IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1044: chaos under the heavens

Li Border, the place of great Confucian scholar Saint palace. 鲁疆,鸿儒圣宫之处。 Myriad Confucian scholars altogether read «Analects», the infinite belief gathered the huge belief Saint above, was that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Kongzi statue. 万千儒生共读《论语》,无穷信仰汇聚到巨大的信仰圣相之上,也就是那万丈孔子雕像。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Kongzi statue emits trillion rays. Will believe the continuous transmission to the place of Four Great Division Continent Kongzi infinitely. 万丈孔子雕像放射出亿万光芒。将无穷信仰源源不断的传送到四大部洲孔子之处。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Heaven and Earth loud sound, infinite blood clouds covers Heaven and Earth subsequently, the enormous blood rain washout, above the land is ascends the vast blood fog. 天地一声巨响,继而无穷血云笼罩天地,大量血雨冲刷而下,大地之上更是升腾起浩瀚的血雾。 The voice of Li Border Confucian scholar completely all stops, a disheartened meaning direct impact chest, a terrifying sadness floods in the heart. 鲁疆儒生的声音尽皆一停,一股心灰之意直冲胸膛,一股恐怖的哀伤充斥心中。 Saint falls from the sky, Heaven and Earth with sad! 圣人殒落,天地同悲! Moreover under the heavens stems from the Confucianism Sect Confucian scholar, performs all felt that an innermost feelings stabbing pain, the replenishment is defeated and dispersed to go in the respective great Confucian scholar Great Dao aura loudly. 而且天下出自儒门的儒生,尽皆感到内心一阵刺痛,加注在各自身上的鸿儒大道气息轰然溃散而去。 People frightened realized a point! 人们惊悚的意识到了一点! Kongzi fell from the sky! 孔子殒落了! Did Kongzi fall from the sky? 孔子殒落了? Seemed the day to collapse generally, Scholar Dao worthy of great Confucian scholar Saint palace, have to wail loudly. Did the Scholar Dao leader fall from the sky? Did the teachers fall from the sky? 好似天塌下来了一般,鸿儒圣宫的儒道大贤们,有着很多轰然嚎啕大哭了起来。儒道领袖殒落了?师尊殒落了? The teacher is Saint, how possibly to fall from the sky? The innumerable Confucian scholars worship on bended knees , the anger sobs, hates the heaven. It is not able to accept this sad fact. 师尊是圣人,怎么可能殒落?无数儒生跪拜而下,怒哭泣,恨苍天。无法接受这个悲伤的事实。 Confucius says, studies when learn it, isn't pleased? It is very pleasant to have friends from afar ..................!” 子曰,学而时习之,不亦悦乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎..................!” Some Scholar Dao worthy of being flustered read Analects fast again, the enormous belief gathered in the place of Kongzi statue again, was, a at this moment Kongzi statue actually gloominess, did not accept the belief. 一些心慌的儒道大贤快速再度读起了论语,大量信仰再度汇聚到孔子雕像之处,可是,此刻孔子雕像却一片灰暗,再也不接受信仰了。 Kongzi really died! 孔子真的死了! Teacher!” “师尊!” Sage!” “先圣!” .................................... .................................... ........................ ........................ ............ ............ Entire Li Border immerses in broken-hearted, the Confucian scholar is because in heart Consciousness pillar/backbone avalanche, the common people are love Kongzi fall from the sky, Li Border, because Kongzi is one of the under the heavens most powerful areas, now Kongzi falls from the sky, will Li Border be also feeble? 