些的时候,先度过眼前危机再说。 Passed by a star, above that star huge blue light flashed before. Huge Samsara Passage. 路过一个星球,那星球之上一道巨大的蓝光闪现。一个巨大的轮回通道 Naturally, this Samsara Passage compared with that previously Shadow Body displayed, but was also quite conspicuous. Zhong Shan clone and a Ancient Immortal skeleton fight? 当然,这个轮回通道比不过先前隐躯施展的那个,但也极为显眼了。钟山分身正在与一个古仙骷髅战斗? samsara, Beast Dao, seal!” In Samsara Passage hears one to drink greatly. 轮回,畜生道,封印!”轮回通道中传来一声巨喝。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Trembles lightly, Jin Peng could not feel the aura of that skeleton. Was tidied up by Zhong Shan this clone? 一声轻颤,金鹏感受不到那骷髅的气息了。被钟山这个分身收拾了? In Jin Peng heart surprised, but simultaneously, Jin Peng saw that the distant place has above more than ten planets to emit same blue light. 金鹏心中一阵惊讶,而同时,金鹏看到远处有着十多个行星之上冒出同样的蓝光 Flies fast to recent one. 快速飞向最近的一个。 samsara, Beast Dao, seal!” 轮回,畜生道,封印!” Jin Peng flies immediately to another. 金鹏马上飞向另一个。 samsara, Beast Dao, seal!” 轮回,畜生道,封印!” Samsara Passage? Zhong Shan's each can clone open Samsara Passage? Even, even can conduct the seal with Samsara Passage? 轮回通道?钟山的每个分身都能打开轮回通道?甚至,甚至能用轮回通道进行封印? More than 500, more than 500 can use Zhong Shan of samsara seal! 五百多个,五百多个能用轮回封印的钟山! In the Jin Peng heart has a fearful thought that more than 500 Zhong Shan? More than 500 samsara, Beast Dao, seal? 金鹏心中产生一个可怕的念头,五百多个钟山?五百多个轮回,畜生道,封印? That, that opposite party more than 500 aren't Ancient Immortal ? Isn't Zhong Shan one person can handle? Moreover is this domineering handling? 那、那对方五百多个古仙,不是?不是钟山一个人就可以搞定?而且都是这种强势的搞定? Thinks of here, in the Jin Peng heart dreaded about Zhong Shan's increased again, Ancient Immortal? Nonsense! Who said again he is Ancient Immortal, I fought him! If this Ancient Immortal strength, what I am? 想到这里,金鹏心中对钟山的畏惧再度增加了,古仙?狗屁!谁再说他是古仙,我跟他拼了!这要是古仙实力,那我算什么? No wonder will become the central Cult Master sweetheart, is so abnormal, such evildoer/monstrous talent! 难怪会成为中央教主的情人,这么变态,这么妖孽! Jin Peng had not discovered, position of Zhong Shan in his heart raised in at this moment unexpectedly infinitely. When this position raises to the certain extent, will press all proudly, when is Zhong Shan subdues Jin Peng thoroughly. 金鹏自己都没发现,钟山在他心中的地位在此刻居然无限拔高了。而当这种地位拔高到一定程度,将会压到一切骄傲,也是钟山彻底收服金鹏之时。 Even if Jin Peng also refuses to accept, but was also limited. 纵使金鹏还有不服,但也有限了。 Because shocks in Jin Peng period, unexpectedly without the imagination, in this Jar World, why Zhong Shan can also display Samsara Passage, properly speaking, here any Heavenly Dao is unable to display, Samsara Passage is also Heavenly Dao. Why Zhong Shan can disregard the Jar World rule, displays so many Samsara Passage at will? 因为在金鹏震撼的期间,居然没有想象,在这瓮界之中,钟山为何还能施展轮回通道,照理说,这里任何天道都无法施展,轮回通道也算是一种天道吧。为何钟山可以无视瓮界规则,随意施展这么多的轮回通道? The distant place, Zhong Shan stands above stars, looked at Jin Peng of distant place, sees the Jin Peng scared appearance, the Zhong Shan corners of the mouth reveals one to smile pale, shock that must demonstrate, Zhong Shan accomplished. 远处,钟山站在一座星辰之上,看了看远处的金鹏,看到金鹏失魂落魄的样子,钟山嘴角露出一丝淡笑,所要展示的震撼,钟山办到了。 ***: Asked ***, attacked 100 tickets! ***:求***啊,冲击100票!
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