IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1045: Community

The sky that yellow cloud covers, presents together the fine drawn! In the fine drawn disclosed terrifying aura. 黄云笼罩的天空,出现一道细缝!细缝之中透露出一股恐怖的气息。 Four Great Division Continent between Heaven and Earth, almost everyone worships on bended knees, is unfounded, must kneel down merely, seems Paramount unsurpassed arrival, all are all ordinary for the ants. 四大部洲天地间,几乎所有人都跪拜而下,毫无理由,仅仅是要跪下,好似一种至高无上的降临,一切皆为蝼蚁一般。 Can stand, only several people. 能站立的,只有区区数人。 Zhong Shan, Ru Lai, to win, Jade Emperor, Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin, thirty! 钟山,如来,嬴,玉帝,太上,准提,接引,还有卅! Because this group of people have the Heaven and Earth altar! 因为这一群人拥有天地祭坛! Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, on the Jie Yin face revealed the bitter and astringent meaning. 太上,准提,接引脸上都露出了苦涩之意。 Vast Overlooking's Heaven Vein also vanished in same place, changed into three thousand Heavenly Dao its one. 浩大的临之天脉也消失在了原地,化为三千天道中其一。 But below ground, is pouring a whole body broken-down youngster, the youngster whole body is torn to pieces, such as past Kong Xuan was ordinary, presents the enormous crack. But also has the one breath to support undying/not dead. 而下方地上,倒着一个全身残破的少年,少年全身支离破碎,如昔日孔宣一般,出现大量裂纹。但还有着一口气支撑着不死 everyone looks at space that fine drawn, punishing of Grand Heaven! Is this punishing of Grand Heaven? 所有人都看着天上那道细缝,天数之罚!这就是天数之罚? Zhong Shan with rapt attention looks, because Zhong Shan seemed realized anything. eyes narrows the eyes gradually. 钟山凝神的看着,因为钟山好似意识到了什么。双眼渐渐眯起。 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The crack increases gradually. everyone fell the ground. Looks at that giant crack. 裂缝渐渐变大。所有人都落到了地上。看着那个巨大的裂缝。 Open! 开! The crack opens! Exposed the scenery of interior. 裂缝一开!暴露了内部之景。 Is sees scenery of that interior flash, lowering the head of Zhong Shan not consciousness. 仅仅是看到那内部之景的一瞬间,钟山不知觉的一低头。 It seems a tremendous pressure on make Zhong Shan not dare to be the same to its looking straight ahead, but that flash, Zhong Shan saw a moment ago. 好似一股巨大的压力让钟山不敢对其直视一样,但刚才那一瞬间,钟山看到了。 Zhong Shan saw an eye! 钟山看到了一只眼睛! Eye of similar Eye of Heavenly Retribution. 类似天罚之眼的眼睛。 However, this eye is the black and white color, the white eyeball, the black pupil, the and of average person eyes looking do not have the difference/two kinds, but, in the black pupil, has a future aura. 不过,这只眼睛是黑白之色,白色的眼球,黑色的瞳孔,望之和普通人眼睛没有两样,但是,黑色瞳孔中,却有着一种未来的气息。 It seems this eye to pass through and in the future. 好似这一只眼睛能够穿越过去和未来。 Similar Eye of Heavenly Retribution? Is could it be that this Eye of Heaven Intention? 类似天罚之眼?难道这是天数之眼? Zhong Shan feels, in Divine World, oneself that purple Eye of Heavenly Retribution, at this moment shuts tightly, seems somewhat shivers general. 钟山感受到,在神界之中,自己那紫色的天罚之眼,此刻紧闭,好似有些颤抖一般。 Previously had the blood rain, the ground has saved the enormous bloody water, Zhong Shan is not daring to raise the head, can only look at the space through the inverted image. 先前下过血雨,地上积攒着大量的血水,钟山不敢抬头,只能通过倒影看着天上。 