IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1053: under the heavens situation

Was discovered? Wang Jingwen is so fierce, unexpectedly was discovered?” The Yi Yan brow wrinkled. “被发现了?王靖文那么厉害,居然被发现了?”易衍眉头皱了起来。 Wang Jingwen, original Small Thousand Worlds adviser Fan Yipin, intelligence, is not under a Great Zheng adviser, but such was a strong person, discovered by Without Form Saint King unexpectedly? 王靖文,原小千世界谋士范一品,智力之强,不在大崝一众谋士之下,可就这样一个强人,居然也被无相圣王发现了? Is knocking the table gently, Zhong Shan indifferently said: Wang Jingwen was discovered, can only say that Without Form Saint King compared with fierce that also we imagine!” 轻轻敲着桌子,钟山淡淡道:“王靖文被发现了,只能说无相圣王比我们想象的还厉害!” Perhaps is the Wang Jingwen subordinate betrays?” The Zhao Suoxiang doubts said. “或许是王靖文下属背叛呢?”赵所向疑惑道。 No, Wang Jingwen works is quite meticulous, I dare saying that if not for Without Form Saint King discovered, the entire Without Form Territory no one knows his status!” Yi Yan shakes the head to say. “不,王靖文做事极为缜密,我敢说,若不是无相圣王发现,整个无相疆域无人知道他身份!”易衍摇摇头道。 Moreover, Without Form Saint King controls Without Form Territory, in secret also control another stretch of area, Saint King that grasps two areas, can be the common generation?” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “而且,无相圣王掌控无相疆域,暗中还掌控另一片疆域,一个掌握两个疆域的圣王,会是碌碌之辈吗?”钟山沉声道 Cannot!” Zhao Suoxiang shakes the head. “不能!”赵所向摇摇头。 Un, Without Form Saint King are more than tens of thousands years of background accumulations us, Without Form Territory is careful!” Zhong Shan emphasized. “嗯,无相圣王比我们多出几万年的底蕴积累,无相疆域要小心!”钟山强调道。 This was said that listened to the people. 这是说给众人听的。 I and others recorded sincerely!” Yi Yan nods. “我等谨记!”易衍点点头。 Un!” “嗯!” Since Wang Jingwen were discovered, and becomes the Without Form Saint King airphone, can withdraw Wang Jingwen?” Zhao Suoxiang thinks to say. “既然王靖文被发现了,并且成为无相圣王的传话筒,要不要撤回王靖文?”赵所向想了想道。 No!” Yi Yan said with a smile suddenly. “不!”易衍忽然笑道。 „?” “哦?” Wang Jingwen is an extremely intelligent person, he becomes the Without Form Saint King airphone, similarly, we can also use this point, conveys a message again reverse, lulls Without Form Saint King. So long as Wang Jingwen tendency Great Zheng, we will set up the invincible position forever!” In the Yi Yan eye projects wisp of bright light to say. 王靖文是个极为聪明的人,他成为了无相圣王的传话筒,同样,我们也可以利用这一点,再反向传话回去,麻痹无相圣王。只要王靖文心向大崝,我们就永立不败之地!”易衍眼中射出一缕精光道。 Counter- past again Without Form Saint King paralysis?” Zhao Suoxiang slightly startled. “反过去再麻痹无相圣王?”赵所向微微一鄂 Yes, since Without Form Saint King takes the airphone Wang Jingwen, then after Wang Jingwen , the security absolutely does not have the issue, moreover his promotion exceptionally will also be smooth, meteoric rise! Otherwise, if Wang Jingwen flees, will receive killing that Without Form Saint King not stops rests!” Yi Yan affirms to say. “是啊,既然无相圣王王靖文作为传话筒,那么王靖文以后安全绝对没问题,而且他的升迁也会异常顺利,平步青云!反之,王靖文若是遁逃,将会受到无相圣王无止休的狙杀!”易衍肯定道。 Mr. Yi Yan said is extremely!” Zhao Suoxiang nods. 易衍先生所言极是!”赵所向点点头。 „When Saint King, this reply, informs Wang Jingwen, making him know in heart!” Yi Yan looks at Zhong Shan to say. 圣王,这次回信时,通知王靖文,让他心里有数!”易衍看着钟山道。 No, in the letter/believes cannot say!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “不,信中不能说!”