IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1060: Six Paths of Reincarnation( third, monthly ticket!)

Beside deep sea prison. 冥海大狱之外。 Skeleton King Nether Demon coldly looks under was blocked the deep sea prison, entrance already in mountain valley vanishes, vanished thoroughly, interior the life, is Departed Spirit, that waits for death! 骷髅王冥魔冷冷看着下方被封死了的冥海大狱,山谷中的入口已经消失,彻彻底底消失了,内部无论是生灵,还是死灵,那就等死吧! King, already completed!” A purple clothes skeleton flew. “王,已经办妥!”一个紫衣骷髅飞了过来。 Another purple clothes skeleton also flew. 另一个紫衣骷髅也飞了过来。 Skeleton King nods, bringing two skeletons to fly toward the distant place. 骷髅王点点头,带着两个骷髅向着远处飞去。 King, who is inside?” Previously that purple clothes skeleton asked. “王,里面到底是谁?”先前那紫衣骷髅问道。 Yes, the king, the use blocks the deep sea prison such big price unexpectedly, this is the world that even Saint can locate sleepily!” Another purple clothes skeleton said after a sigh. “是啊,王,居然动用封死冥海大狱这么大代价,这可是连圣人都能困处的世界啊!”另一紫衣骷髅感叹道。 Should not ask that do not ask!” Skeleton King said solemnly. “不该问的,不要问!”骷髅王沉声道 Yes!” Two purple clothes skeletons nod immediately. “是!”两个紫衣骷髅马上点点头。 I confessed matter that you handle, manages?” Skeleton King said solemnly. “我交代你们办的事情,去办了吗?”骷髅王沉声道 already office! May exactly what happened, must relate unexpectedly......!” That purple clothes skeleton incomparable curiously said. 已经办了!可到底发生了什么事,居然要联系......!”那其中一个紫衣骷髅无比好奇道 Your curiosity was too heavy!” Skeleton King coldly said. “你好奇心太重了!”骷髅王冷冷道。 Yes!” That purple clothes skeleton does not dare to ask. “是!”那紫衣骷髅不敢多问。 Goes back, no one must say, other elders asked that you must say do not know, making them ask me!” Skeleton King said. “回去,谁也不要说,其它长老问起,你们要说不知道,让他们来问我!”骷髅王道。 Yes!” “是!” Skeleton King led two trusted subordinates to walk, ghastly and fearful that this sea area again changed, the innumerable spirits danced in the air, seemed like extremely quiet. One day and one night later. The central island place spreads a sound suddenly! Is startled a numerous spirit to scatter in all directions to escape. 骷髅王带着两个亲信走了,这片海域再度变的阴森可怕,无数幽灵飞舞,看似极为静谧。一天一夜之后。中心海岛处忽然传出一个声音!惊得一众幽灵四散逃开。 Big Samsara Passage, opens!” “大轮回通道,开!” With this shouting loudly, by the island that above death Qi fills, suddenly appears wipes blue light, endless death Qi revolved around the island suddenly. 随着这一声大喝,被死气弥漫的海岛之上,忽然出现一抹蓝光,无尽死气忽然绕着海岛旋转了起来。 blue light is getting bigger and bigger, is getting stronger and stronger, in an instant covers the entire island, dazzling blue light seems a giant circular barrel to be the same, rapid rotation. Endless death Qi follows to revolve, the entire Black Sea also followed to revolve, the black sea raised the dreadful monstrous waves immediately, seemed around a huge suction sorption all. 蓝光越来越大,越来越壮,转眼之间就将整个海岛掩盖,耀眼的蓝光好似一个巨大的圆形柱体一般,快速旋转。无尽死气跟着旋转而起,整个黑海也跟着旋转了起来,黑色大海顿时掀起滔天巨浪,好似一股庞大的吸力吸着四周一切。 Extension, revolutions and revolutions! 转、转、转! The giant blue light beam is getting bigger and bigger, the strength of revolving is also getting stronger and stronger, the sea water curls up ten thousand heavy monstrous waves, but above the sky, the endless dark clouds also followed to revolve. 