IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1056: Rose and rose!

Skeleton King is an extremely resolute person, Huang Feng causes heavy losses flees, perhaps Skeleton King saw, but Qing Feng did not have suddenly, making Skeleton King anxious! 骷髅王是个极度果决的人,黄风被重创遁逃,骷髅王或许看到,可青风就这么忽然没了,让骷髅王不安了起来! In could it be that this group of people also has Ancestor Immortal? 难道这群人中还有祖仙? When comes out, Skeleton King for the stealth activity, only led the Skeleton Clan two trusted aides, or in the past betrayed the Wang Ku skeleton together, because according to the informant said, here only has Ancient Immortal, three Ancestor Immortal arrive, doesn't sweep away under the heavens? 出来时,骷髅王为了秘密行动,只带了骷髅族两个心腹,或者说当年一起背叛王骷的骷髅,因为根据告密者所说,这里只有古仙,三个祖仙降临,不是横扫天下? But, on remaining one person, Qing Feng definitely encountered the mishap in an instant, oneself stay here again, what to do if in the sewers does capsize? 可是,转眼之间就剩下自己一个人了,青风肯定遭到不测,自己再留在这里,若是阴沟里翻船怎么办? Without hesitation, Skeleton King flees to go! Although has the powerful strength, but Skeleton King does not want to bet! 毫不犹豫,骷髅王遁逃而去!虽然有着强盛的实力,但骷髅王不想赌! Wang Ku looked, has not pursued, but flies in front of Zhong Shan, is doing obeisance to Zhong Shan respectfully! 王骷看了看,并没有追去,而是飞到钟山面前,对着钟山恭敬一拜! This does obeisance, done obeisance is quite sincere, drives back Skeleton King? Without Zhong Shan, even if in ten thousand years, 100,000 years are impossible! Now achieved! Also in the heart has an anticipation! Anticipating Zhong Shan can lead him to chase down to go. 这一拜,拜的极为诚恳,逼退骷髅王?若没有钟山,哪怕再过万年,十万年都不可能!现在做到了!同时心中更有着一股期待!期待钟山能够带领他追杀而去。 Zhong Shan has a look at Wang Ku, indifferently said: When Jin Peng returns, we plan again!” 钟山看看王骷,淡淡道:“待金鹏归来,我们再统筹一下!” Thanked Saint King!” Wang Ku respectfully said. “谢圣王!”王骷恭敬道 A day, one day later, the distant place golden light flashes through together, Jin Peng returns! 一天,一天之后,远处一道金光闪过,金鹏归来! Wang Ku, fellow by my slaughter! body entirely to extinguish!” Jin Peng laughs to say. 王骷,那家伙被我屠了!身形俱灭!”金鹏大笑道。 Many thanks!” Wang Ku nods. “多谢!”王骷点点头。 Also thanked anything with me, then accompanied me to hit several again!” Jin Peng indifferent say/way. “和我还谢什么,回头再陪我打几场!”金鹏无所谓道。 Does not have the issue!” Wang Ku nods. “没问题!”王骷点点头。 at this moment, the Great Zheng whole body of ministers natural intention is excited, Ancestor Immortal, in an instant by the Great Zheng slaughter? Moreover Saint King has not acted, some of our Great Zheng multi-? 此刻,大崝群臣自然心怀激动,祖仙啊,转眼就被大崝屠了?而且圣王还没怎么出手,我们大崝到底有多强了? Goes back!” Zhong Shan was saying to the whole body of ministers. “回去吧!”钟山对着群臣道。 Yes!” Whole body of ministers immediately comply with the way. Subsequently diverges in abundance. “是!”群臣马上应道。继而纷纷散去。 Zhong Shan also brings Nian Youyou to return to Undying Temple. 钟山也带着念悠悠回到不死殿 I and Wang Ku have the matter to discuss, you to Yang Sector, I in Yang Sector wait/etc. you!” Zhong Shan said. “我和王骷有事要谈,你到阳间,我在阳间等你!”钟山说道。 