IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1048: Brother Fatty and Bamboo Pole

In main hall that in mountain valley, formation covers. Zhong Shan sits cross-legged to sit, training ten days ago with consumption that Jin Peng fights! 一个山谷之中,一间阵法笼罩的大殿之内。钟山盘膝而坐,修养十天前与金鹏一战的消耗! Opens the eye slowly, the steps goes out of the main hall! 缓缓睁开眼睛,踏步走出大殿! Zhong Shan, did you awake?” Hao Meili slightly exciting say/way. 钟山,你醒了?”昊美丽略微兴奋道。 Mr. Shi and the others gather to come fast. 尸先生等人快速汇聚而来。 Un, Jin Peng?” Zhong Shan asked. “嗯,金鹏呢?”钟山问道。 Fellow? In that Bianshan, but also is penting up anger! The oath that oneself make also feels all right to renege on a promise, retribution!” Hao Meili ridicules to say. “那家伙?在那边山上,还在生闷气呢!自己发的誓还好意思出尔反尔,报应了吧!”昊美丽奚落道。 „Did girl, what you say?” The distant place gold/metal light shoots comes together. “丫头,你说什么?”远处一道金光射来。 A Jin Peng face depressed looks at Hao Meili, subsequently has a look at little golden dragon of Hao Meili shoulder, regretting of face, on that face regret was pale. 金鹏一脸郁闷的看着昊美丽,继而看看昊美丽肩头的小金龙,一脸的惋惜,那脸上悔的都铁青了。 What did I say? Oath that your oneself make, but also wants to depend?” Hao Meili does not yield the way. “我说什么?你自己发的誓,还想赖?”昊美丽一点不让道。 You!” The forehead of Jin Peng air/Qi emits a blue vein. “你!”金鹏气的额头冒出一丝青筋。 Ok, later Jin Peng was the Great Zheng person, Meili (beautiful), always do not aim at him!” Zhong Shan urged. “好了,以后金鹏就是大崝的人了,美丽,你也不要总针对他!”钟山劝道。 Snort, who makes him probably eat Little Jin!” Hao Meili stubborn say/way. “哼,谁让他要吃小金!”昊美丽倔强道。 Snort!” The Jin Peng ruthless tooth is itchy, in the heart is arranging unceasingly: Sooner or later all ate you! Mother!” “哼!”金鹏狠的牙痒痒的,心中不断编排着:“早晚有一天将你们全吃了!妈的!” Xingchen, checked how?” Zhong Shan asked. 星尘,查的如何?”钟山问道。 Eastern Continent checked without enough time, only checks the Four Great Division Continent matter, Four Great Division Continent, thirty are also living!” Luo Xingchen respectfully said. 东洲来不及查了,只查到四大部洲的事情,四大部洲,卅还活着!”落星尘恭敬道 at this moment, Zhong Shan already obtained the acknowledgment of Luo Xingchen thoroughly. Gives loyalty to Great Zheng wholeheartedly. 此刻,钟山已经彻底得到了落星尘的承认。一心一意效忠大崝 „Are thirty also living?” The Zhong Shan complexion changes. “卅还活着?”钟山脸色微变。 Jie Yin has said that he must die, Zhun Ti to die, Tai Shang to die, Heavenspan also to die! Thirty should die was right, how is also living? 接引说过,他要死、准提要死、太上要死、通天也要死!卅应该死了才对,怎么还活着? Yes!” Luo Xingchen affirms to say. “是!”落星尘肯定道。 Nods, Zhong Shan said: We temporarily first leave, the Eastern matter, temporarily do not manage!” 点点头,钟山道:“我们暂时先离开吧,东方的事情,暂时不要管了!” Our next does step go? Returns to Great Zheng?” Hao Meili asked. “我们下一步去哪?回大崝?”昊美丽问道。 Un, before, us goes to a place, just passed by!” Zhong Shan said. “嗯,不过在回去前,我们去一个地方,刚好路过!”钟山说道。 Where?” Hao Meili pursues asks. “哪里?”昊美丽追问道。 Song Dynasty!” Zhong Shan said. 朝歌!”钟山说道。 Song Dynasty?” Hao Meili intent outlet. 朝歌?”昊美丽意外道。 Jin Peng also looked at Zhong Shan accidentally/surprisingly. 就连金鹏也意外的看了一眼钟山 Original Great Shang Dynasty Capital, went to there to complete the Su Daji past wish. Buried husband and wife together her skeleton and skeleton of King Zhou Di Xin!” Zhong Shan said. “原大商朝都,去那里完成苏妲己昔日的心愿。