IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1052: The kings went out

King Zhou that read the body to be getting more and more pale remnantly, must vanish shortly. 纣王那残念身体越来越淡,眼看就要消失了。 Shen Gongbao worships on bended knees, both eyes are tears full Kuang! 申公豹跪拜而下,双目更是热泪满眶! Goes out, blocks the tomb! To disturb me and Daji!” “出去吧,封死墓穴!不要让人打扰我和妲己!” Said this, King Zhou read remnantly vanishes thoroughly! 说完这句,纣王的残念就彻底消失了! Shen Gongbao to King Zhou coffin, deep and knocked three heads. 申公豹对着纣王的棺材,深深的又磕了三个头。 Zhong Shan nature tactful waving, leading the people to tread the front door. Goes out of the cave. 钟山自然识趣的一挥手,带着众人踏出大门。走出山洞。 Stands outside the cave, is waiting for Shen Gongbao. 站在山洞外,等候着申公豹 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” four directions land thunders, but in front of people this mountain that connects the King Zhou tomb also vibrated intensely. 四方大地一阵轰鸣,而众人面前这个连通纣王墓穴的大山也强烈抖动了起来。 When the enormous rock falls, Shen Gongbao walked from the cavern mouth. 大量山石落下之际,申公豹从洞穴口走了出来。 But in Shen Gongbao walks, during the mountain is thundering sinks slowly, heaven falls and earth rends, four Mountain Square physique bureaus has the momentous change. 而就在申公豹走出来之际,大山在轰鸣之中缓缓下沉,天崩地裂,四方山体格局发生巨大变化。 In an instant, the original mountain peak vanished, all around mountain range trend also had the tremendous changes. 转眼之间,原先的山峰就消失了,四周山脉走势也发生了天翻地覆的变化。 Shen Gongbao continuously silently looks. 申公豹一直默默的看着。 But Zhong Shan is even more satisfied with Shen Gongbao, deceitful, sinister and sinister? Is Shen Gongbao such person? So is loyal to Great Shang, so can the feeling grateful disposition, be such person? 钟山申公豹越发满意,奸诈、阴险、毒辣?申公豹是这样的人吗?如此忠于大商,如此感恩心性,会是那样的人吗? called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated, was not false, won, was the upfront glorious image, being defeated is guilty of the most heinous crime! 成王败寇,一点不假,胜利了,就是正面光辉形象,失败了就是罪大恶极! The King Zhou tomb blocks, Shen Gongbao also took a deep breath, turns the head to look again to Zhong Shan. 纣王墓穴封死,申公豹深深的吸了口气,转头再度看向钟山 Shen Gongbao, Greetings Saint King!” Shen Gongbao respectfully said. 申公豹,拜见圣王!”申公豹恭敬道 Shen Gongbao, We starting today, confer you for Great Zheng 10th Legion Commander! The right not necessarily had your past big, but We believe how long could not want, by your ability, can obtain corresponding authority Zhi surely!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. 申公豹,朕今日起,册封你为大崝第十军团长!权利未必有你昔日的大,但朕相信要不了多久,以你的能力,必定能获得相应权职!”钟山郑重道 Nearby Luo Xingchen, Nangong Sheng and the others slightly surprised, Great Zheng Legion Commander is an unwarranted reputation, without title, but, this unwarranted reputation only then obtains the Saint King innermost feelings acknowledgment to be entitled, because of Great Zheng to today, can be Legion Commander also only nine people. 一旁落星尘南宫胜等人微微意外,大崝军团长是一个虚名,没有爵位,但,这个虚名只有得到圣王内心承认才有资格,因为大崝到今天,能作为军团长的也只有区区九人。 The Shen Gongbao intelligence was needless to say much, 10th Legion Commander, tenth knows from this, person who Great Zheng only then nine treated as an equal to. 