IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1050: Great Shang loses the feudal official

Human Venerable, what to do?” Saying of black-clothed person whole face sweat. 人尊,怎么办?”一个黑衣人满脸汗水的说道。 Goes back the Shang Yang corpse belt/bring, gives nine infants!” Human Venerable sighed slightly. “将商羊尸体带回去,交给九婴!”人尊微微一叹道。 Un!” A black-clothed person can only a helplessness. “嗯!”一众黑衣人只能一阵无奈。 In the people must begin. 就在众人要动手之际。 Bang!” “嘭!” A form appears before the people suddenly, golden robe Jin Peng. 一个身影陡然出现在众人面前,一身金袍金鹏 Jin Peng falls to decide, splits strong winds, the Ancestor Immortal aura oppresses to go toward the people. Attaches the aggressive aura to compel the people slightly to withdraw. 金鹏落定,绽出一股狂风,祖仙气息向着众人压迫而去。附有侵略性的气息逼得众人微微退后。 Drives back the people, Jin Peng looks to that seal. 逼退众人,金鹏才看向那封印内部。 Although Jin Peng is extremely arrogant, but is not ignorant, recognized internal ominous beast. List full giant bird? 金鹏虽然狂妄,但并不是无知,一眼就认出了内部的凶兽。单足巨鸟? Shang Yang? 商羊? In the Jin Peng eye stares, reveals a surprised color, but, how did Shang Yang die? 金鹏眼中一瞪,露出一丝惊讶之色,只是,商羊怎么死了? Has a look at front one group of people, in the Jin Peng eye to flash through cold Yidao: Go away!” 看看面前一群人,金鹏眼中闪过一丝冷意道:“滚!” Jin Peng called, the black-clothed person got angry immediately. 金鹏一叫,众黑衣人马上就怒了起来。 In the Jin Peng eye stares, Ancestor Immortal imposing manner oppression under. 金鹏眼中一瞪,祖仙气势压迫而下。 The Human Venerable there is still one black-clothed person stands has not been moving. Had not been absorbed by the Jin Peng imposing manner. 人尊还有一个黑衣人站着未动。并未被金鹏气势所摄。 Your excellency who?” The Human Venerable sinking sound asked. “阁下何人?”人尊沉声问道。 This corpse, our Saint King had a liking , the miscellaneous personnel fast goes away!” The Jin Peng sinking sound said. “这具尸体,我们圣王看上了,闲杂人等速速滚开!”金鹏沉声说道。 Although Jin Peng joins Great Zheng, satisfying is not convinced, therefore treats to venting the time, immediately reckless said. 金鹏虽然加入大崝,可心中并不服气,因此待到发泄时机,马上不顾后果的叫了起来。 Your Saint King?” Human Venerable said solemnly. “你们圣王?”人尊沉声道 Has not gone!” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. “还不快滚!”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 Jin Peng cried out again, Human Venerable the numerous black-robed person also got angry behind. 金鹏再度叫起,人尊身后众黑袍人也怒了。 At this time, there is enormous Expert to fly from four directions . East one group of white clothing men, make the 15 person! The chest place is embroidering the small mourning cypress! Very striking. 这时候,也有大量强者四方飞来。东面一群白衣男子,约十五人!胸口处绣着小小的柏树!非常醒目。 Other catch up with the person, stands in the summit of mountain peak mostly, only then a foot place, is standing a middle-aged thin man, male black-robed, is gloomy the face. Is staring at distant place Jin Peng and the others. 其他赶来之人,也大都站在山峰之巅,只有一个山脚处,站着一名中年消瘦男子,男子一身黑袍,阴沉着脸。盯着远处金鹏等人。 Who may I ask your Saint King is?” Human Venerable said again. “敢问你们圣王是谁?”人尊再度说道。 At this time, distant place Zhong Shan one group of also flew. 这时,远处钟山一行人也飞了过来。 Saint King!” Jin Peng unexpectedly splitting the heavens desolate is doing obeisance to a Zhong Shan ritual respectful. 圣王!”金鹏居然破天荒的对着钟山一礼恭拜。 