将她的骸骨与纣王帝辛的骸骨合葬了!”钟山说道。 Originally this is the matter of Nine-Tailed princess, is the Nine-Tailed princess anxiously Fox World, therefore this matter fell on Zhong Shan. 本来这是九尾郡主的事情,可是九尾郡主急着进狐界,因此这事就落在了钟山身上。 Good, I also want to take a look!” Hao Meili is slightly excited. “好吧,我也想去看看!”昊美丽微微兴奋。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The continuous mountain range, endless miasma covers, in the mountain range, can see some bricks ruins occasionally. The enormous broken-down ruins seem like extremely gloomy. 连绵的山脉,无尽瘴气笼罩,在山脉之中,偶尔能够看到一些砖瓦废墟。大量残破的废墟看上去极为的阴森。 In summit of the mountain peak, is standing one group of black-clothed person. Is a yellow robe, if Zhong Shan here, certain recognizes, Feng Shui Master that Small Thousand Worlds that wields Chaos Bell Human Venerable. 在一处山峰之巅,站着一群黑衣人。为首一身黄袍,若是钟山在此,一定一眼认出,正是小千世界那个执掌混沌钟风水师人尊’。 „Can Human Venerable, break open?” A black-clothed person asked. 人尊,能破开吗?”一个黑衣人问道。 „The Eight Desolate six directions Great Array seal, is very difficult broken!” Human Venerable knits the brows to say. 八荒六合大阵封印,很难破!”人尊皱眉道。 Can't break?” The black-clothed person are discontented to say. “破不开?”黑衣人不满道。 Cannot break, but we prepare insufficiently sufficiently, we must find some exotic materials to be good. Temporarily is unable to break open!” Human Venerable said. “不是破不开,只是我们准备不够充足,我们必须找到一些特殊材料才行。暂时无法破开!”人尊说道。 „Our time ran a fruitless errand one?” The black-clothed person said. “那我们这次白跑一趟了?”黑衣人说道。 „It is not runs a fruitless errand, are least we to look, found! Here! Song Dynasty!” Human Venerable shakes the head to say. “也不算白跑,最少我们要找的,找到了!就在这里!朝歌!”人尊摇摇头道。 Good, we first go back, when you found the material, then accompanies you to come!” The black-clothed person shake the head to say. “好吧,我们先回去,等你找到材料,再陪你来!”黑衣人摇摇头道。 Un! My already left behind the battle formation here, walks!” Human Venerable nods. “嗯!我已经在这里留下了阵势,走吧!”人尊点点头。 One crowd of person tones flew away toward the distant place. 一群人调头向着远处飞走了。 Shortly after one group of people walked, in a distant place forest braved two people suddenly! 一群人走后没多久,远处一个林中忽然冒出来两个人! This two people looks extremely strange, is extremely fat, is extremely thin, may be called matches certainly! two people is shifty-eyed, no, should say that the appearance is quite dreadful. Moreover dreadful extreme individuality. 两人看起来极为怪异,一个极胖,一个极瘦,堪称绝配!两人都是贼眉鼠眼,不,应该说样貌极为猥琐。而且猥琐的极为个性。 If Se Kong is because guts underestimate gets up dreadfully, that two people are the appearance lasciviously seemingly dreadful. This dreadfulness penetrated into the bone, even the complexion were serious, is unable to cover up that dreadful invincible makings. 色空是因为胆小看起来猥琐,那二人就是样貌淫荡看起来猥琐。这种猥琐是深入到骨子里了,即便面色严肃,也无法遮掩那猥琐无敌的气质。 Fat that eyes only remained together the fine drawn, shone through light bright light, the thin that whole body seemed the spareribs, was somewhat humpbacked. 胖的那个双眼只剩一道细缝了,透射出淡淡精光,瘦的那个全身好似排骨,有些驼背。 Brother Fatty, they walked!” The thin people say. 肥哥,他们走了!”瘦子开口说道。 