IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1043: to win Tun Saint

The Heavenly Court war continues. 天庭大战继续进行着。 Also the time, the Zhong Shan Heavenly Demon Body Tempering Art side effect will also thoroughly restore in two days, the weary condition also vanishes under moistening of Divine World completely. 又过了两天时间,钟山天魔淬体大法的副作用也彻底恢复了,疲态在神界的滋润下也全部消失。 Looks at that huge black hole, Zhong Shan is not naturally being able to see the interior, Zhong Shan could not see, but Kong Xuan could see, Zhong Shan has a look at the Kong Xuan expression occasionally, wants to know in the black hole from the Kong Xuan expression the tactical situation. 望着那庞大的黑洞,钟山自然无法看到内部,钟山看不到,但孔宣看得到,钟山偶尔看看孔宣表情,想从孔宣表情中知道黑洞中战况。 What a pity, the Kong Xuan facial expression has been invariable. Until a moment ago, the Kong Xuan complexion changed, in both eyes was projects wipes dazzling azure light. 可惜,孔宣神情一直不变。直到刚才,孔宣脸色一变,双目中更是射出一抹耀眼的青光 Did the interior balance is broken? 内部平衡被打破了? Bang ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” A Heaven and Earth loud sound. 天地一声巨响。 This loud sound does not come from the black hole, but is Heaven and Earth four directions . 这一声巨响不是来自黑洞之中,而是天地四方 Because, in Yin Sector, Reincarnation Cycle Territory Shadow Body, at this moment also heard this loud sound. 因为,在阴间,转轮疆域隐躯,此刻也同时听到了这一声巨响。 A loud sound floods entire Heaven and Earth, is not Four Great Division Continent, but is entire under the heavens, even including Yin Sector under the heavens! 一声巨响充斥整个天地,不是四大部洲,而是整个天下,甚至包括阴间天下! Heavenshaking loud sound! Subsequently, under the heavens four directions was covered by blood clouds suddenly, billowing blood clouds covers, feeling of the vast sad cavity swamps into the everyone heart. 震天巨响!继而,天下四方都忽然被血云笼罩,滚滚血云笼罩,一股浩大的悲腔之感涌入所有人心头。 Countless mortals worship on bended knees, seeming Heaven must fall punishes is ordinary in the world. 无数凡人跪拜而下,好似上苍要降罚于世一般。 Even some emotional people, not consciousness flowed off the tears, could not say the reason, was a sad feeling, impulsion that one type wants to cry. 甚至一些情感丰富的人,不知觉的流下了泪水,说不出原因,就是一种伤心的感觉,一种想哭的冲动。 Billowing blood clouds accumulated a meeting, the enormous blood-color raindrop dropped from the clouds. 滚滚血云积累了一会,大量血色雨滴从天而降。 Does the day have the blood rain? More and more blood rain fall, entire Heaven and Earth turned into blood-color. 天降血雨?越来越多的血雨落下,整个天地都变成了一片血色。 Above the land, was ascends the intermittent blood fog, indistinct can also hear a bull horn number the sound, entire Heaven and Earth four directions covered in the dismal mood. 大地之上,更是升腾起了阵阵血雾,隐隐约约还能听到一丝牛角号的声音,整个天地四方都笼罩在悲凉的情绪之中。 This is a day that made one unable to dismiss from mind. 这是一个令人无法忘怀的日子。 Saint falls from the sky, Heaven and Earth with sad?” Zhong Shan eyes narrows the eyes. 圣人殒落,天地同悲?”钟山双眼微眯。 Expert that four directions surrounds, almost everyone seemed realized this point, at this moment, everyone turned very quiet, looks at the space. 四方围观的强者,几乎所有人都好似意识到了这一点,这一刻,所有人都屏住呼吸,看着天上。 