IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1051: Dies is also buried together

Place of secret mountain forest, in a cave, at this moment is standing Zhong Shan one line with Shen Gongbao. In front of people, a door that is sending the light golden light! 一个隐秘的山林之地,一个山洞之中,此刻正站着钟山一行和申公豹。众人面前,一个发着淡淡金光的小门! Here is the grave tomb of king!” Shen Gongbao said. “这里就是王的墓陵!”申公豹说道。 Recognizes the Shen Gongbao identity to start from Zhong Shan one, during Shen Gongbao has been is surprised, said the Su Daji last wish until Zhong Shan, when Su Daji coffin, Shen Gongbao changed countenance finally. 钟山一眼认出申公豹身份开始,申公豹就一直处于惊奇之中,直到钟山道出苏妲己遗愿,还有苏妲己棺材之时,申公豹终于动容了。 After the confirmation is unmistakable, the desolate attitude changed regarding Zhong Shan and the others immediately. Slightly after a ritual, had Zhong Shan one line to come here. 确认无误之后,对于钟山等人冷淡的态度马上发生了转变。微微一礼之后,就带着钟山一行来到了这里。 The front is small world! The people enter with the Shen Gongbao steps. 面前是一个小世界!众人随着申公豹踏步而入。 If the Shang Yang seal is common, seems a small-scale space. The space only then ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) diameter, the spherical space, the center is floating a golden giant coffin, side is floating a blue small crystal ball! 如外界商羊封印一般,好似一个小型空间。空间只有万丈直径,球状空间,中央浮着一口金色的巨大棺材,旁边浮着一个蓝色的小水晶球! Shen Gongbao is nodding to Zhong Shan. 申公豹对着钟山点点头。 Zhong Shan searches the hand to take out a great coffin, the super great coffin, Su Daji gives that oneself prepare. 钟山探手取出一口巨棺,超级巨棺,正是苏妲己给自己准备的那口。 Shen Gongbao has not looked at the coffin again, but arrives at that blue small crystal ball place. The double palm pastes above, the crystal ball emits trillion blue light immediately. 申公豹没有再看棺材,而是走到那蓝色的小水晶球处。双掌贴在上面,水晶球顿时放射出亿万蓝光 Shen Gongbao has a sad color, empty kneels under. 申公豹带着一股难过之色,虚跪而下。 Bang!” “嘭!” The blue crystal ball explodes to start loudly, but blue light has not diverged, but is strange gathering in the same place, finally concentrates the ready-made transparent form. 蓝色水晶球轰然爆炸而开,但蓝光并没有散去,而是诡异的聚拢在一起,最终凝现成一个透明的身影。 A very grandiose man, a male emperor robe, looks extremely magnificent and expensive. 一个非常壮硕的男子,男子一身帝王袍,看起来极为华贵。 King!” Shen Gongbao extremely difficult corridor. “王!”申公豹极度难过道。 Kings? By person who Shen Gongbao is called the king, only had one person, Shang Dynasty King Zhou, Di Xin! 王?被申公豹称为王的人,只有一个人,殷商纣王,帝辛! Came?” Di Xin look slightly excitedly said. “来了吗?”帝辛神色微微激动道 Yes, empress already was delivered to by these!” Shen Gongbao respectfully said. “是,娘娘已经被这几位送到了!”申公豹恭敬道 At the same time is Zhong Shan actually brows slightly wrinkled, Di Xin? Didn't die early? 一边钟山却是眉头微皱,帝辛?不是早死了吗? Saint King, this is Di Xin last reads remnantly, Di Xin has died, just like Su Daji, only kept one to read initially remnantly, shortly after will vanish into thin air, vanishes thoroughly!” Mr. Shi passes message in one to Zhong Shan said. 圣王,这是帝辛最后一丝残念,帝辛已死,和当初苏妲己一样,只留一丝残念,不久后就将烟消云散,彻底消失!”尸先生在一盘传音给钟山道。 