IM :: Volume #10 名扬天下

#1040: The slaughter Saint starts

Jin Peng was expelled by Jie Yin, but the gloomy and cold look makes Zhong Shan understand before leaving, Jin Peng is unwilling, is dormant surely four directions , waits for the time! Later must be careful! 金鹏接引逼走了,但是临走前的阴冷眼神让钟山明白,金鹏心有不甘,必定蛰伏四方,等待时机!以后必须小心! The following some time, Zhong Shan one line lived in Great Thunder Sound Temple temporarily. In this period, Zhong Shan with the Jie Yin secret agent, understood under the heavens enormous secret repeatedly. 接下来的一段时间,钟山一行暂时在大雷音寺住了下来。期间,钟山多次与接引密探,了解了天下大量秘辛 A month later! 一个月后! Zhong Shan talked with Jie Yin again, just talked about half, Jie Yin sets out to say suddenly: Ru Lai came back!” 钟山再度与接引交谈,刚谈到一半,接引忽然起身道:“如来回来了!” „?” Zhong Shan sets out to say. “哦?”钟山起身道。 The quick, big palace gate was shoved open, incomparably grandiose Ru Lai, walked slowly. 很快,大殿门被推开,无比壮硕的如来,缓缓走了进来。 Jie Yin Buddha Ancestor!” A Ru Lai slightly ritual. 接引佛祖!”如来微微一礼。 Buddha Ru Lai!” Jie Yin also nods to say. 如来佛祖!”接引也点点头道。 Zhong Shan Saint King also in?” Ru Lai has a look at Zhong Shan. 钟山圣王也在?”如来看看钟山 Has seen Buddha Ru Lai!” Zhong Shan nods. “见过如来佛祖!”钟山点点头。 Does not need scruples Zhong Shan, you said that you discussed how?” Jie Yin asked. “不用顾忌钟山,你说吧,你们商量的如何了?”接引问道。 Discussed that result, the this time slaughter Saint, I do not participate!” Ru Lai shakes the head to say. “商量出了结果,此次屠圣,我不参与!”如来摇摇头道。 Un!” “嗯!” Blue does not participate, his at this moment already leaves Yang Sector, returned to his Saint Courtyard!” Ru Lai solemnly said. “蓝也不参与,他此刻已经离开阳间,回他的圣庭了!”如来郑重道 Nearby Zhong Shan is slightly surprised, blue doesn't participate? 一旁钟山略微意外,蓝也不参与? Moreover, slaughter Saint already started!” Ru Lai opens the mouth to say. “而且,屠圣已经开始了!”如来开口道。 Started?” Zhong Shan intent outlet. “开始了?”钟山意外道。 Yes!” Ru Lai nods. “是的!”如来点点头。 Was the Jie Yin complexion slightly cloudy, starts? Such quickly? 接引脸色微微阴沉,开始了?这么快? This is Zhun Ti makes me take to your letter/believes!” Ru Lai takes out jade slip to give Jie Yin together. “这是准提让我带给你的信!”如来取出一块玉简递给接引 Jie Yin has tied, Divine Sense nosing, after nosing, the complexion changes, subsequently the Jie Yin steps vanished in same place. 接引结过,神识查探,查探之后,脸色微变,继而接引踏步消失在了原地。 Ru Lai and Zhong Shan look at each other one, Ru Lai as before genial showing a faint smile. 如来钟山对视一眼,如来依旧和善的微微一笑。 hahahahaha!” 哈哈哈哈哈!” After the quarter of an hour, entire Spirit Mountain resounded through the sound of Jie Yin huge hearty laughter, the sound was vast, but were more solemnly and stirringly general. Spirit Mountain shivers. Subsequently under a loud sound. 一刻钟后,整个灵山响彻起了接引巨大的朗笑之声,声音浩大,但更多出一股悲壮一般。灵山颤抖。继而一声巨响之下。 Spirit Mountain cracks suddenly a huge opening, the infinite golden light floods Heaven and Earth. 灵山忽然裂出一道巨大的口子,无穷金光充斥天地 Huge Ninth Grade Golden Lotus emits from Spirit Mountain suddenly. 一朵巨大的九品金莲忽然从灵山中冒出。 Ninth Grade Golden Lotus emits the dazzling ray, Spirit Mountain closes again, but at this moment Spirit Mountain seemed gloomy. 