IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1046: Zhong Shan's murderous aura( third)

Ru Lai looks at Expert one after another departure, stood was thinking deeply about a meeting same place, finally the steps also vanished in same place. 如来看着强者们接二连三的离去,站在原地思索了一会,最终踏步也消失在了原地。 Most Expert walked, here Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi was abundant, at this moment, is actually the Yuan Qi confusion, soon, blows the giant storm, turned into an extremely bad environment. 强者们都走了,这里原本天地元气充裕无比,此刻,却是元气混乱,不多时,更是刮起巨大的暴风,变成一个极为恶劣的环境了。 Other cultivators, are not willing to depart for a very long time. 其它修者们,久久不愿离去。 Heavenly Court extinguishes, entire Heavenly Court, everyone all falls from the sky! 天庭灭,整个天庭,所有人全部殒落! But this century battlefield, such as the strong winds are common, blows to under the heavens in all directions, Ying's is strong! Kongzi falls from the sky! The news changes into innumerable jade slip, delivers fast to the under the heavens major influences above the main table! 而这个世纪战场,也如狂风一般,吹向天下四面八方,嬴的强势!孔子殒落!消息化为无数玉简,快速送向天下各大势力之主的桌案之上! Ten days later, here already was covered by the hurricane. But has many Expert to brave the hurricane to fly the interior to look at reverently the giant battlefield, that damaged Heavenly Court. 十天后,此处已经被飓风笼罩。但还是有着很多强者顶着飓风飞到内部去瞻仰巨大战场,还有那破碎不堪的天庭 On this day, one team of people enter in the storm again. 这一日,一队人再度进入暴风之中。 Leader, I personally saw on that day, here is the place that Jade Emperor falls from the sky, that place is Kongzi by to win ate the place, was too at that time bloody, Kongzi by to win Shengsi, that ............!” A guide is saying to others. “掌门,那天我亲眼所见,这里是玉帝殒落的地方,那地方是孔子被嬴吃了的地方,当时太血腥了,孔子被嬴生撕了,那............!”一个向导对着其它人说的。 Was lived to rip?” The people knit the brows to ask. “被生撕了吗?”众人皱眉问道。 Naturally, do not listen to others to talk nonsense, I personally see, to win rips, while eats, was too insolent, Saint Mi Tian trembles, the complexion is pale!” The guides boasted. “当然,你们别听别人瞎说,我可是亲眼所见,嬴一边撕,一边吃,太张狂了,弥天圣人都瑟瑟发抖,脸色铁青!”向导吹嘘道。 „Can you see the Saint face? Isn't the Saint face cannot see?” Another person sees through an affair to say. “你能看到圣人脸?圣人脸不是看不到吗?”又一人拆穿道。 Eh? Six Junior Brother, must listen not to interrupt!” The guides got angry. “额?六师弟,要听就别打岔!”向导怒了。 Ok, where the Heavenly Court ruins were at!” Is one person said. “好了,天庭废墟在哪!”为首一人说道。 Leader, there, there space is unstable, no one is able to approach!” The guides referred to the distant place saying. “掌门,就在那里,那里空间不稳定,谁也无法靠近!”向导指了指远处道。 Well? That is not the space is unstable, isn't able to approach? How to have a person there?” Six Junior Brother non- channels. “咦?那不是空间不稳定,无法靠近吗?怎么有个人在那里?”六师弟不信道。 Is impossible, I personally see, Earth Immortal close to was ground the powder dust!” The guides called out immediately. “不可能,我亲眼所见,一个地仙靠近被碾成碎末的!”向导马上叫道。 But, there indeed is standing one person, magnificent black-robed. 可,那里的确站着一个人,一身华丽的黑袍 „Is that?” Guide surprised say/way. “那是?”向导惊奇道。 Shut up!” The leaders shouted immediately. “闭嘴!”掌门马上喝道。 