钟山摇摇头。 Why?” “为何?” Wang Jingwen its wisdom, world rarely heard, how to leak the identity? Even I in his position, not necessarily achieve that well, but he was discovered, perhaps this is not the common news discloses, likely Without Form Saint King grasps some us not to know the thing or the strength. Therefore, in the letter/believes cannot say absolutely, once mentioned, instead was known our goals by Without Form Saint King!” Zhong Shan shakes the head to say. 王靖文其智,世所罕闻,岂会泄露了身份?就算我在他位置,也不一定做到那么好,但他还是被发现了,这或许不是寻常的消息走漏,很可能无相圣王掌握一些我们不知道东西或者力量。因此,信中绝对不能说,一旦说起,反而被无相圣王知晓我们的目的!”钟山摇了摇头道。 That uses the code word!” Yi Yan said solemnly. “那就用暗语!”易衍沉声道 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 By the Wang Jingwen ability, how seeing the code word should know to do . Moreover, then the time, is Wang Jingwen paves the way, making him be promoted extremely quickly!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “以王靖文能力,看到暗语应该知道如何做,而且,接下来时间,为王靖文铺路,让他极快升职!”钟山郑重道 „Is Wang Jingwen promoted? In Without Form Holy Court, even if he is promoted, impossible made good use, the Without Form Saint King trusted aide circle is impossible to accept his!” Zhao Suoxiang knits the brows to say. 王靖文升职?在无相圣庭,就算他升职,也不可能得到重用的啊,无相圣王的心腹圈子不可能接受他的!”赵所向皱眉道。 I do not want them to accept Wang Jingwen, but must make Wang Jingwen obtain the under the heavens prestige, only then stands was high, can look is more careful, can understand, which are the Without Form Holy Court trusted aides!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “我不是要他们接受王靖文,而是要让王靖文得到天下名望,而且只有站的高了,才能看的更仔细,才能明白,哪些才是无相圣庭的心腹!”钟山沉声道 „Can Saint King begin to Without Form Territory?” Yi Yan eye one bright. 圣王要对无相疆域动手了?”易衍眼睛一亮。 Un, chaos under the heavens nears, we have such good geographical qualification, at this time diligently, after not waiting for all big influence on rise, was difficult!” Zhong Shan sighed slightly. “嗯,天下大乱在即,我们拥有这么好的地理条件,这时候不努力,等各方大势力崛起以后,就难了!”钟山微微一叹道。 „Is our geographical qualification good?” Zhao Suoxiang is not clear. “我们这里地理条件好?”赵所向不明白。 Yi Yan you explained!” Zhong Shan said. 易衍你解释一下吧!”钟山说道。 Yes!” “是!” Zhao Suoxiang doubts looks to Yi Yan. 赵所向疑惑的看向易衍 This under the heavens mainstream area, seems like extremely many, extremely broad, but has the clear division, except the edge close to the place of space and time end, Yang Sector has nine continents, Yin Sector has six continents! Each continent has three 16 areas! Our Wind Mound Territory and Reincarnation Cycle Territory, in the north, or are the Northern Continent scopes! Yang Sector is Northern Continent, Yin Sector similarly is Northern Continent!” Yi Yan answered. “这天下主流疆域,看起来极为的多,极为的广,但还是有清晰划分的,除去边缘临近时空尽头的地方,阳间有九大洲,阴间有六大洲!每一洲有三十六疆域!我们风冢疆域转轮疆域,都是在北方,或者说是北洲范围!阳间北洲,阴间同样是北洲!”易衍解释道。 Un!” “嗯!” Two Northern Continent, we occupied an area respectively. However , the northern powerful influence is not very on the other hand strong!” Yi Yan said. “两个北洲,我们各占了一个疆域。但是,相对来说,北方的强盛势力并不特别强!”易衍说道。 Why?” “为何?” Most powerful influence, mostly centralized in Eastern Continent, Southern Continent and Western Continent. Because, these three continents have Yellow Springs Road, can shuttle Yin-Yang two sectors, that be the powerful influence land that must fight for!” Yi Yan said. “最强盛的势力,大多集中在东洲南洲西洲。