This respectful does obeisance Hao Meili that and the others look at to stare slightly, did Jin Peng go crazy? Suddenly so to be how respectful to Zhong Shan? However by the intelligence quotient of Zhong Shan that evildoer/monstrous talent, sees this scene merely the flash, guessed correctly something on the general idea. Jin Peng is definitely looking for trouble for oneself. 这一恭拜看的昊美丽等人微微一愣,金鹏发神经了?怎么忽然对钟山那么恭敬了起来?不过以钟山那妖孽的智商,仅仅看到这场面的一瞬间,就大概猜到了一些东西。金鹏肯定是在给自己找麻烦。 However, Zhong Shan does not care about this trouble, because Zhong Shan first time respectful who saw Jin Peng does obeisance, even if there is a respectful of moisture content to do obeisance, Zhong Shan also endures gladly. 不过,钟山不在意这个麻烦,因为钟山第一次看到了金鹏的恭拜,哪怕有水分的恭拜,钟山也甘之如饴。 Un!” Zhong Shan nods. “嗯!”钟山点点头。 Zhong Shan?” Human Venerable recognized Zhong Shan. 钟山?”人尊一眼就认出了钟山 The Human Venerable eyelid jumps crazily, who Zhong Shan is, the Human Venerable nature is clear, Small Thousand Worlds has personally seen Zhong Shan, when this person too evildoer/monstrous talent, Small Thousand Worlds, short several hundred years, sets the record of that terrifying the base industry. Moreover starts from scratch, cultivation base emaciated. 人尊眼皮狂跳,钟山是谁,人尊自然清楚,小千世界就亲眼见过钟山,此人太妖孽,小千世界时,短短数百年的时间,就创下那恐怖的基业。而且是白手起家,修为孱弱。 Human Venerable has not belittled Zhong Shan, but Human Venerable has to raise in the heart the Zhong Shan's ability now again. 人尊从来没有小觑钟山,可现在人尊不得不将钟山的能力在心中再度拔高。 In Small Thousand Worlds several hundred years, just became an immortal at most, previous time also knows in Wind Mound Territory, his already dependency under other Saint Courtyard, but, this how long? Is Ancestor Immortal the feudal official? 小千世界几百年,顶多刚刚成仙吧,上次在风冢疆域也知道,他已经附庸在了别的圣庭之下,可,这才多久?祖仙做臣? Does Ancestor Immortal become his Courtier? Evildoer/Monstrous talent! Not is only the evildoer/monstrous talent! 祖仙成为他的臣子?妖孽!岂止是妖孽啊! More than 1000 years of growth, did already make him reach this altitude? 一千多年的成长,已经让他达到这个高度了? Human Venerable?” Zhong Shan is also slightly surprised. 人尊?”钟山也是微微意外 Meanwhile, Zhong Shan looks to the giant corpse in seal, sees this corpse, Zhong Shan is also the look moves. List full giant bird? It is not that ............ 同时,钟山看向封印中的巨大尸体,看到这个尸体,钟山也是神色一动。单足巨鸟?不会是那个............。 Saint King Zhong, this corpse has old with me, but also looks at Saint King Zhong ............!” Human Venerable solemnly said. 钟圣王,此尸体与我有旧,还望钟圣王............!”人尊郑重道 Rubbish? Told you, this corpse, our Saint King had a liking, hasn't rolled?” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. “废什么话?都跟你说了,这个尸体,我们圣王看上了,还不滚?”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 Jin Peng!” Zhong Shan drinks. 金鹏!”钟山一喝。 In!” The Jin Peng complexion sinks to say. “在!”金鹏脸色一沉道。 Shut up!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “住口!”钟山沉声道 Yes!” Jin Peng did not speak embarrasedly. Station Zhong Shan behind. “是!”金鹏讪讪不语。站到钟山身后。 Human Venerable, you walk!” Zhong Shan issued the expulsion order suddenly. 人尊,你走吧!”钟山忽然下了驱逐令。 Jin Peng slightly startled. What do you mean? Can Zhong Shan really seize this corpse? 金鹏微微一鄂。什么意思?钟山真的要强抢这个尸体? Saint King Zhong!” Human Venerable also got angry suddenly. 钟圣王!”人尊也忽然怒了。 