IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1059: The king of king

Entered deep sea prison small Heaven and Earth in Zhong Shan, Wang Ku, Jin Peng and the others shortly. 就在钟山王骷金鹏等人进入冥海大狱小天地没多久。 Deep sea prison the place of entrance, three forms drop from the clouds suddenly. Is one, a short time ago arrived at Skeleton Clan Skeleton King that Prosperous Capital seeks a quarrel, wears the royal crown, in the skeleton eye is exuding the gloomy and cold dim light. 冥海大狱的入口之处,忽然三道身影从天而降。为首一个,正是前不久到昌京寻事的骷髅族骷髅王,头戴王冠,骷髅眼中泛着阴冷的幽光。 Is two purple clothes skeletons, obviously is the Skeleton King trusted subordinates. 身后是两个紫衣骷髅,明显都是骷髅王的亲信。 What's the matter? Do some people rush to the deep sea prison?” Purple clothes skeleton surprisedly said. “怎么回事?有人强闯冥海大狱?”一个紫衣骷髅惊讶道 Entire, moreover is Fire of Soul is defeated and dispersed, the future should also be Skeleton Clan Expert, moreover Fire of Soul is surely strong!” Another purple clothes skeleton thinks to say. “全死了,而且都是灵魂之火溃散,来者应该也是骷髅族强者,而且灵魂之火必定非常强!”另一个紫衣骷髅想了想道。 King, can we go in?” Previously that purple clothes skeleton asked. “王,我们要不要进去?”先前那紫衣骷髅问道。 Skeleton King has not spoken, but stands there, seems is feeling the remaining aura that Zhong Shan and the others left behind to be the same. 骷髅王没有说话,而是站在那里,好似在感受钟山等人留下的残余气息一般。 Felt a meeting, Skeleton King two-sided explodes suddenly lightens swift and fierce dim light. 感受了一会,骷髅王的双面忽然爆闪出一股凌厉的幽光。 Came, you pursued unexpectedly!” Skeleton King heavy saying. “来了,你居然追来了!”骷髅王沉沉的说道。 Who? Are the kings, who?” That purple clothes skeleton asked. “谁?王,是谁?”那紫衣骷髅问道。 Skeleton King has not paid attention to him, but said: „The deep sea prison, blocks to me!” 骷髅王没有理会他,而是说道:“将冥海大狱,给我封死!” Seals, seals and blocks?” That purple clothes skeleton surprisedly said. “封、封、封死?”那紫衣骷髅惊讶道 King, this is the deep sea prison, one of my Skeleton Clan biggest inheritance, once blocks, does not wait for several tens of thousands years, could not open absolutely, this was existence of top Ancestor Immortal Equipment, was Ancestor Immortal can also surround, this, if......!” That purple clothes skeleton immediately anxious say/way. “王,这可是冥海大狱,我骷髅族最大传承之一啊,一旦封死,不等数万年,绝对打不开了啊,这可是顶级祖仙器的存在,就是祖仙也能困住的啊,这一封,万一......!”那紫衣骷髅马上焦急道。 Yes, the king, this is my Skeleton Clan ancient inheritance, is used to deal with the disaster of extermination of the clan. Like this blocks, can ............!” Another purple clothes skeleton is worried to say. “是啊,王,这可是我骷髅族亘古的传承,用来应付灭族之灾的。这样封死,会不会............!”另一个紫衣骷髅担心道。 „Haven't my words, heard? Blocks!” Skeleton King said solemnly. “我的话,没听到吗?封死!”骷髅王沉声道 Two purple clothes skeleton obvious awkwardness, but nods to say finally: Yes!” 两个紫衣骷髅显然一阵为难,但最终还是点点头道:“是!” ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Deep sea prison. 冥海大狱内部。 I came back, making you suffer hardships!” Wang Ku incomparably said with emotion. “我回来了,让你们受苦了!”王骷无比感动道。 Has such subordinate, husband duplicate/restores what request? 有这样的下属,夫复何求? Searches the hand, in the Wang Ku hand are many wisp of black flame! 