巨大的蓝色光柱越来越大,旋转之力也越来越强,海水卷起万重巨浪,而天空之上,无尽黑云也跟着旋转了起来。 Samsara Passage, huge incomparable Samsara Passage rises straight from the ground from this Black Sea. 轮回通道,一个庞大无比的轮回通道从这片黑海之上拔地而起。 Emits dazzling blue light. 放射出耀眼的蓝光 The Strength of Samsara place, the sky dark clouds rotation, thunders intermittently in four directions resounds, huge Strength of Samsara, is absorbing four directions all lives and Departed Spirit. 轮回之力处,天空黑云转动,阵阵轰鸣在四方响起,庞大的轮回之力,吸收着四方的一切生灵、死灵 The innumerable spirits, vanish in an instant do not see, was inhaled. 无数幽灵,转眼消失不见,被吸入其中。 The huge shake is getting stronger and stronger, sea water already forms the shape of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon volume, the wild aura blows to all directions, this inland sea is splits dreadful JL charges into in all directions. 巨大的震荡越来越强,海水已经形成万丈龙卷之形,狂暴的气息吹向四面八方,这片内陆海更是绽起滔天冲向四面八方。 Even, is indistinct, all around space is one sways. 甚至,隐约间,四周空间都是一阵摇晃。 Deep sea prison, Skeleton Clan heavy, now suddenly changes, the news such as is winged to be the same, was transmitted fast. 冥海大狱,骷髅族的重地,如今忽然发生巨变,消息如长了翅膀一样,被快速传递而出。 Skeleton Clan, in a palace., 骷髅族,一个宫殿之中。、 Skeleton King is sitting cross-legged to control one's breathing, suddenly, in the Skeleton King eye emits the dazzling ray. 骷髅王正盘膝调息着,忽然,骷髅王眼中放射出耀眼的光芒。 ! 呼! Skeleton King stands up, goes out of the main hall, looks to the place of deep sea prison. 骷髅王站起身来,走出大殿,看向冥海大狱之处。 King, the king, the deep sea prison changed!” A purple qipao gown skeleton to/clashes fast. “王,王,冥海大狱发生巨变了!”一个紫袍骷髅快速冲来。 Skeleton King simply has not paid attention, steps flying. A numerous skeleton sees Skeleton King to fly, naturally does not dare to neglect, setting out fast flying. 骷髅王根本没有理会,踏步飞天而起。一众骷髅见骷髅王飞去,自然不敢怠慢,起身快速飞天而起。 Skeleton Great Boundary, is Skeleton Clan Holy Land, except for Skeleton King, Skeleton Clan enormous Expert has the house here, feels the Heaven and Earth mutation, innumerable Skeleton Clan Expert steps without hesitation. 骷髅大疆,是骷髅族圣地,除了骷髅王,骷髅族大量强者都在这里有着住宅,感受到天地异变,无数骷髅族强者毫不犹豫的踏步而出。 each and everyone Skeleton Clan Expert, flies crazily toward the deep sea prison. 一个个骷髅族强者,向着冥海大狱疯狂飞去。 Quickly, one by one quickly, fast strongly to deep sea prison. 快,一个比一个快,快速集中向冥海大狱。 The sky of deep sea prison location, a giant pillar of empty probability attacks above the dark clouds, the rapid rotation, twists broken does not know how much dark clouds. The dark clouds are torn to pieces, endless death Qi was gathered. 冥海大狱所在地的天空,一个似虚似实的巨大柱子直插阴云之上,快速旋转,绞碎不知多少阴云。阴云支离破碎,无尽死气被聚拢而来。 !” “呼!” First Skeleton Clan Expert. 第一个骷髅族强者到了。 A purple gold color clothes robe, stands in the sky of Black Sea surrounding, has not stepped into again one step. Both eyes dodge the dim light, coldly are regarding. 一身紫金色的衣袍,站在黑海外围的天空,再也没有踏入一步。双目闪着幽光,冷冷而视。 Greetings inherits the elder!” Numerous Skeleton Clan Expert that catches up with, in abundance to purple golden robe skeleton salutes saying. 拜见传承长老!”