IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1058: Skeleton Clan rebel

How possibly?” Jin Peng panic-stricken say/way. Even if oneself are the human form, is not the Legendary Giant Bird Garuda shape, that is still the Ancestor Immortal speed! “怎么可能?”金鹏惊骇道。就算自己是人形,不是大鹏金翅鸟形态,那也是祖仙速度啊! The Jin Peng supernatural power stimulates to movement fast, has flown, carries over powerful storm, the speed was too fast, people of ground cannot see the form of Jin Peng flight, felt merely gale has blown. 金鹏法力快速催动,一路飞过,带出一股强大的风暴,速度太快了,地上的人们根本看不到金鹏飞行的身影,仅仅感到一股大风吹过。 But, after the Jin Peng speed keeps increasing, distant place Zhong Shan pulls open his big truncation as before, the Wang Ku fog escapes the Great Method speed is also quicker than Jin Peng. 可是,金鹏速度一增再增后,远处钟山依旧拉开他一大截,就连王骷的雾遁大法速度也比金鹏快。 Jin Peng attacked spitting blood almost. 金鹏被打击的差点吐血。 Legendary Giant Bird Garuda, Heaven and Earth variation, that is famous at the speed, at this moment unexpectedly pull back so many? Even must unable to see two people of distant place. 大鹏金翅鸟,天地异种,那可是以速度著称的,此刻居然拉后了这么多?甚至都要看不到远处的二人了。 Recited!” “吟!” A Jin Peng startled cry, body in a flash, changes into a huge giant bird suddenly, restores the main body, gold/metal wing Legendary Giant Bird. Gold/Metal wing Legendary Giant Bird, wing fan one time, 90,000 li (0.5 km)! The speed is extremely scary. 金鹏一声惊鸣,身形一晃,陡然化为一庞大巨鸟,恢复本体,一只金翅大鹏。金翅大鹏,翅膀扇一次,九万里!速度极度骇人。 After turning into the main body, the Jin Peng anger howls Chongtian/soaring , pursues toward the distant place two forms. 变成本体之后,金鹏怒啸冲天,向着远处两道身影追去。 !” “呼!” In a flash, narrowed a big section distance. 一瞬间,就缩短了一大段距离。 After narrowing the distance, Jin Peng brings an exciting again crazy fan wing. 缩短距离后,金鹏带着一股兴奋再度狂扇翅膀。 !” !” .................. “呼!”“呼!”.................. Place visited, strong winds writings. More and more nearly, more and more nearly, saw clearly Wang Ku of black fog place finally, finally pursued. 所过之处,狂风大作。越来越近,越来越近,终于看清黑雾处的王骷了,终于追上来了。 But, Zhong Shan? 可是,钟山呢? Does not have the Zhong Shan's form, Jin Peng slightly startled, subsequently, Jin Peng sees a remote place shadow suddenly, flashed vanishes in the place of oneself line of sight. 没有钟山的身影,金鹏微微一鄂,继而,金鹏忽然看到遥远处一道黑影,一闪消失在了自己视线之处。 The Jin Peng again complexion changes. 金鹏再度脸色一变。 How possibly? How possibly?” Jin Peng does not believe that is Zhong Shan. “怎么可能?怎么可能?”金鹏不相信那是钟山 Wang Ku, Saint King?” Jin Peng flies Wang Ku beside to ask. 王骷,圣王呢?”金鹏飞到王骷身旁问道。 Front, a moment ago that shadow was!” Wang Ku said. “前面,刚才那一道黑影就是!”王骷说道。 Jin Peng: ........................!” 金鹏:“........................!” Has one to be unwilling, a fighting spirit, a Jin Peng big wing leaf, sharply pursues to go again. 带着一股不甘、一股斗志,金鹏大翅一扇,再度急追而去。 Flew for three days and three nights later, Jin Peng discovered own wing somewhat could not endure, but has not caught up with Zhong Shan obstinately. The distant place, Zhong Shan maintains makes Jin Peng see throughout, may not pursue, this feeling is very aggrieved, has not lost excellent Jin Peng in the speed specially. 就这么飞了三天三夜之后,金鹏发现自己翅膀都有些吃不消了,可愣是没有追上钟山。