探手,王骷手中多出一缕黑色的火焰! „The fire of Turbid Kalpa?” You Shan (Nether Mountain) slightly surprisedly said. 劫浊之火?”幽山略微惊讶道 Swallowed it!” Wang Ku said. “吞了它!”王骷说道。 No, I cannot want, the fire of Turbid Kalpa, my Skeleton Clan several million years is unable to enter the Turbid Kalpa deep place, the fire of Turbid Kalpa has big using to Skeleton Clan, are king Liu, do not need to waste on me!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said immediately. “不,我不能要,劫浊之火,我骷髅族数百万年都无法进入劫浊深处,劫浊之火对骷髅族有大用,还是王留着吧,不用浪费在我身上!”幽山马上说道。 Waste? Uses to you, has not wasted absolutely, your You Shan (Nether Mountain) is worth my Wang Ku to you all!” Wang Ku solemnly said. “浪费?给你用,绝对没有浪费,你幽山值得我王骷给你一切!”王骷郑重道 thanks king!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) somewhat sobbed. “谢王!”幽山有些哽咽道。 Not far away, skeleton Imperial Guard is surprised, the fire of Turbid Kalpa? This makes up to Fire of Soul greatly, even makes Fire of Soul be promoted infinitely, this, this, is this really the fire of Turbid Kalpa? 不远处,骷髅侍卫一脸惊讶,劫浊之火?这对灵魂之火可是大补啊,甚至让灵魂之火无限晋级,这,这,这真的是劫浊之火吗? Swallowed it!” Wang Ku said again. “吞了它!”王骷再度道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) no longer declines, open mouth swallows the fire of Turbid Kalpa, the fire of Turbid Kalpa enters You Shan (Nether Mountain) within the body, immediately charges into Fire of Soul. 幽山不再推让,张口吞下劫浊之火,劫浊之火进入幽山体内,顿时冲向灵魂之火 Bang!” “嘭!” Fire of Soul rises suddenly loudly, the You Shan (Nether Mountain) entire body burns the enormous blue black flame loudly, the intense flame burns the body, not only has not caused the damage, but also fast mending body of You Shan (Nether Mountain). 灵魂之火轰然暴涨,幽山整个身躯都轰然烧出大量蓝黑色火焰,强烈的火焰焚体,非但没有造成伤害,还快速修补着幽山的身体。 In an instant, the You Shan (Nether Mountain) body emitted the light halo to come. 转眼,幽山身上放射出淡淡的光晕来了。 Although has not regained the most flourishing condition, but no longer was also weak. 虽然没有恢复全盛状态,但也不再虚弱了。 thanks king rewards.” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said with emotion. “谢王赏赐。”幽山感动道。 wait for me that you have no complain and regret, this thing cannot be regarded to reward!” Wang Ku shakes the head to say. “你们无怨无悔的等我,这点东西算不得赏赐!”王骷摇摇头道。 We wait for the king to return , because we believe the king, king Linzouqian words that spoke, we also believe, king certainly will come back, and will bring back all that you lose!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) said. “我们等着王归来,是因为我们相信王,还有王临走前说的话,我们也坚信,王一定会回来的,并且会取回您失去的一切!”幽山说道。 Un, I will, will not make you disappointed, walks, first rescues You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River)!” Wang Ku said. “嗯,我会的,也不会令你们失望的,走,先去救幽水幽川!”王骷说道。 Yes!” “是!” The people fly the next island fast, that such as previously saw is the same, another unyielding old feudal official, for the heart in Wang Ku to the faith that does not extinguish, is enduring hundreds of thousands of years of suffering, even if as weak as peak, even if lives to might as well die, perseveres the conscience as before, waits for Wang Ku to return. 