Jin Peng stared in a big way the eye. How can Jin Peng not know King Zhou? By Saint Courtyard, encircles fights seven big Saint, the present person is how strong, although defeated, but enough made under the heavens shock, a confer god service. Who doesn't know business King Zhou? 金鹏瞪大了眼睛。金鹏岂会不知纣王?以一个圣庭,围斗七大圣人,眼前之人何其强势,虽然败了,但足够令天下震撼,封神一役。谁人不知商纣王? I have a look!” “我看看!” Fluttering that King Zhou hurries to the place of Daji coffin, no emperor spirit, some merely is that love to Daji! 纣王慌忙的飘到妲己棺材之处,没有一丝的帝王气概,有的仅仅是那种对妲己的挚爱! Yes!” Shen Gongbao runs immediately comes, turns on the great coffin fast. “是!”申公豹马上跑上前来,快速打开巨棺。 The great coffin opens, internal giant Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox skeleton. 巨棺打开,内部一个巨大的九尾天狐骸骨。 Sees this skeleton, in the King Zhou eye unconscious profit tears, although just flowed out on dissipation Heaven and Earth, but voiced the King Zhou feelings. 看到这个骸骨,纣王眼中不自觉的益处一股泪水,虽然刚流出就消散天地,但却表达了纣王的心情。 King!” Shen Gongbao called out. “王!”申公豹叫道。 Because this type read the tears remnantly, every time flowed out one drop, consumption read remnantly. 因为这种残念泪水,每流出一滴,就消耗一丝残念。 Opens the mouth of Daji, inside definitely has her to leave Our words!” King Zhou said. “打开妲己的嘴巴,里面肯定有她留给朕的话!”纣王说道。 Shen Gongbao want to goes forward, but thinks not to go forward, but looks to Zhong Shan. 申公豹想要上前,但想想没有上前,而是看向钟山 Meili (beautiful), you open the mouth of Daji senior!” Zhong Shan was saying to Hao Meili. 美丽,你去打开妲己前辈的嘴巴!”钟山对着昊美丽道。 Shen Gongbao grateful nod. No matter how said, Su Daji is the King Zhou woman, even if only remains a skeleton, Shen Gongbao has not gone to bump. 申公豹感激的点点头。不管怎么说,苏妲己都是纣王的女人,哪怕只剩一具骸骨,申公豹都没有去碰一下。 Hao Meili was also very clever at this time, flies, lifts the giant fox skull gently. 昊美丽这时也很乖巧,飞过去,轻轻掀开巨大的狐狸头骨。 Has jade slip together!” Hao Meili takes out together jade slip. “有一块玉简!”昊美丽从中取出一块玉简 Opens, opens!” Some King Zhou anxious say/way. “打开,打开!”纣王有些急切道。 Hao Meili stimulates to movement with cultivation technique immediately. 昊美丽马上用法术催动。 In jade slip spreads an affectionate message. 玉简中传出一股深情的留言。 King, my skeleton delivered, in the past in Zhaixinglou, your I once the treaty of alliance, lived as one, died is also buried together, Daji was unfair to you in the past, when Shang Dynasty collapsed, Daji returns to Azure Mound, Daji is thinking the king always, even if death, wants dead in the king arms, but Azure Mound will extinguish, Daji has to return, now, I came back, my skeleton came back, king, sorry.” “大王,我的骸骨送到了吧,当年摘星楼上,你我曾经盟誓,生为一体,死亦同穴,妲己当年对不起你,在殷商崩溃之际,妲己青丘了,妲己无时无刻不想着大王,哪怕死,也想死在大王怀里,可是青丘将灭,妲己不得不回,现在,我回来了,我的骸骨回来了,大王,对不起。” King Zhou tears well up, said slow: Lives as one, dies is also buried together! Daji, how am I willing to blame you? My coffin, according to your build design, how I to be willing to blame you? Can come back well, dies is also buried together, dies is also buried together!” 纣王泪如泉涌,呐呐道:“生为一体,死亦同穴!妲己,我怎么舍得怪你?我的棺材,也是根据你的体型设计的,我怎么舍得怪你?能回来就好,死亦同穴,死亦同穴!” A people silence. 众人一阵沉默。 Then, under the King Zhou arrangement, synthesizes two coffins. 接下来,在纣王安排下,将两个棺材合成一个。 From beginning to end, the Zhong Shan receptacle, allow(ing) Shen Gongbao has not processed all. 