IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1054: Fight of two generations of Skeleton King

Yin Sector, Without Form Territory and Reincarnation Cycle Territory intersection point! 阴间,无相疆域转轮疆域交界处! The sky is flying a giant bird, the giant bird eye was very empty, seems is controlled generally, on the giant bird, at this moment is standing a gold/metal clothes barefooting female, the shoulder is standing furry blue little hair ball. 天空飞着一只巨鸟,巨鸟眼睛很空洞,好似被控制住了一般,在巨鸟身上,此刻正站着一名金衣赤脚女子,肩头站着一个毛茸茸的蓝色小毛球 This female in Four Great Division Continent and Zhong Shan distinction Nian Youyou. 此女正是在四大部洲钟山分别的念悠悠 Little Qing, changes the dream to it again, making its speed speed up.” Nian Youyou was saying to little hair ball. 小青,再给它改改梦,让它速度加快一点。”念悠悠对着小毛球道。 yí yí yí!” 咦咦咦!” Little Qing nods immediately, the giant bird speed was also fast a point. 小青马上点点头,巨鸟速度又快了一分。 Looks at Reincarnation Cycle Territory, in the Nian Youyou eye flashes through a joy, turns the head, Nian Youyou has a look at Without Form Territory. 看着转轮疆域,念悠悠眼中闪过一股欣喜,转头,念悠悠看看无相疆域 Looks at the distant place Without Form Territory shadow coldly, the Nian Youyou complexion, even has a hatred. This time goes to Four Great Division Continent, if not for meets Zhong Shan, oneself are completely their sacrificial victims. 看着远处无相疆域的阴影,念悠悠脸色冷了下来,甚至产生一丝的仇恨。这次前往四大部洲,若不是遇到钟山,自己完全就是他们的牺牲品。 Ancestors? Is this also an ancestor? Snort! 先祖?这也是先祖?哼! Nian Youyou did not have the sense of belonging to Without Form Holy Court, this time was also betrayed by the Without Form Saint King two crown princes, Nian Youyou already lost heart about Without Form Holy Court thoroughly. 念悠悠原本就对无相圣庭没有归属感,这次被无相圣王还有两个太子出卖,念悠悠已经无相圣庭彻底死心了。 Turns head, Nian Youyou looks again to Reincarnation Cycle Territory, thought with Zhong Shan meets, on the Nian Youyou face the production of not consciousness tender feelings! 扭头,念悠悠再度看向转轮疆域,想到与钟山一次次的相遇,念悠悠脸上不知觉的产生了一股柔情! Meanwhile, Reincarnation Cycle Territory Dynasty Capital Prosperous Capital, at this moment welcomed several Expert. 与此同时,转轮疆域朝都昌京,此刻却迎来了数名强者 Prosperous Capital is one floats spatial huge city. 昌京是一个浮空的巨大城池 Under, above the land, the mountains rivers were green and luxuriant, but at this moment, actually had the tremendous changes. 在下方,大地之上,原本山川河流郁郁葱葱,可此刻,却发生了天翻地覆的变化。 Bone sea! Spur! 骨海!骨刺! Above the land, emits the inexhaustible bone suddenly, the bone faces upwards, seems like extremely towering overbearing. 大地之上,忽然冒出无穷无尽的骨头,骨头朝天,看上去极为的峥嵘霸道。 The inexhaustible bone appeared, disposed all around all. The forest is not , the rivers are not, endless bone. 无穷无尽的骨头出现,填埋了四周一切。森林不在,河流不在,只有无止尽的骨头。 Naturally, Great Zheng enormous army! 当然,还有大崝大量军队! But in bleached bone sea, there is enormous skeleton Legion. Skeleton Legion at this moment, the spearhead aims at the Great Zheng army! 可枯骨海中,也有大量的骷髅军团。骷髅军团此刻,矛头指向大崝军队! In the Great Zheng army also has skeleton Legion, the Great Zheng skeleton army and hostile skeleton army refuses to compromise. 大崝军队中也有骷髅军团,大崝骷髅军和敌对的骷髅军僵持而起。 The Southern Heaven Gate mouth, Zhong Shan leads the whole body of ministers to look at South Gate four Expert. 