众人快速飞到下一个海岛,如先前见到的一幕一样,又一个铁骨铮铮的旧臣,为了心中对王骷不灭的信念,忍着数十万年的折磨,哪怕虚弱到极致,哪怕生不如死,依旧坚守本心,等王骷归来。 Looks at these, in the Jin Peng heart completely sighed, this type loyal, Jin Peng has not really seen. Meanwhile also even more admired regarding Wang Ku. 看着这些,金鹏心中尽是感叹,这种‘忠’,金鹏还真没怎么见过。同时对于王骷也越发敬佩了起来。 King, we waited till!” Last You Chuan (Nether River) excited bone shivers to say. “王,我们等到了!”最后一个幽川激动的骨头颤抖道。 You also in good!” Wang Ku nods. “你们还在就好!”王骷点点头。 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” small world Heaven and Earth shivers suddenly, subsequently, Black Sea roared, all around blew the giant strong winds suddenly, entire small world suddenly one dark. 小世界天地忽然一阵颤抖,继而,黑海咆哮,四周忽然刮起了巨大的狂风,整个小世界忽然一暗。 What's the matter?” Jin Peng knits the brows to say. “怎么回事?”金鹏皱眉道。 No way!” Captive skeleton Imperial Guard was startled to call out. 不会吧!”一个俘虏骷髅侍卫惊叫道。 How can like this!” Another skeleton Imperial Guard called out in alarm. “怎么会这样!”又一个骷髅侍卫惊叫了起来。 Wang Ku, You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River) suddenly silent. 王骷幽山幽水幽川都忽然沉默了下来。 Nether Demon, this rebel, what does he have not to dare to do?” The You Shan (Nether Mountain) temperament is most hot tempered, immediately said. 冥魔,这个叛徒,他还有什么不敢做的?”幽山脾气最为暴躁,马上叫了起来。 Nether Demon, is the current Skeleton King name. 冥魔,就是现任骷髅王的名字。 Why can like this? I have not wanted dead!” A skeleton Imperial Guard alarmed and afraid say/way. “为什么会这样?我还不想死!”一个骷髅侍卫惊惧道。 Shut up!” Wang Ku shouted coldly. “闭嘴!”王骷冷喝道。 All around looks at more and more bad environment, Wang Ku is not happy. 看着四周越来越恶劣的环境,王骷也情绪不好了起来。 What's the matter?” Jin Peng asked again. “怎么回事?”金鹏再问道。 Nether Demon, he sealed the deep sea prison!” Wang Ku said solemnly. 冥魔,他封了冥海大狱!”王骷沉声道 Sealed this small world? I broke open on the line!” Jin Peng said solemnly. “封了这个小世界?我破开就行了!”金鹏沉声道 Cannot break, this is the most precious object of my skeleton clan, is used to face the total destruction, here is small Heaven and Earth, my Skeleton Clan starts from the birth, non-stop has the Skeleton Clan elder to keep arranging formation, formation accumulated the innumerable generations, had isolated with Great Thousand Worlds, was top Ancestor Immortal Equipment, here, was Saint, cannot escape in the short time, let alone ............!” Wang Ku said solemnly. “破不开的,这是我骷髅一族的至宝,用来面对灭顶之灾的,这里是一个小天地,我骷髅族从诞生开始,就不停的有骷髅族的长老不停布置阵法,阵法累积无数代了,早已与大千世界隔绝了,是顶级祖仙器,在这里,就是圣人,在短时间也逃脱不去,何况............!”王骷沉声道 Can surround Saint small world?” Jin Peng surprisedly said. “能困住圣人小世界?”金鹏惊讶道 Un, the internal environment will be getting more and more bad, exterminates until internal all lives and Departed Spirit, small world will open again.” Wang Ku shakes the head to say. “嗯,内部环境会越来越恶劣,直到内部所有生灵、死灵灭绝,小世界才会再度打开。”王骷摇摇头道。 I do not believe!” The Jin Peng anger said. “我不信!”金鹏怒道。 By dire straits here? How Ok? 被困死在这里?怎么可以? In the Jin Peng hand a Righteous Heavenly Halberd dance, is cutting to the space. 金鹏手中方天画戟一舞,对着天上斩去。 Really can't the body gather Heavenly Dao? No, scoundrel!” Jin Peng is angry to say. “真的不能身合天道了?不,混账!”金鹏大怒道。 