远处,钟山始终保持让金鹏看到,可又追不到,这种感觉别提有多憋屈,特别在速度上还从没输过人的金鹏 Ease dispirited flashes through in the Jin Peng heart, the Jin Peng speed falls suddenly, waits for Wang Ku pursues. 一股悠然的颓废在金鹏心中闪过,金鹏速度陡然降了下来,等候王骷的追来。 The Jin Peng speed falls, the distant place Zhong Shan shadow stops suddenly, waits for Jin Peng to fly the near. 金鹏速度一降,远处钟山黑影忽然一停,等金鹏飞到近前。 Stops, waits for Wang Ku!” Zhong Shan said. “停下,等等王骷吧!”钟山说道。 Jin Peng stopped, turns into the human form, but the eye has actually been staring, oneself speed falls, did Zhong Shan discover? Said, a moment ago at all wasn't the Zhong Shan's peak speed? He spreads out intentionally, is hanging own? 金鹏停了下来,化成人形,可眼睛却一直瞪着,自己速度一降,钟山就发现了?这么说,刚才根本不是钟山的极致速度?他是故意拉开一段距离,吊着自己的? After drawing this conclusion, Jin Peng produces deep fear to Zhong Shan suddenly. Then just arrived at Ancient Immortal! 得出这个结论之后,金鹏钟山忽然产生一股深深的畏惧。这才刚到古仙啊! Although Jin Peng regarding the past pledged that’ takes to heart as before, but the at this moment arrogance actually restrained. 虽然金鹏对于昔日‘发誓’依旧耿耿于怀,但此刻的气焰却收敛了很多。 Zhong Shan looks at the south, the corners of the mouth actually reveals a curve, the effect that oneself want also achieved, Jin Peng is no longer rampant! Is a good sign. 钟山看着南方,嘴角却露出一丝弧度,自己所要的效果也达到了,金鹏不再嚣张!是个好兆头。 Shortly, Wang Ku also rushed. 没多久,王骷也赶到了。 Three people converge again, the at this moment three people of interior no longer have the small mood, Zhong Shan command absolutely, goes toward northern Skeleton Great Boundary. 三人再度汇合,此刻三人内部不再有小情绪,钟山绝对统帅,向着北方骷髅大疆而去。 Less than one month, three people finally arrived in Holy Land of skeleton clan. Skeleton Great Boundary! 不到一个月的时间,三人终于抵达了骷髅一族的圣地骷髅大疆! A day cloudy piece, the sunlight is very more difficult to shine to this stretch of area is common, incomparable gloom, even, Zhong Shan also rushes to here to have a different kind aura. 天阴沉沉的一片,阳光更是很难照射到这片疆域一般,无比的阴暗,甚至,钟山还赶到这里有着一种别样的气息。 The time, time some feelings of slowing down, the distant place scenery somewhat is fuzzier. 时间,时间有些放慢的感觉,远处景色更有些模模糊糊。 „Was this Land of the Polar North?” Zhong Shan asked. “这是极北之地了?”钟山问道。 Un, was quick, again toward north, is Space-time's end, the time and space extremely disorder, moreover is extremely slow!” Wang Ku nods to say. “嗯,快了,再往北,就是时空的尽头,时间、空间都极为紊乱,而且极慢!”王骷点点头道。 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 At present a huge area, but this area has characteristics, was above the land overspread the bleached bone, inexhaustible bleached bone. The depth, is Divine Sense also searches not, is quite gloomy. death Qi numerous. 眼前一个巨大的疆域,可这个疆域有个特点,就是大地之上铺满了枯骨,无穷无尽的枯骨。其深度,就是神识也探不到底,极为阴森。死气重重。 Above land that in this piece of bleached bone covers, often can see that some Early Stage skeletons are born from the bleached bone sea. Slowly walks, even fights with all might to rob Fire of Soul in opposite party skull mutually, to expand itself. 而在这片枯骨覆盖的大地之上,不时能看到一些初级骷髅从枯骨海中诞生。慢慢行走,甚至相互拼杀抢夺对方头骨中的灵魂之火,以壮大自己。 The sky is also flying the enormous skeleton, this is under the heavens of skeleton, four directions is a skeleton. 天空也飞着大量骷髅,这是骷髅的天下,四方都是骷髅。 Wang Ku, walks, the Skeleton Clan royal court where, we rush!” Jin Peng said. 