IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1047: Parting Heavens Second Move

Just likes murderous aura of essence to erupt from the Zhong Shan whole body. 犹如实质的杀气钟山周身喷发而出。 The good friends just died, the Zhong Shan mood is quite sad, a at this moment foe before oneself the spoken language insult by the good friend who did die, Zhong Shan does not get angry unexpectedly? 好友刚死,钟山心情极为难过,此刻一个仇敌居然在自己面前以言语侮辱死去的好友,钟山如何不怒? Is called Zhong Shan to escape by people at this moment want to that Jin Peng defeats quickly, but, thinks that Zhong Shan past prestige, who no longer exits, since Saint King stands, that will certainly win! 金鹏打败的一众人此刻想要钟山快逃,但是,想到钟山以往的威信,谁也不再出口,圣王既然站出来,那一定会胜! Just likes murderous aura of essence to follow the Zhong Shan ice-cold vision to go toward the Jin Peng directly shoots. 犹如实质的杀气伴随钟山冰冷的目光向着金鹏直射而去。 This murderous aura, even strong person Jin Peng still stagnates slightly, this person as before is Great Immortal 8-layer Heaven, has not changed, does he have what capital to dare with me to oppose? 这一股杀气,即便是强人金鹏也是微微一滞,此人依旧是大仙八重天,并未有所改变,他有何资本敢与我作对? Long skill? Shows me!” Jin Peng coldly said. “又长本事了?给我看看!”金鹏冷声道 Why does not know, Jin Peng feels dangerous aura suddenly, when with Zhong Shan confronts, the Divine Sense divergence starts, looks at hiding evildoer. But, no, will all around no one, why I feel the aura of danger? 不知为何,金鹏忽然感觉到一股危险的气息,在与钟山对峙之际,神识辐散而开,看有没有躲藏的宵小。可是,没有啊,四周根本无人,为何我会感到危险的气息? How Jin Peng has not thought that can be below Zhong Shan. 金鹏如何也没有想到会是下方的钟山 You court death!” Zhong Shan cold snort/hum. “你找死!”钟山一声冷哼。 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” within the body Luck Golden Dragon roared again, Zhong Shan flying, huge silver Heavenly Dao again Heavenspan penetrating place. 体内气运金龙再度一声咆哮,钟山飞天而起,一个庞大的银色天道再度通天彻地。 Parting Heavens First Move!” 开天一式!” Angrily roars along with Zhong Shan one, a huge axe light cuts the space, cuts to go toward Jin Peng crazily. 伴随着钟山一声怒吼,一个庞大的斧光划破空间,向着金鹏狂斩而去。 Powerful impact, as Zhong Shan waves, locks all around space, presses up to Jin Peng. 强大的冲击,随着钟山一挥手,锁定四周空间,直逼金鹏 Come good!” Jin Peng yelled. “来的好!”金鹏一声大叫。 Jin Peng is a fight madman! Previous time suffers a loss, has been unwilling! 金鹏本身就是一个战斗狂人!上次吃了个大亏,一直心有不甘! Golden Heavenly Dao covers Jin Peng, in the Jin Peng hand Righteous Heavenly Halberd wields, a boundless Righteous Heavenly Halberd strength cuts to go toward Zhong Shan crazily, during is void, immediately presents a huge Righteous Heavenly Halberd half a month to cut. 金色天道笼罩金鹏,金鹏手中方天画戟一挥,一股磅礴的方天画戟力量向着钟山狂斩而去,虚空之中,顿时出现一个巨大方天画戟的半月斩。 If the Parting Heavens First Move giant axe is common, delimits the clashes to eject the dreadful monstrous waves air-splitting, ruthlessly cuts. 开天一式的巨大斧子一般,划破空间冲击出滔天巨浪,狠狠的斩去。 Two great strength, seemed the space extruded toward the center generally, more and more nearly! 两股巨力,好似将空间向着中心挤压了一般,越来越近! Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The crash place presents ten zhang (3.33 m) black hole, meanwhile has overbearing deadlock that the axe blade and half a month cut, the huge impact will form the shake all around to grind for the powder dust. 