When Zhong Shan in the strangeness of this certainly strange discovery this words, because of thin person, with Earth the Henan words looked like. 若是钟山在此一定会古怪的发现这话语的古怪,因为瘦子的话,和地球时河南话太像了。 Un, walked good, avoid blocks us to get rich! Bamboo Pole, your present time practices well!” Fat Brother Fatty satisfied looked at thin person one eyes, is the Henan words that uses said. “嗯,走的就好,省得挡住我们发财!竹竿,你现在功夫练得不错!”胖肥哥满意的看了瘦子一眼,也是用的河南话说道。 That natural, Brother Fatty! You said, we came this Great Thousand Worlds several hundred years, has not mixed the deity status by the present, loses the face of our native of Henan?” Bamboo Pole asked. “那当然,肥哥!你说,我们来这个大千世界都几百年了,到现在还没混个神仙身份,有没有丢咱河南人的脸啊?”竹竿问道。 What Henan? Bamboo Pole, I told again you, later cannot raise Earth again, cannot raise Henan again, about our origins, no one must say!” Brother Fatty said solemnly. “啥河南?竹竿,我再跟你说一遍,以后不许再提地球,不许再提河南,关于我们的来历,谁也不要说!”肥哥沉声道 This is not only then you!” Bamboo Pole said with the Henan words. “这不是只有你嘛!”竹竿用河南话说道。 Having me is not good, later do not say!” Brother Fatty said. “有我也不行,以后不要说了!”肥哥说道。 „, Good, couldn't we have returned to Earth?” Bamboo Pole asked. “哦,好,那我们还回不回地球了?”竹竿问道。 Goes back to do?” Brother Fatty said. “回去干嘛?”肥哥说道。 We now are so fierce, at the appointed time brings the enormous wealth to go back, at that time I was the village richest person, at the appointed time I also bought a tractor, leading your younger sister to catch the wind, she will be certainly happy!” Bamboo Pole hehe dreadful saying with a smile. “我们现在这么厉害,到时带大量金银财宝回去,那时我就是全村最有钱的人了,到时我也买个拖拉机,带你妹兜风,她一定会高兴的!”竹竿嘿嘿的猥琐笑道。 Bamboo Pole, I may tell you, should not be unfair to my younger sister! You must dare to be unfair to my younger sister, I did not want your older sister, your older sister belly also did to me in any case in a big way!” Brother Fatty called out. 竹竿,我可告诉你,你可不要对不起我妹!你要敢对不起我妹,我就不要你姐了,反正你姐肚子也给我搞大了!”肥哥叫道。 Knew, knew!” Bamboo Pole said immediately. “知道了,知道了!”竹竿马上说道。 Un! Later do not say again!” Brother Fatty called out. “嗯!以后不要再说了!”肥哥叫道。 But, we came out for several hundred years, they also in?” Some Bamboo Pole worries said. “可是,我们都出来几百年了,她们还在不在了?”竹竿有些担心道。 Searches the hand, Brother Fatty takes out a fist big small ball, the interior unexpectedly is a miniature of Solar System. The edge also has the enormous starry sky illusory image. 探手,肥哥取出一个拳头大的小球,内部居然是一个太阳系的缩影。边缘还有大量星空幻影。 Doesn't see? Our family/home here, we come out from this inside, my these years have looked, Earth transfers quite slow, although we in Great Thousand Worlds several hundred years, but Earth crossed for less than a half year, at that time told your older sister also to have my younger sister, we make money to the city, they definitely in home wait for me!” Brother Fatty teaches Bamboo Pole to say. “看到不?我们家就在这里,我们就是从这里面出来的,我这些年一直看,地球转的相当的慢,我们虽然在大千世界几百年了,可地球才过了半年不到,当时告诉你姐还有我妹,我们到城里赚钱,她们肯定在家等我们呢!”肥哥教训竹竿道。 „, That is good, that is good, is only, Brother Fatty, how do we go back?” Bamboo Pole is worried to say. “哦,那就好,那就好,只是,肥哥,我们怎么回去啊?”竹竿担心道。 That Big Shovel also in your?” Brother Fatty asked. “那大锹还在你那?”肥哥问道。 