整个鲁疆都沉浸在一股极度悲伤之中,儒生是因为心中精神支柱崩塌,百姓是爱戴的孔子殒落,还有鲁疆因为孔子一直是天下最强盛的疆域之一,现在孔子殒落,鲁疆也将衰弱吗? The weeping sound is shocking, especially innumerable Scholar Dao worthy of Kongzi statue place. 哭声震天,特别是孔子雕像处的无数儒道大贤 But, no one had discovered, at this moment, on the Kongzi statue, in both eyes actually flashes through a white light slightly. 可是,谁也没有发现,此刻,孔子的雕像上,双目之中却是微微闪过一道白光。 The white light flashes, the great Confucian scholar Saint palace in directly shoots not far away. 白光一闪,直射不远处的鸿儒圣宫。 „!” “咻!” White light injection in. 白光射入其中。 In the great Confucian scholar Saint palace, the center sits cross-legged to sit white-robed man, but at this moment white-robed man is actually turning away from the front door. 鸿儒圣宫之内,中心盘膝坐着一个白袍男子,但此刻白袍男子却背对着大门。 The place of front door, white light injection in, then changed into a transparent human form a moment ago. If Zhong Shan here, certainly surprised discovery, this person of appearance and were previously lived Zi Xia that rips to be exactly the same by to win Chipang. 大门之处,刚才白光射入其中,转而化为一个透明的人形。若钟山在此,一定惊讶的发现,这人容貌和先前被嬴翅膀生撕的子夏一模一样。 Zi Xia, why don't you go out?” Transparent form said solemnly, in the tone flashes through doubts. 子夏,你为何不出去?”透明身影沉声道,语气中闪过一丝疑惑。 Zi Xia? Why didn't you reply me?” 子夏?你为何不回答我?” Zi Xia, what Cultivation Technique do you practice? I have not meant, except that I give your Cultivation Technique, any can't Cultivation Technique practice?” 子夏,你又练什么功法?我不是说过,除了我给你的功法,任何功法都不许练习吗?” Do not build up badly my body ............!” “不要炼坏了我的身............!” After transparent form a series of questions, goes toward the white-robed form direct impact. 透明身影一连串的问话后,向着白袍身影直冲而去。 Single-handedly builds on the shoulder of white-robed man. 一手搭在白袍男子的肩膀上。 white-robed man turns the head, transparent form complexion big change. 白袍男子一转头,透明身影脸色大变。 Because is turning away from him, does not imagine Zi Xia, that head, at all is not the one person head. But is a head that mounts the flour gruel, the head inflates, wriggles unceasingly, seems like that cannot withstand extremely uglily, is quite disgusting. If an earthworm head is the same, looks at one is scalp tingles. 因为背对着他的,并不是想象中的子夏,那头,根本不是一个人头。而是一个黏糊糊的脑袋,脑袋膨胀,不断蠕动,看似极为丑陋不堪,极为恶心。如一个蚯蚓脑袋一样,看之一眼都是一阵头皮发麻。 God Beast Earthworm!” Transparent form panic-stricken calling out. 神兽蛐蟮!”透明身影惊恐的叫道。 Paternal great-grandfather? Is I!” The disgusting monster makes an evil different sound suddenly. “曾祖?是我!”恶心的怪物忽然发出一声邪异的声音。 Se Kong!” The transparent sound was startled to call out. 色空!”透明声音惊叫道。 But, seemed mounts was the same on hand on the Se Kong shoulder. 可是,手头好似黏在了色空肩膀上一样。 The day, I waited to be very long, unexpectedly never expected came was so quick, relax, your grandson also in my belly, reunited with it!” Se Kong Yin dangerous path. “这一天,我等了很久了,想不到居然来的这么快,放心吧,你的孙子也在我肚子里,和它团聚吧!”色空阴险道。 open mouth, the Se Kong mouth increases suddenly, since a terrifying suction pulls out from the Se Kong mouth. 张口,色空嘴巴忽然变大,一股恐怖的吸力从色空嘴里抽起。 The mouth of Se Kong seems the difficult adversary of transparent form to be common, the transparent form anything method cannot display! 