Nian Youyou some are still indefinite, after all Nian Youyou is too short in the Great Zheng time, or regarding two Zhong Shan's understanding only exist recounted in others, oneself are not many experience. 念悠悠依旧有些不确定,毕竟念悠悠大崝的时间太短,或者说对于两个钟山的了解只存在于别人的述说,自身并无多大体会。 Brings is not indefinite, the steps, Nian Youyou enters Ruler's Diagram. 带着不确定,踏步,念悠悠进入帝王图 With the Little Qing same place, goes out from the Yang Sector Ruler's Diagram place. 小青一起,从阳间帝王图处走出。 Flash of coming out, saw Zhong Shan, Nian Youyou even thinks also in Yin Sector. However from Zhong Shan, Nian Youyou feels more solid aura at present. 出来的一瞬间,又看到了一个钟山,念悠悠甚至以为还在阴间。不过从眼前钟山身上,念悠悠感到一股更实在的气息。 „Are you Zhong Shan?” Nian Youyou brings a surprised say/way. “你是钟山?”念悠悠带着一丝惊奇道。 yí yí yí yí!” Little Qing is also stares the big eye to call. 咦咦咦咦咦!”小青也是瞪大眼睛叫着。 You came back!” Zhong Shan gentle saying. “你回来了!”钟山柔和的说道。 Un!” Nian Youyou nods, on the face reveals a shyness. “嗯!”念悠悠点点头,脸上露出一丝害羞。 Hears the Zhong Shan gentle words, some Nian Youyou whole body light feelings, where has not believed this is Zhong Shan. 听到钟山柔和的话语,念悠悠全身都有种轻飘飘的感觉,哪里还不信这是钟山 gently is holding the hand of Nian Youyou. 轻轻的拉着念悠悠的手。 Nian Youyou moves has not struggled. 念悠悠动了动没有挣扎。 yí yí yí!” Little Qing said. 咦咦咦!”小青叫了起来。 „!” Another hand pats shoulder Little Qing. “啪!”另一只手拍下肩头小青 Oneself play!” Nian Youyou was saying to Little Qing. “自己去玩!”念悠悠对着小青道。 yí yí yí!” Little Qing suffering looked at two people, subsequently oneself flew. 咦咦咦!”小青委屈的看了看二人,继而自个飞出去了。 Zhong Shan brings Nian Youyou to arrive at the courtyard in Imperial Palace deep place. Arrived here, Nian Youyou stared in a big way the eye. 钟山带着念悠悠走到皇宫深处的一个院落。到了这里,念悠悠就瞪大了眼睛。 Looks at that ordinary courtyard, Nian Youyou loses one's voice probably suddenly. 看着那平凡至极的院落,念悠悠好像忽然失声了。 Remembers here?” Zhong Shan asked. “记得这里?”钟山问道。 Un!” Nian Youyou nods gently. “嗯!”念悠悠轻轻点点头。 Kissing that we here become, lived here for several years.” Zhong Shan recalls. “我们就是在这里成的亲,在这里生活了几年。”钟山回忆道。 In the Nian Youyou eye is completely the tender feelings, kissing/betrothal that here becomes, indeed is here, is not here, here scene only exists in the Nian Youyou dream. Past met Little Qing for the first time , two people entered the dreamland, Zhong Shan turn into Xu Xian, Nian Youyou turn into Bai Suzhen, two people lived for several years, gave birth to the baby. 念悠悠眼中尽是柔情,在这里成的亲,的确是这里,又不是这里,这里的景象只存在于念悠悠的梦中。昔日第一次遇到小青之时,二人进入梦境,钟山变成许仙,念悠悠变成白素贞,二人生活了几年,更是生出了宝宝。 Although is only a dream, but Nian Youyou could not forget for a lifetime, often remembers in that dream several years of happiness. at this moment saw again how could to be affected? 虽然只是一梦,但念悠悠一辈子都忘不掉,时常想起那梦里几年的甜蜜。此刻再度看到,岂能不感动? This time came, do not walk, makes my empress!” Zhong Shan facial expression looks at Nian Youyou. “这次来了,就不要走了,做我的皇后吧!”钟山神情的看着念悠悠 Zhong Shan often also suppresses the self- emotions, with Nian Youyou, how many times contacted, doesn't connection time and time again, how could have the sentiment? Especially several years in the dream, several years of couple will never obliterate. In Four Great Division Continent, seeing Nian Youyou must get married with King Yama previous time. The Zhong Shan first response bristles with anger. The secondary reaction snatches Nian Youyou. 