Jin Peng rising to the sky, in the hand does Righteous Heavenly Halberd wave intensely, splits dazzling radiance, the death? In dire straits? Not, absolutely not! 金鹏冲天而上,手中方天画戟强烈舞动,绽出耀眼的光华,死?困死?不可以,绝对不可以! The space hears the sound of Jin Peng vast attack. 天上传来金鹏浩瀚的攻击之声。 King, was we implicated you!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) suddenly depressed say/way. “王,是我们连累了你!”幽山忽然沮丧道。 Does not close your matters!” Wang Ku shakes the head. “不关你们的事!”王骷摇摇头。 Saint King!” Wang Ku looks to Zhong Shan. 圣王!”王骷看向钟山 A numerous skeleton is completely anxious, but here, has not revealed only anxiously, only then Zhong Shan, the Zhong Shan look is still indifferent, has a look at all around, no tense color. 一众骷髅尽是焦急,而这里,唯一没有露出焦急的,只有钟山,钟山神色依旧淡然,看看四周,没有一点紧张之色。 Saint King? 圣王? You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River) some incredible look to Wang Ku, how can? What tone is king that? Is so respectful to that person? Isn't he friend of king? Saint King? 幽山幽水幽川有些不可置信的看向王骷,怎么会?王那是什么口气?对那人那么恭敬?他不是王的朋友吗?圣王? This might as well, looks to look, but also there are other to give loyalty to your prisoner!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “此阵无妨,找找看,还有没有其它能效忠你的囚犯!”钟山淡淡道 The numerous skeletons have not cared about other Zhong Shan words, only cares about Zhong Shan's that this to might as well, this does might as well? Do you crack a joke? Did a skeleton clan after the innumerable generation of inheritance, you say might as well? 众骷髅没有在意钟山其它的话,就只在意钟山的那句‘此阵无妨’,此阵无妨?你开玩笑?骷髅一族历经无数代的传承,你说无妨? Yes, Saint King!” Wang Ku brings excitedly said. “是,圣王!”王骷带着一丝激动道 Others do not believe Zhong Shan, the Wang Ku absolute trust, so long as Zhong Shan said might as well, that has not gone back on word. 别人不相信钟山,王骷绝对信任,只要钟山说无妨,那还从来没有食言过。 Jin Peng brother!” Wang Ku called out to the day. 金鹏兄!”王骷对天叫道。 The sky, Jin Peng Righteous Heavenly Halberd cut was very long, here really such as Wang Ku said that couldn't open, has not going? Does could it be that really want in dire straits here? 天空,金鹏方天画戟斩了很久,这里真如王骷说的一样,根本打不开,出不去了?难道真的要困死在这里? Until below Wang Ku sound conveys, Jin Peng has one unwillingly flies. 直到下方王骷的声音传来,金鹏才带着一股不甘的飞来。 Wang Ku, what means do you have?” Jin Peng anxious say/way. 王骷,你是不是有什么办法?”金鹏焦急道。 „It is not I have, is Saint King has, Saint King has the means!” Wang Ku said. “不是我有,是圣王有,圣王有办法!”王骷说道。 Zhong Shan? Jin Peng brings to look to Zhong Shan that is not believing, but at this moment Zhong Shan has not paid attention to Jin Peng, but has a look at four directions . 钟山?金鹏带着一股不信的看向钟山,而此刻钟山也并未理会金鹏,只是看看四方 Are the mood are quite complex as for You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River), can go out naturally is the good deed, but, three big skeletons saw unusual, is the king Saint King is very respectful to this? 至于幽山幽水幽川却是心情极为复杂,能出去自然是好事,可是,三大骷髅都看出了一丝奇特,就是王对这个‘圣王’很恭敬? Very respectful? Why? This is a king of skeleton clan, is respectful to the one person clan? Probably his Courtier is the same. No way! 很恭敬?为什么?这可是骷髅一族的王啊,对一个人族恭敬?更好像是他的臣子一样。不会吧! The king of king? 