色空的嘴巴好似透明身影的克星一般,透明身影什么手段也施展不出来! No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, I am unwilling, I am unwilling ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “不~~~~~,我不甘,我不甘心~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The transparent form is roaring rendingly, but, at this moment accomplishes nothing radically, how can revolt? Vertically and horizontally/Able to move unhindered first, finally undeserved death in unimportant person mouth that in this is afraid of getting into trouble timidly. 透明身影撕心裂肺的吼着,可是,此刻根本一事无成,如何能够反抗?纵横一世,最后冤枉的死在这个胆小怕事的小人物口中。 Your grandson was to also say in the past similar words, really one's own!” The disgusting Earthworm head swung to say. “你孙子当年也是说的同样的话,果然是亲生的!”恶心的蛐蟮脑袋摇了摇说道。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavenly Court is. 天庭所在。 to win Tun Saint! under the heavens shock! Even fuses the Kongzi Heaven and Earth altar, at this moment, no one talks clearly to win is what Heaven and Earth Virtue Position. 嬴吞圣人!天下震惊!甚至更融合孔子天地祭坛,此刻,谁也说不清嬴是什么天地业位 A great roar, after Dragon Roar, Ying's Great Dao vanishes, turns the head, looks to another Saint Mi Tian! 一声巨吼,一声龙吟之后,嬴的大道消失,转头,看向另一个圣人弥天! to win, almost in that flash, everyone looked incessantly suddenly to Saint Mi Tian! 不止嬴,几乎在那一瞬间,所有人都忽然看向了弥天圣人! Hao Tian, Tai Shang, Jie Yin, Zhun Ti, to win, five people of vision filled suddenly indifferently. 昊天,太上,接引,准提,嬴,五人目光骤然充满了冷漠。 But solemn Saint, at this moment was also frightened generally. 而堂堂圣人,此刻也被吓到了一般。 Was Saint frightened by five Ancestor Immortal? If in other places, who believes? Really huge joke, but here, is not the joke, but is the fact. 圣人被五个祖仙吓到了?若在其它地方,谁会相信?真是天大的笑话,可在这里,不是笑话,而是事实。 Just Saint, but was just eaten! 刚刚一个圣人,可是刚被吃了的! Two Saint to fighting five big Ancestor Immortal, were killed one, now also remains Saint Mi Tian one person! Not is only afraid, simply is the terrifying, moreover by the character that Saint Mi Tian that fears death! 两个圣人对战五大祖仙,都被杀了一个,现在还剩弥天圣人一人!岂止是害怕,简直就是恐怖,况且弥天圣人那怕死的性格! Stands above own Heaven and Earth altar, a Mi Tian silence. 站在自己的天地祭坛之上,弥天一阵沉默。 The people look to Mi Tian, but under Expert reveals the surprised color all, today does already fall from the sky Saint, could it be that will also fall from the sky again? 众人看向弥天,而下方强者无不露出惊讶之色,今天已经殒落了一个圣人,难道还会再殒落一个? These five people of also too aggressive! 这五人也太凶悍了吧! Although Mi Tian dreads, but unlike Kongzi, to win understood the Kongzi flaw eventually, therefore causes Kongzi to fall from the sky, but the Saint Mi Tian flaw, the people do not know, but, is an old acquaintance. Mi Tian feared eventually. 弥天虽然畏惧,但与孔子终究不同,嬴明白了孔子的破绽,所以导致孔子殒落,可弥天圣人的破绽,众人并不知晓啊,但,都是老熟人。弥天终究还是怕。 This, stops!” Tai Shang suddenly indifferently said. “今次,到此为止吧!”太上忽然淡淡道 A Tai Shang saying, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin nods. 太上一说,准提,接引点点头。 Mi Tian shouted the tone secretly. But the heartstrings tighten as before! 弥天暗呼口气。但心弦依旧绷紧! Stops? I may remember that Mi Tian is not the gentleman, coming day not to fear him your defeat in detail?” to win indifferently said. “到此为止?我可记得弥天不是什么君子,来日不怕他将你们各个击破?”嬴淡淡道 You!” Mi Tian looks angrily at to win. “你!”弥天怒视嬴。 Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin also looks angrily at to win suddenly. Obviously does not want the fight magnification. 