IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1055: Arrival of Nian Youyou

Qing Feng, kills, does not remain!” 青风,杀,一个不留!” Skeleton King leaves behind a sound, fought gradually the distant place with Wang Ku. Outside Southern Heaven Gate, but also was left over the last Qing Feng elder. 骷髅王留下一个声音,和王骷渐渐战斗到了远处。南天门外,还剩下最后一个青风长老了。 The Qing Feng elder looks at Southern Heaven Gate one line. 青风长老看着南天门一行。 All already of today far exceeded the expectation of numerous skeleton Expert! 今日的一切已经远远超出了众骷髅强者的预料! Former generation did Skeleton King restore 40% strengths unexpectedly? Qing Feng may know that the great strength of former generation Skeleton King, 40% strengths, that is also extremely abnormal existence. 上代骷髅王居然恢复了40%实力?青风可知道上代骷髅王的强大,40%实力,那也是极为变态的存在。 Opposite, Zhong Shan one crowd of person coldly look at each other, as far as eyes can reach, Qing Feng is the insight of looking, even Ancient Immortal does not have one, this flock of ants? 对面,钟山一群人冷冷相视,一眼望去,青风可谓是看的通透,连古仙都没有一个,就这一群蝼蚁? If in the past, Qing Feng were turns turns the hand can destroy completely, but at this time, Qing Feng had not actually acted immediately. Because previously jump of suddenly Jin Peng, to Qing Feng shocked too big. Qing Feng does not hope like Huang Feng, in the sewers capsizes! 若在以往,青风可谓是翻翻手就能灭掉,可这时,青风却没有马上出手。因为先前金鹏的忽然跳出,给青风的震撼太大了。青风可不希望像黄风一样,阴沟里翻船! A more important point, is Great Zheng Saint King Zhong Shan of head, at this moment indifferent relative, does not have anxiously slightly general. 更重要的一点,为首的大崝圣王钟山,此刻冷眼相对,没有丝毫紧张一般。 Great Immortal 9-layer Heaven? Not slightly anxious? This was too strange, incessantly is he, his behind whole body of ministers also show disdain to stand, how possibly? This flock of ants, weak side did not have, why didn't they fear? 一个大仙九重天?没有丝毫紧张?这太古怪了,不止是他,他身后的群臣同样也是傲视而立,怎么可能?这群蝼蚁,弱的都没边了,他们为何一点也不怕? Certainly takes advantage, certainly takes advantage, where can take advantage? 一定有依仗,一定有依仗,可依仗在哪里呢? Qing Feng solemn Ancestor Immortal, at this moment was fooled unexpectedly by the Great Zheng whole body of ministers. 青风堂堂祖仙,此刻居然被大崝群臣唬住了。 The Great Zheng whole body of ministers are not why tense, that is because of Zhong Shan here, the ridge that so long as Saint King, without, Zhong Shan is the Great Zheng Consciousness pillar/backbone, the whole body of ministers trusts infinitely, caused the judgment of Qing Feng this misunderstanding! 大崝群臣为何不紧张,那是因为钟山在此,只要圣王在,没有过不了的坎,钟山就是大崝精神支柱,群臣无限信任,也导致了青风这一误会的判断! Naturally, by this time Zhong Shan, even facing Ancestor Immortal, still not necessarily dreads, the price that but must pay to Ancestor Immortal games is also enormous, otherwise, a sword has cut Qing Feng! 当然,以今时今日的钟山,即便面对祖仙,也未必畏惧,只是对祖仙要付出的代价也是极大的,否则,早就一剑将青风斩了! Zhong Shan as the emperor, can not act, does not act as far as possible, once makes a move Lei Ting to be surely extremely heavy! 钟山身为帝王,是能不出手,尽量不出手,一旦出手必定雷霆万钧! Solemn Ancestor Immortal refuses to compromise like this before Prosperous Capital. 堂堂祖仙就这样僵持在昌京之前。 Meanwhile, looks at the distant place two battlefields together. 同时,一起看着远处两个战场。 Two battlefields, Wang Ku restored the past 40% strengths, may be inferior to Skeleton King eventually, at this moment by Skeleton King suppression ruthlessly during. 