身后赶来的一众骷髅族强者,纷纷对着紫金袍的骷髅拜道 Skeleton Clan elder, most honored is four big inheritance elders, although the right is inferior to the king, function that but sometimes, plays not necessarily compared with king little. Because they must manage, is actually Skeleton Clan inherits throughout the ages. The position does not allow to question. 骷髅族的长老,最尊贵的就是四大传承长老,虽然权利不如王,但有的时候,所起到的作用未必比王小。因为他们所要管的,却是骷髅族万代传承。地位不容质疑。 Therefore, after numerous Skeleton Clan Expert sees inherits the elder, immediately respectful does obeisance under. 因此,一众骷髅族强者看到传承长老之后,马上恭拜而下。 !” “呼!” Another purple qipao gown skeleton rushes. 又一个紫袍骷髅赶到。 Greetings elder!” A numerous skeleton called out immediately. 拜见长老!”一众骷髅马上叫道。 The elders, the position is next to inherits the elder. So long as is the skeleton of elder, is the ancestor skeleton, in other words, is the Ancestor Immortal boundary! 长老,地位仅次于传承长老。但只要是长老的骷髅,无不是祖骷髅,也就是说,都是祖仙境! !” “呼!” !” “呼!” .............................. .............................. ........................ ........................ ............ ............ Forms come from the distant place gathering, but, sees an elder, halts respectful to stand in abundance after that in Skeleton Clan, the high and low position is extremely overbearing. 一道道身影从远处汇聚而来,但是,看到一众长老,纷纷止步恭立其后,在骷髅族,尊卑地位是极为霸道的。 King? Greetings king!” “王?拜见王!” Greetings king!” 拜见王!” Greetings king ........................!” 拜见王........................!” The arrival of Skeleton King, causing enormous Skeleton Clan Expert respectful to do obeisance under. 骷髅王的到来,致使大量骷髅族强者恭拜而下。 Really the Skeleton Clan important matter, did the kings come? 真是骷髅族的大事啊,王都来了? Around this roaring Black Sea, already gathered tens of thousands of Skeleton Clan Expert, but, flies in in the air, only has 15. 绕着这片咆哮的黑海,已经聚集了数以万计的骷髅族强者,但是,飞在空中的,只有十五个。 The golden robe king and purple golden robe four big inherit the elder, to have ten purple qipao gown elders. 金袍的王、紫金袍的四大传承长老、还有十名紫袍长老。 15 Ancestor Immortal, this is the Skeleton Clan background, less than the half-day time, in Skeleton Great Boundary gathered so many Expert merely. 十五祖仙,这就是骷髅族的底蕴,仅仅不到半天的时间,骷髅大疆中就汇聚了这么多强者 One crowd of absolute Expert! 一群绝对强者! Four big inherit the elder to fly Skeleton King not far away. 四大传承长老飞到骷髅王的不远处。 „Is deep sea prison, whose seal? The green wind, this inside has your aura, is your seal?” Inherits the elder to ask to Skeleton King purple qipao gown elder. “冥海大狱,是谁封印的?绿风,这里面有你的气息,是你封印的?”一个传承长老对着骷髅王身边的紫袍长老问道。 That called the elder of green wind to be slightly startled, subsequently looked to Skeleton King. 那叫绿风的长老略微惊慌,继而看向骷髅王 Four inheritance elders, I think what now we should pay more attention is this Samsara Passage?” Skeleton King said solemnly. “四位传承长老,我想现在我们应该更关注的是这个轮回通道吧?”骷髅王沉声道 King, I hopes that you give us an explanation, why wants the seal deep sea prison? This is Samsara Passage, what could it be that your seal is Samsara Saint is inadequate?” That inherits the elder to ask. “王,我希望你给我们一个解释,为何要封印冥海大狱?这是轮回通道,难道你封印的是轮回圣人不成?”那传承长老问道。 Seal Samsara Saint? 