太上,准提,接引也忽然怒视嬴。显然不想将战斗扩大化。 Good, today simply again a slaughter Saint!” Jade Emperor opens the mouth to say suddenly. “不错,今日索性再屠一圣!”玉帝忽然开口道。 Good, good, good, you such being the case decidedly, I will not make you feel better!” Mi Tian anger sound said. “好,好,好,你们既然如此决然,我也不会让你们好过!”弥天怒声道。 ! 遭! Tai Shang, Jie Yin, the Zhun Ti complexion changes, was bad! Compelled Mi Tian anxiously! 太上,接引,准提脸色一变,糟了!将弥天逼急了! Acts, quickly!” Tai Shang anxious say/way. “出手,快!”太上焦急道。 Jie Yin, Zhun Ti acts fast. to win actually stands in the Heaven and Earth altar coldly looks, has not acted, but Jade Emperor is also so. 接引,准提快速出手。嬴却站在天地祭坛上冷冷的看着,并未出手,而玉帝也是如此。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The Heaven and Earth altar of Mi Tian under foot seems blasts out general, the Heaven and Earth four directions space caves in suddenly, huge black hole covers Mi Tian. The black hole binds Mi Tian to flush away toward Heaven Veins at the same time. 弥天脚下的天地祭坛好似炸开一般,天地四方空间忽然塌陷,一个庞大的黑洞笼罩弥天。黑洞裹着弥天向着一边天脉冲去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Entire Heaven Veins shivered suddenly. 整个天脉忽然颤动了起来。 Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Also is a loud sound, blood clouds that the sky has not abated, thickens three times immediately again, the terrifying blood rain turned into the rainstorm to be common suddenly, the ground wells up the hemorrhage spring. 又是一声巨响,天空还未消退的血云,顿时再度加厚三倍,恐怖的血雨忽然变成了暴雨一般,地上更是涌出血泉。 Another did Saint fall from the sky?” Saying that Hao Meili shocks. “又一个圣人殒落了?”昊美丽震撼的说道。 No, no, Mi Tian has not fallen from the sky!” Nearby Mr. Shi opens the mouth to say suddenly. “不,没有,弥天没有殒落!”一旁尸先生忽然开口道。 No? That this Heaven and Earth how?” “没有?那这天地怎么?” Saint Mi Tian, takes own Saint Position for the price, stimulates to movement Heaven Veins forcefully, the heaven defying number, directs punishing of Grand Heaven!” Mr. Shi opens the mouth to say. 弥天圣人,以自己的‘圣位’为代价,强行催动天脉,逆天数,引天数之罚!”尸先生开口道。 Takes Saint Position as the price?” Zhong Shan knits the brows to say. “以圣位为代价?”钟山皱眉道。 Yes, previously Jie Yin said, two Saint can inspire punishing of Grand Heaven using Heaven Veins, but Saint is impossible to accomplish, Saint Mi Tian pastes in the place of Heaven Veins, the optimum position, takes Saint Position as the price, Mi Tian drops this world, but actually inspires punishing of Grand Heaven, the disaster must start! Jie Yin was bad!” Mr. Shi said. “是,先前接引说,两个圣人就可以利用天脉引动天数之罚,而一个圣人是不可能办到的,弥天圣人贴在天脉之处,最佳位置,以圣位为代价,弥天跌落凡尘,但却引动天数之罚,灾难要开始了!接引要糟了!”尸先生说道。 Bang!” “嘭!” As the Mr. Shi language falls. Distant place 40 nine Heavenly Dao Great Array are defeated and dispersed to open loudly. 随着尸先生语落。远处四十天道大阵轰然溃散而开。 Originally shatter Heavenly Court, appears suddenly loudly, pounds to the under land. 原先破碎的天庭,也轰然从天而下,砸向下方大地。 Only then that Heaven Veins sways unable to withstand. 只有那一条天脉摇晃不堪。 Suddenly, the day swings shakes, entire Four Great Division Continent, in the land presents the infinite crack suddenly. Seeming the judgment day is ordinary. 一时间,天摇地晃,整个四大部洲,忽然间大地上出现无穷裂纹。好似世界末日一般。 Innumerable Expert even fly unable to fly continually in this moment. 