In!” “在!” Bamboo Pole takes out jet black Big Shovel. Big Shovel is very ordinary, is similar to the shovel that in the senior farmer hand turns the sod, is only jet black one piece. 竹竿取出一柄漆黑的大锹大锹很平凡,就和老农民手中挖地的铁锹差不多,只是漆黑一片。 In the past was this Big Shovel leads us to come out, went back definitely also to fall on it. Received, do not lose! Otherwise got rich could not go back is not useful!” Brother Fatty said. “当年就是这个大锹带我们出来的,回去肯定还落在它身上。收好了,别丢了!不然等发财了回不去有个屁用!”肥哥说道。 Good!” Bamboo Pole receives immediately! “好!”竹竿马上收好! That old fogy kicked the bucket finally, we also came out finally, several hundred years, taught us cultivation technique not to make us become an immortal! It seems like also wants us to begin to get rich!” A Brother Fatty face disdains to say. “那个老家伙终于翘辫子了,我们也终于出来了,几百年了,教我们法术都没让我们成仙!看来还要我们自己动手发财啊!”肥哥一脸不屑道。 Yes, teacher that old fogy, also does not make us come out, outside bad risk? We have mixed on the say/way, in that street, which did not give me, does not give Brother Fatty your several points of face!” Bamboo Pole is also a face not indignation said. “是啊,师尊那个老家伙也是的,也不让我们出来,外面凶险?我们可是在道上混过的,以前在那个街道,哪个不给我,不给肥哥你几分面子!”竹竿也是一脸不忿道。 Un, walks! We search for the treasure!” “嗯,走吧!咱去挖宝!” Brother Fatty, aren't we Divine Thieving Sect? The teacher old fogy also teaches us to steal the technique, how to change to rob a grave?” Bamboo Pole asked. 肥哥,我们不是神偷门吗?师尊老家伙也教我们偷术啊,怎么改盗墓了?”竹竿问道。 Returns Divine Thieving Sect? The fart, teaches our technique secretly, steals the thing for the first time, was almost caught! Do we have good luck ever after to escape?” The Brother Fatty not indignation said. “还神偷门?屁,教我们的偷术,第一次偷东西,就差点被抓到了!还是我们命大才逃出来?”肥哥不忿道。 Brother Fatty, we change professions like this, can hegemonic actions probably commit suicide?” A Bamboo Pole face is worried to say. 肥哥,我们这样改行,会不会‘多行不义必自毙’啊?”竹竿一脸担心道。 Who said?” Brother Fatty said. “谁说的?”肥哥说道。 „When others scolded the teacher said, his hegemonic actions must commit suicide, can we also the hegemonic actions probably commit suicide, I a little feared!” Bamboo Pole is worried to say. “别人骂师尊时都这么说,他就多行不义必自毙了,我们会不会也多行不义必自毙啊,我有点怕!”竹竿担心道。 Without the guts, where has the output, listens my is!” Brother Fatty said. “没有胆量,哪有产量,听我的就是!”肥哥说道。 Good!” Bamboo Pole is a face is worried to say. “好吧!”竹竿还是一脸担心道。 Map?” Brother Fatty asked. “地图呢?”肥哥问道。 What map?” Bamboo Pole is bewildered. “啥地图?”竹竿一脸茫然。 That sect great treasure that previously stole, pursued us for ten days and ten nights, isn't that map?” Brother Fatty said. “就是先前偷的那个宗门重宝啊,追了我们十天十夜,不就是那个地图吗?”肥哥说道。 „, That map, fever!” Bamboo Pole said. “啊,那个地图啊,烧了!”竹竿说道。 Burn? I scratch, did you burn?” Brother Fatty called out in alarm. “烧了?我擦,你烧了?”肥哥惊叫了起来。 Yes, does not burn specialized!” Bamboo Pole said. “是啊,不烧不专业!”竹竿说道。 What is non-specialized, I scratch!” Brother Fatty was anxious. “什么不专业了,我擦!”肥哥急了。 „Didn't teacher say? Steals the thing, immediately must destroy the evidence, on something will leave behind cultivation technique that others trace!” Bamboo Pole said immediately. “师尊不是说了吗?偷到东西,马上要销毁证据,有的东西上会留下别人追踪的法术!”竹竿马上说道。 