王骷,走吧,骷髅族的王庭在哪里,我们闯进去!”金鹏说道。 No, I want first to go to a place!” Wang Ku shakes the head to say. “不,我想先去一个地方!”王骷摇摇头道。 Where?” The Jin Peng doubts said. “哪里?”金鹏疑惑道。 Deep sea prison!” Jin Peng took a deep breath said. “冥海大狱!”金鹏深吸口气道。 Walks!” Zhong Shan nods. “走吧!”钟山点点头。 The deep sea prison, Skeleton Clan is used to detain the place of criminal. But can be closed there, is existences that Skeleton Clan most hates. 冥海大狱,骷髅族用来关押犯人的地方。而能被关在那里,都是骷髅族最憎恨的存在。 The people shoot toward the interior with Wang Ku, two Ancestor Immortal have Zhong Shan, by Wang Ku to here familiar terrain, can definitely not alarm any skeleton sharply to flee in. Flew for day. 众人随着王骷向着内部射去,两个祖仙还有钟山,以王骷对这里熟悉的地形,完全可以不惊动任何骷髅在内部急窜。飞了一天。 The people arrived at a black inland sea, the sea water is jet black, the infinite death Qi gathering, floats off occasionally some spirits, the enormous blood bone emits, seems like extremely gloomy shy. 众人来到了一个黑色的内陆海,海水漆黑,无穷死气汇聚,偶尔浮起一些幽灵,还有大量血骨冒出,看起来极为阴森怕人。 death Qi absorbs the person, Jin Peng and Wang Ku are Ancestor Immortal, the nature are not affected, Zhong Shan's Shadow Body, that not to mention, is the extremely Yin body. 死气摄人,金鹏王骷都是祖仙,自然不受影响,钟山的隐躯,那就更不用说了,原本就是极阴之躯。 Shortly, three people arrived at the deep sea center, a black big island. 没多久,三人就到了冥海中心,一个黑色的大岛。 Above Big Island, has enormous Skeleton Clan Imperial Guard. 大岛之上,有着大量骷髅族侍卫 Three people fly in in the air, stops in black big island place of the gloomy mountain valley. 三人飞在空中,停在黑色大岛的一个阴森山谷之处。 Future who? Dares to rush to the deep sea prison!” A Imperial Guard skeleton anger shouted. “来者何人?胆敢闯冥海大狱!”一个侍卫骷髅怒喝道。 With shouting angrily of that Imperial Guard skeleton, enormous skeleton Imperial Guard encircled. 随着那侍卫骷髅的怒喝,大量骷髅侍卫围了过来。 Wang Ku treads one step, a powerful aura oppression of Skeleton Clan under. 王骷踏出一步,一股骷髅族的强大的气息压迫而下。 This is a soul oppression, Fire of Soul from Skeleton Clan, oppresses one, numerous Imperial Guard felt the great strength of Wang Ku, even noble of soul. 这是一种灵魂压迫,来自骷髅族灵魂之火,压迫一出,一众侍卫就感受到了王骷的强大,甚至灵魂的高贵。 Has some small and weak skeletons to worship on bended knees at the scene under. 有着一些弱小的骷髅当场跪拜而下。 Does not know that is which elder arrives!” Is skeleton Imperial Guard of head does not yield the way as before. “不知是哪个长老降临!”为首的骷髅侍卫依旧不让道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and do You Chuan (Nether River), detain in this?” Wang Ku light saying. 幽山幽水幽川,是不是还关押在此?”王骷淡淡的说道。 Hears the Wang Ku words, the skeleton eye of that skeleton Imperial Guard is greatly bright, obviously is the state of mind in great surprise. 听到王骷的话,那骷髅侍卫的骷髅眼大亮,显然是心绪大惊。 Who are you? May I ask the Skeleton Clan rebel information? Does not know that this is the taboo?” The skeleton Imperial Guard anger shouted. “你们是谁?敢问骷髅族叛逆信息?不知道这是禁忌吗?”骷髅侍卫怒喝道。 You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River), Hahahaha, Skeleton Clan three big to strong elder, unexpectedly became the Skeleton Clan rebel? Good, good, good, you have not revolted I, the heaven waits me is not thin.” Wang Ku laughs to say suddenly. 幽山幽水幽川,哈哈哈哈,骷髅族三大至强长老,居然成了骷髅族叛逆?