IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1061: The Jar World life and death fights

Chapter 72 Jar World life and death fights 七十二瓮界生死斗 Zhong Shan one line just trod the deep sea prison, when the people also in surprised Zhong Shan's is powerful, in an instant by scene shift line of sight. 钟山一行刚刚踏出冥海大狱,众人还在惊讶钟山的强大之时,转眼被外界景象转移视线了。 The dense and numerous shadow, innumerable Skeleton Clan Expert come from the four directions gathering, watertight that this Black Sea surrounding encircles. Even the distant place also has more and more Skeleton Clan Expert to fly. 密密麻麻的黑影,无数骷髅族强者四方汇聚而来,将这片黑海外围围的水泄不通。甚至更远处还有越来越多的骷髅族强者飞来。 With is the flying of more than ten Skeleton Clan elder and king of head is near, the behind innumerable skeletons also look like the tide to gather the near generally. Sees an in the air 51 form together. 随着为首的十几个骷髅族长老和王的飞近,后面无数骷髅也像潮水一般汇聚到近前。一起看着空中五十一个身影。 A 51 form seemed is surrounded immediately generally. 五十一个身影顿时好似被包围了一般。 King? Wang Ku?” Inherited the elder startled to call out suddenly. “王?王骷?”一个传承长老忽然惊叫道。 That inherits one of the elder to call out in alarm, immediately causes other to inherit elder one to call out in alarm. The inheritance elders are former generation king years, nature recognized Wang Ku. 那传承长老的一声惊叫,顿时引得其它传承长老一阵惊呼。传承长老都是上代王一个时代的,自然一眼认出了王骷 The purple qipao gown elder has some hearing Wang Ku this name time, the whole body shakes, finally realized anything, but inconceivable looks at present one crowd of skeletons. 紫袍长老有着一些听到‘王骷’这个名字的时候,全身一震,终于意识到了什么,但还是不可思议的看着眼前一群骷髅。 Skeleton Clan looks like in human, almost long, but concrete appearance understanding that only then Skeleton Clan can look. 骷髅族在人类看来,几乎长的一样,可具体样貌只有骷髅族自己才能看的明白。 In the Skeleton King Nether Demon eye the dim light flashes continually, the complexion is very ugly, at this moment inherits the elder to recognize Wang Ku, that was not the matter that ordered. 骷髅王冥魔眼中幽光连闪,脸色很难看,此刻传承长老认出王骷,那就不是自己一声令下的事情了。 Skeleton King has a look at the people, finally the vision changed to Zhong Shan. 骷髅王看看众人,最终目光转到了钟山身上。 What person are you Samsara Saint?” Skeleton King said solemnly. “你是轮回圣人的什么人?”骷髅王沉声道 Samsara Saint? Did not know!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. 轮回圣人?不认识!”钟山沉声道 Is impossible, if you do not know Samsara Saint, how possibly to grasp that powerful Strength of Samsara?” A purple clothes elder called out. “不可能,你若不认识轮回圣人,怎么可能掌握那么强大的轮回之力?”一个紫衣长老叫道。 Zhong Shan coldly looked at his one eyes saying: Strength of Samsara, only then can Samsara Saint grasp?” 钟山冷冷的看了他一眼道:“轮回之力,只有轮回圣人可以掌握吗?” "Eh! ” That purple clothes elder was said by Zhong Shan chokes. Yes, Strength of Samsara not necessarily wants the Samsara Saint relatives and friends to learn, said, inherits the elder also to understand in Skeleton Clan one utilizes some Strength of Samsara. “额!”那个紫衣长老被钟山说的一噎。是啊,轮回之力不一定非要轮回圣人的亲朋才能学到,说起来,在骷髅族的一个传承长老也懂得运用一些轮回之力 Wang Ku, is really you, haven't you died?” Previously that inherited elder surprisedly said. 王骷,真的是你,你还没死?”先前那传承长老惊讶道 „Didn't you die early?” Another three inherit the elder is also the inconceivable say/way. “你不是早死了吗?”