王的王? A numerous skeleton has not spoken, very has mixed feelings, no one hopes own lord, recognizes an alien race again is the lord. 一众骷髅都没有说话,心情很复杂,谁也不希望自己主子,再认一个异族为主子。 In the deep sea prison, indeed is detaining the enormous skeleton, although these skeletons are not the Wang Ku old feudal officials, but Nether Demon has the bitter hatred with current king, the appearance of at this moment Wang Ku, immediately to a ray of hope that they bring about, even moves toward the magnificent hope. 冥海大狱之中,的确关押着大量的骷髅,这些骷髅虽说不是王骷的旧臣,但与现任‘王’冥魔都有着深仇大恨,此刻王骷的出现,顿时给他们带来的一线希望,甚至走向辉煌的希望。 Almost without hesitation, prostrated oneself under the place of former generation king! 几乎毫不犹豫,拜倒在了上代王的座下! Except for You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River), Wang Ku altogether subdues the 40 five skeletons, is the Ancient Immortal boundaries. 除了幽山幽水幽川,王骷一共收服四十五个骷髅,都是古仙境。 This batch of skeletons, is Wang Ku takes back the Skeleton Clan first batch of influences! 这一批骷髅,也是王骷收回骷髅族的第一批势力! Saint King, can subdue, subdued, when you break through the formation!” Wang Ku respectfully said. 圣王,能收服的,都收服了,等您破阵!”王骷恭敬道 In a numerous skeleton heart is very uncomfortable, but at this moment is in very special period, no one had said that because the numerous skeletons believe, sooner or later Wang Ku will give them a satisfactory confession. 一众骷髅心中都很不舒服,可此刻正处于非常时期,谁也没有多说,因为众骷髅相信,早晚王骷会给他们一个满意的交代的。 Jin Peng also strange looks to Zhong Shan. Oneself already had tried a moment ago, this small world was too strict, the non- body about Heavenly Dao, could not break. Zhong Shan line? Ancient Immortal, without Heavenly Dao, can break open? 金鹏也古怪的看向钟山。刚才自己已经试过了,这个小世界太严密了,自己不身合天道,根本破不开。钟山行吗?一个古仙,在没有天道的情况下,能破开吗? Can Zhong Shan break open? This regarding Shadow Body, at all is not the issue. 钟山能破开吗?这个对于隐躯来说,根本不是问题。 The Shadow Body biggest advantage, lies in Shadow Body to all formation radically is the immunity! 隐躯的最大优势,在于隐躯对一切阵法根本就是免疫! Is this Skeleton Clan innumerable constantly accumulates with formation for the elder? What's the big deal? 这是骷髅族无数代长老不断用阵法累积而成的?那又如何? When everyone looks with rapt attention, Zhong Shan already flew the sky, flies to fly, the body did not have suddenly. No, a both feet stays in inside. 所有人凝神看着的时候,钟山已经飞上了天空,飞着飞着,身体忽然就没了。不,还有一双脚留在里面。 What Wang Ku realized, what You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River) also realized, what was Jin Peng at this moment also seems thought , was only left over a both feet? Was that Zhong Shan's body already has part to go out? 王骷意识到了什么,幽山幽水幽川也意识到了什么,就是金鹏此刻也好似想到了什么,只剩下一双脚?那是钟山的身体已经有一部分出去了? Jin Peng opening mouth, a mortal fantasy manner! Real fake? 金鹏张大嘴巴,一副凡人活见鬼的神态!真的假的? From the vibration of slightly Zhong Shan both feet, imitating, if broadcasts the Zhong Shan's sound to be the same. 钟山双脚的微微震动,仿若传来钟山的声音一般。 Big Samsara Passage, opens!” “大轮回通道,开!” ***: Second, strove for ***! ***, By drawing a section, everyone also guaranteed a minimum ***? In the evening also has third! ***:第二更,求***!***啊,被拉了一截,大家还有保底***吗?晚上还有第三更!
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