因为,这三个洲都有黄泉路,可以穿梭阴阳两界,那是强盛势力必争之地!”易衍道。 under the heavens three big Yellow Springs Road?” Zhao Suoxiang knits the brows to say. 天下三大黄泉路?”赵所向皱眉道。 Yes, Eastern Continent, is Great Qin is, but, the thereby powerful influence also has, the Great Qin want to unified Eastern Continent range, is not the short time can achieve!” The Yi Yan analysis said. “是,东洲,就是大秦所在,不过,在那附近强盛势力还有很多,大秦想要一统东洲范围,不是短时间所能做到的!”易衍分析道。 Western Continent, has the Phoenix area, Great Li there, original Great Zhou Heavenly Court is, although now the influence is numerous, so long as the Nie Fanchen domineering rise, Western Continent likely becomes the Great Li territory once again.” The Yi Yan analysis said. 西洲,有凤凰疆域,大离就在那里,原大周天庭所在,现在虽然势力众多,但只要涅凡尘强势崛起,西洲很可能再度成为大离疆土。”易衍分析道。 Southern Continent, the sentry post searches now has not investigated thoroughly that side situation, but according to the under the heavens rumor, that side takes Witch Clan and Asura Clan as many!” Yi Yan said. 南洲,现在我们的哨探还没查清那边情况,不过根据天下传言,那边以巫族和修罗族为多!”易衍说道。 Three big Yellow Springs Road, the Yin-Yang shuttles back and forth, is doomed to become the under the heavens influence land that must fight, therefore, some powerful families and sect, mostly are stationed near these three big Yellow Springs Road! But we in Northern Continent, without Yellow Springs Road, therefore major Luck Dynasty and sect, although is strong, but is not the apex, my Great Zheng development may reduce is unnecessary troubles! And Yellow Springs Road? Hehe, has Saint King Ruler's Diagram, is equivalent to our dynasty to have exclusive Yellow Springs Road! The advantage is advantageous!” Yi Yan said with a smile. “三大黄泉路,阴阳穿梭,注定成为天下势力必争之地,因此,一些强大的家族、宗门,大多在这三大黄泉路附近驻扎!而我们所在北洲,没有黄泉路,因此各大运朝宗门虽然强势,但不属于顶尖,我大崝发展可减少很多不必要麻烦!而且黄泉路?呵呵,有圣王帝王图,就相当于我朝拥有专属黄泉路!优势得天独厚!”易衍笑道。 So, that is true!” Zhao Suoxiang nods, in the eye flashes through a joy. “如此看来,的确如此!”赵所向点点头,眼中闪过一丝欣喜。 Therefore, over the following several hundred years, our dynasty must fight unceasingly, sets up the absolute foundation, over the following several thousand years, will become a Northern Continent tyrant, over the following 10000 years, we will want unified Northern Continent, Yang Sector Northern Continent, is Yin Sector Northern Continent, must grasp in ten thousand years! Thus, can take a broad view at under the heavens, strives for hegemony under the heavens with various group of fierce and ambitiouses!” Yi Yan solemnly said. “因此,接下来数百年,我朝必须要不断战斗,立好绝对根基,接下来数千年,成为北洲一霸,接下来10000年时间,我们要一统北洲,无论是阳间北洲,还是阴间北洲,必须在万年内掌握住!这样,才能放眼天下,与诸路枭雄争雄天下!”易衍郑重道 Short-term plan, Middle Stage plan and long-term plan! Yi Yan said is quite detailed! 短期计划、中期计划、长期计划!易衍说的极为详细! Good! The exquisiteness of Yi Yan overall plan layout, Great Zheng has you, the good fortune of Great Zheng!” Zhong Shan is liberal with the praise to say. “好!易衍统筹布局之精妙,大崝有你,大崝之幸!”钟山不吝夸奖道。 Saint King overpraised, this is the feudal official should do!” Yi Yan shakes the head to say with a smile. 圣王过奖了,这是臣应该做的!”易衍摇摇头笑道。 