That eye, is shooting the suffocating aura. Seeming to want a look to be able destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth to be the same. 那一只眼睛,射着让人窒息的气息。好似只要一个眼神就能毁天灭地一般。 Buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “嗡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Three thousand Heavenly Dao shiver suddenly, in Eye of Heaven Intention also flashes through together the flowing light slightly. 三千天道忽然颤动而起,天数之眼中也微微闪过一道流光。 From three thousand Heavenly Dao and Eye of Heaven Intention, spouts light beam simultaneously, direct impact that falls on the youngster of ground. Mi Tian that drops this world. 从三千天道天数之眼中,同时喷出一股光束,直冲那倒在地上的少年。那个跌落凡尘的弥天 The endless ray illumination, Mi Tian was covered in the ray suddenly, powerful aura from Mi Tian in ball of light sending out, the Mi Tian body floats off slowly, but in his, the Heaven and Earth altar that exploded, unexpectedly slowly restoration! 无尽光芒照射,弥天陡然被笼罩在光芒之中,一股强大的气息从弥天所在光球散发而出,弥天身体缓缓浮起,而在他脚下,原本爆开的天地祭坛,居然缓缓恢复! Ha, haha, Hahaha ........................!” Heaven and Earth hears Saint Mi Tian the sound of laughing. “哈,哈哈,哈哈哈........................!”天地传来弥天圣人的大笑之声。 But beside Four Great Division Continent, is the Chongtian/soaring multi-colored sunlight and innumerable God Beast illusory images rushes, Heaven and Earth greatly rise! Some people mounted Saint Position! In addition first had the blood rain not to finish the day before yesterday, therefore the outside world is completely the Heaven and Earth phenomenon of conflict. 四大部洲之外,更是冲天霞光与无数神兽幻影涌向,天地大兴!有人登上圣位了!加上先前天降血雨还没结束,因此外界尽是冲突的天地异象。 Yin Sector, Reincarnation Cycle Territory. 阴间,转轮疆域 Shadow Body Zhong Shan leads the royal courtier to go out of the main hall, looks at this Heaven and Earth. 隐躯钟山带着朝臣走出大殿,看着这天地 Saint King, how was this?” Yi Yan not clear asking. 圣王,这是怎么了?”易衍不明白的问道。 Zhong Shan puts out a hand, stops Yi Yan to speak, looks at Heaven and Earth, at heart continuously. 钟山伸手,止住易衍说话,看着天地,心里此起彼伏。 Li Border, the endless Confucian scholar looks at the sky, endless vacant. 鲁疆,无尽儒生看着天空,无尽茫然。 The place of great Confucian scholar Saint palace, Se Kong that Earthworm head already restores very naturally as usual, treads the great Confucian scholar Saint palace main hall. 鸿儒圣宫之处,色空蛐蟮脑袋已经恢复如常,非常自然的踏出鸿儒圣宫大殿。 Looks at the space, the Se Kong facial expression moves slightly. 看着天上,色空神情微动。 This place is not suitable stays for a long time!” The Se Kong steps go. “此地不宜久留!”色空踏步而去。 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Under Eye of Heaven Intention. 天数之眼下。 The Mi Tian clear and resonant voice laughs, in the previous that moment, but is putting together the thoughts of perishing together, naturally, this leaving things to chance has, because to win and Jade Emperor said ‚’ begins, but Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin already began. 弥天朗声大笑,在先前的那一刻,可是拼着同归于尽的心思,当然,这种侥幸心理还是有的,因为嬴和玉帝都开口‘说’动手,而太上,准提,接引已经动手了。 Last gambling, Mi Tian won. 最后一赌,弥天赢了。 Drops this world, but Grand Heaven transfers the strength of Heavenly Dao in an instant, approved itself again, returns to the position of Saint. 