Does Saint fall from the sky? Before Saint falls from the sky, perhaps people were anticipating Saint falls from the sky, after may fall from the sky, people think perhaps had transformed, in people heart, Saint can fall from the sky, this does Heaven and Earth have immortality? 圣人殒落?圣人殒落前,人们心里或许期待着圣人殒落,可殒落后,人们心里想的就或许有所转变了,在人们心中,圣人都能殒落,这天地还有长生不死吗? four directions silent looks at the space! In the each and everyone heart is heavy. 四方沉默的看着天上!一个个心中都是沉甸甸的。 The distant place, the place of Heavenly Court, the black hole reduces slowly, seemed there fight also to come to the end suddenly generally. Slowly, people saw the scenery of interior. 远方,天庭之处,黑洞缓缓缩小,好似那里的战斗也忽然告一段落了一般。慢慢的,人们看到了内部之景。 40 nine Heavenly Dao Great Array are covering the Heavenly Court center as before, is passing the 40 nine Heavenly Dao Great Array giant slits, people saw clearly the interior. 四十天道大阵依旧笼罩着天庭中心,透着四十天道大阵的巨大缝隙,人们看清了内部。 Heavenly Court at this moment already inadequate shape, although has not destroyed in the black hole, but is also torn to pieces, somewhat droops, was involved not to fall by other joined bodies constructions. 天庭此刻已经不成形状了,虽然没有在黑洞中摧毁,但也支离破碎,有些耷拉下来,被其它连体建筑牵扯着才没掉落下来而已。 But center, is Zhong Shan previous seeing that Heaven Veins, near Heaven Veins. On Overlooking's Heaven Vein, phantom already gloomy being able to see clearly of Hong Jun. Obviously the fight, almost obliterated cleanly the Hong Jun mark. 而最中心,是钟山上次看到的那个天脉,‘临’之天脉临之天脉上,鸿钧虚影已经暗淡的看不清了。显然刚才的战斗,将鸿钧印记几乎磨灭干净。 Saint Mi Tian by near Overlooking's Heaven Vein, an under foot giant white altar. In the altar Rune flashes, sends out the dazzling ray. 弥天圣人靠在临之天脉边上,脚下一个巨大的白色祭坛。祭坛上符文闪动,发出耀眼的光芒。 Zhong Shan knew, because Zhong Shan also has, this called the Heaven and Earth altar, one Heaven and Earth approval altar that after is Heaven and Earth Virtue Position achieved Life Position, has. 钟山认识,因为钟山也有,这叫天地祭坛,是天地业位达到生位之后拥有的一种天地认可祭坛。 Above the altar, the Heaven and Earth Virtue Position low person acts to Zhong Shan, by certainly Heaven and Earth backlash. backlash is not big. 祭坛之上,天地业位低的人对钟山出手,会遭到一定的天地反噬。只是反噬不大而已。 But Saint, Heaven and Earth Virtue Position Aloof Aura Position, Supreme won't virtue position, how have the Heaven and Earth altar? 圣人,天地业位之‘习气位’,至尊业位,岂会没有天地祭坛? At present that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) white Heaven and Earth altar, is the Saint Mi Tian altar. 眼前那万丈大小的白色天地祭坛,就是弥天圣人的祭坛。 Saint Mi Tian stands above the Heaven and Earth altar, crawling full Rune Great Dao covers Saint Mi Tian and Heaven and Earth altar, the Saint Mi Tian clothes are somewhat stave, seem somewhat distressed, but is also living eventually. 弥天圣人站在天地祭坛之上,一条爬满符文大道笼罩弥天圣人天地祭坛,弥天圣人衣服有些破碎,看似有些狼狈,但终究还活着。 The surroundings gather round Jade Emperor, Tai Shang and Jie Yin! 周围围着玉帝,太上接引! Three big Expert compel unexpectedly so distressedly Saint Mi Tian. 三大强者居然将弥天圣人逼得如此狼狈。 Although here is splendid, but also can only be the set-off. 这里虽然精彩,但也只能作为陪衬而已。 Another side is captures the everyone attention the focus. 另一边才是吸引所有人目光的焦点。 Another side also has a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heaven and Earth altar. 另一边也有一个万丈大小的天地祭坛。 