Ancestor Immortal, Human Venerable is not necessarily afraid, as for this corpse, in the Human Venerable heart already must certainly carry off. 祖仙,人尊未必害怕,至于这具尸体,人尊心中已经肯定要带走了。 Human Venerable!” 人尊!” The Human Venerable behind black-robed person draws Human Venerable suddenly. 人尊身后的黑袍人忽然一拉人尊 What's wrong?” A Human Venerable first revolution, carries over vicious. “怎么?”人尊头一转,带出一股凶狠。 That side, Bai Clan!” That black-robed person said. “那边,柏氏家族!”那黑袍人说道。 Bai Clan? The Human Venerable pupil shrinks, then looks to one group of white clothing people of summit of not far away mountain peak. The Human Venerable complexion changes. 柏氏家族?人尊瞳孔一缩,转而看向不远处一座山峰之巅的一群白衣人。人尊脸色微变。 Walks!” The Human Venerable tone leads one group of people to depart. “走!”人尊调头带着一群人离去。 This, Jin Peng or Zhong Shan, are slightly startled. The people can look, Human Venerable must get up to conflict on the preparation a moment ago, but how suddenly did the tone walk? 这一幕,无论是金鹏还是钟山,都是微微一鄂。众人看得出来,人尊刚才就准备要起冲突了,可是怎么忽然调头就走了呢? Human Venerable walked, walks, on the face is very ugly. 人尊是走了,走的时候,脸上很难看。 After flying from the people, a moment ago that black-robed person strange say/way: Bai Clan? Why will present Bai Clan?” 飞离众人后,刚才那黑袍人古怪道:“柏氏家族?为什么会出现柏氏家族?” „Can Bai Clan also be born? This can under the heavens really go haywire? Must go back immediately, report Divine Sovereign!” Human Venerable said solemnly. 柏氏家族也要出世了吗?这天下真的要陷入混乱了?必须马上回去,禀报神皇!”人尊沉声道 „Didn't Human Venerable, why make a move a moment ago? We not necessarily fear them!” Another person said. 人尊,刚才为何不出手?我们未必怕他们啊!”又一人说道。 No, the Divine Sovereign important matter has not become, now can not cause complications, Bai appears, cannot make them know our status!” Human Venerable shakes the head. “不,神皇大事未成,现在不得节外生枝,柏氏出现,不能让他们知道我们身份!”人尊摇摇头。 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ The place of seal. 封印之处。 Surrounded people anticipated a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering war, but, let it go unexpectedly, making person of one one numerous surrounding feel disappointed! 围观的人们原本期待一场惊天动地的大战的,可是,居然就这么不了了之了,让一众围观之人一阵扫兴! Jin Peng strange look at to depart Human Venerable that this group of people also frustrated! 金鹏古怪的看着离去的人尊,这一群人也太挫了吧! Zhong Shan actually looks to internal giant corpse. 钟山却是看向内部的巨大尸体。 Saint King, this perhaps is Shang Yang!” Nearby Mr. Shi low voice saying. 圣王,这或许是商羊!”一旁尸先生小声的说道。 Shang Yang? Can the Shang Yang corpse here?” Luo Xingchen knits the brows to say. 商羊?商羊尸体这么会在这里?”落星尘皱眉道。 Mr. Shi looked at one saying: Should die was less than day!” 尸先生又看了一眼道:“应该死了不到一天!” Big bird!” Hao Meili said after a sigh. “好大一只鸟啊!”昊美丽感叹道。 āwū! 啊呜! The seal, under the Zhong Shan control, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail swallowed the giant bird corpse. 封印内部,钟山控制之下,八极天尾一口吞掉了巨大的鸟尸体。 Shang Yang? Thinks that this name, Zhong Shan knew its value. The Eastern Sovereign Tai Yi subordinate, one of the ten big monster gods, were like the Aolai Sea nine infants initially. Death? Even if died, that corpse still compares favorably with existence of Ancestor Immortal Equipment! 商羊?想到这个名字,钟山就知道了其价值。东皇太一手下,十大妖神之一,和当初傲来海的九婴一样。死?即便死了,那尸体也是媲美祖仙器的存在! Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail finished eating vanishes suddenly. 八极天尾吃完就骤然消失了。 