相撞处出现一个十丈大小的黑洞,同时还有斧刃和半月斩的霸道僵持,巨大的冲击形成震荡将四周一切碾为碎末。 As for Zhong Shan the people, were naturally lost into Divine World behind. 至于钟山身后众人,自然被丢入了神界之中。 Parting Heavens First Move, kept off unexpectedly, under domineering keeping off! 开天一式,居然被挡下了,强势的挡下了! If half a month ago, the at this moment Zhong Shan already strength used up, but at this moment Zhong Shan, seeming to understand transfers the strength of Heavenly Dao to be the same, does not have the strength to use up. But is staring with opposite Jin Peng is spelling. 若是半个月前,此刻钟山已经力竭了,可此刻钟山,好似懂得了调动天道之力一般,并没有力竭。而是瞪着眼睛和对面金鹏拼着。 Cannot the body about Heavenly Dao, be able to mobilize such strong strength unexpectedly! You also really suffice the evildoer/monstrous talent, no wonder will become the central Cult Master sweetheart!” Jin Peng sneers to say. “不能身合天道,居然也能调动这么强的力量!你还真够妖孽的,难怪会成为中央教主的情人!”金鹏冷笑道。 Zhong Shan will not manage him, looks two overbearing phantom that the distant place battlefield center bumps into, Zhong Shan understands, consumes, cannot consume Jin Peng absolutely, but, Jin Peng also not necessarily is own opponent. 钟山可不会理他,看着远处战场中心相撞的两个霸道虚影,钟山明白,耗,绝对耗不过金鹏,不过,金鹏也未必是自己的对手。 Bang! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嘭!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Axe blade that Zhong Shan scrap Parting Heavens First Move forms loudly. Meanwhile the Righteous Heavenly Halberd phantom also scrap, the black hole enlarges about five times loudly, simultaneously absorbs the enormous object packing space from four directions . In an instant restores. 钟山轰然炸碎开天一式形成的斧刃。同时将方天画戟虚影也轰然炸碎,黑洞放大五倍左右,同时从四方吸收大量物体填充空间。转眼恢复。 Strikes inadequately, Zhong Shan second strikes again. 一击不成,钟山第二击再到。 You are not my opponent, is without a fight!” Jin Peng dances Righteous Heavenly Halberd to say. “你不是我对手,束手就擒吧!”金鹏一舞方天画戟道。 Zhong Shan these time with was different a moment ago, the double palm has not appeared the shape of axe blade, but is double grasps, seeming to grab a stick to be the same. The back sticks to silver Great Dao. 钟山这一次和刚才不同,双掌并未呈斧刃之状,而是双掌握起,好似抓着一根棍子一般。后背紧贴银色大道 Stares at distant place Jin Peng, Zhong Shan eyes is narrowing the eyes, two silver light jump to shoot. 盯着远处金鹏,钟山双眼一眯,两道银光迸射而出。 Parting Heavens Second Move!” 开天二式!” Parting Heavens Second Move ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” 开天二式~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” It seems Heaven and Earth one general crack. 好似天地一声炸响一般。 The Zhong Shan whole body braves to project the dazzling silver light. When the both arms wield next, Jin Peng changed countenance, no, Jin Peng was startled. Jin Peng saw one inconceivable one. 钟山全身冒射出耀眼的银光。双臂挥下之际,金鹏动容了,不,金鹏惊慌了。金鹏看到了一个不可思议的一幕。 Zhong Shan behind Heavenly Dao, poured, with the Zhong Shan's both arms, turned toward itself but actually. 钟山身后的天道,倒了下来,随着钟山的双臂,向着自己倒了下来。 Is impossible!” Jin Peng was startled to call out. “不可能!”金鹏惊叫道。 The Heavenly Dao Heavenspan place, is impossible to drop down, is impossible to come horizontally, this is impossible, this subverted the Jin Peng cognition. 