南天门口,钟山率领群臣看着南门的四名强者 Wang Ku, Jin Peng and the others stood in Zhong Shan beside. The Great Zheng important people stand in Zhong Shan behind. Looks at the front together. 王骷金鹏等人站在钟山身旁大崝要员都站在钟山身后。一起看着前方。 The front altogether has four forms. Most conspicuous, is central that wears the royal crown giant skeleton person, the skeleton person has ten zhang (3.33 m) high, wears the red robe, in two skeleton eyes is putting the light dim light! In the hand grabs a giant sickle. The sickle emits the light white light, the white light shines four directions , formed below endless bone sea. 前方一共有四道身影。最显眼的,是中央那头戴王冠巨型骷髅人,骷髅人有十丈高,身着红袍,两个骷髅眼中放着淡淡的幽光!手中抓着一杆巨大的镰刀。镰刀放射出淡淡的白光,白光照射到四方,就形成了下方的无尽骨海。 Has not changed as for Prosperous Capital, that is Prosperous Capital formation are too many, the white light could not have affected Prosperous Capital. 至于昌京没有变化,那是昌京阵法太多,白光还影响不到昌京 Wears by the skeleton person of royal crown, various stations a azure clothes skeleton. In the eye the dim light flashes. Extremely gloomy. 头戴王冠的骷髅人两侧,各站着一个青衣骷髅。眼中幽光闪动。极为阴森。 Last, black-robed, standing is near the bottom, the position obviously does not have the front three skeletons to be high. But at this moment, opening the mouth is this black-robed skeleton. 最后一个,一身黑袍,站的更加靠后,地位明显没有前面三个骷髅高。可此刻,开口的就是这个黑袍骷髅。 Big brother and Fifth Brother, you surrender now, king already pledged, so long as you surrender, king can does not go into one's past, we later, are five brothers!” The black-robed skeleton called out. “大哥、五弟,你们现在投降吧,王已经承诺,只要你们投降,王可以既往不咎,我们以后,还是五兄弟!”黑袍骷髅叫道。 Snort, we do not have your such brothers! That day of you betraying, Old Third died in our hearts!” In the whole body of ministers resounds a sound of skeleton. “哼,我们没有你这样的兄弟!从你背叛的那一天起,老三在我们心中就死了!”群臣中响起一个骷髅的声音。 Obviously, that black-robed skeleton is the skeleton that informs. 显然,那黑袍骷髅就是去告密的骷髅。 Useless, Reincarnation Cycle Territory, most is also only Zhong Shan and Luo Xingchen, two Ancient Immortal, what do you have to anticipate? King already arrived, two elders, three Ancestor Immortal, can sweep away most areas, you are besotted ............!” The black-robed skeleton is still continue urge. “没有用的,转轮疆域,最强也只是钟山落星尘,两个古仙而已,你们还有什么期待的?王已经到了,还有两个长老,三个祖仙,可以横扫大部分疆域,你们再执迷不悟............!”黑袍骷髅还在继续劝着。 Ok, rubbish!” Wears skeleton said solemnly of royal crown. “好了,别废话了!”头戴王冠的骷髅沉声道 Yes, king!” The black-robed skeleton said immediately. “是,王!”黑袍骷髅马上说道。 Kings, this skeleton that wears the royal crown is current Skeleton King! 王,这个头戴王冠的骷髅就是现任的骷髅王! Wang Ku? You have not really died!” Skeleton King said solemnly. 王骷?你果然还没死!”骷髅王沉声道 Wang Ku has a look at Zhong Shan, Zhong Shan nods, Wang Ku then steps forward one step. 王骷看看钟山,钟山点点头,王骷这才跨出一步。 You really degenerated, unexpectedly recognizes a Great Immortal 9-layer Heaven artificial lord, has you to be my opponent, but also is really the shame!” Skeleton King coldly said. “你果然堕落了,居然认一个大仙九重天的人为主,有你做我对手,还真是耻辱!”骷髅王冷声道 The Wang Ku steps went forward, looked at Skeleton King, looked at Skeleton King behind two elders. 