两个战场,王骷恢复了昔日40%力量,可终究不如骷髅王,此刻正被骷髅王狠狠的压制之中。 However the Wang Ku fight characteristics, the more fights is also bigger to own advantage, can absorb to fight the air/Qi to make up for the injury. 不过王骷的战斗也有一个特点,越战对自己好处越大,可以吸收战气弥补伤势。 Two big Expert fought from the beginning for three days and three nights, Wang Ku was suppressed ruthlessly, to starting to be able the breathing one breath, at this moment, to make 1-2 counter-attack unexpectedly. 两大强者战斗了三天三夜,王骷从一开始的被狠狠压制,到开始能够喘一口气了,此刻,居然能够做出1-2反击。 Is Wang Ku restoring unceasingly? 王骷在不断恢复? Void, sickle might too big in Skeleton King hand, unexpectedly laceration space, but Wang Ku Magical Treasure is that bronze throne, perhaps if not for the bronze throne, at this moment already were cut to kill by Skeleton King! 虚空之中,骷髅王手中的镰刀威力太大了,居然次次的割破空间,而王骷法宝就是那个青铜宝座,若不是青铜宝座,此刻或许已经骷髅王斩杀! „The Skeleton King place, your here, is really really outstanding, this, I must carry off the throne surely!” Skeleton King called out. 骷髅王座,果然在你这里,果然不同凡响,今次,我定要带走王座!”骷髅王叫道。 Snort, depends on you?” Wang Ku war, while sneers to say. “哼,就凭你?”王骷一边战,一边冷笑道。 Skeleton Clan two big Magical Treasure, defend the throne, attacks the dead knife, attacking the dead knife wasn't already falls in my hands? I thought when you can also insist!” Skeleton King sinks to shout. 骷髅族两大法宝,守之王座,攻之死刀,攻之死刀不是已经落在我手中了吗?我看你还能坚持到几时!”骷髅王沉喝道。 In the hand the sickle waves, carries over the big piece black hole space again. May unable to break open the bronze throne to be the same eventually. 手中镰刀舞动,再度带出大片黑洞空间。可终究无法破开青铜王座一般。 Two generations of Skeleton King, two big skeleton most precious objects, fight with all might mutually, the short time, no one can do to who! 两代骷髅王,两大骷髅至宝,相互拼杀,短时间,谁也奈何不了谁! Another side, just the opposite. 另一边,恰恰相反。 Jin Peng worthily is Heaven and Earth variation, the hand holds Righteous Heavenly Halberd, sometimes the big show/unfolds domineering physique, the place of black hole, leaves sometimes enters, being miserable beyond description that Huang Feng suppresses! 金鹏不愧为天地异种,手执方天画戟,大展强势身姿,黑洞之处,时出时进,将黄风压制的苦不堪言! Qing Feng, comes at once to help me!” Huang Feng loudly shouted through Heavenly Dao. 青风,速来助我!”黄风通过天道大喝道。 Heavenly Dao shakes, entire Heaven and Earth was full of the Huang Feng sound to be the same. 天道震荡,整个天地都充满了黄风的声音一般。 The Qing Feng mood changes, has a look at the Great Zheng whole body of ministers, has a look at distant place Huang Feng, an awkwardness. 青风情绪一变,看看大崝群臣,又看看远处黄风,一阵为难。 Roar~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 吟~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A distant place suddenly giant song of the birds. Subsequently a white light flashes through. 远处忽然一声巨大的鸟鸣。继而一道白光闪过。 Makes its dream awake!” “让它梦醒!” A sound spreads from the white light, the white light shoots towards distant place, that makes the sound the position, is presents a barefooting female, the shoulder is carrying little hair ball. 一个声音从白光中传出,白光射向远处,那发出声音的位置,却是出现一个赤脚女子,肩头载着一个小毛球 white Guangshe goes, that is the giant bird that to fly to be famous, but has been controlled by Ancestor God Beast, the at this moment dream awakes suddenly, the white-feathered bird flies in in the air, slightly one dull, the body plants toward the land. 