封印轮回圣人? Almost all Skeleton Clan Expert look to Skeleton King, real fake? 几乎所有骷髅族强者都看向骷髅王,真的假的? „It is not!” Skeleton King silent one shook the head. “不是!”骷髅王沉默了一下摇摇头。 Isn't? Who is that? What's the matter?” Inherits the elder sinking sound to ask. “不是?那是谁?是怎么回事?”传承长老沉声问道。 But at this moment, in the deep sea prison, with Zhong Shan one big Samsara Passage, opens!’. 此刻,在冥海大狱之内,随着钟山一声‘大轮回通道,开!’。 Expert in deep sea prison suddenly silent, because of numerous Expert from Zhong Shan that both feet place, felt that suddenly terrifying aura, aura that one type grinds all living things. The deep sea prison internal sea also followed to tumble. 冥海大狱中的强者都忽然沉默了下来,因为众强者钟山那双脚处,都忽然感觉到一股恐怖的气息,一种碾碎众生的气息。冥海大狱内部的大海也跟着翻滚了起来。 Jin Peng panic-stricken looks, this aura, but also is increasing, but also is increasing? What is this? Heavenly Dao aura? How possibly, oneself cannot transfer, Zhong Shan why? 金鹏惊骇的看着,这气息,还在攀升,还在攀升?这是什么?天道的气息?怎么可能,自己都调动不了,钟山为什么可以? Samsara Passage? 轮回通道? samsara? No way, is impossible, does Zhong Shan possibly grasp this strength? 轮回?不会吧,不可能吧,钟山怎么可能掌握这种力量? Yang Sector, nine big Heaven Veins, but Yin Sector, six big Heaven Veins, are generally called six big Samsara Passage similarly, called Six Paths of Reincarnation! 阳间,九大天脉,而阴间,同样也有六大天脉,通称六大轮回通道,又叫六道轮回! Yin Sector Heaven Veins not like Yang Sector is so difficult to seek, some powerful cultivator, can touch Strength of Samsara, is only impossible is too deep, but Yin Sector touches Strength of Samsara strongest one person, is Samsara Saint! 阴间天脉不像阳间的那么难寻,一些强大的修者,还是能够触摸到轮回之力的,只是不可能太深,而阴间触摸到轮回之力最强的一个人,就是轮回圣人! Samsara Saint, can operate in Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Dao samsara, domineering incomparable, in Yin Sector numerous Saint, calculates extremely strong existence. Others grasped Strength of Samsara to be weak, because difficultly was too too difficult. 轮回圣人,能够操纵六道轮回中的‘天道轮回’,强势无比,在阴间一众圣人之中,也算极强的存在。其它人掌握轮回之力就弱了,因为太难太难了。 Naturally, Yang Sector also has Strength of Samsara, but, Strength of Samsara is limited, and does not divide Six Dao! 当然,阳间也有轮回之力,但是,轮回之力有限,并且不分六道! Jin Peng inconceivable looks, Strength of Samsara? Samsara Passage? Zhong Shan comprehension Samsara Passage? Is which together? Heavenly Dao? Human Dao? Asura Dao? Beast Dao? Hungry Ghost Dao? Hell Dao? 金鹏不可思议的看着,轮回之力?轮回通道?钟山领悟的轮回通道?是哪一道?天道?人间道?修罗道?畜生道?饿鬼道?还是地狱道? In a flash, image of Zhong Shan in Jin Peng heart increases again, this Zhong Shan also how many secrets? 一瞬间,钟山金鹏心中的形象再度攀升,这个钟山还有多少秘密? Jin Peng these years are to hear Zhong Shan have met Samsara Passage Divine Ability, from the beginning think with the aid of what Magical Treasure, or grasp the strength of Samsara Passage to be limited, after all, grasp having plenty of such people of Strength of Samsara in Yin Sector, but Jin Peng affirmed at this moment Zhong Shan's is powerful, this Strength of Samsara aura, has never seen to Jin Peng powerfully. 金鹏这些年是听闻过钟山轮回通道神通,一开始以为借助什么法宝,又或者掌握轮回通道之力有限的,毕竟,在阴间掌握轮回之力的大有人在,可这一刻金鹏肯定了钟山的强悍,这轮回之力的气息,强盛到金鹏都从未见过。 Does this only exist in the Samsara Saint ability? 