申公豹的智力不用多说,第十军团长,从这个‘第十’就知道,大崝只有九个和自己平起平坐的人。 Regarding own evil reputation, Zhong Shan can one give enough attaches great importance, Shen Gongbao is also extremely affected. 对于自己恶名,钟山能一上来给予足够重视,申公豹也是极为感动。 Thanked Saint King!” Shen Gongbao said. “谢圣王!”申公豹说道。 Sir/Minister may probably tidy up, we and others you, after you tidy up, we start immediately Great Zheng!” Zhong Shan said. “卿可要收拾一番,我们等你,等你收拾好后,我们马上启程回大崝!”钟山说道。 Deep looked at Zhong Shan, Shen Gongbao solemnly said: Feudal official believes that King Zhou vision, his Divine Ability will not misread, the feudal official should seek an enlightened ruler! The feudal officials will do one's best!” 深深的看了一眼钟山,申公豹郑重道:“臣相信纣王的目光,他的神通不会看错,臣应该寻得了一位明主!臣自会尽心尽力!” Can have Minister to join Great Zheng, Our also much hope!” Zhong Shan nods. “能有爱卿加入大崝,朕也幸甚!”钟山点点头。 Feudal official already had not become an official for a long time, the feudal official joins Great Zheng, but some feudal official good friends, do not know that can join Great Zheng together? When later they join the hostile forces must resort to arms!” Shen Gongbao said. “臣已经好久没有出仕了,臣加入大崝,但臣有一些好友,不知能否一同加入大崝?免得以后他们加入敌对势力时要兵戎相见!”申公豹说道。 Naturally!” The Zhong Shan eye shone immediately. “当然!”钟山眼睛顿时亮了起来。 Worthily is Shen Gongbao, this joins Great Zheng, started on already is Great Zheng directs to accept the virtue! 不愧为申公豹啊,这才加入大崝,就已经开始为大崝引才纳贤了! That Saint King first returns to Great Zheng, the feudal official looks for the good friend, immediately turns over to toward!” Shen Gongbao solemnly said. “那圣王先回大崝,臣寻访到好友,马上归朝!”申公豹郑重道 „Does your good friend leave this to be far? Not if we accompany you to visit together!” Zhong Shan said. “你好友离此可远?不若我们陪你一同拜访吧!”钟山说道。 Many years have not related, must look for some time, moreover some divide far apart! It is not the short time's matter! Saint King first returns, the feudal official will certainly turn over to toward!” Shen Gongbao said. “多年不曾联系,要找一段时间,而且有的分在天南地北!不是短时间的事情!圣王先回吧,臣一定会归朝的!”申公豹说道。 Zhong Shan nods, finally said: Luo Xingchen!” 钟山点点头,最终道:“落星尘!” Feudal official in!” Luo Xingchen respectfully said. “臣在!”落星尘恭敬道 You are staying behind, the Royal Guard Shen Gongbao security, acts without fail!” Zhong Shan said. “着你留下,护卫申公豹安全,不得有误!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Luo Xingchen respectfully said. “是!”落星尘恭敬道 Shen Gongbao stretch/open open mouth said anything, but endured. 申公豹张口想说什么,但还是忍了下来。 Perhaps Great Zheng matter, you do not know, makes Luo Xingchen explain in detail for your one by one on the way, moreover Luo Xingchen can also lead the way Great Zheng for you!” Zhong Shan said. 大崝的事情,你或许并不知晓,途中就让落星尘为你一一详解吧,而且落星尘也可以为你引路去大崝!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Shen Gongbao nods. “是!”申公豹点点头。 Leaves behind Luo Xingchen, is the Zhong Shan necessary consideration. Although Shen Gongbao joins Great Zheng, but the sense of belonging is not surely strong, has Luo Xingchen in the side, on the one hand protects Shen Gongbao, on the other hand naturally cannot let go this talent. As for Luo Xingchen, because loving wife is waiting in Great Zheng, naturally cannot betray Great Zheng. 