另外三个传承长老也是不可思议道。 Wind, fire, thunder and electricity, you hope that I do die?” Wang Ku said solemnly. “风、火、雷、电,你们就那么希望我死?”王骷沉声道 Wang Ku said, four big inherit an elder silence. 王骷说完,四大传承长老一阵沉默。 The peripheral skeleton no one has spoken, even if achieved the domineering skeleton of Ancient Immortal boundary, at this moment no one has interrupted, because they are unqualified. Only can have the vision of suspicion, flies in the elders behind. 外围骷髅谁也没有说话,哪怕达到了古仙境的强势骷髅,此刻也谁也没插嘴,因为他们还不够格。只能带着怀疑的目光,飞在众长老身后。 Wang Ku, since you have not died, then I can take responsibility, promote you for an elder of my skeleton clan, and besides four big inherits Great Elder beside elder!” Skeleton King said solemnly. 王骷,既然你没死,那么我可以做主,晋你为我骷髅一族的长老,并且是除四大传承长老外的大长老!”骷髅王沉声道 Wang Ku has not spoken, the You Shan (Nether Mountain) violent temper manifested suddenly. 王骷还没有说话,身后的幽山火爆脾气就发作了。 You talk nonsense, qualifications that your rebel, where here you spoke? The kings must bring back belong to all of king. And exposed the fact of your revolting clan in the face of the entire clan!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) yelled. “你放屁,你这个叛徒,这里哪有你说话的资格?王要取回属于王的一切。并且在全族面前揭发你叛族的事实!”幽山大叫道。 Whish!” “哗!” Although the four directions skeleton cannot the receptacle, but does not affect among them the mutual exchange, this skeleton who? Unexpectedly dares to scold the king is the rebel? Big courage! 四方骷髅虽然不能插口,但不影响他们之间的相互交流,这骷髅谁啊?居然敢骂王是叛徒?好大的胆子! damned bastard, you are anything, dares to speak with king!” A purple qipao gown elder gets angry shouts. 混账东西,你算什么东西,敢和王如此说话!”一个紫袍长老怒喝道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) just about to opens the mouth, Wang Ku waves gently, blocks You Shan (Nether Mountain), turns the head to look that big inherits the elder to four. 幽山刚要开口,王骷轻轻一挥手,拦下幽山,转头看向四大传承长老。 Wind, fire, thunder and electricity, four big inheritance elders, you may go bad the Skeleton Clan custom, how do you want to process? Let the Skeleton Clan custom be broken from your generation, brings order out of chaos, correction mistake?” Wang Ku coldly said. “风、火、雷、电,四大传承长老,你们可坏了骷髅族的规矩,你们想如何处理?让骷髅族的规矩从你们这一代被打破,还是拨乱反正,改正错误?”王骷冷声道 Four big inherit an elder silence. 四大传承长老一阵沉默。 Most Skeleton Clan Expert do not know that who Wang Ku is, but, here elder has one major part to know, immediately thought of the Skeleton Clan custom. 大部分骷髅族强者不知道王骷是谁,但是,这里的长老有一大部分知晓,马上想到了骷髅族的规矩。 When the kings, except for turning in resignation, or bring the Skeleton Clan trend is perishing, can four big be inherited the elder together to discard, other times, the king is a king, so long as undying/not dead, no one must Top Position. 王,除了请辞,或者带着骷髅族走向灭亡时,可以被四大传承长老共同废掉,其它时候,王就是王,只要不死,谁也不得上位 Former generation king, if died, the new king birth is natural. But if has not died, is four big inherits the elder not to bribe the royal power. 上代王,若是死了,新王诞生理所当然。可若是没死,就是四大传承长老也不得染指王权。 The former generation king, Wang Ku, has not died, but four big inherited the elder actually to recommend the new king birth. This went bad the custom. 上代王,王骷,并没有死,但四大传承长老却推举了新的王诞生。