Saint King, the feudal official wants to study this seal!” Nangong Sheng said. 圣王,臣想研究一下这个封印!”南宫胜说道。 Look!” Zhong Shan nods. “看吧!”钟山点点头。 As the matter stands, really no quality of being worth looking, Black Qi in seal did not brave outward, examination that only then one group of people keep there. 这样一来,就真的没什么看头了,封印内的黑气也不对外冒了,只有一群人在那里不停的查看。 The person of surrounding has some already to walk, some unwilling remained. 围观之人有着一些已经走了,还有一些不甘心的留了下来。 At this time, distant place one group of white clothing people could not bear finally generally, flew to fall the near. 这时,远处一群白衣人终于忍不住了一般,飞落近前。 „Below Bai Yuan, has seen everyone!” Is a person of very polite say/way. “在下柏远,见过诸位!”为首一人非常礼貌道。 „?” Zhong Shan accidental/surprised has a look at this crowd to come the person. “哦?”钟山意外的看看这一群来人。 Bai Yuan? Bai Clan? Family that even Fu Xi incomparably esteems? 柏远?柏氏家族?那个连伏羲都无比推崇的家族? Is Bai Yuan of head has a look at Zhong Shan, has a look at Western Poison Sovereign! 为首的柏远看看钟山,又看看西毒皇! May I ask the everyone knowledge Grand Xing Mountain?” Bai Yuan asked that simultaneously the eye fixed the eyes on the people. “敢问诸位可知‘太行山’?”柏远问道,同时眼睛紧盯众人。 Grand Xing Mountain? Hao Meili and the others looked at each other, Mr. Shi at this moment is also bewildered. 太行山?昊美丽等人相视一眼,就连尸先生此刻也是一脸茫然。 Grand Xing Mountain? What mountain is that?” Jin Peng knits the brows to say. 太行山?那是什么山?”金鹏皱眉道。 The people do not know, but Zhong Shan knows that Zhong Shan not only does know? This radically is an mountain peak on Earth, naturally, does not remove Great Thousand Worlds also to have this type of mountain, but Zhong Shan first thinking is knows that Grand Xing Mountain that. 众人不知道,可钟山知道啊,钟山岂止是知道?这根本就是地球上的一座山峰,当然,不排除大千世界也有这种山,可钟山第一个想到的还是自己知道的那个太行山 Although in heart surprised, but Zhong Shan displays as before very indifferently. 虽然心中惊讶,但钟山依旧表现很淡然。 Sees the people facial expression, a Bai Yuan sigh. 看到众人神情,柏远一阵叹息。 Does not know that everyone did inquire that Grand Xing Mountain what intent? Perhaps we pass through that mountain, but does not know its, can you describe?” Zhong Shan curious asking. “不知诸位询问那太行山何意?或许我们经过那座山,但不知其名,你们可以描述一下吗?”钟山‘好奇’的问道。 Smiles bitterly and astringently, Bai Yuan shakes the head saying: We have not seen Grand Xing Mountain, is the family seniors sends me and others this, seeks know Grand Xing Mountain two appearance special people.” 苦涩一笑,柏远摇摇头道:“我们也没见过太行山,是家族前辈派我等来此,寻找知道‘太行山’的两个形貌特异之人的。” Two know Grand Xing Mountain person? Is the appearance special?” Zhong Shan curiously said. “两个知道‘太行山’的人?形貌特异?”钟山好奇道 Since everyone is not the person who we must find, that disturbed everyone!” Bai Yuan said. “既然诸位不是我们要找的人,那就打扰诸位了!”柏远说道。 Zhong Shan nods, has not blocked. 钟山点点头,并未相拦。 Perhaps, the nearby really has what Grand Xing Mountain. 或许,附近真的有个什么太行山 The Bai Clan person is not willing to discuss, shakes the head, the steps departed. 柏氏家族的人不愿与人多谈,摇摇头,踏步离去了。 The four directions person walks was also similar. More and more few. But that stood at the foot of the hill black clothes man also looked, prepared to depart. 四方的人走的也差不多了。越来越少。而那站在山脚下的黑衣男子也看了看,准备离去。 Halts!” The Jin Peng eye stares, body in a flash, kept off before that black-clothed person suddenly. “站住!”