At this time, the people discovered with amazement that black-robed person face could not see. Seeming to hoodwink dense fog to be the same. 这时,众人才惊讶的发现,那黑袍人脸部根本看不见。好似蒙着一层迷雾一般。 black-robed *** the sleeve flings, the Heavenly Court ruins were received in the sleeve by him completely, subsequently the under foot trod to vanish in same place. 黑袍***袖一甩,天庭废墟全部被他收入袖中,继而脚下一踏消失在了原地。 That, is that?” Six Junior Brother mournful sound mouth canals. “那,那是?”六师弟咽咽口水道。 Cannot see clearly the face, is that Saint?” Guide astonished say/way. “看不清脸部,那是圣人?”向导惊愕道。 „It is not, is thirty!” The leaders are experienced, immediately said the person. “不是,是卅!”掌门见多识广,马上道出来人。 Thirty?” “卅?” Walks quickly, this place is not suitable stays for a long time!” Leader startled say/way. “快走,此地不宜久留!”掌门惊慌道。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In mountain valley. Exterior establishes enormous formation. 一个山谷之中。外部设置大量阵法 Central main hall! Outside, Western Poison Sovereign, Hao Meili, Luo Xingchen, Mr. Shi and Nangong Sheng have little golden dragon to wait. 中央一个大殿!外面,西毒皇昊美丽落星尘尸先生南宫胜还有小金龙守候着。 Internal naturally is Zhong Shan and Jie Yin! 内部自然是钟山接引! Lucky Eye, opens!” Internal Zhong Shan loudly shouted. 吉瞳,开!”内部钟山大喝道。 Entire main hall with huge red light! 整个大殿都衬着巨大的红光! After Zhong Shan huge consumption, body sways slightly! 钟山巨大消耗后,身形微微摇晃! Jie Yin in the Zhong Shan forehead. An energy breaks in Zhong Shan within the body. Supplements the Zhong Shan consumption fast. 接引一手点在钟山眉心。一股能量冲入钟山体内。快速补充钟山消耗。 I have said that is useless!” The Jie Yin forced smile said. “我都说过,没有用的!”接引苦笑道。 Is why useless!” The Zhong Shan eye stares some anxious say/way. “为什么没有用!”钟山眼睛一瞪有些焦躁道。 Your Lucky Eye, indeed has the energy of big good fortune, but also can only save the person, but I, from the strict sense, my former already died!” Jie Yin shakes the head to say. “你的吉瞳,的确有大造化之能,但也只能救活人,而我,从严格意义上来说,我之前已经死了!”接引摇摇头道。 Died?” Zhong Shan knits the brows to say. “死了?”钟山皱眉道。 Yes, is useless, my Fate Standard has broken to pieces, the vitality has died, already destroy both body and soul, this is only barely alive in the between Heaven and Earth apparition physique, immediately must be defeated and dispersed. However, can have the good friend to accompany in this time, my already satisfied!” Jie Yin indifferently said. “是的,没有用的,我的命格已碎,生机已死,已经形神俱灭了,这只是弥留在天地间泡影形体,马上就要溃散了。不过,在此时还能有好友相伴,我已经满足了!”接引淡淡道 A Zhong Shan mood heaviness, even tip of the nose slightly acid. 钟山心情一阵沉重,甚至鼻头微微一酸。 ----------- ----------- Zhong Shan, I acknowledge you as the teacher, you must teach me, how teaches me to gang up with the saintess! I resolved to gang up with a Buddhist Temple saintess since childhood, did not have the whereabouts by the present, my future all counted on you.” 钟山,我拜你为师吧,你一定要教教我,教我怎么勾搭圣女!我从小就立志勾搭一个道场圣女了,到现在还没着落,我的未来全指望你了。” Is so fierce? Also helps me refine one! I use Great Immortal Equipment to trade with you!” “这么厉害?也帮我炼制一个吧!我用大仙器跟你换!” Five, this was my bottom line, cultivating the behavior cannot be too greedy!” “五件,这是我底线了,做人不能太贪心啊!” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ------------- ------------- Past and Jie Yin emerged in the Zhong Shan mind in the together time. Was such a good friend, incurable? 昔日与接引在一起的时光在钟山脑海中涌现。这么一个好友,没救了? Jie Yin has a look at Zhong Shan saying: You do not need to be sad, say, hundreds of thousands of years ago, my already died! Can live to have a look at this under the heavens again one time, my already satisfied!” 接引看看钟山道:“你不必难过,说起来,在数十万年前,我就已经死了!能够再活一次看看这天下,我已经满足了!” A Zhong Shan silence! 钟山一阵沉默! Searched the hand, Jie Yin takes out a crystal, in the crystal sealed one character gold/metal mark. 探手,接引取出一个水晶,水晶里封了一个‘卍’字金纹。 I know that you have a son, the present is the lord of Heaven Sound Temple, I must walk, nothing must yearn, only then you and Nine-Tailed princess two sincerity friends, the Nine-Tailed princess enters Fox World now, only then you, this Buddha mark gave to you, you can give there you, helped very be definitely big him!” Jie Yin said. “我知道你有个儿子,现在是天音寺之主,我要走了,没什么要留恋的,就只有你和九尾郡主两个真心朋友,九尾郡主现在进入狐界,那只有你了,这个佛纹就送给你吧,你可以给你那儿子,对他帮助肯定很大!”接引说道。 Zhong Shan has not met, the innermost feelings are very serious, Jie Yin seems the confession things to do after death to be the same, places Zhong Shan front ground the crystal. 钟山没有接,内心很沉重,接引好似交代后事一般,将水晶放在钟山面前的地上。 I, Zhun Ti, Tai Shang, Heavenspan, must annihilate!” Jie Yin said. “我、准提太上通天,都要湮灭了!”接引说道。 Heavenspan? Thirty? Isn't he not on the scene? At that time how didn't you walk?” 通天?卅?他不是不在场吗?当时你们怎么不走?” Walks? Useless, so long as in this under the heavens, Eye of Heaven Intention sees us, Heavenspan no longer field? His rebirth, that definitely could not escape, only then Hong Jun and Genesis did not have the rebirth!” Jie Yin recalls to say. “走?没用的,只要在这天下,天数之眼都看到我们,通天不再场?他重生了,那肯定逃不掉,只有鸿钧元始还没有重生!”接引一阵追忆道。 Hong Jun and Genesis, their two are good to plan, compared with them, we were inferior that they will appear, but, Hong Jun will not make Genesis live absolutely, Genesis also knows, but Genesis definitely cannot fight Hong Jun, later, you must be careful Hong Jun, his planning was too strong! No one knows that he has many subsequent hands!” Jie Yin said after a sigh. 鸿钧元始,他们两个都是好算计,比起他们,我们都不如啊,他们会出现的,但是,鸿钧绝对不会让元始活,元始也知道,但元始肯定斗不过鸿钧,以后,你要小心鸿钧,他的算计太强了!没人知道他有多少后手!”接引感叹道。 Moreover, if possible, found Purple Firmament Palace as far as possible as soon as possible, inside seal Hong Jun most strengths! Hong Jun collection several super Magical Treasure, in Purple Firmament Palace, is that that day I said star that has the life!” Jie Yin sighed. “而且,若有可能,尽量尽快找到紫霄宫,里面封印着鸿钧大部分力量!还有鸿钧收集的几个超级法宝,就在紫霄宫中,也就是那日我所说的那个有生命的星球!”接引叹道。 I will!” Zhong Shan nods. 我会的!”钟山点点头。 Careful two people, to win and Ru Lai! Starting today, do not trust them again!” Jie Yin gasps for breath to say. “小心两个人,嬴和如来!从今天起,不要再信任他们!”接引喘了口气道。 I understand!” Zhong Shan nods. “我心里明白!”钟山点点头。 Hehe, tumultuous times under the heavens, this under the heavens wanted the chaos, you were too weak!” The Jie Yin forced smile said. “呵呵,乱世天下,这天下要大乱了,你还太弱了!”接引苦笑道。 I will stiffen, changed is very strong!” The Zhong Shan comfort said. “我会变强的,变的很强的!”