天道通天地,不可能倒下的,也不可能横过来的,这不可能,这颠覆了金鹏的认知。 Did Heavenly Dao pour? 天道倒下来了? All around space seemed is blocked generally, the powerful space shook, making the surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5 km) grind all, huge Heavenly Dao depressing stubbornly! 四周空间好似被封锁了一般,强大的空间震荡,使得方圆万里之内尽数碾碎,巨大的天道死死的压下! It is not Heavenly Dao depresses, but Jin Peng fights the angle of view issue of position. 不是天道压下,只是金鹏所战位置的视角问题。 Silver Heavenly Dao also stands erect in between Heaven and Earth, but branches out a huge strength pillar, the strength pillar wields following the Zhong Shan arm, seemed like Heavenly Dao but actually. 银色天道还竖立在天地间,只是从中分出一股庞大的力量柱子,力量柱子顺着钟山手臂挥下,才看起来像天道倒了下来。 The strength pillar, the void collapse is ordinary, although does not have to become the black hole again, but to Jin Peng threat too big. This pressure seemed extends in Jin Peng Heavenly Dao, let some Jin Peng slow movements. 力量柱子所过,虚空一阵塌陷一般,虽然没有再成黑洞,但给金鹏的威胁太大了。这股压力好似延伸到了金鹏天道之中,让金鹏有些动作迟缓。 When panic-stricken, in the hand Righteous Heavenly Halberd moves forward to meet somebody, but that pillar showed its shape finally, the high place reduced suddenly, rapidly formed a to fill the Rune axe. An incomparably overbearing axe. 惊骇之际,手中方天画戟迎上去,而那柱子终于展现其形了,高处陡然缩短,快速形成一柄充满符文的斧子。一个无比霸道的斧子。 Parting Heavens First Move merely is an axe blade, most has some illusory physique, but Parting Heavens Second Move, actually concentrates the concrete physique. 开天一式仅仅是一个斧刃,最多有着一些虚幻的形体,而开天二式,却凝出具体形体。 The strength that Righteous Heavenly Halberd forms, was chopped into pieces loudly, subsequently collision ruthlessly above Jin Peng Heavenly Dao. 方天画戟形成的力量,轰然被劈碎,继而狠狠的撞在了金鹏天道之上。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Jin Peng golden Heavenly Dao sways unexpectedly, the giant axe was cha entered in Heavenly Dao, broke open Jin Peng Heavenly Dao, cutting ruthlessly above Righteous Heavenly Halberd. 金鹏的金色天道居然一阵晃荡,巨大斧子更是cha入了天道之中,破开金鹏天道,狠狠的斩在了方天画戟之上。 Works as!” “当!” Jin Peng was suppressed. Even was suppressed his own Heavenly Dao. Is supporting the body, is resisting huge Parting Heavens Axe with Righteous Heavenly Halberd with hardship! 金鹏被压制了。甚至被压制出了他自己的天道。撑着身体,用方天画戟苦苦抵抗着巨大的开天斧! Breaks!” Zhong Shan shouted at! “断!”钟山一声断喝! Bang!” “轰!” Righteous Heavenly Halberd cut off loudly, Parting Heavens Axe also reduced, but the powerful axe prestige continues the pressure on Jin Peng. 方天画戟轰然被斩断,开天斧也缩小了很多,但强大的斧威继续压向金鹏 Bang!” “轰!” The Jin Peng double palm is pasting by Parting Heavens Axe, has one unyielding pushes Parting Heavens Axe not to make it continue downward! 金鹏双掌贴着开天斧两侧,带着一股狠劲的推着开天斧不让它继续向下! Soldier!” The Jin Peng startled anger said. “兵!”金鹏惊怒道。 Heaven Veins Force? Unexpectedly is Heaven Veins Force? Roar!” The Jin Peng whole body braves gold/metal flame the rave. 兵之天脉?居然是兵之天脉?吼!”金鹏全身冒着金焰狂吼着。 Pitifully, your cultivation base is what a pity insufficient, Heaven Veins Force, if you achieve Ancient Immortal to display Parting Heavens Second Move again ‚’, was I must be divided, but you were insufficient, but also insufficiently, hahahahaha!” Some Jin Peng demented say/way. “可惜,可惜你修为不够,兵之天脉啊,要是你达到古仙再施展‘开天二式’,就是我也要被劈了,可你还不够,还不够,哈哈哈哈哈!”