白光射去,那是一只以飞行著称的巨鸟,只是一直被祖神兽控制,此刻忽然梦醒,白鸟飞在空中,微微一呆,身体向着大地栽去。 The giant bird panic-stricken fan the wing, this is controlling body. 巨鸟惊恐的扇着翅膀,这才控制住身形 Free the giant bird turned head to look at one to the Nian Youyou direction, does not dare to revenge, a wing show/unfolds flew without a trace. 自由了的巨鸟扭头对着念悠悠方向看了一眼,没敢报仇,翅膀一展飞的无影无踪了。 Zhong Shan, I came back!” 钟山,我回来了!” Come back Nian Youyou exciting calling out. Simultaneously seems simply has not paid attention to the fight to be the same. 回来的念悠悠兴奋的叫道。同时好似根本没有关注外界战斗一般。 Un, comes back well!” Zhong Shan nods with a smile. “嗯,回来就好!”钟山笑着点点头。 Subsequently, Zhong Shan alerts looks to Qing Feng. 继而,钟山又戒备的看向青风 Nian Youyou looks following the Zhong Shan vision, two battlefields previously saw, is Nian Youyou picks up the speed the reason. 念悠悠顺着钟山目光望去,两处战场先前就看见了,也是念悠悠加快速度的原因。 at this moment sees Zhong Shan to be all right, naturally felt at ease. 此刻钟山没事,自然心安了很多。 Ancestor Immortal?” Nian Youyou asked to Zhong Shan. 祖仙?”念悠悠钟山问道。 Asked the person, naturally was not far away Qing Feng! 所问之人,自然就是不远处青风! Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 I help you solve him!” Nian Youyou slightly exciting say/way. “我来帮你解决他!”念悠悠略微兴奋道。 „?” Zhong Shan slightly startled. “呃?”钟山微微一鄂 Opposite Qing Feng was also ignorant, the clarity that Qing Feng looked, this female only had the Great Immortal strength, did he solve me? Opens, cracks a joke? 对面青风也是懵了,青风看的清楚,这个女子只有大仙实力,他来解决我?开,开什么玩笑? Does not use!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. Obviously is worried about the Nian Youyou safety. “不用!”钟山摇摇头。显然担心念悠悠安危。 Believes me!” Nian Youyou shows a mysterious smile. “相信我!”念悠悠露出一丝神秘的笑容。 Was saying Nian Youyou looks to opposite Qing Feng. 说着念悠悠看向对面青风 Old fogy, is you are without a fight, wants me to begin?” Calling out of Nian Youyou suddenly be swollen with arrogance. “老家伙,是你束手就擒,还是要我动手?”念悠悠忽然趾高气扬的叫道。 Nian Youyou called, Zhong Shan a minister stared in a big way the eye behind. Except that knew that Nian Youyou important minister, others is a strangeness, but this Qing Feng Ancestor Immortal. 念悠悠一叫,钟山身后一众大臣瞪大了眼睛。除了认识念悠悠重臣,其它人都是一阵古怪,这个青风可是祖仙啊。 little girl, acts recklessly!” Qing Feng coldly said. 小丫头,不知死活!”青风冷声道 Nian Youyou flies gently. more is rapidly high. 念悠悠轻轻飞起。越飞越高。 Zhong Shan has not stopped, but already prepared making a move. Nian Youyou cannot make Qing Feng injure absolutely. 钟山没有阻拦,但已经做好了出手的准备。念悠悠绝对不能让青风伤去了。 Nian Youyou flies upward, Qing Feng has looked, surpassed Qing Feng until the altitude of flying in the altitude, Nian Youyou stops slightly. 念悠悠往上飞,青风一直看着,直到飞的高度超过了青风所在高度,念悠悠才微微一停。 Sees this King, has not knelt down!” The Nian Youyou eye stares, shouted angrily. “见到本王,还不下跪!”念悠悠眼睛一瞪,一声怒喝。 Hears the Nian Youyou words, the Great Zheng whole body of ministers thorough were ignorant, what situation? Returns this King? Does Qing Feng possibly manage you? 听到念悠悠的话,大崝群臣彻底懵了,什么情况?还本王?青风怎么可能理你? That may feel strange happened, Qing Feng looks at Nian Youyou, suddenly does not speak, seemed the look somewhat to be at a loss general. 可奇怪的一幕发生了,青风怔怔的看着念悠悠,忽然不说话了,好似神色有些迷惘一般。 yí yí yí!” The Little Qing anxious say/way of Nian Youyou shoulder. Seemed is telling Nian Youyou, Qing Feng must awake generally. 咦咦咦!”念悠悠肩头的小青焦急道。好似在告诉念悠悠,青风要醒了一般。 