钟山时常也处理自我情绪,与念悠悠之间,接触了多少次了,一次一次的交接,岂能没有感情?特别是在梦中几年,几年夫妻更是永不磨灭。上一次在四大部洲,见念悠悠要与阎罗王成婚。钟山第一反应就是怒发冲冠。第二反应就是将念悠悠抢回来。 Has this to know, oneself also deeply were infatuated with Nian Youyou. 有此可知,自己也深深迷恋上了念悠悠 Such being the case, this Nian Youyou returns, Zhong Shan naturally cannot make Nian Youyou leave again. 既然如此,这次念悠悠归来,钟山自然不会再让念悠悠离开。 Nian Youyou hears the Zhong Shan's words, in the eye flows out the enormous tears immediately, endured saying: I had harmed you! Bliss Pure Land that arrow ............!” 念悠悠听到钟山的话,眼中顿时流出大量的泪水,忍了忍说道:“我曾经害过你!极乐净土的那一箭............!” Has not said, Zhong Shan already holds Nian Youyou, in a mouth seal red lips. 还没说完,钟山已经抱起念悠悠,一嘴巴印上了朱唇。 After small 2.5 minutes, in the Nian Youyou eye is somewhat blurred, what are more is happy! 半柱香后,念悠悠眼中有些迷离,但更多的是幸福! Zhong Shan holds Nian Youyou horizontally, walks into Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen boudoir. 钟山横抱念悠悠,走入‘许仙’和‘白素贞’的闺房。 The sentiment arrives at the deep place, naturally all success when conditions are ripe. 情到深处,自然一切都水到渠成。 Zhong Shan also realized that finally what is henceforth the king not early toward, Innate Charm Bone Heavenly Cauldron Body, lets the Zhong Shan entire ten days not on again premature toward. 钟山也终于体会到了什么叫‘从此君王不早朝’了,天生媚骨乾鼎之身,让钟山整整十天没有再上过早朝。 Was good because of Great Zheng under the Zhong Shan command already one mind, no calamity came out. 好在大崝钟山统帅下早已上下一心,没有什么乱子出来。 A ten days later morning. 十天后的一个早晨。 Zhong Shan lies down above that red wood bed, resembles the deep sleep, the mind actually sinks to within the body. 钟山躺在那张红木大床之上,状似沉睡,心神却是沉入体内。 Looks the immortal Yuan of own within the body, Zhong Shan sighed slightly, was too quick! 看着自己体内的仙元,钟山微微感叹,太快了吧! Gobbles up Qing Feng, the throne, after the sickle, Zhong Shan natural direct impact Great Immortal 10-layer Heaven, Great Immortal Great Perfection. With this period of time of Nian Youyou copulation, cultivation base flees unexpectedly flees again, in the past few days just attacked Ancient Immortal 1-layer Heaven, today unexpectedly achieves Ancient Immortal 2-layer Heaven! 吞吃青风,王座,镰刀后,钟山自然直冲大仙十重天,大仙大圆满。和念悠悠交媾的这段时间,修为居然一窜再窜,前些天刚刚冲击到古仙一重天,今天居然达到了古仙二重天了! Ancient Immortal, finally Ancient Immortal! Ancient Immortal 2-layer Heaven! 古仙了,终于古仙了!还是古仙二重天! In the Zhong Shan heart filled excitedly, simultaneously the rise of strength also increased overbearing in heart. 钟山心中充满了激动,同时实力的提升也更增了心中的霸道。 Opens the eye gently. 轻轻睁开眼睛。 Nian Youyou concentrates such as the body of suet also to lie above own chest, soft and fills the elastic chest front to paste in the Zhong Shan chest, making in the Zhong Shan heart regenerate the ripples. 念悠悠凝如羊脂的身体还趴在自己胸膛之上,柔软而又充满弹性的胸前贴在钟山胸膛,让钟山心中再生涟漪。 