The surrounding, Zhun Ti holds a colorful big tree, looks in the Heaven and Earth altar. 外围,准提手执一颗色彩斑斓的大树,看着天地祭坛之内。 In the Heaven and Earth altar, that is Kongzi. 天地祭坛之内,那是孔子 The Kongzi body about great Confucian scholar Great Dao, stands above the Heaven and Earth altar. May unable to block to win general as before. 孔子身合鸿儒大道,站在天地祭坛之上。可依旧拦不住嬴一般。 to win Quanshen flood black, a on the back grows pair of dragon bone|keel great wing, both eyes are red, in mouth a pair of blood-color fang, but his both hands, at this moment actually inserted in the Kongzi chest powerfully. 嬴全身泛黑,背生一对龙骨巨翅,双目通红,口中支着一对血色獠牙,而他的双手,此刻却是强有力的插入了孔子胸膛之中。 The time seemed in this moment framed generally. 时间好似在这一刻定格了一般。 Ying's saw the great Confucian scholar Great Dao flaw firmly, how otherwise possibly to enter in great Confucian scholar Great Dao. 嬴的确看出了鸿儒大道的破绽,否则怎么可能进入鸿儒大道之中。 What aggressive is, to win did unexpectedly kill Kongzi? 更为凶悍的是,嬴居然杀了孔子? Saint, such by to win Tusha? As for the Kongzi life and death, the already day had the blood rain, no one thinks that Kongzi is also living. 一个圣人,就这么被嬴屠杀了?至于孔子的生死,都已经天降血雨了,没人认为孔子还活着了。 Ancestor Immortal slaughter Saint? 祖仙屠圣? Shock in people heart is how powerful, to win Qiangda image also deep seal in the everyone heart. 人们心中的震撼何其强大,嬴强大的形象也深深的印在了所有人心中。 That domineering body. The elegant demeanor of slaughter Saint! 那强势的身形。屠圣的风采! Heaven and Earth most strong person, Saint? at this moment undying/not dead under the Ying's double palm? 天地最强人,圣人?此刻不死嬴的双掌之下? Teacher ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “师尊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” The distant place horizon, hears one to call out in grief suddenly! 远处天际,忽然传来一声悲鸣! This, seems interrupts the train of thought that people shocked, almost everyone looked. 这一声,好似打断了人们震撼的思绪,几乎所有人都望了过去。 white-robed man, travel-worn catches up from the distant place, that moment that may rush, seen is actually one that keeps him from accepting. Wipes the tears to flow out from eyes. 一个白袍男子,风尘仆仆的从远处赶来,可赶到的那一刻,看到的却是让他无法接受的一幕。一抹泪水从双眼中流出。 Zhong Shan knew, initially one of the Ancestor Immortal in Xianyang fighting. 钟山认识,正是当初在咸阳战斗的祖仙之一。 Confucianism Sect weakest Ancestor Immortal, Zi Xia!” Western Poison Sovereign said. 儒门最弱一个祖仙,子夏!”西毒皇说道。 Zi Xia, in Confucianism Sect weakest Ancestor Immortal, is receives Kongzi to inherit many Ancestor Immortal, even some people also discovered, when Zi Xia appearance these years unexpectedly gradually and Kongzi is young looked like very much. 子夏,儒门中最弱的祖仙,也是受到孔子传承最多的一个祖仙,甚至有些人还发现,子夏的样貌这些年居然渐渐和孔子年轻时很像了。 Kongzi has a disciple, but regarding Zi Xia is the good excess, Magical Treasure not to Zi Xia, but, so long as improves the Heaven and Earth efficacious medicine of physique, if only then, Kongzi meets Zi Xia to enjoy absolutely. 孔子有一众弟子,但对于子夏可谓是好的过分,法宝不会给子夏,但是,只要是改善体质的天地灵药,若只有一个,孔子绝对会子夏享用。 Was Kongzi in the past living the descendants were also jealous. 就是孔子当年活着的子孙也眼红不已。 The Zi Xia aptitude can only say is general, but was mentioned Ancestor Immortal by Kongzi with various types of Heaven and Earth efficacious medicines. 