这就是坏了规矩。 We think at that time you died!” Inherits the elder to say. “我们当时以为你死了!”一个传承长老道。 Death? Did I die? Snort, now you said that this what to do?” Wang Ku said solemnly. “死?我死了吗?哼,现在你们说,这怎么办?”王骷沉声道 At this time, Skeleton King Nether Demon also opened the mouth: Four big inheritance elders, you may think, I now am the Skeleton Clan king, you do not have the right to bribe the royal power! This is the Skeleton Clan custom, your want to destruction?” 这时,骷髅王冥魔也开口了:“四大传承长老,你们可想好了,我现在是骷髅族的王,你们没有权利染指王权!这是骷髅族的规矩,你们想要破坏?” Indeed, Nether Demon is the present king, moreover several hundred thousand years get down are the kings, at this moment really makes four big inherit the elder not saying that initially saw the life sign disruption of Wang Ku, thinks that the Wang Ku body dies, no one has thought that life sign was possibly pulverized artificially, therefore elected at that time rising Skeleton King Nether Demon. 的确,冥魔是现在的王,而且几十万年下来都是王,此刻真的让四大传承长老不好说,当初见到王骷的命牌碎裂,以为王骷身死,谁也没想过那命牌可能被人为弄碎的,因此就推选了当时如日中天的骷髅王冥魔 Now Wang Ku appears, inherits the elder really not to say. 现在王骷出现,传承长老还真不好说。 Four big inheritance elders, they confuse the Skeleton Clan internal unity? Can such skeleton, how handle?” Skeleton King aggressive say/way. “四大传承长老,他们算不算搅乱骷髅族内部团结?这样的骷髅,应当如何处置?”骷髅王咄咄逼人道。 Confuses the internal unity? The exit|to speak that Hahahaha, Nether Demon, this you also said that I want to make four big inherit the elder to uphold the justice, since four big inherit the elder to be indecisive, then defers to the Skeleton Clan custom, opposite of such two kings, has historically also had, therefore, that your my showdown, winner king and defeated invader!” Wang Ku forceful say/way. “搅乱内部团结?哈哈哈哈,冥魔,这样的话你也说的出口,原本我想让四大传承长老主持公道的,既然四大传承长老犹豫不决,那么还是按照骷髅族的规矩来,这样的两王对面,在历史上也不是没有过,既是如此,那就你我对决,胜者王、败者寇!”王骷铿锵有力道。 Wang Ku said, four big inherit in the elder skeleton eye slightly one bright. 王骷说完,四大传承长老骷髅眼中微微一亮。 Yes, historically has had this situation! 是啊,历史上有过这种情况! Four big inherit the elder to look at each other one, subsequently deeply is doing obeisance to Wang Ku, deeply does obeisance to Nether Demon. 四大传承长老对视一眼,继而对着王骷深深一拜,又对冥魔深深一拜。 Former generation king, for the king, two kings has a reunion now, the reality is I and other errors, the danger will become the Skeleton Clan eternity sin, after this time, I and others will resign inherit an elder duty, in finally, me and other skeletons will make an arbitration again, will be Skeleton Clan is throughout the ages prosperous, does last time fair!” Inherits the elder to say. “上代王,今代王,二王重逢,实乃我等过失,险成骷髅族千古罪孽,此次之后,我等将辞去传承长老一职,在最后,我等四骷髅再做一次仲裁,为骷髅族万代兴盛,做最后一次公正!”一个传承长老道。 This is Skeleton Clan, you inherit the elder unable to disturb my royal power!” Skeleton King coldly said. “这可是骷髅族,你传承长老可不能干扰我的王权!”骷髅王冷声道 Asked Skeleton King to coordinate, I and other already led to the blunder, does not want to repeat an error, if Skeleton King acted willfully, will certainly I and others compel upwardly for king!” That inherits elder upright saying. “请骷髅王配合,我等已经酿成大错,不想一错再错,若骷髅王一意孤行,必将我等逼向上代王行列!”那个传承长老刚正的说道。 