金鹏有些癫狂道。 Right?” Zhong Shan coldly said. “是吗?”钟山冷声道 This is your last axe, your already did not have the strength quickly, Hahahaha, wait for me consumed the light your strength, compelled you to hand over Heaven Veins Force again, the soldier, unexpectedly was a soldier!” Jin Peng incomparably exciting say/way. “这是你最后一斧吧,你已经快没力量了吧,哈哈哈哈,等我耗光你力量,再逼你交出兵之天脉,兵,居然是兵!”金鹏无比兴奋道。 You did not have the opportunity!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “你没有机会了!”钟山沉声道 At this time, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail appeared in front of Jin Peng suddenly, open mouth must eat. 这时,八极天尾忽然出现在金鹏面前,张口就要吃去。 The Jin Peng double palm is pasting Parting Heavens Axe, is unable to move. Saw when this big mouth comes, the complexion changes, because of this big mouth to oneself, the whole body fine hair was setting upright suddenly. A threat of death flooded the whole body. 金鹏双掌贴着开天斧,根本无法动弹。看到这个大嘴来时,脸色一变,因为这大嘴对着自己,全身汗毛陡然竖了起来。一股死亡的威胁充斥全身。 No, no, not ..................!” Jin Peng was startled to roar. “不,不,不..................!”金鹏惊吼了起来。 Because Jin Peng discovered, oneself is really dying was the same? Lets go to cope with this monster, was cut down by Parting Heavens Axe, does not let go is eaten by the monster. 因为金鹏发现,自己真的要死了一样?松手对付这怪物,就被开天斧劈杀,不松手就被怪物吃。 How possibly, oneself have built does not extinguish the golden body, how to have the death threat? By eating? 怎么可能,自己早已修成不灭金身,怎么会有死亡威胁?被吃? Ended! Jin Peng panic-stricken discovery, ending of oneself good seems true|really. The threat that died absolutely, escapes not to be possible to escape. Own can could it be that die in this? 完了!金鹏惊恐的发现,自己好似真的完了。绝对死亡的威胁,逃无可逃。自己难道要死在这吗? No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Jin Peng startled roar is incomparable, has not thought will have this matter. 金鹏惊吼无比,怎么也没想到会发生这种事。 Five breaths passed, Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail has not swallowed Jin Peng. Jin Peng slightly startled. What's the matter? 五息过去了,八极天尾并未吞下金鹏金鹏微微一鄂。怎么回事? Is supporting Parting Heavens Axe! Jin Peng looks to Zhong Shan, in the at this moment Zhong Shan eye ice-cold. 撑着开天斧!金鹏看向钟山,此刻钟山眼中一阵冰冷。 I give you a live opportunity!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “我给你个活的机会!”钟山沉声道 Jin Peng has not spoken, but coldly looks. 金鹏没有说话,只是冷冷的看着。 Serves the millenniums in my Great Zheng Saint Court, gives loyalty to Great Zheng, goes on an expedition the under the heavens millenniums for me, millenniums later, but also you are free!” Zhong Shan coldly said. “在我大崝圣庭服役千年,效忠大崝,为我征战天下千年,千年后,还你自由!”钟山冷声道 Wants me to submit to you? Has a dream!” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. “要我臣服你?做梦!”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 Has not wanted you to submit, so long as you give loyalty to the Great Zheng millenniums, the millenniums flash by to you, in the millenniums, can not with me for the enemy, not probably injure the person or friend one my Great Zheng, I forgive your undying/not dead, and presents you for the Great Zheng distinguished guest, even enjoys enough Heaven and Earth Virtue Position.” Zhong Shan said. “没要你臣服,只要你效忠大崝千年而已,千年对你来说一晃而过,千年内,不得与我为敌,不得伤我大崝之人或友人一毫,我饶你不死,并奉你为大崝贵宾,甚至享受足够天地业位。”