子夏资质只能说是一般,但却被孔子用各种天地灵药生生的提到了祖仙 Zi Xia is also grateful to Kongzi. Initially did not enter the war by oneself, a Zi Xia also complaint, Se Kong for he assumed the great Confucian scholar Saint palace excitedly, Zi Xia to the palace, only rushed to Heavenly Court for the shortest time, fought side-by-side with the teacher. 子夏孔子也是感恩戴德。当初不让自己参战,子夏还一阵埋怨,色空替他坐镇鸿儒圣宫,子夏兴奋的冲殿而出,只为最短时间赶到天庭,与师尊并肩作战。 On the way of that flies, in the Zi Xia heart seems presses a big stone to be the same, this big stone is getting more and more heavy. 飞来的途中,子夏心中好似压着一块大石一般,这块大石越来越重。 Finally when close to Heavenly Court, not the good premonition appeared finally. 终于临近天庭之际,不好的预感终于出现了。 Heaven and Earth thunderous, the vast blood rain descends under. 天地一声雷鸣,浩瀚血雨降落而下。 Saint falls from the sky, Heaven and Earth with sad? 圣人殒落,天地同悲? Zi Xia the first time was not saw, naturally knows that what is this, but in the heart is always having an expectation, because of two Saint, possibly was not a teacher, not possibly. 子夏不是第一次看到了,自然知道这是什么意思,但心中总是抱着一丝期望,因为两个圣人的,不可能是师尊,不可能是的。 The flight was quicker, finally rushes to beside Heavenly Court. 飞行更快了,终于赶到天庭之外。 Saw a matter that Zi Xia is unable to accept. Kongzi fell from the sky! 看到了子夏无法接受的一件事。孔子殒落了! Teacher!” A Zi Xia calling out in grief direct impact goes. “师尊!”子夏一声悲鸣直冲而去。 On to win is also scarred, but, finally the Kongzi slaughter. Kongzi died finally! 嬴身上也是伤痕累累,不过,终于将孔子屠杀了。孔子终于死了! When to win Zhengyao laughs, calling out in grief of Zi Xia shouted, body was the flash to the near. 嬴正要大笑之际,子夏的悲鸣喊来,身形更是一瞬间到了近前。 at this moment, great Confucian scholar Great Dao vanished slowly, but Kongzi ‚the Heaven and Earth altar also floats in in the air. 此刻,鸿儒大道缓缓消失了,但孔子的‘天地祭坛’还浮在空中。 to win maintain posture that grasps dead Kongzi, turns head to look, Zi Xia holds one volume of Book of Annals to be red the eye to clash. 嬴保持着抓死孔子的姿势,扭头望去,子夏手执一卷春秋册红着眼睛冲来。 A to win Bizi wrinkle, open mouth was roaring the past to Zi Xia. 嬴鼻子一皱,张口对着子夏吼了过去。 Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” This roar, the present space of roar is one shakes to swing general, terrifying one roars, makes in the Zi Lu hand Book of Annals present the enormous crack, Zi Xia that throws crazily by this great roar, was drunk to stop, is unable to go forward a point. 这一声吼,吼的眼前空间都是一阵抖荡一般,恐怖的一声咆哮,更使得子路手中春秋册出现大量裂纹,疯狂扑来的子夏更是被这一声巨吼,喝止了,根本无法前进一分。 !” “呲!” A loud sound, all was peaceful, a Ying's wing, inserted Zi Xia the place of throat ruthlessly. 一声巨响,一切安静了,嬴的一根翅膀,狠狠的插进了子夏的咽喉之处。 Bang!” “嘭!” A dragon bone|keel great wing show/unfolds, rips two halves Zi Xia. 龙骨巨翅一展,将子夏一撕两半。 Expert of distant place innumerable surrounding, scalp tingles with numbness all. 远处无数围观的强者,无不头皮一阵发麻。 Zi Xia, that is Ancestor Immortal, even quite weak Ancestor Immortal, is impossible is so exaggerating, did to win live to rip him with a wing merely? 子夏,那可是祖仙啊,就算是比较弱的祖仙,也不可能这么夸张,嬴仅仅用一根翅膀就将他生撕了? to win? The Ying's ominous prestige, keeping everyone from forgetting. 嬴?嬴的凶威,让所有人都无法忘记了。 Roar!” “吼!” Lowers the head, to win to a front Kongzi corpse great roar, is nipping subsequently, no, inserts in two fangs the Kongzi corpse. 