这只存在于轮回圣人的能力吧? Under the Zhong Shan both feet emits blue light suddenly, the blue light sparkle, forms a giant channel. Wraps Zhong Shan. 钟山双脚之下陡然冒出一股蓝光,蓝光闪耀,形成一个巨大的通道。将钟山包裹起来。 Comes in!” Zhong Shan was calling out to an internal numerous skeleton. “进来!”钟山对着内部的一众骷髅叫道。 Yes!” Wang Ku called out immediately. “是!”王骷马上叫道。 Other Skeleton Clan Expert, is at this moment also stares the big eye, Samsara Passage? Who is he? Samsara Saint? 其它的骷髅族强者,此刻也是瞪大眼睛,轮回通道?他是谁?轮回圣人吗? Under the leadership of Wang Ku, people fast rushed into it. 王骷的带领之下,众人快速冲入其中 Has the Zhong Shan's control, cannot injure the people tiny bit. 钟山的操控,根本伤不到众人一分一毫。 Enters, everyone panic-stricken looks at the long hair to scatter Zhong Shan that seeming the strongest deity overlook common people are ordinary. 入得内部,所有人都惊骇的看着长发飘散的钟山,好似最强天神俯瞰苍生一般。 Opens!” “开!” When Zhong Shan shouting loudly, Samsara Passage enlarges hundred times to continue loudly. 钟山一声大喝之际,轮回通道轰然放大百倍不止。 ! 呼! It seems the strong winds to blow, some Expert feelings of numerous Skeleton Clan, the deep sea prison, the entire deep sea prison was swallowed by Samsara Passage suddenly! 好似狂风吹过,一众骷髅族强者忽然有种感觉,冥海大狱,整个冥海大狱都被轮回通道吞噬了! Because the people seem felt that something sinks to go suddenly, breaks in the Samsara Passage deep place, vanishes does not see. 因为众人好似感到某物忽然下沉而去,冲入轮回通道深处,消失不见。 Enters, Jin Peng continuously panic-stricken looks at Zhong Shan. 入得内部,金鹏就一直惊骇的看着钟山 Zhong Shan gives Jin Peng surprised were too many are too many. 钟山金鹏的惊讶实在太多太多了。 at this moment, Zhong Shan both eyes are exuding the green light, seemingly was full of a sacred flavor. 此刻,钟山双目泛着绿光,看上去充满了一股神圣的味道。 Receives!” “收!” The Zhong Shan pupil shrinks, opens again, the green pupil vanishes, subsequently restored the black. 钟山瞳孔一缩,再一开,绿色瞳孔消失,继而恢复成了黑色。 All around huge Samsara Passage, at this moment is also defeated and dispersed in an instant. The dissipation is clean. 四周庞大的轮回通道,此刻也转眼溃散。消散干净。 This, this, is this Ancient Immortal? In Jin Peng heart rave! Who can tell me what's the matter? Is Ancient Immortal so abnormal? Eye Technique? Also is Eye Technique? This Zhong Shan how many Eye Technique? Is he evildoer/monstrous talent? 这,这,这还是古仙吗?金鹏心中狂吼!谁能告诉我怎么回事?古仙有这么变态吗?瞳术?又是瞳术?这钟山到底有多少瞳术?他是妖孽吗? Shock Jin Peng incessantly, other skeleton Expert also shock looks to Zhong Shan. Also looks for the first time Zhong Shan's was powerful. 震惊的不止金鹏,其它骷髅强者也震惊的看向钟山。也第一次看的了钟山的强大。 However, the shock of people was replaced by the scenery quickly. 不过,众人的震惊很快被外界景色所取代。 dense and numerous Skeleton Clan Expert, had 40 five Ancient Immortal skeleton surrounding Zhong Shan, Wang Ku, Jin Peng, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River). 密密麻麻骷髅族强者,将钟山王骷金鹏幽山幽水幽川还有四十五个古仙骷髅包围了。 dense and numerous Skeleton Clan Expert, seemed gathers this Skeleton Clan Holy Land all Expert to be the same, encircled the people in the center! 密密麻麻骷髅族强者,好似汇聚了这个骷髅族圣地的所有强者一般,将众人围在中央! ***: This month's first day, throws a grand opening! Three have cashed, asks ***! ***:本月第一天,投个开门红吧!三更已兑现,求***!
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