钟山安慰道。 I know, you will stiffen, I also believe how long you could not want to become Ancestor Immortal, you quickest speed will save the background, expanded Luck Dynasty, but, you also missed one thing, one most precious thing!” Jie Yin said. “我知道,你会变强,我也相信你要不了多久就会成为祖仙,你会最快的速度积攒底蕴,扩大运朝,但是,你还差一样东西,一样最珍贵的东西!”接引道。 What?” Zhong Shan knits the brows to say. “什么?”钟山皱眉道。 Heart accumulation!” Jie Yin said. “心道的积累!”接引说道。 „Did heart say?” “心道?” Yes, probably Divine Ability, if you grow slowly, to this boundary, you should have self- Divine Ability? It seems like your subordinate, met Time Divine Ability, but you? Grows, was too tender!” Jie Yin shakes the head. “是,就好像‘神通’,若是你慢慢成长,到了这个境界,你应该拥有一个自我神通了吧?就好像你那下属,会了时间神通,而你呢?一路成长,都是太嫩了!”接引摇摇头。 A Zhong Shan silence! 钟山一阵沉默! I help you!” Jie Yin said. “我帮你!”接引说道。 „Do you help me?” Zhong Shan intent outlet. “你帮我?”钟山意外道。 Believes me, on the eyes closed sensibility, do not speak, shuts six knowledge, senses attentively!” Jie Yin solemnly said. “相信我,就闭目感悟,不要说话,闭起六识,用心去感悟!”接引郑重道 I believe you!” Zhong Shan firm say/way. “我信你!”钟山坚定道。 eyes closed, Zhong Shan sits cross-legged to sit. Shuts six knowledge, no longer contacts with the outside world, cannot hear Jie Yin any sound. 闭目,钟山盘膝而坐。闭起六识,不再与外界接触,也听不到接引的任何声音。 Jie Yin has a look at Zhong Shan, smiles miserably. 接引看看钟山,凄凉一笑。 My Jie Yin heavy labor first, has your friend, was enough, I the incarnation Bodhi tree, help you sense all intelligence, exhausts my final time, my heart not regretted, looks at you to walk to break our past difficult positions, became Number One Under the Heaven!” Jie Yin solemnly said. “我接引重活一世,有你一友,也足够了,我将化身菩提树,助你感悟所有灵性,耗去我最后时光,我心无憾,望你能走破我们当年的困境,成为天下第一!”接引郑重道 Subsequently, the Jie Yin body changes, slowly becomes a verdant big tree, the big tree blocks from Zhong Shan body, drops enormous azure light, enters the Zhong Shan body. 继而,接引身体变化,慢慢的变为一颗青翠的大树,大树遮住钟山身形,落下大量青光,直入钟山身体。 But the big tree also during this period, slowly becomes pale, is getting more and more pale! 而大树也在这期间,慢慢变淡,越来越淡! Until three days later, the big tree vanishes thoroughly, in the main hall, Jie Yin vanished thoroughly, annihilation. Only stays behind, only then that crystal that is sealing character Buddha mark. 直到三天后,大树彻底消失,大殿中,接引彻底消失了、湮灭了。唯一留下的只有那一个封着‘卍’字佛纹的水晶。 Zhong Shan has sat cross-legged to sit, colorful that the complexion changes, seems the innumerable flowing light to flash general. 钟山一直盘膝而坐,脸色变的五颜六色,好似无数流光闪动一般。 After Jie Yin vanishes, in seven days, Zhong Shan both eyes will have opened suddenly. 接引消失之后,一直过了七天,钟山才忽然双目一开。 When both eyes open, in eyes projects two Thirteen Colors flowing light, a flowing light direct impact distant place pillar. 双目一开之际,双眼中射出两道十三彩流光,流光直冲远处一根柱子。 Bang!” The pillar breaks loudly. “轰!”柱子轰然断裂。 Zhong Shan sets out immediately. 钟山马上起身。 Jie Yin? Jie Yin? Su A'fu? Su A'fu, you come out to me, you come out to the father!” 接引?接引?苏阿佛?苏阿佛,你给我出来,你给老子出来!” Zhong Shan yelled, in eyes also flows off the sad tears! But Jie Yin will not comply with Zhong Shan. 