Skeleton King: ........................!” 骷髅王:“……………………!” Four big inherit the elder to compel to Wang Ku, isn't the Wang Ku strength bigger and bigger? Four big inheritance elders, here also another four elders are their disciples, as the matter stands, compelled eight Ancestor Immortal to Wang Ku? As the matter stands, can't Wang Ku meet as an equal to officially? 将四大传承长老逼向王骷一边,王骷的实力不是越来越大?四大传承长老,这里还另有四个长老是他们的弟子,这样一来,就将八个祖仙逼给了王骷?这样一来,王骷不是可以和自己正式分庭抗礼了? took a deep breath, Skeleton King Nether Demon shakes the head saying: Inheritance elder, you misunderstood my meaning, the Skeleton Clan custom cannot abandon, I mean, while the custom cannot be abandoned, my royal power, you cannot disturb!” 深深的吸了口气,骷髅王冥魔摇摇头道:“传承长老,你们误会我的意思了,骷髅族的规矩不可废,我的意思是,在规矩不可废的同时,我的王权,你们不能干扰!” That is natural!” Inherits the elder to nod. “那是自然!”传承长老点点头。 Skeleton King has been approved, immediately looks to Wang Ku! Wang Ku also sneers looks at Skeleton King. 骷髅王得到认可,马上看向王骷王骷也冷笑的看着骷髅王 Therefore, I give you opportunity, according to the custom, you challenges my rule, is decided by me!” Skeleton King said. “既是如此,我给你机会,按照规矩,你挑战我的规则,也由我定!”骷髅王说道。 Un! Your my solitary duel, does the group fight?” Wang Ku disdains to say. “嗯!你我单斗,还是群斗?”王骷不屑道。 Wang Ku already guesses correctly roughly regularly, Nether Demon impossible and solitary duel. This is not his style. 王骷已经猜到大体规则,冥魔不可能和自己单斗的。这不是他风格。 Snort, dares to challenge this King, this King naturally gives your due attaching great importance. Continues you, with your together these rebels, must die!” Nether Demon coldly said. “哼,敢挑战本王,本王自然给你足够的重视。不止你,与你一起这些叛逆,也都得死!”冥魔冷声道 this King meets the rebel, can hope fighting?” Nether Demon looks all around one to say. 本王迎战叛逆,可有愿战者?”冥魔环顾一圈道。 I and others am willing to clean up the rebel with king together!” An elder said. “我等愿与王一同清理叛逆!”一个长老道。 I and others wanted!” One group of elders said. “我等愿意!”一群长老道。 Four big inherit the elder not to stand, their four Ancestor Immortal disciples, was arrived by drawing behind, these four people of the next generations of being they favors inherit the elder candidate. The at this moment nature with four big inherits the elder to stand in online, is counted the neutrality. 四大传承长老并未站出,他们的四个祖仙弟子,也被拉到身后,这四人是他们看好的下代传承长老候选人。此刻自然与四大传承长老站在一条线上,算作中立。 But, other elders, are willing to resist Wang Ku with Nether Demon together, then, in addition Skeleton King, altogether seven big Ancestor Immortal! 可,其它长老,纷纷愿与冥魔一起对抗王骷,如此一来,加上骷髅王自己,一共七大祖仙 This has not calculated, four directions empty is kneeling the skeleton of enormous Ancient Immortal boundary, the sound command of king, from, when goes through fire or water! 这还不算,四方虚跪着大量古仙境的骷髅,王的一声号令,自当赴汤蹈火! Seven big Ancestor Immortal, several hundred Ancient Immortal, this is a how huge strength. 七大祖仙,数百的古仙,这是何其庞大的一股力量。 Wang Ku only then and Jin Peng is Ancestor Immortal, Zhong Shan is an exception, other skeletons are seriously injured, You Shan (Nether Mountain) You Shui (Nether Water) You Chuan (Nether River) are suffered for hundreds of thousands of years, at this moment, only then Ancient Immortal strength, moreover 40 five Ancient Immortal criminals, is seriously injured. 