跌落凡尘,可转眼天数调动天道之力,再度认可了自己,重归圣人之位。 Even, the whole body injury restored in a flash. 甚至,全身伤势更是转瞬全部恢复了。 Returns to Saint Position, does this make Mi Tian not excited? 重归圣位,这让弥天如何不激动? The Saint mood is calm, that is because cannot make him produce the mighty waves thing, but currently has. 圣人情绪波澜不惊,那是因为没有能够让他产生波澜东西,可现在有了。 Saint Mi Tian was insolent! 弥天圣人张狂了! In front of Eye of Heaven Intention, searches the hand pressure on Jade Emperor. 当着天数之眼的面,探手压向玉帝 Mi Tian!” Jade Emperor roaring. 弥天!”玉帝大吼了起来。 The Jade Emperor whole body emission white light, seeming to want the body to gather Great Dao to be common. 玉帝全身放射白光,好似要身合大道一般。 But at this moment, under Eye of Heaven Intention, Jade Emperor Great Dao concentrates presently. 可这一刻,天数之眼下,玉帝大道怎么也凝现不出。 Eye of Heaven Intention seems ignores Saint Mi Tian doings to be the same, or to the reward of Saint Mi Tian. 天数之眼好似放任弥天圣人所为一般,又或者对弥天圣人的奖赏。 Bang!” “轰!” Jade Emperor when not having resistance, was killed by the Saint Mi Tian bang, subsequently was searched the hand to receive by Saint Mi Tian, receives the corpse. 玉帝在毫无反抗之际,被弥天圣人轰杀,继而被弥天圣人探手一收,收起了尸体。 Chi, Mei, Wang and Liang! Uneven! 魑魅魍魉!齐了! When Saint Mi Tian laughs, looks to others? You did not hit a moment ago crisply my? 弥天圣人大笑之际,看向其它人?你们刚才不是打我爽的吗? Regarding Tai Shang, Jie Yin, Zhun Ti, Saint Mi Tian does not dare to act rashly, because this is Eye of Heaven Intention has a liking. Only had to win! 对于太上,接引,准提,弥天圣人不敢妄动,因为这是天数之眼看上的。那只有嬴了! to win already restored the human form, stood above own Heaven and Earth altar. 已经恢复成了人形,站在自己的天地祭坛之上。 Saint Mi Tian looked at to win, in the eye flashed through one ominously severe, when prepared to act, just saw vision that to win cast came. 弥天圣人看了看嬴,眼中闪过一股凶厉,准备出手之际,刚好看到嬴投过来的目光。 The Ying's vision is vicious. One comes shortly, even Saint Mi Tian is a palpitation. 嬴的目光非常凶狠。一眼看来,即便弥天圣人都是一阵心悸。 Thinks that previously the Ying's ominous prestige, the Saint Mi Tian footsteps trod treading, does not dare to tread! 想到先前嬴的凶威,弥天圣人脚步踏了踏,没敢踏出! Mainly was the Ying's ominous prestige very! 主要是嬴的凶威太甚了! Processed Jade Emperor, Saint Mi Tian stood again positively, to a Eye of Heaven Intention respectful ritual! 处理了玉帝,弥天圣人再度站正,对着天数之眼恭敬的一礼! Solid the appraisal of past Hong Jun, the chest did not have the gully, the Grand Heaven running dog, cannot withstand uses greatly! 坐实了昔日鸿钧的评价,胸无沟壑,天数走狗,不堪大用! But such a person, he is Saint! Grand Heaven satisfied running dog Saint! 但就这样一人,他是圣人!一个天数满意的走狗圣人! Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin, three people look at each other one, disdained looked at Saint Mi Tian, finally, looks up completely to Eye of Heaven Intention! 太上,准提,接引,三人对视一眼,不屑的看了一眼弥天圣人,最终,全部抬头看向天数之眼! In the Tai Shang hand presents a giant pagoda suddenly, in the Zhun Ti hand presents a colorful big tree, in the Jie Yin hand is Ninth Grade Golden Lotus. 太上手中忽然出现一座巨大的宝塔,准提手中出现一个色彩斑斓的大树,接引手中是九品金莲 Three people lift the hand, three Magical Treasure melt three giant light beams to go toward the Eye of Heavenly Retribution direct impact. 三人一抬手,三个法宝化着三道巨大的光束向着天罚之眼直冲而去。 , Has torn to pieces the space, domineering impact on Eye of Heaven Intention. 一路所过,撕破空间,强势的冲击向天数之眼 Buzz!” “嗡!” The space imprisonment, three streams light/only under Eye of Heaven Intention, stop loudly, subsequently, in Eye of Heaven Intention projects three spoken parts light suddenly, the direct impact under. 空间禁锢,三道流光在天数之眼下,轰然停止,继而,天数之眼中忽然射出三道白光,直冲而下。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!”“轰!” Three great valuable loudly scraps. But the white light has not stopped, the clashes enters three former generation Saint within the body loudly. 三个巨宝轰然炸碎。但白光并未停止,轰然间冲入三个上代圣人体内。 Bang!” “嘭!” It seems the sound that the crystal explodes to resound. 好似水晶爆开的声音响起。 Three former generation Saint were motionless. 三个上代圣人都不动了。 Eye of Heaven Intention stares again, sky thunder punishment is born, infinite Thunder Lightning drops from the clouds, the enormous mountain peak, the construction, the life was shelled the powder dust. 天数之眼再度一瞪之间,天空雷罚降世,无穷雷电从天而降,大量山峰,建筑,生灵被轰击成碎末。 It is not Four Great Division Continent, but is entire under the heavens, even entire Yin Sector under the heavens. Reincarnation Cycle Territory, Wind Mound Territory, performing is wild Thunder Lightning. This is Eye of Heaven Intention gives a warning of entire under the heavens! 不是四大部洲,而是整个天下,甚至整个阴间天下转轮疆域,风冢疆域,尽是狂暴的雷电。这是天数之眼给整个天下的一个警告! Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Eye of Heaven Intention of unsurpassed prestige, closes slowly. Powerful Eye of Heaven Intention retreats again. yellow cloud diverges slowly, three thousand Heavenly Dao also vanish gradually! 无上之威的天数之眼,缓缓闭合。强大的天数之眼再度退去。黄云缓缓散去,三千天道也渐渐消失! All around all restore gradually as usual. 四周一切渐渐恢复如常。 Mi Tian has a look at Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin, thinks that has not continued to cope with them, but was looking at one to four directions , finally saw Zhong Shan. 弥天看看太上,准提,接引,想了想没有继续对付他们,而是对着四方看了一眼,最终看到了钟山 After all, here, except for Ru Lai, only then a Zhong Shan person is standing. 毕竟,在这里,除了如来,只有钟山一人站着。 Saint Mi Tian slightly surprised, felt simultaneously has one familiar general, seemed already to see several times, but was neglected each time by oneself! Is this person? 弥天圣人微微意外,同时感觉到有着一丝熟悉一般,好似已经见过好几次了,但每次都被自己忽略掉了!这个人是? When Saint Mi Tian is slightly curious, to win, Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin looked to Mi Tian. 弥天圣人略微好奇之际,嬴,太上,准提,接引都看向了弥天 Mi Tian flings the sleeve, leaves behind cold snort/hum, the steps vanishes before everyone. 弥天一甩袖子,留下一声冷哼,踏步消失在所有人前。 People stand up slowly. each and everyone whole body sweat. Panic-stricken inexplicable. 人们缓缓站起身来。一个个满身汗水。惊恐莫名。 Kong Xuan first sets out, on face Yin clear invariable, subsequently looks to three former generation Saint, in the eye flashes through one to regret. 孔宣最先起身,脸上阴晴不变,继而看向三个上代圣人,眼中闪过一丝惋惜。 A Zhong Shan's subordinate and Hao Meili also stand up. 钟山的一众下属和昊美丽也站起身来。 Good terrifying!” Hao Meili has a lingering fear to say. “好恐怖!”昊美丽心有余悸道。 Luo Xingchen and the others a silence, no one have spoken. 落星尘等人一阵沉默,谁也没有说话。 