But you burnt, we also look!” The Brother Fatty anger said. “可你烧了,我们还找个屁啊!”肥哥怒道。 On map on that palace, this isn't easy to look? Finding this was good!” Bamboo Pole said. “地图上就那一个宫殿,这还不好找?找到这就行啦!”竹竿说道。 Let us hope so!” Brother Fatty said. “但愿如此!”肥哥说道。 Two people transferred two days later in Song Dynasty the mountain range. 二人在朝歌所在山脉附近转了两天后。 Brother Fatty, is this, definitely is this!” Bamboo Pole points at mound of earth to say. 肥哥,就是这,肯定就是这!”竹竿指着一个土丘道。 „Is this palace?” Brother Fatty was speechless. “这是宫殿?”肥哥无语了。 Is this mound of earth a palace? No way! 这土丘是宫殿?连个门都没有啊! Almost, the nearby on this mound of earth, the volume, Brother Fatty digs, below definitely has many valuables and money! Went back to buy the tractor!” Bamboo Pole exciting say/way. “差不多吧,附近就这一个土丘,额,肥哥挖吧,下面肯定有很多财宝!回去就能买拖拉机了!”竹竿兴奋道。 Let us hope so!” Brother Fatty nods. “但愿如此!”肥哥点点头。 Two people took out the flying sword to dig with cultivation technique fast. 二人取出飞剑快速用法术挖了起来。 If the Divine Thieving Sect ancestor knows that two people dig the valuables and money with the inherited two treasured swords, certainly was mad to live. 神偷门先祖要是知道二人用祖传的两柄宝剑挖财宝,一定被气得活过来。 After digging two double-hour . 挖了两个时辰后。 Really has the valuables and money, really has the valuables and money!” Bamboo Pole excited. “真有财宝,真有财宝!”竹竿兴奋了起来。 Because in earth overflows some light azure light slowly. 因为土里慢慢溢出一些淡淡的青光 Two people used periphery the soil to be clear some time! Below is one five colors soil, the five colors soil is hard, how the Divine Thieving Sect inherited flying sword digs digs motionless. 二人又用了一段时间将周围泥土清干净!下面是一种五色泥土,五色泥土非常坚硬,神偷门祖传飞剑如何挖都挖不动。 This what broken the tomb!” Brother Fatty air/Qi straight jumps. “这什么破坟墓啊!”肥哥气的直跳。 Brother Fatty, this has the character!” Bamboo Pole called out. 肥哥,这有字!”竹竿叫道。 „The Eight Desolate six directions Great Array seal, the potential including Heaven and Earth!” Brother Fatty discussed. 八荒六合大阵封印,势连天地!”肥哥念道。 What do you mean?” Bamboo Pole curiously said. “什么意思?”竹竿好奇道 How I know, the flying sword is not good, with Big Shovel, leading us to come Great Thousand Worlds Big Shovel, takes to dig Big Shovel!” Brother Fatty called out. “我咋知道,飞剑不行,用大锹,带我们来大千世界大锹,把大锹拿出来挖!”肥哥叫道。 Good!” Bamboo Pole takes out that Big Shovel immediately. “好嘞!”竹竿马上取出那个大锹 Dug up, dug up!” Bamboo Pole exciting calling out. “挖开了,挖开了!”竹竿兴奋的叫道。 Continues to dig, ha, the father must get rich! Hahahaha!” Brother Fatty exciting say/way. “继续挖,哈呸,老子要发财了!哈哈哈哈!”肥哥兴奋道。 But another, Human Venerable brings to fly, suddenly, Human Venerable body that one group of people are keeping as before stops. 而另一处,人尊带着一群人依旧不停的飞着,忽然,人尊身形一停。 What's wrong, Human Venerable!” A black-robed person asked. “怎么了,人尊!”一个黑袍人问道。 „The Eight Desolate six directions Great Array seal, must be broken open probably!” Human Venerable knits the brows to say. 八荒六合大阵封印,好像要被破开了!”人尊皱眉道。 How can? You cannot break, who can also break open?” “怎么会?你都破不开,谁还能破开?” Walks, goes back! Great Array changes!” Human Venerable immediately anxious say/way. “走,回去!大阵有变!”人尊马上焦急道。 ***: Asked ***! anything else? ***:求***!还有吗?
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