九品金莲放射出耀眼的光芒,灵山再度合上,而此刻灵山好似暗淡了很多。 Zhong Shan, I go to the slaughter Saint, can't you go?” Jie Yin appears in Zhong Shan beside again asks. 钟山,我去屠圣,你去不去?”接引再度出现在钟山身旁问道。 Goes!” Zhong Shan said without hesitation. “去!”钟山毫不犹豫道。 At this moment the bell, Zhong Shan also thought that present situation, Great Thunder Sound Temple, only then Jie Yin one person is a friend, covetous Jin Peng, this place decides however cannot remain. 这一刻钟,钟山也想了很多,眼前的局势,大雷音寺只有接引一人是友,还有虎视眈眈的金鹏,此地定然不能留。 Of moreover slaughter Saint, even if oneself cannot participate, has a look is still worth. 况且屠圣的一幕,就算自己不能参与,看看也是值得的。 Un!” Jie Yin nods. “嗯!”接引点点头。 The big sleeve flings. Zhong Shan follows Jie Yin to flee to shoot together with one group of people who Zhong Shan brings to go. 大袖一甩。钟山连同钟山带来的一群人跟着接引窜射而去。 All the way, the Jie Yin brow is wrinkling tightly. But meanwhile, Zhong Shan discovered, the flying shape, Heaven and Earth has been swaying general, when fought is so intense? 一路上,接引眉头都紧皱着。而同时,钟山发现,一路飞形而过,天地都在晃荡一般,什么时候战斗这么激烈了? What happened?” Zhong Shan asked. “发生什么事了?”钟山问道。 Trouble that Hong Jun that Heaven Veins causes!” Jie Yin complexion ugly say/way. 鸿钧的那条天脉惹的祸!”接引脸色难看道。 „?” “哦?” Kongzi begins, prepares to seize Heavenly Court Heaven Veins , that Heaven Veins is one of the strongest Heavenly Dao, now this under the heavens, no one can grasp Heaven Veins, once Kongzi captures Heaven Veins, that such as past Hong Jun was surely ordinary, leader group Saint.” Jie Yin complexion unattractive say/way. 孔子动手,准备夺天庭天脉,要知道,那天脉是最强的天道之一,现在这天下,没人能掌握天脉,一旦孔子夺得天脉,那必定如昔日鸿钧一般,领袖群圣。”接引脸色不好看道。 Un?” “嗯?” „The most essential point, Kongzi seizes Heaven Veins, unexpectedly is Jade Emperor and a to win Sheji bureau, and other Saint the bureau that jumps toward in!” Jie Yin look ugly say/way. “最关键的一点,孔子天脉,居然是玉帝与嬴设计的一个局,一个等圣人往里跳的局!”接引神色难看道。 Jade Emperor and to win Sheji bureau?” 玉帝和嬴设计的局?” Good, all are used to design Saint, to win and Jade Emperor has planned generally, your previous time went to Heavenly Court only to say that on its meeting, Heaven Veins must put to tempt Saint sooner or later! Jade Emperor is also good boldness, he shows Heaven Veins, is to stir planning of Hong Jun?” Jie Yin complexion not Seondeok. “不错,一切都是用来设计圣人的,嬴和玉帝早就计划好了一般,你上次去天庭只能说是恰逢其会,天脉早晚都要放出来引诱圣人的!玉帝也是好气魄,他示出天脉,是要搅了鸿钧的算计吗?”接引脸色不善道。 But was Kongzi so easy to be swindled?” Hao Meili does not understand to say. “可孔子就那么容易上当吗?”昊美丽不理解道。 Even Hao Meili does not worship Saint, but still knows, each Saint has incomparably profound planning to arrive in the Saint position, will Kongzi be so how easy to be swindled? 就算昊美丽不崇拜圣人,但也知道,每个圣人都是有着无比精深的算计才能走到圣人的位置上的,孔子岂会那么容易上当? He was not easy to be swindled, but has to go. Kongzi Destiny drains now, something already were beyond control he to decide, moreover nine big Saint were not lives together in peace and harmony.” Jie Yin shakes the head to say. “他不是容易上当,而是不得不去。