Kneels down!” Nian Youyou shouted at again. “跪下!”念悠悠再度一声断喝。 Great Zheng whole body of ministers face twitched, this, what situation? 大崝群臣面部一阵抽了抽,这,什么情况? But the next quarter, it may be said that stares a place eyeball, opposite Qing Feng really worshipped on bended knees unexpectedly, but evil ways: King!” 可下一刻,可谓是瞪掉了一地眼珠子,对面的青风居然真的跪拜而下道:“王!” The skeleton skeleton face of Qing Feng twitches unceasingly, seems is struggling general. 青风的骷髅骨骼面部不断抽动,好似在挣扎一般。 yí yí yí yí!” Incomparable urgency that Little Qing called, seemed this fellow to surpass itself to make the dream range generally. 咦咦咦咦咦!”小青叫的无比的急切,好似这个家伙要超出自己造梦范围了一般。 Nian Youyou does not dare to neglect, searches the hand to take out one foot diameter the circular mirror surface! 念悠悠不敢怠慢,探手取出一个一尺直径的圆形镜面! The mirror surface is unusual, is light yellow, transparent, does not have the multi- Great Method strength fluctuation to be the same. 镜面非常奇特,呈淡淡的黄色,透明,却没有多大法力波动一般。 Nian Youyou with the mirror surface to Qing Feng, subsequently, both eyes is shutting, opens. 念悠悠用镜面对着青风,继而,双目一闭,一开。 The golden pupil opens! 黄金瞳孔开! In the Nian Youyou eye, projects the incomparably dazzling golden light suddenly, the golden light directly shoots lens, form a giant golden light beam by the lens subsequently, instant rushed to Qing Feng. 念悠悠眼中,陡然射出无比耀眼的金光,金光直射镜片,继而透过镜片形成一道巨大的金色光柱,瞬时冲到了青风身上。 This flash, Qing Feng body shakes, wakes up from the dream of Ancestor God Beast manufacture, said panic-stricken: Ancestor God Beast?” 这一瞬间,青风身形一抖,从祖神兽制造的梦中醒来,惊恐道:“祖神兽?” Qing Feng recalled the little hair ball name finally, simultaneously panic-stricken takes out a purple gold throne, simultaneously takes out a giant sickle, fully-armed. 青风终于记起了小毛球的名字,同时惊恐的取出一个紫金宝座,同时取出一柄巨大的镰刀,全副武装。 But, as before late a point, enormous golden light directly shoots Qing Feng. 可,依旧迟了一点,大量金光直射青风 Qing Feng in that flash, body suddenly one stiff, the whole body was melted by the gold/metal generally, body was motionless! 青风在那一瞬间,身体忽然一僵,全身被金化了一般,身形不动了! After Nian Youyou has displayed Divine Ability, body weak. 念悠悠施展过神通后,身形一阵虚弱。 !” “呼!” Zhong Shan appears in the near suddenly, grasps Nian Youyou to body but actually. 钟山忽然出现在近前,一把抱住念悠悠要倒的身躯。 Quickly, attacks Qing Feng, he must compel outside the body my Divine Ability quickly! Quickly!” Nian Youyou anxious was saying to Zhong Shan. “快,攻击青风,他很快就要将我的神通逼出体外了!快!”念悠悠焦急的对着钟山道。 Sufficed! Your already achieved!” Zhong Shan brings a joyful say/way. “够了!你已经做到了!”钟山带着一股欣喜道。 Sees the golden light that in the Nian Youyou eye projects, Zhong Shan on already knows probably what situation, before initially Yama Palace, to Zi Lu games, has presented this, that time was only part of ossified Zi Lu body, but now, is actually ossified entire Qing Feng. 看到念悠悠眼中射出的金光,钟山已经大概知道什么情况了,当初阎罗殿前,对子路,就出现过这一幕,那时只是僵化子路身体的一部分,而现在,却是僵化整个青风 The Nian Youyou strength was increased, Divine Ability displays was more powerful, but that lens seem Divine Ability contract gather completely on Qing Feng general. 念悠悠实力提升了,神通施展的更加强大了,而那镜片更好似将神通收缩全部聚集在青风身上一般。 Qing Feng instant gold/metal change/transform, the Qing Feng whole body is stiff, is anxious incomparable, is dispelling within the body golden color element fast. The fine motion, the enormous golden color element was dispelled outside the body on hand. So long as three breath time, can eliminate certain negative impact again, subsequently the body gathered Heavenly Dao. 