Curving gentle like the white jade back curve, lets with the palm that Zhong Shan cannot bear is strokes gently. Stroked gently below two hill, Zhong Shan stopped the left hand of movement unrestrainedly, above placed rubs to pinch slightly. 弯曲柔和的如白玉般的后背曲线,让钟山忍不住的用手掌又是一阵摩挲。摩挲到下方两座山丘,钟山情不自禁的停下了移动的左手,放在上面微微揉捏。 Sleeping soundly Nian Youyou seems felt discomfort that the body sways from side to side slightly, in the scratched Zhong Shan heart is a dryness and heat. Simultaneously the small bell of ankle area place resounds gently, making Zhong Shan that the passion loses slightly sober. 熟睡的念悠悠好似感到不太舒服,身体微微扭动,擦的钟山心中又是一阵燥热。同时脚踝处的小铃铛轻轻响起,让情欲迷失的钟山微微清醒。 Innate Charm Bone, is the men is not really able to extricate oneself. 天生媚骨,果然是男人都无法自拔。 The Zhong Shan will is also firm, after being sober, the right hand touches the hair of Nian Youyou, in the eye flashes through tender feelings! 钟山意志也算坚定,清醒之后,右手摸了摸念悠悠的头发,眼中闪过一股柔情! Awoke?” Zhong Shan said in a soft voice. “醒了?”钟山柔声道 Effort that your hand grasps, how I can not awake!” Nian Youyou digs the mouth to say. “你手抓的那么用力,我怎么会不醒!”念悠悠撅着嘴巴道。 A at this moment Zhong Shan left hand loosen, said with a smile slightly: Who lets your such seductress/evil spirit! Because of you, my already ten days have not trod this room!” 此刻钟山左手微微一松,笑道:“谁让你这么妖精的!因为你,我已经十天没踏出这间房了!” You also felt all right saying that I have not complied to make your empress!” Nian Youyou digs the mouth to say. “你还好意思说,我还没答应做你皇后呢!”念悠悠撅着嘴巴道。 Now, may be beyond control you! You could not escape from my palm!” Zhong Shan laughs to say. “现在,可由不得你了!你是逃不出我的手掌心了!”钟山大笑道。 Big bastard, no wonder you deceived so many ignorant girls!” Nian Youyou thinks of the indignant say/way. “大坏蛋,难怪你骗了那么多无知姑娘!”念悠悠装着气愤道。 „Are you ignorant miss?” Zhong Shan changes the topic immediately, at this time Zhong Shan naturally cannot take and Nian Youyou discussion other empress. “你是无知的姑娘吗?”钟山马上岔开话题,这时候钟山自然不会将其它皇后拿出来和念悠悠谈论。 Not? You also owe me two roses! You have not given me!” Nian Youyou lies in the Zhong Shan chest, extends that fair small hand to say. “不是吗?你还欠我两朵玫瑰!你还没给我!”念悠悠趴在钟山胸膛,伸出那白皙的小手道。 Has a look at Nian Youyou, Zhong Shan is slightly silent. 看看念悠悠,钟山微微沉默。 Seeing Zhong Shan is silent, Nian Youyou thinks that the speaking incorrectly words generally, will comfort. 钟山沉默,念悠悠以为说错话了一般,正要安慰。 Two roses, my already gave you!” Zhong Shan said in a soft voice. “两朵玫瑰,我已经给你了!”钟山柔声道 Where? How haven't I seen?” Nian Youyou said. “哪里?我怎么没看到?”念悠悠道。 Deep kissed Nian Youyou, Zhong Shan said: You are my rose!” 深深的亲了一下念悠悠,钟山说道:“你是我的玫瑰!” Nian Youyou slightly one dull, subsequently savors in unceasingly the Zhong Shan words the meaning, thinks, in the eye was gradually crazy. Forgetting kindnesses gives a Zhong Shan kiss saying: You are also my rose!” 念悠悠微微一呆,继而不断品味钟山话中意思,想着想着,眼中渐渐痴了。忘情的送给钟山一吻道:“你也是我的玫瑰!” Finally two roses are not the common things, but is roses in two people of each other heart. 最后两朵玫瑰不是俗物,而是二人彼此心中的玫瑰。 Stimulate Emotion Nian Youyou, making in the hut resound that moving music movement again. 情动念悠悠,让小屋之中再度响起了那动人的乐章。 After quite a while, Nian Youyou weak lies in the Zhong Shan chest again. On the face is completely the happy smile. 