孔子现在气数流失,有些事情已经由不得他决定了,况且九大圣人也不是和睦相处的。”接引摇摇头说道。 Kongzi, since entered Jade Emperor and to win Sheji bureau, that had the Tai Shang, Zhun Ti, to win and other Expert participation, don't you need to go?” Zhong Shan asked. 孔子既然进入玉帝和嬴设计的局了,那就有太上准提、嬴等强者参与,你没有必要去吧?”钟山问道。 Has a look at Zhong Shan, Jie Yin to shake the head saying: Join Kongzi incessantly!” 看看钟山,接引摇摇头道:“入局的不止孔子!” „?” In the Zhong Shan heart is startled. “哦?”钟山心中一惊。 Kongzi can become Saint, how can the little darling join a gambling game? Enters with him together, Mi Tian!” Jie Yin said after a sigh. 孔子能成为圣人,岂会乖乖入局?与他一起进入的,还有弥天!”接引感叹道。 Two Saint? That this time slaughter Saint, was not quite easy!” Zhong Shan said. “两个圣人?那这次的屠圣,不太容易了!”钟山说道。 „It is not far more than easy, two Saint in the same place, even if we participate in the impossible slaughter Saint together, can only expect Kongzi flaw that to win discovers! Moreover is quick!” Jie Yin shakes the head to say. “何止不容易,两个圣人在一起,就算我们一起参与也不可能屠圣的,只能期待嬴所发现的孔子破绽了!而且必须要快!”接引摇摇头道。 Why?” “为什么?” Because of two Saint, can draw support from Heaven Veins, inspired Grand Heaven, the Grand Heaven attention, our these former generation Saint on the danger, can say, bureau of to win and Jade Emperor arrangement, not only compelled the Kongzi join, was I, Zhun Ti, Tai Shang who compelled and thirty also has to join a gambling game! Two people of good deep planning!” Jie Yin said solemnly. “因为两个圣人,就可以借助天脉,引动天数了,天数关注,我们这些上代圣人就危险了,可以说,嬴和玉帝布置的局,不但逼得孔子入局,更是逼的我、准提太上和卅也不得不入局中!二人好深的算计!”接引沉声道 In the Jie Yin tone, filled to the complaint of to win and Jade Emperor, but how complained, the bureau that has to enter to win and Jade Emperor together arrangement. 接引语气之中,充满了对嬴和玉帝的抱怨,可是抱怨又如何,还是不得不进入嬴和玉帝共同布置的这个局。 This bureau too big, no wonder blue is not willing to participate, Ru Lai also returned Great Thunder Sound Temple!” Zhong Shan took a deep breath said. “这个局太大了,难怪蓝不肯参与,如来也退回了大雷音寺!”钟山深吸口气道。 Yes, the never expected Ying's ambition is so big!” Jie Yin took a deep breath said. “是啊,想不到嬴的野心这么大!”接引深吸口气道。 Ying's ambition?” 嬴的野心?” to win not only to solve with the Kongzi enmity, to win wants the slaughter Saint to set up Heavenly Court, seals Heavenly Emperor!” Jie Yin took a deep breath said. “嬴不仅仅为了解决与孔子的仇怨,嬴要屠圣立天庭,封天帝!”接引深吸口气道。 Establishes Heavenly Court!” The Zhong Shan pupil shrinks. “建立天庭!”钟山瞳孔一缩。 Too quick, all were too quick! Zhong Shan discovered under the heavens development was too quick, oneself somewhat could not keep up with the footsteps. 太快了,一切都太快了!钟山发现天下局势发展的太快了,自己有些跟不上脚步了。 Pinches tightly the fist, Zhong Shan warns itself secretly, must strengthen fast. Otherwise, can only become the dust of history. 捏紧拳头,钟山暗暗警示自己,必须快速增强。否则,只能成为历史的尘埃。 Does not know that Jade Emperor is up to mischief. He takes the battlefield by Heavenly Court, his will influence disintegrate because of this fight thoroughly, the subsequent hand who even Hong Jun leaves behind also destroyed to him, does he want to do?” Jie Yin does not understand to say. “只是不知道玉帝搞什么鬼。