The distant place, to win looks to the Zhong Shan direction, or looked directly to Zhong Shan, in the look flashed through a hesitation. 远处,嬴看向钟山方向,或者说直接看向了钟山,神色之中闪过一丝踌躇。 !” “呼!” Jie Yin appears in front of Zhong Shan suddenly. 接引忽然出现在钟山面前。 We walk!” The Jie Yin big sleeve flings, leading Zhong Shan one group to vanish in a flash. “我们走!”接引大袖一甩,带着钟山一行人转瞬消失。 to win looks at the direction that Zhong Shan departs, the look is slightly complex, subsequently the look is certain, looks to four directions . 嬴看着钟山离去的方向,神色略微复杂,继而眼神一定,看向四方 Jie Yin had Zhong Shan one line to depart, a distant place corner, Ru Lai was also the look flashes through complex. 接引带着钟山一行离去了,远处一个角落,如来也是神色闪过一丝复杂。 The golden light flashes through together. Jin Peng does not know where from fled. 一道金光闪过。金鹏不知从哪窜了过来。 „Did Zhong Shan follow Jie Yin?” Jin Peng is asking to Kong Xuan. 钟山接引走了?”金鹏对着孔宣问道。 Un!” Kong Xuan nods. “嗯!”孔宣点点头。 Then, won't you block me?” Jin Peng said solemnly. “这下,你不会拦我了吧?”金鹏沉声道 Cannot!” Kong Xuan nods. “不会!”孔宣点点头。 Good, Jie Yin Fate Standard was shattered, the annihilation nears, I thought where they this time toward run! Snort!” Jin Peng cold snort/hum, changes into the flowing light to disappear together. “好,接引命格破碎,湮灭在即,我看他们这次往哪跑!哼!”金鹏一声冷哼,化为一道流光消失。 Looks at Jin Peng to vanish, Kong Xuan frowned slightly, thinks, body also vanished in a flash same place. 看着金鹏消失,孔宣微微皱眉,想了想,身形一晃也消失在了原地。 The distant place, Zhun Ti looked at Sun Shen of not far away, the complexion revealed sad color, body appears in front of Sun Shen in a flash. 远处,准提看了一眼不远处的孙申,脸色露出一丝悲色,身形一晃出现在孙申面前。 Follows me!” Zhun Ti said. “跟我走!”准提说道。 Un!” Sun Shen nods. “嗯!”孙申点点头。 Tai Shang had a look at four directions , on the face to have a not being able to say flavor, body vanishes in a flash same place. 太上看看四方,脸上有着一种说不出的味道,身形一晃消失在了原地。 Three former generation Saint, Fate Standard was shattered, the annihilation nears, said, is a to win and Jade Emperor plan. But three people no one has blamed to win general, left respectively. 三个上代圣人,命格破碎,湮灭在即,说起来,都是嬴和玉帝一手策划的。但三人谁也没有怪责嬴一般,各自离开了。 !” “呼!” The distant place, one group of Great Qin officers flew suddenly. 远处,一群大秦将士忽然飞了出来。 Congratulates Saint King, no, congratulates Heavenly Emperor!” Is first Bai Qi congratulates. “恭喜圣王,不,恭喜天帝!”为首白起恭贺道。 Returns to Great Qin, the preparation soldier cuts down Li Border!” to win Kaikou said. “回大秦,准备兵伐鲁疆!”嬴开口道。 Reveres the command!” Military officer exciting calling out. “尊令!”一种将领兴奋的叫道。 Subsequently, to win led one group of Great Qin military officers to disappear in same place. 继而,嬴带着一群大秦将领消失在了原地。 The remote place, in mountain valley, in mountain valley is standing four people. 遥远处,一个山谷之中,山谷之中站着四人。 Original Heavenly Court Gou Chen Great Emperor, Zhen Wu Great Emperor, Zi Wei Great Emperor and Plague God. 天庭勾陈大帝,真武大帝,紫薇大帝瘟神 Four people looked at the entire process from beginning to end, finally, four people nod mutually, the steps dispersion flies away, seems drifts apart general! 四人从头到尾看了全过程,最终,四人相互点点头,踏步分散飞离,好似各奔东西一般! ***: Second, one, strove for in the evening ***! ***:第二更,晚上还有一更,求***!
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