Un, Yang Sector has Nine Continents, good that you said that Eastern Continent, Southern Continent and Western Continent, rising that are inevitable, but the abatement east, south, west, and north four continents, the remaining five continents absolutely are not good to cope, how could it not be to hear past Great Zhou Heavenly Court was so strong, finally also occupied eight points of under the heavens merely, the under the heavens major influences are not simplicity that we imagine, without Yellow Springs Road, but shuttles back and forth two like Our Ruler's Diagram, I think, definitely also has other influences on grasp, may not treat it lightly absolutely!” Zhong Shan said. “嗯,阳间九洲,你说的不错,东洲南洲西洲,崛起那是必然的,而除却东南西北四洲,剩下五洲也绝对不是那么好对付的,岂不闻昔日大周天庭那么强势,最终也仅仅占了八分之一天下,天下各大势力不是我们想象的那么简单,没有黄泉路,但像朕的帝王图穿梭两界,我想,肯定还有其他势力掌握,绝对不可掉以轻心!”钟山说道。 Yes!” “是!” Then informs Shui Jing and Yan Chongzhi, accepted the under the heavens talent and wizard broadly, Great Zheng goes on a punitive expedition against must start!” Zhong Shan deep takes a deep breath said. “回头通知水镜阎冲之,广纳天下人才和鬼才,大崝征伐要开始了!”钟山深吸了口气道。 Yes!” People respectfully said. “是!”众人恭敬道 When the people talked, suddenly the people complexion changed! 在众人谈话之际,忽然众人脸色微变! The Zhong Shan steps, go out of the study room, the people follow. 钟山踏步,走出书房,众人紧随其后。 As Zhong Shan turns toward the northeast to look together. 随着钟山一起向着东北方看去。 Northeast, white light Chongtian/soaring , that white light is unusual, looked that it has air/Qi of death to be the same, making one look at fearful, white light Chongtian/soaring , concentrates to appear some white bones illusory images merely! 东北方,白光冲天,那白光非常奇特,看之有着一股死亡之气一般,让人望之心寒,白光冲天,仅仅凝现出一些白骨幻影! Subsequently, azure huge Heavenly Dao, the Heavenspan penetrating place, on inserts the clouds, below inserts the land, the vast aura, was away from pass on very much generally. 继而,一条青色巨大天道,通天彻地,上插云霄,下插大地,浩瀚气息,隔着很远就传过来了一般。 Naturally, this huge azure Heavenly Dao, only then Zhong Shan one group of talents can see, because that too was really far. 当然,这巨大的青色天道,也只有钟山一群人才能看到,因为那实在太远太远了。 Sees this, Zhong Shan and the others not anxiously, instead reveals color of the pleasant surprise. 看到这一幕,钟山等人没有紧张,反而露出一丝惊喜之色。 Wang Ku, did Wang Ku rush to Ancestor Immortal from Great Immortal directly?” Zhao Suoxiang astonished say/way. 王骷,王骷大仙直接冲到祖仙了?”赵所向惊愕道。 Zhao Suoxiang still paces back and forth in Great Immortal as before, may look with is Legion Commander Wang Ku, unexpectedly achieved Ancestor Immortal, in the heart was naturally uncomfortable, Zhao Suoxiang not depressed, instead clenched the teeth, in the eye burst out fighting intent. 赵所向依旧还在大仙徘徊,可看着同为军团长王骷,居然达到了祖仙,心中自然不是滋味,赵所向没有沮丧,反而咬紧牙关,眼中迸发出一股战意 This is the peerless Brave Commander potential, will only fiercely compete and successfully compete! 这就是绝世猛将的潜质,只会越战越勇! Former generation Skeleton King! He is Ancestor Immortal, but the injury has not recovered, is transferred the Reincarnation Cycle Palace help by Clay Bodhisattva, the nature is twice the result with half the effort, unexpectedly hundred were the short years, restore similar?” Zhong Shan nod said after a sigh. “上代骷髅王!他原本就是祖仙,只是伤势未愈而已,由泥菩萨调动转轮殿帮助,自然事半功倍,短短百年,居然恢复的差不多了?”钟山点点头感叹道。 Prosperous Capital, another palace, presents Wang Ku to assign/life Commander Great Zheng Skeleton Clan every burging croton bone at this moment to go out of the main hall slightly excitedly. This aura, the aura of king? 