低头,嬴对着面前孔子尸体一声巨吼,继而一口咬下,不,将两根獠牙插入孔子尸体之内。 Attracts?” “吸?” The Kongzi corpse reduces fast, the time of merely six breaths, the Kongzi corpse did not have, by to win Xi? Was eaten by to win? 孔子尸体快速缩小,仅仅六息的时间,孔子尸体就没有了,被嬴吸了?被嬴吃了? Even on to win Shuangshou Kongzi blood, was absorbed by Ying's both hands generally. 甚至嬴双手上的孔子血液,也被嬴的双手吸收了一般。 This, lets everyone is suffocates, was too terrifying, this to win Tai, was too terrifying! 这一幕,让所有人都是一阵窒息,太恐怖了,这个嬴太,太恐怖了! Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” to win is a great roar, the under foot presents a Heaven and Earth altar suddenly. 嬴又是一声巨吼,脚下忽然又出现一个天地祭坛。 Zhong Shan knew, that is Life Position Heaven and Earth altar, oneself have. The style, Rune is somewhat different. 钟山认识,那是‘生位’的天地祭坛,自己也有。只是样式,符文有些不同。 to win Jiaoxia thousand zhang (3.33 m) Life Position Heaven and Earth altar, falls on Kongzi loudly Aloof Aura Position above Heaven and Earth altar. 嬴脚下的千丈大小的生位天地祭坛,轰然落在孔子的‘习气位天地祭坛之上。 The Ying's Heaven and Earth altar is the black, but what Kongzi is the white, the Ying's Heaven and Earth altar falls, strange fusion above Kongzi that Heaven and Earth altar. 嬴的天地祭坛是黑色的,而孔子的是白色的,嬴的天地祭坛落下,诡异的融合到了孔子天地祭坛之上。 Each other accommodating, after melts, produces enormous different Rune . Moreover, the giant white Aloof Aura Position Heaven and Earth altar, turned into the color of black jade unexpectedly slowly. 彼此相容,相融后产生大量不同的符文,而且,巨大的白色习气位天地祭坛,居然缓缓的变成了墨玉之色。 Magnificent and expensive, aggressive, vast, domineering! 华贵,霸气,浩瀚,强势! The new Heaven and Earth altar appeared! 天地祭坛出现了! to win stands above the new Heaven and Earth altar, look up to heaven and give a long, mournful cry! 嬴站在新的天地祭坛之上,仰天长啸! Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Ying's Great Dao appears loudly, Heavenspan is thorough, around overbearing shoving open all, even if Zhun Ti also withdraws slightly. 嬴的大道轰然出现,通天彻底,霸道的推开四周一切,哪怕准提也微微退后。 A 1 million li (0.5 km) black jade Black Dragon hovers around this Great Dao, simultaneously coordinates Ying's to roar to send out heavenshaking Dragon Roar. 一条百万里的墨玉黑龙绕着这个大道游动,同时配合嬴的咆哮发出一声震天龙吟 Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Ying's is strong, unmatched, when surroundings enormous Expert does not know, strange worshipping on bended knees, seems the soul deep place to have one to submit to general. 嬴的强势,一时无两,周围大量强者不知何时,诡异的跪拜而下,好似魂魄深处产生一股臣服一般。 On this day, Saint falls from the sky, Heaven and Earth with sad, Kongzi degenerates into the history starting today. 这一日,圣人殒落,天地同悲,孔子从今日起沦为历史。 But today, similarly is also to win most magnificent one day, the slaughter Saint! Bloody slaughter Saint! He succeeded, even, the under foot Heaven and Earth altar also had the huge change. Brand-new Aloof Aura Position Heaven and Earth altar. 而今日,同样也是嬴最辉煌的一天,屠圣!血腥屠圣!他成功了,甚至,脚下天地祭坛也发生了巨大的变化。一个全新的‘习气位天地祭坛。 ***: Tomorrow reaches the high tide, the chessing cold was finally good, three tickets 400, everyone to/clashes ***, will erupt tomorrow! ***:明天进入高潮,观棋感冒终于好了,还有三票就400,大家冲一下***,明天爆发!
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