留下落星尘,也是钟山必要的考虑。申公豹虽然加入大崝,但归属感必定不强,有落星尘在身边,一方面是保护申公豹,另一方面自然不能放走了这个人才。至于落星尘,因为爱妻正在大崝等候,自然不会背叛大崝 Packed off Shen Gongbao and Luo Xingchen, Zhong Shan one line steps again returns to the Wind Mound Territory traveling schedule. 送走了申公豹落星尘,钟山一行再度踏上回归风冢疆域的行程。 Walked for probably five years. 走了大概五年时间。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Heaven and Earth loud sound, subsequently, above the land, infinite multi-colored sunlight rising to the sky, the space heavenly music is floating, variation smell sharp aroma comes, above the multi-colored sunlight, the innumerable God Beast illusory images keep dancing in the air. 天地一声巨响,继而,大地之上,无穷霞光冲天而上,天上仙乐飘飘,异种香气扑鼻而来,霞光之上,无数神兽幻影不停飞舞。 An extremely grand lively scene. 一副极为雄阔的热闹景象。 One group of people in flight stop slightly. 飞行中的一群人微微一停。 This, is quite attractive!” Hao Meili excitedly said. “这,好漂亮!”昊美丽激动道 Nod that Hao Meili shoulder little golden dragon actually incomparably coordinates. 昊美丽肩头小金龙却无比配合的点点头。 Some person of become a Saint!” Mr. Shi knits the brows to say. “有人成圣了!”尸先生皱眉道。 Yes, the Kongzi gap, was made up unexpectedly quickly!” Zhong Shan nods. “是啊,孔子的缺口,居然这么快就被补上了!”钟山点点头。 Does not know that who this time is!” Nangong Sheng said. “不知这次是谁!”南宫胜说道。 First returns to Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, how long should unable to want, all scouts will pass to Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court the news!” Zhong Shan said. “先回凌霄天庭吧,应该要不了多久,各方探子就会将消息传到凌霄天庭!”钟山说道。 Un!” “嗯!” The group spent near 30 year, finally hurries back to Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! 一行人又花了近三十年,终于赶回凌霄天庭! All the way, Zhong Shan unceasing misleading Jin Peng, 30 year misleading, although has not made Jin Peng die the cruelest death, but no longer causes the small temper finally, least also accepts the fact that pledged initially thoroughly. 一路上,钟山不断的‘蛊惑’着金鹏,三十年的‘蛊惑’,虽说没有让金鹏肝脑涂地,但总算不再使小性子,最少也彻底接受当初发誓的事实。 After 1000, but must be free, then on and other in! 一千年后,还得自由,那就等一千年吧! Above Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! 凌霄天庭之上! Heavenly Reason Pavilion, Zhong Shan study room! 天缘阁,钟山书房! Zhong Shan eyes closed controlled one's breathing slightly a meeting. Previous time the corpse that swallowed Shang Yang, cultivation base achieves Great Immortal 9-layer Heaven officially! Also thorough was stable! 钟山闭目微微调息了一会。上次吞了商羊的尸体,修为正式达到大仙九重天!也彻底稳固了! Saint King!” Outside the palace broadcasts the Shui Jing sound! 圣王!”殿外传来水镜的声音! Comes in!” Zhong Shan said. “进来!”钟山道。 Quick, Shui Jing brought jade slip to walk together. 很快,水镜带着一块玉简走了进来。 Saint King, this is Luo Xingchen jade slip that sends people to send.” Shui Jing said. 圣王,这是落星尘派人送来的玉简。”水镜道。 „?” Zhong Shan received jade slip. “哦?”钟山接过玉简 After Divine Sense searches into, the brow wrinkled slightly. 神识探入之后,眉头微微皱了起来。 „Can Saint King, have the important matter to happen?” Shui Jing asked. 