钟山一声声大叫,双眼中也流下难过的泪水!可接引再也不会答应钟山了。 --------- --------- Zhong Shan, I acknowledge you as the teacher, you must teach me, how teaches me to gang up with the saintess! I resolved to gang up with a Buddhist Temple saintess since childhood, did not have the whereabouts by the present, my future all counted on you.” 钟山,我拜你为师吧,你一定要教教我,教我怎么勾搭圣女!我从小就立志勾搭一个道场圣女了,到现在还没着落,我的未来全指望你了。” Five, this was my bottom line, cultivating the behavior cannot be too greedy!” “五件,这是我底线了,做人不能太贪心啊!” -------- -------- Su A'fu past words again a reverberation in the Zhong Shan mind. 苏阿佛昔日的话语再度在钟山脑海中一阵回荡。 Zhong Shan sat alone for day in the main hall, in the heart full is moved. 钟山独自在大殿中坐了一天,心中满是伤感。 Su A'fu, my Zhong Shan will not disappoint you! My already became aware, became aware my own Divine Ability.” Zhong Shan picks up crystal firm saying of ground. 苏阿佛,我钟山不会让你失望的!我已经悟到了,悟到了我自己的神通。”钟山捡起地上的水晶坚定的说道。 During the speeches, the tooth nips! Obviously in heart moved is hard to suppress for a while. 说话间,牙齿咬了咬!显然心中的伤感一时难以压制。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Was at this time, a main hall loud sound. The huge main hall is torn to pieces. 就是这时,大殿一声巨响。庞大的大殿支离破碎。 Zhong Shan!” 钟山!” The outside world broadcasts the Hao Meili anxious sound. 外界传来昊美丽焦急的声音。 The golden light flashes through together, the main hall locates to become one pile of ruins. Luo Xingchen and the others are experiences personally pouring of severe wound on the ground. 一道金光闪过,大殿之处成为一堆废墟。落星尘等人更是身受重伤的倒在地上。 In the midair, a Jin Peng golden color armor, the hand holds Righteous Heavenly Halberd that the flame covers, breaks open Great Array of Jie Yin establishment loudly. 半空中,金鹏一身金色盔甲,手执火焰笼罩的方天画戟,轰然破开接引设置的大阵 Jie Yin Great Array? Collapses at the first blow, Jie Yin that old undying/not dead? Died?” Jin Peng insolent is saying with a smile to Zhong Shan. 接引大阵?不堪一击,接引那个老不死呢?死了没有?”金鹏张狂的对着钟山笑道。 The Zhong Shan fist pinches tightly slightly. 钟山拳头微微捏紧。 Trod one step, the Zhong Shan under foot blows out strong winds, Zhong Shan body keeps off before the people body. 踏出一步,钟山脚下吹出一阵狂风,钟山身形挡在了众人身前。 Had the moved anger, Zhong Shan to welcome a moment ago to Jin Peng. 带着刚才伤感的怒意,钟山迎向金鹏 Really died? That old undying/not dead, died finally, Hahahaha!” Jin Peng carefree saying with a smile. “果然死了?那个老不死的,终于死了,哈哈哈哈!”金鹏一阵畅快的笑道。 Jin Peng!” Zhong Shan exclaimed. Both eyes ominous light for the first time presently, anger directly shoots Jin Peng! 金鹏!”钟山一声吼道。双目凶光乍现,一股怒意直射金鹏! The powerful angry meaning makes the Jin Peng laughter stop. 强大的愤怒之意让金鹏的笑声一止。 What's wrong? Ability? A Parting Heavens axe of that day? Again come? Without Jie Yin that old undying/not dead, do you have what method?” Jin Peng also coldly said. “怎么?能耐了?那天的开天一斧?再来啊?没了接引那个老不死,你还有何手段?”金鹏冷声道 You court death!” “你找死!” During Zhong Shan speeches, all around space ice-cold piece, murderous aura freeze of enormous frost and snow by Zhong Shan words. 钟山说话间,四周空间冰冷一片,大量霜雪被钟山话语中的杀气冻结而出。 ***: Third, strove for ***! At the end of the month! ***:第三更,求***!月底了啊!
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