钟山说道。 You!” Jin Peng is staring, is unable to refute. “你!”金鹏瞪着眼睛,无法反驳。 Because Jin Peng sees ice-cold in Zhong Shan eye, so long as refuted, the one side monster will swallow. 因为金鹏看出钟山眼中的冰冷,只要反驳,一旁怪物就会将自己吞了。 Good!” Jin Peng has the hatred to clench teeth to say. “好!”金鹏带着仇恨咬着牙道。 Hao Meili, gave you!” Zhong Shan beside presents the Hao Meili form suddenly. 昊美丽,交给你了!”钟山身旁忽然出现昊美丽身影。 Good!” Hao Meili exciting say/way. “好的!”昊美丽兴奋道。 Hao Meili under the Eight Extremities Heavenly Tail protection, appears in Jin Peng beside, withstand/top the strong pressure on paste Life and Death Book on Jin Peng. 昊美丽八极天尾保护下,出现在金鹏身旁,顶着强大的压力将生死簿贴在金鹏身上。 Pledged!” Hao Meili said with a smile. “发誓吧!”昊美丽笑道。 „Don't you believe me?” Jin Peng stares to Zhong Shan. “你不信我?”金鹏瞪向钟山 Naturally!” Zhong Shan said directly. “当然!”钟山直接道。 Jin Peng: ..................!” 金鹏:“..................!” You only have ten breath time! I called Zhong Shan!” Zhong Shan tone cold say/way. “你只有十息时间!我叫钟山!”钟山语气一冷道。 Yin clear uncertain look Zhong Shan. Jin Peng has a humiliation to say finally: My Jin Peng pledged, gives loyalty to the Great Zheng millenniums, is it goes on an expedition under the heavens, can not with Zhong Shan for the enemy, not probably injure the person of Great Zheng intentionally, can not injure the Great Zheng friend, if destroys the oath, condemned by heaven and earth!” Jin Peng called out. 阴晴不定的看看钟山金鹏终于带着一股屈辱道:“我金鹏发誓,效忠大崝千年,为其征战天下,不得与钟山为敌,不得故意伤大崝之人,也不得伤大崝友人,如若毁誓,天诛地灭!”金鹏叫道。 Buzz!” Life and Death Book trembles lightly! “嗡!”生死簿一阵轻颤! Agreement becomes!” Hao Meili exciting say/way. Receives Life and Death Book fast! “契成!”昊美丽兴奋道。快速收起生死簿! !” Powerful Parting Heavens Axe vanishes suddenly. “呼!”强大的开天斧忽然消失。 Zhong Shan a Heavenly Dao person vanishes behind suddenly, Zhong Shan body one soft. Almost drops. 钟山身后天道一人骤然消失,钟山身体一软。差点跌落。 Jin Peng freedom! 金鹏自由了! The free Jin Peng eye stares, suddenly flies, a palm grasps toward weak Zhong Shan: Bastard!” 自由的金鹏眼睛一瞪,忽然飞起,一掌向着虚弱的钟山抓去:“混蛋!” Bang!” “轰!” A loud sound, void does not know where chops together Heavenly Thunder, hits loudly on Jin Peng. 一声巨响,虚空不知哪劈来一道天雷,轰然打在金鹏身上。 Jin Peng quickly grasps the meaning of something, the offensive dissipated immediately. Simultaneously in heart one startled, what's the matter? 金鹏一个激灵,刚才的攻势顿时消散。同时心中一惊,怎么回事? If destroys the oath, condemned by heaven and earth! This is you pledges!” Hao Meili said with a smile. “如若毁誓,天诛地灭!这可是你发誓的!”昊美丽笑道。 The Jin Peng complexion changes, how possibly, to pledge? Pledged usefully possibly? Jin Peng that does not believe in evil doctrines turns toward Hao Meili to grasp again. 金鹏脸色一变,怎么可能,发誓?发誓怎么可能有用?不信邪的金鹏再度向着昊美丽抓去。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” ........................ “轰!”“轰!”“轰!”........................ Hundred Heavenly Thunder crazy Jin Peng! Jin Peng was completely ignorant! 百道天雷金鹏!金鹏完全懵了! ***: At the end of the month, ***? Immediately 500. ***:月底了,还有***吗?马上就500了。
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