圣王,可有大事发生了?”水镜问道。 Un, fifty year ago, Saint ascends the throne, worldwide celebration, do you still remember?” Zhong Shan asked. “嗯,五十年前,圣人登位,普天同庆,你还记得?”钟山问道。 Yes!” Shui Jing nods. “是!”水镜点点头。 Was Great Qin Gui Guzi, the Gui Guzi become a Saint person!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “是大秦鬼谷子,鬼谷子成圣人了!”钟山沉声道 Gui Guzi?” Shui Jing is slightly surprised. 鬼谷子?”水镜微微惊讶。 Good, I at that time strange, when encircles kills Kongzi, why does not have the Gui Guzi form, originally to avoid suspicion, for the stratagem does seize Saint Position? to win Dangshi may really calculate exhaustive!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “不错,我当时就奇怪,围杀孔子之时,为何没有鬼谷子的身影,原来是为了避嫌,为了谋夺圣位?嬴当时可真是算无遗漏啊!”钟山沉声道 Great Qin Saint King, indeed ............!” Shui Jing is also nods to be full of the sigh. 大秦圣王,的确............!”水镜也是点点头充满感叹。 No, is not Great Qin Saint King!” Zhong Shan shakes the head. “不,不是大秦圣王!”钟山摇摇头。 „?” “哦?” Zhong Shan dispatched jade slip, Shui Jing inspected immediately. Looks, the Shui Jing complexion changes. 钟山递出玉简,水镜马上检查了起来。看着看着,水镜脸色微变。 Great Qin was already promoted Heavenly Court? Great Qin Heavenly Court? Heavenly Emperor, to win?” Shui Jing surprisedly said. 大秦已经晋级天庭了?大秦天庭?天帝,嬴?”水镜惊讶道 Therefore I said that this to win regard as is exhaustive, sets up Heavenly Court, called Heavenly Emperor, extinguished Saint, extinguished former generation Various Saints, even also let Gui Guzi become a Saint, to win this time may really gain in a big way, by this strength, can proud stand under the heavens!” Zhong Shan said after a sigh. “所以我才说这个嬴算无遗漏,立天庭,称天帝,灭圣人,灭上代诸圣,甚至还让鬼谷子成圣,嬴这次可真是赚大了,凭此力量,就可以傲立天下了!”钟山感叹道。 East Zhong Shan this time goes, Life and Death Book and Divine World Heavenly Dao, Jin Peng and Shen Gongbao, the harvest of Mr. Shi, Luo Xingchen and Nangong Sheng, Nian Youyou and Hao Meili, it may be said that are the harvest are many, may compare in to win this time, but also missed. 钟山这次去东方,生死簿神界天道金鹏申公豹,尸先生落星尘南宫胜的收获,还有念悠悠昊美丽,可谓是收获颇丰,可相比于嬴这次,还差了很多。 Saint makes Courtier, sets up Heavenly Court, to call Heavenly Emperor! to win Cai is the biggest winner! 圣人臣子,立天庭、称天帝!嬴才是最大的赢家! This and this ............!” Shui Jing does not know for a while how to express. “这、这这............!”水镜一时不知如何表达。 Doesn't matter, we have the opportunity, so long as there are you, Great Zheng Heavenly Court, will be sooner or later matter!” Zhong Shan affirms to say. “没关系,我们还有机会,只要有你们在,大崝天庭,也是早晚的事!”钟山肯定道。 Yes!” Shui Jing affected nod. “是!”水镜感动的点点头。 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Yin Sector, north Reincarnation Cycle Territory! 阴间,转轮疆域北方! The area that Holy Land of skeleton clan, the endless bleached bone covers, the sky cloudy piece, the endless palace, also has enormous skeleton clan Imperial Guard. 骷髅一族的圣地,无尽枯骨覆盖的疆域,天空阴沉沉一片,无尽宫殿,同样也有着大量骷髅一族侍卫 The palace in area surrounding, in the palace sits a black-robed skeleton. 疆域外围的一个宫殿,宫殿中坐着一名黑袍骷髅。 „!” The big palace gate was opened loudly. “哐!”大殿门轰然被打开。 King went out!” A skeleton general called out. “王出关了!”