从头至尾,钟山都并未插口,任由申公豹处理完一切。 Looks at the skeleton of that Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, in the King Zhou eye is completely the tender feelings. Or from this skeleton presenting since that moment , the King Zhou vision has not moved from above excessively tiny bit, closes until the final coffin. 看着那具九尾天狐的骸骨,纣王眼中尽是柔情。或者说,从这具骸骨出现的那一刻起,纣王的目光都没有从上面移动过一分一毫,直到最后棺材合上。 The coffin closes, King Zhou sighed slightly. at this moment, the body of King Zhou was getting more and more pale, to soon looks to disappear pale general. 棺材合上,纣王才微微一叹。此刻,纣王的身体越来越淡了,淡到快要看不见了一般。 King!” A Shen Gongbao face sad say/way. “王!”申公豹一脸悲伤道。 Un!” King Zhou nods. “嗯!”纣王点点头。 At this moment, King Zhou complexion one austere, Emperor's Aura gushes out. 这一刻,纣王脸色一肃,一股帝王气息喷薄而出。 Turns the head, looks to Zhong Shan, because King Zhou on Zhong Shan, saw Emperor's Qi, moreover according to King Zhou looks like, is Emperor's Qi of that full of vitality. 转头,看向钟山,因为纣王钟山身上,同样看到了一股帝王之气,而且根据纣王看来,还是那种勃勃生机的帝王之气 „Are you?” King Zhou said. “你是?”纣王道。 Great Zheng Saint Court, Zhong Shan!” Zhong Shan serious saying. 大崝圣庭,钟山!”钟山郑重的说道。 Many thanks your trip!” King Zhou said. “多谢你们此行!”纣王说道。 Fox Clan was blessed by Great Zheng, the Daji senior wish, is completed by rights ought to!” Saying that Zhong Shan moves unnecessarily. 狐族大崝庇佑,妲己前辈心愿,理当完成!”钟山多此一举的说道。 Was Fox Clan blessed by Great Zheng? This was says specially to the King Zhou hear. 狐族大崝庇佑?这是专门说给纣王听的。 Shen Gongbao!” King Zhou said. 申公豹!”纣王道。 Feudal official in!” Shen Gongbao goes forward immediately. “臣在!”申公豹马上上前。 Even if Shang Dynasty destruction, even the King Zhou body dies, Shen Gongbao unexpectedly as before respectful, simultaneously defends the grave many years, obviously its loyal, this is the true loyalty, even if the world endless slander, may achieve this, under the heavens is absolutely rare. 哪怕商朝覆灭,甚至纣王身死,申公豹居然依旧毕恭毕敬,同时守墓多年,可见其忠贞,这才是真正的忠,哪怕世人无尽诽谤,可做到这一步的,天下绝对少有。 Now cultivation base how?” King Zhou asked. “现在修为如何了?”纣王问道。 cultivation base already of feudal official achieves Ancestor Immortal!” Shen Gongbao said. “臣的修为已经达到祖仙!”申公豹说道。 Good, your talent I believe that even the Genesis 12 disciples pushed aside to you initially in every possible way. Ancestor Immortal? Un, your strength?” King Zhou asked. “不错,你的天赋我相信,甚至当初元始十二弟子都对你百般排挤。祖仙?嗯,你的实力呢?”纣王问道。 Shen Gongbao has a look at King Zhou, has not concealed saying: „The Hong Jun past seal was too strong, even if cultivation base of feudal official rushed to the Ancestor Immortal boundary, may not be actually able to transfer Heavenly Dao, even the display trillion, are only the Heavenly Immortal Peak strength.” 申公豹看看纣王,没有隐瞒道:“鸿钧当年的封印太强了,臣的修为哪怕冲到了祖仙境,可却无法调动天道,甚至发挥不出亿万,只有天仙巅峰的实力。” Nearby Jin Peng does speechless, only have the Heavenly Immortal Peak strength? Were oneself deceived by him a moment ago? 一旁金鹏一阵无语,只有天仙巅峰的实力?自己刚才被他骗了? Saint King Zhong, does not know how you do feel Shen Gongbao?” King Zhou looks suddenly to Zhong Shan. 钟圣王,不知你觉得申公豹如何?”