王骷这边只有自己和金鹏祖仙,钟山除外,其它骷髅都身受重伤,幽山幽水幽川更是被折磨数十万年,此刻只有堪堪古仙的战力,另外四十五个古仙罪犯,也是身受重伤。 Wang Ku has a look at Zhong Shan. 王骷看看钟山 But Zhong Shan has not dreaded, but nods gently, gave a Wang Ku affirmative answer. 钟山并未畏惧,而是轻轻点点头,给了王骷一个肯定的答复。 Nearby Jin Peng opens mouth, what want to said that but saw that Zhong Shan nodded, oneself Ancestor Immortal did could it be that also fear? Only can just arrive at the words of mouth to swallow down. 一旁金鹏张张嘴,想要说什么,但看到钟山都点头了,自己一个祖仙难道还怕?只能将刚到嘴边的话吞了下去。 Good!” The Skeleton King nod said. “好!”骷髅王点头道。 Subsequently, waved, selects the skeleton of combat, six Ancestor Immortal, five hundred 61 individual Ancient Immortal, incomparably powerful lineup. 继而,一挥手,点出了参战的骷髅,六名祖仙,五百六十一个人古仙,无比强大的阵容。 That in Jar World, please inherit the elder to open Jar World!” Skeleton King said. “那就在瓮界,请传承长老开启‘瓮界’!”骷髅王说道。 Jar World?” Inherits elder surprisedly said. 瓮界?”一个传承长老惊讶道 Jar World? Nether Demon is quite mean!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) called out. 瓮界冥魔好卑鄙!”幽山叫道。 Zhong Shan perplexed say/way: What is Jar World?” 钟山不明所以道:“何为瓮界?” Probably deep sea prison, the interior isolated Heaven and Earth, Ancestor Immortal is unable to transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, can only by oneself, the strength be higher than one section compared with Ancient Immortal. But Ancient Immortal can also threaten Ancestor Immortal, opposite party Ancient Immortal is numerous, has the big advantage. But Jar World was only inherited the elder to control!” You Shui (Nether Water) answered. “就好像刚才的冥海大狱,内部隔绝天地,祖仙无法调动天道之力,只能凭借自身,实力比古仙高出一截而已。但古仙也能威胁到祖仙了,对方古仙众多,占据大优势。而瓮界只被传承长老控制!”幽水解释道。 "Eh? ” Zhong Shan slightly startled, smiled subsequently. “额?”钟山微微一鄂,继而笑了起来。 Nether Demon was previous time receives certainly to attack too big in Prosperous Capital, therefore was careful. 冥魔一定是上次在昌京受到打击太大了,因此非常小心。 Wang Ku sees the Zhong Shan smile, follows to nod saying: Jar World, on Jar World!” 王骷看到钟山笑容,也跟着点点头道:“瓮界,就瓮界!” Skeleton King hears the Wang Ku words, the feeling of instinct where is not right, but basic never expected what's the matter. 骷髅王听到王骷的话,本能的感觉到哪里不对劲,可根本想不到怎么回事。 Four big inherit the elder to have a look at Wang Ku and Nether Demon, finally nods saying: Therefore, that starts!” 四大传承长老看看王骷冥魔,最终点点头道:“既是如此,那就开始!” Then, inherits the elder to take out a sphere light group. Four Great Elder stimulate to movement slightly, ball of light turns into the hundred zhang (333 m) diameter suddenly. Floats in in the air. 说完,其中一个传承长老取出一个球形光团。四大长老微微催动,光球陡然变成百丈直径。浮在空中。 „After the hundred days, we will open Jar World, at the appointed time you should already decide the victory and defeat, now goes , after going, you will disperse in the different places, how to find the opponent, how to deal with the enemy, looked at your fates!” That inherits the elder to say. “百日之后,我们会重新开启瓮界,到时你们应该已经分出胜负了,现在进去,进去后,你们会分散在不同地方,如何找到对手,如何应对敌人,就看你们自己的运道了!”那传承长老道。 Un!” Wang Ku and Nether Demon nod. ro! ~! “嗯!”王骷冥魔都点点头。ro!~!
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