无数强者甚至在这一刻连飞都飞不起来。 Sky endless blood clouds was drawn back suddenly general by yellow cloud. 天空无尽血云忽然间被一股黄色的云彩退开一般。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The blood spring above land stops braving, but raises up Heavenly Dao. 大地之上的血泉停止上冒,而是竖起一道道的天道 enormous Heavenly Dao set upright in Four Great Division Continent in all directions, but entire under the heavens, all place suddenly Yuan Qi chaos are ordinary, many closing up Expert at this moment all cultivation deviation. 大量天道四大部洲四面八方竖了起来,而整个天下,所有地方都忽然间元气大乱一般,很多闭关的强者这一刻尽数走火入魔 Endless Aloof Aura gathers in the direction toward Heavenly Court. Too many, compared with effect that it past Harmonious Yang Holy Capital Zhong Shan created. 无尽习气向着天庭所在方向汇聚。太多了,比之昔日咸阳圣都钟山造成的效果更甚。 Is without hesitation, in Zhong Shan Divine World Eye of Heavenly Retribution strong drive. 毫不迟疑,钟山神界内的‘天罚之眼’猛抽了起来。 Endless Aloof Aura was inhaled, but Heavenly Dao is raises up here, in Divine World crazy Imitation. 无尽习气被吸入,而天道在这里更是一根根竖起,神界疯狂复制之中。 Sky over the Zhong Shan top of the head, is forms a Aloof Aura vortex to be the same. 钟山头顶上空,更是形成一个习气漩涡一般。 Zhong Shan is extracting fast. 钟山快速抽取着。 Imitation 61 Heavenly Dao, 62 root, the sixth 13 root .............................. 复制六十一天道,第六十二根,第六十三根.............................. 100 th! 第一百根! forehead Red Luan Pink Lotus suddenly becomes blue. Zhong Shan cuts off the relation of Divine World and Great Thousand Worlds fast. Stopped the extraction. 眉心红鸾粉莲陡然变蓝。钟山快速掐断神界大千世界的联系。停止了抽取。 But at this moment, in all directions, countless people worship on bended knees under. 此刻,四面八方,无数人跪拜而下。 Including a Zhong Shan's subordinate. Hao Meili, Mr. Shi, Luo Xingchen, Western Poison Sovereign, Nangong Sheng. 包括钟山的一众下属。昊美丽,尸先生,落星尘,西毒皇,南宫胜 Even, above another mountain, is better than Kong Xuan also to worship on bended knees under. 甚至,另一座高山之上,强如孔宣也跪拜而下。 Sky already turned into the yellow thoroughly, yellow cloud covered. 天空已经彻底变成了黄色,黄云笼罩。 Almost everyone worshipped on bended knees. 几乎所有人都跪拜了下来。 A person has not knelt, is Heaven and Earth Virtue Position in the Life Position person. 只有一类人没有跪,就是天地业位生位的人。 The Zhong Shan under foot treads the Heaven and Earth altar. 钟山脚下踏出天地祭坛。 to win treads the Heaven and Earth altar, Jade Emperor is treading the Heaven and Earth altar. Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin, does not know when also treads a phantom Heaven and Earth altar. 嬴踏着天地祭坛,玉帝踏着天地祭坛。就连太上,准提,接引,不知何时也踏出一个虚影般的天地祭坛。 to raise head towards sky, the place of endless yellow cloud, splits a huge fine drawn. When sees that fine drawn, Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, Jie Yin, showed the bitter and astringent smile. 抬头望天,无尽黄云之处,裂开一道巨大的细缝。看到那个细缝之际,太上,准提,接引,都露出了苦涩的笑容。 No one dares to raise the head, except for having the person in Heaven and Earth altar, everyone seems receives the suppression of soul deep place to be the same, is better than Kong Xuan, at this moment is also worships on bended knees, obviously this pressure huge. 没人敢抬头,除了拥有天地祭坛的人,所有人都好似受到魂魄深处的压制一般,强如孔宣,此刻也是跪拜而下,可见这股压力有多巨大。 ps: First, erupts today, asks ***! ps:第一更,今日爆发,求***!
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