一个骷髅将军叫道。 „Did king go out? Good, finally went out!” That black-robed skeleton face excitedly said. “王出关了?好,终于出关了!”那黑袍骷髅一脸激动道 „Do you want to see the king?” The skeleton general said. “你要见王?”骷髅将军道。 Yes, informs the king troublesome immediately, I by the life guarantee, absolutely am the important matter!” The black-robed skeleton said immediately. “是,麻烦马上通知王,我以命担保,绝对是大事!”黑袍骷髅马上说道。 Follows me, my already for your report king!” The skeleton general said directly. “跟我走吧,我已经替你禀报王了!”骷髅将军直接道。 Good, good!” The black-robed skeleton stands up immediately. “好,好!”黑袍骷髅马上站起身来。 The black-robed skeleton is slightly tight, is not the anxious safety, but after is anxious the news report king, will obtain anything to reward, that is former generation king the news, king if knows, surely wantonly reward! 黑袍骷髅略微紧张,不是紧张自身安危,而是紧张将消息禀报王以后,会得到什么赏赐,那可是‘上代王’的消息啊,王若是知道,必定大肆奖赏吧! ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Yin Sector, Reincarnation Cycle Territory, in Prosperous Capital! 阴间,转轮疆域,昌京之中! Got down early toward, Zhong Shan were chatting in study room and Yi Yan and the others. 下了早朝,钟山在书房与易衍等人聊着。 In Without Form Holy Court, Wang Jingwen already became Ministry of War Vice Minister, Saint King this dark chess really had the major role!” Yi Yan said after a sigh. 无相圣庭中,王靖文已经成为兵部侍郎了,圣王这步暗棋真的有大作用!”易衍感叹道。 Also had the news to come?” Zhong Shan intent outlet. “又有消息来了?”钟山意外道。 Zhong Shan does not have happy intent, instead the brow wrinkles slightly. 钟山没有喜意,反而眉头微微皱起。 Yes, because of Wang Jingwen, we knows early, Without Form Holy Court, want to dispatched troops to us, now is dispatching troops to subdue between our two dynasties quietly the island of sea area, for becoming springboard, at the appointed time hits our dynasty to be caught off guard!” Yi Yan nods to say. “是,因为王靖文,我们才这么早知道,无相圣庭,想要对我们出兵了,现在正在悄悄派兵收服我们两朝之间海域的海岛,借以成为跳板,到时打我朝个措手不及!”易衍点点头道。 Clatter clatter clatter ..................!” “嗒嗒嗒..................!” Zhong Shan eyes closed, knocked the table suddenly gently. Yi Yan and the others no longer spoke, waits for the Zhong Shan ponder. 钟山忽然闭目,轻轻敲起了桌子。易衍等人不再说话,等候钟山思考。 Suddenly!” “忽!” Zhong Shan both eyes open. In the eye concentrates saying: Without Form Saint King, good fierce character!” 钟山双目一开。眼中一凝道:“无相圣王,好厉害的人物!” What's wrong?” Yi Yan slightly startled. “怎么了?”易衍微微一鄂 Wang Jingwen was discovered, and Without Form Saint King is using Wang Jingwen to transmit his want to transmission to us the news!” Zhong Shan took a deep breath said. 王靖文被发现了,并且无相圣王正在利用王靖文向我们传递他想要传递的消息!”钟山深吸口气道。 Was discovered? Wang Jingwen is so fierce, unexpectedly was discovered?” The Yi Yan brow wrinkled. “被发现了?王靖文那么厉害,居然被发现了?”易衍眉头皱了起来。 Wang Jingwen, original Small Thousand Worlds adviser Fan Yipin, intelligence, is not under a Great Zheng adviser, but such was a strong person, discovered by Without Form Saint King unexpectedly? 王靖文,原小千世界谋士范一品,智力之强,不在大崝一众谋士之下,可就这样一个强人,居然也被无相圣王发现了? ***: Asked ***, will erupt tomorrow! ***:求***,明天爆发!
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