王骷踏步上前,看了看骷髅王,又看了看骷髅王身后的两名长老。 Qing Feng and Huang Feng? Two elders? Originally was the past years you betrays me? I may not be thin to you!” Wang Ku said solemnly. 青风黄风?两位长老?原来当年是你们背叛我?我可对你们不薄!”王骷沉声道 Two elders are slightly silent. 两个长老微微沉默。 Aging old debt do not raise again, Wang Ku, looks in you are in the former generation Skeleton King face, let alone I have not given you opportunity, now recognizes me for the lord, sets the contract, I can not go into one's past to you, otherwise, today is your time of death!” Skeleton King cold sound said. “陈年旧账就不要再提了,王骷,看在你是上代骷髅王的面子上,别说我没给你机会,现在认我为主,定下契约,我可以对你既往不咎,否则,今日就是你的死期!”骷髅王寒声道。 Scoffs!” Zhong Shan behind Jin Peng reveals one to sneer. “嗤!”钟山身后的金鹏露出一丝冷笑。 Hit for more than ten years with Wang Ku, although Jin Peng is insufficient to the Great Zheng sense of belonging, but actually approved to Wang Ku gradually, the friendship between men, is being fought accumulates, so-called attracts each other is not overrated. Saw the Skeleton King be swollen with arrogance stance, Jin Peng looks felt uncomfortable. 王骷打了十几年,金鹏虽然对大崝归属感还不够,但对王骷却是渐渐认可了,男人之间的友情,很多都是在打斗中积累的,所谓惺惺相惜也不为过。见到骷髅王趾高气扬的姿态,金鹏看了就觉得不爽。 My Skeleton Clan spoke, when was one's turn other families to interrupt, who were you?” Skeleton King coldly said. “我骷髅族说话,何时轮到外族插嘴,你是什么人?”骷髅王冷声道 I am look at you is not feeling well, how? Can fight? Come! The father likes fighting!” Jin Peng walked very much extremely arrogantly. “我就是看你们不爽,怎么?要打架?来啊!老子就喜欢打架!”金鹏很狂妄的走了出来。 „The Huang Feng elder, teaches this not to know the day of highland thick fellow to me!” Skeleton King coldly said. 黄风长老,给我教训这个不知天高地厚的家伙!”骷髅王冷声道 Yes!” And an elder immediately comply with the way. “是!”其中一个长老马上应道 Searches the hand, an elder palm hits. Moreover that stance, extreme disdaining, Skeleton King and the others the thought also stay in the description of informing skeleton obviously, here strongest is Ancient Immortal. 探手,那长老一掌打来。而且那姿态,极度的不屑,显然骷髅王等人的思想还停留在告密骷髅的描述当中,这里最强的就是古仙而已。 A palm hits, the Jin Peng corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer. 一掌打来,金鹏嘴角露出一丝冷笑。 Is without hesitation, searches the hand to grasp, restored Righteous Heavenly Halberd appears in the palm suddenly, a halberd toward that huge palm detachment. 毫不迟疑,探手一抓,修复了的方天画戟忽然出现在掌心,一戟向着那巨大手掌劈去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~!” The golden light flashes through together, a halberd carries over the strength of Heavenly Dao, by the potential of big terrifying toward that Huang Feng elder detachment. 一道金光闪过,一戟带出天道之力,以大恐怖之势向着那黄风长老劈去。 !” “呲!” Easily accomplished, easily cuts the palm that broken Huang Feng makes, dividing that subsequently does not stay to the Huang Feng elder. 摧枯拉朽,轻易斩破黄风打出的手掌,继而毫不停留的劈向黄风长老。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The crisis moment, the Huang Feng elder state of mind big change, body without hesitation gathers Heavenly Dao. Keeps off a halberd that Jin Peng chops. 危机关头,黄风长老心绪大变,毫不犹豫的身合天道。堪堪挡下金鹏劈过来的一戟。 Ka!” “咔!” A chest front rib presented the enormous crack strongly, the Righteous Heavenly Halberd strength completely to this on. 