好,好,好,你们还没叛我,老天待我不薄。”王骷忽然大笑道。 „The fast report king, some people excels at rushing to the deep sea prison, want to tribulations the Skeleton Clan rebel!” That skeleton Imperial Guard was startled to call out. “速速禀报王,有人擅闯冥海大狱,想要骷髅族叛逆!”那骷髅侍卫惊叫道。 Snort!” Wang Ku cold snort/hum. “哼!”王骷一声冷哼。 A powerful oppression, loudly, the under skeleton is completely the scrap, only then three skeletons resisted the soul suppression of Wang Ku. 一股强大的压迫而下,轰然间,下方骷髅尽是炸碎,只有三个骷髅抵抗住了王骷的灵魂压制。 Goes, guides for me!” Wang Ku shouted coldly. “进去,为我带路!”王骷冷喝道。 Domineering suppression, three skeletons, although had not exploded a moment ago, but, Fire of Soul crazy powder, almost collapse, to a skeleton clan, all radically is Fire of Soul, if Fire of Soul extinguished, he thoroughly no longer. 强势的压制,三个骷髅虽然刚才没有爆掉,但是,灵魂之火狂散,差点崩溃,对骷髅一族来说,一切的根本就是灵魂之火,灵魂之火若是灭了,他就彻底不再了。 Three skeletons have the fear, does not dare to hesitate, immediately flies to that mountain valley. In mountain valley, is pasting the mountain wall, having a front door is the same, on the mountain is floating four characters raised deep sea prison. 三个骷髅带着恐惧,不敢迟疑,马上飞向那山谷山谷内,贴着山壁,有着一个大门一样,山上凸浮着四个字‘冥海大狱’。 Three skeleton Imperial Guard steps enter, Zhong Shan one line of natures follow close on to enter. 三个骷髅侍卫踏步而入,钟山一行自然紧跟而入。 Treadons into, Zhong Shan knows that internal situation, this is an internal small Heaven and Earth space, small world. 一脚踏入,钟山就知道内部情况了,这是一个内部小天地空间,一个小世界 But this small world is unusual, does not have slight Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi, even also has a suppression to be the same to the person of entry. 但这个小世界非常奇特,没有丝毫天地元气,甚至对进入之人还产生一股压制一般。 In small Heaven and Earth, is black sea, has the innumerable islands, places of the major islands, have wild aura to flash before general. 天地内,也是一片黑色的大海,有着无数岛屿,各大岛屿之处,都有着一股股狂暴的气息闪现一般。 Which island detains You Shan (Nether Mountain)?” Wang Ku said solemnly. “哪座岛关押幽山的?”王骷沉声道 That side, that side, comes with me!” Skeleton Imperial Guard immediately frighteningly said. “那边,那边,跟我来!”骷髅侍卫马上恐惧道 Six people fly in an instant to fiery red islands. 六人转眼飞向一个火红色的岛屿之上。 The islands are red, the center seems braves the flame above together stone wall, the at this moment locked ten zhang (3.33 m) high skeletons, the skeleton whole body bone was been locked by the fiery chains perforation, the body is completely the crack, even the bone was roasted by the flame stone wall red generally. Although Fire of Soul in skull the quality is extremely high, but actually weak incomparable, seeming will extinguish momentarily is the same. 岛屿赤红,中心一块好似冒着火焰的石壁之上,此刻正锁着一个十丈高的骷髅,骷髅全身骨头都被火热的锁链穿孔锁着,身上尽是裂纹,甚至骨头都被火焰石壁烤红了一般。头颅骨中的灵魂之火虽然品质极高,但却虚弱无比,好似随时都会熄灭一样。 Go away, your rebels, have the skill to kill the father, come, comes!” “滚,你们这些叛徒,有本事弄死老子,来啊、来啊!” The people just stepped the islands, that dying skeleton shouted. The obvious several hundred thousand years later, already formed the habit. 众人刚踏上岛屿,那个垂死的骷髅就叫嚷了起来。显然几十万年下来,已经养成了习惯。 Three skeleton Imperial Guard naturally do not dare to speak. 三个骷髅侍卫自然不敢说话。 Wang Ku was actually the striding walks. 王骷却是踏步走了上去。 