他以天庭作为战场,他的势力会因这一次战斗彻底瓦解,甚至连鸿钧留下的后手也给他破坏了,他要干什么?”接引不理解道。 Broke this bureau, asked him again!” Zhong Shan said. “等破了这个局,再问他吧!”钟山说道。 Only can manage!” Jie Yin nods. “只能这么办了!”接引点点头。 The Jie Yin speed is extremely quick, rushes to Heavenly Court from Great Thunder Sound Temple, how long to be useless to rush. 接引的速度是极快的,从大雷音寺赶往天庭,没用多久就赶到了。 But did not continue to fly to the surrounding. 可是到了外围就不继续飞了。 The distant place, the 40 nine Heavenly Dao Heavenspan penetrating places, protect internal Heavenly Court. Other are totally unclear, because all around space was twisted to break to pieces, is only left over the vast black hole Heavenspan penetrating place. 远处,四十九个天道通天彻地,护住内部的天庭。其它一概不清,因为四周空间都被绞碎了,只剩下浩大的黑洞通天彻地。 The vicinity no one dares to approach. Obviously internal fought already to be very long. 近处都没人敢靠近。显然内部大战已经很久了。 four directions surrounds, is peerless Expert, because cultivation base weak had been ground by the powerful space shake. 四方围观的,无不是绝世强者,因为修为弱的早已被强大的空间震荡碾碎了。 Jie Yin body in a flash, bringing Zhong Shan to stop in the outside world somewhere. 接引身形一晃,带着钟山停在了外界某处。 That is left uncultivated city. Above the highest construction of city, at this moment is standing a azure clothes man. Kong Xuan! 那是一个荒废了的城池城池的最高建筑之上,此刻正站着一名青衣男子。孔宣! Jie Yin had Zhong Shan one line to stop over there! 接引带着钟山一行落脚到了那里! Jie Yin?” Kong Xuan throws the curious color. 接引?”孔宣投过来好奇之色。 Kong Xuan, don't you go in?” Jie Yin asked. 孔宣,你不进去?”接引问道。 This bureau involves too big, does not arrive has no other choice, I will not enter!” Kong Xuan shakes the head to say. “此局牵扯太大,不到不得已,我不会进入!”孔宣摇摇头道。 Obviously, Kong Xuan is a sensible person. 显然,孔宣是个明白人。 I trouble your matter, was counted to finish that favor of past!” Jie Yin solemnly said. “那我麻烦你一件事,算作了却昔日的那份人情!”接引郑重道 „?” Kong Xuan asked immediately. “哦?”孔宣马上问道。 „Before I come out, is good they for my Royal Guard!” Jie Yin is pointing at a Zhong Shan profession. “我出来前,替我护卫好他们!”接引指着钟山一行道。 That is all?” Kong Xuan said solemnly. “仅此而已?”孔宣沉声道 That is all!” Jie Yin affirmative nod. “仅此而已!”接引肯定的点点头。 Good!” Kong Xuan immediately comply with the way. “好!”孔宣马上应道 Jie Yin nods. 接引点点头。 Subsequently, body in a flash in direct impact that 40 nine Heavenly Dao. 继而,身形一晃直冲那四十九个天道之中。 In has two Saint, numerous Ancestor Immortal? 内有两个圣人,还有一众祖仙? Zhong Shan falls decides, listening to the arrangement of Jie Yin, Zhong Shan not to open the mouth, until Jie Yin departs, Zhong Shan sighed slightly. Indeed, the fight between Saint, oneself have not been able to participate by far. 钟山落定,听着接引的安排,钟山一直没有开口,直到接引离去,钟山才微微一叹。的确,圣人间的战斗,自己还远远无法参与。 Kong Xuan does not pay attention to Zhong Shan, but looks to the battlefield of distant place, Zhong Shan could not see, but Kong Xuan borrows the strength of Heavenly Dao, not necessarily cannot see. 孔宣也不理会钟山,而是看向远处的战场,钟山看不到,但孔宣借用天道之力,未必看不到。 This game of involving solid too big, even by the unruliness of Kong Xuan, does not dare to step into casually. 