半天之后,念悠悠才无力的再度趴在钟山胸膛。脸上尽是幸福的笑容。 Hence, Great Zheng Saint Court had/left sixth empress! Nian Youyou! 至此,大崝圣庭多出了第六个皇后!念悠悠! Three days later, the Yang Sector Zhong Shan study room, Zhong Shan is writing anything, Nian Youyou is the Zhong Shan attrition, grinds is grinding, Nian Youyou said suddenly: „Are written these Without Form Holy Court Expert? Do you want to cope with Without Form Holy Court?” 三天后,阳间钟山书房,钟山在写着什么,念悠悠钟山研磨,研着研着,念悠悠忽然道:“写的这些是无相圣庭强者?你要对付无相圣庭了?” Stops the writing brush, Zhong Shan has a look at Nian Youyou, after all Without Form Saint King is the Nian Youyou ancestor, will cope with her ancestor, in the Nian Youyou heart will have the idea unavoidably. 停下毛笔,钟山看看念悠悠,毕竟无相圣王念悠悠的先祖,对付她先祖,念悠悠心中难免会有想法。 But Zhong Shan is nod truthfully said: Good!” 钟山还是如实的点点头道:“不错!” Do not be worried about me, I lost heart about Without Form Holy Court already early, betrays me, that must pay the price!” Nian Youyou shakes the head, in the tone filled to the hate of Without Form Holy Court. “你不要担心我,我对无相圣庭已经死心了,出卖我,那要付出代价的!”念悠悠摇摇头,语气中充满了对无相圣庭的怨恨。 „?” “呃?” But, Without Form Holy Court is very strong, not like the semblance sees . Moreover the Without Form Holy Court influence also not only only has Without Form Territory!” Nian Youyou is worried to say. “不过,无相圣庭很强,不像外表看到的那样,而且无相圣庭的势力也不仅仅只有一个无相疆域!”念悠悠担心道。 I know, Without Form Holy Court south Reincarnation Cycle Territory, that area of Reincarnation Cycle Territory West, is the Without Form Holy Court in secret influence, Without Form Holy Court, possibly has over two Ancestor Immortal!” Zhong Shan nods. “我知道,无相圣庭转轮疆域南方,转轮疆域西方的那个疆域,也是无相圣庭暗中势力,无相圣庭,可能有两个以上祖仙!”钟山点点头。 Good, Without Form Saint King controls that area, but , to continue that Without Form Saint King altogether controls five areas, the Without Form Territory south four areas is also controlled by him in secret, but Without Form Holy Court Ancestor Immortal, should be six!” Nian Youyou affirms to say. “不错,无相圣王是控制那个疆域,不过,不止那个,无相圣王一共控制五个暗中疆域,无相疆域更南方还有四个疆域也是被他控制的,而无相圣庭祖仙,应该是六个!”念悠悠肯定道。 Six?” Zhong Shan surprisedly said. “六个?”钟山惊讶道 Zhong Shan thorough was surprised at this moment, six Ancestor Immortal? What concept is that? Without Form Saint King hidden strength? Was this too also exaggerating? Six? Six big Ancestor Immortal? Does he think unified Northern Continent? 钟山这一刻彻底惊讶了,六个祖仙?那是什么概念?无相圣王隐藏实力?这也太夸张了吧?六个?六大祖仙?他想一统北洲? Should be six!” Nian Youyou affirms to say again. “应该是六个!”念悠悠再度肯定道。 How did you affirm?” The Zhong Shan doubts said. “你怎么这么肯定?”钟山疑惑道。 This secret, should, only then Without Form Saint King one person, or the most intimate how many people know, but isn't Nian Youyou, these years possibly that most intimate person, how Nian Youyou knows absolutely? Because of this news, is Wang Jingwen has not checked. 这个秘密,应该只有无相圣王一个人,或者最亲近的几个人知道,而念悠悠,这些年绝对不可能是那最亲近的人,念悠悠怎么知道?因为这消息,就是王靖文也没有查到啊。 ps: Last day, asked ***! ps:最后一天,求***!
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