胸前一根肋骨出现大量裂纹,方天画戟的力量全部集中到了这个上面。 Ancient Immortal? Is this Ancient Immortal? 古仙?这是古仙? The Huang Feng elder, takes out a sickle in great surprise fast, even if stands in Heavenly Dao, is still ready in full battle array. 黄风长老大惊之下,快速取出一柄弯刀,即便站在天道之中,也严阵以待。 Another side, Jin Peng also stood in Heavenly Dao, the hand held Righteous Heavenly Halberd, showed disdain for the Huang Feng elder. fighting intent increases peak. 另一边,金鹏同样站在了一个天道之中,手执方天画戟,傲视黄风长老。一股战意攀升极致 Old fogy, a little ability? Again come!” Jin Peng shows a faint smile to say. “老家伙,有点能耐?再来!”金鹏微微一笑道。 The hand holds Righteous Heavenly Halberd, the body about Heavenly Dao goes toward the Huang Feng elder direct impact. 手执方天画戟,身合天道的向着黄风长老直冲而去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Heavenly Dao collision, carries over the space that opens to shake. Two people go to 100,000 li (0.5 km)! 天道一次碰撞,带出打开的空间震荡。二人一去十万里! Also is Jin Peng intentionally for it, Jin Peng directs the Huang Feng elder to Prosperous Capital. 也是金鹏故意为之,金鹏黄风长老引离昌京 The distant place, two Ancestor Immortal domineering fights opened. Thunders intermittently, shook the between Heaven and Earth innumerable clouds dispersed generally, the domineering fight, making that side space shake unable to withstand, non-stop swaying, cannot see internal slightest. 远处,两个祖仙强势的战斗开启了。阵阵轰鸣,将天地间无数云彩都震散了一般,强势的战斗,使得那一方空间震荡不堪,不停摇晃,看不见内部分毫。 The mountains land, all shaken space grinds! 山川大地,尽数被震荡的空间碾碎! Two Ancestor Immortal fought! 两个祖仙战斗了! This, let many people are at the scene! 这一幕,让很多人都是愣在了当场! Great Zheng whole body of ministers, many people inconceivable looks at distant place Jin Peng, said, Jin Peng in Great Zheng these years, arrogant serious, has never watched the whole body of ministers, in whole body of ministers, in many person hearts uncomfortable. 大崝群臣,有很多人都不可思议的看着远处金鹏,说起来,金鹏大崝这些年,一直傲的不得了,从不把群臣看在眼里,群臣中,有很多人心中不爽。 Even, has more than ten ministers, but also submits a written statement to the ginseng/partake specially Jin Peng. Has scolded Jin Peng. But looks now, the whole body of ministers were stunned, Ancestor Immortal? 甚至,有着十几个大臣,还专门上书参过金鹏。骂过金鹏。可现在一看,群臣愕然了,祖仙? Is this Ancestor Immortal Heavenly Dao? 这是祖仙天道? Many ministers understood the Jin Peng arrogant reason finally, knows reason that Saint King has not accepted. Saint King destruction memorial to the throne, to not shield Jin Peng, but to protect them. 很多大臣终于明白金鹏傲的理由了,也知道圣王没有受理的理由了。圣王销毁奏章,不是为了袒护金鹏,而是为了保护他们。 When numerous minister cold sweat, was full of the gratitude to Zhong Shan. 一众大臣冷汗之际,对钟山也充满了感激。 Similarly, Skeleton King and the others also by being caught off guard that this change suddenly makes. 同样,骷髅王等人也是被这忽然的变化弄的措手不及。 Ancestor Immortal? Unexpectedly is Ancestor Immortal? You did not say that Reincarnation Cycle Territory doesn't have Ancestor Immortal?” Skeleton King sinking sound to informing skeleton say/way. 祖仙?居然是祖仙?你不是说转轮疆域没有祖仙吗?”骷髅王沉声的对着告密骷髅道。 I, I don't know either, he is not the Reincarnation Cycle Territory person!” Saying that the informing skeleton hurries. “我,我也不知道,他不是转轮疆域的人!”告密骷髅慌忙的说道。 