Come, kills the father!” The locked in skeleton is calling. “来啊,弄死老子!”被锁住的骷髅叫着。 Daily bakes, living might as well die to suffer it, is, several hundred thousand years, even if lives suffering that might as well die, it has never submitted. 日日烘烤,一种生不如死折磨着它,可是,几十万年了,即便生不如死的折磨,它都从未屈服过。 Brother You Shan (Nether Mountain)!” Wang Ku incomparably affected calling out. 幽山老弟!”王骷无比感动的叫道。 The skeleton in blurry and shouting quickly grasped the meaning of something suddenly, Fire of Soul trembles, subsequently the eyes place shone. 原本迷迷糊糊、叫嚷中的骷髅忽然一个激灵,灵魂之火一颤,继而双眼处亮了起来。 Silent, a deep silence! 沉默,一阵深深的沉默! Showing the way three skeleton Imperial Guard do not know the status of these people, although fears, but is during also curious, these three Skeleton Clan rebels, partner? Heard that their already was detained for several hundred thousand years! 领路的三个骷髅侍卫不知道这些人的身份,虽然恐惧,但也好奇之中,这三个骷髅族的叛逆,还有同伙?听说它们已经被关押几十万年了啊! King, you came back finally, king ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “王,你终于回来了,王~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Called the You Shan (Nether Mountain) skeleton, shouted rendingly, in the tone filled excitedly, filled solemnly and stirringly, filled several hundred thousand years of vent of! 幽山的骷髅,撕心裂肺的喊了起来,语气之中充满了激动,充满了悲壮,充满一股几十万年的发泄! Kings? Showing the way three skeleton Imperial Guard Fire of Soul jumps crazily. Kings? How possibly? Is he possibly a king? Kings? Skeleton Clan Paramount exists unsurpassedly, only has a king! How did this old fogy call him for king? 王?领路的三个骷髅侍卫灵魂之火狂跳。王?怎么可能?他怎么可能是王?王?骷髅族至高无上存在,只有一个王啊!这老家伙怎么称呼他为‘王’? Several hundred thousand years? You Shan (Nether Mountain), You Shui (Nether Water) and You Chuan (Nether River)? Three skeleton Imperial Guard are not the fools, under quickly grasping the meaning of something, thinks of a guess immediately, a guess that made their Fire of Soul jump crazily. 几十万年?幽山幽水幽川?三个骷髅侍卫不是笨蛋,在一个激灵下,顿时想到一个猜测,一个令它们灵魂之火狂跳的猜测。 Kings? 王? Three skeleton Imperial Guard look at each other one, frightened trembling. 三个骷髅侍卫对视一眼,恐惧的瑟瑟发抖。 Another side, Jin Peng naturally takes out Righteous Heavenly Halberd. 另一边,金鹏自然取出方天画戟 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~轰~~~~~~~~轰~~~~~~~~~!” Jin Peng breaks out the flame stone wall, cuts off a numerous chains fast. 金鹏劈开火焰石壁,快速斩断一众锁链。 You Shan (Nether Mountain) was free, weak must drop down. Wang Ku goes forward immediately, supports You Shan (Nether Mountain). 幽山自由了,虚弱的就要倒下。王骷马上上前,一把扶住幽山 King, is really a king, you came back, you came back, You Shan (Nether Mountain) has not revolted you, You Shan (Nether Mountain) in lifetime, when finally the king came back!” You Shan (Nether Mountain) excited saying. “王,真的是王,你回来了,你回来了,幽山没有叛你,幽山在有生之年,终于等到王回来了!”幽山激动的说道。 I came back, I came back, making you suffer hardships!” Wang Ku incomparably said with emotion. “我回来了,我回来了,让你们受苦了!”王骷无比感动道。 Has such subordinate, husband duplicate/restores what request? 有这样的下属,夫复何求? ***: This month's first day, asked to guarantee a minimum ***, erupts today! ***! ***:本月第一天,求保底***,今天爆发!***啊!
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