纣王忽然看向钟山 In Zhong Shan eye slightly bright, seemed realized anything. 钟山眼中微亮,好似意识到了什么。 „The talent of having god-given wisdom, under the heavens various towards/dynasty, the person the human desire seizes it!” Zhong Shan said. “天纵之才,天下诸朝,人人欲而夺之!”钟山说道。 Zhong Shan said that a Jin Peng face strange looks to Zhong Shan, the person the human desire seizes it? You crack a joke, on Shen Gongbao that reputation? Already smelly is not good, only then Heavenly Immortal strength, person who even by the Hong Jun seal, obvious Hong Jun was also detested and rejected. Does the person human desire seize it? 钟山说完,金鹏一脸古怪的看向钟山,人人欲而夺之?你开玩笑吧,就申公豹那名声?早就臭的不行了,还只有天仙实力,甚至还被鸿钧封印,明显鸿钧厌弃的人。人人欲而夺之? Shen Gongbao, the Hong Jun seal, the seal, Hong Jun was also still living in other words, receives Shen Gongbao, with Hong Jun for the enemy, next, the Shen Gongbao evil reputation outside, the enemy are innumerable, its three, Hong Jun undying/not dead, Shen Gongbao cultivation base stops forever in Heavenly Immortal Realm, is so bad, you said unexpectedly the person human desire does seize it? If makes him join Great Zheng, you do want?” King Zhou fixes the eyes on Zhong Shan to say. 申公豹,中了鸿钧封印,封印还在,也就是说鸿钧还活着,收申公豹,就是与鸿钧为敌,其次,申公豹恶名在外,仇家无数,其三,鸿钧不死,申公豹修为永远停在天仙境,这般恶劣,你居然说人人欲而夺之?假若让他加入大崝,你愿意?”纣王紧盯钟山道。 Zhong Shan wishes for earnestly!” Zhong Shan treads a footpath. 钟山求之不得!”钟山踏出一步道。 King, the feudal official lives is the Great Shang feudal official, dying is the Great Shang ghost!” Shen Gongbao lays bare one's true feelings immediately. “王,臣生是大商的臣,死是大商的鬼!”申公豹马上表明心迹。 Shakes the head, King Zhou said: Great Shang , you do not owe Great Shang, on the contrary, Great Shang instead owes you to be many, in the past because of Great Shang, you will not draw so many good friends, but these good friends lost the life for this reason. World itself/Ben does not have to wrong, wins for the king, the defeat is an invader, we were defeated, these years had you to defend the grave, We was deeply grateful, Our Divine Ability, you know, even if We only remained one to read remnantly, Our Divine Ability will not be wrong, believes Us, We will not misread, Great Shang has extinguished, you joined Great Zheng, there was your stage!” 摇摇头,纣王说道:“大商,早已不在了,你不欠大商的,相反,大商反而欠你甚多,当年要不是因为大商,你也不会拉来那么多好友,而那些好友更是为此搭上了性命。世间本无对错,胜为王,败为寇,我们只是失败了而已,这些年有你守墓,朕更是感激不尽,朕的神通,你知道,哪怕朕只剩一丝残念,朕的神通也不会错,相信朕,朕不会看错的,大商已灭,你就加入大崝吧,那里才是你的舞台!” King!” A Shen Gongbao face is sad. “王!”申公豹一脸悲伤。 Believes that Our vision, believes Our Divine Ability, will not be absolutely wrong, at present Zhong Shan is a powerful expert greatly person slightly, goes, pays respects Monarch!” King Zhou solemnly said. “相信朕的目光,相信朕的神通,绝对不会错,眼前钟山是一个雄才大略之人,去吧,拜君!”纣王郑重道 Shen Gongbao some do not hope, but has a look at King Zhou, finally nods, the steps arrive in front of Zhong Shan. 申公豹有些不愿,但看看纣王,最终点点头,踏步走到钟山面前。 Shen Gongbao, Greetings Saint King!” Under Shen Gongbao in the King Zhou request kneels down and bow respect with both hands clasped. 申公豹,拜见圣王!”申公豹纣王要求下拜下。 