青风瞬时金化,青风全身僵硬,也是焦急无比,快速祛除着体内金色元素。手头微动,大量金色元素被祛除体外。只要再有三息时间,就可以消除一定的负面影响,继而身合天道了。 What a pity, all seemed somewhat late. 可惜,一切都显得有些迟了。 In front of Qing Feng presents a picture scroll suddenly, a black chart, in chart a white spot. The white spot seems forms large hole to be the same. 青风面前忽然出现一张画卷,一个黑色图,图中一个白点。白点好似形成一个大洞一般。 even/including Kulou brought the throne belt/bring sickle to attract together. 连骷髅带宝座带镰刀一起吸了进去。 Attracting is not anything, Qing Feng wants on the elimination negative impact self-confidently, ordinary Ancestor Immortal Equipment cannot block itself, but, large hole another side, actually seems a big mouth to be the same! 吸进去还不算什么,青风自信只要消除身上的负面影响,普通祖仙器根本拦不住自己,可,大洞的另一边,却好似一张大嘴一般! āwū! 啊呜! All swallowed! The Qing Feng last thought is: How I die so vexed!” 全吞了!青风最后一个念头就是:“我怎么死的这么窝囊!” Huge Ruler's Diagram returns to the Zhong Shan hand again, Qing Feng becomes most vexed Ancestor Immortal that in history dies to go down in the Great Zheng history! Spreads ten thousand world! 巨大帝王图再度回到钟山手中,青风成为史上死的最窝囊的祖仙载入大崝史册!流传万世! Bang!” “轰!” The other side, Jin Peng Righteous Heavenly Halberd broke out the Huang Feng throne ruthlessly, in the meantime, a halberd chops, with the potential of Heavenly Dao, cut off an arm of Huang Feng! 另一方,金鹏方天画戟狠狠的劈开了黄风的宝座,同时,一戟劈下,携天道之势,斩断了黄风的一条胳膊! Where Huang Feng this time has a mind to prolong contact, Qing Feng dies, is thinking must escape. 黄风这次哪有心恋战,青风一死,就想着要逃了。 Own severe wound, is without hesitation, the tone flees toward the distant place. 自己重伤,毫不迟疑,调头向着远处窜去。 Huang Feng flees, a Jin Peng body show/unfolds changes into Legendary Giant Bird Garuda, a wing show/unfolds, pursues to go at the speed of big terrifying. 黄风遁逃,金鹏身形一展化为大鹏金翅鸟,翅膀一展,以大恐怖的速度直追而去。 Now is only left over a battlefield, but also is left over Skeleton King to suppress Wang Ku. 现在只剩下一个战场了,还剩下骷髅王压制王骷 More hits, Skeleton King more is uncomfortable, seems itself and Wang Ku fights, therapy for him general. 越打,骷髅王越不是滋味,好似自己和王骷战斗,是在为他疗伤一般。 How can like this?” Skeleton King inconceivable fight. “怎么会这样?”骷髅王不可思议的战斗者。 Suddenly, Skeleton King seemed thought of anything. 忽然,骷髅王好似想到了什么。 Wound? Divine Ability of wound? Makes up the wound by the wound, more is injured, more will break through?” Skeleton King was startled to call out. “伤?伤之神通?以伤补伤,越是受伤,越会突破?”骷髅王惊叫道。 Skeleton King has not thought Wang Ku Divine Ability unexpectedly is this. This, is this possible? Completely for Divine Ability that the fight does become? Abnormal Divine Ability? 骷髅王怎么也没想到王骷神通居然是这个。这,这怎么可能?完全为战斗而成的神通?变态神通? Qing Feng!” Skeleton King shouted. 青风!”骷髅王一声断喝。 But the next quarter, Skeleton King discovered, Huang Feng or Qing Feng, didn't have? 可下一刻,骷髅王发现,无论是黄风还是青风,都没了? In the Skeleton King heart is startled. making a prompt decision, unquestioning body turns toward the north to shoot in a flash. Flees to go. 骷髅王心中一惊。当机立断,毫不迟疑的身形一晃向着北方射去。遁逃而去。 Wang Ku body shook shaking, has not pursued! allow(ing) Skeleton King flees to walk. 王骷身形晃了晃,并未追去!任由骷髅王遁逃而走。 ***: Three finish, asks ***! ***:三更毕,求***!
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