Snort!” Skeleton King cold snort/hum, is quite obviously uncomfortable to the informing skeleton. “哼!”骷髅王一声冷哼,显然对告密骷髅相当不爽。 Skeleton King looks again to Southern Heaven Gate. Has to plant not the good premonition at heart. The interest of cat catch mouse, at this moment has to be prudent, best fight a battle to force a quick decision! 骷髅王再度看向南天门。心里有种不好的预感。原本还有猫捉老鼠的兴趣,此刻不得不慎重起来,最好速战速决! Buzz!” “嗡!” Skeleton King body about Heavenly Dao, a appearance of white Heavenly Dao Heavenspan penetrating place. 骷髅王身合天道,一条白色天道通天彻地的出现。 Skeleton King must make a move! 骷髅王要出手了! Buzz!” “嗡!” As white Heavenly Dao appears, the Wang Ku whole body, presents huge Heavenly Dao, azure Heavenly Dao, on Heavenspan, below inserts. Before setting up Southern Heaven Gate, arrogantly. Meets as an equal to white Heavenly Dao! 随着白色天道出现,王骷周身,同样出现一个巨大的天道,一条青色天道,上通天,下插地。傲立南天门之前。与白色天道分庭抗礼! My already wait/etc. you were very long!” Wang Ku also coldly said. “我已经等你很久了!”王骷冷冷道。 Skeleton King looks again to that informing skeleton. 骷髅王再度看向那告密骷髅。 You did not say that Wang Ku does have the Great Immortal strength?” The Skeleton King anger called out. “你不是说王骷只有大仙实力吗?”骷髅王怒叫道。 I and I, at that time he indeed was the Great Immortal strength, was really ............!” Informing skeleton anxious say/way. “我、我,当时他的确是大仙实力,真的是............!”告密骷髅焦急道。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The informing skeleton words have not said, already was searched the hand to write off by Skeleton King! Sometimes, the error message can be extremely fatal. even/including wrong twice, does not have living necessity. 告密骷髅话还没说完,已经骷髅王探手抹杀掉了!有的时候,错误信息会是极为致命的。连错了两次,也没有活着的必要了。 The people look at that informing skeleton body dead, no one has said anything, from behaving badly cannot live! 众人看得那个告密骷髅身死,谁也没说什么,自作孽不可活! All over the sky monster bone!” Wang Ku coldly said. “满天妖骨!”王骷冷声道 Void, suddenly emits the inexhaustible bone, is the blood red color. Kills to go toward Skeleton King. 虚空之中,忽然冒出无穷无尽的骨头,个个呈血红之色。向着骷髅王袭杀而去。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” In the Skeleton King hand a sickle dance, the infinite white bones appear immediately, bumps into, all around space that with the blood bone of Wang Ku explodes non-stop swaying. 骷髅王手中镰刀一舞,顿时无穷白骨出现,与王骷的血骨相撞,炸的四周空间不停摇晃。 Originally, did you only restore 40% strengths? hahahahaha!” Skeleton King has one with raw hate excited. “原来,你只恢复了40%实力?哈哈哈哈哈!”骷髅王带着一股凶狠的兴奋了起来。 40% strengths, enough tidied up you!” Wang Ku said solemnly. “40%实力,也足够收拾你了!”王骷沉声道 The steps, Wang Ku Heavenly Dao hits toward Skeleton King. 踏步,王骷天道向着骷髅王撞去。 In the intense collision, the showdown of two generations of Skeleton King fate started again. 在强烈的碰撞中,两代骷髅王宿命的对决再度开启了。 Qing Feng, kills, does not remain!” 青风,杀,一个不留!” Skeleton King leaves behind a sound, fought gradually the distant place with Wang Ku. Outside Southern Heaven Gate, but also was left over the last Qing Feng elder. 骷髅王留下一个声音,和王骷渐渐战斗到了远处。南天门外,还剩下最后一个青风长老了。 ***: In the evening also one, strove for ***! ***:晚上还有一更,求***!
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