Shen Gongbao was overly courteous, Great Zheng can have your excellency, is the good fortune of Great Zheng!” Zhong Shan immediately treat worthy men with courtesy helping up Shen Gongbao. 申公豹多礼了,大崝能有阁下,是大崝之幸!”钟山马上礼贤下士的扶起申公豹 Considering that King Zhou reads remnantly will soon vanish selects to stops, otherwise, at this moment Zhong Shan makes the treat worthy men with courtesy gesture surely. 只是考虑到纣王残念即将消失才点到即止,否则,此刻钟山必定做出更加礼贤下士的姿态。 Shen Gongbao evil reputation? Hong Jun enemy? Forever is only Heavenly Immortal cultivation base? 申公豹恶名?鸿钧敌人?永远只是天仙修为? These look like in Zhong Shan at all are not anything, Shen Gongbao no longer in this, a confer god service can be inferred, Shen Gongbao strongest is human relations, Great Zheng to the present, except for Zhong Shan, whose human relations is also inferior to Shen Gongbao. 这些在钟山看来根本不算什么,申公豹之强不再于此,封神一役可见一斑,申公豹最强的就是‘交际’,大崝到现在,除了钟山,谁的交际也不如申公豹 A confer god service, Shen Gongbao, because makes friends broadly, does not know that drew many Expert, these Expert Royal Guard Great Shang, even formed with the aspect that seven big Saint faced. 封神一役,申公豹因为交游广阔,不知拉来了多少强者,这些强者护卫大商,甚至形成与七大圣人对垒的局面。 The person who so long as Shen Gongbao invited, has not invited. By this obviously Shen Gongbao charisma! 只要申公豹去请的人,没有请不来的。以此可见申公豹的人格魅力! Such talent, Zhong Shan has been looking, but was too difficult, because of the charisma strong person, becomes a side overlord all, how to be willing for the feudal official? 这样的人才,钟山一直在找,可太难了,因为人格魅力强的人,无不成为一方霸主,岂会甘愿为臣? But today, Zhong Shan found! Giant buried treasure that probably the space falls, how can Zhong Shan in the heart not be unhappy? 但今天,钟山找到了!好像天上掉下来的巨大宝藏,钟山怎能心中不喜? Saint King Zhong, after Shen Gongbao, asked!” King Zhou said. 钟圣王,申公豹以后,就拜托了!”纣王说道。 King Zhou can face seven Saints by Great Shang past, its eyesight is also quite sinister, naturally also sees the Shen Gongbao value, sees Zhong Shan to recognize Shen Gongbao, this is seeks a good outlet for Shen Gongbao, similarly also to a Zhong Shan also big ritual! 纣王昔日能以大商对垒七圣,其眼力也极为毒辣,自然也看出申公豹的价值,也看出钟山赏识申公豹,这是为申公豹谋个好出路,同样也是给钟山还一份大礼! King Zhou felt relieved, Shen Gongbao enters Great Zheng, Zhong Shan decides will not treat unjustly in him!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. 纣王放心,申公豹大崝,钟山定不会亏待于他!”钟山郑重道 Un!” King Zhou nods. “嗯!”纣王点点头。 King, some people turned on the Shang Yang seal a moment ago! ............ Shen Gongbao said matter of. “王,刚才有人开启商羊封印!............”申公豹将外界之事说了一遍。 Eastern Sovereign Tai Yi?” King Zhou shakes the head. 东皇太一?”纣王摇摇头。 Yes, the feudal official also thought that the ancestor clone of king is also living!” Shen Gongbao said solemnly. “是啊,臣也觉得王的这位先祖分身还活着!”申公豹沉声道 Shakes the head, King Zhou said: „When Great Shang extinguishes, they do not appear, they abandoned Great Shang, can Great Shang also read them? They and Great Shang do not have the connection again!” 摇摇头,纣王说道:“大商灭时,他们都不出现,他们遗弃了大商,大商还需念着他们?他们与大商再无瓜葛!” Yes!” Shen Gongbao nods to say. “是!”申公豹点点头道。 ***: Finally three days, asked ***! Tomorrow erupts! ***:最后三天,求***!明天爆发!
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