金鹏眼睛一瞪,身形一晃,忽然挡在了那黑衣人面前。 Ancestor Immortal?” The Jin Peng eye stares, surprisedly said. 祖仙?”金鹏眼睛一瞪,惊讶道 Had almost not discovered, unexpectedly has Ancestor Immortal? 差点没发现,居然有一个祖仙? everyone, studies that seal to leave Song Dynasty earlier!” black-clothed person tone very pale say/way. 诸位,研究完那个封印早点离开朝歌吧!”黑衣人语气很淡道。 The black-clothed person have not dreaded Jin Peng, but is the look is indifferent. 黑衣人并未畏惧金鹏,而是神色非常淡然。 Wait!” Zhong Shan stopped by calling out suddenly. “等等!”钟山忽然叫住。 Although Zhong Shan does not know that who he is, but Zhong Shan listened to the tone of this person, seemed him to live in neighbor general. 虽然钟山不知道他是谁,但钟山还是听出了此人的口气,好似他就住在附近一般。 What's wrong?” The black-clothed person look to Zhong Shan. The complexion is very indifferent. “怎么?”黑衣人看向钟山。脸色很冷漠。 „Can the senior, know the Great Shang imperial family grave tomb position?” Zhong Shan asked. “请问前辈,可知大商皇室墓陵位置?”钟山问道。 Great Shang imperial family grave tomb?” The black-clothed person pupil shrinks, in eye one cold. 大商皇室墓陵?”黑衣人瞳孔一缩,眼中一冷。 My hasn't Zhong Shan, consulted the senior?” Zhong Shan stubbornly is staring at present the black-clothed person. “鄙人钟山,还未请教前辈?”钟山死死的盯着眼前黑衣人。 Zhong Shan felt suddenly from his tone and attitude unusual, looks at his appearance simultaneously, suddenly thought of some information of beforehand collection. 钟山从他语气和态度中忽然感觉到了一丝奇特,同时看着他的样貌,忽然想到了以前收集的一些信息。 Consulted even! Resulted in the Shang Yang corpse, I do not haggle over with you, in three days leaves Song Dynasty! Here needs peacefully!” black-clothed person said solemnly. “请教就算了!得了商羊尸体,我不与你计较,三日内离开朝歌!这里需要安静!”黑衣人沉声道 „Do you know the Shang Yang corpse? Who are you?” Jin Peng knit the brows to call out. “你知道商羊尸体?你是谁?”金鹏皱眉叫道。 Looked at Jin Peng, the black-clothed person had not paid attention, then looked that said to Zhong Shan: Words that I spoke, did you hear?” 看了一眼金鹏,黑衣人没有理会,转而看向钟山道:“我说的话,你听到了吗?” Zhong Shan has not spoken, but stared at the black-clothed person to look looked, finally, determined finally generally. 钟山没有说话,而是盯着黑衣人看了又看,最终,终于确定了一般。 Originally is Great Shang loses the feudal official, Zhong Shan was disrespectful!” Zhong Shan smiled suddenly. “原来是大商遗臣,钟山失礼了!”钟山忽然笑了起来。 Zhong Shan, you know that who he is?” Hao Meili was surprised. Coming out that this looks at? 钟山,你知道他是谁?”昊美丽惊奇了。这都看的出来? Jin Peng is also a face surprised looks to Zhong Shan, real fake? Isn't Zhong Shan continuously north Great Thousand Worlds? This person did not know, he did know unexpectedly? 就连金鹏也是一脸惊奇的看向钟山,真的假的?钟山不是一直在大千世界北方吗?这个人自己都不认识,他居然认识? „Do you know me?” The black-clothed person facial expression concentrates to say. “你识得我?”黑衣人神情微凝道。 Great Shang loses the feudal official, Shen Gongbao!” 大商遗臣,申公豹!” ***: Asked ***! In addition hopes that everyone has a look at that chapter of «about Henan» that yesterday renewed, chesses very speechless, the chessing ancestor is also Henan moves, chesses the necessity to discredit to oneself? Does not want to say that can look the trouble of genuine has a look at that chapter of description. Chesses very speechless! ***:求***!另希望大家看看昨天更新的那章《关于河南》,观棋很无语,观棋祖上也是河南迁徙过来的,观棋有必要给自己抹黑吗?不想多说,能看正版的麻烦看看那章的描述。观棋很无语!
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