昌京,另一处宫殿,奉王骷统领大崝骷髅族的凡巴豆骨此刻略微激动的走出自己大殿。这气息,王的气息? Great Zheng Skeleton Clan is inexhaustible! 大崝骷髅族无尽激动! Suddenly!” “忽!” No meeting, distant place Heavenly Dao flashes vanishes, the form came from the distant place lasing together, in an instant to Prosperous Capital! 没一会,远处天道一闪消失,一道身影从远处激射而来,转眼到了昌京! Wang Ku Greetings Saint King!” Wang Ku to Zhong Shan respectfully said, in the heart also exceptionally is simultaneously excited. 王骷拜见圣王!”王骷对着钟山恭敬道,同时心中也异常激动。 Good, Minister restores the injury, the good fortune of Great Zheng, today to celebrate Minister restores, worldwide celebration, pardon under the heavens!” Zhong Shan said. “好,爱卿恢复伤势,大崝之幸,今日为贺爱卿恢复,普天同庆,大赦天下!”钟山说道。 Worldwide celebration, pardon under the heavens, this is how strong kindness, Great Zheng, only then the Saint King birthday and Great Zheng will be promoted the permitted matter, because unexpectedly the Wang Ku injury will restore to pardon under the heavens? 普天同庆,大赦天下,这是多么浓重的恩惠,大崝只有圣王大崝晋级才会被允许的事情,居然因为王骷伤势恢复而大赦天下? Indicates attaching great importance to of Zhong Shan Wang Ku! 足见钟山王骷的重视! Thanked Saint King!” Wang Ku slightly affected nod. “谢圣王!”王骷略微感动的点点头。 In these years influencing subtly, Wang Ku already approved Great Zheng gradually, is his affected reason, otherwise, does not approve Great Zheng, that Great Zheng pardon under the heavens, Wang Ku will not care. 在这些年的潜移默化,王骷已经渐渐认可了大崝,也是他感动的原因,否则,不认可大崝,那大崝的大赦天下,王骷根本不会在意。 Sees move of Wang Ku, the Zhong Shan intention is greatly smooth! The approval of Wang Ku to Great Zheng, is more important than what, worldwide celebration? Worldwide celebration ten times how? 看到王骷的感动,钟山心怀大畅!王骷大崝的认可,比什么都重要,普天同庆?普天同庆十次又如何? Saint King, the feudal official has not fully restored!” Wang Ku said. 圣王,臣并未完全恢复!”王骷说道。 „?” “哦?” Feudal official restored a Peak period strength merely, the remaining restorations are not the place of Five Corruption can restore!” Wang Ku saying truthfully. “臣仅仅恢复了巅峰时期一层的实力,剩下的恢复就不是五浊之地所能修复的了!”王骷如实的说道。 Merely one? On Ancestor Immortal?” Zhong Shan slightly startled. “仅仅一层?就祖仙了?”钟山微微一鄂 Yes, the feudal official then needs to fight, the more fights restores to be quicker, by fighting intent and war air/Qi, patched unceasingly damaged past!” Wang Ku affirms to say. “是,臣接下来需要战斗,越战恢复越快,以战意、战气,不断修补昔日损伤!”王骷肯定道。 Eh? People slightly surprised, can the fight also therapy? However Skeleton Clan originally weird, Zhong Shan had not suspected. 额?众人微微意外,战斗还能疗伤?不过骷髅族本来就邪门,钟山也并未怀疑。 Such being the case, I make Jin Peng be you sparring partner, war!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “既然如此,那我让金鹏做你陪练,战吧!”钟山郑重道 Jin Peng?” Wang Ku slightly startled. 金鹏?”王骷微微一鄂 Saint King new Ancestor Immortal!” Yi Yan said with a smile. 圣王新招的祖仙!”易衍笑道。 New Ancestor Immortal? In the eye in Wang Ku black-robed the dim light flashes, obviously has not thought that Great Zheng besides oneself, unexpectedly second Ancestor Immortal. 新招的祖仙?王骷黑袍中的眼中幽光一闪,显然是没想到,大崝除了自己,居然还有第二个祖仙 Thanked Saint King!” The Wang Ku gratitude said. “谢圣王!”王骷感激道。 Jin Peng hand was also itchy, has you to accompany him to fight, is the good deed!” Zhong Shan nods. 金鹏等的也手痒了,有你陪他战斗,也是好事!”钟山点点头。 ***: First, strove for ***! ***:第一更,求***!
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