只是此局牵扯的实在太大了,即便以孔宣的桀骜,也不敢随便踏入。 After this war, the under the heavens situation changes surely! 此战之后,天下局势必定大变! Kong Xuan does not respond, Zhong Shan does not need to collect, moreover and between Kong Xuan, is not that friendly. 孔宣不搭理,钟山也没有必要凑上去,况且自己和孔宣之间,也不是那么友好。 In this Araki, but also is staying other enormous Expert. 这座荒城之中,还停留着大量其他强者 Not far away, Zhong Shan saw an ox head form. 不远处,钟山看到了一个牛头身影。 Walks!” Zhong Shan led one group of people to fly. “走!”钟山带着一群人飞了过去。 Kong Xuan cast aside one slightly, continued to keep the battlefield the mind. 孔宣微微撇了一眼,就继续将心神留在战场了。 Zhong Shan flies, that ox head form also discovered Zhong Shan generally. 钟山飞过去,那牛头身影也发现钟山了一般。 Saint King Zhong!” An ox head form ritual said slightly. 钟圣王!”牛头身影略微一礼道。 Thousand Demon King! Courteous!” A Zhong Shan also slightly ritual. 牛魔王!有礼了!”钟山也微微一礼。 Thousand Demon King nods. 牛魔王点点头。 I and others were newly-arrived, does not know the matter whether Thousand Demon King will have previously does consider?” Zhong Shan asked. “我等初来乍到,不知牛魔王可否将先前发生的事情相告?”钟山问道。 Saint King Zhong is interested, old ox I do not need to cover-up, after all many people see.” Thousand Demon King not artificial. 钟圣王有兴趣,老牛我也没必要藏掖着,毕竟还有很多人看到的。”牛魔王也没有矫情。 Three days ago, Kongzi comes Heavenly Court suddenly, possibly had a liking for Heavenly Court, want to possessed, just like my old ox, favored in the past accumulated thunder mountain that domain, seized, Saint *** generally was also this, finally, talked, Tai Shang appeared, then Zhun Ti also appeared, finally hit, more hit is more intense, afterward Saint Mi Tian does not know from where came, joined the regiment, then Great Qin to win also joined the regiment, rushed to one like this, hit gloom. That person also flushed a moment ago, does not know anything that fought, got some time like this, Heavenly Court, even if snatched still to destroy thoroughly!” Thousand Demon King stands in his angle is analyzing. “三天前,孔子忽然来天庭,可能看上天庭了,想要占为己有,和俺老牛一样,当年就是看好了积雷山那块地盘,就强抢了过来,圣***概也是这样,结果,交谈了一番,太上出现了,然后准提也出现了,结果打了起来,越打越激烈,后来弥天圣人也不知从何而来,也加入战团,然后大秦的嬴也加入战团,就这样冲到了一起,打的天昏地暗。刚才那人也冲进去了,不知道打的什么架,这样打上一段时间,天庭就算抢到也彻底毁了!”牛魔王站在他的角度分析着。 The words that Thousand Demon King spoke although were coarse, but the general situation actually confessed to be clear, was to win, Jade Emperor, Zhun Ti, Tai Shang, Jie Yin, Kongzi, Mi Tian participated in the war. 牛魔王说的话虽然糙了点,但大概情况却交代清楚了,就是嬴、玉帝准提太上接引孔子弥天参与了大战。 Why can not have Gui Guzi? Doesn't have thirty? 可为什么没有鬼谷子?也没有‘卅’? That Heavenly Court person?” Hao Meili pursues asks. “那天庭的人呢?”昊美丽追问道。 Coming out that where the Heavenly Court person runs? In inside, does not know completely now also had the entire corpse!” A Thousand Demon King face regrets to say. 天庭人哪里跑的出来?全部在里面吧,现在不知道还有没有全尸了!”牛魔王一脸惋惜道。 Obviously Thousand Demon King regrets is these as pretty as a flower female celestial. 显然牛魔王惋惜的都是那些如花似玉的仙女。
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